26 April, 2024


ACJU: In The Way Of Co-Existence

By Farweez Imamudeen

Farweez Imamudeen

One aspect of the electronic, postmodern world is that there has been a reinforcement of the stereotypes by which the Orient is viewed. Television, the films, and all the media’s resources have forced information into more and more standardized molds. So far as the Orient is concerned, standardization and cultural stereotyping have intensified the hold of the nineteenth-century academic and imaginative demonology of “the mysterious Orient.” –  Edward Said (Orientalism)

That the media shapes public opinion is an overt secret.

Shakespeare had the perfect example in Antony in his Julius Caesar; the same people who passionately chanted, “Give him a statue with his ancestors” when Brutus spoke, turned against him; the same man whom they declared as the next Caesar, and his friends, almost instantly. It only took Antony; Caesar’s right hand man, to ascend the stage and speak; and speak he did with words that were chosen to pierce their hearts and stir their deepest, darkest and deadliest emotions; the mission then was complete; the mob had been created, and so Antony said. 

“Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot, Take thou what course thou wilt.”

Times have changed. The method seems ancient. Antony is no more, yet his apparition roams in what we now today call, the media. 

Thus, public opinion can be molded, standardized and tamed to suit the interests and agendas of an elite few; when opinions are tamed thus, they can be unleashed to accomplish the private agendas for which they were created; when that happens, when the media proclaims, “Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot, Take thou what course thou wilt” Nazis will kill Jews, Hutus Tutsis, Sunnis Shias, Hindus Muslims, brothers brothers, and neighbours neighbours. Brutality will know no bounds, neither child nor sick, neither innocent nor guilty, and it will not cease until it runs out its fuel of wrath. 

After a 30 year bloody conflict, Sri Lanka is yet again venturing into the dangerous territory of racial unrest; it was in the making; internationally the experts were brewing public opinion against Muslims; eventually and inevitably it crept into the local social psyche; history though had prepared the local context for its reception; The Media had only to play its Antonian role and propagandize; Mass opinion then, was formed; a new enemy was begot; and the Sinhala Buddhist saviors were called to purge the Muslim vermin and save their race. Thus, begins the war against a perceived enemy. The recent anti Muslim riots set the precedent for a new history; a new era of violence, slaughter and blood spill. 

However the media is not alone. Among the various elements that are at work in actualizing the agenda of anti-Muslim public opinion, of brewing social opinion against Muslims, All Ceylon Jammiyathul Ulama (ACJU) is also one; this organization is not a resisting but enabling force. In fact this organization is more dangerous and threatening, for it works within the Muslim community; it exploits their blind trust over them to exercise their authority and construct a society that gradually moves towards a polarity, isolating itself from the larger society; in doing so it leads the Muslim community towards isolation. Thus, the Muslims of Sri Lanka are pushing themselves away from the mainstream and becoming more and more closed and isolated; they’re forming a new extreme identity; unawares they’re gradually losing their Sri Lankan identity, and if this phenomena persists then eventually Muslims would pave the way for Sinhala Buddhist extremism to destroy them.

But how does ACJU carry anti-Muslim propaganda? How do they stand in the way of co-existence? First we need to understand their foundations.

The crisis in Madrasa education

The Muslim religious leadership of Sri Lanka, alias ACJU, is the largest Islamic religious organization in Sri Lanka. It currently has 6000 members and 150 branches across Sri Lanka.The majority of member consist of graduates from local Madrasas. These are students who have spent nearly seven years in a local Madrasa learning the various sciences related to Islam – Qur’an, Hadith, Arabic language, Islamic law, History, and Tharbiyya. The basic qualification that is required to gain membership is a simple pass in Al Alim examination, which is conducted and regulated by the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural affairs, and the Department of Examination Sri Lanka. 

The question is; what knowledge do these future Islamic leaders attain through these Madrasas? 

Since the students who graduate from these Madrasas are granted the leadership of an entire community; assigned positions of great responsibility such as financial advisers, marriage counsellors, psychologists, legislators, social scientists and judges that require an in-depth knowledge in various sciences, including psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, medicine, banking and law, it would be expected that they receive a holistic education that encompasses all these sciences.

Reality though, is different.

Following are some of the text books taught in the Madrasas

Subject Text Book Year Published
Al Qur’an Thafseerul Jalalayn (Commentary on the Qur’an) 1459
Al Hadith Bulooghul Muraam min adhallathil Ahkaam – By Haafidh ibn Hajar Al Askalani 1449
Al Fiqhul Islamiy Thasyeer Mathan Abi Sujaah 12th century

For instance the text book that is assigned for Fiqhul Islamiyya (Islamic Fiqh); the curriculum that is assigned for Al Alim level examination for law is nearly a millennium old.

Thasyeer Mathan Abi Sujah which is the prescribed curriculum is an explanation of the legal opinions of the erudite scholar of Islamic legislation Muhammad ibn idris ash-Shafi (died AD 820). Abu Shujah was a judge and a legal scholar of the Shafi school of thought who lived in Basrah, Iraq nearly three hundred years after Shafi. It was he who wrote an explanation to the original legal text authored by Shafi, which he called Mathan Abi Sujah, and the current curriculum is a simplified version of Abu Sujah’s explanation of Shafi’s laws. It’s important to note that Mathan Abi Sujah was not a revision but an explanation to the original text, and the modern recompilation is also not a revision, but a summary of the explanation of the original text. Thus the text that is taught in Madrasas right now is literally nearly a millennium old.

This passive uncritical importation of ancient texts is due to a phenomenon that occurred during the history of Islam which is referred to as ‘Baabul Ijthihad Mughlaq’ (The closure of the doors of reasoning). 

Without going in to the details of history it would suffice to mention here that Shafi was a great scholar of his time whose texts are still referred to understand Islamic jurisprudence, and its contextual relevance. However, as a scholar of his time, his opinions, regardless of how remarkable they were, were certainly bound by the limitations of time and space. 

I wish to emphasize that I’m not criticizing the Qur’an, which the Muslims consider to be the divine revelation. What I intend to bring to the readers’ attention is how the human interpretations of the divine text, which were restricted by time and space have been imported and taught in an era and place in which most of the opinions are not only irrelevant but dangerous.

The problem with the current curriculum is not only those ancient texts are taught verbatim, as we shall see, in the Madrasas, despite their contextual mismatch, but ironically they are not even the original books authored by the founder of the predominant school of thought of the Sri Lankan Madrasas, who is Shafi.

 Acknowledging Slavery

We are living in an era where slavery is (officialy) abolished, yet in our Madrasas they seem to acknowledge this abominable practice. 

The following is an extract from the chapter of Inheritance and wills in Thasyeer Mathan Abi Sujah.

“seven people never inherit; the serf, the slave whose freedom is dependent on the death of his master, the slave woman who gave birth to her master’s child, the slave who has a contract with his master for buying his freedom, the killer, the apostate and the people of another religion”

There are several problems with the above legislation. Let us not discuss the blatant injustices that are endorsed and legalized against an oppressed minority. What makes this legislation null and void is the fact that the legislation is not derived from the Qur’an – the fundamental source of Islamic legislation. 

Furthermore slavery was not something that the Qur’an encouraged. On the contrary it not only discouraged it, but strove from the beginning to abolish it. 

It is important to understand that the Qur’an was revealed in seventh century Arabia where slavery was a norm, and an inherent part of the then Arab culture. 

The chronological order of revelation clearly demonstrates an anti-slavery approach; A close reading would reveal this chronology; how Islam fought against the practice of slavery; how the texts condemned and called the people to fight against slavery in a society, and an era when slavery was a normal and integral part of the social, political, and economic fabric of not only Arabia, but the whole world. Thus the Qur’an was slowly but steadily fostering a revolution against a ruthless and brutal social practice. 

So for example, at a time when slaves were treated as mere chattel and the property of his or her owner to be used and exploited the way the owner wished (they were publicly tortured and killed without any fear of retribution), Islam granted them rights, and sought to eradicate the social disparity that existed among the free and the slaves by encouraging the Muslims to marry them,

“And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Surah Nur:32)

The Qur’an never was able to abolish slavery, and for that matter no text can annihilate an evil culture that is deeply embedded in a society, rather it is the people who do it; what the Qu’ran did was to set the precedent to abolish it. In other words the Qur’an laid the ethical and moral principles, like equal treatment and justice that are necessary to fight and eliminate such anti-social practices. 

This approach of gradual eradication of unethical cultural practices that are deeply rooted in the social psyche is completely logical from the point of view of social transformation, which is best achieved through making fundamental changes in the psychology of the masses; a positive social change that can only be achieved through time. 

It is in this context that we need to understand Islam’s approach in seventh century Arabia. To quote Dr.Jasser Auda, a Muslim legal scholar,

“The first step that was taken in the first generation was to deconstruct the values that slavery was based on. Thus, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) expressed in loud and clear terms the alternative Islamic values: that ‘an Arab is not any better than a non-Arab, and a white person is not any better than a black person, except in terms of good deeds.’

He (Peace be upon him) also said: ‘Your slaves are your brothers, their food should be the same as your food and their clothing should be the same as your clothing, and if you beat your slave, then the only compensation that you can give him is to free him.’”

What followed was a bloody conflict between the powerful oppressive elite who preferred the status quo, and the revolutionists who set out to challenge it.

Dr.Jasser Auda continues to say,
“…Then, freeing slaves became an Islamic obligation in many legal cases and a general recommendation. Also, enslaving captives, which was a war strategy that Muslims practiced in the early stages of Islam, was not practiced by the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in his last battles. After he conquered Makkah, he told its people: “Go! You are all free,” as is well-known.”

It is clear then, that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) eventually succeeded in abolishing the ruthless practice of slavery in seventh century Arabia.

However, we still have the hyper literalists who either lack the knowledge to read between the lines, are ignorant of history or too bigoted to acknowledge their ignorance due to reasons driven by self-interests. 

Just imagine the psychology of these scholars who are fed such outdated knowledge in a day and age where that knowledge is not only perfectly irrelevant, but extremely dangerous! Imagine what we let these so called scholars do to our future generation, and what evil we allow these unqualified preachers to perpetuate among the society! Imagine the dangers we expose ourselves to, consciously by letting these medieval Mullahs take the center stage!

*To be continued……

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Latest comments

  • 4

    Dear Author!

    The Holy Quran itself is over a millenium old and been protected without being infiltrated ( even by a comma, full stop) by the One Who Revealed it till date. Do u expect that to be infiltrated like what other religious people did to their Holy Books and made loads of versions to suit their agendas? Allah openly challenges to whoever wants to do so to try and see. And you are another of them.

    So would be the explanation to it. It has been thoroughly studied and practical syllabus have been created long back by people who lived during the period which Beloved Prophet had stated as “Golden Era”. Ulamas are inheritants of prophets. They were just not given Prophethood but are blessed with the wisdom of Quran and Hadees.

    • 18

      Madrasas are churning out religious fanatics, brain-washed to believe utter rubbish. Trusting such fools with powerful positions in local communities is the pinnacle of stupidity. Amply demonstrated by the primitiveness most Islamic nations simply cannot get out of. Even in the 21st century. Sri Lanka should rescue her Muslim citizens from Islamic religious tyranny, ignorance & violence. Which engulfs countless places worldwide. Just look at Pakistan or Bangladesh. We do not need that here in SL. Provide exposure to different faiths through the mainstream national school curriculum. Under state supervision. Take the uneducated Mullahs away from our kids.
      PS: “Religion is the opium of the people”.- Karl Marx

    • 6

      The author has mentioned that the Quran available now is not in chronological order.
      Didn’t the Prophet Mohamed instruct anyone to maintain a copy in chronological order, and perhaps with marginal notes to indicate the context??

    • 1

      Muhammad: I can tell you for certain that Allah is also responsible for Hindu Religion and buddhism. IF you listen to me I tell you how to reach him.

    • 3

      RE: ACJU: In The Way Of Co-Existence

      (298 Words)
      Part 1.

      Thanks for the write-up.

      We know the mean IQ of the ACJU and Sri Lankan Muslims fall near 79 . Notwithstanding this mean low IQ of the Ulama Imams and Moulavis, can you ask three simple questions from them?

      Q1, How did life begin in Earth?

      Q2. When did life begin on Earth?

      Q3. After life began on Earth how did we come to the present state, of plants, animals and people, especially Sri Lankan Muslims, abrogating power of interpretation of Islam and the Quran, to the members of the ACJU who think and behave as being ‘Enforcers’ of Islamic Sharia & Fiqh. They have abrogated to themselves the power to have the final word on all matters Islamic in Sri Lanka. The greatest Islamic Scholar of All time, Ibn Rushd, clearly showed the Ulama, Imams and Moulavis lacked the knowledge to understand and interpret the Quran?

      Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126—1198)


      Ibn Rushd contended that the claim of many Muslim theologians that philosophers were outside the fold of Islam had no base in scripture. His novel exegesis of seminal Quranic verses made the case for three valid “paths” of arriving at religious truths, and that philosophy was one if not the best of them, therefore its study should not be prohibited. He also challenged Asharite, Mutazilite, Sufi, and “literalist” conceptions of God’s attributes and actions, noting the philosophical issues that arise out of their notions of occasionalism, divine speech, and explanations of the origin of the world. Ibn Rushd strived to demonstrate that without engaging religion critically and philosophically, deeper meanings of the tradition can be lost, ultimately leading to deviant and incorrect understandings of the divine.

      Sam Harris: Considering a Creator


    • 3

      Farweez Imamudeen

      RE: ACJU: In The Way Of Co-Existence

      Part 2.

      “Among the various elements that are at work in actualizing the agenda of anti-Muslim public opinion, of brewing social opinion against Muslims, All Ceylon Jammiyathul Ulama (ACJU) is also one; this organization is not a resisting but enabling force. In fact this organization is more dangerous and threatening, for it works within the Muslim community; it exploits their blind trust over them to exercise their authority and construct a society that gradually moves towards a polarity, isolating itself from the larger society; in doing so it leads the Muslim community towards isolation. Thus, the Muslims of Sri Lanka are pushing themselves away from the mainstream and becoming more and more closed and isolated; they’re forming a new extreme identity; unawares they’re gradually losing their Sri Lankan identity, and if this phenomena persists then eventually Muslims would pave the way for Sinhala Buddhist extremism to destroy them.”

      Thanks for the write-up. Is stupidity a virtue for Moulavis?

      Ask the Ulama how they evolved? Asked them how come they now have 46 chromosomes, when they used to have 48 Ask for an explanation or some kind of Fatwa or Religious Edict.

      Ken Miller on Human(Ulama) Evolution


      Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

      Stupidest Muslim (Ulama) Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


      This is not a debate between some Muslim (Ulama) and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.

  • 17

    An excellent expose revealing the extent to which the Glorified Lebbes of the ACJU have become a law unto themselves – a monster created by the Muslims themselves nearly a century ago. Instead of treating these Lebbes for what they really are, (‘scholarly’ advisors) the community unwittingly abdicated the responsibility of independent reasoning and thinking in favour of these ‘Scholars’, who now perceive themselves as the ‘Priesthood’ of the Sunni Muslim community and therefore on par with the Buddhist Sangha and Catholic Clergy.

    It is therefore not surprising that the members of the ACJU think and behave as being ‘Enforcers’ of Islamic Sharia & Fiqh. They have arrogated to themselves the power to have the final word on all matters Islamic in Sri Lanka.

    The extent to which they have the community in their iron grip is unbelievable.
    The extent to which the vast majority of the Muslims venerate and revere these ‘scholars’ as ‘priests’ is equally shocking.

    Thank you, Brother Farweez Imamudeen, for hopefully opening the eyes of our Brothers & Sisters. We await the continuation of your expose.

  • 11

    Dear Brother..it is not a problem of Sri Lanka alone. It is a problem of millions of Arabic colleges all over the world.so called Al-Azhar university is not that much different from what you say ..
    So; dramatic changes are needed from top to bottom in all Islamic institutes .
    From syllabus; content; resources; teachers training and so.
    How could salalfi Saudi government spend billions on wasting …but no money for educational reforms..
    They are stupid of Muslims world today .
    Then what about of others

    • 2

      Lankan No 03

      What do you know about Al-Azhar University? Do you think it is just like a Arabic college or Madrassa? Al-Azhar was established more than 800 years ago and at that time they conducted Islamic studies, Arabic language, Tajwid courses etc and slowly different curriculum were added and now medical science and engineering science taught there. In Madrasa’s only Arabic language and Islamic studies taught. All over the world madrasa’s were established only for this purpose or some madrasa’s teach other subjects too. You are a real nincompoop.

    • 2

      Lankan No 03,

      “From syllabus; content; resources; teachers training and so.”
      “They are stupid of Muslims world today ” “Then what about of others”

      Yesterday- Stupid.
      Tomorrow-Stupid as well.

      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


      Saudi Lie About Najd Exposed By Shiekh Imran Hossain – Watch This Video for Latest News


      Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


      This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power is ruined by an ideology.

  • 5

    FI, good writing. Sri Lanka also now encompassed in slavery. One recognizes another, but it is people who will have to choose freedom.

  • 6

    Dear Muhamed . No one doubt about the authenticity of the Holy Quran. but we doubt and we criticise the Muslim minds that are unable to relate Islamic teaching of the Quran to the modern world . So called golden areas of the past is a nostalgia for some Muslim leaders to seek the intellectual pleasure and cool down in the past glory of those people ..Do not say what your dad did? but tell us what you did. No point in glorifying the past generation in education. tell us why the muslim communities are so weak even to innovate any thing that previous generation did. Believe me some thing went terribly wrong with Muslim minds for the last 500 hundreds years, … If you do not know read the European history or chinese history or Japanese history to know how nation profess and how nations decline? we Muslim community follow wrong methods of reading and understanding the Quran. for us Quran is not a book of guidance rather to keep in house self for blessing. More than 1000 verses of the Quran speak about this universe? who discovers the wonder of this world? who discovers the miracle of this universe.? All non-Muslim scientists? what So called Salafi groups and clerics did for Islam and Muslims? they fought for some small issues of fiqh and Aqeeda at the expense of all issues that are most important in education, science and technology and so on. Enemies of Islam is not outsiders but so many enemies in the name of Muhammad, Ahamed and Abdullah for their wrong reading and wahabis ideology .soon you will see this come out in Saudi.

  • 6

    The author has mentioned that the version of the Qoran available now is not the chronological version.
    Didn’t the Prophet Mohamed instruct anyone to maintain a chronological version along with marginal notes on the context??

  • 3

    What is needed is reform of Muslim institutions and not distruction which will only lead to anarchy. We should take a mature approach towards reforming the community.

    • 7

      Unfortunately, the reform of Muslim Institutions must necessarily be preceded by the reform of Muslim Thinking. Otherwise, any reform will be merely cosmetic and amount to ‘changing deck-chairs on the Titanic’.
      Currently, Muslim Thinking is the sole prerogative of the Band of Scholars (who perceive themselves as Sunni Muslim Priests). So how can we expect any reform from an Institution led by an intransigent, uncompromising leadership which has held indisputable power for over 14 successive years ?
      Muslim Civil Society must recoup the responsibility for Muslim Thinking that they have conceded by default to the Scholars.

    • 0


      “What is needed is reform of Muslim institutions and not distruction which will only lead to anarchy”

      Reform is to the disadvantage of the Ulama, Mullahs, Imams, Moulovis and their followers. Reform was tried before 1,000 years ago. Read about the Islamic Philosophers, Theologians, Philosophy, Islamic Golden Age, Revelation, Reason and the role played by the rulers.

      Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour


      In the age of civilisational decline the political mixes with the religious, the social with the individual and the economic with the geographic.

      There is often a return to superstitions in societies, the shunning of science, the supremacy of intellectual terrorism, the spread of tribal and sectarian divisions and wars, and the persecution of every free thinker to the point of exile or murder.

      In all the struggles endured by free thinkers in which they were either killed or exiled, we find the same elements of decline no matter the time or place. This includes the time and place of the struggle of Abul Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd (1126 -1198), or Averroes in the Latinised form of his name.

      Ibn Rushd is the most capable rationalist philosopher in the history of Arab civilisation, and the best versed on the achievements of his age and the ages before him.

  • 7

    Best thing to do is, “if you’re Muslim, keep religion as a side-dish”. If you go deep into it, you lose the track of real world. One woman in black Abaya with only her face open, promptly covered her face with the handkerchief as I neared her – I gave her a tease with a wink to say “you’re a dumb”

  • 6

    Farweez Imamudeen,

    Media is a business, they want more readers and viewers to survive. Anti-Muslim subjects seem to sell good these days, so please dig into the roots to see why, and stop blaming media that can only be disciplined if MR comes back to power and a rowdy Muslim minister is in the cabinet.

    Do us a favor, your post, as it is too much of beating around the bush and boring, the same message with different words while we always know ACJU is useless whether you write one part or multiple parts – so please don’t come up with more on this, just end with this one.

    Thank you


    • 0


      are you supporter of MR…….? will you like MR to be next PRESDENT ? After Sorysena hypocritical governance and actions against Muslims I nowadays think to support MR.

      • 3


        Learnt from bitter experience, in SL you don’t find unknown angels.

  • 3

    FARWEZ: Excellent article. Most o fthe problesm inside the ISlamic society and problems by them to the Non-believers are because of different interpretations to the Quran. YOu say muslims do not believe in Slavery. But Saudi arabians and Wahabis believe in Slaves. women are their slaves. IT is well known that none of the politicians would touch MMDA and because of that even underage muslims girls get married once they come from the school because the quran says that is OK. Sri lankan Miads working in Saudi arabia are often maltreated and are used as their objects. There are you tibe clips that shows women are mal treated every way, A muslims girl is killed very hinhumanely and savagely because she fell in love with a christian boy. So people come here and defend Quran saying it is grand. they do not talk about Dumb mullahs interpreting it to promote their personal beliefs

    • 9

      Jim softy,

      When you still think that Buddhism is Sinhalese and Sri Lanka, how can I clarify Islam and Saudi Arabia are 2 different things?

      If you feel how badly Saudis treat our maids, be a responsible man and fight for stop sending our maids there. That will be more effective than just bad-mouthing around.
      Remember, if not for Saudi Arabia and the other Arab countries, there will be too many students dropped out of higher education due poverty, there will be many abused, insulted and made slaves in their own country by upper classes and Wallawe Aamus and fake Aamus. There would have been many ended up as thieves, criminals and prostitutes in a country that never see any developments – I am talking about the lowest of lower society levels that live comfortable lives due to these Arab countries.

      Saudi Arabia is a huge country employing over 6 millions of our workers. Exceptional cases are there, true. Here, in SL too, there are so many tourist abuses – Will you accept other countries and visitors side-lining us due to these isolated incidents?

      • 1

        FATHIMA: What came out from Saudi Arabia because of Asian workers is Wahabism which is the Islam mixed with Saudi Arabian culture which treate women as thrash and they are just children producing machines. Every where Islam is practiced it is practiced as the way Mullah, Celric, MAulavi or in Sri lanka the wau JAMAithulla or what ever says. Wahabis think Shiites are inferior, ahmadia, and many other muslims are inferior and only they are practicising true ISlam which Wahabisam, Salafiam, ISIS, ISIL, treat women as thrash or slaves , treat maids as slaves.
        Can you any country to which Saudi arabia have given scholar ships non-ISlamic children ?. that answer IS abosolutely none. they create MAdrasas and mosques e very whehre and give them scholarships. This gentleman is correct. IT is the interpretation of Quran that creates problem. IT not why there is shiites, suunis,Ahmadias and Wahabis.

        • 6


          Just ignore this imbecile, mind deranged Jim softly. You are commenting on social sides of of the views which is 100% correct but see what this donkey writes, “Mullah, Clerics, Maulavi, Wahabism, Salafism”. This fellow is paid writer or he himself a slave of some clerics.

      • 1

        FATHIMA: IF you find the history of this gentleman you fuind how ridiculous ISlam conversions are. This man is a Jainist previously and you mullahs converted him.and he is from the Svethambre pata sect. Now, he knows how ridiculous the practice is.Even for common cold you pray to Allah.

  • 0


    are you supporter of MR…….? will you like MR to be next PRESDENT ? After Sorysena hypocritical governance and actions against Muslims I nowadays think to support MR.

  • 5

    Thank you Farweez Imamudeen for promoting reforms in ACJU.
    ACJU has carved substantial influence in the past and present welfare of Lankan Muslims. ACJU is not fit to decide future course. ACJU is NOT interested in world Islam. They have not said one word on the genocide of Rohingyas by the Burmese Junta.
    ACJU is adverse to reforms of MMDA. “Good as is” they say! ACJU has become the White-van of the privileged Lankan Muslims

  • 7

    Farweeze, brother I applaud you. Religion should indeed make people’s life better, not stifling; it should give them peace of mind not fear; it should allow them to be equal partners in a society not push them into a corner; People of all faiths and atheists and agnostics in a society need to live by the same law.

  • 5

    A most timely article, Farweez Imamudeen. Please do as much of the work necessary to bring MMDA in to line with the most sensible sections of the laws relating to other communities.
    It will certainly help us control the hot-heads in our community if you conform to what are seen as sensible norms by the rest of the population.
    On the other hand, if it seems that non-Muslims are those pushing for reforms which concern mainly your society, the fanatics like Muhammad who has posted the first comment above will get more stubborn – and also more listened to within the Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

    • 3

      Farweez Imamudeen RE: Sinhala_Man

      “On the other hand, if it seems that non-Muslims are those pushing for reforms which concern mainly your society, the fanatics like Muhammad who has posted the first comment above will get more stubborn – and also more listened to within the Muslim community in Sri Lanka.”

      What is really needed is for Muslims with common sense pushing for reforms which concerns mainly the Muslim society, but impacts the rest of the society, exposing the brainwashed fanatics and idiots, like Muhammad, with IQ 79 or below, whose brains are full of memorized Quran, Hadith and Traditions, to use what is left of the brain to use some REASON, and study the GREATEST ISLAMIC SCHOLAR OF ALL TIME, IBN RUSHD, and some Philosophy and Science, so that was was in the first comment above will get more mellow – and also more listened to within the Muslim community in Sri Lanka.

      Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


      This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.

      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted



      The Muslims must be informed that they have been invaded by the Satan, in the form of Wahhabi-Salafis who have spread from Saudi Arabia to Sri Lanka, as predicted by Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him), and this mantle of the Satan, Shaitan is being carried by the ACJU. in Sri Lanka.

  • 3

    Civilizational responsibility of unbelievers is to phase out Islam with least physical harm to the brainwashed. This will take another 500 years as unbelievers are bound by their own ethical codes

  • 4

    Farweez Imamudeen,

    RE; ACJU: In The Way Of Co-Existence; Start the First Friday Movement!

    So, you want to co-exist with ACJU, a bunch of idiots who do not understand even their own religion.Read about Ibn Rushd’s writings 900 years ago.


    So, what do you do? Sit like sitting ducks to run you over as they are doing now? Or, start a Grass Roots campaign?

    What grass-roots campaign?
    To begin with, form the First Friday Movement for Reform and Enlightenment in Islam for Muslims.

    On First Friday of EVERY MONTH, the Sri Lankan Muslims will boycott the Friday Sermon given by the Ulama, Imams, Moulavis etc. Widely publish this. and recruit as many Muslims who have sufficient IQ’s. Select a bunch of your own reformers. Wahhabis, Salafies and their clones not allowed.

    This is an idea. Why don’t you act upon it, by starting with your own family, relatives and circle of friends and neighbors. . Make it go viral.

    Pretty soon, the Ulama, Imams, Moulavis will be preaching to empty mosques on the First Friday of the Month!

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      Forgotten Thinkers: Al-Ghazali and Averroes

      Visit my new website: http://www.wescecil.com A lecture delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College. Explores the Islamic Golden Age, Translation Movement, and the work of Al-Ghazali and Averroes.


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        Farweez Imamudeen,


        “Visit my new website:http://www.wescecil.com

        This is NOT Amarasiri’s web site. It is the web site of Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College.This narrative summarizes what the Muslim rationalists and moderates are up against, which the current author is describing.

        With the ACJU , the Ulama, the Imams and Moulavis, Sri Lankan Muslims will never reach the Age of Reason and Enenlightenment which the Christian Europe reached several years ago.

        Those who know and those who know not. Does the Sun go around the Earth as claimed by the Ancients and the Church?

        What did Ibn Rushd say?

        The greatest Islamic Scholar of All time, Ibn Rushd, clearly showed the Ulama, Imams and Moulavis lacked the knowledge to understand and interpret the Quran?

        Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126—1198)


        Ibn Rushd contended that the claim of many Muslim theologians that philosophers were outside the fold of Islam had no base in scripture. His novel exegesis of seminal Quranic verses made the case for three valid “paths” of arriving at religious truths, and that philosophy was one if not the best of them, therefore its study should not be prohibited. He also challenged Asharite, Mutazilite, Sufi, and “literalist” conceptions of God’s attributes and actions, noting the philosophical issues that arise out of their notions of occasionalism, divine speech, and explanations of the origin of the world. Ibn Rushd strived to demonstrate that without engaging religion critically and philosophically, deeper meanings of the tradition can be lost, ultimately leading to deviant and incorrect understandings of the divine.

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    Amarasri m
    When you become a Muslim?
    What make your read all Islamic philosophers?
    What is your life mission?
    Just read and enjoy Islamic philosophy?

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      Lankan one,

      Philosophy is Philos-Love, Sophia-Wisdom in Greek.

      Does it matter if it is Xxxxxxx-Philosophy and it gets you closer to the reality and the truth?
      Chinese -Philosophy

      or any other Philosophy.

      Unfortunately, the Ulama, Imams, Mullahs, Moulavis, Priests and Monks generally do not like Philosophy, because it makes them look less intelligent.

      Read about the Islamic Philosophers, the Ulama and especially about Ghazali and Ibn Rushd. The Ulama got the Ibn Rushd’s Philosophy works burned.

      Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour


      He also wrote The Decisive Treatise, Determining the Nature of the Connection between Religion and Philosophy.

      This book makes him the originator of the idea that Greek rational heritage does not contradict Islam and that scriptural sciences have an arena as do rational deductive sciences.
      Ibn Rushd is the most capable rationalist philosopher in the history of Arab civilization.
      The reasons for the persecution of Ibn Rushd vary according to those who studied his struggle and their intellectual levels.

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      Lankan one,

      What is Philosophy? Philo = Love, Sophia =Wisdom.

      Unfortunately, many Muslims, including the Ulama are not wise, especially in Sri Lanka.
      In other countries, it is Wednesday or Thursday.

      Example, they still have a hard time for the beginning of the Ramadan.

      News; Muslims in Sri Lanka will begin their Ramadan fasting at dawn on Friday (May 18), the Colombo Grand Mosque announced. Why are they travelling by planes and cars instead of by camels? Why are they using computers and cell phones? What about the Prophet’s Tradition (Sunnah)?



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      Some non-Muslims like Amarasiri try to inform themselves, to an extent, about many things in Islam that are good. Certain Muslims, mostly men, don’t seem to appreciate even that.
      I’m not spending the rest of my life (not much left) studying Islam or any other religion in greater depth. I’ve read the Quaran once; that is enough. I still look at various things pertaining to Islam, and am often saddened. I have Muslim friends with whom I may discuss other things, but sometimes the problems posed by religions. They want reform themselves.
      Like the author, Farweez Imamudeen. He knows that there isn’t ever going to be anything that solves all the problems of the World. Make the best use of Islam, but keep responding creatively to all issues and opportunities that we see.
      Why don’t you display for us something nice about Islam; best way show us (as many Muslims actually do), that before all else you are decent human beings.
      I know the problem: all religions talk about getting orders direct from God. You don’t ever listen to us with an open mind.

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