By Karu Jayasuriya –
If there is any harm or humiliation to our country, it is the real Sri Lankans who suffer the most. That is why we feel great pain when we see what is happening in the country today. But unfortunately, as our country is rapidly descending into a precipice today, all those responsible are playing the fiddle as Nero did when Rome was burning to the ground. Therefore, we urge them at this juncture to open their eyes and look at this great tragedy that is befalling the country and to not sacrifice the people of the country for the greed of power and wealth. With the support of all parties, we call for the country to be saved from this ongoing catastrophe. That is the plea we are making today at this news conference.
Today we are facing difficulties not only within the country. Internationally, too, we are in serious trouble. The resolution passed on Sri Lanka recently at the Geneva Human Rights Council makes this clear. Various views are being expressed by the government regarding this today. Veteran diplomats have a different view of the situation and they have expressed it publicly. Opposition political groups are also analyzing the situation and presenting their own views regarding it. But have the rulers of this country correctly understood the seriousness of the problem we face today? Have we managed to preserve the image, honor and dignity of our country?
We are not talking about this while wearing tinted glasses. We conducted an in-depth investigation into the possible consequences of the Geneva resolution passed on Sri Lanka. We also sought advice from international relations experts, including eminent diplomats who have produced our country in the foreign service. When we look at all of that in depth and without bias, we can very clearly say that those responsible in our country have completely failed us. They have displayed this failure not only within the country but also internationally as well. If that process continues at the Geneva Human Rights Council, our country could face serious difficulties. No matter what anyone says, it is the truth. In the end, its suffering will be on the shoulders of the innocent people of our country.
Why did we have to face such a fate in Geneva? The reason is very clear. This is due to the fact that in recent times we have lost many of the friendly states that once stood in line with our country. Not only in the Asian region, but in every region of the world, there were many friendly nations that supported us. In the past, all those countries acted with great respect for Sri Lanka as a country that pursued non-aligned policies. But many of those countries have voted against us this time. Or abstained from voting. It is hurtful to us. But we have an understanding of what happened. Therefore, what we as a country should do today is not to deceive the people of this country by complaining. It is about understanding the reality and acting accordingly. In the modern world, no country can stand alone. We must always stand hand in hand with our traditional allies.
There is also a point that we reiterate as the National Movement for Social Justice. That is to say, the 20th Amendment was a major factor in weakening our country both nationally and internationally. Every institution that was bound to act responsibly towards the people of this country has become a puppet of one power due to the 20th Amendment.
As a result, the respect of these institutions for democratic principles has eroded. That is why politicians in this country today have been able to shut down certain police units and transfer senior police officers at will. There is no point in running a police commission in such a background. Can free and fair elections be expected in such a country if it can run commissions such as elections, public service, police and the Bribery Commission through its political allies?
Will the public service be people-friendly? Will the police service function fairly? Will corruption and bribery be eradicated in such a country? Will there be an independent judiciary in a country that makes decisions above the courts, especially on the basis of reports obtained using notorious individuals? This situation has contributed not only to the massive decay that is taking place in our country today, but also to some of the issues that have been raised in Geneva.
Also, according to social surveys conducted, 81% of the people in this country do not approve of the 20th Amendment. The vast majority of religious leaders representing all religions in this country do not accept the 20th Amendment. Therefore, the 20th Amendment must be repealed if Sri Lanka is to be re-energized and democratized. We say it consistently. I also hope that the government will pay attention to this.
Another unfortunate incident reported this week was the discovery of toxic coconut oil. The people of this country became aware of this thanks to the media. It does not appear that the law is being enforced against the responsible persons. Re-exporting coconut oil containing this toxin is not the only solution. The law should be enforced against those who tried to destroy the innocent people of this country by bringing in such poisonous food as well as those who tried to consolidate their wealth in it. Such items cannot be brought into the country without the support of the politicians and officials who run the country. These are great national crimes.
There are various reports of large scale corruption and fraud, including the sugar scam. In particular, the COPE Committee, the Finance Committee and the Treasury have acknowledged that irregularities have taken place in the importation of sugar. Therefore, a full force investigation should be carried out on this. We have suggested that to the President on several occasions. In fact, the sugar fraud is bigger than the central bank fraud. At least the money in the bank accounts of the accused in the Central Bank fraud has been confiscated by the state and the money will not go to anyone. But the money that has been embezzled from the sugar fraud is already in the pockets of the fraudsters. The total annual sugar requirement of the whole country is only 650,000 tons. About 50,000 tons of it is produced locally. Today the international price of a ton is around $ 465. Accordingly a kilo of sugar should be around Rs. 96. If our requirement is 50,000 tons per month, why did we import hundreds of thousands of tons and waste our foreign exchange during this difficult time? These are matters that need the attention of the Treasury.
We should mention one more thing we must be ashamed of. In the 1980s, sugar companies such as Hingurana, Kantale, Sevanagala and Pelawatta, which belonged to the Sugar Corporation, produced more sugar than they do today. What does that mean? The beautiful situation that politicians in this country pretend to be today does not exist in the country. High sugar production in the country at that time was due to the mutual cooperation of the then Sugar Importers ‘Association, the Sugar Producers’ Association, the Treasury and the Ministry of Trade. We hope that these matters will be brought to the attention of the authorities. It is still not too late to take appropriate action.
These days there is a growing interest in environmental destruction in the country. In addition to environmentalists, we see the interest shown by various sections of society as a good omen for the future. Above all, we are happy with the interest shown by school children and young people. The dedication and enthusiasm they show is fantastic.
But has the government paid proper attention to it? Recently, the media had reported that the President had stated that government officials are responsible for any environmental damage that may occur in this country and that their attention should be drawn to it. Here we must tell the President that there is a powerful political hand behind many of these environmental pollution. As a result, many government officials, including Government Agents and Divisional Secretaries, are helpless today. They have also informed our organization about this. Accordingly, in order to stop this massive environmental destruction taking place in the country, the political pressure exerted on public officials today must be stopped. The President can do that.
These ideas that we present are not just our own ideas. The ideas and thoughts of the majority of the people are embedded in it. We always raise our voices based on the facts we confirm. We add the voice of the common people to it. We have no subversive motive there. We present these facts with the utmost sincerity. It is the responsibility of the relevant authorities to understand that. We can only say that the future of this country will depend on whether it is fulfilled or not. Therefore, we hope that everyone will pay attention to this.
*Remarks made by the Chairman of the National Movement for Social Justice, Karu Jayasuriya at a Press Conference held at the Janaki Hotel, Colombo on 01.04.2021
Naman / April 1, 2021
Why did RW hand over the leadership of UNP in early 2018, so that chances of your victory been assured? RW destroyed the chances of Premadasa too by not handing over the leadership very much earlier? RW had been holding on to UNP leadership as he had the support of Mahinda R. RW is more faithful to Rajapakshas. We do not want any relations of his as UNP leader. KJ has been the saner politician . We need his guidance to get of the deep rut that has been dugged by Rajapakshas and his Buddhists Fundamentalists +crooked businessmen + unprincipled muslim MPs.
Ecocide,Sugar scam, oil scametc needs to be investigated ASAP.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 1, 2021
Karu Jayasuriya, you were a party to the atrocities committed on Tamils. You are only worried about harm or humiliation to your country, but are aiding and abetting harm and humiliation to Tamil community. Please remember the predicament that your country is in today is directly the result of racism and terrorism unleashed by your associates. What action are you proposing to take to bring Sinhala criminals to account and to grant justice to Tamils for which they have been struggling since independence. This is exactly what international community is asking your country to do. Please comply to prevent further damage to your country.
Blabla / April 2, 2021
Dear doctor
You 100% correct, the state the country is in today is due fundamentally to the discrimination and other harms inflicted on the Tamil community. The Tamil community was a hard-working and disciplined community. Governments had some success in breaking the community but they in the process ruined the country as well. Until and unless the Sinhala community at large and the Government accept this and restore the due place to the Tamils ( and now the Muslims also) the country will breakdown to a level and will have to surrender to another country to take over.
N. Perera / April 2, 2021
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SarathP / April 2, 2021
Sri Lanka lost Geneva not because we lost the support of “friendly nations” but because atrocities were committed at the end of the war. Sooner or later, past dues have to be paid.
leelagemalli / April 2, 2021
It is just 15 months gone since stupid majority welcomed once known, high criminals as their leaders :
Suspected drug kin pin, giant drug dealer, multi killer, Makandure Madhush was found gunned down by unknown while being in SRILANKEN police remand; the conspiracy behind this Jamal Khashogi style misterious killing is not yet caught by proper investigation
In today’s context, police crimes grow up rapidly also on broad daylight; just 3 days ago, a traffic policist (muslim origin) assaulted a careless driver (tamil origin) brutally on the spot, breaking police ordinance.
Spokesman to police, Ajith Rohana somehow defended the brutal behavoiur of the policist, despite the he is now locked up in police remand. Today, having watched a YT video, I understood, this brutal act revealed, how some muslim srilankens react today. The employer of victimized driver made very clear that he would offer meals to brutal policist’s family considering his children and the dearest wife. See, how human this example has become
People’s fearless vocal /MP Ranjan Ramanayake is now jailed for no high crimes; President Nandasena (Srilanka’s Caligulla) is behind this brutal act .
Tob e contd.
Cicero / April 1, 2021
More like Caligula than Nero. there is no fire around only heavy corruption and mismanagement by people who had no training in governance. At least, Nero made music. Caligula was purposefully cruel, buggered his horse and committed incest with his sisters. No need for comparisons. We are in for bad times. The economy will flounder due perhaps to no fault of the President as the covid came about. But, has he placed people in charge who could handle the situation? That is the question. Like Caligula, he has appointed horses to do work that they have no capacity to handle. The debacle at the UNHCR is a case in point where the “Professor Admiral” and his military ambassadors did not know how to set about handling the issue.
Thiru / April 1, 2021
Karu Jayasuriya, I don’t know how long you have been UNP politics but you are also part of the problem, though you you have taken the high ground for social justice, etc. You say:
” But have the rulers of this country correctly understood the seriousness of the problem we face today? Have we managed to preserve the image, honor and dignity of our country?”
The rulers of the country since independence, D S Senanayake included, are not interested in nation building uniting the Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslims and others to uplift the country as it emerged from four and a half centuries of colonialism.
All the Sinhalese rulers from then to now are most interested in making the country Sinhalese Buddhist to enforce Sinhalese Buddhist hegemony over the island while subjugating the non-Sinhalese communities.
You seem to pretend as if the problems of Sri Lanka came up only recently: In fact the problem started with the word go in 1948. The Sinhalese supremacist rulers also became greedy and corrupt down the road.
It is the cumulative effect of all the misdeeds of Sri Lankan rulers since independence we are harvesting now. Right now we have the most viscous Sinhalese racists in power and they are hell bent on sinhalizing the Tamil homeland
Eagle Eye / April 1, 2021
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Ari / April 1, 2021
We know you do not have anything worthwhile to comment, so just keep doing the same!
Tamil from the north / April 2, 2021
Eagle ‘donkey’ Eye, thanks for keeping it brief.
Native Vedda / April 2, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
Tim Sebastian spoke with the Sri Lankan Secretary to the Foreign Ministry, Jayanath Colombage, on UN’s upcoming investigation.
Is Sri Lanka again on the brink? | Conflict Zone
Look how your Admiral Jayanath Colombage is trying to score points for Tim Sebastian by teaching him some history. He still has a lot of bottled up colonial (500 years of ) anger against white people.
He never mentioned that King Alakeshvara was captured by Zheng He and dragged him all the way to SJ’s glorious Ming China.
This reminds me of Louis Philip Heren (6 February 1919 – 26 January 1995) who said:
“When a politician tells you something in confidence, always ask yourself ‘Why is this lying bastard lying to me?'”
Eagle Eye / April 2, 2021
“Right now we have the most viscous Sinhalese racists in power and they are hell bent on sinhalizing the Tamil homeland.”
There is no Tamil homeland in Sinhale which is the homeland of Sinhalayo who evolved in this country and speak Sinhala language that is spoken only in this country. No question that Dravidians from Hindusthan came to Sinhale and settled down. That does not give them the right to claim any part of this country as ‘Tamil Homeland’. Sinhalayo do not have to Sinhalize their country.
Thiru / April 1, 2021
Karu Jayasuriya,
you are concerned about preserving the image, honor and dignity of our country.
But the Tamils of the North-East are waiting for justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity if not genocide committed by the Sri Lankan state, its rulers and its armed forces, and Geneva is not providing it. Will the international community provide it?
You are truly a reflection of the Sinhalese Buddhist mind set: You don’t care for the honor, justice or dignity of the Tamil people of the North-East or in the rest of the island either.
When the Sinhalese mind set changes and considers everybody in the island as humans to be treated with equality, justice and dignity while respecting their rights, then and only then Sri Lanka will have lasting peace, progress and prosperity. Until then you can utter from the roof top and we will continue down the road to hell.
Eagle Eye / April 1, 2021
“But the Tamils of the North-East are waiting for justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity if not genocide committed by the Sri Lankan state, its rulers and its armed forces, and Geneva is not providing it.”
UNHRC cannot take action for things that did not happen.
The whole world now knows that separatist Malabar Vellala Tamil politicians passed a resolution to create a separate State for Tamils in Yapanaya and urged Tamil youths to take up arms and fight until that objective is achieved leading to the creation of a deadly terrorist organization called LTTE that massacred Sinhalayo for three decades and the Government of Sri Lanka, after failing to stop Tamil terrorism through negotiations launched a military operation to eliminate Tamil terrorism.
The Sri Lanka Armed forces defeated Tamil terrorists and even liberated Tamils from the clutches of LTTE and restored peace to all the people in the country. During the terrorist campaign carried out against Sinhalayo, Tamil terrorists committed war crimes and crimes against humanity e.g. recruiting child soldiers, using suicide bombers, using Tamil civilians as a human shield. But some people with ulterior motives made an attempt to frame war crimes and crimes against humanity charges against the Government of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.
Tamil from the north / April 2, 2021
Eagle ‘mutt’ Eye, the LTTE money and LTTE killers are working for Ali Baba and 40 thieves.
Eagle Eye / April 2, 2021
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Thiru / April 1, 2021
Karu Jayasuriya,
you are concerned about preserving the image, honor and dignity of Sri Lanka.
You must first ask if the rulers and the Sri Lankan state strictly enforce the rule of law before claiming any honor, dignity or image.
Sri Lanka’s image is suffering for valid reasons declared by the commissioner of the UNHRC in her report.
A country has to earn the image, honor and dignity of the international community by its deeds, not by cunning diplomacy!
Eagle Eye / April 1, 2021
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Tamil from the north / April 2, 2021
Eagle ‘fool’ Eye, thanks again for keeping your comment short.
Eagle Eye / April 2, 2021
Tamil from the north,
Can’t you think of something more creative instead of repeating the same old joke of Native Vedda.
Native Vedda / April 2, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
“Can’t you think of something more creative instead of repeating the same old joke of Native Vedda.”
Did you think mine was a joke?
I was damn serious.
Tamil from the north / April 3, 2021
Eagle ‘dumbo’ Eye, in my world creativity will be met with creativity. Unfortunately, your stupidity will be met with a similar reaction from me. I cannot waste my intellgent comments on imbeciles like you.
Eagle Eye / April 2, 2021
“Sri Lanka’s image is suffering for valid reasons…”
What valid reasons?
Sinhale was a peaceful country until Tamils started harassing and massacring Native Sinhalayo. After massacring Sinhalayo using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, AK47s and chemical weapons Tamils are trying to convince the International Community that they are the victims and Sinhalayo who were the real victims of LTTE Tamil terrorism are villains. The International Community usually buy the story of minorities.
Buddhist1 / April 1, 2021
I am of the opinion that this article of former Speaker who had the guts to take very strong positive decisions in the Parliament, wrote this wearing his soft gloves. He has omitted the most important, all driving point – the weakness of the Judiciary and Law & Order in the country. If the Judiciary is free and fair and the Police (Law & Order) act according to the Law of the land most of the issues we have at community level could be resolved in no time. But this does not happen. First we have to resolve the internal matters before jumping on to international matters. As most of the international matters arise of the weakness in internal matters.
The Judges are today giving decisions “nidos kota nidahas” based on political party affiliations – Judiciary is corrupt! Police take no action in controlling those accidents that happen due to speeding on the roads, but they are speedily attacking the civilians in public and in Police Stations resulting in deaths. Even when Buddhist monks attack civilians in front of the Police, the Police do not take action against the monks. Police is corrupt!
The State Minister who is in charge of Transport is more interested in rushing to a hotel in the evening to have couple of shots get high and fight.
Sinhala_Man / April 2, 2021
Very true, dear Buddhist1.
I admire all the comments that you make, and here you have succeeded in identifying the major problem facing us.
Ajith / April 1, 2021
Rajapaksas came back to power to clear the accusations of crimes including abductions, murders, robberies, and misuse of power. So, they don’t have any time to think about the human rights violations or war crimes or UNHRC resolution. They cleared almost all the cases pending in Sri Lankan courts. They are now making deals with China for their safety and hopefully they will settle in China after selling Sri Lanka to China.
Sri Lankan ruling families always playing the fiddle when the country is burning or sometimes they themselves burn the country to get into power as your party did in 1983 and other party did in 2019.
This is an independent Sri Lanka??????
Simon / April 1, 2021
Mr. Karu Jayasuriya: Are you telling us what we don’t know? We know all that you tell us, have, and are being done to this present day by all the “HYPOCRITES” (Politicians of all “Shades”) not excluding you. All you, “Hypocrites” were and are well explained in “Brief” by “Thiru” in his comment. So I do not wish to repeat it anymore. What, you are now trying to “Tell” and “Do” is another “Hypocritic” move to “Hoodwink” the innocent people and make them “Slaves” and continue the “GAME” of “Hypocrisy”.At this stage of life of you and many others who have and are “Occupied” in politics and Governing the county’s affairs, do make an “HONORABLE” and “SINCERE” effort to “REFLECT” upon your “Lifetime Performance”, it would abundantly prove the meaning of the word “HYPOCRISY”. If that doesn’t come to your mind, you could ignore my comment. Thank you for at least taking a little of your time to read (if you do) my comment.
Sinhala_Man / April 2, 2021
I have read your comment. Why is it that you are so negative in your views?
I have never bothered much with cogitating on the life and times of Karu Jayasuriya, but his words here are good. Let me remember him for the heroism that he displayed at the end of the year 2018, when, as the Speaker of Parliament he stood firm.
We now need to look for much younger people who can speak the truth as KJ does here. Sajith Premadasa I accept as much better than Ranil Wickremasinghe, but he doesn’t offer anything that is new. And don’t flatter him by saying that he’s “young”. He’s well over fifty!
The only group that I can now support is the NPP. It is no longer the murderous JVP. It is up to us to cast our ballots for them.
Simon / April 2, 2021
Sinhala_Man: Good question you posed: “Why is it that you are so negative in your comments?” My answer: When these “Hypocrites” who have run the Governing functions have led this country to virtual “RUINE” and come forward through wearing varying types of “Cloaks”, I cannot resist exposing them. You could and mostly felt to think that they speak the “TRUTH” and to me, that is a “PLOY” played by them. A good example: Look at the “Foot Note Kalliya” who talks of the “Bond Scam” of Ranil. They only say NOW: “Yes we did it wrong”. What they did while in “Power” is compounded. Should, we or can we any further “TRUST” any of them? NO. I am with you to give my support to “NPP”. Yet, I am extending my “Critical Support” whenever they needed to be reminded of correcting the course. Please read my comment on Samantha Vidyarathna’s article on this page CT. You will see how I extend my “Critical Approach”. That is why I always remind “JVP” MPs to “Identify” themselves as “NPP” Parliamentarians and not “JVP”. I really admire Ms. Harini. We need very many of such Parliamentarians and that is my ONLY HOPE. Not this “RUBISH” of SLPP, SJB, SLFP , CP, NLSSP, NSFP, NSU. and all other “Ps”.
Sugandh / April 2, 2021
Dear S_M and Simon,
I am appreciating this conversation between you two.
I identify with Simon’s idea that there needs to be unequivocal conviction without fail at every turn; i.e., no room for hypocrisy and duplicity. Soft stances and playing to the desires of all sides instead of always siding with what is right has been the biggest downfall of many good political leaders.
On Dr. Harini of NPP, I recognise her clarity on the root of issues facing the country. In our current political arena comprising of so many street dogs, such capable politicians have to speak out vociferously (whether futile or not) simply for people to hear a voice of sanity and reason!
Simon / April 2, 2021
Sugandh: Thanks. There is no dispute between Sinhala_Man and me. We are on the same path. Let me clear my position. I am convinced, beyond doubt, ALL these “Political Leaders” and their “Cohorts” have “DECEIVED” us, because, they have never kept to what they have promised. They, “TALK” of all manner of “Heavenly” policies and “Action Plans”, but once getting to power, leave all that aside and had taken “U” turn to put the country and the people in great danger. Haven’t they done that and are doing it at present? So it is my losing “TRUST” and “CONFIDENCE” and I have rated them as “HYPOCRITES”. Am I wrong?
Sugandh / April 2, 2021
Simon, thank you! I am following both of you to educate myself on NPP. When big trees fall in the forest, the saplings under them are given the opportunity to rise. The voters have the responsibility to learn from the past and voice how new saplings should take form. Your voice of reason needs to reach those future hopefuls.
I think most in this country do identify with your dismay and frustration.
We see a variety of inflictions, ailments, and deficits within our political landscape. Hypocrisy is just one of those.
leelagemalli / April 2, 2021
Part 1
My dear Simon@ we have to agree with you, they are all number one hypocrites: If anyone would disagree with you – he or she should explain it constructively.
There is a saying in common parlance among sinhalaya,” mada wathure dala nawatha nawatha soodhanawa wage“ (it is like washing something again and again but in mud water). This has been the politics practising in the country so far. As one who wholeheartedly supported to build good governace govt, having worked with Rev. Madhuluwawe Sobitha Thero movement, I am very dissappointed today as many of you are. No doubt, I always agree with Dr Harini Amarasooriya, honestly saying, but I cant agree with JVP considering, how they acted during the good governance period. I have the feeling they are not yet experienced enough to grab the power on their hand. Or may be cruelties in 89 insurgency would not yet allow majority of the people to give them a chance.
Looking back, all is crystal clear as of today, that mastermind (Maha molakaru) of central bank- bond scam/central bank is MaRa and that Niward Cabral. Why not srilanken main stream media yet today, dont say it public and make the public perception in disadvantage of Rajapakshe camp ?
leelagemalli / April 2, 2021
Part 2
we perfectly know, for some hidden reasons, srilanken law and order always treats Mahinda et al with impunity.
In a country of nature , it is public secret that judiciary is all corrupted as no times in the past, but those who criticised it publicly are jailed today. Not just one single high crime, but Rajapakshes could be charged for a set of high crimes, but Ranjan Ramanayaka is jailed today just for contempt of highly corrupted judiciary.
I think SIRISENA as former president, transparency and accountability was a joke from the day one. It was not RW but SIRISENA himself, who appointed his former close men as cabinet ministers immediately he became the president. Late Rev. Sobitha thero was devastated not being able to observe it. And a man of his nature should not have been selected as common candidate. But in that critical point of time, there had been no better choice either. SIRISENA clearly fought more being unable to get on with educated UNP leadership, than anything else.
I still remember, how SIRISENA interpreted it himself, the manner once queen elisabeth welcomed him in UK. He just enjoyed his presidential powers but he had no brain to fulfill the pledges as they promised on the stage to numerous movements and parties that made him the president.
leelagemalli / April 2, 2021
Part 3
He was the executive president if RAJAPAKSHES were to be jailed, he had the power to do so. Instead, SIRISENA’s vicious plan was targeting long term political rival UNP party.
But the manner it was subjected to arguments under COPE was highly biased. JVP made every effort to stand out by taking revenge on UNP-party. That was then highly instrumental Rajapakshe camp to score more. In this regard, Sirasa TV made the biggest blunder, being behind former President SIRISENA, they took the revenge on Ranil and his party.
The very same SIRASA TV is continuing some good work yet today, but their position is not yet clear. After them being publicly attacked by President Gotabaya 2-weeks ago, now SIRASA is trying to be somewhat biased to incumbent brutal regime. That may be based solely on their commercial gains. That is why I repeatedly say, Media mafia governing in the lost island, is multiple times stronger than the drug trafficking mafia. If Drug trafficking should be the worst, then drug kin pins such as NIMAL LANZA and ARUNDHIKA Fernando should long have been beheaded by the law, long ago.
Please watch will you the video below, and just discuss what you think about MEDIA today !
hanchopancha / April 3, 2021
Simon; I quote you ” That is why I always remind “JVP” MPs to “Identify” themselves as “NPP” Parliamentarians and not “JVP”. I really admire Ms. Harini. We need very many of such Parliamentarians and that is my ONLY HOPE.” I think you are pretty naive. They all are typical Singhalese, meaning; what they say they do not mean it and what they mean they never say it. Ms. Harini is certainly not an exception. What ever is the reason behind all of them collect their fat pay checks and other benefits as MPs adding burden to already suffering masses. They have no principles. It is like “lets pray at Dambulla Temple and afterwards slaughter a wild boar for dinner” is how they think. Giving power to AKD and his cohorts would be a greater mistake than giving the Presidency to Sirisena. By nature the Singhalese are all hypocrites. If not for the influence of the Western Civilization it would be the law of the jungle. We had two Singhalese Chief Justices: Sarath N. Silva and Mohan Pieris who is presently the Srilankan Permanent Representative to UN. Need I say more?
Rohan25 / April 1, 2021
Another Sinhalese racist, with the typical Sinhalese racist mindset. Talks about everything else but not the main problem, the marginalization, structural genocide, deliberate war crimes and ethnic cleansing of the island’s Tamil population by all Sinhalese led governments from independence to now. This is the main reason they were hauled to UN and condemned. However, this person completely ignores this fact, as if this is some minor matter, as the genocide and marginalization of the Tamils is indeed a minor matter not only to him but to all Sinhalese politicians and people. He only laments that the politicians and diplomats did not play their cards well to deceive the world, as they had done during previous times but offers no solution, as these racists have no solution. They are the root cause of the problem. One lot of racists blaming the other lot of racists for what happened and not being able to deceive the world but do not want acknowledge or sort the problem. Not once has he mention about what happened to the Tamil people apologized for what happened .
hanchopancha / April 1, 2021
They say that the Spots of the Leopard does not change when it moves out of a forest and into another. By this article of his it proves to be untrue. What he says now is the opposite to what he practiced as the Speaker of Parliament. I wrote to him a letter urging him to have me rescued from a great travesty of justice under the caption “A Victim of Rogue Police and Corrupt to the Core Justice System”. He did forward it for necessary action by the Attorney General, now the Chief Justice, Hon. Mr. Jayantha Jayasuriya and IGP Mr. Jayasundera who took no notice of it. Even though it was a great snub to the Office of the Speaker Mr. Karu Jayasuriya let it slither away.
hanchopancha / April 1, 2021
I would like to add a further comment to my above. One time I was residing at 560 Halton Road, Changi in Singapore. I had an issue with the Ministry Of Environment getting over charged for refuse collection. Even though I pointed out the disparity in the Statute still I was ignored. I met Hon. Mr. Thamuji the MP for our area and the Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore. After he heard my complaint he took out his writing pad while I was seated in front of him and in his own hand wrote a letter addressed to the Director concerned who duly rectified the mistake. I have many encounters of that nature with the political leaders of Singapore which made me to feel inferior as a Srilankan.
hanchopancha / April 1, 2021
I am sorry for getting emotional and getting carried away. I sent an email to the Previous Speaker of House of Commons Rt. Hon. Mr. John Bercow who responded to it by return and thanking me for my email. Our bloody Srilankans never ever respond to communications sent to them still stuck in the savage stone ages. I have posted many messages in the FB pages of the Srilankan bums and no body ever respond.
MyView / April 1, 2021
…………Mr. Karu Jayasuriya let it slither away………….
He slithered before too.
Now you Mr KJ say all this. But your Son in Law and you, followed Ranil and did not support Sajith so that at least we got a better opposition and no two thirds if at least some votes went to SJB and not useless UNP.
You are to blame.
Eagle Eye / April 1, 2021
“With the support of all parties, we call for the country to be saved from this ongoing catastrophe.”
What is the catastrophe this guy is talking?
LTTE Tamil terrorism was the biggest catastrophe this country encountered after gaining independence. These clowns found an easy solution and handed over one third of the country on a platter to a terrorist. When Rajapakshes launched the military campaign to eliminate LTTE Tamil terrorism, instead of supporting the Government these guys ridiculed Rajapakshes, General Sarath Fonseka who led the military campaign and the Armed Forces. Now he is talking about saving the country with the support of all parties. Shame on these crooks.
hanchopancha / April 1, 2021
I know we all can be naive at one point or another. But you are indeed is an exception to break all rules of normalcy.
hanchopancha / April 2, 2021
I forgot to type EE to whom I meant to address the above message. Hope it was not misinterpreted.
Humble / April 1, 2021
Karu jayasuriya
Why did we have to face such a fate in Geneva? The reason is very clear.
Yes the reason is very clear. But ironically after making that statement, you go off on a tangent instead of explaining what that clear reason is:
1) Causing further communal aggravation since 2009
2) Trying to sell off the island to china and causing a serious geopolitical problem for india and the west.
Champa / April 1, 2021
Gotabhaya and his Buddhist Kewatta Council are engaging in a heinous attempt to suppress the freedom of speech of the Sinhalese Buddhists.
As reported by “”, Gotabhaya has appointed a Committee to “make recommendations on how to deal with those who misinterpret & spread falsehoods about Buddha’s character, the Tripitaka and Buddhist sacred sites”.
Although I haven’t touched this subject as yet, at present, there is a widespread conception among Sinhalese Buddhists that Lord Buddha was born in ancient Lanka.. Honestly, I didn’t like “this truth” coming out at a time “when Jainism has swallowed our Sangha Sasana”.
On a separate matter, the government’s attempt to declare the distorted “Mahawansa” a World Heritage is only to register that Sinhalese were descendants of Vijaya Hora.
Then there is another attempt to declare “Esala-Perahera” a World Heritage which is also wrong.
There was no such thing called “Esala-Perahera” until “Kannasamy Naidu, a descendent of Malabar marauders, reigned as Sri Wickrema Rajasinha”, the last King of Kandy. Until the “last Royal Blood Sinhalese King Sri Vira Parakrama Narendra Sinha”, this Perahera, which was called “Dadala Perahera” was held in the month of March. Sri Wickrama Kannasamy started “Devala Perahera” in July, the month of Esala to coincide with the birthday of Indian God, Vishnu! In other words, “Esala-Perahera” is NOT ours.
Champa / April 1, 2021
Oooops, oh, a typo, I have misspelled “Dalada Perahera”.
Tamil from the north / April 3, 2021
Chimpi, when two humans manufactured you many unfortunate years ago, that was a a typo as well. So no worries.
Lester / April 2, 2021
Karu being a close associate of Traitor Ranil, biggest loser in history of all politics, is criticizing the present government? How many UNP ministers did LTTE assassinate, but they never laid a finger on Traitor Ranil (so-called “Party Leader”), as they knew if he became President, they would have the fake state the next day. This is the reality of UNP, after Premadasa, it has never had proper leadership. Gotha is not a career politician, nevertheless, he served the country well; 20 years in the military with a final end to the civil war. Karu is whining about economy, this is not Gotha’s fault. With a global pandemic, one cannot expect accelerated GDP growth. Right now what we are seeing is the re-alignment of world power. China is emerging as the next leader, while the US (in opposition) is desperate to maintain the status quo. Sri Lanka has sided with China, that is the real reason why many countries supported the resolution. The East Asians and the Western powers are terrified of China.
davidthegood / April 2, 2021
Lester, You say China is emerging next leader. Their silk route across to Iran and Megiddo is being prepared with the drying up of the Euphrates. If you watch China’s military drill you will have no doubt about their militarization and the invasive march of these kings of the east described as predictive prophecy in the bible. Rev.16,12 Whether people believe it or not, China will never win as planned, but will be totally annihilated in this final battle called Armageddon of sure judgment in the future, sooner than later. Choose your side.
MyView / April 2, 2021
……China’s military drill you will have no doubt about their militarization and the invasive march ………..
They have other ways to bully not only militarisation.
See the dams they have constructed so that they have full control of the water to countries like Vietnam Laos Thailand Cambodia.and Myanmar.
Slowly getting control.
Tamil from the north / April 2, 2021
Unfortunately whether they are from the south or the north, it does not matter. I remember the time, when the hooligans among the Sinhalese from the south were attacking the Tamils in the south, the TULF politicians were capitalizing on that tragedy and wound up the Tamil youth to take up arms and fight. That’s all great only if they sent their own kids to fight for the Tamil cause. But what they did was send their children quietly abroad to safer places for various reasons and sent other people’s kids to die for Tamil Ealam. Similarly, these Rajapaksa despots will never send any of their rowdy kids to fight but send poor rural Sinhala youths to die for Lanka. While the country continues to burn in the eyes of the international community, Ali Baba and his 40 thieves (The Mahinda plus 40 family and friends) will pillage the nation (money sent to offshore accounts) and tell the ignorant of the country that this is an unwarranted attack on this small island and we need to fight back as patriots of this nation. People this is not an attack on the country but an assault on war criminals who massacred innocent people during this civil war. The international community should not stop there, but they should also investgate what the UNP government did to the rural Sinhala youths in 88-89 period.
Pon Lanka / April 2, 2021
All politicians of Sri lanka whilst in power disrespect the ordinary citizens of the country , whilst foster and bombard their own henchmen. When they are out of power , bother much about the future of the country and how it’s being treated by other counties at the international stages. This late realization is not going to ease the problems , specially under the present regime of Army turned Diplomats and other King-pins who are already being deemed as war criminals by the UNHRC.
Black Lankan / April 2, 2021
Blind Eagle moron, did you watch the pathetic interview given by Colombage? Oh what a joke baang. It was just pathetic. At least cant you guys find someone who could tell lies in a better way. Shame baang. I feel so sorry. Hope entire world see this video and enjoy. His minister moron says that SL won at the UN. Real ammage kathawa. Some of you idiots think that you fool the world like how you fool the local fools.
Naman / April 2, 2021
In,Sri Lanka the POliticians have their own hidden agendas. Mr KJ I am sure would like to see his Son in Law to be the next President or PM . So is Mahinda R would like to see Namal to be so. The Dual Citizen Basil R is dreaming to be next in line to NGR. These Corrupt ones are only interested in themselves and their stooges and never interested in the country’s well being. They don’t mind to be the ‘slave’ king for China which has accumulated huge wealth by abusing their own citizens. NGR soon after becoming the President acted to take REVENGE on the CID officers who were investigating all the CRIMES committed by the “Ali Baba and 40 thieves” . Why are the former Soldiers of LTTE, in the good books of NGR? Anybody who have carried out the crimes on his instructions are TOTALLY FREE to roam but those who question his wrong doings will be languishing in the jails. The ‘great’ fighter Sarath Fonseka had been punished thoroughly for talking the TRUTH about the white Flag incident. The unfair DETENTIONS is still occuring. The PTA is being used for his convenience and not for the country’s safty or Security.
Plato / April 2, 2021
When the Jaffna Library was set ablaze in 1981, all those responsible were by no means fiddling.
Naman / April 3, 2021
KJ belongs to UNP. A party responsible for 1977 riots + 1983 massacre of Tamils and their properties and business+ burning of Jaffna Library. So his party too contributed to the huge damage to Tamils. SLFP is the original culprit of causing inter racial disharmony by bringing in Sinhala ONLY + 1958 Riots. If KJ & his party wants to rectify, can they bring forward a DRAFT for the new 20 th Constitution for the Republic of Sri Lanka. I am expecting a very one sided BAD one is being formulated by NGR with the support of minority hating Buddhist Monks. I can only hope for a NEW CONSTITUTION that will produce equal rights to all its citizens+ Judical & Media freedom+ Parliamentary control of country’s affairs+Limited Powers for the President or No Presidential Post + unbiased equally represented Security Forces.