By Rev. S.J. Emmanuel –
1. Tamils steadfast in preserving their identity
Just as the Singhalese have a claim of historical origin on this island, the Tamils too have such a claim. No historian has dared to prove that there were no Tamils on this island before two thousand years. Historically there were Tamils inhabiting the North and East of the island for many centuries and there were Tamil Kings too ruling up to colonial times.
The vast opening to the sea enabled all living on the coastal areas to take to fishing as their livelihood. Those inhabiting the interior, though handicapped by the absence of any river and less rainfall than the South, were industrious farmers – landlords and labourers. Hinduism as the religion of the people influenced social and cultural life. Caste system of social degradation was strengthened by the religious belief of Karma and rebirth as well as by the economic dependence of the less fortunate on the more fortunate landowners. Social structure and governance was pyramidal with the royalty and the rich at the apex and the others down at the base.
With the advent of colonialism social and religious life also underwent some changes. The Portuguese made converts to Roman Catholicism while the Dutch, who came later converted Hindus and Catholics to their Dutch Reformed Church. Both the Portuguese and the Dutch did not make any meaningful changes with regard to the structures of governance. Even the British attempted their major change in the form of governance only after conquering the last Kingdom of Kandy (1815) and bringing the whole country under one centralised administration in Colombo.
During the British administration, some Tamils of the arid zones of the Northeast moved to the South, especially to the capital Colombo, in search of employment. A few Singhalese moved to the Northeast to establish some businesses. Although Sinhala and Tamil elites and businessmen lived adjacently for many years in Colombo and its environs, there was hardly any ethnic or cultural fusion between them. Each racial group kept strictly to its religious cultural and social identities. Only the Christians who were either Singhalese or Tamils mixed a little more at religious and social functions. This distinction is destined to stay as observed by a British historian who said „even after thousands of years, these two races kept up their racial and cultural identities“.
2. G. G. Ponnambalam, Father of Tamil Consciousness
On the eve of Independence from the British there were genuine fears among the Tamil leaders about a Sinhala domination of the minorities within a single nation. Mr. G. G. Ponnambalam, founder-president of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, fought single-handed and very courageously with the British to safeguard the interests of the Tamils against Sinhala domination. Tamils cannot forget his historic contribution to raising the Tamil consciousness. Prof. A. J. Wilson, a son-in-law of Mr. S. J. V. Chelvanayagam, sums it up by saying: “He raised the consciousness of the Tamils to the point where they abandoned their sense of national awareness within an all-island polity and began thinking of themselves as having an altogether separate national identity..“ (Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism,p.80).
The Sinhala leaders appealed to the Tamil leaders not to make difficulties for the hand over of power from the colonials. They promised to the Tamil leaders that their rights will be safeguarded. And the British who knew well the deep differences between the two peoples made their historic “Blunder“ of leaving the minorities at the mercies of the majority. And the Sinhala majoritarian democracy, without any qualm of conscience, took away in 1972 even the one and only article 29a in the constitution that was safeguarding the rights of the minorities.
3. A short-lived Tamil hope for a multi-ethnic nation
In spite of initial fears there was still hope on the Tamil side that with self-rule the country would prosper and all Singhalese, Tamils and Muslims could live happily as equal citizens and partners in building up a united island of peace and prosperity. The first post-Independence Government enjoyed “the responsive cooperation“ of the Tamils. Most of the colleges in Jaffna had Sinhala taught as a second language, in order to facilitate inter-ethnic relations. But that hope of a united nation was only short-lived.
4. Sinhala Nationalism pushes Tamils to Separatism
The post-colonial policies of the Colombo Governments pushed the Tamils more and more to look back in the direction of a safe and secure land to safeguard their rights, their profession, development and even to security of life and limb. This led to a gradual but steady conscientisation of the Tamils that living as one Sri Lankan multi-ethnic, multi-religious people was no more possible and that their safety and future development depend on re-claiming their pre-colonial and traditional habitation as their homelands.
The resurgence of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism inaugurated by S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike in 1956 capitalized on the exclusivist nationalism nurtured by the Mahavamsa mentality. In order to come to power, he whipped up at the grass-root level a popular but dangerous nationalism that claimed Sinhala Buddhists as the genuine proprietors of the whole island and custodians of Buddhism. This excluded the other ethnic and religious groups. He realised that the language “ we people” could be used emotionally to climb to power over the UNP which had ruled the country up to that time.
His victory in the parliamentary elections of 1956, spelt doom for Sinhala-Tamil relations and soon the Sinhala majority resorted to anti-Tamil mob-terror. What remained as part of a hidden agenda in the disenfranchising of the Tamils of Indian origin and State-aided Sinhala colonization of the first post-colonial government, now became an open policy of the government. Thus the arrogant policy of exclusivism on the Sinhala side pushed the Tamils gradually along the path of separatism.
5. S. J. V. Chelvanayagam, Father of Tamil Nationalism
When the first post-colonial Government of Sri Lanka took the first step already in 1949 towards the exclusive Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism by depriving almost a million Tamils of Indian origin of their civic rights, S.J.V.Chelvanayakam, the Father of modern Tamil Nationalism, was able to foresee many dangers which will threaten their Tamil national consciousness. With prophetic vision he mapped out a path for the Tamils to safeguard their identity and dignity as a people. On the basis of the inalienable right of self determination, the Tamils are to seek maximum autonomy for self rule!
Accordingly the Ilankai Thamil Arasu Kadchi, which he founded in 1949 soon after the denial of Citizenship to Tamils of Indian origin, was with foresight called Federal Party in English. Why? He did not opt for an entirely Tamil separate state, but a Tamil government (arasu), whereby the Tamils, as a distinct nation or people, will rule themselves at home with maximum autonomy and still remain within the one state of the island. In other words he proposed a self rule in the Northeast and a shared rule at the centre in Colombo. That was the Federal structure he proposed and campaigned for.This was evident in the declaration of the first national convention of the Party held in Trincomalee in 1951;
“In as much as it is the inalienable right of every nation to enjoy full political freedom without which its spiritual, cultural and moral stature must degenerate and inasmuch as the Tamil speaking people in Ceylon constitute a nation distinct from that of the Singhalese by every fundamental test of nationhood, firstly that of a historical past in this island (which is) at least as ancient and as glorious as that of the Singhalese, secondly by the fact of their being a linguistic entity different from that of the Singhalese, with unsurpassed classical heritage and a development fully adequate for all present day needs, and finally, by reason of their territorial habitation of definite areas which constitute over one third of this island, this first national conference of ITAK demands for the Tamil speaking nation in Ceylon their inalienable right to political autonomy and calls for a plebiscite to determine the boundaries of the linguistic states in consonance with the fundamental and unchallengeable principles of self-determination.“
His self-rule for the Tamils (Thamil Arasu) and shared rule of Sri Lanka (Ilankai) was mischievously interpreted by the chauvinistic and extremist politicians of the South as a blueprint for a separate Tamil Kingdom of the Tamils. Thereby the word Federal was interpreted to mean a division of one country into two. What was intended as a regional autonomy for the Tamils and a federal structure for the country was mischievously twisted to set the Sinhala masses against the Tamils.
The objective of the Tamils to live as two nations in one island within a federal structure of Government thus became anathema to Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism which was forging ahead with its steam-roller majoritarian-race democracy to legalise anti-Tamil discriminations in language, culture, education, employment and development. Every Tamil effort to protest democratically and non-violently was met with Sinhala mob and state terror. Every effort to explain the Tamil vision for a united country was heckled even within the parliament. Thus the Tamils were deprived even the right of peaceful democratic non-violent protests. Not even in the heartland of the Tamils -Jaffna town – could they have a non-violent satyagraha without getting beaten up by the Sinhala army(Dec.1961). Hence Tamil Nationalism was forced to move to the next phase of demanding a separate state for survival and security based on its right of self-determination.
The Sinhala media were very chauvinistic and the word “Federal“ was anathema to the Singhalese. The English media which had the strategy of reaching out to both sides of the divide, were in the hands of the Sinhala elite and toed the line with the UNP or the SLFP political parties. Unfortunately the Tamil leaders did not make serious attempts to reach the majority of the country at least with an English Newspaper. „Suthanthiran“, the official organ of the Federal Party was published only in Tamil. Hence the lack of effective communication between the Singhalese and the Tamils further aggravated the situation
6. Democratic campaigns for a Separate State
The Tamil United Liberation Front in its first national convention in Vaddukoddai on 14 May 1976 under the presidency of S.J.V.Chelvanayakam resolved thus:
“The First National Convention of the Tamil Liberation Front, meeting at Pannakam (Vaddukkoddai) on the 14th day of May 1976, hereby declares that the Tamils of Ceylon (Tamils did not accept the Constitution of 1972 in which of the name of the island was changed from Ceylon to Sri Lanka) by virtue of their great language, their religions, their separate culture and heritage, their history for several centuries till they were conquered by the armed might of the European invaders, and above all by their will to exist as a separate entity ruling themselves in their own territory, are a nation distinct and apart from the Singhalese and their constitution, announces to the world that the Republican Constitution of 1972 has made the Tamils a slave nation ruled by the new colonial masters, the Singhalese, who are using the power they have wrongly usurped to deprive the Tamil nation of its territory, language, citizenship, economic life, opportunities of employment and education and thereby destroying all the attributes of nationhood of the Tamil people.
And therefore, while taking note of the reservations in relation to its commitment to the setting up of a separate state of Tamil Eelam expressed by the Ceylon Workers Congress as a Trade Union of plantation workers, the majority of whom live and work outside the Northern and Eastern areas, this convention resolves that the restoration and reconstitution of the Free, Sovereign, Secular Socialist State of Tamil Eelam based on the right of self determination inherent in every nation and has become inevitable in order to safeguard the very existence of the Tamil nation in this country.“
At the Parliamentary elections of 1977, the Tamil United Liberation Front campaigned for the Vaddukkoddai Resolution for a separate state of Thamil Eelam and the Tamils gave a resounding approval with over 70% electoral support.
Infuriarated by the overwhelming verdict of the Tamils for a separate state, the UNP Government of J.R. Jayewardene who came to power with a simple majority of 51% soon brought in the infamous 6th Amendment to the Constitution obliging all elected Tamil parliamentarians to make an oath of allegiance to the unitary state and forbidding all talks of separatism as contrary to the constitution. This in effect closed the doors of the supreme democratic institution of the country to the voice of the democratically elected Tamil Members of Parliament. Thus the Sinhala majority closing the doors of democracy to the Tamils opened the way for a militant path of the Tamil youth.
7. Militant campaigns for a separate state
While the elected Tamil MPs still had faith in the democratic institutions of the island in protecting the Tamils and were pleading, if not begging, the government of the day to protect the civilian life of the Tamils, those in power took the high road of Sinhala oppression resulting in further denials of the basics for Tamil life.
Tamil youths most of whom witnessed the horrors of Sinhala mob and state terrorism along with the denials of basic rights and facilities to the Tamils in education and employment, realized that they themselves were being pushed against the wall without any hope of a future under Sinhala Governments. They had no faith that their elder Tamil politicians who were elected in the 1977 parliamentary elections could ever democratically and peacefully win the rights of the Tamil people. It is in this context that they took the only logical step to face the enemy – the government and its Forces in their own terms – militancy.
During the initial period there were many Tamil groups fighting the oppressive acts of the Sinhala army with their counter-terrorism. Although up to the Thimpu conference they expressed unanimity with regard to the nationhood, homeland and right of self determination of the Tamils, many of them later joined the Sri Lankan government and even served the Armed forces in betraying the Tamil cause.
8. LTTE committed to a Liberative Nationalism
It was left to the LTTE to face courageously the oppressive force of the Sinhala government as well as fostering the Nationalism of Thamil Eelam as affirmed by the parliamentary verdict in 1977. The 20 years of war that followed the 1983 Holocaust of Tamils demanded more and more heroic sacrifices of life from the militants and from civilians. These brought them all into one struggle. What was earlier identified as a militant group of armed youth soon became a peoples’ movement for liberation. The anti-Tamil forces in the South tried their best to divide the people and the few elected parliamentarians from the militant leadership of the LTTE. They tried in many under-hand ways to tarnish or bypass the militant leadership and strike a deal with the so called „moderate“ and paid-parliamentarians, but failed miserably.
The broader Tamil nationalism as envisaged by Thanthai Chelvanayakam in 1951 in Trincomalee and in 1976 in Vaddukoddai, now became strengthened by the prolonged sufferings of death and destruction caused to the Tamil people by the government. The people knew as to who protected and defended them from the atrocities of war as well as who carried the noble ideals of Tamil Nationalism without bartering for personal benefits from the Singhalese. Thus in the period 1976 – 2004, the Tamil people increasingly affirmed the unique politico-military leadership of the LTTE as well as moved firmly under their leadership towards some non-negotiable aspects of Tamil Nationalism.
9. The non-negotiables of Tamil Nationalism
What was prophesied by Mr.S.J.V. Chelvanayagam, the father of Tamil nationalism, gained conviction not only among his party members but also throughout the entire Tamil community in and out of Sri Lanka. Three fundamental truths emerged crystal clear to the people and became the corner stones of a liberative Tamil Nationalism:
a) Tamils living in Sri Lanka are a distinct people with their own history, culture and heritage and not a mere linguistic minority as made out by the Sinhala majority in order to justify their domination. It was sheer arrogance and mischief to refer to a people who have lived their rich heritage so long and have had their kings and kingdoms as a mere linguistic minority.
b) The UN Charter of Human Rights recognizes the right of self determination of such a people, at least in its internal dimension. Failing to realise this internal self-determination, the people have the right to secede into a separate state.
c) The Northeast of the island has been the traditional region of habitation for the Tamils for many centuries. Hence the Northeast is claimed as the Homeland of the Tamils. This does not exclude others from living there, but the Tamils must have sufficient autonomy to determine the development of this region.
These three issues which were agreed by all the Tamil parties in Thimpu were again taken up in Oslo in the talks between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Government. An agreement was reached to consider an alternative to the Tamil demand for a separate state and this was hailed as a breakthrough. It was mutually agreed to seek a federal type of solution within a united Sri Lanka based on the understanding that Northeast are areas of historical habitation of the Tamil speaking people and on the principle of internal self-determination of the Tamils. However accepting the Northeast as traditional homelands of the Tamils still find opposition and misunderstanding among the Sinhala majority despite the ground realities.
The Tamil claim for a Homeland is not so much based on nostalgic arguments of historical origins, nor on any arrogance of superiority with regard to race or religion, as it appears in the case of Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism, but more on the argument for a secure home in the face of tragic conditions created by the Singhalese during the last 50 years. Let me mention briefly three such factors:-
a) Tamils fleeing anti-Tamil Riots sought security in the North East
The slightest protest of Tamils in the capital Colombo against discriminations gave rise to a series of mob and state terror against all Tamils living in the south of the island. The Tamils, who were harmed and whose property were looted, were forced into huge refugee camps for safety or forced to run for their lives to the North and East of the island. In 1958 some ships had to be hurriedly organized to transport the thousands of victims fleeing the riots from Colombo to Kankesanturai (Jaffna). In all the major anti-Tamil riots let loose in the South (1956, 1958, 1962, 1977, 1983), Tamils, even those from the hill country, fled to the North and East for refuge.
b) Open discrimination or neglect in developing the Northeast
From 1948, the Northeast was not part of any major development plan of Sinhala governments. Foreign funds flowing into the country were diverted to the South under the pretext of the Northeast being infected with terrorism. Millions were spent on Mahaweli Project, Electricity schemes, building of roads and reawakening of villages (Gamudawa). The long drawn out neglect of the Northeast without any development, with only a harsh step-motherly treatment from centralised governments and their bureaucrats convinced the Tamils that they themselves have to take control of their welfare and develop their own land.
c) 20 years of inhuman war and restrictions imposed on the Northeast
The 20 years war against the people of the Northeast was waged not only with weapons and bombs but also with emergency restrictions, economic embargoes, rapes and mass murders, even inside state-prisons and rehabilitation centres( Welikade, Kalutara, Bindunuwa). While claiming the Northeast to be part of the whole island which the Singhalese claimed to own, the governments handled the Tamil people as slaves on their knees, devoid of all communications and kept behind closed doors.
All these three factors have snowballed into a firm conviction that Tamils have to recover their traditional homeland, primarily to survive and to live in safety and security, to live in dignity and to develop their region as their own, without fear and without depending on the Singhalese of the South.
10. Tamil Nationalism differs from Sinhala Nationalism
There is a radical difference between the Sinhala claim of the whole island as theirs and the Tamil claim of a region as their homeland for their security. The former claim makes the Singhalese believe they are the proud proprietors of the island who can by their majority decide and discriminatingly exclude northeast region (as they have done for over 50 years). The others – Tamils and Muslims – they say, can live anywhere in the island, but as „tenants“ and „creepers“ under the majority Singhalese. Thus theirs is a concept of homeland that subordinates non-Singhalese and exclude them from self-respect, proprietorship and self-development. The Tamil concept of a homeland, on the contrary, is not exclusive nor it subordinates other people. It is a land whose development and growth will be in the hands of the Tamils, for whom it has been a traditional homeland and a secure homeland. Non-Tamils will be free to settle down and enjoy all the benefits as others.
What the LTTE has been loudly proclaiming as their political thirst is a cry for a self-governed homeland. It is a conviction that has grown slowly and steadily, and got approved by the people in the last parliamentary elections of 2004. It will never die out from the heart of the Tamils. Whether the Northeast is tomorrow to be a federal state under Colombo or an entirely separate State is to be decided by future political events. But the name of the Northeast region will be Thamil Eelam for ever and Tamils will have the will and the strength to rule it as their own.
11. Tamil Nationalism offers a Peace-Plan through the ISGA
It is in this light that the demand of the Tamils for an Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) to rehabilitate and reconstruct their war-zone should be understood. What has been reduced to ashes during the long discrimination, criminal acts of destruction and neglect, must be made a living (livable!) zone for the people. Even after the Cease Fire and Memorandum of Understanding and Talks for over two years, promises about normalising living conditions in the Northeast have been unfulfilled. Many thousands are still suffering in refugee camps because of the vast High Security Zones of the occupied forces. The dividends of peace are not at all felt by most of the Tamils. Except for a few international NGOs who attend to the basic minimum in the army-controlled areas, no significant reconstruction and rehabilitation work has been undertaken .Hence an interim administration for reconstruction and rehabilitation under the Tamil leadership was agreed and proposals for the setting up of it were made by the UNP led government and the LTTE respectively.
Taking into consideration the ground realities and the already available infrastructure put up by the Tamil leadership, serious proposals with the help of international experts have been submitted. These have been made within the agreements already reached in Oslo about the framework of a permanent solution as well as in the direction and spirit of a peaceful settlement. But unfortunately, Sinhala extremists are opposing the proposal as a stepping stone to a separate state. In spite of the Tamils agreeing to consider the federal alternative to a separate state and working out a way towards that federal autonomy, the Singhalese seem to have still their traditional fear of seeing a terrorist behind every Tamil and a separate state behind every proposal. Their desire seems to be to use the “Tamil-problem“ indefinitely and get all the foreign financial aid, while keeping the Tamils for ever under their domination. May the Buddha save us Tamils from the Buddhists!
Prem / February 14, 2015
Good article
Amarasiri / February 15, 2015
Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel
RE: A Self-Defensive Tamil Nationalism – 11 Points
1. “Just as the Singhalese have a claim of historical origin on this island, the Tamils too have such a claim”
Yes, the Sinhala and Tamils have a claim to the Island as Para-deshis, Paras or Foreigners. Claim as Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils from South and East India. Both Sinhala and Tamils are Hora Oru, Kalla Thonis, Illegal Boatmen.
Only Native Veddah Aethho have a claim to the Island, which they walked, yes walked over 30,000 years ago.
The Vedda Tribe
Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support
“G. G. Ponnambalam, Father of Tamil Consciousnes”
and Racism and Caste Discrimination to maintain the Brahmin -Vellala Caste Ideology.
Velupillai Prabakaran, tried to impose it, by expelling sinhala and Muslims.
3. “A short-lived Tamil hope for a multi-ethnic nation”. True. but Tamils also supported expelling Indian Tamil Estate Workers..
4. “Sinhala Nationalism pushes Tamils to Separatism”
Correction: Sinhala “Buddhist” Chauvinism and Racism based om Mahawamsa Nationalism pushes Tamils to Separatism.
5. “S. J. V. Chelvanayagam, Father of Tamil Nationalism”
Correction: S. J. V. Chelvanayagam, Father of Tamil Nationalism, Racism, Chauvinism and Casteism.
6. “Democratic campaigns for a Separate State”, True, but power comes through the barrel of a gun. No guns, no power.
7. “Militant campaigns for a separate state”. Yes, Tamils wake up. Realises, power comes through the barrel of a gun. Time to fight.
8. “LTTE committed to a Liberative Nationalism”
Not true. LTTE was for Tamil dictatorship and Tamil racism. They expel Sinhala and Tamils from the LTTe controlled areas, and continue to murder civilians.
LTTE and the Tamils turn into Tamil Mootals, தமுள் முட்டால்.
9. “The non-negotiables of Tamil Nationalism”
LTTE and the Tamils turn into Tamil Mootals, தமுள் முட்டால். They puursue the Egoism of their Maaveer மாவீர் aka Mootal-Veer மூடல்ஸ் -வீர் Vellupillai Prabakaran, aka Mootal-Pillai Madu-Karan. மூடல்ஸ் பிள்ளை மாடு கரன் and loses the opportunity at real politikk at the height of the game.
10. “Tamil Nationalism differs from Sinhala Nationalism”
True. Sinhala Nationalism is Buddhism and Mahawansa based and has both Buddhist and Mahawamsa “Values”. Sinhala nationalism is more tolerant than Tamil nationalism, as shown by the war crimes of LTTE and the expulsion of Sinhala and Muslims.
11. “Tamil Nationalism offers a Peace-Plan through the ISGA”
Is this a plan to create a caste crimination and ethnic discrimination based Tamil Nationalism , and exclude Sinhala and Muslims from Tamil areas?
“Taking into consideration the ground realities and the already available infrastructure put up by the Tamil leadership, serious proposals with the help of international experts have been submitted.”
Proposals are there in the hundreds. Until, the Tamils accept that Sri Lanka is one nation built on the Land of the Native Veddah Aethho, and that BOTH the Tamils, Sinhala and others are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethh, as guests, this Para Problem and Conflict will continue.
Have the Sinhala and Tamil Pars, considered going back home to South and East India?
Amarasiri / February 15, 2015
Rev. S.J. Emmanuel
100 years from now, the sea levels will rise 6 ft. and Jaffna will be under water. Eelam will be smaller. Would All the Paras take boats back to South and East India?
Climate Change & Jason-3
The Sea Levels were 120 Meters below current levels about 25,000 years ago.
So, the Native Veddah Aethho walked to the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, now called Lanka.
Waran / February 15, 2015
Amarasiri ,you guy’s are incorrigible never prepared to find out the truth and facts. Just live in a well and able to croak.
Book Shields / February 20, 2015
Yet, you are enticed by the croaks of the squat, silly Croc.
Native Vedda / February 16, 2015
My Elders just reminded me of an article Father wrote in one of those UK Diaspora media published in the late 80s.
He had been an anti Hindian activist more than pro LTTE observe my Elders. Was it true? Is he still an anti Hindian or anti Indian?
Did the reverent demand the replacement of IPKF by UN peace keeping force and did he also suggest how it should be done?
Off The Wall / February 15, 2015
Rev. Devil:
Don’t think you can fool all the people all the time by camouflaging your blatant racism against the Sinhalese, Muslim, Burgher, Malay and Veddah people of Sri Lanka with your smokescreen of “Tamil Nationalism.” Everyone should have the same right to live as equal citizens in any part of our great country. But no special rights or distinct status to any so called “homeland” occupying tribal sheep. Read your damn Bible. Jesus was a good shepherd to every human being, not just to his desert tribe. You will burn in hell for inflaming racist hatred and violence among the citizens of Sri Lanka – we are all God’s children.
Amarasiri / February 15, 2015
Rev. S.J. Emmanuel ?
Rev. S.J. Emmanuel ?
Does Rev. means Racist in your Language, “Rev.”?
Doberville / February 15, 2015
Its his hyperactivity ‘Revved-Up’ in excitement, ecstasy or anticipation.
Javi. / February 15, 2015
Amarasiri ,
Its always Trev(or) the Rev.
he is the real thingi,
He is no worry warrior but,
just him hymn himin.(sluggishly)
Attu Patti, Kitta uruu mas sss. (goats shed & bacon in proximity)
He is going to gain something pro-rata this annum for his presence.
Kallathoni, hora_oru, shape, shape, “illegal immigration” ships
Punitham / February 15, 2015
1. Read the title fully -look at the adjective of Tamil Nationlism: Self-defensive – many Sinhalese told LLRC and keep writing even now that the oppression drove the Tamils to take up arms. Many outside Sri Lanka have been saying the world should learn from the Sri Lankan conflict and the consequences.
2. The Tamils voted for MS, ousting MR without conditions – they’re holding their breath to see what the new govt will do for them.
Amarasiri / February 15, 2015
“2. The Tamils voted for MS, ousting MR without conditions – they’re holding their breath to see what the new govt will do for them.:
What can the Govt sand Tamils do to each other?
Screw each other up?
Off the Cuff / February 16, 2015
Dear Punitham,
Re “The Tamils voted for MS, ousting MR without conditions – they’re holding their breath to see what the new govt will do for them”
Strange that you don’t know what has already been done.
This was the position of CM Wigneswaran BEFORE the Election. The meeting shown in the video should have been chaired by Wigneswaran as he was the CM of NP. But that did not happen.
MR used his power to make him a JOINT chair with Strongman Douglas Devananda and Devananda ran the show, Wigs was reduced to an onlooker.
This high powered meeting was where decisions about the development of the Northern province took place. It was reduced to a street fight and the POWERLESS Northern Province CM had to abandon the meeting and leave.
That was when Douglas Devanada wielded more power than the elected Chief Minister. Thanks to the change of govt Douglas Devanada is no more and the powerless Wigs has had his DIGNITY of Office restored.
Watch the three videos and observe the degrading situation that was caused at the District Development Council meeting of the Northern Province.
NP Governor
Wigs and the NP govt tried all it tactics to get rid of the former Governor of the NP who had a military background. For 10 years they failed. Within weeks of the govt change a civilian governor was appointed.
Quote from Hindu newspaper
” The Tamil-controlled provincial administration has long accused the outgoing Governor of preventing them from functioning freely and running a parallel local government.
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) had, for long, been appealing to the Sri Lankan government to replace Mr. Chandrasiri – who has a military background – with a civilian governor for the province. Despite the party’s repeated requests, President Mahinda Rajapaksa reappointed Mr. Chandrasiri in July 2014, enabling him to continue in the same position.
Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran, had then voiced concern over the excessive powers vested in the Governor of the province who was reporting directly to the President. Despite holding elections to the Province in September 2013, and the Tamils democratically electing their Chief Minister, the Provincial Council was not allowed to function smoothly, according to TNA members.
Retd. Major General Chandrasiri’s replacement now, that too with a seasoned diplomat, signals a change in course of the Sri Lankan government under President Maithripala Sirisena’s leadership.”
Chief Justice
Today out of the three arms of govt, a Tamil is the Head of the Judicial arm. Justice Sripavan a Tamil was appointed as the Chief Justice.
All these changes have happened within 5 weeks of the new government.
And how does the Tamil Leadership reciprocate?
By taking an ARROGANT and CONFRONTATIONAL stance. A stance that will polarize the Sinhalese and Guarantee the Return of Mahinda Rajapaksa. What fools they are!!!
They are no different to the Tamil leaders of 1939 that Mr T. Chellappa-pillai, Editor of the Hindu Organ, (the fortnightly paper published in Jaffna by the Siva Paripalana Sabai) described in his Editorial as Hot Heads, Gas Bags and irresponsible talkers.
Kind Regards,
Anpu / February 16, 2015
“Today out of the three arms of govt, a Tamil is the Head of the Judicial arm. Justice Sripavan a Tamil was appointed as the Chief Justice.”
This is the same old trick.
Justice Sripavan may be a deserving case.
Tamils are not after favours or one or two show cases.
Off the Cuff / February 16, 2015
That Anpu is the typical separatist response.
You wrote “Tamils are not after favours or one or two show cases”
Why don’t you campaign for all Tamils in public service to strike in protest and DEMAND that unless ALL PLUM positions in the Public Service are reserved for Tamils they will not return to work?
At least why don’t you put pressure on Justice Sripavan and ask him to resign as it is too late to decline the CJ post?
Perhaps you can ask former SC Judge Wigneswaran to talk to his former colleague and explain to him that his new position as CJ is detrimental to the Eelam project.
Anpu I did not expect such a foolish response from you.
Kind Regards,
Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam / February 15, 2015
The “unique politico-military leadership of the LTTE” that Emmanuel speaks of in such glowing terms was unique in garlanding young Tamil people with cyanide and indoctrinating them into committing suicide – not for the Tamil people or the Tamil nation but for keeping the military secrets of the LTTE.
The Tigers were a military dictatorship that brainwashed some, and forced others to fight for Tamil Eelam, but as we all know the training and arming of the LTTE was initially in Tamil Nadu with the active support of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and that of the Delhi Government. The funding came from Tamils in the West.
The LTTE tried to create a mono-ethnic state without Sinhalese or Muslims, and also targeted the moderate Tamil leadership and other armed Tamil groups, in addition to attacks against the Sinhalese civilian population and Buddhist places of worship in addition to genuine military targets. As we all know, Prabakaran and the Tigers used the Tamil people they claimed to be liberating as human shields and “two-legged bombs”. Prabakaran began his career, which Emmanuel sees as heroic, by murdering the Tamil mayor of Jaffna, back in 1975.
Father Emmanuel seems intent on creating myths and white-washing the criminal nature of the LTTE.
Rationalist / February 16, 2015
Agreed that the Sri Lankan Army killed Tamils. But let us not forget that the ‘Tigers’ killed as many Sinhalese, Soldiers as well as Civilians during their 30 year Insurrection for a Separate State?
No one calls this Genocide.
Don’t they realise that a separate State will mean, that they will ultimately come under the Rule of Tamilnadu? Is this solution better than living as One Nation in Sri Lanka?
Native Vedda / February 17, 2015
“Don’t they realise that a separate State will mean, that they will ultimately come under the Rule of Tamilnadu?”
However the entire island is being treated as Sinhala/state of Hindia.
Think about it.
” Is this solution better than living as One Nation in Sri Lanka?”
Faith in unity in diversity is the future not “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer – One nation one empire one leader”.
ramona therese fernando / February 15, 2015
It certainly seems a genuine heart-felt article by Rev. Emanuel. Many Thamils too, sincerely feel this way.
However, fantasizing about the idyllic past cannot hold sway in the modern time. The Rev. should know that after the Christian invasion on lands of Ancient Heritage, no country colonized could ever return to the forgone time of bliss.
Are Thamils ready to go back to the Agrarian Structure of Religious-Feudal styles complete with Hamlets of Market-Gardens? No Indeed!
Thamils want to set up shop in alliance with Tamil Nadu, and we know what that place looks like: 12 million Dalits living in abject misery for their move into Western Industrialization complete with Nuclear- Fission Complexes round every corner. There is too much of financial setup at play, and attempting to divide the country towards age old lifestyles, will be at a severe unfair disadvantage to Sri Lanka.
The Rev. speaks of “programs” against the Tamils. Tamils were assaulted time and time again. However, they were not genocidal in nature. They were mostly a reaction to Thamils forming cartels all over the country, disregardful of the country’s financial set-up of the time, e.g. shops operating at great profit without adequate tax structure to make the cartels legitimate for the country overall. This automatically caused concern in the average citizen, and riots erupted. The fact of Thamils wanting to set up all over the country, and not remain in agrarian lifestyles as in days of yore, shows that the old system could not remain, and a new system had to take hold.
The Rev says: “…..denials of basic rights and facilities to the Tamils in education and employment,” However, there was so much set up for the Thamils alongside with the Sinhalese, and the times when he is speaking about, the whole country was suffering the same way- does he even know about the uprisings of the ‘90s?. Didn’t he seen the neglect of the education and employment of the Sinhalese? He is probably looking at the education and employment in the capital city Colombo, and thinking that the whole of the South was that way. Anyway, the capital was always full of minorities in prime positions. And while the North took up arms against those they felt were their oppressors, the rest of the country had to yet go on- hence for the 30 long years did the N&E have little development (that anyway being easy to see).
But the good Reverend cannot see the actuality of the other races in the country, especially the disadvantaged majority. He only weeps for the pride of a small fraction of Tamil Heritage, of which there are 70 million burgeoning inhabitants just 26 miles North of Sri Lanka.
Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinism which reared its head in 1956 was never against the Thamils. It was the need for Buddhism to protect itself from the Christianity which had taken over most of the coastal belt- Hinduism not being minded one bit.
ramona therese fernando / February 15, 2015
Javi. / February 15, 2015
after Mao Sex pot wierdo freek of civilisation,…
…at later stages of Hu rule, and continued by Xi who hid in caves all his life from the wrath of Mao.
The unveiling of Dao literature and classics.
The civil servant who went looking for the other shoe at Shoaling.
That is the Buddha teaching where most Buddhas from minature to gigantic are the envey of every Indian Buddhist conscript- Dal`eat `
What lanka needs is the same not HYENA, තරච්ඡයා Crocuta, Chuff, bluff, buff, ramona therese fernando trying to make a noise with a European instrument
Cannibal Piped Piper.
Tatte motte bette-on! (freeks of civilization – orange coloured one)
Murugan / February 15, 2015
//Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinism which reared its head in 1956 was never against the Thamils. It was the need for Buddhism to protect itself from the Christianity which had taken over most of the coastal belt- Hinduism not being minded one bit. //
I am shocked to read this. Does this mean that when Sinhalese tried to regain their rightful place by displacing Christian and colonial ethos, the latter cleverly turned it into a Sinhala Vs Tamil fight?
This changes my perception of the whole issue.
If this is true, then both Sinhalese and Tamils fell prey to this clever trap and destroyed both great, ancient nations! If we take Sri Lanka, then Tamils lost more. If we take everything together, then Sinhalese have lost more as the Eelam Tamils are only a miniscule minority among Tamils.
ramona therese fernando / February 16, 2015
//// I am shocked to read this. Does this mean that when Sinhalese tried to regain their rightful place by displacing Christian and colonial ethos, the latter cleverly turned it into a Sinhala Vs Tamil fight//
I never implied that at all……why bring up a false cause?
Buddhists were protecting their Heritage from a European one (Hinduism being an intrinsic part of theirs). The “race-issue (as I said earlier), was due to Tamils (who Sinhalese had no issue with whatsoever), setting up cartels away from the financial structure of the country at the time, and causing grave imbalances to the Majority, already marginalized by the Christians. Therefore, when the riots did occur, and one or two Buddhist priests became militant (in the midst of them pondering on salvaging Buddhism), it looked like the Sinhala Buddhists were against the Thamils.
It took on different …..physiognimies…….throughout – Govigamas and Vellhalas vs. Lower caste and class Christians; Coastal Belt upper-class non-Govigama Sinhalese and minorities vs. Sinhala Buddhists ; the whole lot of Sinhalese vs. all types of Thamils; Govigama Sinhalese and Vellhala Thamils vs. Christian low-castes ; Govigama Sinhalese and Vellhala Thamils vs. Christians and Muslims; Muslims and Christians of all castes and classes, and Elite Sinhalese of either Christianity or Buddhism vs. all kinds of Thamils……..and so on. In the end, it all boiled down to how to safeguard the country from India giving us the voracious look.
Christianity never destroyed the Sinhala Nation. They never came with the idea of destroying at all. They came to spread peace based on the only way they knew – on how to restrain their own mad races in Europe; they thought the whole world was as mad as them, and needed to be saved. Now they know better of course, but it’s too late- all the peaceful societies now have their bad influence and also genes.
TN was never destroyed because Thamils managed to thump their culture irrevocably into their people for a good long time –Sinhalese being more…..laisses-faire …. looked over at the Thamils to learn on how to protect their Heritage. You could have helped the Sinhalese, but you wanted to become like the white man and bully others.
Javi. / February 16, 2015
Sinhalese being more…..laisses-faire …. looked over at the Thamils to learn on how to protect their Heritage.””Buddhists were protecting their Heritage from a European one (Hinduism being an intrinsic part of theirs). “”
Whats your NAME European?? Pali???: Modawanse Gay Heyna??
Ooooo | ooooO
~゜・_・゜~ Rat-a-Tat-FU**ing -hermaphrodite hyena ~゜・_・゜~
Crocuta,the “saffron-coloured one”,–Jajajajajaj que mierda.
Your borrowed name does not go with your icon or DNA.
Faceless Fishhead Cold Blood of fascismo.
Tu eres loco ramona!
Native Vedda / February 17, 2015
ramona therese fernando
“setting up cartels away from the financial structure of the country at the time, and causing grave imbalances to the Majority,”
Fascinating stuff.
Could you cite evidence, examples, dates, …………. for their extraordinary endeavours.
Were they members of
The Sinaloa Cartel,
The Beltran Leyva Organization,
The Juarez Cartel,
The Knights Templar,
The Gulf Cartel,
Los Zetas,
Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass Cartel,
Belarus Potash,
Solntsevskaya Bratva,.
The Ndrangheta,
Abergil family,
ramona therese fernando / February 17, 2015
The last 7 sound about correct.
Javi. / February 17, 2015
off beat like the blood sucking mongrel.
Never heard of free masons and baptism.
Javi. / February 17, 2015
Sloth that deadly Sevura siren Ramona the pook skin head.
Seuvra- Hingano BBS- Hermaphrodite HYENA, තරච්ඡයා rustic trumpets!”
Dubious talk just like your begging bowl concept exalted for Tsunami style funding to belch and fart.
What else you do but advertise young boys of your gene as male escorts in EU magazines and send all your women to harems of medieval middle east.
Your anger with India is the same as a mother has with daughter in whom she sees her faults.
Hindan’s like you don’t give the poor as Christian Europe does and there lies your lies Bath Gullo still washing throat with contaminated salt water but smelling of fish.
Sumanasiri Liyanage / February 15, 2015
Dear Fr Emmanuel
I agree with many points in your list of eleven. However, I would like to add one more point to make it a dozen.
12. Tamil nationalism’s liberation component is limited to one single aspect of liberationist politics. It has been concerned about the excluding, marginalizaing aspect associated with ‘difference’. it has been a struggle for recognition. However, it has from its inception avoided the issue of liberation associated with other forms of exclusion, oppression,exploitation and marginalization related to redistribution (may be except very small groups). As a result, Tamil politics from GGP to VP are based on the open or tacit acceptance of capitalist form of socio-economic relations. Hence, they incessantly associated with whenever they did with ‘right wing’ political parties in the South (even before 1964), and had a misconception ‘liberationist West”. This was reflected even in militant organizations.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / February 15, 2015
“Nationalism”? Did We Thamizh conjure up a nation for ourselves while nobody was looking? :D
Anjappar Injeppar / February 17, 2015
Alas, you are enlightened, here take the halo around my balls and crown yourself.
Off the Cuff / February 16, 2015
Dear Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel,
You wrote “Just as the Singhalese have a claim of historical origin on this island, the Tamils too have such a claim. No historian has dared to prove that there were no Tamils on this island before two thousand years. Historically there were Tamils inhabiting the North and East of the island for many centuries and there were Tamil Kings too ruling up to colonial times”
You have overlooked a salient fact. The Sinhalese are a mixed race. They did not come to Lanka they evolved in Lanka. Thus the ANCESTORS of the Sinhalese are the Natives of Lanka and those who Migrated to Lanka from elsewhere. Tamils are not NATIVES of Lanka, speaking historically. They are Natives of India. That’s why you find a large population of Tamils in India and not in Lanka. You don’t find a large population of Sinhalese anywhere other than in Lanka.
Lanka’s population was first estimated in 1789 to be 1,200,200. Subsequently there had been a Census in 1827 giving the total as 889,584 and in 1871 which gave a total of 2,400,380. But a detailed breakdown is unavailable.
The first time Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils were separately enumerated was in 1911. This showed that there were more Indian Tamils (531,000) in Lanka than Lanka Tamils (528,000).
This allows us to estimate the Lanka Tamil population in 1881 to be about 343,000.
Using census data the population growth can be estimated. Hence working backwards from known data we can arrive at a plausible estimate of the Tamil population before the arrival of the British. This will eliminate the indentured Labour brought by the British.
Thus in 1792 the Tamil population would be about 75,000 – 80,000. The Sinhala population would be 5 times that or 375,000 – 400,000
When the British arrived Lanka had 85% forest cover. Only the Veddha inhabited the forests. The Tamil Kingdom was occupied by the Dutch.
The Dutch says that they built a fort to protect the Dutch held Jaffna Kingdom from cross border attacks by the Armies of the Kandyan King (Sinhala Kingdom) at Elephant Pass. As you know very well Elephant Pass is where Peninsular Jaffna joins the Mainland of Lanka. Thus it is clear that the Sinhala Kingdom extended up to Elephant Pass an encompassed the whole of the Eastern Seaboard of the Mainland.
Therefore your claim to the EAST is ABSOLUTELY FALSE.
Please look at the Eelam Map of the TGTE in the following websites
That land claimed as Eelam is around 40%
The claimed coastline is around 60%
Sri Lanka has a land area of 65,000 km2 and a coastline of 1,562 km (probably more than 2,000 km if the coastlines of lagoons, bays, and inlets are added). The coast-line itself consists of a wide range of geomorphological features such as head-lands, bays, lagoons, peninsulas, spits, bars, and islets. It encompasses a variety of tropical habitats including wetlands (about 120,000 ha); lagoons and estuaries (45 estuaries and 40 lagoons totaling about 42,000 ha); mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass beds (the total extent of mangrove coverage is between 6,000 and 10,000 ha); coral reefs (about 50 linear km of major reefs); and coastal sand dunes, barrier beaches, and spits (sand dunes occur along about 312 km of the coastline).
Going back in history ONLY as far as 1792 we find the Tamil population to be 75,000 to 80,000. The border of this claimed Eelam or Historical Tamil Homeland is about 2000 km. The Land area is 26,000 sq km.
Thus it is PHYSICALLY impossible for a small population of 80,000 to populate this vast land of 26,000 sq km, produce their food and defended a POROUS boundary of nearly 2000 km, against a population more than 5 times their size. This claim defies all reason and is obviously FALSE and is a Greedy Land Grab.
What would be the situation if we go back another 100 years?
The CORE ISSUE to this problem has always been Land and the inability of Tamils to share this Land as Equals with the other inhabitants.
Geographically, Lanka and India would have been joined by a land bridge between Mannar and Rameswaram as the Sea would have been much lower two millennia ago, than what it is today. The remnants of this land bridge is visible even today on Satellite imagery (please refer Google Earth)
Hence there is a distinct possibility of humans using the land bridge to come to Lanka rather than by sea (or may be both). These migrants could be anyone or more of the many races inhabiting the Indian subcontinent (not just South India).
Balangoda Man dates back to 38,000 BP to 30,000 BP (BP zero is 1 January 1950). Hence this country has been inhabited for at least that long. Unless those people became extinct by the time the migrants arrived via the land route, SOME of today’s inhabitant’s ancestors would be them.
What I am going to write might make many who believe in a PURE DRAVIDIAN ancestry of Lanka Tamils angry. But ALL of it is based on Scientific Genetic Studies and the observations made by the authors of those studies.
This is from the latest scientific study on the subject. It was published on the Internet on 7 November 2013. Unfortunately you have to pay to access it now.
Rent: $4.99, Purchase: $9.99
The report is accessible online at
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.
By Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan and Patcharee Lertrit
1. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
2. Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University, PraChan, Bangkok, Thailand
The PCA is extended further to include various other ethnic populations from the Indian subcontinent (Supplementary Table S2) Figure 4. The result shown in Figure 5 accounted for 52.59% of the total variation. All the Sinhalese and Tamil subgroups intermingle well with the majority of the Indian subcontinental populations, forming a large genetic matrix.
PCA = “Principal component analysis”
However, Indian Tamils were separated from the rest of the Sri Lankan subgroups, except SU-Bam and SL-Ban, on the first PC axis. This is further strengthening of the hypothesis that Indian Tamils are genetically distinct from the rest of the Sri Lankan ethnic groups.
(SU – Bam is Sinhalese from Bambarabedda, SL – Ban is Sinhalese from Bandaraduwa)
Thus the following scientific inferences can be made
1. Indian Tamils of Lanka, Lanka Tamils and the Sinhalese have genetic connections to those from the Indian Subcontinent.
2. Indian Tamils of Lanka do not have a Genetic connection to Lanka Tamils
3. Sinhalese intermarry with Indian Tamils of Lanka
4. Lanka Tamils SHUN intermarriage with Indian Tamils of Lanka
Inference “2” is surprising because we know for certain that the Indian Origin Tamils of Lanka are from South India (or Tamil Nadu) and the Lanka Tamils claim that they too come from Tamil Nadu.
Where does the Lanka Tamils come from if they are not from Tamil Nadu? Science says they are not from Tamil Nadu.
Lanka Tamils could not have originated from South India. South Indian Tamils are not the Parent population of the Lanka Tamils.
“Interestingly, highest number of haplotype sharing was found between Vedda with Up-country Sinhalese and with Low-country Sinhalese. On the other hand, there was no haplotype sharing between the Vedda people with any of the Tamils”
It must be noted that due to the isolation of the Veddha community, sampling done today will yeild only a small percentage of Veddha genetic material within the Sinhalese.
These inferences follow
5. Neither the Lanka Tamils or the Indian Origin Tamils have any direct genetic connection with the Veddha.
6. The Sinhalese have a direct genetic connection with the Veddha.
Thus we can see that the Veddha is ONE of the parent populations of the Sinhalese.
There is an older study done in 1995, twenty years ago, by Dr Kshatriya. It’s available in the wiki.
Dr Kshatriya says
The Bengalis, the Tamils, and the Veddahs are considered parental populations for the Sinhalese. The Bengali contribution is 25.41%, the Tamil (India) contribution is 69.86%, and the Veddah contribution is only 4.73%. Thus the Sinhalese have a predominantly Tamil (India) contribution followed by the Bengalis and the Veddahs.
By studying the Sri Lankan Tamils, one can see that the Sinhalese, the Bengalis, and the Indian Tamils can be considered ancestral populations. The contribution of the Sinhalese to the Sri Lankan Tamils is 55.20%. Similarly, the Bengali contribution is 28.17% and that of the Indian Tamils is 16.63%. The results indicate a predominant influence of the Sinhalese (who already have a high contribution from the Indian Tamils) and the Bengalis to a lesser extent.
Thus the Lanka Tamils may well be descendants of the Sinhalese who over time has adopted the Tamil Language due to the close contact with South Indian Tamils.
Re “2. G. G. Ponnambalam, Father of Tamil Consciousness”
As you will realise after reading the following GGP was the Father of Racism of the 20 th Century. He has been so identified in 1939 by Mr. T. Chellappa-pillai, who was the retired Chief Justice of Travancore and also a renowned mathematician an eminent English, Sanskrit and Tamil Scholar and the Editor of the Tamil Newspaper the Hindu Organ.
In 1939 the Hindu Organ carried a report with the headline “Mr. Ponnambalam’s N’pitiya speech” and beneath it the strap line: “Mr. Bandaranaike’s challenge.” (p. 4 – June 22, 1939)
The editorial under the title “THE WRITING ON THE WALL”, was prophetic and said
“….. A verbal bombshell dropped unwittingly by a Tamil politician at Nawalapitiya appears to have set the South on fire……. A slander against a community by an individual, though unintended, is inexcusable …… Communal differences, though there existed hardly any during the time of the last generation of leaders, have now been multiplied and intensified, thanks to the hot-heads and irresponsible talkers in the country who care more for the plaudits of the mob than for the welfare of the people. Ceylon today is seething with petty problems which have been created by thoughtless gas-bags, and which threaten to poison the peaceful conditions in the country….. Let us hope that wise statesmanship will prevail among leaders who should realize the imperative need for the welding of the communities into a Ceylonese Community for the political and economic salvation of the country. The writing on the wall is too clear to be ignored.”
Please note that only the words between quotation marks are extracts from the Anglo Tamil Hindu Organ. The emphasis is mine and is used to underline the fact that BEFORE GGP’s speech in 1939, Communal Harmony existed in Lanka (please refer bold text in editorial) which was blown sky high when the FIRST Sinhala Tamil communal riots of the 20th century, exploded on our soil.
The “Hindu Organ” was an Anglo/Tamil fortnightly Newspaper which was founded on September 1889 by the Siva Paripalana Sabai. Ownership is still with them. Mr. T. Chellappa-pillai, who was the retired Chief Justice of Travancore and also a renowned mathematician an eminent English, Sanskrit and Tamil Scholar Edited the English pages while Mr T. Kailasapillai the Nephew of Srila Sri Arumuga Navalar (the famous Tamil Nationalist) was the Manager and the editor of the Tamil pages. Both editors worked for free. The paper was Owned. Published, Written, Edited and printed by Tamils in Jaffna.
The Editor has identified GGP as the culprit who caused the First Tamil Sinhala riot of the 20th century
Unfortunately rev father you have conveniently omitted the Mathematical jugglery that envisaged reducing a 75% population to one of 50% and increasing a 25% population to a 50%
You have also glossed over the Cast issues that were used by the High Casts to subject the 60% of the Northern Tamil population to degrading and abject SLAVERY. You have also omitted to mention that these High Cast Slave Drivers tried to get CAST codified in the Constitution to PERMANENTLY enslave 60% of the Tamil population in the North and a 100% of the Indian Origin Tamils of Lanka. “The learned legislator (Ramanathan) led two delegations during the late 1920s demanding the Colonial Office in London that Caste be encoded into the legislative enactments of Ceylon” Dr Jane Russell in “Communal politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, 1931-1947” (Tissara publishers)
This are some aspects of the cast system that your “National Heroes” tried to get written into the Constitution of Lanka
Even in the mid 1960s, the following principles defined what it meant to be a non-Vellala.
1. Regardless of natural endowments, anyone born a non-Vellala was frozen into his particular station for all of his life, be it fishing, tree climbing, road sweeping or whatever. Heredity was a cast iron frame from which there was no escape.
A scavenger’s child will remain a scavenger without any upward mobility even if that child had a brilliant brain like Einsteins.
2. They dared not marry anyone from the Vellala caste.
3. They were not allowed into premises occupied by the Vellalas except for doing the tasks they was born into.
4. They did not have access into temples owned or managed by Brahmins or Vellalas. In other words, they were non-persons.
5. They did not have access into Hindu schools or to proceed for higher education. This barrier was breached effectively only when missionary schools began to proliferate, much to the consternation of Hindu leaders.
6. They could not reside outside their villages.
7. They could not drink at the village well nor use any other public amenity outside their own villages.
8. They could not wear jewelery, nor ride in carriages nor use drums at any ceremony.
9. When they died they could not be cremated or buried on land reserved for the Vellalas.
There were women prohibited to wear a Jacket. Oppressed Old women went about naked above the waist in the North. Most of the Tamils could not take a seat in a bus and had to sit on the floor even when there were empty seats, while the oppressors sat on seats. There were whole villages of outcasts who did not dare to be seen in society. Their children had no schools.
Bryan Pfaffenberger’s book, ‘Caste in Tamil Culture’ has the following
“The alleged oppression of the Tamils by the Sinhalese is mostly a defensive garb, to conceal the inner conflicts caused by the caste system among the Tamils”.
“Becoming a Vellala involves assuming Vellala customs and gaining control over land. It is precisely for this reason that entire villages may be burnt down and people killed over trivial incident as a Pallar cutting his hair or wearing a shoe. For Vellala much is at stake.”
Sebastian Rasalingam is a Low Cast Jaffna Tamil. Writing on DBS Jayaraj com on 28 November 2012 he says, “When I moved to Hatton and later to Colombo, I found a very different world. It was a transforming experience for me and my wife to find that our workmates, mostly Sinhalese would actually sit with us and share a cup of tea. We found that we could go to night school and study without being threatened, beaten up, or go and borrow books, and do things that would bring swift retribution ‘back in the North’; our dwellings would have been torched and our women raped with impunity”
The quest for Eelam is not new. Initially Eelam was a Pan Tamil project encompassing Tamil Nadu, Tamil colonies and Lanka. Sir Ponnambalam Arunachelem, at the Second General meeting of the FIRST Ethnic based Political Party in Lanka, The Ceylon Tamil League formed in 1922 delivered this speech.
Please note that this was 25 years before Lanka achieved Independence and while we were under a Colonial Govt.
Quote “…namely to keep alive and propagate these precious ideals throughout Ceylon, Southern India and the Tamil Colonies, to promote the union and solidarity of Tamilakam, the Tamil Land. We should keep alive and propagate these ideals throughout Ceylon and promote the union and solidarity of what we have been proud to call Tamil Eelam. We desire to preserve our individuality as a people, make ourselves worthy of our inheritance… We are not enamoured of that Cosmopolitanism which would make of as neither fish, fowl, nor red herring” unquote
You see Father, Tamil Leaders that you seem to be so proud of never wanted a collective Sri Lankan identity.
Kind Regards,
Javi. / February 17, 2015
You are spreading your smelly atta pirikana on the thread and across the forum-
You are nude and smelly with time . Beware you would be leaking soon and the house of chemistry might just explode to a drone.
Jajavi / February 20, 2015
Stupid troll, idiot, get lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sach / February 16, 2015
this man says the person who started Tamil racial consciousness was GG Ponna.
I had talked about this man and how his racist vitriol gave rise to modern sinhala-tamil divide.
I remember a certain tamil commentator (Burning Issue) here said GGP is an opportunist. So this opportunist is the one who raised their racial consciousness.
And one should not forget this racist GGP’s parliament speech and speech in navalapitiya which resulted in the first sinhala-tamil ethnic riot 1939. This happened before SL gained independence and certainly before 1956.
Once i read B.Raman indian RAW agent’s account on SL issue. He said he had met SL tamils from Jaffna in Chennai colleges as fellow colleagues. He said in those days, in 1950s Jaffna tamils identified as Jaffna people and not as Ceylonese.
Therefore thinking everything went bad after independence and 1956 language policy and every thing was fine until independence is a huge misunderstanding.
S.J.Emmanuel / February 17, 2015
Dear Prof.Liyanage, I agree with your 12th Point. I am convinced and I have always insisted in my talks to the Tamils, that there is no true and total Liberation for the Tamils without their efforts in liberating themselves from their inner oppressions and discriminations by reason of caste, wealth, education et.
Ahmed Navavi / February 17, 2015
G.G.Ponnambalam and S.J.V. Chelvanayagam were the fathers of racism in the country, also, those two initiated the on going conflicts. For Tamils, there is already a state which is called Tamilnadu(the original), so there is no need for a duplicate.
Javi. / February 17, 2015
POOK,for you surely the place in the ISIS bin lardens tainted knickers- Phew!!
ABCD / February 17, 2015
@Ramona therese fernando
What exactly is wrong with christianity?? The principles of christianity are perfectly fine principles. Infact in the case of India and Sri Lanka christianity played a huge role in emancipating lower castes. The missionaries built many schools in south india and sri lanka. So christianity did a lot of positive things aswell
Kakkapody Ramanuja Rao / February 20, 2015
The didn’t emancipate, they manumitted them by adapting the timid flocks by bribing them with lozenges.