By Sarath de Alwis –
Take up the White Man’s burden
In patience to abide
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride.
By open speech and simple
An hundred times made plain
To seek another’s profit
And work another’s gain
Take up the White Man’s burden—
And reap his old reward:
(The White Man’s Burden – Rudyard Kipling’s Hymn to U.S. Imperialism)
“The functions of the president are prescribed by the Constitution, but his real achievements are not set by the letter of the law. They are determined rather by his personality, the weight of his influence, his capacity for managing men, and the strength and effectiveness of the party forces behind him.”
These prescient lines were written by a historian and economist who wrote a treatise on the US Constitution in 1913. He called it an Economic Interpretation of the United States Constitution.
Charles Beard in his preface explained how constitutions are framed and how constitutions should be read by succeeding generations.
The founding fathers recognized the power of different economic interests and skillfully deployed them to balance the different arms of the republic. Succeeding generations when resolving constitutional issues should seek to unravel the thinking of the founders. If we don’t do that, he warned ‘we become victims of history – clay in the hands of the makers of the constitution.’
How true? Are we not clay in the hands of JR Jayewardene?
There are lessons to be learnt from the cataclysmic circus enacted in Washington on 6th January 2021.
Admires of American exceptionalism celebrate it as a failed insurrection and a demonstration of its institutional resilience. Yet, others describe what followed as a tribute to the foresight of America’s founding fathers. Such facile postulations amount to nothing. Exploring American democracy is also a voyage in to cloud cuckoo land.
America is not a democracy. Over there, they don’t believe in the idea of one man one vote. Biden won Georgia because of very hard work by a determined lady names Stacey Abrams who registered more than 800,000 black voters over a period of ten years.
Universal franchise is not fashionable in the land that some regard as the oldest and the preeminent of the world’s democracies.
Don’t blame Trump. Donald Trump is the quintessential white American patriot. The mob erected gallows on the lawn opposite the ‘Capitol They carried the ‘Confederate ‘flag and not the star-spangled banner. They were white supremacists. They are the majority who voted for Trump. Trump got more white votes than Biden. He polled a majority, of the white majority.
The mock gallows with its scary noose was an unmistakable rebuke to the nonwhite people of America who made the Biden victory possible.
In order to read the Presidential Election accurately we must unravel the numbers that got voted out Trump and voted in Biden.
The nonpartisan US think tank – Council on Foreign Relations offers an excellent analysis of the 2020 Presidential Election by the numbers.
Biden polled 81,283,098 votes or 51.3 percent. Trump received 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast. Both obtained the highest recorded numbers for the winner and the runner-up in a presidential race. The early poling and mail in ballots due to the pandemic helped the higher poll.
More than 159 million Americans voted in 2020 making it the highest voter turnout in 120 years. It amounted to 66.7 % of the eligible vote.
Biden’s majority in the popular vote was more than 7 million. That said, the real vote that got Biden into the Whitehouse was frighteningly razor thin.
Biden made it with slim majorities in the three swing states of Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. In Arizona the margin was 10457. In Georgia it was 11.779. In Wisconsin it was 20,682. All in all, Trump lost by 42,951 votes in the three pivotal states.
America is a Republic. It is not a democracy as we understand the term. It has a ‘CONSTITUTION’ that recognizes ‘corporations’ as persons.
Charles Beard pointed out that the US constitution was designed by an elite landed gentry to ensure their property rights. They had little patience with the liberties of the multitude. Their focus was on the wellbeing of the elite who took up arms against king George the mad king. Their slogan explained why they sought to break with the crown – no taxation with no representation.
In the current heated debate in Washington, Charles Beard seems to have re surfaced.
The Republican senator Mike Lee of Utah has made a disarmingly honest appraisal of the peculiar democracy practiced in the United States.
Responding to allegations of voter suppression in states such as Georgia and the call for a peaceful transition of power, senator Lee has made his position clear in brutal blunt clarity. “Democracy isn’t the objective” of America’s political system.
“Democracy isn’t the objective; liberty, peace, and prosperity are. We want the human condition to flourish. The word “democracy” appears nowhere in the Constitution, perhaps because our form of government is not a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic. To me it matters. It should matter to anyone who worries about the excessive accumulation of power in the hands of the few.’
The Good upright Republican Senator qualified his remarks further. The purpose of the Government was the “official use of coercive force–nothing more and nothing less. The Constitution protects us by limiting the use of government force.”
The USA is not a democracy. It is a sovereign republic composed of 50 sovereign states. Its seat of governance is the territory known as D.C where they have the White House, the Capitol and the Supreme court.
A Frenchman named Montesquieu got it all muddled up. Contemplating the White House, The Capitol and the Supreme court with Domes and Roman pillars originated the pernicious myth of “separation of powers.” They have nothing of the sort. The current carnival demonstrates it.
Let us not make the United States of America in to a “pie in the sky’ land of democracy.
The mob said it with a mock gallows erected opposite the Capitol. There is more refined and horrifyingly logical argument put forward by the political scientist Bernard Dobski in Pamphlet Number 80 of the Heritage Foundation.
For the purpose of this essay I will reproduce the summary. I invite the curious reader to read the entire document.
Professor Dolski explains the United Sates Constitution in elegantly pragmatic terms. “America is a republic and not a pure democracy. The contemporary efforts to weaken our republican customs and institutions in the name of greater equality thus run against the efforts by America’s Founders to defend our country from the potential excesses of democratic majorities. “
He explains American republicanism as ordered liberty. The non-majoritarian parts of the community make legitimate contributions to the community’s welfare. Preserving their contributions is the hallmark of political justice.
“Preserving the republican freedoms, we cherish requires tempering egalitarian zeal and moderating the hope for a perfectly just democracy”
So, we too must watch unfolding events moderating our hopes for a perfectly just democracy.
There is a postscript. President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court of the United States to replace justice Thurgood Marshall, the Civil Rights pioneer who argued the famous litigation challenging the archaic rule – Separate but Equal.
Clarence Thomas is black, conservative and a textualist. His white wife Ginni Thomas in a tweet expressed her “LOVE” to the demonstrators just a few hours before the insurrection was mounted. Later she amended the post adding that her tweet was made before the violence !
America is a democracy like no other. Out land like no other can learn from Trump.
srikrish / January 14, 2021
Sarath de Alwis,
USA may not be strictly a democracy. It is a Federal Republic consisting of 50 countries. Each one of the 50 countries is a democracy.
Democracy in a Federal Country is very different from democracy in a unitary country.
EU still may not be a single country. It has the seeds of becoming a federal country. When it becomes federal, it may not be a democracy , but the individual countries such as France, Germany, Italy and others are democracies.
It is the beauty of Federalism
GATAM / January 15, 2021
Unitary Britain has more democracy, better sense and a better human rights record than federal USA.
Federalism totally fails when there is no SINGLE official language or religion that unifies all states.
e.g. Kashmir, Chechnya, former Yugoslavia, former Soviet Union, etc.
old codger / January 15, 2021
“Unitary Britain has more democracy, better sense and a better human rights record than federal USA.”
What are you smoking, Gatam?
In the UK there are 3 parliaments and two regional languages. Scotland is seriously considering secession, something which no US state is allowed. Does all this sound “unitary” to you?
Native Vedda / January 16, 2021
old codger
“Scotland is seriously considering secession, “
A referendum took place in September 2014 on Scottish independence from the UK. Scottish people reserve the right to demand referendum(s) in the future. However no Sinhala/Buddhist leader has the b***s to conduct referendum in North East.
Like other confused kids Gatam too is a dumb kid.
leelagemalli / January 15, 2021
Dear Mr Alwis,
at the time, Trump got elected from the very stupid americans, south asians of stupid nature (incl ours) thought that it is the trend of the world today.
I have no doubt, srilanken media misled by taking TRUMP s then election victory as the best exmaple to prove srilankens that sinhala supremacy should win.
As a result – Gotabaya or the like uneducated men, who would no thave the knowledge to control a pradeshiya saba, became leader of the country marginalizing experienced leaders from srilanken politics. Those who were seen often in court premises for all high crimes committed, became parliamentarians. Those who make all high louds in parliament today are all HIGH criminals to the eyes of even school going children. They should not think twice before going to make any public statement on them.
However, some signifcant fracton of the society thought and predicted, Trump became a Lose/loser before long. Euroepans were dead silent because transatlantic ties became worst forever since TRUMP the elephant entered to porcelan house. Dr MERKEL was silent but her nods made it very clear, that Trumps tyrany would not last forever. She is right…. she is a leader who will resign her politics by the end of 2021 although masses wouuld not agree with her saying goodbye to politics.
leelagemalli / January 16, 2021
The Paradoxical Commandments
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.”
― Kent M. Keith, The Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council
Ashan / January 14, 2021
Trying to overturn an election, or violently attacking a government institution because you do not like the results, and you are not intelligent to fathom out that Governors, Elections officials, Judges (APPOINTED BY TRUMP), and 61 courts, have all confirmed the outcome of the results, and rejected conspiracy theories claiming fraud, is unacceptable in any democracy, and what the world is witnessing is undemocratic and unAmerican.
There have been counts and re-counts, and the vote tallies have not changed. Trump has threatened and tried to persuade State officials to find him votes (out of thin air), and has tried all avenues to steal this election. Setting his terrorists on the Congress to stop the Vice President from doing his duty and declaring the winner, was the last crime he committed in his vain attempts.
He has paid for it dearly by being the ONLY president to be Impeached a second time. The criminal still has devoted supporters who think all the crimes are acceptable, including going against American laws and the Constitution. They seem to want an autocracy over a democracy.
soma / January 15, 2021
USA must learn from Islamic countries.
leelagemalli / January 15, 2021
it is because ACCORDING TO YOUR EYES Islamic countries are even more democratic ?
Please tell this to Nandasena not to us… thank you.
Sinhala_Man / January 15, 2021
Thanks, Sarath for making me think.
You made me read up (relatively superficially) about the Beards, Charles and Mary, to appreciate how lop-sided they showed the American Constitution to be; I looked at the entirety of Professor Dolski’s Pamphlet, obsessed with drawing lessons from Ancient Athens; I see the contrast between the good Justice Thurgood Marshall and his cynical replacement, the horrible Justice Clarence Thomas, having today read up a little.
What I see is a need to understand that times are becoming somewhat different, with swelling World Populations emphasised by Kumar David (in this article, still live, insufficiently commented on):
and his next article,
where the question posed by him has not really been answered. Comments are more. Today’s citizens are supplied too much information, and we’ve developed the habit of dodging the need to formulate answers for ourselves.
Sinhala_Man / January 15, 2021
The significant difference between the US and Sri Lanka that I see is that except for the underclass typified by the rabble who invaded the Capitol, most Americans see the need to pay at least lip-service to the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Even Trump:
I find there, that a few hours ago, Trump has denounced the actions of the rabble. Please discover there a video where Wolf Blitzer embeds that denunciation while pointing out how it is much too late. It would be interesting to see whether the mobsters realise how they have been used by their evil man.
Our Evil Family seems to see no need to even pretend that anything matters except rousing communal hatreds and inventing bogey-men.
In America there are enough GOP supporters who are not mobsters to ensure that the rabble, and Trump are put down; in our much smaller country, unfortunately, there is an entire family controlling our people who may not all be mobsters but don’t have access to any media that provides quality digital information in the only language that they are fluent in.
Sinhala_Man / January 15, 2021
The mass Sinhala audience is being subjected non-stop to mis-information on YouTube of this sort:
That was one of the latest by Chamuditha Samarawickrama. And this is Sepal Amerasinghe:
They are inconsistent. We have, by now, killed all respect for Rule of Law and Constitutions.
“leelagemalli” has been doing an amazing job alerting us, but I fear that there are too few of us making the effort to bridge this language divide. There seem to be better Sinhala blogs.
Am I mistaken? Yes, possibly; some of the things that I have said may be way off the mark. We need more serious commenting on the worthwhile articles here, and need to stop our communities hurling insults at one another. We have a lot of work to do, because it seems to be that the few who have some knowledge of the World who control the media are cynical bilinguals who successfully manipulate. To what extent is this blind clamour for English to blame?
That article, too, is current.
soma / January 15, 2021
“leelagemalli” has been doing an amazing job alerting us, but I fear that there are too few of us making the effort to bridge this language divide.”
This is how “leelagemalli” is spreading racial hatred.:
leelagemalli / January 14, 2021
I have no doubt not only 95% judges bearing SINHALA genome together with lawyers are highly corrupted. THey are called ” crows”
leelagemalli / January 15, 2021
Since Alugosuwas return to power:
Johnsten Fernando, Wimal Buruwanse, Lanza, Rohitha Abegunawardhana, Rajaashes from top to the bottom, are all multiple times corrupted… I do believe RR s imprisonment would be rejected by 80% of Srilanken people.
1) This country has been dividing from the day one. People stay stand still – not being able to articulate it.
People question today, if SARATH N SILVA can make it louder ” මේ සියල්ල වන්නේ මා සිරගත කිරීමට නියමිත තැනැත්තා මා විසින් නිදහස් කළ බැවිනි”
and stay scot free, what more talks about srilanken justice
This is not only example – there are many that repeat about the BIASEDNESS of srilanken JUDGES. What RANJAN made it clear, fought for … is PUBLIC SECRET.
2) My dear SENIOR citizens, please wake up from your long slumber. University dons, senior professionals, and all stay in inactive mode. not Karmic Retribution, but if you guys would come forward, what you could achieve for the masses is huge.
old codger / January 15, 2021
This govt itself claims that Yahapalanaya used the judiciary as a political tool. Under Pohottuwa, Pillaiyan and many others are released by “independent” judiciary. Who do YOU prefer to believe? The only solution is foreign judges. I don’t blame the local judges . Which non-suicidal judge would ignore a midnight call from Nandasena?
soma / January 16, 2021
You can’t blame the judges.
Judges are “logic processors”.
They weigh arguments and counter arguments presented before the court by prosecution and defence and based on which side has presented more convincing evidence and arguments decide guilty or not guilty. They are not supposed to be influenced by what is out there in the society, their own emotions , political/moral belief systems. And usually they are not barring a small percentage.
A woman steals to feed her starving children.
If the law states ‘stealing is punishable under ANY AND ALL CIRCUMSTANCES and if the proof is clear the judge cannot feel sorry and release the woman.
Now what can be influenced is the prosecution or defence for the desired outcome and that is what happens in Sri Lanka.
I would say only 5% of judges are corrupt.
But 95% of police/prosecution are corrupt and can be inflenced by political authority, favoritism or money.
old codger / January 16, 2021
If judges are logic processors, why is it that one set of logical judgements is reversed by another set of logic processors? Usually nowadays the judges don’t even write their judgements.
Either the earlier judgements were influenced, or the latest ones were. You can’t have both.
old codger / January 16, 2021
If the judges are not corrupt, but are being misled by 95% corrupt police, then we need foreign police to overhaul our system.
SJ / January 17, 2021
OC & S
Judges are “logic processors”.
Logic is not absolute and relies on axioms in its application. When axioms are flawed the process of logic is flawed.
Our trouble is that we have a system vulnerable to pressures that can defy all logic.
old codger / January 18, 2021
This is the root of the problem:
“The new Section 24 of the COI Act of 1948 – introduced by the Commissions of
Inquiry (Amendment) Act No. 16 of 2008 – conferred powers on the Attorney-
General to: ‘institute criminal proceedings in a court of law in respect of any
offence based on material collected in the course of an investigation or inquiry,
as the case may be, by a Commission of Inquiry’ appointed under the Act.
The 2008 Amendment has been critiqued on the basis that ‘merely conferring
powers of indictment upon the Attorney-General in this regard poses a certain
element of risk given the politicized nature of this office.’529 Similar concerns
were raised during the Parliamentary debates on this Amendment. For instance,
a leader of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), Rauf Hakeem, questioned
the propriety of vesting discretion of this nature in the office of the Attorney-
General. He referred in particular to past cases such as the Richard de Zoysa
Case where ‘the politicisation of state law officers in controversial prosecutions
had been credibly documented.”
MyView / January 16, 2021
Dear S.
Yes true but two things need comment.
…………Judges are “logic processors”……….
But what happens is termed corrupt when the judgement does not give the reasons for the process. Many have been the case.
Also the logic presented by AG is important but when he first files a case then goes down and withdraws the same charges, something appears fishy.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I would say only 5% of judges are corrupt…………..
This is a subjective view but in an objective view, the general perception of the wider audience is much more when you read Kishali in the Sunday Times and analysis.
Further when excessive absolute power devolves on the single Person appointing judges and senior Police, to appoint OR..else,
the person appointed is beholden to the Appointer and becomes naturally subservient to him/her.
Justice must also seen to be done is paramount.
Till the ’80’s there was much faith in the justice system.
whywhy / January 16, 2021
old codger ,
Midnight calls not necessary . The system is well oiled to work
in the direction of the wind Island wide ! Only the right ones
with balls stand against the wind ! How many right ones have
we got ? Ten fingers too much to count . Everyone wants to
prosper by selling off Heart and Soul and some even the body !
Will such people ever prosper ? You have to be strong and
confident with will power and in the absence of those , life is
not worth a cent ! Do you ever notice any Leader asks the people
to work hard to prosper ?
old codger / January 16, 2021
The antics of Sarath N Silva are a good enough indication how the system works nowadays. And we still have people insisting that our judiciary is independent.
whywhy / January 16, 2021
old codger ,
The funny part is , this man was addressing public gatherings
boasting about how he played his antics ! And what a public
should it be ? Disgusting !
SJ / January 17, 2021
Let us not forget moments in history (even recent ones) when the judiciary conducted itself with remarkable dignity.
If 95% of the judiciary is corrupt then a similar or larger number of every profession will be corrupt.
RR made a thoughtless statement like SBD more than a decade before him, and is not the most responsibly behaved of politicians.
What are issues are the harshness of the sentence and the inconsistency of the state in its forgiveness.
old codger / January 17, 2021
I don’t believe 95% of judges are corrupt, but the general trend, as in other professions, is downwards. Some even go as far as to deliver judgements without reasons. Also, as with the clergy, they stand on their own dignity far too much. Maybe because both are called “hamuduruwo”?
SJ / January 17, 2021
Contempt of court is serious business. The power of the court may be excessive, but it is our reality.
One cannot always get away with weeping statements that challenge the credibility institutions and individuals.
I am willing to accept the possibility of a judgment without reason given, but that will make it very weak in the event of an appeal.
Has it happened in any of the higher courts?
Cranky judges are not unique to this country. The UK had quite a few, and the US with its system of appointment of judges a few more.
BTW, it was only in October 2009 that judicial authority in the UK was shifted out of the House of Lords to make way for the Supreme Court – a new final court of appeal that was overtly and transparently independent from Parliament.
So, it has taken some while for the Mother of Parliaments to recognize the need for full independence of the judiciary.
SJ / January 17, 2021
sweeping statements not weeping statements .
Native Vedda / January 16, 2021
“I have no doubt not only 95% judges bearing SINHALA genome together with lawyers are highly corrupted.”
Where did you find racism in “leelagemalli”’s comment?
“leelagemalli” reiterated what is a well known fact in this country.
leelagemalli / January 15, 2021
Please open your eyes ! Tomorrow will be darker if people would continue their indifference nature.
GATAM / January 15, 2021
Don’t isolate Trump. His Republican predecessors were not very much better. And his Republican successors won’t be either!
Bush 1, Bush 2?
What if John McCain and Sarah Palin had won!!!!
China is off the hook for 4 years. In another 4 years time USA will be unable to take on China even if another Republican clown becomes president.
leelagemalli / January 15, 2021
Only 10 republicans stood against Trump from their brutal fraction.
In srilanka, it would not be possible since, srilanken genetics is entwined with corrupted mind set. – levels are truly far from estimations.
Srilankens would have no healthy conscience even if we would look back from 2030.
Rumble 2021 / January 18, 2021
Late Hon Join McCain is a fair dude…lots of respect form him even if I do not agree with his policies. A healthy diversity in any Nation of people.
Agnos / January 15, 2021
“Biden made it with slim majorities in the three swing states of Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. “
That is not accurate. Once Biden won PA, WI and MI, along with NV, he didn’t actually need GA and AZ. These two were important in that they showed D’s could win in what had for years been Republican-leaning states, and the win improved his electoral vote margin, but Biden didn’t need those to win the Presidency.
The GA win by Biden ultimately gave confidence for D’s to take the two senate seats there, and create a 50-50 split in the senate; with the VP acting as tie breaker, D’s will now control the senate.
RBH59 / January 15, 2021
The white supremacists. They are the majority who voted for Trump Words and actions are free how you use them that coast you, trump end up with invoking impeachment process. For inciting violence hidden it might cloud judgment for rebellion undermine future. and let what happed to happen.
Mallaiyuran / January 15, 2021
Recently there was news in Colombo media that a mother took curry to eat with Idiyappa; daughter beat her, stabbed & pushed her to floor. (This is I am taking as an example, but not as representational fact). The matter came out when the terrified children taped and their Chithi secretly viewed recording. Children didn’t know why they were taping and if Chithi would see it. Another American teenager was watching the Jan 6th on TV; saw her mother’s face in Capitol Hill Building. Called the police and identified as it was her mother, because she does know, without admittance, entering into the building is violation, so waned the police arrest her. Many readers may not like taking children into political discussion, but my contentment is these are media news, and no court orders against media on these. Thought President Trump labeled, in line with Lankawe War Heroes, a few hundred of racist thugs as Patriots but the teenager demonstrated who the pillars of the American democracy are.
Mallaiyuran / January 15, 2021
Sarath de Alwis is gone a long way to explain shouting chaff slogans doesn’t help to understand how the Jan 6th Insurrection was reversed. This we are witnessing headlight of October 18th, 2018, where Ranil worked against the International players who tried to help Ranil to regain the seat which he democratically won. Ranil’s (who probably the most matured democratic politicians active now in parliamentary politics) by his full protection & impunity to Royals, had devastated the Lankawe democracy, which Sarath is contenting as only Majoritarianism with its excesses and whimsies. So he sees the post Jan, 6th as American Republicationism, a refined form of Democracy, with is institutionalized backups. He, agreeably, can’t see the dominancy of the full strength Majoritarianism (mainly white) in action in America. In his deep analysis he missed the long term movement of Post Jan 6th democratic election result of George Senate but he see immediate impeachment of institutionalized American Republican State. This Post Jan 6th Democrats’ senate victory is after 28 years. The teen age girl, the police man who purposefully misguided the rioters who entered into the building and the George voters(White majority area) are telling where the American democracy thrives and flourishes, though by staying on one single cause for more than 200 years, the American republic is highly institutionalized and playing strong role in the people’s happy life.
Native Vedda / January 16, 2021
“I have no doubt not only 95% judges bearing SINHALA genome together with lawyers are highly corrupted.”
Where did you find racism in “leelagemalli”’s comment?
“leelagemalli” reiterated what is a well known fact in this country.
leelagemalli / January 17, 2021
Native Vedda,
Wie geht es dir ?
I am watching Ranil ‘s YT on COVID vaccination updates.
Soma s seems to be caught by alzheimer. He is more related our most known man ” Egle Evil”.
I bless you NV.
We ve now been working on getting RR released sooner than later.
VanguardII / January 18, 2021
Thank you Mr De Alwis. Intelligent readers would do well to do some research on how the media both helped Trump win in 2016 by publishing negative news on Hilary Clinton and by not publishing negative items on Biden in 2020. That is only the beginning, voter suppression, withholding of pandemic benefits, they all come into play. As planned, ordinary people suffer, the rich get richer and the country spirals towards hell. How did it happen this way?
Also so a search on Luis Farrakhan and Obama’s meeting – how a picture of them together was withheld because it might cost Obama the election. The list goes on.
Of course with the dollar going down, we can afford to import the American Democracy here, there will be special conditions I am sure.