By Jehan Perera –

Jehan Perera
The government’s proposal to set up a truth and reconciliation mechanism to deal with the unresolved human rights issues of the war will get a boost in the aftermath of last week’s unexpected developments that will directly affect three former presidents of Sri Lanka hitherto thought to be untouchable by virtue of their power, prestige and legal immunities. The first was the Canadian government’s notice that former presidents Mahinda and Gotabaya Rajapaksa would be subjected to targeted sanctions for human rights violations committed during their periods of office. Any economic assets they may have in Canada will be liable to be frozen. They will also be subjected to travel bans to Canada. Previously limited travel sanctions had been imposed against military officers accused of human rights violations most notably by the United States.
The second unexpected development was the Supreme Court verdict in the case of the Easter Sunday bombings of 2019. Victims groups who had filed cases for lack of vigilance and negligence against high ranking and responsible members of the government at the time of the attack on behalf of themselves and other victims were provided personal and state financial compensation by the Supreme Court. Former president Maithripala Sirisena and former high level members of the security hierarchy were held personally liable to pay compensation which is extraordinarily high by Sri Lankan standards. The decision is a landmark judgment in that it held that negligence in the discharge of responsibilities by state authorities is liable to judicial sanction. It is likely that accountability processes, both national and international, will get further activated and gather momentum in the days and months to come.
The Canadian decision would have been specially motivated by the Canadian government’s responsiveness to its large Tamil Diaspora which has been successful in sending one of its members into the Canadian parliament as an elected member. The Tamil Diaspora in other western countries may not be as numerous or powerful to move their own governments to take similar action. However, all western countries support the principle of universal jurisdiction, whereby the violation of human rights in any part of the world can be taken up in their courts regardless of the citizenship of the perpetrator. This means that individual citizens of those countries can canvass these cases on an individual basis and use the Canadian government’s decision as prima facie evidence of the veracity of their complaints.
The most recent addition is the United States which, responding to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has brought the US legal code in line with international law to prevent the United States from being seen as a potential haven for human rights violators. President Joseph Biden this month signed a new law which gives the US government the power to prosecute suspects of international human rights violations who are in the United States, allowing them to be tried in a US federal court regardless of the nationality of the victim or the perpetrator, or where the crime was committed. Many Sri Lankan leaders have their families and financial assets kept for safekeeping in the US and will feel more vulnerable following the change in US law in the context of the Canadian decision.
Going Beyond
The significance of the Canadian government’s targeted sanctioning of the former presidents was that it included two relatively low level military officers. This means that the sanctions have been targeted at a broad spectrum of possible perpetrators. They include those who have been accused of being direct participants in those violations as well as those who may not have been direct participants but in the chain of command. This will create a sense of insecurity in the minds of many members of Sri Lanka’s security forces or those in the security establishment as they will not feel safe from being prosecuted in those countries that permit prosecutions on the basis of universal jurisdiction. Even at present many military officers who served in fighting units during the war with unblemished reputations find themselves unable to access international opportunities for training or international service due to human rights-related restrictions.
In the case of the Easter Sunday bombing neither the victims nor the Catholic Church are likely to remain content with either the level of compensation or the limited findings of the Supreme Court. They would want to find out the truth behind the execution of the bombings and of their loved ones whose lives to them had value beyond any form of monetary compensation. The Catholic Church has already stated that though the church is satisfied with the Supreme Court’s verdict, the church will not give up the fight until the masterminds of the attack are brought to justice. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith said, “We hope that Thursday’s judgement given by the Supreme Court would pave the way for more success in uncovering the truth behind Easter Sunday attacks…We would like to see some action pertaining to the investigations on the attacks. The incumbent President also promised a fresh investigation with regard to the Easter Sunday attack with the assistance of Scotland Yard but nothing had happened.”
A similar situation would exist on a much larger scale with regard to the victims of human rights violations and war crimes during the long course of the three decade long ethnic war. There are tens of thousands of families that lost their loved ones who are not limited by ethnicity or religion, and cover all communities, though the vast majority were Tamil. Very few of these cases have been investigated and even in cases where military courts themselves convicted military personnel for criminal actions which the civilian courts reaffirmed, presidential pardons have been given, so that the sense of injustice among the victims continues. Successive governments have adopted a cavalier attitude towards the human rights violations that took place during the war and failed to give them the attention and priority they require.
National Mechanisms
The Canadian sanctions against two former presidents and military officers is an indication of the wide sweep of international human rights sanctions. It shows that problems of accountability and human rights need to be dealt with. They cannot be ignored or dismissed as they will not go away once they are raised. The Canadian government’s explanation is that “Gross and systematic human rights violations occurred during Sri Lanka’s civil conflict (1983-2009). Systemic impunity for human rights abusers in Sri Lanka continues to jeopardise the safeguarding of fundamental human rights, progress on justice for affected populations, and prospects for peace and reconciliation. The Government of Sri Lanka has taken limited concrete action to address post-conflict accountability and reconciliation. Due to political interference, particularly during the terms of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, numerous current and former state officials credibly implicated in war crimes have had charges against them arbitrarily dropped or convictions overturned.”
If it is to limit international intervention into its internal affairs the government needs to show that its internal mechanisms are robust and meet international standards. The Supreme Court verdict in the Easter Sunday bombing case would go some way to convince the international community that the Sri Lankan judicial system is independent and effective. The Supreme Court has agreed to take up cases of economic crimes. The culpability for economic crimes was highlighted at the last session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Economic mismanagement and mounting corruption are burning issues over which the blame cannot be placed on the Tamil Diaspora or the Opposition. It must be remembered that Sri Lanka suffered the worst-ever defeat at the last UNHRC sessions. In a path breaking decision, the Supreme Court granted leave to proceed with several fundamental rights petitions seeking legal action against former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, former Finance Ministers Mahinda Rajapaksa and Basil Rajapaksa, and 36 others for financial irregularities and mismanagement of the economy. The cases were filed by Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) and several others.
The Court also instructed the Auditor General to conduct an audit and submit a report by 03 November, in respect of the decision made by the Monetary Board to set the value of the Sri Lankan rupee at Rs. 203 against the US dollar and all matters connected thereto; the delay in seeking assistance from the IMF and all matters connected thereto; all matters relating to the settlement of the sovereign bond of US dollars 500 million on 18 January 2022, using foreign reserves.
If the Supreme Court breaks new ground on the issue of economic crimes, Sri Lanka could move to the front lines of those countries that are seeking accountability in governance. It could generate a new breed of citizens who would be willing to take up administrative and political positions in the country and thus may provide the “system change” that the protest movement has sought. Such positive changes could also revive the flow of international support and investments that have dropped to lower and lower levels over the past several decades.
Dinuk / January 17, 2023
US Citizen Basil Rajapakse, Mr. 30 percent, the high school drop out, Economic Criminal, and former Finance Minister who staged Sri Lanka’s $26 billion Default into IMF’s waiting arms last April is flying between US and SL and brokering alliances among the corrupt politicians and political parties – doing the Dirty Work of the Empire in Banana Republic. This is to keep US Economic Hitman Ranil Rajapakse in power at all cost to deliver the MCC project via the IMF FireSale.
Why is so-called civil society not calling for Basil’s arrest? The Sri Lankan people want Economic Justice and debt cancellation at this time. Ten year on, Human Rights is the beggars wound to keep the ethno-religious distraction going– from high Economic Crimes and Euro-American Dollar debt Colonialism, and the most recent crime of the Chilling Killing of Dinesh Shaffter – witness in the Bondscam court case. This is called LAWFARE. which has all the fingerprints of a CIA operation, just like the CIA’s ISIS owned Easter Sunday 2019 hybrid economic war attacks on tourist hotels and Hong Kong based Shangri-La hotel where Zaharan died. Let’s talk about the CIA’s Sonic-Sonic Bot that masterminded the Easter Attacks, Jehan?
leelagemalli / January 17, 2023
Rajapakshes hoodwinking was marketed as patriotism all these years to the same punnaku eating majority.
Values were washed away like tsunami hit the west coast. All in all ballige puthas became weerayas making even university dons push on to hibernation mode. Media fraudsters fish in muddy waters as they have no hearts, all these go through my head on and on. Is this the cou6 we expected after wasteful war budget is no longer there? Alas, may our poor people be blessed with dharma!!!🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Dinuk / January 17, 2023
Oh, and please check out this link– https://youtu.be/4v_aC1ZTlOg
Russel Brand on BlackRock’s investments in the Ukraine War, and planned “Reconstruction” (Disaster capitalism) of that country and in the military industrial complex and then lets talk about US support for Human Rights and US Gov. and NED funds for BlackRock..
Svenson / January 19, 2023
Dinuk are readers aware that this Russell Brand is not a journalist or some kind of expert? He is a foul-mouthed, promiscuous druggie and TV comedian, hardly an authoritative source for politics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand
R Kaz / January 17, 2023
“Due to political interference, particularly during the terms of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, numerous current and former state officials credibly implicated in war crimes have had charges against them arbitrarily dropped or convictions overturned.”
Absolutely nothing was done in terms of accountability during Sirisena’s Presidency and RW’s PM tenure too. The western governments are aware of that too. I am sure, members of theTamil Diaspora who are pushing for accountability are also aware that RW as President now, as he did when he was PM, will not pursue any accountability investigations and the west will be muted on any criticism of RW’s actions or lack of actions. RW is the west’s man in Colombo, geo-politics in the form of national interests will take precedence over any accountability investigations in Sri Lanka.
RBH59 / January 17, 2023
Accountability Issues & Human Rights Cannot Be Glossed Over
Maithri accepted and pay the penalty means he is accept the fault and pay the penalty same others if follow only require to point out the default of negligence against ranking and responsible members of the government the Persons are seriously injured as a result of someone else’s fraud damages
cugan / January 18, 2023
Courts ordered him to pay ,but if failed no prison or what so ever ,his brother ex telecom chairman (from rice to)that’s his fine he has to deal with it thats obvious,
He says he will pay but don’t have the funds but seek help …….
RBH59 / January 17, 2023
A Verdict Of Popularity & Consequence
As they all know the blast information they also knows the mastermind through them it be explored no need prolong They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths.” spend more money and time, you use this for economic growth
nimal fernando / January 17, 2023
“Human Rights Cannot Be Glossed Over”
What? Did you just wake up ….. Rip Van Jehan?
Marlon / January 17, 2023
Hopefully the Sinhala people will finally realize injustice meted out to vulnerable minorities would eventually lead to their own ruin, and restoring justice to all is the path to their own salvation. This applies to how the Tamils treat the Muslims amidst them as well.
Pandi Kutti / January 18, 2023
The so-called Sri Lankan Moor is actually a Thamizh by ethnicity. It is a religious and not an ethnic identity. A little bit of Arab or other western Asian ancestries amongst a few hundred families does not make them Arab, Moor or anything else, they are still Thamizh. Malayali Mappila Muslims on average have around 15-20% Arab ancestry but they still identify themselves as Malayali. The Sri Lankan Moors have very much less Arab or other western Asian ancestry and are descended from South Indian Thamizh Muslims. The parent Muslim population in Thamizh Nadu proudly identifies themselves as Thamizh but their descendants and close relatives who migrated to Sri Lanka or Ceylon largely in the 19TH century, for political and economic advantage do not and deliberately distanced themselves from their actual Thamizh ethnicity and have used their religion as their main identity and to justify this have claimed a blanket Arab origin for the entire community, which in reality only a few of them partially have.
Pandi Kutti / January 18, 2023
It is not the Thamizh who have mistreated the Muslim Thamizh but the other way around, the Muslims with Chingkalla instigation and encouragement have mistreated, sabotaged, killed and ethnically cleansed Thamizh, especially in the east, where they arrived as refugees a few centuries ago claiming to be Thamizh. However, after committing all these atrocities on the native Thamizh in the east, claimed victimhood. THE LTTE chased them out from the north, as they were trying to start the same there, especially in the Mannar district, where 90% of them lived. Now trying to steal the east from the larger native Thamizh population in the name of Islam and Arab origin. How can this be? Claim refuge in the east as Thamizh Muslims were given Thamizh Hindu Mukkuva women to start families and lands to settle and now after a few generations, establishing themselves, claiming the ancient Hindu Thamizh east, with Chingkalla encouragement ( as they deliberately want to muddy waters and prevent the Thamizh from gaining their strategic lands in the east), claim the east as theirs, as they are not Thamizh Muslims anymore but miraculously and conveniently become Islamic Wahhabi Arabs? This is like the miracle of water turning into wine. When did a religious identity become an ethnicity? Or a people belonging to a certain religion, deny their actual ethnicity and in the name of their religion claim another origin and ethnicity?
Native Vedda / January 18, 2023
Pandi Kutti
“native Thamizh”
Please note there is no such native Thamizh in this island. All Thamizhs are Kallathonie converts. So are Sinhalese.
Just forget it.
Pandi Kutti / January 18, 2023
Vedan Appa, Yes, everyone on the island arrived on Kallathonies from the Indian mainland or walked from South India when there was a land bridge. This includes your Veddah ancestors. Your Veddan ancestors may have arrived from South India 50000 years ago, whilst the Dravidian proto or semi-Thamizh speaking tribes like the Naga and Yakka arrived around 10000 -5000 years ago. These Dravidian Naga tribes are largely the ancestors of the present-day Eezham Thamizh from the north and east and for the backbone. Later other South and North Indian migrants and invaders also assimilated into them as seen by the Sri Lankan Thamizh DNA. The Chingkalla history starts with mythical half-lion prince Vijaya and 500 rowdy babies from somewhere in Lala land in Northeast India, who married 500 Pandian Thamizh maidens. Sounds like the movie 7 brides for 7 brothers. Later all their ancestors are from much later immigration from then Thamizh South India. Despite claiming an exclusive North Indian origin they are more Kallathonie South Indian Thamizh in origin than the native Sri Lankan Thamizh. Happy. It all depends on when these Kallathonies from South India arrived, including the few from Lala land in Bengal/Bihar.
Captain Morgan / January 17, 2023
“The government’s proposal to set up a truth and reconciliation mechanism to deal with the unresolved human rights issues of the war will get a boost … … …”
I never cease to be amazed by your optimism with respect to all the proposals the governments in power make periodically with respect to the outstanding issues remaining at the end of the war with respect to the people of the Northern and Eastern provinces.
Why doesn’t the government wait another 13 years to set up a truth and reconciliation commission so that all the affected people and the war criminals are dead and gone, and all the incriminating evidence evaporates?
I think you are just being disingenuous or perhaps cynical!
chiv / January 17, 2023
In Lanka we have truth finding commission followed by another truth verifying commission, ( verify previous findings are really true) and somehow it turns out they are not. It’s a F- – – – – g drama, staged to entertain our not so ignorant public, at their own expense. Remember Gota’s political victimization commission , appointed to free all those who are guilty, accused and close all pending cases. Then they go after those law officers who collected evidence. Trust me if there is a government change, this very decision will be nullified, and Pissu Sira may even get 200 million (payment with interest) in compensation. Lanka’s special LOW and ODOR.
chiv / January 17, 2023
Two women sentenced today by courts to life in prison, for threatening with sharp objects and mugging few ladies of their two necklaces and 7500 LKR in cash in 2002. If you apply the same laws, Lankan prisons will be congested and overflowing with our politicians.
cugan / January 17, 2023
Happned in 2002 we are in 2023
Wonder why are lawyers are busy and rich how many sittings
SJ / January 18, 2023
Will you adopt that attitude towards things that happened in 2009, happened in 1983 etc?
chiv / January 18, 2023
The point here is Law should be applied equally amd no one is above. If life term is given for such offence what should be the sentencing for mega crimes committed by Rajapaksas and Pissu Sira??? Why this took more than 20 years , is indicative of gross dysfunctionality , break down, failure and bankrupt systems. When there is no progress whatsoever in 75 years , dosen’t matter which year is being discussed ( or which government or leader). A politician being held accountable in Lankan history is as old as our INdependence / Democrazy
Mahila / January 18, 2023
Your fears of not finding a Parliamentary quorum is well founded! Fully agree.
as our civilisation – famous for “parricide” – in evolving over the years with intent of Avarice and Power grabbing!!! Kashyapa and the killing of King Datusena within the KALAWEWA – built by Datusena himself during his reign is ample and exemplary!!!!
None else required, though there are a Litany of others to quote!!??
Nothing new in this proud and “(in) Famous” civilisation and culture pushing 2600+ years!!
Add to that credit, “API THAMAI HONDATAMA KERE”!!?? Nothing o compare!!!??
Dhang Sapade!! Hondatama aththivenda Sapai!!!
Exclude STARVATION AND DEPRIVATION, which is deceptively construed as a religious penance or observance of “suffering” to merit Nibbana after death well timed and thoughtful act of our rulers, who borrow for aggrandisement in the guise of “DEVELOPMENT AID FOR UNNECCESSARY AND UNPRODUCTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE”! THEN INVEST THE USD “LUCRE” in economically questionable African countries in tourist restaurants and Café!!!
Hail the monetarily rich SB civilisation!!??
hanchopancha / January 17, 2023
To deny the Right of His Holiness Dalai Lama to pay homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic as a staunch Buddhist by the Mahanayakas in kowtowing to the whims of dictatorial Chinese Regime is worse than what people of dishevelled minds do and say about the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Lord. They must be reminded that the Freedom of Worship is a universal right guaranteed by the UN Charter of which Srilanka is guilty of violation. As far as the Srilankans are concerned His Holiness Dalai Lama is a bona fide pilgrim.
SJ / January 18, 2023
DL is a politician playing for US imperialism, and Tibetan Buddhism is vastly different from Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
DL’s interest was political and objection to it was just as political.
How come that DL showed no interest in the tooth relic since he set camp in India in 1959?
hanchopancha / January 18, 2023
SJ. Must pity your skewed and contorted mind. It is like shutting out a Catholic from Vatican or a Muslim from Mecca. “DL’s interest was political and objection to it was just as political.” It surely is a highly biased opinion of a lackey of the Dictatorship of arrogant Chinese Rulers.
hanchopancha / January 18, 2023
I would like to urge a Good Samaritan to file a Petition in the Supreme Court to obtain an Order compelling the government to grant His Holiness Dalai Lama a Visa to come to Srilanka and pay Homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy to fulfill a life long wish of his. It is highly immoral for China to blackmail the Srilankan Government to deny the human right of a person to visit a unique place of worship through bribery and arm twisting.
SJ / January 18, 2023
Where is the morality?
The man was in India since 1959, but never thought of visiting the Maligawa.
The whole issue is political.
The morality of a politicking monk who dances to the tune of US imperialism has to be matched politically.
We see the flaws of every small player in SL but refuse to see those of bigger global players who play for high stakes.
SJ / January 20, 2023
Don’t get worked up. You will get hbp.
Study the issues before making sentimental utterances.
Was DL planning to visit his pansala in Sri Lanka? Is the Mahanayake his religious guru?
The man has been playing politics from 1959, and can outsmart some of our notorious saffron robed clergymen.
chiv / January 18, 2023
DL, may be a politician playing for U.S. or a follower of Tibetan Buddhism . So what ??? our Cardinal Ranjith too is a politician ??? Can we stop Cardinal from visiting Vatican ?? Who is China to object, where DL can visit or not ??? How come DL showed no interest in the tooth relic ??. You mean every Muslim, Catholic, have visited Mecca and Vatican. Mahinda goes to Thirupathi more often than to view tooth relic?? How many SB have gone to temples but never visited the birth place of Great Buddha ?? Didn’t you type few days ago saying ” SB have the freedom to believe in “tooth relic, and others need to respect their view ??? People are free to believe and visit places as they wish. They do not need “Ding Dong’s” permission for that.
chiv / January 18, 2023
Ding – Dong tried to intimidate DL from visiting the U.S, they in return showed their middle finger by hosting him in the House of Representatives.
SJ / January 18, 2023
Who did DL go to worship in his Holy Pilgrimage to the House?
chiv / January 18, 2023
He can worship who ever he wants, it’s a free world, none of yours or Ding Dong’s business. Lankan talking about morality???
SJ / January 20, 2023
If it is a free world, there is the right to protest too.
hanchopancha / January 19, 2023
SJ. You are out of your flipping mind.
SJ / January 20, 2023
Probably I am– how else can one explain my wasting time with the likes of you?
Native Vedda / January 18, 2023
China’s Man in Sri Lanka is typing
“How come that DL showed no interest in the tooth relic since he set camp in India in 1959?.”
Does it matter? As far as my Elders are concerned he has been attempting to visit this island for a long time. As far as I know for at least 30 years.
“DL’s interest was political and objection to it was just as political.”
I suppose all regular visits by Chinese Communist Party officials are private and non-official. Do they come here for recreational purposes, buying and smoking Ganja, to have fun with beach boys, maybe to experience Kandian hospitality, …. ?
chiv / January 19, 2023
Native, didn’t Ding Dong visit Nallur temple for a special puja. What was their interest ??? Can they be prevented from visiting ??? They have been there in large numbers for decades since Mara came to power. Why now ??? Isn’t the whole issue political ??? Retired, sees the flaws of every international player , in Lanka but refuses to see those of China, who play for high stakes.
Native Vedda / January 20, 2023
Is China’s man in Sri Lanka a lonely soul?
“Retired, sees the flaws of every international player , in Lanka but refuses to see those of China, who play for high stakes.”
Is it because he enjoys watching every country groping Sri Lanka except China. Does he want China to pamper him?
chiv / January 20, 2023
Is China Man in Sri Lanka a lonely soul ?? Looks like it. There is none with flipped / conditioned mind in CT, making such stupid comments, “Canada does not have it’s own foreign policy, DL should be prevented from visiting Lanka “.
Marlon / January 18, 2023
Why some of the smartest people can be so very stupid?
SJ / January 20, 2023
Do you seriously think that all the stupid remarks here are made by smart people?
Jambu / January 17, 2023
“SL forces and U.S. Marines to hold joint training exercise” – I don’t think this is wise. This could be how they smuggle in the explosives. There was one like this before Easter attacks.
cugan / January 17, 2023
Happned in 2002 we are in 2023
Wonder why are lawyers are busy and rich how many sittings
Mahila / January 18, 2023
Well to remember, 2002 to 2022 august is the time of Medamulana reign!! Unique!!!
Gus / January 18, 2023
Seriously if YOU “THINK” that the “US Citizen Basil Rajapakse, Mr. 30 percent, the high school drop out, Economic Criminal, and former Finance Minister who staged Sri Lanka’s $26 billion Default is doing the the Dirty Work of the Empire in Banana Republic” which I disagree, and my view is that Basil is doing the Dirty Work for ABSOLUTELY his and his Rajapakses CLAN benefit. BUT if you are correct, THEN it is the sinhalas that are doing the so called DIRTY Work for the Empire by their CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR THE RAKSHAPAKSES and the persecution of the minorities allowing the ilk of Basil and the other Rakshapakses to thrive and control!
Gus / January 18, 2023
WONDER why IF the Empire is getting Basil RAKSHAPAKSE to do their DIRTY WORK per the “erudite” comments of Dinuk, the question arises as to the incapacity as to this alleged Empire lackey Basil total inability to facilitate a visa for his war criminal brother Gota to the Empire environments.
Frankly with the surfeit of guns in the Empire’s environments and the constant mass shootings and the recent Empire’s legislation that allows war crimes in anywhere to be prosecuted in the Empire, I think the Empire should give a visa to Gota that likely would facilitate in him (“RIP” as bper facebook posts to Namal) getting his KARMA for the murders genocide of ceylonese tamils that he and the other RAKSHAPAKSES committed.
cugan / January 18, 2023
Courts ordered him to pay ,but if failed no prison or what so ever ,his brother ex telecom chairman (from rice to)that’s his fine he has to deal with it thats obvious,
He says he will pay but don’t have the funds but seek help …….
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / January 18, 2023
Mere fines of a hundred million useless rupees will not do. These people knowingly allowed mass murder of hundreds to take place, expecting that the fallout will facilitate the emergence of a “saviour” in Gotta. While the masterminds of the Easter bombing are free and roaming the world, visiting and exiting Sri Lanka at will, the poor idiot citizens’ tax monies will probably be used to pay the court-ordered fines imposed on those who aided and abetted this crime against humanity. Summary justice should be considered when the tables are finally toppled on the parasitic political scumbag class. And Jehan, please set the alarm and wake up at least a few weeks after something big happens…
SJ / January 20, 2023
The former president will make a hat collection it seems.
Is it taxable income?
whywhy / January 19, 2023
Mahinda Rajapaksa is recorded born , Nov 18 , 1945 .
Gotabaya Rajapaksa is recorded born , June 20 , 1949 .
Ranil Wickramasinghe is recorded born March 24 , 1949 .
Dinesh Gunawardene is recorded born , March 02 , 1949 .
Data of the World Bank Group for 2020 puts Life expectancy of
Srilankan Male to – 73.78 !
C I A world facts book for 2022 puts it to – 74.57 !
The U N 2021 puts it to – 73.1
W H O 2019 puts it to – 73.8
We are talking about accountability issues over ground or under ground ?
At certain age everybody needs to rest and that is set at 60 in our country .
Beyond 60 , it should be to spend the life in full peace and not facing
accountability ! You pass or fail at O / L , you are kicked out of the school !
whywhy / January 19, 2023
Correction please . Not pass or fail , ” if you fail ” . Thank you .