By Emil van der Poorten –
By a strange quirk of fate, one of the major news stories in the international media was the inclusion of the word “Aiyo” in the newest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary at the same time as the “aiyo” used adjectivally on our current President seems to be gaining more credibility!
Not being one of those who subscribed to the pillorying of Maithripala Sirisena as “Aiyo Sirisena” shortly after he assumed office I was chagrined to find that I was being forced into joining that chorus by his most recent fulminations on the subject of the manner in which justice and its many committee and commission arms were to be treated by his dispensation.
What brought all of this to mind were two seemingly disparate events: the violence of which the President’s son, Daham, was a part in a Colombo nightclub and Mr. Sirisena’s fulminations about the alleged harassment of the “battle-field leaders” of those who destroyed Prabhakaran’s horde.
He obviously did not see the contradiction contained in his widely-reported speech that ex-commanders of some of the armed forces and a Defence Secretary who controlled virtually every facet of our lives until the defeat of the Mahinda Rajapaksa horde were being “harassed” by various commissions of inquiry appointed by the very government he heads and that he would “do something” about what had suddenly become a very unsatisfactory state of affairs. That he included investigations into the Eknaliyagoda “disappearance” in his blanket disapproval was unfortunate, to say the least, particularly given what Sandya Eknaliyagoda has gone through for several years. This combination of statements suggests that there is, again, to be one set of laws for us common folk and another for a select group in society.
And here I was living in a fool’s paradise where I believed that non-interference by politicians in the administration of justice had been established with the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and that due process of law administered by professionals, without regard to station in life, would be the norm and not the exception under the Maithripala/Ranil (MR2) dispensation!
The conclusion that any logical person would come to with regard to the matter of justice and equity before and after Mahinda Rajapaksa’s rule is that the quantum change that was, justifiably, expected is not to occur after all.
The question that is also being bandied about is whether this is a diversionary strategy to deal with the less-than-acceptable conduct of the President’s son, Daham. A while back, he and/or a group of his “security” similar to that associated with the nightclub brouhaha, assaulted the son of a Deputy Inspector General of Police on the beach at Passekudah. How did the victim qualify for the roughing up? By objecting to some of the goons providing the current President’s son with “security” taking snapshots of the victim’s swimsuit-clad companion. I also recall newspaper reports of our current President languishing on a bench in the police station at which the investigations of that particular act of thuggery were being conducted until the matter was, presumably, “settled” and disappeared from public view at a time when murders, assassinations and “white van disappearances” had taken centre stage.
That Maithripala Sirisena has specifically objected to the interrogation of our erstwhile Defence Secretary and several past commanders of the air force gives, as the old term has it, “pause.” The common connection there appears to be the now-infamous MIG-purchase deal because all of the senior officers being questioned had headed up the air force.
Let me place on record, for the benefit of those of failing memory such as myself, a few incidents connected with that bit of controversial (and very contentious and expensive) purchase of military hardware.
The purchases occurred during the tenure of Gotabaya Rajapaksa as Defence Secretary and, allegedly, included the involvement of a “diplomat” relation serving in the Ukraine at the time.
Frederica Jansz who was highlighting the discrepancies in the purchase agreement had to flee Sri Lanka into political exile in the United States of America from which country she is most unlikely to now return. Once burnt, twice shy as they say.
Mandana Ismail Abeywickreme suffered a “house invasion” because it was rumoured that she had taken “some sensitive documents” home with her because it wasn’t considered safe to store them at her place of work, The Sunday Leader,” where they could have been subjected to torching as was a fairly regular occurrence before that paper came into the complete control of a Rajapaksa minion. It is my understanding that she too fled to North America as well and only returned when it was thought safe to do so. Incidentally, whatever happened to the investigation into the shoot-out where a 119 police detail (mistakenly?) killed one of the intruders who happened to be a serving member of one of our security forces as well?
Investigations into this same MiG purchase are widely believed to have contributed to the demise of Lasantha Wickrematunge’s in the manner in which if occurred. The subsequent disappearance of vital evidence connected to that event can hardly be considered coincidental in the circumstances, either.
The $64,000 question is: why is Maithripala Sirisena now of the opinion that the various commissions of inquiry are exceeding their authority to the point when it merits his direct intervention?
One can but hope that the old slogan Justitia omnibus (justice to all) has not lost its currency in Maithripala Sirisena governance and that he will cease and desist from ill-considered attempts to “oversee,” legitimate inquiries into events that are clearly deserving of investigation by the committees/commissions of infinitely higher quality, appointed by his government. This is particularly so when one compares the agglomerations of nincompoops that Rajapaksa put together from time to time when Sirisena served as one of his lieutenants. A footnote to reports from those committees/commissions is the fact that on the infrequent occasions on which they were, allegedly completed they disappeared into the deep, dank hole that was the Presidential Palace.
If the committees/commissions are exceeding their remit, there is ample opportunity to effect the changes needed without recourse to publicly discrediting them and their work.
If attempts at these kinds continue, the Oxford English Dictionary will have to be further amended to accommodate the application of “Aiyo” as an adjective applicable to Presidents with pretensions to infallibility.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2016
“By a strange quirk of fate, one of the major news stories in the international media was the inclusion of the word “Aiyo” in the newest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary at the same time as the “aiyo” used adjectivally on our current President seems to be gaining more credibility!’
They should add Gon Gamarala as well, in addition to Aiyo Sirisena.
AIYO SIRISENA / October 15, 2016
Village man AIYO SIRISENA,
People selected to you to receive Justice for innocent helpless men, women and children who got killed by the serial killer GOTA
People selected you to punish wrongdoers of the previous government for their wrong doings
People selected you to hear unheard helpless voices
People selected you to STOP or to minimize corruptions
People selected you to deliver peace between all races and religious group
People selected you to STOP giving KUDU to children
People selected you to promote fair with human value society.
NOW you are also trying to protect serial killers claiming them as war heroes? Clear the wrongdoers from the corruption claims? Do you also think by winning the war, they all have right to kill anyone who criticize or who against them? Also, they have right to rob ordinary peoples’ food money?
If you cannot protect your own ordinary Sinhalese, what are you talking about the other Tamils and Muslim minorities?
Samuel Jayaweera / October 17, 2016
who is not village man ?
What matters is the criminal energies of those men. I believe, it was a statement not having informed properly.
Opportunists and criminals twist the prez statments, interpreting in terms of their favours. Most that stay free not being arrested must be arrested and put in jail .. else nothing can help help for the benefit of the masses.
punchinilame / October 16, 2016
Our much praised Good Governance (GG1) has been menancingly overtaken by GG2 (Gon Gamarala) So be it???????
The List of matters that should not only interest Puravesibalaya Officials but
the 6.2 millon Voters are:
[Edited out]
Peace Lover / October 16, 2016
very true Emil and it seems that we the voters of sri lanka have been taken for yet another ride but the my3 ranil combo!
KA Sumanasekera / October 16, 2016
So Mandana Ismail and Fredrica Janz both got pissed because Gota allegedly made money, buying ageing MIGs to kill Piraharan and the Tamil Terrorists..
And both took asylum and joined the Diaspora
Poor Lasantha lost his life for the same, according to Mr Pootin..
How sad…
Wonder how much LKR Gota made, for the Colombo Elite and the Anglicans to be hurting so much?.?.
Because Yahapalana PM Batalanada Ranil’s Tamil mate, who is in the Singapore diaspora and his SIL who runs PT in Colombo,joined together under Bodhi Sira’s Presidency.
And made a cool 8.1 Billion in just 12 months, trading Yahapalana Inaugural Bonds.
It is serious dough even in Yahapalana LKR, folks.
All this time I thought it was only 5 Billion ROI, as reported in the PT Financial Statement,
Now the CB which is under another Diasporean, Mr Csamy, reports that the total loss to the Tax Payers and the Nation is LKR 8 Billion in the two Yahapalana Bond Issues.
The beauty is , this PT had only a total turnover of LKR 780 Million for the whole twelve months, prior to uncle Mahendran getting the CB gig.
And I have been wrong all along.
After the PT bought the Bonds lock stock and barrel , the Interest, the Yahapalana sucking PAYE have to fork shot up to 14.95 percent.
Not 12.65 as I thought it was.
Anyway , my question is how many MIGS the Government could have bought with LKR 8 Billion.
Over to you Mr Pootin..
But don’t try to join Janz, unless you have good Health Cover..
Emil van der Poorten / October 16, 2016
Ado Sumaney:
The level of your stupidity is only, perhaps, exceeded by your monumental ignorance of the English language which enables you to write stuff that takes you beyond contradiction because it is totally incomprehensible!
Dim _Sum / October 16, 2016
KA Sumanasekera, Wella Tea kadde,
stop plucking peaches on the beach.
“And “both took asylum” and joined the Diaspora”
“diaspora (for Jews like Tsunami for Japanese) means boat people”
This is true from the day Sinhala only and SriMao rule.
Tamils took the gun for same reason.
There still is immigration on application but this is a very tough test for most even with a sponsor.- they prefer not to have cultural shock which is common both ways
If you are qualified and doing well your chances are bleak so they keep applying many times till they get a place to educate their kids.
the reason being it would clash with opportunities of locals in the west and create social unrest. The west works on systems and cannot overlaod. See what happened to Merkel- Antonio Guterres (next UN chief) like Barraso (both Portugese opportunist left or right extreme) bluffed Merkel with just please accept 200k Syrians but he knew bloody well it would be ten fold- Its 2 million now and the Christians of Syria are at the mercy of ISIS.
government servants are top cat thieves of all scholarships and foreign assignments.
So where does the private sector go??
you need a heart sometimes to see the truth not just using Dompe Dalit cap.
KA Sumanasekera / October 17, 2016
They serve good Dim Sum, in certain parts of the West, which is better than what the Honkys eat in the Motherland..
Have the Dalits in our Motherland got a chance to eat Dim Sum ?..
No, because the US. UK, Oz and Canadian embassies in Torrington Avenue don’t want to even know them.
Now the Dalits don’t have a chance even on their own turf.
Going forward, it is going to get worse with Batalanada Ranil’s Yahapaana pruning and culling of Armed Forces , Sinhala Buddhism, Education, Health Care and Employment .
And Giving the Hindians everything from our Fish Stocks, Industries, Agricultural Land ,Colombo Real Estate , Hospitals and all the jobs associated with them. .
Dalits will be confined to occupy the 3rd class in Federal North, East, South, West and the Megapolis.
Just like the good old days when a few of our village dalits were given suit jackets to wear with the sarong , when they helped the British to control the rest.
Native Vedda / October 17, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
“Have the Dalits in our Motherland got a chance to eat Dim Sum ?..”
Whether the Dalits need Dim Sum or not I think you certainly need Ginseng.
One benefit that you would derive from Ginseng is hopefully you may improve thinking ability and cognition.
I am told Ginseng might help you to treat your erectile dysfunction.
In any case you need to cure both hence take Ginseng pills on daily basis.
Emil van der Poorten might consider giving you a few free Durians. Ask him politely.
KA Sumanasekera / October 17, 2016
Dear Native,
So you are not a Naduan.!!!
F*** me dead….How wrong I was.
I always thought you are Goni Bothal Caste , who has made it in to Emma and Surendran class, thanks to Pirahaparan..
KA Sumanasekera / October 17, 2016
Dear Native,
I have been telling you mate Pootin, to start value adding to his Durian, instead of just selling it to Muslims who save a lot by not spending on Ginseng.
I don’t think Pootin realise that his Vellala mates are going to be the 3rd Ethnic group behind even Hindian Tamils.
Chinese will buy shit loads if they know what you just told me that it is a direct substitute for Gingseng .
Cheers! / October 16, 2016
Well stated, Emil!
Most of us who voted for ‘change’ and thought that Sirisena would somehow reverse the Rajapakse-entrenched toxic political scene, are progressively dismayed and disgusted by his actions.
Does this man have no shame to be so indifferent to the laws of the land and to display such impunity in defending his moronic son? We have managed to overlook the appointment of his crooked brother to head SLT in the hope that it was a one-off aberration, but it looks like the man is not the person we took him for.
Aiyo Sirisena! MR and family must surely be doubling up with hysterical laughter.
Now we have to await the fallout!!
Pacs / October 16, 2016
Aiyo Aiyo Lanka and men
Paddy / October 16, 2016
What an aiyo moment for Sri Lanka. Any more aiyos to come?
Unreal / October 16, 2016
Emil van der Poorten, You are worrying too much.
You are a straight shooter, I acknowledge. But here, you are shooting at a carcass.
When did you begin to believe that the country has turned the corner on chicanery?
Stop scribbling even as a pastime!
Thiru / October 16, 2016
It’s a pity that people don’t realize why third world states will remain so, even if we were to visit after 100 years.
There is no rule of law; you can waste your energy arguing about this and that, but all in vain because the society does not appreciate the rule of law yet!
Spring Koha / October 16, 2016
Once again the Old Colonial Master has raided our larder and escaped, this time with our much beloved ‘Aiyoo’.
Exasperated we must not be. For too long we have kept this beautiful, evocative, says-much phrase, confined to our small island.
Thomas Gray wrote
“Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark unfathom’d caves of ocean bear:
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.”
The time has come for our beloved ‘Aiyoo’ to spread its wings.
To rephrsase Mr Lloyd Webber
Don’t cry for me Siri Lanka,
the truth is I ‘ll never leave you,
don’t express distress, regret or grieving
Aney child, I’m only going, I am not leaving.
Aney Aiyoo, no, I’ll only go and come.
Come and go!
Just like all good Sri Lankans do.
Native Vedda / October 16, 2016
Spring Koha
Good to hear from you.
Aiyo Sirisena has been in vogue since he was elected.
The danger of adjectives as “Aiyo Sirisena” is that over a period of time people tend to accept his crimes, nepotism, errors, defending of murderers and scathing comments on good governance commissions ….. as people get used to the idea of “Aiyo Sirisena” and tend to dismiss his incompetence, deficiencies and mistakes (deliberate or otherwise) as though it is part of Maithiri’s harmless nature.
Branding, pigeon holing, stereotyping, … him into a sort of pathetic harmless clown would indeed help him to politically survive for many years and get away with murder.
KA Sumanasekera / October 16, 2016
Dear Native,
Will they add “Ado” to the Elite dialect in the Dictionary .. Or is it already in Portugese.!!
Native Vedda / October 17, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
You are missing a very important point.
What have you contributed to the world from your silly ghetto?
I will tell you what,
An outcast: ‘they were treated as social pariahs’, historical A member of an indigenous people of southern India originally functioning as ceremonial drummers but later having a low caste.
Aiyoo is bit civilised than Pariah.
You should be happy your people (the south Indians) are improving slowly and steadily, keep it up.
BBS Rep / October 17, 2016
You do have a point.
My3 is certainly not a harmless clown. He is a supreme con artist. He single handedly succeeded in conning millions with the word ‘Yahapalaya’. Just as Emil admits I too was taken for a ride.
Spring Koha / October 18, 2016
Native Vedda
You make a very good point.
Once upon a time, Sirisena was the brave one who incurred the wrath of the Great Liberator, as he fronted the conspiracy to save our ‘democracy’.
Alas, bravery isn’t always followed by competence in high office. Those who have watched him closely these days will tell you that the mantle of President lies awkwardly on his delicate shoulders. He is distracted by his wife withdrawing from public appearances, and even more by the regular scrapes that his misbehaving son gets into. He is frustrated by the demands of state. He makes knee jerk reactions to matters of no consequence, and speaks publicly, and out of turn, on issues that require executive discretion.
Yes, he could well be our lovable answer to Mr Bean, and survive,bumbling on whilst all around him mayhem reigns.
simon / October 16, 2016
Spring Koha
And in that sincere crystal seek
But find no rose-bud in your cheek.
jim softy / October 16, 2016
These days every article that you write is type of “bombe looking kolkotta” or start from “Ayyo” then goes all around the world and ends up again with “Ayyo”.
So, what issue you realy wanted to talk ?
Jai_Bolo / October 16, 2016
[Edited out]
Emil van der Poorten / October 18, 2016
Could try to answer your question if it was in English (or any other language)
Shan / October 16, 2016
I remember two sayings in addition to ‘power tends to corrupt………..’ when I read this. A new broom sweeps clean. The leopard cannot change its spot. To expect for the best is natural and to face disappointment is usual.
MR / October 16, 2016
Aiyo Sampanthan, what will happen to your ‘ settlement to ethnic problem before end of this year ‘ ?
Aiyo Sumanthiran, what about your fasting with Tamil detainees if President does not release them as promised in October 2015 ?
Aiyo Tamils , you fools are doomed !
Native Vedda / October 16, 2016
Aiyo Sinhalease and Buddhists who is going to save you from your own leaders?
Ela kolla / October 16, 2016
“”Aiyo Sinhalease and Buddhists who is going to save you from your own leaders?””
the union by design and heritage.
as always has to be the sinhala_muslim
On winning Mangalam first called seee_tea (ayio very trilled went choos) and attu patti Emanuel milking the British system.
timbuttu / October 16, 2016
Emil van der Poorten (havent read it as yet but this can’t wait.)
What a ? සඔඩරය like the latest when Modi meets Putin.
Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad.
― Henry Kissinger
As usual the self styled Dalit boss Sumane_Karabu hora oru from Maluku Isla is craving for more Kassipu as his Gleneagles is running dry.
Sunil Galauda / October 17, 2016
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Donald / October 17, 2016
It’s timely too that the Oxford Dictionary included the word “Aiyo” in its corpus. There’s one man here who is going to make use of this word a hundred times wile hitting his head on a brick wall. And he is Arjuna Mahendran.
srinath.gunaratne / October 17, 2016
Emil ,
When is your Yahapalana Ranil going to hold an election?
People are waiting.
Called Mahinda a dictator!
Emil van der Poorten / October 17, 2016
srinath gunaratne:
I don’t know about Ranil holding an election any time soon given the fact that he was elected for 5 years, unless, of course, like your buddy Rajapakasa his sasthrakaraya suggests he goes to the polls earlier! I take it that your “Called Mahinda a dictator!” means that your hero did not act like one?
Julampitiya Amare / October 17, 2016
Yes well said Emil. Mahinda is a Dictator no question about that and Srinath Gunaratne is the homo chap for Mahinda.
Walid Faruz / October 17, 2016
Pooten mentions Frederica Jansz and she may not return back to Sri Lanka.[Edited out]
p / October 20, 2016
Aiyo! My 3 you have come too closer to the murderers!your bad time,Aiyo!