By Mahinda Rajapaksa –
At the recent meeting of the Constitutional Assembly, the Prime Minister tabled a 187 page report prepared in the form of a draft constitution. Thereafter the PM has been going around the country claiming that there is no constitution or even the draft of a constitution. At the same time we also hear the Prime Minister and other members of the UNP stating that under the proposed new constitution, Sri Lanka will remain an ‘indivisible’ and ‘united’ country and that Buddhism will not be denied the special place it has hitherto had. The people should be mindful about these moves being made to promote a new constitution in the midst of multiple crises including an unprecedented pest invasion in the agricultural sector and a looming debt crisis.
When the present rulers came into power in 2015, the only constitutional agenda they had was to abolish the executive presidency and to change the system of elections so as to ensure stable parliamentary governments. The draft constitution does have provisions to abolish the executive presidency, which we will not oppose. However, the new system of elections that has been proposed is another ‘pure proportional representation’ system like the systems that were introduced at the local government and provincial council levels in 2017 with disastrous results. Even those who voted for that elections system in 2017 now want it scrapped. If the system of elections is to be changed so as to ensure stable governments, what should be introduced is the hybrid 70%-30% ‘first past the post/proportional representation’ system proposed by the Parliamentary Select Committee headed by Mr. Dinesh Gunawardena after years of careful study from 2002 to 2007 under both UNP and UPFA governments.
The draft constitution seeks to weaken Parliament and immeasurably strengthen the provincial legislatures. If Parliament is to enact a law on a matter on the provincial councils list without the express agreement of each and every provincial council, that law would have to be passed with a two thirds majority by Parliament and also approved at a referendum. Even a law on a provincial council subject passed in this manner can be vitiated by a statute passed by a provincial council with a simple majority (Clause 132 in the draft constitution). Such limitations imposed on the legislative power of Parliament is the turning point at which the unitary state becomes a federal state. We are resolutely opposed to such a change. Parliament can make laws on matters coming under the concurrent list only with the approval of all provincial councils (Clause 134). Thus the discretion that Parliament has under the present Constitution to decide whether to consult the provincial councils or not, is to be done away with. The legislative power of Parliament is to be further weakened by giving the proposed constitutional court the power to review laws that have been passed by Parliament (Clauses 182-c and 185).
Even though the draft constitution refers to a provincial council list, a concurrent list and a reserved list it has not been stated anywhere whether these lists are the same as those in the present Constitution or not. Although reams of useless information are being tabled in the Constitutional Assembly, some of the most essential information such as the content of these lists, is missing. The federalist tilt in the proposed draft becomes obvious when the Governor – the main representative of the central government in the provinces is placed under the chief minister. The executive power of the province is to be vested in the Chief Minister and not the Governor in complete contradiction to the provisions of the present Constitution (Clause 242).
The police force will be broken up into a national police force and nine separate provincial police forces each with its own Police Commission. The national police force is to have jurisdiction only over a limited number of specified offences, such as offences against the state, election offences and currency related offences etc. The provincial police will have effective charge of all day to day police work pertaining to crime, fraud, narcotics, traffic, public order etc. (Clauses 254, 259, and 284). This country can be destroyed simply by breaking up the police force into 10 separate police forces in the manner proposed. This is why no government in the past 30 years, broke up the police force regardless of the provisions in the 13thAmendment.
Under the new constitutional proposals, the central government will have control over state land used for subjects pertaining to the national list or the concurrent list at the commencement of the Constitution. The provincial councils are to have authority over all other state land within their borders. If the central government requires state land in a province for any purpose, they may address a request to the provincial administration and if the latter does not comply, the dispute will be referred for arbitration to a three member tribunal. If the central government is not satisfied with the arbitration ruling, they can petition the constitutional court. The central government cannot unilaterally acquire state land in a province even for a national security related purpose as the provincial council can petition the constitutional court against such an acquisition (Clauses 302, 307 and 308).
Under the proposed new constitution the declaration of a state of emergency by the central government is to be made subject to judicial review by the constitutional court. A state of emergency may continue in excess of three months or a period of more than 90 days within a 180 day period only if it is approved by two-thirds of the Members of Parliament (Clauses 290-5, 291-d and 292). What this means in practice is that the central government will not be able to respond adequately to an emergency. The declaration of an emergency is an executive action and the judiciary is not competent to deal with such matters. In any case, if a stay order can be obtained against a declaration of emergency, there will be little point in declaring a state of emergency. There are many other issues as well such as the provision to merge the northern and eastern provinces (Clause 237-3) and the creation of a constitutional court to exercise the constitutional jurisdiction currently exercised by the Supreme Court (Clauses 181 to 191).
The special oath against separatism in the present Seventh Schedule introduced by the 6th Amendment of 1983 is not to be seen in the draft constitution. It should be noted that what has been mentioned here are only a few of the provisions in the proposed draft constitution that we are unable to agree to. A certain pattern can be discerned here. The Parliament and the central government is to be weakened and the provincial councils strengthened immeasurably, the governors are to be made subordinate to the chief ministers, separate armed police forces are to be established for each province and the question of subjects allocated to the provinces and the central government is to be kept open to be filled in later. The declaration of a state of emergency when necessary is also to be made virtually impossible. Where all this is leading should be obvious to everybody.
The UNP, TNA and JVP have forfeited the trust of the people due to the manner in which they practiced dissimulation and deception in the law making process. The way the 19th Amendment was passed with dummy provisions inserted solely to mislead the public and the Supreme Court, the way they changed the local government and provincial councils election laws through the back door by introducing committee stage amendments to Bills gazetted for completely different purposes, and the manner in which the Office of Missing Persons Act was bulldozed through in August 2016 without a debate or a proper vote in the midst of a melee in Parliament are all cases in point.
There is no limit to the perfidy of this government. After putting forward the draft constitution, members of the government have been speaking only of two issues – the place accorded to Buddhism and the term ‘unitary’. In the draft that has been circulated to all MPs, there are several alternative formulations proposed for the provisions relating to the place accorded to Buddhism and the question of the unitary state. The separatists and federalists have no interest in names or words. So long as they get what they want, they do not care by what name it is called. Their real target is not the status of Buddhism or the word ‘unitary’. There is a very real possibility that they will back down from the alternative formulations they have proposed with regard to the status of Buddhism and the term ‘unitary’ as a bargaining strategy in order to win the real federalist demands which is the essence of the new draft constitution.
The venerable Maha Sangha in particular should be mindful of the possibility of such manoeuvres. Even though the present Constitution accords the foremost place to Buddhism, we have seen the manner in which the present government persecuted the Maha Sangha. So there is a very real possibility that this country will be turned into a federal state while still retaining the unitary label. The majority of the Tamil people in this country permanently reside outside the northern and eastern provinces. The vast majority of the Muslims reside permanently outside the eastern province. Such realities should be kept in mind when promulgating a new constitution.
Opposing the draft constitution put forward by the present government does not mean that we as the opposition are slamming the door shut on constitutional reform. We acknowledge that extensive reform of the present constitution is necessary. The 19th Amendment alone has created a great deal of confusion that needs to be put right. Though we reject the separatist/federalist aspirations of some political parties, we acknowledge that local communities need to be empowered to look after their own affairs within a certain national framework. We will be putting forward our own proposals at the next national election to seek a direct mandate from the people for constitutional reform. I call upon the people and all political parties to support our endeavor because that will be the only real opportunity available to effect constitutional reform in this country.
*Mahinda Rajapaksa – Leader of the Opposition
Ajith / January 23, 2019
Dear Mahinda,
You have already destroyed Srilanka. There is nothing more to destroy. The new constitutional process was based on a people’s mandate and almost more than two third of Parliament including your party SLFP. You are a disgrced criminal.
Ravi Perera / January 23, 2019
People did not vote for a new constitution. That is wild imagination of you thalayas.
MR lost due to his foolish supporters who targeted the Muslims. There were many Sinhalese who turned against him due to antics of his supporters.
This man still has more support than ponil. Previous years local govt elections proved it
nimal fernando / January 23, 2019
Mahinda Buddy,
When you are so good at giving ………what’s wrong in giving the Tamils freedom to manage their own affairs?
If you thought that giving free-hold land in the harbour-city and the moved-in-a-hurry Army Headquarters to the Chinese is “nation building” ……… how can a little freedom to our own citizens be nation-destroying?
There is something wrong with your patriotism, logic, brain, religious-beliefs, hair-dye ………… which one? Toss a coin ……………
My bet ……… hair-dye ………… is affecting your brain ……. limit it to the mustache
We dont want to lose you man ……….. what would Lanka be without ye?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / January 23, 2019
Mahinda, please stop your racist posturing in order to come to power by rousing up the Sinhalese. When Supreme court has determined that federalism is not division, why are you harping about it. When you wanted help from India to wipe out LTTE, you promised to implement 13h amendment and go beyond. Did you give that pledge without knowing that 13th amendment has quasi-federal features in it. You are prepared to abolish executive presidency because you can never become one and I do not think you will have a two-third majority in the future to amend the present law to allow you to go for another term. So your input about it is not done with sincerity. Why are you hasty when everyone knows that the present constitution making is a hoodwinking exercise to keep international pressure off. The fact that it took four years to table a mere draft containing various proposals made by constituent members that too in time for the march UNHRC demonstrates it lack of sincerity. You are blaming TNA for not cooperating with you to settle Tamil demands after 2009, and your rants show that TNA quite rightly refused as your suggestions is a non starter for Tamils. It is because of your intransigence that international community worked hard to throw you out of office. Please remember the way you are approaching Tamil rights is going to put the country to flames and this time there will be no one to believe you and you will have the turn to preside over defeat and ignominy.
Eagle Eye / January 24, 2019
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
“When Supreme court has determined that federalism is not division, why are you harping about it. “
There is another SC decision which contradicts this.
Federalism is not division but it could be a stepping stone to division. ‘Koti Diaspora’ represented by TNA still has separation in their agenda although Sumanthiram says they have given up separation to hoodwink Sinhalayo.
India is a Federal country. Have you forgotten that Tamil Nadu tried to separate but that attempt was brutally suppressed by New Delhi. Even today how many separatist movements are going on in India that are suppressed by Indian Government.
“When you wanted help from India to wipe out LTTE, you promised to implement 13h amendment and go beyond.”
Mahinda did not ask help from India. India volunteered to help to wipe out LTTE because India felt LTTE which was leaning towards West could be a threat to India.
Eagle Eye / January 24, 2019
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
“It is because of your intransigence that international community worked hard to throw you out of office.”
International community did not throw Mahinda Rajapakse out. In fact they admired his bravery to wipe out terrorism from Sri Lanka. It was White Cockroaches from USA, UK, France and Germany who wanted to oust Rajapakse because he did not listen to them and stop the military operation against LTTE so that they can take Prabhakaran out and keep LTTE alive so that they can use them.
One thing the Demala community should realize is that these hooligans from West are not supporting because they love Demala people. They are using Demala people as pawns to get what they want. After their objectives are fulfilled, they will dump Demala people. That is their game.
JohnSiva / January 26, 2019
North and East of Sri Lanka was a tamil kingdom which the British united under a Ceylon. Then left the whole island under the control of Sinhalese. Instead of trashing Britain all the time you should thank them for that.
Buramphisincho / January 24, 2019
Dr Ghana Sank@
Please just ignore, we the sinhalayas too are so fed up of MR et al. Even more than you guys woudl do. The curse is on a rise, people will realize, that Rajaakshes are no better to the cruel personalities of HITLER, MUSOLINI, Gadafi or Sadam H or the like dictators.
If they woudl have been put down by divine forces tomorrow, we would be happier than anything else. Unfortunately, even gods seem to be stand still in that regard. .
Rajapakshes are the biggest problem before us today. Rajapakshes are clever at keeping the people in dark, not just for couple of year, but decades. It is then only, they can reap out the harvest – UNIVERSAL FRANCHISE of the voters. So Rajapakshes have worked on feeding the people with BLATANT lies about EXTREMISM and RACISM against minority tamils and muslims inthe country. People s perception would not become mild so long FACTS and FIGURES are kept away from them.
.They have abused local TV media channels, but being offered them with huge sums on contract basis, so long the OPINIONs are being made in favour of RAJAKASHE politicis. Racism, Extremism are the main topics that they repeat to the very same nation. Their effort to introduce TAMILS and their TNA as nothing but the SAME tigers that fought a war for 30 years is growing.
They Rajaakshes should LONG have been taken away from lanken politics for the sake of a peaceful country for all srilankens.
Eagle Eye / January 24, 2019
“When you are so good at giving ………what’s wrong in giving the Tamils freedom to manage their own affairs?”
Demala people in this country are only about 11% and they are confined to five pockets (Yapanaya, Tirikunamale, Madakalapuwa, Kanda Udarata and Colomba). How is it possible to devolve power to these five pockets so that Demala people can manage their own affairs?
If Demala people want to live in Sri Lanka, they should learn to live like Sri Lankans. Vellala politicians should allow ordinary Demala folks to get out of the ‘Frog in the Well’ mentality without trying to create ghettos so that they can exert their control. Vellala politicians are the enemy of ordinary Demala folks, not Sinhalayo. If Demala people want to live in this country with Sinhalayo, get rid of Vellala crooks (e.g. Sukandhiram) who oppress the ordinary Demala people.
Buramphisincho / January 24, 2019
Not just TAMILs counterparts, but sinhala counterparts of your nature too, who have all along been abusing your mouth against minority folks should better learn your wording and the manner you guys should live up your lives. No one has the right to be above the others so long we are all srilankens. Dried pumpkins cant know it yet is a greater mistake, may well be lot to do with your pathology.
Senior men of your nature (being in your late 70ties or more) to allow represent our sinhala community is a greater mistake. Each time I read your thoughts and minds, if i WERE close to you, would have made me a murderer for sure. I really hate your kind of human beings. There, I would not even respect aleast, but attack you by every means, since my DREAM IS TO SEE US LIVING TOGETHER LET ALONE IN THE FUTURE: I dont want our future generations to be bitterd with hatreds.
To the manner Germany’s fierce dogs would need to be equipped with mouth covered, unless their dog owners would be charged with maximum sums, should be applied to you guys too.
You the like EVIL EYE are the henahura to our sinhala community. If I coudl I would do anything I can to destroy you guys. But there is no such common method to go for it. Entire sinhala community is injected by RAJAPAKSHE IBOLA VIRUS to this day. The vehicle to inject the virus is chosen and well premeditated. Vehicle is none other than the pseudo monks ( we call them PINGUTHARAYAs in sinhala language) that hide behind the SIVURA to do any low level acts so long their 5 senses would somehave been contented.
K.Anaga / January 26, 2019
Eagle Eye!
If Tamils are only 11% why are you afraid of them. Leave them alone and they will look after themselves . If not for the anti Hindi agitation in Tamil Nadu, (then Madras), Madras would not have changed its name to Tamil Nadu. CN Annathurai, got up from his sick bed and participated in the Tamil Nadu naming ceremony. If not for the almost federal solution given to all states, India would have been divided like Pakistan now. In fact Jinna wanted a federal solution initially to Pakistan which was refused by Nehru and Ghandi. Only Rajagopala Chari, a Tamil, supported Jinna,s demand. But when they finally agreed on a federal state to Pakistan, Jinna said it was ‘Too Late and Too Little’. Thus resulting in a Division. If a plebiscite was held in Kasmir as per the UN’s suggestion to decide on whose side Kashmir should be, the Murder and Mayhem being experienced in Kashmir will not be there.
‘Eagle Eye” please look beyond your beaks before you comment..
Native Vedda / January 23, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
“People did not vote for a new constitution.”
Pro new constitution (UNP, JVP, TNA) votes in 2015 Parliamentary elections 6,158,823
United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) 4,732,664
Manifesto pledges by respective parties in the same year:
United National Front for Good Governance (UNFGG)
• Constitution: A new constitution to further strengthen democracy, bring equality and restore good governance through discussions with all parties. Strengthen the
Fundamental Rights Chapter.
• Abolition of Sri Lanka Freedom Act from 1947.
• Presidency and Legislature: President acts in his office on the advice of the Prime
Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers who are accountable to parliament. Parliament’s sovereignty is protected. Keep the special powers retained by President Sirisena.Restoring Parliamentary supremacy.
Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)
Constitution: A new constitution to restore democracy and freedom respecting all nationalities within 1 year through a referendum.
• Presidency and Legislature:
Total abolition of the Executive Presidency and establish a parliamentary system. Laws governing cross over, MPs to lose their seats. Limit the Cabinet of Ministers to 25
United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA)
Establish a just state structure that meets the aspirations of all communities. Protect the Territorial Sovereignty and Unitary Nature. A Buddhist majority resides in Sri Lanka which is a multi-ethnic and multireligious country (also peace and
reconciliation and religion).
• Presidency and Legislature: Reforms the powers of the Executive Presidency
will be conducted now. Will not allow UNP Prime Minister to become more
powerful by removing all the powers of the Executive Presidency. Only the
unnecessary powers of the presidency were removed.
Native Vedda / January 23, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
“People did not vote for a new constitution.”
Pro new constitution (UNP, JVP, TNA) votes in 2015 Parliamentary elections 6,158,823
Tamil National Alliance (TNA)
• A united and undivided Sri Lanka.
• The Tamil People are entitled to the right to selfdetermination in keeping
with United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political
Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both of which Sri Lanka
has accepted and acceded to
For further deatails:
ravi perera / January 24, 2019
Gong thala veddo,
People got disgusted with the way they were wasting money.
Change was done to show how disgusting the people were.
Muslims voted agaist MR due to the way they were treated by MR.
Only Thalayas may have voted for a new constitution.
Last local govt elections showed how much the people are in need of a new constitution.
Nikang yanne anne yanne
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
In a democracy people vote for all sorts of reasons.
The manifesto provides the broad policy choices.
Don’t tell us you were right in the first place as stupidly mentioning that “People did not vote for a new constitution.”
As a stupid arrogant little islander with begging bowl permanently in your hands you won’t acknowledge the fact that you were wrong in the first place and never had the habit of fact checking.
In this case you wrote something that was not true (in fact a blatant lie, or you were unaware of the fact that manifestos contained references new constitution, or your only purpose in life is to drag the country and people to the bottom) and now you are prating to cover your stupidity, ignorance, inability to stick to facts, ………….
Are you telling the Muslims that they are as stupid as you bigots who do not understand the importance of removing/taming a racist dictator through a a new constitution?
Athe Pissu wedivella Netha?
Palayanto yanta, kallathonie.
Ravi Perera / January 24, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
mike / January 24, 2019
Ravi PereraASS – Thank you on behalf of all for keeping it short!
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Above it is the case of Kallathonie descendant Ravi Perer ass -the Sinhala speaking Demela praising his willy.
LEELAGEMALLI / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perera,
You should be one another racist of EVIL EAGLE EYE nature.
You guys are the ones that would live up on EXCREATA of Rajapakshe racists.
We the sinhalayas are ashamed to see if you guys move this way. MR would loose his votes again next time, no minority folks would ever support the bugger AGAIN. His days are numbers, not to get elected to rule, but to stay rotten in a jail cell would be HIS FUTURE. Basta.
Ajith / January 23, 2019
Ravi Perera,
You should remember that Mahinda himself told us many times that he will get rid of the executive presidency. You should remember Mahinda appointed an all party group to find a solution to the Tamil problem and they also submitted a proposal and Mahinda himself promised he will go beyond 13th amendment. This government came with the promise of removing executive presidency and find a solution to the problems.
Don’t blame the supporters. The vilence against Muslims were well planned by Mahinda & his family. This political coup is fully planned and executed by Mahinda. It is the true Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims who wanted to get rid of this greedy animal which is a gisgrace to the humanity. Of course he has the support of innocent Sinhalese who believe whatever the BuddhistSinhala Fundamentalists say (complete lies).
ravi perera / January 24, 2019
As long as provincial councils are there, an executive presidency is required. Unfortunately among the present crop, we do not have any one to match the likes of JR, Lalith and Gamini to become a good president. Mahinda entered the scene due to a vaccum created by the death of colourful sinhala leaders like Lalith and Gamini. But under his leadership we were able to defeat the LTTE. Army could have defeated the LTTE at any given time, if there was a determined political leadership plus a condusive external environment. I still think apart from the Tri forces, the biggest credit should go to Rajiv Ganndhi’s ghost.
Mahinda’s family led by Gota behaved in a very pathetic way towards the Muslims. These fellows were so ungrateful towards Muslims for the contribution they made towards defeating the LTTE. Some of the best military intelligence officers were muslims. The guy who was instrumental in knocking of the LTTE airwing leader was also a muslim.
The Rajapakses and his goondas conduct towards the muslims was very pathetic.
Gota should unconditionally apologies to the Muslims. Without the support of the Muslims he has no hope of becoming president, even if he overcomes the technical issue he is facing.
As far as Sinhala people are concerned, they will never ever support, federalism,NE merger or even handing police and land powers to a Tamil administration.
So any govt that comes into power should keep this in mind.
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
“Mahinda’s family led by Gota behaved in a very pathetic way towards the Muslims.”
It’s in their nature, Gota killed Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu ………………… any sane minded people would not call it pathetic however it is psychopathic.
“These fellows were so ungrateful towards Muslims for the contribution they made towards defeating the LTTE. “
Its in their nature, Mahindawamsa was so ungrateful towards VP for his contribution towards winning two presidential elections and a war. Without VP’s humongous effort Mahhindwamsa would not have achieved both in addition windfall wealth or ‘Windfall Gains’.
“As far as Sinhala people are concerned, they will never ever support, federalism,NE merger or even handing police and land powers to a Tamil administration.”
Because they are stupid, naive, cannot see beyond their nose, ……………. they do not know what they are missing and what the politicians are enjoying.
Powers should be devolved to the smallest unit of democratically elected bodies, cannot and should not allow a few corrupt politicians and functionaries abuse, misuse, ………… absolute power in the centre. Bottom up decision making is essential in and democracy.
Leave your bigotry aside and now tell us what you know about Federalism, merger of provinces, police and land powers, ………. and why you oppose the lot?
Ravi Perera / January 24, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
Come on, stop praising your w***y.
ravi perera / January 24, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
Come on, stop praising your w***y.
Eagle Eye / January 24, 2019
“The vilence against Muslims were well planned by Mahinda & his family.”
There were several requests made to this Government to conduct an impartial investigation to Aluthgama incident but this Government does not want to do that. Why? Because that will reveal who are the real culprits. Rajapakses will be vindicated. Mahinda Rajapakse wanted to conduct an investigation but Champuka objected to that. Where is Champuka now? If you guys can, force this Government to conduct an investigation.
Ajith / January 24, 2019
Eagle Eye,
The fact is UNP also under the influence of Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists and they also will never investigate not only Aluthgama incident but also the crimes committed by Mahinda regime.
Ravi Perera,
Don’t put the blame on the Sinhala people. It is the Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists and those opportunistic political leaders who wants to come to power are against to proper devolution of power.
Rohan / January 24, 2019
He comes the recently Sinhalised descendant of low caste Indian Tamil immigrants , with his usual anti Tamil garbage. Like NV states you are Sinhalese speaking Tamil .
Thappu / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perera, MR lost due to his foolishness. Period. Who are the foolish supporters? You don’t need to look far for one; Look at yourself in the mirror!
Ravi Perera / January 24, 2019
Thanks for letting more know that I am a fool. It is unfortune that professors of three countries could not see that.
Are you a refugee in Toronto
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perera
Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Thanks for letting more know that I am a fool.”
Don’t lie.
You are a bigoted, stupid, mutant Sinhala/Buddhist fascist convert of kallathonie descent.
Aren’t you going back to your ancestral home Tamils Nadu?
Any chance you are a descendant of Aryan Keshav Baliram Hedgewar or Hitler?
Ravi Perera / January 24, 2019
mama neme thopi pala tamil nadu
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
Nethang oya yanne Singapura, Venga in Bengal Desa.
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
Watch this clip and learn:
Hiru TV Salakuna | M. A. Sumanthiran | EP 169 | 2019-01-21
Buramphisincho / January 23, 2019
What is the message being sent by this racial politician to its people?.
In 2015 PE manifesto, both canddiates put the item – A NEW CONSTITUTION by which long standing ethnic problem could be solved finally.
But this man – BP MAHINDA RAJAKASHE holding SPEAKER position albeit legality is questionable to this day, comes up with the kind of any evasive statements on the very topic ? Is that no funny ?.
Lanken minorities should be very clear, SO LONG THIS MAN and his EXTREMISTS loyalists movements are that powerful in this country, NOTHING like even dreaming of SUSTATINABLE solutions to the long standing minority will be seen as no value.
This is the saddest reality, the biggest stumbling block to lanken PEACE.
Let s pray DIVINE forces to converge synergistically and give us a SOONER solution.
Earilier is better, I am sinhalese, but I consider mylsef as SRILANKENS, while living out of country, I am so fed up of not seeing an inch of progress being made lanken problems yet today.
Eagle Eye / January 24, 2019
“A NEW CONSTITUTION by which long standing ethnic problem could be solved finally.”
Can you please tell us what is this ‘Ethnic Problem’ that you are talking and how a new constitution can solve this problem.
Let me remind you that Demala people in this country are confined to five pockets (Yapanaya, Tirikunamale, Madakalapuwa, Kanda Udarata and Colomba). About 52% Demala people from North and East live outside these two provinces.
Amarasiri / January 26, 2019
Mahinda Rajapaksa, Former President and Former Fake PM,
RE: A Draft Constitution To Destroy Sri Lanka
The Constitutions of 1972 and 1978 destroyed Sri Lanka. You also played your part. Thanks. Are you going to fix it or make it worse?
Naman / January 23, 2019
I doubt very much that MR can write any articles or pass exams.
He destroyed SL after 2009 May.
He could have been a Statesman but turned out to be a dictator and behaved above the laws of the country. He should work towards Ethnic snd Religious Harmony and not for divisive campaigns.
The General Public should be alerted and made aware of ALL THE CRIMES he his kith and kins and stooges has committed.
In Malaysia or South Korea these types would have been in the JAIL long time ago
mike / January 23, 2019
Naman – “I doubt very much that MR can write any articles or pass exams.” I wonder why the masses still think that Medamulana Meeharaka is a lawyer by virtue of the fact that he never passed any exams. Maybe Jeyaraj Fernandopulle (?) knows! It is the same with his GCE (OL) failed Mongol son Namal Rajafucksha!
Babansincho / January 23, 2019
dont you know that majority people are RATA THANAKOLA eaters. Culure established in this country during Rajakshe rule.
Just imagine, that Galthanna dewala man to be exposed it took 10 years. He was then publicly supported by state army men for his security. Misleading the nature by the direct mediation of then govt. Rajapakshes themselves are born superstious people. His loyalists just followed their steps. No matter even any kind of nitwits would have spread them, so long it looked attrative to people, they just went after. That is how these fraudsters took the ground of the society.
Today, I got to know that Hakgediya man (KeerthiDisanayak) has misled people for the last 8 years. His Walampuris were sold out as UNU kawum to ministers and big busness men until the balloon was blown up. Now the buggers business is no longer existing. Media gave him the publicity to the same rhythem the media work with Rajapakshe propaganda.
This nation is the most gullible on earth planet. They can become easy prey for predatory business men. Over 90% including the men or MR and MS nature are totally misled by LANKEN astro pedictions.
If they would have been asked to EAT a tea spoon ful of COW DUNG daily in order to be blessed with some fortunes, they would do it without questioning twice. Kovur has noticed this several decades ago. People are easy targets to any kind of tricksters if they are well planned and are connected to masses. The followers would care anything before being caught by them.
LEELAGEMALLI / January 23, 2019
these so called politicians have no vision for lanken people.MS and MR are both silly individuals that have not the least knowledge on world politics. They just behave almost like that idiot – Wimal Ponnawanse. Always being misled by the little or lack knowledge they possess. Nor would they allow experts to guide them. The kind of politicians I noticed only in Afrian continent until MR got in.
Just imagine his ziamesian twin -Sorrysena spent a week long official visit to Philipines with a delegation of those who were complacent of his recent coup. None of them offered President his support regarding his silly speech that he had to hold before a larger gathering there.
In retrospect, what became clear is, SIRISENA or RAJAAKSHE have no with brains around them to guide them properly.
Oma Yang / January 23, 2019
Well, you destroyed this country in the name of development by letting your kith and kin pocket billions of public money. built white elephants that have no economic gain. What about the abductions murders rape and thuggery committed under your government. Why do we always have to hear about the LTTE raising its ugly head again along with other forces that would put the country’s future at stake when you speak. You speak of protecting Buddhism and the Sinhala Race, but would not have any issues such your pompous wife worshipping at Jawatte Church and that so called fake scientist son of yours marrying a christian girl. Haven’t you had your chance. You are over 70 and we the youth dont want you, self- seeking old farts to lead us. To be honest you are nothing but a self glorifying, selfish, power greedy person who uses the Race card along with other stupid biased opinions for gain.
Suren / January 23, 2019
I’m sorry to say this but I had to say it to drive my point. Mahinda, your are real bastard, you and your bunch of idiots wouldn’t let the people of this country live well, and in peace and amity among all. You and your bunch of idiots catch some thing in some proposals and beat it to the hilt to poison the people’s mind. All these pending issues should have been solved decades and years ago for the country to march forward, whereas all of you still keep hammering it for your cheap and despicable political gain and to gain power in a easy way. If your are a real leader and statesman who put the people and the country above everything. why not take part in it and put your in puts, and see that this issue being sorted out at least in your twilight years before you close your eyes for good. That would at least get you some respect among the people and the world instead of getting some worthless idiot shithead to write these shits for you.
anonymous / January 23, 2019
“*Mahinda Rajapaksa – Leader of the Opposition”
Sorry to say, you are not the leader of the opposition yet. Prove that you are not a ‘pohottuwa’ member by announcing in the parliament and to the public by doing it yourself.
(Not by reading a note written by someone else but in your own initiative. I’d love to see the words coming from the bottom of your heart and watch your body language)
Your lying days are over and the majority do not want your opinion anymore.
Who penned this article, GLP, DJ or someone from overseas ?
Stop spreading hate mongering, racist comments which your family are famous for.
By the way, have you thought about paying back the millions you owe to the CTB, destroying it, and the recently discovered Sri Lankan Airline debt?…………..just to mention a couple.
My dear friend, your future is darker than charcoal and someone deep below the surface of earth is eagerly waiting for your arrival. If you think the frequent visits to Abayathissa or, Mahanayakas are going to help you with the amount of ‘Akusala Kamma’ you & your beloved family have accumulated, you are sadly mistaken. Anyway, I wish you all well in the name of ‘Buddha, Dhamm,Sangha’ to be free from suffering. Metta Suwapath Weva!
MirakRajBanda / January 23, 2019
Yes, Mahinda got another mountain out of a molehill to grind the mills in the temples. Politics through racism dooms to destroy thyself at the end. Hitler, Mussolini and Rajaksas are good examples in it.
Steve / January 23, 2019
MR the only card in your hand is the Race Card.
Uthungan / January 24, 2019
“MR the only card in your hand is the Race Card”.
That is why Ma Ra is faithfully following his mentor JRJ’s spoken wisdom,
“the Sinhalese will be happy as long as the Tamils are starved; we will not care about Tamil opinions about us nor do we have any concern for their welfare or their sentiments about us.”
Why would JRJ’s nephew Ranil be different to MaRa?
Is there any difference between the UNP which birthed the SLFP which thereafter gave the SLPP when it comes to the cultural national autonomy of the Tamil speaking national minorities in the island?
chiv / January 23, 2019
Here comes the unconstitutional expert. The early commentators have said enough about you. Can you please return the money you took away from us?????
Sadhu / January 23, 2019
At Nayar Mullaithivu, a large Buddha statue was installed today in a Hindu pillaiyar temple premises upon Hindus are told by Buddhist monks that the place belongs to Buddhists and Hindus have no claim over it. Hindus who went to celebrate pongal at this temple were chased out by the same monks who have come from south, a few days ago. The case filed by Hindus of that area is fixed for hearing tomorrow but the monks without respecting Courts order have installed the statue today. What a wonderful Buddhist path followed in Srilanka.!
Rationalist / January 23, 2019
Sadhu! Sadhu! This is not the Gauthama Buddha’s Dhamma; It is what has now become, A Militant, Sinhala Buddhism!
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
“It is what has now become, A Militant, Sinhala Buddhism!”
Or is it Sinhala/Buddhist Fascism?
JD / January 23, 2019
As far as “I know God Ganesh is frinedly with Buddhist Traditions nd has no propblems. Only the Tamils have problems. They, even for the same god, say that he is a different god so owned by a different caste. for god Eswar, when he is
Nakuleswara, it is one caste, when it is Venkatheswar, it is different caste, So do the Thirupathi, Koneswaran, Lankeswar and muneswar is a Sinhala god.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / January 24, 2019
Lord Ganesha( Pillaiyar) and all Hindus are very friendly towards Buddhist traditions and towards all Buddhists , after all Lord Buddha himself was a Hindu . We Hindus even celebrate Vaisakam( Vesak). However Lord Ganesha and Hindus do not want Hindu temples forcibly taken over by Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists with all sorts of fake history , that are now concocted by these Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists, the Sri Lankan state and the occupying racist Sinhalese armed forces, that do not ever appear in the Mahavamsa comic book. He also does not want his statue destroyed by Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists and a Buddha statue forcibly installed in place, by these racist Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists and aided and abetted by the occupying Sinhalese armed forces , who are just there for these activities. Hindu Lord Budda who worshipped Lord Ganesha , will by crying out in shame , at these most deplorable anti Buddhist activities carried out in his name by these Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists , the Sri Lankan state and the racist occupying armed forces.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / January 24, 2019
Oh really when did Muneswaan become Sinhalese ? Another recent Mahavamsa myth now concocted by Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists? Sinhalese only come there to make brutal animal sacrifices. Sinhalese god just like Tamil god Lore Mruguan in Kathirkammam has now become a Sinhalese god? Sinhalese gods indded , Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists are only intent on destroying formal Hinduism in the island, that is older than Buddhism and trying their best to make it a sect of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism .. Idiot Thirupathi is a Vaishnavite temple in honour of Lore Venkatheshwar or Lord Krishna and the rest are Saivite temples in honour of Lord Siva and has no caste connotations and open to everyone. Get your facts correct. It is only Sinhalese Buddhist sects and orders and even some temples that practice caste and are not open to certain castes to worship or to be ordained.
Eagle Eye / January 25, 2019
Siva Sankaran Sharma
“However Lord Ganesha and Hindus do not want Hindu temples forcibly taken over by Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists with all sorts of fake history , that are now concocted by these Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists,”
Sinhala Buddhist do not have to create a fake history because they have a well documented history in Mahawansa, Chulawansa, Deepawansa and several other books. Demala people who are the descendants of slaves brought by colonial parasites do not have a history in this country. Knowing that, racist Chelvanayakam who himself is a Kallathoni started a project to distort history of Sinhale to support the imaginary ‘Traditional Homeland’. It is clear that now you and Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam trying hard to give oxygen to ‘Traditional Homeland’ concept to keep it alive.
Rohan / January 24, 2019
This has nothing to do with Lord Ganesha or Lord Budda or Buddhist traditions, which are largely Hindu, but has everything to do with racial or ethnic extremism and religious intolerance , by a group of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists , overtly and covertly backed by the Sri Lankan state, local Sinhalese government officials, the occupying Sinhalese armed forces/Police and the Archaeological department , that is well know for its anti Tamil activities. As a prelude to large scale Sinhalisation of the north , they are forcibly trying to convert various ancient Hindu temples , in many strategic areas , that are earmarked for future Sinhalese colonisation ,into Buddhist places of worship. They are using false evidence and concocted history provided by the anti Tamil Archaeological department, evidence and history that are all strangely appearing only after the defeat of the LTTE in May 2009 , the might , power and resources of the Sri Lankan state , establishment and the Sinhalese armed forces and police that are only there not for security or law and order purposes but are here only to facilitate these sort of activities and help with the large scale Sinhalisation of Tamil areas in the north and east. The indigenous Eelam Tamils and the Tamilised Hindu Veddas of the north and east , who are the real owners of the north and east , are now facing a brutal assault and a threat to their homeland and their very existence as a people , by the Sri Lankan state, the Sinhalese Buddhist fascists and armed forces in the north and in the east by these three in addition to fundamentalist fake Arab , immigrant Dravidian Indian Tamil Muslims , who arrived there a few centuries as refugees.
Abdul Kader. J / January 26, 2019
Can you tell us what proof you have to say that you are the real owners of north and the east, without calling some fabricated history? All archaeological studies in the areas suggest Sinhalese.
You know if you ask a Tamil or a Keralite guy from India, “Where are you from?”, he always says “From Tamil Nadu” or “Kerala”, and never says India. This is the same attitude you have with “Eelam”. So it is fair to think federalism and north-east merger are dangerous with your mindset.
Sadhu / January 24, 2019
If God Ganesh is friendly with Buddhists, why did you Buddhists remove God Ganesh statue at Koneswaram temple entrance and threw it in the nearby sea upon writing ” Gana theiyo nanda giya”
Did Buddha teach you all to behave like this ? Are these part of Buddhist traditions? I am sure you all Buddhists have killed Buddha and Buddhism, long time ago. What you follow now is not Buddhism but complete opposite.
mike / January 23, 2019
Medamulana Meeharaka to Bogus Dr Dayan :
“Dayan, Dayan, where art thou, why don’t you send a rebuttal to all these commentators on my behalf. Unfortunately, I cannot express myself in good English.”
Babalathappu / January 23, 2019
I think DJ the most abusive lap dog of MaRa is on drugs these days.
We did not hear any latest from the bugger for such a long time. May well be he needs more therapy to recover from the tick sproblem.
anonymous / January 23, 2019
You must be joking. I don’t want to loose my new found season ticket to the ‘Diplomatic Haven’ that quick. MY£ has 50 more weeks left and let me enjoy until he is kicked out, or get impeached before that.# DJ the disk jockey.
Bunjappu / January 23, 2019
Rajapakshe does not seem to support wholeheartedly an any new constitution, nor does he explain his reasoning behind it. Ironically, top of his 2015 election manifesto- it was about a sustatinable soluton to tamil problem by introducing a new constitution. And never forget, he was also resounding about abolishiing the current constitution on Executive Presidency.
It is high time to make the nation very clear, what RAJAKSHES- REALLY- intend regarding the long standing ethinic issues in the country. Main stream media should finally be able to bring this man to an open discourse, so that the nation be clear, as to why he and his vicious loyalists stand against a new constitution.
Either Rajapkashes want lanken alarming issues to stay as it is – like a beggar’s wound or just mislead the nation on and on until their sons too allow the LOOT to the style his SIBLINGS did it by 2015. I am against bombing, but in order get these men, that is the only panacea left by today. Entire families should be thrown away from the country paving the way LANKENs to rebuild the nation for the sake of all.
K.Pillai / January 23, 2019
The purpose of the Constitutional Assembly of SL is to literally examine matters related to the Constitution of SL. The 225 MPs comprise the Assembly. At the last meeting the PM presented a REPORT compiled by an expert committee.
Only about 25% attended the last meeting of the Assembly. This shows that the MPs vote as directed. Is it because of limited ability to think on their own?
Following the 26 October ‘happenings’, MR finds himself Leader of Opposition.
MR calls the REPORT presented DRAFT CONSTITUTION in the article here ~ “A Draft Constitution To Destroy Sri Lanka”.
MR is misleading us, does not understand or both.
Or is it a page off the Goebbels thesis?
chiv / January 23, 2019
Most politicians are con artist. But MR is mother of all and a criminal too ( it runs in the family). In medical field DNA(family history)is one of the cause for pathology.In Diabetes, Heart diseases, emotional disorders, certain breast cancer —-etc , it is a crucial factor to explore. If MR, BR and GR are of same family, and Namal and the other psycho are of the same family what else people expect from this lineage. What ever royal decent they may claim , the facts are obvious . If any of the Rajapaksas claim otherwise (not a criminal), it calls for DNA testing.
babanpunchi / January 23, 2019
Chiv@It is just a myth made by a popular actor (Jackson Anthony) was instrumental in making Rajapakshe to be royal for grass eating rural folks across the country.. But the bugger may havenot thought about the impact of the overstating words used in his public speech on very day. Actors or th kind of men behaves like dogs not thinking twice have made Rajaakshes royals to those grass eaters. But those who with a little brain would know that Rajaakshes are unethical creatures that would never thought about the people but their family and pocket filling tacts.
This country- filled with majority of gullible people can make become prey of predatory politicians within few days.
Just imagine, a man calling himself to be a Prof. (But a FAKE prof) the way his public speeches and converations made him a healer to lacks of people – by name he is Keerthi Disanayaka. Irrespective of the latest publications written on marine creatures and their invisible forces stood against that the outer skeletons such as (Walampoori) would never be able to cause people to be blessed with fortunes, lacks of people were broad day deceived by the unique style of pursuasive efforts made by Keerthi disasanaya and his staff. No matter the prices of FAKE Walampoori sold by their Narayana Insititute, people were addicted to them, just because country’s known personalities were the front runners to line up buying them. And the MEDIA mudalalies also worked together to paint the picture even becoming larger, in favour of the deceitful Valampoori seller-Keerthin Disanayake.
Since I always beleived nothing could those skeletons could make, and I went to reading the publications of experts in marine biology. None of among were such information as being given by Keerthi DISSANAYAKE to lanken customers. That I added to anywhere I thought people would read, but not many trusted us.
JD / January 23, 2019
Constitution for Sri lankan politicins is a way of cheating the public. Sinc 1978, consitution has destoyed the Sinhala people, Sinhala culture, finances, and the economy. both Ranil, and Mhind Rajapakse use it for their advantage. TAMILS CRY HERE FOR THE HOMELAND. Sri lankan constitution need modification or rewriting for every part that was changed since 1978. It is well known That British Colonial treted buddhism fzar well than the way Kothalawala, Mahinda Rajapakse and Ranil whoc is most zabsurd treated buddhism. Ranil promised to chang the JRJ’s constitution insted they brough USA written copy with Jayampathi wicramarathne and Sumanthiran two nti-Sri lzankzan in every wsy. IT looks very much to fool Tamils. Yet Sambanthan knew. I think Sumanthiran tried to over pwoer W3igneswaran with the help of Ranil. I HEARD NOW THEY DO NOT WANT HOMELAND instezad thy want orumiththa (TAMIL) NADU) becuse no one suppoprts orumithth nadu. Ranil needs it for political purposes.
Jesudasan / January 24, 2019
We will get Eelam soon. USA will back us and start helping us if they do not get Trincomalee. India will back us this time too. So if you do not give us Federalism, we will go back to Separatism. Your army is weak now and you have virtually no intelligence services. We will give the US Trincomalee if you block it.
Vanguard / January 24, 2019
Thank you for proving MR is right.
Thappu / January 24, 2019
Jesudasan, Get sober first before saying anything again.
Native Vedda / January 24, 2019
Jesudasan the stupid
” USA will back us and start helping us if they do not get Trincomalee. India will back us this time too.”
Thanks for confirming my worst fears, the clever Tamils (almost at par with the Jews) too have their own versions of Mahadenamuttas.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / January 24, 2019
Vedda he is a Sinhalese extremist pretending to be a Tamil and deliberately posting mad extremist messages to prove that Mahinda the lying fox is correct. The way he spelt his so called name Jesudasan gave the game away. He could not properly spell the name Yesudasan in Tamil and spelt it as Jesudasan. Just like a typical Sinhalese. In Tamil and Malayalam Lord Jesus is called Yesu Nathar and not Jesu .No Tamil or even Malayali ever spell this name this way. It is either Yesudasan or Yesudas. Just like the famous singer Yesudas.
ravi perera / January 25, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Native Vedda / January 26, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
Come on, stop praising your w***y.
JD / January 24, 2019
Mahinda Rajapakse talka about the only isse that he knows. On the other side, Mangala has negotisated an IMF loan which gets via MCC which is govrrned by CIA/Church/ George Zorros). That is worse than the BOND Scam. As USa is not with UNHCR, Mangala Reported to UK/commonwelath to say he would follow Human rights in Srilanks in order to get the Loan.
rajash / January 24, 2019
This is what is going on for last 70 years
….the country is being divided
….Tamils are getting their own country
….the Sinhalese are doomed
…80million Tamils in Tamil Nadu are coming
…etc etc
SLFP , UNP, the take their turn
none of the f ing politicians have learnt any lessons from the youth uprising being it be Sinhala or Tamils…..mind you JVP uprising started before Tamil uprising..
The Sinhala politicians and their family, their friends, the monks who serve them even their their astrologers are all …..have foreign bank accounts….and citizenship
so lets take the modaya voters for a ride
what a pathetic situation….
Eagle Eye / January 24, 2019
On Tuesday 22nd January, Udaya Gammanpila and Sisira Jayakody who appeared in ‘Waada Pitiya’ program in Derana TV along with Daya Pathirana and M.A.Sumnthiran exposed what is hidden in the Draft Constitution according to Sumanthiran and Experts’ Report according to PM.
Sisira Jayakody challenged Sumanthiram to give five problems unique to Demala people in North and East that Sinhala people do not face and he failed to respond.
Famous businessman Mr. Dhammika Perera who appeared in Derana TV 360 program on 14th January 2019 mentioned a similar experience. He said after the decision was made to participate in that program, he wanted to find out the problems faced by Demala people as a community and contacted four prominent people in the North and requested them to give a list of problems but apparently they have not been able to come out with such a list.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / January 25, 2019
Just because Sumanthiran is a stupid fellow unable to give problems unique to Tamils in north and east that does not mean that there is nothing.
1. Loss of sovereignty – Tamil sovereignty was not returned while Sinhalese not only got back their sovereignty but also appropriated sovereign lands of Tamils.
2. Distortion of ethnic pattern – it is geologically and archaeologically proved that Tamils were the first settlers in the land. Now Tamils are being gradually denied of the lands by alteration of demographic pattern.
3. Ethnic cleansing – Tamils have been murdered and driven out of the country where no Sinhalese had been subjected to such action..
4. Destruction of Hindu temples and erection of Buddha statues in Hindu temple premises where there are no Buddhists. This fate has not befallen on Buddhists.
5. Stationing of murderous racist Sri Lanka armed forces and police in Tamil areas and continuing to unleash state terrorism on Tamils.
6. Developing Sinhala areas spending large sums of money with little or no return while dilly dallying or refusing to spend towards worthwhile projects for Tamils.
7. Non implementing Tamil as official language policy and placing Tamil to second class status in Tamil areas where it should be the first official language.
*Is this enough or do you want some more. Please give up your racist mindset and work towards justice for Tamils if you sincerely want peace and unity.
*Sumanthiran in future when he goes for TV shows or debates must be prepared to answer Sinhala racists without making a fool of himself and disgracing Tamils. If he has an agenda to please Sinhalese and climb up to position of power, he must honourably resign and leave it to self respecting people to take up Tamil cause.
Ranjith(SPRRW) / January 26, 2019
Here in Lanka specially in Jaffna no community called wellala tamils though they speak tamil language. They are sakkiliyas or coolis brought from Andra pradesh by Dutch east company to cultivate tobacco. Dutch first landed in Andra coast and started east Indian company activities. As such language jaffna Tamils speak does not entirely tally with tamil spoken by tamilnadu people. On top of that genetically they are closer to odea and west bagalis as their origin is Andra. These sakkiliyas are not actually coolis but they were slaves as per Dutch standard. As such we do not have to worry about their needs. dutch understanding was to integrated them with locals. But when British came they posed as high cast tamils & co-porated with them and earned lots of facilities like government’s jobs education for children. That way they established themselves as separate cast & separate community. British given them all the facilities and got their support for english rule here. They accepted english as their mother language to shine over other tamils who are either tamilized sinhalese due to south Indian occupations and descendants of occupied tamil soldiers. As such they do not have any rights to demand any thing more than sinhalese have.They should accept sinhalese as official language and should adhere to it.No separate administration or anything like this should not be given as they were dutch slaves came here as tobacco cultivators accepting dutch;s rules and regulations. if they remained in south India. They may be no more or become dalite there begging for meals. Now they posed as high class people just like Irish did in USA against the other european settlers. Nothing special should be given to them. they should accept & satisfy with the facilities the others enjoy.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / January 26, 2019
Your comment is full of lies as usual to Vellalas, tna, Tamil Diasora whom deceived hapless ordinary tamil people since formation of Tamil Arasu Katchchi in 1933.
There are no any artefacts or geological or archelogical evidence in Sri Lanka to rove any early settlements of Tamils. I challenge you to prove it and therefore, TNA could not answer the questions in public forums.
Where is Tamil nation here? bunkum. Tamils never be majority in Eastern Province ever. please do not forget ethnic cleansing by LTTE in Northern Province of other communities.
Tamil Diaspora open mouth on this fake , so called special tamil problems which requires elam or separate state to provide as only solution is always with full of lies only.
So, it is better for you to stop bickering anymore.
thamizh / January 24, 2019
Only concern here is that since Rajapakse opposes devolution of powers under provincial councils, it may be projected as something Tamil people must fight for. There seems to be a line of thought that if Rajapakse opposes something then there must me something good in it. We know that Sinhala nationalists will oppose to even a semblance of giving in to Tamil demands. The very foundation of Sinhala nationalism rejects any claim by Tamil people to the island. Addressing the Tamil national question should not undermine the sovereign right of Tamil people to rule themselves nor get mired up with devolution of powers under PCs. Whether a new constitution will see the light of the day is another story.
Wizaran / January 24, 2019
The Power Hungry Chauvinistic Racist has spoken!
He is worried and concerned about the Tamils living outside of North and East. The urge to rule and oppress the Tamils show up in many ways.
Rof / January 24, 2019
Sounds like an article written by Dayan J., for MR!
thamizh / January 24, 2019
I thought Dayan J. advocated for devolution under provincial councils. In fact, Rajapakse himself promised 13+ to India, which the Indians wanted in order to pacify the Tamil population, particularly from Tamil Nadu, to ward off criticism for their role in the genocidal war in lanka. They thought in supporting the war, they will have their regional interests served; instead, this Indian foreign policy backfired and failed to keep the dragon out of Sri Lanka and Rajapakses proceeded with inviting Chinese. Of course, just like with the toothless UN resolution, all these promises meant nothing.
thamizh / January 25, 2019
Ravi Perera, you are right. The muslims contributed a lot in the war waged against the Tamils. They were some of the most ruthless in the sl military. Sinhalese thought to divide and rule the Tamil speaking populations and they needed muslim block vote to stay in power. They are starting to reap for all this mollycoddling. Never under the LTTE, the Wilpattu forest was raped as it is now to make way for muslim settlements and there are signs of radical islam spreading to the south. Of course, Sinhala people with their Mahavamsa mindset will deny the sovereignty of Tamils and any power sharing but they will happily shred the island into pieces and share it among Indians, US, and Chinese as it is more lucrative for a few. In fact, Prabakaran was more ‘son of a soil’ than these fake patriots. Happy slaving!
Abdul Kader. J / January 26, 2019
If Wilpattu forest is raped, it is still under SL government which can take necessary action against it. If radicalism is spreading, it is Muslim leaders and the SL govt that will take care as all Muslims know that giving room for radicalism is like committing suicide and destroying peace among all Sri Lankans.
If Prabakaran was a son of the soil, ask a question as which soil? Sri Lanka or Eelam? When we call “Sri Lanka” and “Lankawa” in English and Sinhala respectively, why do you call it “Eelam” or “Ilangai” only in Tamil to refer to Sri Lanka? Eelam refers only to north and east of Sri Lanka?
Outsider / January 25, 2019
As usual the messenger has been shot whilst not constructively debating the message. Firstly, those taking the position about Tamil rights should consider the situation of Tamils outside the North. The Eastern province has approximately 35% Tamils, and in general, more Tamils live outside the North and the East. Except in the North, they are a minority.and they will continue to be under the domination of the Sinhala majority. Giving more devolution to provinces therefore does not address the issue of Tamil rights or grievances. A better form of central power sharing will. Since independence, and particularly in 1983, Tamils suffered immeasurably and ensuring their security and safety is the responsibility of all citizens. Sections of the UNP government itself were responsible for the 1983 violence and for some weird reason, Tamils continue to support the UNP! Some measures mentioned in the draft presented by the PM are timely, such as the Constitutional Court and it powers. While MR argues about the supremacy of the Parliament, not many in the country are any longer convinced of their supremacy. Alternative safeguards are needed as the Parliament has become a haven for self seeking, self promoting individuals who have brought disrepute to the country.
Plato. / January 25, 2019
Rof, you are right! MaRa says that in view of the pest invasion[It is by no means unprecedented though!] in the Agricultural sector and a looming debt crisis[ which of-course was brought about by MaRa himself during his reckless rule!] a New Constitution should not be presented.
Bullshit argument! Who argued this piece for MaRa? Is it GL or Dayan[ with Tamara input]?
Nimal Tissa Wijetunga / January 25, 2019
Native/Angoda/Kala Veddah, Shiva Shankaran, Gnana,
Howsoever your voice is loud, just 15 mps in the parliament and Kallathonies in this forum , Tamil Diaspora and Vellalas cannot divide Sri Lanka Nation ever. These attempts are Non-starters and you fought for thirty years and only brought misery to Tamil ordinary people and if you come back ith similar terrorist tactics once again, the fate is same and this time first peole go against you are the Tamil ordinary people.
Besides, it as never ever demanded by ordinary Tamil masses as well.
Native Vedda / January 26, 2019
Ravi Perer ass
the Sinhala speaking Demela
Come on, stop praising your w***y.
JohnSiva / January 26, 2019
You can talk tough in front of minorities. But China and other foreign powers are busy colonizing the island piece by piece. And there is nothing you can do about it. SL will become a Chinese owned state in the near future
Native Vedda / January 26, 2019
“But China and other foreign powers are busy colonizing the island piece by piece. “
If that happens SJ will welcome the move on the part of China, for him China is a piece loving country, a piece from Pakistan, a piece from Russia, a piece from Vietnam, a piece from Mongolia, a piece from Afghanistan, a piece from Bhutan, a piece from Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar Nepal, ……………… a piece from Kazakhstan, a piece from India, …. and a large piece from Tibet.
“And there is nothing you can do about it.”
Leave the worrying to Hindians.
Lankan / January 26, 2019
Hahaha….They are all hand in glove, MR, MS, RW et al.
Whatever they say and do is just an act to manipulate the Sri Lankan public , who don’t seem to have much self respect or intelligence.
Behind the scenes, and even in public sometimes (did not RW , and some others including the Speaker attend Rohitha Rajapakse’s wedding), they look after each other’s interests.
So the only thing left to do, if the Sri Lankan public have it in them, is to chuck all these reprobates in prison and/or out of politics, whichever is applicable.
Sri Lankans suck!!!!!
Vanquished / January 26, 2019
Please dont forget a defeated enemy can still fight, so can we.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / January 27, 2019
You mean to say that you can fight on with terror tactics similar to Prabhakaran?