19 February, 2025


Ampitiye Sumane’s Slap Fell On The Civility Of The Sinhala Buddhists!

By Lakmal Harischandra –

Lakmal Harischandra

Ampitiye Sumana, the well- known saffron clad thug from the East – rhymes aptly with Aggona Chandare and rightly so, in terms of their behavioural strength – rowdism and thuggery. These days, he is on the social media for having behaved like a street thug chasing out like a ruffian, a Christian pastor and his evangelical group, in scant regard to the rule of law. He was seen to slap another Christian preacher asking an innocent question from him while the law enforcement are looking helpless. Still, he is a cinema hero among many among his like-minded followers who will whistle at his antics, and compliment him for his rude and violent vitriolic behaviour towards other communities including spitting out raw filth, contrary to the dignity of his robe. The Police personnel are just spectators to his vile and criminal behaviour. Who has given him the authority to take the law into his hands and pass judgement? Where are the Mayanayakes of the Main Chapters speaking out against this unruly behaviour on the part of this Saffron thug, unbecoming of a Buddhist clergy, in contravention of the Vinaya Pitaka? When will the Sinhala Buddhists of Sri Lanka  take the likes of most respected Ven Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero and Ven Galkande Dhammananda Thero  as their role models of Buddhist way of living? Aboo-dhassa Kaaley- as it is said in Sinhala of these changing times to the worst!

Watch the video below:

If the pastor or any other person is commits a socially unacceptable act or even a crime, it should be left to the law enforcement and the arm of law to inquire into and act on the case. This trend of un-official policing by this rogue monk, is nothing new as there are many videos in the social media where he abuses Tamil speaking government officers and even Police in raw filth, in the presence of even ladies. This type of same behaviour happened some time ago in Trincomalee as well, when another monk abused a Tamil lady too and the Police did not take any action. As a community, it is incumbent upon all of us as Sinhala Buddhists to put a stop to this type of rogue monk behaviour as it undermines our faith and culture which reigned supreme for over 2500 years. Rather than basking on past glory, it is important that Sinhala Buddhists make the peaceful message of Buddhism relevant to the current times

These types of rogue sangha heroes have come out in numbers, after Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) swept to power in December, riding on the explosively emotive racist campaign, based on Sinhala Buddhist supremacism. This fever wasn’t new as it initially took wings during the tenure of office of his brother  Mahinda with many hate groups cashing on the triumphalism after the end of the war against the Tigers of the North. At that time, temples decorated their walls with pictures of the Rajapaksa brothers. Money flowed for radical Buddhist groups. BBS and its sister groups started off a well-orchestrated hate campaign against the Muslims who were living in harmony for over 1000 years with the Sinhalese. It subsided during the initial period of Yahapalana rule, only to rise from the phoenix to drive fear once again into the hearts of the Muslims during that period too. The tempo of anti-Muslim hate increased exponentially after the disastrous Easter Sunday. This hate wave of course worked to the advantage of GR and Pohottuwa, as the Saffron Brigade exploited it to stir a Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian consciousness among the Sinhala peasants to bring a ‘Sinhala Buddhist king’ to power, towards establishing a Sinhala Buddhist State, along the same lines Modi chose to create a Hindutva India.

Today, with (almost) a fully Sinhalized cabinet and a civil administration team, the whole State machinery is much active in this direction. Moves are afoot that National Anthem will only be sung in Sinhala. If true, this is a sad development  as it will once again further polarize the nation. As Colvin R De Silva said : one language- two nations and two languages- one nation. For some unknown reason , perhaps strategically until the Parliamentary elections,  there is a lull in all Muslim hate activities and program of action such as canards about sterilization through Wanda Pethi, brassieres, underwear and stories ‘Shafi’ tactics with regard  to making Sinhala Pregnant women infertile, have all been put on hold. Even Tamil extremist activities in the North such as commemoration of death of Tiger cadres and desecration of statues of Sinhala kings and Queens are not been given publicity. Hiru and Adha Derana are very selective of the news they carry! Any possible Sinhala Buddhist politician deemed as a threat to GR’s political destiny is being mercilessly subdued even leading to intra-conflicts within the Sangha community; Patali was one such victim.

Other saffron clad experts and thugs have also once again hit the streets of Sri Lanka. Ven Medatissa for example held a press conference recently about a booklet about sex education written by subject experts, alongside a monk who had charges of child abuse involving a samanera. These monks did not object to degeneration of morals by the TV stations through telecasting semi nude clad women dancing and Indian Teledramas. Saffron thugs like (Ven) Gnanasaras, Ittekandes and Dayaratnes, Ampitiye Sumanas and the likes (calling them as Venerable is an insult to Buddhism) are in an upbeat mood, assuming their past un-official policing roles, and in their own ways undertaking raids and pointing fingers. Some are announcing the dismantling their hate outfits, in the light of the accomplishment of their mission of forming a ‘Sinhala State’. These Devadhaththas are insulting and destroying the essence of the peaceful message of the Gauthama Buddha, which we hold in highest regard.

In Sri Lanka, it is shame that Sinhala people, who are the inheritors of the values of Theravada Buddhism, incited by some rogue radical monks, have entered an era of militant tribalism. Thereby they, and particularly their leaders, are betraying the Buddhist value of non-violence, let alone kindness and compassion. Many analysts cite changing socio-political trends for the radicalization of the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka. While many monks uphold values of inclusivism, peace and non-violence, more radical groups became increasingly influential with the electoral victory of a Sinhala nationalist government in the 1950s. It attained a new high during Rajapaksa’s regime in Post-war Sri Lanka and ecstatic peak after the victory of GR. To find the underlying causes of this violence, one need only look at the changing position of the Buddhist clergy in Sri Lankan society. Over the last several decades, Sri Lanka’s traditional Buddhist leadership, composed of nearly 30,000 monks has become more fractured and more political. The dismantling of the Buddhist hierarchy coupled with a shortage of material resources encouraged many monks to embrace radicalism. There is no control of the young monks too by those in authority. Vinaya Pitaka is a non-starter. Monks tend to embrace a more radical message. The effect of this has been a general increase in both the radicalism and political activism advocated by monks. Controversies over the role of Buddhist monks in society have circled around their involvement in political parties.

Many hate groups such as BBS, Sinhala ravaya, Ravana Balaya and even Pohottuwa-linked, Abharayarama temple-based rogue Sangha groups and even communal parties such as  JHU and Pivithuru Hela Urumaya are internally divided and composed of monks seeking individual notoriety by appealing to the ethnic insecurities of their base. Their fodder today is anti-Muslim hate. These organizations are evidence of the extent to which the Buddhist religious economy has become a free market dominated by entrepreneurs whose fortunes are limited only by their radicalism and rhetorical skills. Faced with a resource deficit and the autonomy to preach as they please, Sri Lanka’s Buddhist clergy have both the means and the motive to promote radical anti-minority rhetoric. The island’s political environment will continue to reward such rhetoric as long as competition among Buddhist monks is encouraged by a “free market” approach to religious leadership. Alternatively, should political actors move to undo the fragmentation of the sangha, the competitive incentives so important for encouraging anti-minority violence could be curtailed.

Then, there is the case of raw impunity when Buddhist monks are involved in crimes or anti-social activities. There is widespread abuse of young saamaneras in temples by senior monks and when Ranjan Ramanayake revealed its depth, he was incarcerated by the Maha Sangha although it is a reality. Then we have the case of Ven. Gnanasara who was released after receiving Presidential pardon against all legal norms, after being in jail for contempt of court. The significance of Gnanasara’s recent exoneration is diminished only by the significance of his original arrest in June 2018, when, for a period of weeks, the island was fixated on the monk’s fate. From the capital city, Colombo, to the some of the island’s most remote towns, Buddhist monks and lay leaders held rallies and demonstrations, accusing the government of attacking Buddhism and trammelling on the sacred institution of the Buddhist monasticism. At one point, hundreds of saffron-robed monks turned one of Colombo’s busiest intersections into a traffic-stopping protest gathering. Support for Gnanasara merged with demands for law reform. Protestors also used the idea of a monk being forced to disrobe as evidence of a state-led legal campaign against monastic law, or Vinaya.

It is increasingly evident that it is this fallacious narrative of otherness that the BBS led Sinhalese Buddhist extremists seem to want to embed deeply within the majoritarian mentality. There is a dual impact that this seeks to achieve; a majoritarian mind-set of extremist Buddhists emboldens their rhetoric, which in turn seeks to weaken a community who would be beset by minoritarian (for want of a word) feelings of otherness. It is the failure of the governments to institutionalise law and order specially when the fences(Sangha) themselves are eating the crops, after the end of the war ,and is a damning indictment on the governments that the virulent rhetoric of the radical groups led by rogue monks have stooped to lowest levels, reflecting adversely on the peaceful religion of Buddhism. Coming to power of GR is now being taken by these divisive forces as an open licence to indulge in anti-minority activities as they deem fit and will. One of the worrying factors is that extremist organisations are seen to collaborate across borders.  Myanmar’s face of Buddhist terror Wirathu and BBS connections are well known.

There is a danger that the exclusivist and extremist narratives used by powerful forces such as Sinhala Buddhist radical groups and forces seeking to divide rather than unite people, could have serious long term implications for peace and order in Sri Lanka. Given the history of ethnic and terrorist violence, it is imperative that the government and community and religious leaders devise policy measures for countering religious agitation and militancy. Sinhala Buddhist extremism and radicalism cannot be an antidote or a countering force against Wahhabi extremism and radicalism. Both are equally detestable and should be rooted out.  A counter-narrative is needed to alleviate growing tensions between the Buddhists and other communities specially the Muslims in present times.  The State should get the leading Buddhist monks who are seen as having the authority, along with other religious leaders to provide narratives and counter-narratives to eliminate hate and bigotry as well as intolerance and mutual mistrust. In this mission, Ven Galkande Dhammananda Thero and the likes should be made to give lead to heal the wounds of war and violence and build bridges. This reverend monk rightly says that the Bhikkhu Order is wounded and should be treated first before treating the ‘hate’ disease of the masses.

Further, there is a need to prepare the Buddhist monks to face the emerging challenges effectively to promote peaceful co-existence. The objective of religious education should be broadened from an effort to inculcate particular religious’ values, to include the understanding of other religions and the promotion of respect for other faiths. However, repeated efforts of the State to reform Pirivena education have failed, leaving the monks with limited resources to attempt to deal with a rapidly changing world. A reform of Pirivena education that would provide monks with a more relevant base of knowledge and enable them to consider ethnic, sectarian and cultural diversity as an important part of national heritage is the need of the hour. It could contribute to better relations among the different faith groups in Sri Lanka.

Over the centuries, there have been tremendous changes to Buddhism. Indeed, change is one of the foundational principles in Buddhism: all is impermanent. Some changes are in concert with modernity, others are in reaction. Today, monks in Myanmar and Sri Lanka continue to interpret their religion different to what Gauthama taught and even fight violently presumably to ‘defend’ their religion and call their followers too to action – a far cry from the message of  Buddhism. It appears that the cycle of violence perhaps continues in this final stage of the cycle of time: the Kali Yuga, the Age of Destruction. The earlier we reverse this cycle, it is good for the image of the Sinhala people and the country at large.

Latest comments

  • 31

    This guy is a thug and should in jail and not in a temple. He is a disgrace to Buddhism. The government has to take some action for hooligans and thugs in saffron robes.

    • 26

      Majority of srilankens are so stupid – and passive and just followers- they would nod their heads and other organs only even if the threats on their youth are there. That is very typical to this nation, being pretended as BUDDHISTS.
      No further info would be necessary, just check it on the web, ho wstupid the folks in general have been.
      But they overestimate their profiles. Now with election of RASCALS as their leaders, they themselves have cut their necks, a large number of SOCIAL media runners are blocked, they should think twice, whether they should please the bums of RASCALS Rajapakshes to allow them free posts or not… but who made them comeback ?
      Not just this OUT OF CONTROL monk, but the high priest at Kelaniya TEMPLE and that Maedagoda abaya thissa should all be DISMEMBERED to the very same manner SAUDIs did it.
      Then only we can have a better SRILANKA left, for a new journey.

      We should implement proper systems so that people are well informed, but how can we do this SO long lanken JOURNALISTS would behave no second NEW YORK street prostitutes ? I mean over 99% of lanken JOURNALISTS are no better to pros.

      Derana Dilip Jayaweera should be brought before the courts to have misled the nation during recent years. He should be made very RESSPONSIBLE for all misleading news head lines.
      But in the same time, having telecasted CULT programs, they abuse the very same STUPID viewers as if WOUNDS are treated topically only.

    • 16

      #Not only this monkey, even incumbent President and Primer Minister are ones that should long have been in jail.
      And all other ministers… many of them should long have been in jail.
      And some police and even lawyers should have long been in jail.
      Even BUDDHIST monks that are in spot light today should have long been in a jail
      Not forgetting, even former President Sirisena Ballige putha should long have been in a jail.
      So all in all, what you got to see in PUBLIC are all should be in a jail.

    • 17

      In today s context, monks have become MONKEYs.
      The environment is made by Rajapakshes barbarians. So tit for the tat.
      People are so stupid and they can behave as if they get on with animals.

    • 9

      The poliemen who were there were armed.Why did not hey use ithe?>Backbonelessness.

      • 11

        You been Sinhalasena should know better.
        The policemen were Sinhala Buddhist and this was normal Sinhala Bauda behaviour.
        Sunday Sil Monday Kill did not fall from the sky the Sinhala Bauda Janathawa earned it.

    • 13


      “This guy is a thug” ?

      This guy is a Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” “Sangha” member, who claim that they they are the 3rd Gem of the Original Triple Gem, and expect the imbecile laymen , mean IQ 79 and dropping, to follow them, if their goal is Nirvana.

      He was very angry when asked what happens when you die.

      The biggest coup by the monks, is to set themselves up as the 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem, the original Bohdisattas during Buddha’s time, and capture power and hegemony.

      The imbeciles keep believing in the Triple Gem with the monks. The imbeciles need the Chinese to reform them and get to the Double Gem, and stop chanting Sangam Saranam Gachhami.

      Got it?

  • 22

    It does not matter if the Christian priest is a genuine ordained priest or a rogue priest. He is a citizen of the country and no one, not even a Buddhist Monk has the right to slap him. Its shameful to see even Christian and importantly Catholic priests are joining the band wagon to condemn him and not the Buddhist monk. Is this the new “Cardinal Rule”?

  • 20

    Sinhala Buddhist people will never go against a monk.. because when they were young their ass holes & pussies were filled by monk’s semen… so they can’t betray that semen effect

    • 13


      you sound to be very experienced. Did you have checked your backside? I don thtink that we should listen to you the kind of idiots, that treat all of us with the same spoon. We perfectly know that there are good monks, but most of monks todays are abusive as no others. That has lot do do with politicians such as BALLIGE PUTHA Rajakashe. He makes every effort to use monks as his condoms.
      That is why monks today are that abusive.

      • 5

        Let’s make it majority of Sinhala Buddhist… of course there are not enough monks to screw all Buddhist assess & pussies

    • 8


      “Sinhala Buddhist People” have been conned, and misled by the monks on Buddhism to maintain Monk hegemony, and many do not know.

      See the comment above by Amarasiri on this guy, to Sambo.

    • 17


      why is that the police does not seem to do their job properly in that part of island ?.
      why on earth a buddhist thug monk halt the free moving citizens that way ? Where on earth the kind of thugs be given that much power ?
      This monk is reported to have provided GANJA to his workers instead of wages. That is a proved fact. But nobody seems to do the job getting this bugger too, under narcotic laws?
      Just look at him, his lips are very dark, the bugger is AN another victim of drug for sure. The difference is that the bugger wear, SO CALLED monk constume.
      If we the sinhalaya stand against, SOME MUSLIMS wearing their typical body coverings, why dont we stand against BUDDHISTS wearing SIVURU to pretend ing them tob e BUDDIST monk.
      Either this bugger is RAPED by some groups or a born criminal to leave the kind of FILTHIY loads in sinhala.
      Why the govt or any other ANALYSTS lag bringing proper analysis about THIS MONK over the years ? WHERE DID this monk get his education? WHY the bugger is that much of out of control? WHERE had he been in the high days of war ?
      Why the press did not reveal all these ?
      Why these men become TODAYS CARD board heros to innocient easy target?
      Domestic workers or the like pump funds to this and COLOMBO kotuwa joker MONK, and they have become like – explodable ballons today: Like that WATU kurulla died, these men would die sooner than later.
      Pulling the trigger on the kind of thugs, by any ONE in the society, will be the consequence to these men in the days to come. Then we call it is KARMA. But the very same KARMA is stagnated before RAJAPAKSHE CRIMINALS why ?

  • 13

    What is our new President going to do with the high pitched thug, who acts like he owns the area. Is he going to allow this to go on, just like he blessed the BBS thug?
    The loud mouthed ruffian is being supported by the area people and obviously follow the man who has some mental problems. You dig deep and you will find he is not the good Buddhist he pretends to be.

  • 14

    Gotabaya and his new administration are riding the wave of the Sinhala Buddhist electorate which gave them absolute power.
    The dictum that anything Sinhala Buddhist should be tolerated/ignored, even if it is against the law, has permeated down to law & justice enforcement personnel.
    Hence the inaction of the police.
    Gnanasaras & Sumanaratnes will proliferate and enforce their ‘laws’ by such actions and thuggery.
    Non Buddhists are in for a tough time.

    • 0

      Dear Justice,
      Wouldn’t Gauthama be appalled if he knew all this was being done now – and in a sense so many young people yearn to migrate to those very countries that Gota says he abhors?
      May this phase in our History be over soon; it is a period which must carry guys like me to the grave, but we really must salvage something of this land for our grandchildren.

  • 20

    Now I understand why Tamils want Eelam – they want to get away from Buddhist thugs and corrupted Buddhist politicians.

    • 8


      Do you understand now why the vast majority of Tamils did not want to be Buddhists ?Monk Hegemony.

      They preferred priests to monks.

      The Para-Tamils must have some slight edge in intelligence and common sense over their Para- Sinhala cousins, who prostrate to imbecile monks, who distort Buddhism and is an Insult to the Buddha. Is it the Bengali genes?

  • 12

    The senile Maha Sangha are napping – they still ignore what is happening to their monks going rogue.

  • 13

    As a Christian, I am so proud of those two disciples of Jesus Christs at the way how they responded to this great insult on them with the right attitude of Jesus Christ, with patience and tolerance. They are great in that respect.

    • 1

      Those two christians are not recognised by the Catholic church of Sri Lanka. Those two fellows belong to a cult -Borna again christians.
      These bugers go to sinhala villages and unethically convert the people who are poor. We need thugs like this monk to control this menace.

      • 8

        Ravi Perera,

        That is precisely what the Monks did to convert to Para-Sinhala Para- Buddhism, and the Catholic Portuguese did to convert to Catholicism, so that the monks and the priests can maintain their hegemony, and do not want competition in their deception of Nirvana, Nibbana, Heaven and Eternity.

        People should have a choice to be free from deception from the monks and the catholic priests and make another choice. Somarama, the Sinhala “Buddhist” Monk after killing, Para-SWRD, made a choice and embraced Catholicsam?

        The land was more peaceful and law abiding before Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism” with Monk hegemony was established.

        Read the book Buddhism Betrayed, 1992, Chicago University Press.

      • 3

        Whoever they may be, a public slap should have been returned with a harder slap!

        • 2


          By slapping the Christian priest, the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” monk, who claims to be member of the 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem, has distorted Buddhism, and insulted the Buddha and his Dhamma.

      • 3

        Why are they poor? Don’t the so called real Buddhist have a moral obligation to take care of them than feeding the free loading AH in yellow.

        Can you define unethical conversion.

  • 0

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  • 13

    If any Buddhist converts to these born again christian sects, it is due to the failure of Buddhist teachings and the role of clergy.
    There are many Buddhist temples mushrooming in many western christian countries but none of the Christian priests or laymen treat those Buddhist priests in this manner.

    • 2


      What are you suggesting ?

  • 3

    The Attorney General who is claiming to have resolved so many cases is blind to this act of the Buddhist Monk. Should the |Parliament pass a motion to remove the AG from his post for not doing his job and also the IGP and the Minister of Justice? Guaranteed this will become an issue at the next UN Assembly.

  • 5

    is this the way a Bhuddhist monk also a degree holder in zoology should behave.He should have sat down and controlled his anger.


    once the anger is gone he should remember what Lord Bhuddha considered as the great virtues.


    today i saw the pope practicing what the bhuddha preached of humility.He apologised to a woman whom he slapped her wrists in order to get away from her grasp and tugging.A great pope.

    Will sumane apologise for slapping.I don’t think so.When he donned the robes was it because he believed in Lord Bhuddha’s teachings or was he forced into it?Please search for his early history.

    Any problem(including our ethnic problem and religious problems) has a root cause of it.You have to dig and dig until you find the root of the problem.Then you destroy that root and no problem.

  • 7

    It is a mater of time before there is a total collapse of the rule of law under the
    Supremo GR. Many fraudulent monks like Ampitiye Sumana will raise their ugly but powerful head in all parts of this country. It appears that Sri Lanka’s descent into hell has begun. This is not too different from the Ayatollahs or the Taliban. Sri Lanka’s destiny is now crystal clear. In a few years time it will suffer the same fate as Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.

  • 1

    Venerable Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero has been fighting against forced religious conversion in the Eastern Province for years and years, singlehanded.
    Thero’s slap to a white robe clad Christian pastor thug (I used the same words in the article) is nothing when compared to Pope’s attack to a woman who sought his blessings!!!!!

    • 8

      Chimpa, you are a low class racist. The slap from this sakili buddhist racist landed on a man who was wearing jeans, not a robe. Even that you racist scum bag cannot see. This fellow is not a monk, but a pariah among the racists. Join him as you are one of them.

      • 1

        Tamil from the north
        So what? Venerable Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero should have slapped the man’s other cheek too, for trying to forcibly convert Buddhists. The white robe clad Christian pastor rode a scooter without a helmet. Interestingly, there was a statement from the Christian clergy that the white robe clad man was not a genuine pastor. How about that?

        • 7

          Chimpi are you seeing and hearing things again? When did this rowdy become a traffic police officer? Ask yourself this question, what will happen to this rowdy if he tried his pranks outside of SL? Why don’t you send him to Canada and let him try his pranks here, we will fix him for good, yes he can only do this in the 3rd world where rowdies and thugs roam free. Oh now the Christian church has stated that he is a fake pastor, hahahaha you are truly a bloody clown. Forcibly converting Buddhists? hahahahahaha! Now you are insecure too? I have never known a lot, that feared conversion from an imaginary religion called Buddhism. Buddhism is a way of life, not a religion or faith. By the way, why you have not answered my questions about the Rajapaksa thugs being best friends with LTTE top command. Answer that woman!!!

  • 2

    As a Buddhist i am asahmed by this thuggery. I hope he gets his just desserts.
    On another note, i need to say a word or two abt these new fangled American, NGO sponsored cults parading as religions and creatjng havoc in our villages, converting thru inducements and sowing seeds of hatred in villages that have been peaceful for hundreds of years. Monks hv even been killed in covert operations. These do-gooders with an agenda need to be stopped but unfortunately, unlike India, Sri Lanka does not hv the backbone to outlaw unethical conversions. Thes e cults are quite different to the Catholics and Anglicans we are familiar with. At the initiation ceremonies Buddhist converts are asked to bring Buddha images and told to spit and trample them until they are in pieces. Same with Catholic converts who are asked to similarly desecrate statues of Mother Mary. These cults are built on hate and are carrying out the dictates of the NGO masters who have their own grand plan.
    Leave our villages alone.

  • 2

    I do NOT think the monk needs to slap anyone….

    But just to put things in perspective …there Roman Catholic Pope hit a woman on the hand when she pulled his hand angrily…….


  • 0

    The situation has been getting steadily worse for the past year or so. There were problems earlier, but it’s getting unbearable now.
    The comments that we’ve been submitting for half a day are not coming on, so I think that I’d better see what new comments are to be seen “tomorrow”. It is now actually past 6.00 am. The great worries that trouble us will not let me sleep.

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