19 September, 2024


Aloysius Gets Duminda Syndrome, Mahendran Had Threatened EPF Superintendent

Arjun Aloysius‘ lawyer today informed the Commission investigating the Bond Scam, that Aloysius had forgotten his apple I phone and lap top passwords. The Attorney Generals department reacted by saying that Aloysius is lying as he had used his password recently to update the system and download applications.

Arjun Aloysius

A new counsel representing Aloysius, Anuja Premarathne PC sought the commissions permission to take the SIM card in order to get another sim with the same number. However, the Attorney Generals department led by Deputy Solicitor General Yasantha Kodagoda objected. Kodagoda said that they could release all the devices within Two days if Aloysius coorperated and gave the passwords. He further said that if Aloysius doesn’t corporate they would use whatever means to crack the passwords and get to the device.

Earlier Aloysius told the commission that the most crucial device, the phone he used during the bondscam had been destroyed in Singapore.

Giving evidence at the commission today former EPF Chief Ananda Jayalath said that Arjun Mahendran insisted that Saman Kumara be put in the dealing room instead of the risk management unit.

Saman Kumara thereafter bought bonds from Perpetual Treasuries in the secondary market. He was called before the commission and it was revealed that Kumara had a massive asset base and was involved in many shady deals involving the EPF. Kumara was considered to be Mahendran’s closest associate.

Arjuna Mahendran

Jayalath said that he was informed of the questionable nature of Kumara’s character and refused to put him to the front office. The day after Kumara was transferred to the EPF, Mahendran had called and threatened Jayalath. Mahendran had insisted that Kumara be put in charge of the dealing room. Kumara thereafter had a free hand with buying shares.

Jayalath giving testimony further said that it was clear that Mahendran knew of every purchase made by Kumara. Citing examples of how the buying was done and how Mahendran was made aware, Jayalath said that Mahendran and Kumara seemed to work hand in hand.

He further said that it was clear that the purchases of the bond by the EPF was pre planned. Kumara had used his mobile phone during work contrary to instructions and practices. The Attorney Generals department played recordings of conversations during certain deals and a Jayalath said the conversations were clearly on pre planned deals.

Latest comments

  • 8

    Juicier minute by minute.

    • 16

      FCID should arrest Aloysius, Ravi K and Mahendran forthwith!!!

      What the heck has happened to our “ever active” FCID, Police, CID, Attorney General, Solicitor General, Justice Minister and the Judiciary? There are more than enough evidence to arrest the rogue trio.

      If not, the government should RELEASE ALL war heroes (mostly intelligence officers) who are in jail without bail, FORTHWITH.

      Government has no right keep war heroes in jail anymore without any evidence if they don’t arrest Aloysius, Ravi K and Mahendran and REMAND THEM WITHOUT BAIL.

      Justice should be equal to war heroes and government rogues both.

      Government has no right to protect their rogues when there are clear evidence against them while war heroes are suffering in jail even though there are no evidence to prove the charges.

      This blatant partisan political favoritism for Prime Minister’s closest confidants who were the prime suspects of highly sophisticated Central Bank Bond Scam is disgraceful.

      Mr. President, you should release war heroes, if Ranil doesn’t instruct FCID to arrest his three-rogues Aloysius, Ravi K and Mahendran.

      • 3

        In a country -with law order system that fail to interrogate former Prez wife in terms of Rugby players murder, what do you expect ?

        Even few days ago, former Prez s wife rejected her call for FCID or the like bodies in terms of the investigation first interview.
        So was the case with their son Yoshita …
        Letting victimized family in a tantalus situation, these law and order men do all harm to them. No matter even high criminals would roam in the city, they just stay with old versions of the law and order.
        Lanken law and order need to be reformed as it is necessary.

    • 5

      FCID should arrest Aloysius, Ravi K and Mahendran forthwith!!!

      What the heck has happened to our “ever active” FCID, Police, CID, Attorney General, Solicitor General, Justice Minister and the Judiciary? There are more than enough evidence to arrest the rogue trio.

      If not, the government should RELEASE ALL war heroes (mostly intelligence officers) who are in jail without bail, FORTHWITH.

      Government has no right to keep war heroes in jail anymore without any evidence if they don’t arrest Aloysius, Ravi K and Mahendran and REMAND THEM WITHOUT BAIL.

      Justice should be equal to war heroes and government rogues both!!!

      Prime Minister has no right to protect his rogue friends when there is clear evidence against them, while war heroes are suffering in jail even though there are no evidence to prove the charges.

      This blatant partisan political favouritism for Prime Minister’s closest confidants who were the prime suspects of highly sophisticated Central Bank Bond Scam is disgraceful.

      Mr. President, you should release war heroes, if Ranil doesn’t instruct FCID to arrest his three-rogues Aloysius, Ravi K and Mahendran.

    • 0

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  • 20

    How much more evidence do we need to put these guys behind bars. Any other normal person would have been locked up for less.

    • 2

      ” Kodagoda said that they could release all the devices within Two days if Aloysius coorperated and gave the passwords”
      Aloysius won’t give the password because then the detectives will see his huge porn collection!
      It’s not about the bond scam, my dears, get real.

  • 14

    Oh dear oh dear……..this gets murkier and murkier and lest we forget, Ranil defended his appointment in parliament LOL

    This either means:

    1) Ranil was lying to parliament (and the public)

    2) Contrary to some people’s opinion, Ranil is no economic wizard and doesn’t understand anything do do with economy and he is innocent baby.

    Which is it?

  • 0

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  • 7

    Evidence already given plus Arjun Aloysius amnesia should be sufficient to arrest and detain Mahendran, Kumar, RK and his wife and daughter plus the finance officer of their company for handling massive sums of unaccounted moneys.

  • 4

    Recently, a known person lost his iPhone passwords and crack opened it by using a hacker, apple gave severe warning to both of them for violating their privacy policies. Apple was challaged by the US government agencies in the courts and they refused to obliged them. How is this big shot state attorney going to do it without getting into trouble with mighty Apple Inc, it all hot air for the public consumption.

    • 3

      If there are crimes committed there may be special provisions to gather information from electronic devices. Under normal circumstances, it is an offence to pry into private information. Here there is a legal need and associated crimes. It should be done.

    • 1

      Yep guys in SL charge SLR 20000.00 to crack I CLOUD…pay them even a 100000.00 n get the job done..let Aloysius know there r smarter ppl than him…bloody rogue

  • 15

    “Arjun Aloysius‘ lawyer today informed the Commission investigating the Bond Scam, that Aloysius had forgotten his apple I phone and lap top passwords”

    he will remember it all right when he gets two thundering slaps that will remove some teeth by a beefy police officer wearing a hood.Science has shown that this is necessary to jog the memory.

    • 0

      This is a good one. :D :D

  • 0

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  • 4

    this govt looks worse than Mahinda Rajapakse govt. Only difference is Journalists did not write about thiose things those days. Now they sensationalize stories. but, Maithripala sirisena and Ranil Wickrmasinghe are silent and I suppose they think, after sometime, stupid voters forget everything. Because, even right now so-called well known journalists write stories make Maithripala win either with Mahinda Rajapakse or with Ranil. It is still the same game. Media is playing for them or for politicians. Ministers, bureaucrats use govt for their benefit. There are so many corruptions going on. But, only one story is at forfront. Some say Maithriapala’s major issues are overcoming problems from Mahinda Rajapakse, cat and dog fight with Ranil, wealth is accumulated by the daughter. He wants son to be a minister because he can not perform anything else. Son is also connect to some violence eventhough it is not exposed or discussed.

  • 1

    Where is Dr Ranil?……… Is Dr Ranil expecting his one time nemesis, Lootto Ravi to be one of the sacrificial Goats to please the Yahapalana Gods…………Funny enough , Dr Ranil’s own Bag man Kabir has propped up as the Goat Saviour Dr Mervyn……… Kabir says UNP will protect Lootto Ravi from execution no matter what…. ……………..Wonder whether Kabir got the OKay from Dr Wije, who is the only Mr Clean in the Yahapalana Cabal………..

  • 1

    CT is very clever……When it said Duminda I was wondering whether it is Sira’s adopted Son, dummy……He He Hahahaaaaaaaa…….

    Aloysious said he is not going to be shafted by Vinodhini……He got all his Bond Looting mates in the bag…. If the Commission pushes him tto far , he will bring them out one by one……And it includes info on Seed Capital, Diversification of ROI, Long Term Income Streams to UNP Coffers and of course the Poosaris who keep them ……..And the list goes on and on……..I heard the FIL has a PhD like his mate Dr Ranil… …..Has young Aloysious got one toooo , I wonder………

  • 2

    Government and it’s agencies such as FCID, CID, Police, Attorney General, Solicitor General et al should go hard on these crooks without soft peddling.
    There are clear evidence of their involvement in these nefarious activities.

  • 3

    A sincere request to the investigative journalists at Colombo-Telegraph! There are some disturbing rumors regarding the the lease of the Hambantota port. Rumors are circulating that the “China Harbour Company” agreed to a 50-year lease for over USD 3 Billion but the Yahapalanya govt gave a 99-year lease to China Merchant Company for less than USD 2 Billion. This maybe just that, a sh!–y rumor or back-room gossip. But if it isn’t, this economic betrayal will make even the Rajapaksha’s proud. So Colombo-Telegraph, please please look into this.

    • 4

      i don’t know about the sums involved,but china did give us a 50 year lease and a 99 year lease option and was surprised that srilanka opted for the 99 year lease.However people are not surprised because ranil’s economic committee is the one that decides these.It is about to change now with sira going abolish that and starting a new economic affairs committee with him chairing it .He has put the proposal before the cabinet and ranil as usual has set it aside asking for more time to discuss with sira.

      • 2


        there is a further aspect to the hambantota port deal.Arjuna raised a big uproar and was switched to petroleum by sira.Also sira appointed mahinda samarasinghe to solely handle this matter and he came up with the final decision.So Sira is responsible for the final decision i think,not ranil.Anyway it stinks as you say.A decision of this magnitude should have a full transparent debate without just one person and the president handling it.The public should have been explained to as why one option was selected instead of the other.We are all considered dummies.

    • 0

      So you do not know that?
      Two Chinese companies had provided bids. One was a 50 year lease while the other is a 99 year lease. The 50 year lease is very advantageous for the country and SLG would have retained the controlling stakes.

      But for some ‘hidden’ reason, this gover went ahead with the 99 year lease that is disadvantageous for SL

  • 1

    Technology has changed our lives. There are so many pass words making it difficult to remember. Cell phone , internet, face book, PC, several credit cards, internet banking , to enter various web sites to make payments such as SLT, CEB, Water Board, to name a few. If you keep a record you run the risk of compromising them. Why do web sites offer way of retrieving pass words. Because people tend to forget. We might have to pass new laws to cover recent developments such as Basils land where there are no owners, [ land transfers are made before lawyers and witnesses after identifying the seller and the buyer] Daisy Auntys bag of gems, and Dumindas and Aloysiuss forgetfulness. This reminds me of the proverbial man who climbed the Kitul tree to steal toddy.

  • 1

    Modayas not only unable to run their Airline but also Central Bank….

    • 0

      Central bank was run very well until a madayan came

  • 0

    So much of evidence and witnesses testifying against a high profile case is very surprising. What I cannot understand is why the same has not been achieved for the grave wrong doings and corruption in billions of the previous government’s wrong doing.

    And mind you , we all are acting so shocked !! Really ? Every politician has got there hands dirty, almost. This case has a different motive, I’m not giving this case a judgment but I still can’t believe not even a drop of eveidence has been made public of other misdoings.

  • 0

    Supporters of the present government are deaf, dumb or blind! We elected this government to be clean and open, instead we got a worse set of rouges elected. Ravi Karunayake collaborated with Raj Rajaratnama the Wall Street crook who is in the USA prison for 12 years. Ravi K was accused of money laundering with Raj Rajaratnam in Sri Lanka . What happened to the court case in Sri Lanka? I believe, the present government pulled it out of the courts.

  • 0

    When the FBI recovered the iPhone of the dead shooters in a radical Islamic terror incident in San Bernadino, California, Apple Inc. refused to cooperate and work with the FBI to unlock the iPhone due to it’s privacy policy. Going to courts in the US didn’t work either. Finally they put the word out to hackers around the word and four teams were able hack into the device. They paid 4 million US$ to a company in Isreal that finally cracked into the iPhone. It was worth the money for the FBI as they got the contact list and planning tips about the incident. Since then Apple has beefed up it’s code, but I’m sure the FCID can find some hackers to break into the iPhone. The fact that he lost his password means that there is juicy stuff inside it. May be just porn as someone already alluded to. :)

  • 0

    Was it not Arjun Aloysius who was caught by Ms. Harrison the Teacher at CIS wanking under the Geography textbook? Apparently he had his penis out below the Textbook and was fantasizing about the attractive White English lady Ms.Harrison. He had no friends at school when we were there. A total jerk.

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