By Mohamed Harees –
As Hitler and Goebbels proved, the facts don’t actually matter. People repeat them so often that we believe them. Welcome to the ‘Big Lie’ or “illusory truth”effect, a glitch in the human psyche that equates repetition with truth. Modern day politicians, hate peddlers and even marketers are masters of manipulating this particular cognitive bias—which perhaps we have become more familiar with lately. Repetition is what makes fake news work. It’s also a staple of political propaganda. The effect works because when people attempt to assess truth they rely on two things: whether the information jibes with their understanding, and whether it feels familiar. The first condition is logical: People compare new information with what they already know to be true and consider the credibility of both sources. But researchers have found that familiarity can trump rationality—so much so that hearing over and over again that a certain fact is wrong can have a paradoxical effect. It’s so familiar that it starts to feel right.
This is exactly the effect the majority Sinhala-Buddhist population has been subjected to specially in the Post war era, when many canards repeatedly and in quick succession were used to vilify, demonise and stigmatize the Muslims in the Post war context, as part of a well-orchestrated hate campaign against them accusing them of pursuing an anti-Sinhala-Buddhist agenda. Some of the unfounded and unsubstantiated canards which were propagated were – destroying their relics and heritage particularly in the East, Muslims forcibly converting innocent Buddhists, Muslims are imposing their Halal requirements on others – projected as a Trojan horse and a conspiracy against the country, Muslim expansionism – the rate of population growth of the Muslims have been exponential which is likely to overtake the Sinhalese in due course and that the Muslim businesses are using many ruses to make Sinhala women barren, thus harming the interests of the majority. These canards became the appetisers in many of the campaigns led by BBS and their sisters groups during the MR regime and they continue to be attractive memes and slogans even now, in the powerful social media specially the Facebook hate pages repeated over and over again using photos and pictures of killings, massacres and incidents from other contexts and other countries.
It was therefore not surprising that the canard of Muslim ‘conspiracy’ of using various means to make the Sinhala women barren to bring their numbers down through sweets and tablets and also by introducing contaminated gel in undergarments became very popular specially in the social media which were designed to create anti-Muslim animosity within the general Sinhala-Buddhist psyche. Many diehard hate peddlers such as Amitha, Saliya, Dan Prasad, and many rogue monks and organizations such as Mahason Balakaya and Sinhaley Bala Mandalaya relished and thrived in these memes and slogans in the recent past even consequent to Yahapalana coming to power. This so-called ‘Wandha Pethi’ canard came into renewed focus during the Ampara incident where the cashier in the affected Hotel was forced to say yes to the mob’s question whether the Hotel introduced such tablets to the food served to them. The cashier who did not understand Sinhala affirmed under duress. This canard was proven to be untrue by many leading gynaecologists in the country. Thankfully, concerted campaigns were launched to counteract these claims in the mainstream media; but then, if not this, another ruse to poison Sinhala Psyche will be used by vested interests.
It is therefore important to realize that although it will be useful to consult and quote expert opinion and credible sources to dispel these types of canards whenever they come out and propagated like in this case of ‘Wandha Pethi’ brought forth to justify the attack of Muslims in Ampara, and also demand action against the immediate offenders, it is also more important to look beyond these canards surrounding Ampara attacks. These are only ruses used by the bigger networks and movements not only designed to further bolster majoritarian and Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist thinking and attitudes, but by many other reactionary forces too which are hell-bent on introducing defeatist mentality into the ranks of Muslims making them think like second class citizens; perhaps helped by global Islamophobia. There was a recent post by a Tamil intellectuals in the North too, who expressed similar concern about the population growth of the Muslims in the N-E which may make them the most dominant ethnic group in those areas. Thus, to limit our vision to immediate incidents such as these canards or cat-paws such as BBS and their likes and our conversation and strategies to focus only on the symptoms will only lead to temporary patch-ups to say the least. These undercurrents go deep and pervasive and those masters who operate these puppets will have the last laugh if we miss the woods for the trees.
Further, it is also equally important for Muslims to look inwards, identify and rectify the misconceptions prevailing among the majority Sinhalese at the grass-root levels, which make them gullible enough to fall victims to many hate propaganda slogans however stupid and irrational they may be, which are barriers towards peace. There is a feeling among the Sinhalese that the Muslims are not indigenous enough and have become Muslims in Sri Lanka rather than Muslins of Sri Lanka through many practices and attire adopted within the last few decades. It will be useful to identity and tackle the underlying causes rather than merely dealing with only the symptoms in order to make the dream of a united Sri Lanka where all citizens irrespective of racial and religious differences can enjoy their rights enshrined in the Constitution, a reality. There is a problem in our hands: The goodwill and trust between the two communities have broken down and it need to be mended and rectified rather than applying balm and plasters. In doing so, it is important to look at the realities of the past.
A Small Island of many people’, wrote S.J. Thambiah, in his lucidly written book, “Sri Lanka–Ethnic Fratricide and the Dismantling of Democracy”, ‘ whose political machinery is running down in an environment of increasing fragmentation and factionalism. The hopes of yesterday…have become fast evaporating fantasies’. Tambiah further argues in ‘Buddhism Betrayed’ that ‘this (Sinhala Buddhist nationalist) ideology is so hegemonic that it led to the inferiorisation of a minority in Sri Lanka and to the generalization of a resistant attitude among many Buddhist nationalists towards any suggestion of devolutionary authority ,let alone the division and dismemberment of the Island’ Peter Kloos in ‘Democracy, Civil War and the Demise of the Trias Politica in Sri Lanka’, queries ‘So how does one explain the transformation from a promising democracy in the 1940s to the state of the present?’ and continues, “the introduction of the majoritarian model of democracy rule in Sri Lanka chosen already during the late-colonial period paved the way for political forms that were undemocratic in the moral sense of the term. Far-reaching decisions regarding the political process are based on political expediency rather than on fundamental discussions of democratic rule”. Even British author B H Farmer said that national unity is an illusion in the face of the supremacist thinking embedded in the political class.
As repeatedly stressed, it must be borne in mind that much responsibility for ethnic conflicts and socio-political ills in Post-Independence Sri Lanka could be traced not only to the rise and institutionalisation of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism but also the prevalence of small minds and selfish political leaders of all communities, as per many scholars of history and sociology. It has been rather ironic that our peaceful elder brothers – Sinhala Buddhist people have been taken hostage by various extremist forces acting on the fringes throughout history. A cursory glance of such forces in history will reinforce the fact that they been drawing inspiration from the Mahavamsa and Anagarika Dharmapala (who referred to Muslims as Shylocks and aliens) and not from the Dharmapada or Tripitaka. The eminent Sri Lankan historian, K.M. de Silva points out that the Sinhala Buddhist revivalists had no time for such norms such as Multi-culturalism or multi- ethnicity ..The emphasis on Sri Lanka as the land of the Sinhala Buddhists carried an emotional popular appeal, compared with which the concept of a multi-ethnic polity was a meaningless abstraction”, while social analyst Jayadeva Uyangoda(1996) has argued that “Sinhalese Buddhism has made no significant contribution to the evolution of a non-violent social ideology. Events that transpired in post-independence Sri Lanka when Buddhist leaders and Buddhist monks campaigned for policies that exacerbated ethno-religious violence highlight Uyangoda’s argument. Nira Wickramasinghe, another author in history (2006) says that ‘the three Constitutions of post- independence Sri Lanka, helped demarcate and define a majority from within the citizens pitting them against non- Buddhists and non- Sinhala speaking minority communities…(.placing) minorities in a somewhat dependent and subaltern situation’.
It was unfortunate that following independence from Britain in 1948, cracks began to appear in inter-community cohesion and mutual mistrust led to decades of ethnic conflict between Sinhalese and the Tamils. It is however inaccurate to place all blame for the ills on Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism, as the Tamil leaders too did not take serious any conscious efforts to integrate with the Sinhalese. The ethical failure of Tamil nationalism, as writer Qadri Ismail (2000 223-24; 2005) has argued, is that it demands majoritarian status in response to its marginalisation rather than ethically re-configuring the discourse to re-imagine the nation as a more inclusive site based on principles of justice and equality for all communities. In the overall context, many analysts note that the dismal failure to creative an all-inclusive Sri Lanka was clearly due to the critical failure of the Post-Independence governments to act as a government for all and to bring about mechanisms to promote national reconciliation and their short sighted policies to surrender to the hegemony of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian lobby led by Maha Sangha, driven by political expediency. Many subsequent historic opportunities were also missed to promote national reconciliation, and the reality in the midst of the above ‘Mahavansa’ mentality has been that the Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalism ultimately triumphed, having found a safe place in the psyche of the peaceful Sinhala community. It is equally shameful about the opportunistic Muslim politicians who will not hesitate to sell the interests of the community to gain petty personal political benefits – a far cry from the elite Muslim leaders of TB Jayah’s and Razik Fareed’s stature. It will be an utter disappointment to rely on these so-called Muslim leaders to safeguard the best interests of the community. Even the present day Tamil leaders lack maturity to think beyond their community. Muslim parties have become a liability to Muslims as much as JHU and Tamil parties to Sinhalese and Tamils respectively.
The Answer therefore lies in developing a two-pronged pragmatic approach through constitutional, political, educational and social mechanisms. Firstly it is imperative to accept the reality that Sinhalese Buddhist majoritarian lobby has been relatively strong in statecraft, despite cosmetic changes. Therefore there is a need to frankly and sincerely look for solutions, taking cognizance of this inbuilt majoritarian framework. This does not mean to accept the subservience of the minorities; just finding a solution around it. As Dr Tambiah suggests in his book ‘(to explore) whether framework of current Buddhist nationalism can in the future stretch and incorporate a greater amount of pluralist tolerance in the name of Buddhist concepts of righteous rule’ and sees ‘no reason to foreclose on this possibility, for there are precedents that can be positively employed to urge a new view’. There is also the need to assure the majority Sinhalese and dispel their inner fears about their race being subjected to systemic extinction due to certain government policies. One reason why the MR is still popular as he has been projecting himself as the champion of Sinhala Buddhists. Any meaningful provisions in the proposed constitution, to promote national reconciliation will only work if these majority community’s concerns are duly addressed. Secondly, developing an intellectually mature looking civil society which will act as catalysts to re-engineer the society in the middle run and to target the university graduates and school children in the long run, to create a more inclusive and tolerant society.
Future of Sri Lanka lies not in communal politics as Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils have realized through many bitter historic lessons. The challenge for Sri Lanka will therefore be:how to promote ethno-religious tolerance and national reconciliation amidst majoritarian pressures and by allaying the reasonable concerns of the majority community. Socio political challenges in Post War Sri Lanka should be faced jointly by progressive forces drawn from all communities, specially the intellectuals and only such joint synergy will make the government of the day sit up and take the concerns seriously. Constitutional guarantees will only remain on paper without public activism. Politics is too serious matter to be left in the hands of politicians; specially the types we have in our present day Parliament.
Jim softy / March 2, 2018
Lukman Harees: instead of Preaching Sinhala -buddhism yiu could have discussed the Religion of PEACE could have contributed to the peace in the country. YUangoda had talked like an idiot. Tambiah, I f it is the same man, has written a book against buddhism. Just take former Yugoslovia as example and how they killed each other both muslims and catholics. for how many centuries we are tolerating Muslim atrocities against Sinhala buddhists. Even Tamils did not forgive you and remember what LTTE did to you.
Jim softy / March 2, 2018
You think, lies you muslims preach exist the same way for ever. YOU will understand it. buddhists do not argue these cases in the news papers.
Jim softy / March 2, 2018
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Anonymous / March 2, 2018
Someone should Upload the pictures of the attackers for the public to see and investigate who they are and who ordered them to carry out this attack on the Muslims and why!?
This is not what drunk people do…
Were the police ordered not to intervene if so by whom?
Who imported these sterilization drugs?
When were they imported?
Who were they originally intended to be used on?
Is this an attempt to cover up the actual intended use of these drugs?
Are the Rajapaksas behind all of this!?
Modarata / March 2, 2018
I think now Lanka can apply for International Patent for “Anti-Pregnancy Kottu” where the drug which is mixed with Kottu still active to bar and control pregnancy …we can earn much foreign exchange by exporting countries like India and China….ModaRata…
Eagle Eye / March 2, 2018
King Senerath saved Demalu and Thambis from Portuguese persecution but during British colonial rule both these communities licked the a?? of colonial parasites and marginalized Sinhala Buddhists. Demalu, Thambis and Sinhalese of Demala origin fought with British and massacred Sinhalayo in 1818 and 1848. Sinhalayo have not forgotten these things. That is why Sinhalayo do not trust these two communities. History teach lessons.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / March 2, 2018
Eagle eye,
Very true indeed. The Muslims would point out the hiding places of Sinhalese freedom fighters for the British in exchange for 2 Shillings.
How many Sinhalese warriors and rebelious lost their lives because of this. Even the Buddhist monks who were in hiding just to practice their meditation were betrayed by these Swine.
This must be avenged. Like I said yesterday, just because the revenge is coming a few hundred years late, doesn’t mean it should be forgotten.
Burning Issues / March 3, 2018
Eagle Eye,
You conveniently overlooked the Sinhala Elite, the ruling class! Shamal Perera’s ancestors were too working with the Portuguese!
The poor Sinhala villages were used during the colonial time by the Europeans and continue to be used by their surrogated elite!
Same lies were propagated about the Tamils and the Muslims joined as well now it is their turn to face the music! I urge the Tamils to stay away.
Had Enough / March 2, 2018
But Hitler and Goebbles were anti-Jewish. Weren’t they on the same side as you are?
Park / March 2, 2018
In my opinion there are two types of Muslims in Sri Lanka. A group that is fundamental Muslims like the Buddhist fundamentalists, the other is the moderate Muslims. Unfortunately the moderate Muslims are not coming out and speaking out openly in defending all the racial attacks against Muslims in Sri Lanka. The sad fact is its only a matter of time before the fundamentalist Muslims take the task of defending themselves, at which point there is no way of stopping of Taliban or
Al-Qaeda coming over to Sri Lanka. Lets us be mindful of it. Let us all peace loving Sri Lankans resist the Mahinda Rajapakse, SLPP and Joint Opposition racial statements which is creating all these issues.
Buddhist / March 2, 2018
In my opinion there are two types of Muslims in Sri Lanka. A group that is fundamental Muslims like the Buddhist fundamentalists, the other is the moderate Muslims. Unfortunately the moderate Muslims are not coming out and speaking out openly in defending all the racial attacks against Muslims in Sri Lanka. The sad fact is its only a matter of time before the fundamentalist Muslims take the task of defending themselves, at which point there is no way of stopping of Taliban or
Al-Qaeda coming over to Sri Lanka. Lets us be mindful of it. Let us all peace loving Sri Lankans resist the Mahinda Rajapakse, SLPP and Joint Opposition racial statements which is creating all these issues.
Anonymous / March 2, 2018
Park/Buddhist, who ever you are!
It is Sinhala Buddhist moderates who should speak up against the rise of Sinhala Buddhist Terrorism!
If not it appears to anyone watching the situation in Sri Lanka to believe all Buddhist are for and back these terrorists who attacked these Muslims…
Kumar R. / March 2, 2018
Dear Buddhist,
Just for clarification, what do you mean “Unfortunately the moderate Muslims are not coming out and speaking out openly in defending all the racial attacks against Muslims in Sri Lanka.”
Are you suggesting that the racial attacks against Muslims are justifiable and the moderate Muslims should support (defend) those attacks, or whether the moderate Muslims should openly express opposition to those attacks? I think there is some ambiguity in what your statement implies. Perhaps I may be the only one confused, however.
I am not trying to find fault with you. In fact, I believe you have something valuable to contribute here — if not I will not be asking for clarification of your position.
I do agree that it is the “silence of the moderates” that emboldens the extreme, often in the minority (hand hence the term “extreme”). That is true not just here , but even in the US as the last election showed.
Also in the US, it was the joint action of the moderate majority (the middle-income whites) that resulted in ending slavery, not the action of any extreme minority. Actions of extreme minority has never ever lead to any positive, viable resolutions.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / March 2, 2018
Thank you for a wonderful summary which is timely for all of us to focus. I hope everyone understands the “Patriotism for their Mother Land” lies within what has been articulated in this writeup. We can only do this if we understand “existing mind set/selfish & mindless historical references (as suppose mindful for todays and tomorrows needs as a one united people) for “nation building” did not work or bring about much needed change. We need to go back to the drawing board “together” and start all over as a united people draw up a set up “fundamental criteria” that should lay foundation for an exceptional country and people ever existed in this wonderful planet.
We need a grass root movement reflective of the “nation” to go around to sell this idea to people? Not as separate religious/language/race parties in name and in idelogy but as a “One Nation Movement”??
Lacille de Silva / March 3, 2018
I totally agree with you. What the country now needs is to stop sectarian politics by present day politicos in every community. There are politicos in every community fanning communalism too. Shouldn’t we come together to stop all that. it is time for like minded people with a balanced perception to come together. We should begin to promote “ONE NATION MOVEMENT” It is an excellent idea..
Thiagarajah Venugopal / March 5, 2018
Dear Lacille, Thank you. We need to promote this specially amongst young people and divert their energy towards being united to solve all their problems democratically. They talk to each other and start supporting party politics only “if not sectarian in ideology”. We need to create a platform for this “young and our future generations” so they can shape something for themselves as we have failed them miserably with our outdated mindset. I am very concerned even the Universities have been used/allowed to show the same trends we are all customer to and hope someone in the respective department take note of this “alarm bells” and think out of the box for Nation’s sake.
Bruz / March 2, 2018
Great article..but who will accept the facts or do anything today ?
Sri Lanka destined to be destroyed by the majority with the help of minorties and it’s been going on for 70 odd years..No one can just change the mentality of the majoritarian Sinhalese ..because they think Lanka is theirs and others are all there will be no solution until they realize the reality.
India with all the ethnicity is marching towards success and we are going down the drain…why ?
Our political leaders spoiled the people for their selfish benefits and used us as the pawns.
We will never go anywhere near success until this mahawansa mentality is dumped for good.
Setting up Sinhalese against Tamils and now against Muslims are all well planned thing and most of the governments helped or ignored for selfish we had unrest in the nation for the past so many years..
Tamils were the mostly affected…some Muslims helped the Sinhala governments and thugs and some Muslims evn enjoyed the pain og the Tamil bretheren..shame on those Muslims..
Today they are in a precarious situation …
Minister Rauof Hakim went to UNHRC and declared that no Tamil were killed in the 2009 war…
How can he lie like that…even Mahinda said there were Zero killing or death in Mullivaikal..
Muslims(not every one) smiled and enjoyed when Tamils were gunned down in Mullivaikal…
How could a minority enjoy a majority brutal attack on another minority ?
What did the Muslim home guard do to the Tamils in East ?
Never mind…every life is precious…
Muslims must wake up…you cannot make the Sinhala Buddhist people realize anything…
Today you are paying the price..we are sorry but face the consequences..
We are all going to destroy the country and no one can stop it.
Ranil and Srisena are also another set of Mahawansa Buddhist mentality minded low life people…they will never ever do anything good for the country or the people.
Uthungan / March 2, 2018
Muslims (not all) smiled and enjoyed when Tamils suffered and were killed in June/July 1983 when Sinhala Buddhist goons inspired by President JRJ of the UNP, burnt and killed Tamils and looted and ransacked their properties and gained assets for cheap.
When the Mayuri Amman Hindu temple at Havelock Road Colombo was about to be destroyed by Muslims it was the few conciencious SB’s who intervened and prevented the perpetrators.
The Muslims first consider themselves as Muslims and their loyalty and priority is to Allah in Mecca. Only after that they consider the land they live in as theirs.
That is their problem.
Native Vedda / March 2, 2018
“The Muslims first consider themselves as Muslims and their loyalty and priority is to Allah in Mecca.”
What has happened to ever cool Uthungan?
Al right you have identified a problem among other what shall we now do pack all of them and send them to Mecca or south India? How about sending them to Eastern Ghouta of Syria?
Beware if pushed too hard, there are extreme elements in within Muslim community which are ready to take harder line. There is huge possibility and potential for importing surplus extreme elements, ideology, practices, tactics, strategies, tools, volunteers, …. from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, …….
I think Sinhala/Buddhist fascists should be reminded that they are alone in fighting the international terrorists. Their usual bravado may work against them.
Fahim Knight / March 2, 2018
Why are The Muslim Politicians further politicizing this by using the age old joke of condemning and legal action?
There are a course of actions that need to be done ,
1) the food need to tested by a lab , the medicine itself need to be tested if it what it said to be .
2) Expert should be called from the medical field from all faiths and a public discussion be held on all TVS at the same time
finally before you take any legal action for pete’s sake you need to get rid of the bogus constitution and failed law and order.
Get more decent public involved in such cases from all faiths and ethnicity , especially from the medical filed .
All restaurants must be advised to have a CCTV fixed focused on the cooking area (if possible )
a small container used to put a way small tiny portion of the food served to suspicious customers ,so it can be tested in a lab readily .
first change your dead duck Constitution and bring in merciless laws ,not to use corporal Punishment or imprisonment ,all those take the toll on the tax payer &the general public and the nation at large to maintain them .
Just confiscate all the criminal’s assets leaving enough only for family day to day survival and suspend the movement with some sort of tracking device and contain the criminal for along time period and make him/her report every month to the closest police ,make them do community services.
Right now just let this one go and please stop pinning everything on Mahinda, unless you have proof, to date not an atom of your accusation has been proved
Fahim Knight / March 2, 2018
I may be hated for this , but I do not care, if there is truly a careless population growth among Muslims it need to be addressed , as it is we can not even take care of the population in hand who are mostly poor people .
No proper housing, they are stuck in over populated areas ,no proper health care,no education, no income, some do not even have their three meals a day, children are under nourished .
we do not have to follow any other religious traditions even if it has some connection with Islam ,you need to advice on family planning and teach them and support them to move to a more practical living .
You need to go house to house of every Muslim and advice them ,be transparent ,then there will be no issues
K.Pillai / March 2, 2018
The Mother Of All Canards: That the Ampara incident is between Sinhalese and Muslims!
It is some business interests in the process of edging out businesses owned by Muslims. The rent-a-goon-squad provided the violence in military precision.
Law enforcement was put to sleep.
Fahim Knight / March 2, 2018
Conquering a Muslim Myth – The Hindu › Opinion › Comment
Feb 2, 2013 – There is a prevailing perception that family planning is a red flag in Islam. That Muslims are firmly against the adoption of family planning measures is a popular misconception. There is a general im.
S.Modaya / March 2, 2018
The religious conflict narrative, and staged attacks on Muslims is a distraction for the masses and the media in Sri Lanka staged by corrupt politicians and their foreign sponsors
Attacks on Muslims are to distract us from the Coup that Bondscame RWstaged after defeat at LG elections. Ranil should have been forced to resign and been impeached, but is instead Minister of law and order to block any investigation.
As Joshka Fisher wrote, as in Syria today, religion, religious conflicts masks a deeper struggle for power and regional dominance. There is a global and regional geostrategic and game and conflict that is being massaged and played out in Sri Lanka. by those who fear China’s rising influance in Indian Ocean region.
Also the international peace and reconciliation industry which diverts attention of Civil Society organizations from the real crisis of POLITICAL CORRUPTION, looting of national resources and indebtedness of people and Economic Inequality.
People, Muslims , Tamil and Sinhalas are are pawns in this ethnic and relgious conflict game/narrative crafted between corrupt national politicians and their foreign backers. to distract the voters from the governance crisis in Sri Lanka today.
Simon De Silva / March 2, 2018
Those who exercised threats on these CITIZENs should be hung by their balls incl.. the ones who commanded them to do so.
Be them belong to RajaAKSHES or BBS aggressive men, they should be stoned to death.
We the sinhala folks have been betrayed by the kind of low level behaviours – for their political agendas.. being played even today.
Police, please dont wait to punish those lower men – those are teh smeared toilett papers fo Rajapakshe rascals.
Sirimal / March 2, 2018
Please media men – why not you write lot more about the incidents.
The world should know that the problem we have in SL are extremism- most that behave like patriots including former dECENCE guru, but most abusive GOTABAYA is an US citizen.
And his mentality is to put SINHALAYA above the others so that the rotten frogs can feel better.
Not even highy developed european countries people would feel today, they should be given the highest place in the society .. neglecting MIGRANT communities.
We see, there re lot more coming iup from the migrant communties as politicians in the west today.
Given that, our extremists to stay as if they are the masters to live in this island should be changed by the great work of media.
Media just give them more publicity… tha tis the problem.
We have a big problem in the country those are Rajapaskhes.
FAHIM KNIGHT / March 2, 2018
I am so confused ,how can a people like Sri Lankan who are able to read and write 100% I presume and with almost everyone with a smart phone in hand ,active in Social Media ,refuse to think ,investigate , question and are also willing to Vote and endorse a anti-Peoples Constitution ,which has enslaved them ,denied their rights ,robbed their rightful resources for seventy years and completely destroyed the future generations hopes.
Why are they all such a willing sheep ! I just don’t get it ,they do not want to accept its the constitution that needs complete change and not Politician or Political parties .
Is it really worth for young intelligent men and women ,no matter the ethnicity or religious beliefs to waste their lives here and produce another generation to go through the same suffering ! ?
I say if this Constitution is not replaced with peoples power ,I will not mince my words, then there are quite a lot of people who might be finding benefit in this constitution that is fit only to modern day pirates .
God Help Sri Lanka
FAHIM KNIGHT / March 2, 2018
We need a Constitution that will not where no impunity is enjoyed by any citizen ,
And the final word and approval is The people and no one else.
If This government dies not implement such a Constitution ,then kiss Sri Lanka goodbye .
It only means we have been taken for a ride for seventy years and long more Yeats are left to be milked until we run dry ad Somalia
Simon De Silva / March 2, 2018
Yes, the picture above says everything.
If we would all feel like we are all the same – SRILANKEN.
Nothing will go that far.
Why saying buddhists but behave other way around ?
Extremism of any form should be destroyed in this country, there we need a BRAVE LAW AND ORDER MINISTER to go for it… regardless of the status of anyone.
Native Vedda / March 2, 2018
Ben Hurling
Are you there?
Have you gone to bed again?
Are you in snooze mode?
Can you defend, justify and be the chief apologist for the Sinhala/Buddhist Weerayas who by “giving into their raw emotions, handed over a massive propaganda victory” to the ISIS.
The thugs in uniform as well as in civil need you.
Don’t fail in your national duty.
Be a man.
Cholan / March 2, 2018
We Muslims are always innocent but regular land grab from Tamils and destruction of Hindu temples are all by people from Mars.
From the day Saudi money started to flow to these Muslims things are changing …in Tamil, areas road signs are in Arabic, Sinhala, and English..jokers dress like Arabs but talk in Tamil.
This news about mixing chemicals with food is going for a long time in North-East
UN laboratory must check these samples because Muslims will bribe the local health inspectors.It is better to check food samples from Muslim, Sinhala, and Tamil shops and restaurants in the same area and analyze.
A number of Sinhala and Tamil women unable to conceive after marriage must be recorded and these women should undergo tests.
One thing is clear someone quietly trying to reduce the Non-Muslim population in a scientific way in this country.
More Non-muslims must start restaurant and food processing business.
People write here that this is not possible but consumption of some chemicals in food on regular basis will bring many defects.
Mohamed / March 2, 2018
“A number of Sinhala and Tamil women unable to conceive after marriage must be recorded and these women should undergo tests”
How can we, Muslims help you here? ;-)
Rohan / March 3, 2018
The problem with these Muslims in Sri Lanka is that will claim all forms of origins , especially Arab/Moor but deny their actual Dravidian and Tamil origin from South India, which is fairly recent. No one is denying that there is a little bit of western Asian heritage in some of them but this is minute and does not justify claiming any other origin other than their actual Tamil origin. In order to justify this lie and also to due to the current influx of Saudi Wahhabi money/Pakistan Taliban influence , they are going out of their way to destroy every vestige of their rich ancient 1000 year old Dravidian Tamil Islam that is very tolerant, the language , the culture , the way of life and become pathetic carbon clones of Gulf Saudi Arabs. They are also a very cunning opportunistic lot and very inward looking only towards them, and their community and if there is an advantage for their immigrant community from South India, they will grab it , even if they have to destroy their fellow non Muslim Tamils. If you read this article you will realise this. This author constantly derides the Tamils who were fighting for justice in their own land. Since most of them also live amongst the Sinhalese they thought , it will be advantageous if they deny their Tamil ethnicity and claim an imagined Arab/Moor pan Islamic identity , however this worked on the short run but now has created more enemies and alienated their fellow Tamil Hindus and Christians. Being Muslim is not synonymous of being an Arab or Wahhabi.. Most Muslims are not Arabs and are very proud of their own language culture and ethnicity. Only these , South Indian origin , Tamil Sri Lankan Muslims seem to be having some sort of identity crisis and a result creating all sorts of problems for themselves and others. Stop being like some sort of pathetic Saudi Wahhabi clone and act like a proud Tamil Muslim that you really are and your problems will cease
chiv / March 2, 2018
These are the some of the same mode of operations conducted during MR regime, not a surprise it has been reactivated after recent election success keeping an eye on upcoming polls and to bring back MR to power,Long Live Lankawe, I love this country ,never fails to surprise me.
Mama Sinhalam / March 2, 2018
Mr Harees has written a piece based on reason and analysis of statements of esteemed scholars in the field. But, to what use? Reason has long fled the scene. Keeping the ethnic pot boiling is the way to profit for many politicians on all sides, including the Muslim. It will not be allowed to go cold. We all know that the answer is, as Harees suggest, in tolerance. But, that is not a quality that we can collectively cultivate anymore as hard lines have been drawn. If you can convince people that you can sterilise by adding pills to a meal or a rubbing jelly into bras, you can do many things through these self-hypnotised morons
Chandra / March 2, 2018
We must not lose sight of the fact that our greatest enemy is the ‘ intellectual hegamony’ of the now waning concept of glæbalization. Some writers reffered to by the author have been writing to please that ‘hegamonic class.’ for obvious reasons. The greatest challenge of post independence was the democratizatin of the Country where the need to uplift the hitherto marginalised majority community, more particularly the Sinhala Buddhists, was the inevitable priority. In the prccess the political leaders of the ethnic and religious communities began to feel that the preveledges enjoyed by them under the colonial system were threatened; the Tamil leaders felt this in 1931. The hitherto Sinhala elitists too joined the band- waggon, opposing the inevitable changes. It goes without saying we were a ‘multiethnic’ Nation prior the advent of colonialists.
Uthungan / March 2, 2018
“Any meaningful provisions in the in the proposed constitution, to promote nation’s reconciliation will work if these majority concerns are duly addressed”.
The answer to that question, it must be understood would depends on which side the third majority community i.e. Muslim community decide to side with.
It cannot wear the cap of the armed guard and also at the same time complain about being left out and cheated.
In other words have the cake and also eat it.
A meaningful answer to that, should chart out the right course for enacting the necessary constitutional provisions to achieve the necessary reconciliation required.
chiv / March 2, 2018
I suspect the food and water is already contaminated to make Lankans RETARDED. I suggest a commission to be formed consisting the experts from SLMC/GMOA and headed by the Doc who performed the autopsy on Thaj, any takers????
Native Vedda / March 2, 2018
“I suspect the food and water is already contaminated to make Lankans RETARDED.”
Therefore you want every women to be compulsorily sterilized.
Lankan 7 / March 2, 2018
we do not need to hate each other for any reason. Some extremists group politics to spread terror among people . That is it . Since LTTE war was over, this hatred start to come out…Why/