13 January, 2025


A dozen issues related to Namal Rajapaksa’s oath taking- What do you think?

By Colombo Telegraph –

Colombo Telegraph received a letter from a respectable senior lawyer from Sri Lanka asking your views on the conduct of the Supreme Court re the oaths taking of Namal Rajapakse. The Colombo Telegraph is withholding the lawyers’ name for security reasons. According to the lawyer, some of the disturbing facts are as follows:

1. This is the most unusual oaths taking in the history. All other sessions were manipulated to have just ten apprentices including Namal on the last day’s session. These ten could have been easily distributed over the last nine sessions over three days from 12th to 14th. In the alternative, the crowd of nearly 70 a session could have been reduced by spreading over this session too. Also what about the number of passes per apprentice?  Wonder whether he handed over the file to the registry in the same manner as the other apprentices did by standing in line and waiting for his turn?

2. Normally, the oaths taking sessions start at 9.30 a.m. unless it is a special oath, in which case such special oaths are taken in a normal court (not in the ceremonial court).

3. Security arrangements for the President is understandable but not for the others.The President, his wife and Namal had came from the judges’ entrance (lift) to the 5th floor and then through the judges library to the ceremonial Court. They had come through the back door with hundreds of Presidential security men. One side of the Court Complex was closed for lawyers’ parking and in the morning the District Court parking slot was also closed. DC parking restriction was removed after a few lawyers protested. The side entrance of the SC was open for their family. Ministers, MPs and their relations and lawyers have not seen the side entrance being opened.

4. The side parking area was cordoned off by the Presidential Security Division and converted into a special drop off area for politicians. The parking area of the lawyers was restricted severely. Just before the VVIPs arrived, last minute grass cutting and shaping up of the garden took place in the parking area. There is also evidence of the floors being polished and other places painted in a hurry two days earlier.

5. The President and the family entered the court through the judge’s library. All areas including the judges’ library were full of Presidential Security officers.

6. The judges come for normal oaths taking at the scheduled time. Today it was fixed for 10.00 a.m. However the Presidential party had got delayed and hence judges (presided over the by the Chief Justice) had also delayed to come to the Court. Interestingly, the President had come into the Court after the judges arrived and were seated. When he arrived almost the entire set of lawyers including PCs as well as senior officers of the AG’s Dept. had stood up  (some reluctantly, and others willingly). Could the President’s delayed arrival have been a mere accident or was it by design? A cynic asked whether the judges too got up from their seats. Apparently not.  Both AG and SG had been in attendance.

7. The Court was full of visitors. Normally for any oaths, each new lawyer gets about 5 to7 invitations (passes) to enter the premises. In this case, there were well over 100 invitees. Most of the ruling party lawyer ministers and MPs, Corporation Chairmen, Local Authority members and well-known PC supporter lawyers were present.  Prior to the judges’ arrival, a large number of TV crews were present to cover the event. I wonder whether all apprentices will be able to cover their events with TV and video crews as in a wedding.

8. The procedure is unprecedented and the Court delayed the procedure awaiting an auspicious time for Namal to take oaths. A source from within had confirmed that there was an auspicious time and that the Registrar of the Court was to give the signal to the lady official reading out the names when the auspicious moment arrived. Unfortunately, it appears that the registrar or the lady had messed up and read the name a little before the auspicious time. Along the grapevine it is said that the registrar had called Namal later and apologized for the mistake. In the future, will all apprentices be given an opportunity to indicate the preferred auspicious times, and will the Court take judicial notice of the “rahu kalaya” on days when oaths are administered? It is unthinkable that the registrar would have attended to the auspicious time by himself, without instructions from higher authorities?

9. Who were the other nine apprentices who took oaths? At least some of them are said to be AALs from the SLFP Students Union. How were they picked? Were their names in the order when the files were handed over.

10.  An oaths ceremony is not a ceremonial sitting but certain PCs (such as Mrs. Tilekeratne ASG) were seen dressed in the winged collars- the dress worn by PCs at ceremonial sittings.

11. What happened after the oaths? It seems that President, his wife and Namal went behind the ceremonial Court and posed for photographs with the judges. Let’s hope in the future their Lordships will oblige all new entrants to the profession and pose for a photo session with them and their parents where the judges pose for photographs after taking oaths. Were others also hosted by their Lordships?

12. Thereafter, Namal and friends had gone to the DC canteen where free food was distributed around. Mrs Pathirana of the Law Library was told by Chandana Liyanapatabendi (another SLFP lawyer and member of Minin Lanka) to go to Namal and to give him the membership form to obtain Life Membership.

13. What do we do?

Related news;

Namal Rajapaksa’s law exam cheating case goes to Geneva

Two stories:Namal Rajapaksa took oaths as Attorney-at-Law and two students arrested for exam fraud

Latest comments

  • 1

    What do we do?
    Just get rid of MR via all possible democratic means.

  • 1

    This is not right, why special ceremony for presidents son, and see this is thing, other politicians are also participated, so calculate their guards, road traffics and all other disturbances to public, please stop this type political culture in Sri Lanka….

  • 2

    its like Gadafi’s family. Lawyers should come forward, they are sleeping too like Sri Lankan media.

    • 0

      Hey LAL,
      Mate why do you ask lawyer to come forward?? Be an example and just do it by your sef first. You must be tipical JVP bugger. They allways ask Uni students to come forward..but they dont…

  • 0

    What is the Sri Lanka Bar Association does? They should take this matter further.

  • 0

    you make me scared man. seriously

    • 0

      I agree with you Bodi, See what is happening to the student who filed a pettion aginst that Namal was receiving a faverod tratment.He is fighting for his life.This is a frace there is no law and order here.Law applies only to common man not to people connected to the regime.

      • 1

        Mano, mate go to US and just criticise Obama, then You’ll realise how law is applied.

  • 0

    The so called lawyer who gave this points can be one of the followings;

    1. Gon JVPer
    2. Ever loosing UNPer
    3. Dying LTTEer
    This artical clearly indicates the narrow objective of the person (+ his/her culture & heritage) who wrote this

    ” Just before the VVIPs arrived, last minute grass cutting and shaping up of the garden took place in the parking area.” this is a clasical example of spreding mud jsut like you guys did it during HE R.Premadasa’s time.

  • 1

    Cheaters enjoy all the luxury and the innocent honest are on a witch-hunt for punishment. This is the lawless Banana Republic ruled by a family dictator. It has one law for the Dictator, his family and stooges around him and another for the rest of the country. The criminals, rapists & drug dealers are protected, and the innocent are punished using the Kangaroo Courts. The entire world knows how this idiot passed the Law Examination, so there is nothing to be proud of, but should be ashamed of what has taken place.

    • 0

      Basil, Mate people like you can only get some sort of satisfaction by writing comments… keep on doing it for the rest of your life. Because the objective of people like you will never ever realise… and the inner hated feelings you have , will get your soul soon. RIP.

      • 0

        ha..your reply itself shows the democratic was of MR

  • 1

    Many SriLankans have feudal minds and thinking pattern so they hail kings and dictators to have above them.
    Until they develop rational thinking this would go on.

  • 0

    Useless of talking democracy in the world. But my biggest worry is that why Namal maintains such a ugly hair style?

  • 0

    If my son taking oath as a lawyer I would celebrate the moment to the maximum as a proud parent. As well MR and his family celebrate the moment of Namal’s achievement, since he is president’s son media and and the people of the country pay more attention. What’s the big deal of that? Namal is a member of the Parliment he must have some security personnel for himself. If he wanted to cheat the exam, I don’t think he would do it public, he is smart enough to do it properly. These allegations could be just mud slinging.

    I agree with FERNANDO, Namal need a better haircut.

    • 0

      Oh madam Kumari, would you be able to celebrate in the same way?? that is the issue. every citizen’s is equal. That is the issue here.

      • 0

        Well, even I throw a grand party and celebrate the more elegant manner than this, no one/any media will pay attention, because I am not the president or a celebrity in the country.

    • 0

      how do u gonna do it? using public money?

  • 0

    Hail Ceasar!

  • 0

    The facial expressons of GLPeiris and Hakim are diagnostic.
    The former ignores the ‘special ceremony’ for Namal. The latter is highly amused.
    The whole ‘ceremony’ shows the subserviance/sycophancy of the judiciary to the executive – the Supreme Court to the President AND his family.
    Mahinda Rajapakse has the supreme court at his beck & call.

    • 0

      GL must be the messenger of MR’s “Beck & Call”.

  • 0

    Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny!

  • 0

    In Sri Lanka, there is nothing left that wasn’t screwed up by the political dynasties.. starting from Bandaranayake, there after the current ‘Royal family’. In between.. other political ‘royal families’ had also screwed up things in different levels. What options do we have????? Nothing…not even cast our vote to the one we’d prefer.

  • 0

    In our country Sinhala – Theravada Buddhist nationalism is gradually reaching its galloping stage under the present Government. So thousands of similar things will happen. A small percentage of people will only get alarmed. But the tide will wash them away. You just study the history of independent Lanka!

  • 0

    අධිකරණය අපහාසයට ලක් ෙනාකරනු. ෙමවැනි ෙසප්පඩ විජ්ජා ඉදිරිෙය්දී තව තව දැකගන්නට ලැෙබ්වි.

  • 1

    the sri lankan constituion should be re -written as follows

    “””every citizen of this country ( including the president ) should be equal before the law. no immunity for VIP. this culture must be disbanned””””””””

    this political immunity should be viped away.

    people no more can trust the police or the justice system of SRI LANKA.

    it’s high time for peoples revolution like the ARAB SPRING.

    where is LANKA heading with all criminals inside the parlimant who in fact deserve to be behind bars for the rest of their lives. for all the crimes they have commited against humanity ??????

  • 0

    the writer who respectable senior lawyer must be a tamil…. he dont like traditions and constitution of SL
    when Prince Harry was in Afghanistan his military career was closely monitored by MI5 and if there any life danger act they (MI5) promptly acted and Prince Harry taken away from danger … b’cos Harry is a Prince . same way namal is song of H.E president of SL.. so if Namal’s father attending to that event its become sate event. therefore, H.E president and his entitled honours should provided.
    respecting to President means your respecting to people’s power in which hold by constitutionally by the head of the state…
    misuse such power is my concerns in which let people’s power in danger… this all were media extravagants

  • 0

    Well, I can smell your sole intention: Its to find some thing wrong with the government and its members. You people are going that extra mile in order to find some thing that smells bad ….
    You are ready to create disturbances in the country, without considering the damage it causes to the average citizen.
    All what you want is that the political party whom you support some how topple the present government so that you people too get access to the previledges ….

    Shame on you !

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