13 January, 2025


A United Voice For A Referendum For Eelam Tamils

By Kumarathasan Rasingam – 

Kumarathasan Rasingam

“A people who are subjugated by an alien people have the inherent right to free themselves from such alien subjugation” It is the right which is the right of self determination  – A right which has today become a peremptory norm of general International Law.

Eelam Tamils deserve to demand this right due to the following justifiable and reasonable reasons.

* State sponsored pogroms against the Tamils in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983 and the genocidal war from 2006-2009. All these resulted in the death of 200,000 Tamils, and the destruction of Tamils properties, homes and establishments.

* Burning of Jaffna Library in 1981

* In Tamil-majority districts, the end of the war has not been synonymous with the withdrawal of troops. Sri Lanka’s Northern and Eastern provinces continue to see high levels of militarization, with 16 of the Army’s 19 divisions stationed there. Meanwhile, Tamil-majority cities like Vavuniya see a ratio of one soldier to every three civilians

A united mass struggle against the oppression of Eelam Tamils is very important to protect them from extinction and extermination from the racist Sinhala Buddhist regimes. It is a must that Tamils all over the diaspora should show their solidarity with the Eelam Tamils and rise above all forms of oppression against the Eelam Tamils. This collective uprising and agitation should emphasize the clear and unified commitment between the Eelam Tamils in the homeland and those in the diaspora. This uprising and agitation should illustrate that oppression cannot divert or stop the noble and reasonable struggle for justice and freedom to the Tamil people.

It should be noted that the Tamils in Sri Lanka by virtue of their great language, their religion, their separate culture and heritage their history of independent existence as a separate state over a distinct territory [Jaffna Kingdom] for several centuries and above all their will to exist as a separate entity ruling themselves in their own territory as a distinct nation and apart from the Sinhalese which must be accepted and recognized.

Tamils all over the world [85 million] should join hands with the oppressed Eelam Tamils and show their solidarity and rise against all forms of oppression against the Eelam Tamils. Tamil leaders, Tamil intellectuals, Tamil youths, Tamil politicians and Tamil Human Rights Activists should get rid of their fake-ego, selfishness and for the sake of the future generations to should realize the critical and crucial time of the Eelam Tamils and join hands in the noble struggle for the freedom of oppressed Eelam Tamils.

Tamil youths were forced to take up arms that the 35 years [1948-1983] of peaceful and non-violent struggle were crushed with brutal attacks by the Sinhala Buddhist military and all the Pacts, pledges, undertakings, and agreements with the Sinhalese leaders were torn apart and discarded due to the opposition from the Buddhist clergy, the standardization Bill that deprived

the Tamil youths to enter the university forced the Tamil youths to take up arms due to desperation and their anger. In addition, the state sponsored pogroms and discriminatory treatment that failed to protect the lives, land and properties of Tamils the Tamil militants were looked upon as freedom fighters and gained support of the Tamils in Eelam and Diaspora Tamils.

Eelam Tamils and Diaspora Tamils should urge the United Nations and the International Community to enforce sanctions against Sri Lanka like travel ban, economic and diplomatic ban, for this. In addition, lobbying and a successful campaign to urge the United Nations to hold a UN supervised referendum in the North and East of Sri Lanka for the people in the land to determine their future destiny.

The current regime of Rajapaksas” has not only unilaterally withdrawn from the UNHRC Resolutions [301. 40/1 and 46/] and the President Gotabaya has publicly vowed to protect the armed forces from any domestic or international accountability measures.

As individuals, Tamils are well known for their intelligence, honesty and hardwork and are a vibrant community in Canada, United Kingdom, America, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark and other civilized democratic countries are well recognized and appreciated in these countries.

Historically the only way a people who have been subjected to genocide like the Tamils on Sri Lanka have been able to protect themselves from further extermination has been the creation of an independent state of their own.  Indeed as the entire world witnessed during the first six months of 2009, Sri Lanka wantonly, openly, shamelessly, and gratuitously exterminated about 150,000 Tamils in Vanni. Yet not one state in the entire world rose to protect them or defend them or even help them as required by Article I of the 1948 Genocide Convention.  Hence the need for the Tamils in Sri Lanka to create their own independent state in order to protect themselves from further extermination and total annihilation by Sri Lanka.

International law and practice establish that an independent state of their own is the only effective protection as well as the only appropriate reparation for a people who have been the victims of genocide. Bosnia’s Statehood was the only thing that prevented the Bosnians from going the same way the Jews did starting in 1939. The creation of the Independent State of Tamil Eelam will be the only thing preventing the Tamils in Sri Lanka from going the way of history. Create the State of Tamil Eelam! 

In conclusion, what the Tamil Diaspora need is a very open planning and campaign for sanctions against Sri Lankan terror state and a successful campaign for a referendum in the North and East of Sri Lanka.

* Kumarathasan Rasingam –  Secretary, Tamil Canadian Elders for Human Rights Org.

Latest comments

  • 7

    An Independent State of Tamil Eelam is merely a dream and is quite different from the case of case of Bosnia’s Statehood. In Sri Lanka Tamils are mainly living in three separate areas viz, North-East Province, Hill country and the Colombo District. Moreover, the ancestors of the Tamils in North-East Provinces are mainly from some parts of Kerala & Tamil Nadu, though their customs are identical to that of Keralites. It is true that Tamils were subject to untold hardships when they were entitled to their just rights during the periods 1958, 1971 & 1977. Having observed the tragedy in 1983, India, being a member of the SAARC, stepped in with the signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord. But the LTTE, instead of joining hands with India, blundered itself in joining with R.Premadasa to fight India and thus missed a golden opportunity. Meanwhile after passing the 13th Amendment, Sri Lanka failed to implement it to the aspirations of the Tamils. Had the 13th Amendment been implemented it would have prevented the injustices caused to Tamils. The developments in the geo-political scene in South Asia also determines the future of Tamils in the North-East Province & the DMK, an opportunist party, will turn a blind eye to it.

    • 1

      I did look at this article about two days ago, and I groaned. Now there are 27 comments, but I’m parking mine here because your comment is good.
      Doesn’t the writer of this realise that this sort of talk could result in yet another backlash, just when we are in a position to decisively defeat the current racist regime? There still is a long way to go before the mindset of the entire country (mainly the Sinhalese) is changed.
      This sort of article doesn’t help. Aren’t most of the comments that have come in so far from Sinhalese readers protesting against all Tamil voices? I don’t want to be one of them, but please Mr Kumarathasan Rasingam, stop writing articles of this sort!

      • 3

        Thank you. What is required at the moment is confident building measure. The 13th Amendment should be utilized to improve the relations between the Sinhalese and the Tamils in a meaningful manner and not to promote any ill-feelings within the communities. We must also bear in mind that India is on the verge of being a Super-Power and adapt accordingly. This applied both to the Sinhalese and the Tamils. We should never be a victim to emotional speeches and pay attention on constructive issues for the betterment of the country. The blunders committed by the past political rulers should be condemned and work together with our closest neighbour India in a spirit of brotherhood.

  • 1

    Gosh, where does one begin! Hopefully, the admin permits me to explain so that you have the softest landing possible. Insead of me explaining, I will leave something here that is no longer a secret but widely watched video here -> https://youtu.be/u5XndFnkJkk. . Have a look and ask me questions. It will help you to find your way out of the darkness you are currently navigating.

  • 2

    The word ‘Independent State’ denotes Statehood. In India, there is Tamil Nadu as one of the States within the Union of India and Pondicherry as one of the Independent Territories within the Union of India. People in both Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry speaks Tamil. As such, India will not allow another Independent State to be created, but will allow an Independent Territory within the Union of India. If an Independent State of Tamil Eelam is created, India will feel that it would be a threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Such a creation is suicidal for the Tamils, and such Independent State of Tamil Eelam will be attacked by both India and Sri Lanka, taking into consideration of the developments taking place in geo-politics. Tamil political leaders should re-consider this before jumping emotionally. The next option if Sri Lanka fails to implement the 13th Amendment, is to call for an Independent Territory within the Union of India in accordance with Constitution of India and India will be pleased with this call. It should be born in mind that the number of Tamils in the North-East Province is negligible when compared to the population in Tamil Nadu. It is wiser for the Tamil political leaders to fall in line with the Indian political leaders in all respects at the moment.

  • 1

    I support this call for a referendum.
    Tamils deserve a SEPARATE Homeland where all Tamils can be accommodated.
    Tamils as far as a political solution is concerned are ALL Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival. (Some Tamils are as ancient as the Sinhalese, some arrived during Dutch, others during the British. Some Tamils practise Hinduism as their religion, some practise Islam and others Christianity. Some Tamils are high caste , others are low caste).
    Tamils presently occupying Sinhala majority provinces must be duly informed well in advance of the possible implications of this referedum.
    A golden opportunity for the Sinhalese.


    • 3


      “A golden opportunity for the Sinhalese.”

      True, under the pretext of Tamils demanding federalism/separatism the Sinhala/Buddhists could start another mother of all riots/war against Tamils.

      Good idea, make sure you reiterate you are Sinhala/Buddhist and rope in Elle the pistol totting saffronista.

      • 0

        You haven’t spoken a word of appreciation over my support for this author’s call for a referendum.


    • 0

      Hi Soma,
      This issue, “Tamil National Question”, as it is claimed is due to partiality in governance!
      The governance was not democratic ensuring freedom of life, speech and movement.
      Republican constitution proclaims and captioned as ‘Socialist Democratic’, it is not so in reality!!!
      Referendum to determine the people’s will at large than by the whims and fancies of the politicians, even elected or otherwise is very good!
      Politicians are self-serving importantly and add to the misery are dumb as a mule! No clue!!
      My question is, when you are posing this issue to the citizens of SL determine their will, why are you trying to coerce the issue of “RESIDENCE” to enable an outcome???????
      Democratic right to exercise their freedom and right to live anywhere with anyone they wish!!!
      You are going on the presumption that “no Sinhalese would dare to opt living in the North of SL”!!
      You are using coercion preventing the freedom they enjoy as democratic citizens!!
      Are you not??????
      Alternatively, trying to pressure, would be victimised, remaining, where they are now, as is now!!!!
      What are you aiming at???? The outcome.
      Or are you suggesting that they are better off now???????!

    • 1

      The referendum should be for an ‘Independent Territory within the Union of India’ and not for a SEPARATE Homeland for the Tamils. Do you think the Tamils in the Hill Region and in the Western Province will support this referendum. Their way of living is quite different from the Tamils in the North-East Province. If all the Tamils are to be accommodated, then the referendum should be for an ‘Independent Territory within the Union of India, where assurance from India for the Tamil irrespective of religion, caste, etc is guaranteed. Moreover, Tamils were the ancient people in Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese came after the rule of King Devanampiyatissa. Even Devanampiyatissa’s father was a Tamil, whose name was Periya Sivan. It is after the 7th century Sinhalese became known in Sri Lanka. Time & again I wish to remind that a referendum for an Independent EELAM for the Tamils is suicidal and not to play with lives of the people. Referendum for an Independent EELAM for the Tamils as a separate country will never be supported by any country. Think in terms of reality in the present context. One cannot put the clock backwards. It has to start from where it stopped.

      • 0

        Talk EXISTING demographic distribution.


  • 1

    Only way forward for the island is 3 mono ethnic nations with relocation of people. There will be Sinhala Only Elam, Tamil Elam and Muslim Elam.

    All 3 nations will be highly peaceful and developed nations within 30 years.

  • 2

    +50% of Tamils consider Sinhala Buddhist society is superior to any Tamil only enclave and will do their damndest to stay put.
    Despite intense, unrelenting propaganda of discrimination, violence, loot, rape, murder or even genocide (,as this writer wants rest of the world to believe) not a SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY who lived among the Sinhalese in the South during or after the war has relocated the residence to Jaffna.
    Tamil politicos who promoted LTTE as the sole representative of Tamils carried out their political activities while living within the enemy and continnued to live within the enemy even when Sun God ran a defacto Ealam.
    When arrangements were made for the Tamils in the upcountry to relocate themselves to India so that they can live as equal citizens among their own kith and kin in an environment of their own language, religion and culture they protested and demanded to continue that pathetic life in Sri Lanka. To this day they are happy here than going back to super power India.
    Tamil activists on Colombo Telegraph should devote their valuable time for educating the Tamils over this slavish assumption that Sinhala Buddhist society is superior to their own.



    • 5

      Have you got any evidence to what you say?
      Can you explain what is superior mean?
      Have the Sinhalese including the military who moved to North East left already?
      Why they are still there?

      • 2

        I came to that conclusion observing:
        Despite intense, unrelenting propaganda of discrimination, violence, loot, rape, murder or even genocide (,as this writer wants rest of the world to believe) not a SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY who lived among the Sinhalese in the South during or after the war has relocated the residence to Jaffna.
        Tamil politicos who promoted LTTE as the sole representative of Tamils carried out their political activities while living within the enemy and continnued to live within the enemy even when Sun God ran a defacto Ealam.
        When arrangements were made for the Tamils in the upcountry to relocate themselves to India so that they can live as equal citizens among their own kith and kin in an environment of their own language, religion and culture they protested and demanded to continue that pathetic life in Sri Lanka. To this day they are happy here than going back to super power India.

        • 3

          HI Soma,
          “Despite intense, unrelenting propaganda of discrimination, violence, loot, rape, murder or even genocide (,as this writer wants rest of the world to believe) not a SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY who lived among the Sinhalese in the South during or after the war has relocated the residence to Jaffna.”
          What is most relevant to understand is the treatment by the security forces in the Northern part is far worse than in the southern parts of SL.
          So, they choose the lesser evil!!
          Who is responsible for this discriminative tactics???
          The government and the partiality in governance!!!
          That is the reason they prefer Colombo to northern parts of SL!!!
          Not the love otherwise as implied!!!!!!

  • 7

    ‘A United Voice For A Referendum For Eelam Tamils’. Good to have some humour amongst all the bad news.

  • 2

    Was Tamil Nadu aware of the genocide of their brothern 20km down?


    • 4


      “Was Tamil Nadu aware of the genocide of their brothern 20km down?”

      Didn’t you tell them about the genocide because like you they too are not very intelligent people. You need to inform them if you haven’t done so yet.

      Are you expecting your brethren to cross over the Palk Strait in case if ever Chinaman invaded this island?

    • 3

      That is why Karunanithi sent his children Alagiri and Kanimoli with Thirumalvalavan to Sri Lanka as Mahinda Rajapaksa’s guests soon after the LTTE was defeated and without any shame they received gifts from Mahinda Rajapaksa..

  • 2

    “A people who are subjugated by an alien people have the inherent right to free themselves from such alien subjugation”

    In Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo, Dravidians who came from Hindusthan as invaders, mercenaries and coolies to work for colonial rulers are the ‘Aliens’. If indigenous Sinhalayo did not give them citizenship in their country they could have become Stateless people.

    • 2

      Vedda Eththo, accommodated the Vile usurpers of Aryan decent expelled by the Lion King and the marauding villains murdered the Vedda Eththo Queen and established ‘the Sinhale’ and their progeny, the ‘Sinhalayo’ are claiming it as theirs and trampling and demonising even the indigenous ‘Vedda Eththo’!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Eagle is now trying very hard to make us believe his sorcery!!!!!!
      The repetitive trawling, indicates the disease is much advanced and entered more sensitive parts of the system
      Very sad indeed!!!!

  • 4

    The problem is united Voice? How to unite?

  • 5

    “…a successful campaign for a referendum in the North and East of Sri Lanka.”

    Tamils in the North passed Vaddukkodai Resolution with a manufactured history of Sinhale and declared war against the Government of Sri Lanka and the Sinhala Nation and urged Tamils to take up arms and fight until they get their separate State. Tamils fought the war against the Government and Sinhala Nation for three decades massacring Sinhala Buddhists. Government of Sri Lanka with the Armed Forces defeated the separatists. That is the end of the story of Tamil separatism. So, no more talks about separate State, Federal Solution, Devolution of Power or Referendums. Whether they like it or not, Tamils in the North and East have to live in a Unitary State or return to their ancestral homeland Tamil Nadu.

    • 2

      Including Sinhala speaking Dravidians from the time of the Wijeyanagar Empire of western Ghats of India!!!!!!!!!!
      Broken record!!

  • 2

    “In Tamil-majority districts, the end of the war has not been synonymous with the withdrawal of troops.”

    They became Tamil majority districts because Portuguese and Dutch brought thousands of Dravidians to work in their plantations. Although they are Tamil majority districts they are a part of Sinhale/Sri Lanka. The Government of Sri Lanka can keep their Armed Forces in any place in the country.

    • 1

      Spells out the dire and urgent need of a mirror!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 3

    “All these resulted in the death of 200,000 Tamils…”
    Tamils are still searching for the skeletons of these 200,000 but have not been able to find. Tamils as well as some foreign countries got overjoyed when a mass grave was found in Mannarama but that was short lived. Any idea what happened to the skeletons of these 200,000 Tamils?

    • 3

      Eagle Blind Eye

      “Tamils are still searching for the skeletons of these 200,000 but have not been able to find. “

      The reason being:

      1. Digging is not allowed
      2. The genocidal army has Buddhist temples over the pits.
      3. Army is occupying the lands where they buried the dead bodies.
      4. Gota imported chemicals which decomposes bodies faster than the speed of light.
      5. China supplied efficient incinerators.
      6. Hindians supplied 5 helicopters which flew over sea.
      7. ……

    • 0

      More the zeros happier they are.


  • 3

    EE the missing skeletons can be found in Berlin, London and Toronto, but they are not so skeletal now.

    • 3

      Svenson, Why miss out on locations such as Norway, France, Italy and Sweden? They well could be there too!!

      • 3

        He knows that there is nothing in Norway and Sweden as the Reindeer he herds have told him.

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