15 January, 2025


An Appeal To The Tamil Diaspora For Constructive Engagement

By Ariaratnam Gobikrishna

Ariaratnam Gobikrishna MD

Dear Tamil Diaspora,

It is time for us to face the reality that the dream of Tamil Eelam is over, and clinging to this idea will only hinder the progress and well-being of our people. Revisiting the painful final days of the war, debating who was involved, and speculating on alternative outcomes are not productive. They only serve to deepen wounds and create further division within our community and the nation as a whole. Instead, we must focus on the future—one that promotes healing, unity, and cooperation.

Reliving these events in endless debates may feel like a way to process our loss, but in truth, it is a distraction. Our homelands future depends on finding ways to move forward. The current political leadership (NPP), which itself has experienced defeat and decimation not once but twice, has managed to reconcile and secure the trust of the majority. They have shown that it is possible to rise above the bitterness of the past, and we must take a page from their book.

For the sake of our people, especially those who remain a vulnerable minority, we need to take responsibility for how we conduct ourselves. Our diaspora community should not indulge in unproductive chest-thumping” from afar, but rather, seek out ways to support constructive initiatives that will benefit those on the ground. Continuing to agitate for unachievable goals will only harm the very people we wish to protect.

We must live together with the majority, and this means showing that we are committed to peaceful coexistence within a united Sri Lanka. The current government seems sincere in its efforts to promote equality, and we should seize this moment to engage with them in good faith. The diaspora has a crucial role to play, but only if we act with realism and practicality. Let us support political representatives who advocate for solutions rooted in peace, equality, and cooperation, and reject those who thrive on divisiveness.

A rare opportunity for reconciliation exists under the current leadership, and we should not squander it. Let us direct our efforts towards fostering peace and working with those who can help us achieve it.

In unity and hope,

Ariaratnam Gobikrishna

Latest comments

  • 7

    Nice try.

    • 3

      Go read history and open your knowledge base on conflicts. Blindly making comments doesn’t do any good and waste a piece of space in the comment section.

      Tamils have two choices
      1..Work with the existing system and find a way forward in regional development, education, maintaining law and order and root out corruption and feels like they are living in their own home.


      2. Still talk about the past and not developing their own towns, cities and schools but shout from rooftop while nothing going to change and your neighborhood will see developments and elevation of their standard of life.

      AKD and his government was elected by Sinhala votes with Tamils placed second choice means many are still hopeful and we should give him a chance to address the shortcomings in the past and fix the system..

  • 5

    Thank you for calling for a new start. Many Tamils see hope in this government and your well placed sentiments.
    The new government is correctly pursuing justice over the millions stolen. Doing so ensures that no one in the future would think that there is impunity for any crime. It is only now that the colossal scale of the looting is coming out.
    Likewise the crimes against humanity. We cannot say
    “Revisiting the painful final days of the war, debating who was involved, and speculating on alternative outcomes are not productive.”
    Only proper investigations will reveal the scale of the enormity of what happened and prevent a recurrence.
    I feel confident that the new government will offer leadership in safeguarding human life as it is doing with safeguarding money and the associated financial crimes.

    • 3

      “Many Tamils see hope in this government and your well placed sentiments.”
      Yes Many Tamils see hope in this President to deliver the needs of the people without any bias. Even the President should have have changed himself or his party from nowhere. Even in 2020, Sinhalese people did not trusted him or his party. Mis management of Rajapaksa family of governance and the economic crisis, dollar shortage to import some necessities created an opportunity to bring people together to form Aragalaya and its peaceful behaviour that affected Sinhalese people’s lives made an opportunity to open the eyes of the Sinhalese. Tamils did not contributed to Aragalaya because they are used to these situations for many decades which was ignored by the Sinhalese for past 75 years.
      NPP just started some reforms to minimise the corruption and mismanagements. The impact of NPP should be realised only after they build up their trust in the NPP. They are expecting some goodwill from NPP to come out from the ills of the past. It make time for NPP to make some substantial changes but can make few things he can do as a President to improve the law and order in the North and East.

      • 3

        “Tamils did not contributed to Aragalaya” because they have been politically orphaned (and even stupid) since they lost the ability to think for themselves after they came under the dominance of the striped ones.

  • 3

    Is this guy is another “Himalayan Accord of GTF and Bald Heads”?
    The Modaya apparently doesn’t understand what is Tamil’s rights or why Tamils’ rights. He just sheepishly reminds the JVP’s fights (1971,1989) after NPP has let them go, only to equate Tamils’ fights with’s JVP’s fights. Apparently, the Modaya doesn’t know who is NPP!

    UOJ Sadamapi Thevalai (better than) for this person!

    True Karumam.

  • 8

    Dear Ariaratnam
    Thanks for the above write up. Its timely and relevant for all Sri Lankans
    Yes NPP and AKD has a chance in a lifetime to work for the benefit for the society as a whole. Its a time to heal and part take in the nations progress. Sri Lanka has a lot to catch up
    Tamils and its political masters must think forward and work with the government of the day and bring in prosperity and stablity to the lost generations.
    Upcountry Tamils should and must also have a stake in development of its people

    Ratnam Nadarajah

    • 1

      “Tamils and its political masters must think forward and work with the government of the day and bring in prosperity and stablity to the lost generations.
      All want to trust Anura. That is fine. He is worthy of that. But, so far, it is a one-man show. I am not wishing anything bad for him but wishing a lot of good and successes.

      His government came today. We know whose government was yesterday. It is past and gone. But do you know whose government is going to be tomorrow? How can the Tamils walk behind, looking down the earth and follow you, such people have no foresightedness.

  • 5

    Dear Ariaratnam
    Thanks for the above write up. Its timely and relevant for all Sri Lankans
    Yes, NPP and AKD has a chance in a lifetime to work for the benefit for the society as a whole. It’s a time to heal and part take in the nations progress. Sri Lanka has a lot to catch up
    Tamils and its political masters must think forward and work with the government of the day and bring in prosperity and stability to the lost generations.
    Upcountry Tamils should and must also have a stake in development of its people

    Ratnam Nadarajah

  • 4

    “We must live together with the majority, and this means showing that we are committed to peaceful coexistence within a united Sri Lanka. “
    I don’t think Tamils are against to live with Sinhalese or Muslims with equal rights, in a united country with each community who are majority in the parts of Sri Lanka with proper devolution power or sharing of power where they are majority. Unfortunately, it is the Sinhalese majority who decided to ignore the unity of Tamils over the seven decades . So the change should come from the South. JVP must have a clear knowledge and understanding of how their leadership used the military power against them and what happened to their brothers and sisters by the Sinhalese military under Sinhalese leadership. So, we do not want to explain to NPP leader or JVP how the Sinhala only Military would have dealt with Tamils and Tamil militants. It is Gotabaya who lead the war against Tamils and JVP. Thousands of JVPers were buried under the soil. Similarly thousands of Tamils buried under the Soil. Now NPP have an opportunity to tell the Sinhalese why Sinhalese are begging all around the world. NPP need not to do the same. But Tell the truth to the Sinhalese people the need for the change of political system and political culture by accommodating every one.

    • 0

      Ajith, living in a united Sri Lanka will not happen until citizens are spiritually in oneness together and the powerful Creator God will work in their lives without arrogance and disobedience to him. It is he who gives both provision and protection, so that we don’t need to rob from humans like what is seen in Parliament and the Raja families, not submitted to higher authority.

  • 2

    Broadly agree. But Tamil diaspora is not homogeneous. I am aware of many in the diaspora who have — albeit in small ways — working with institutions back in Sri Lanka since the end of the war in 2009. At the other end are jokers like the Transnational government who, peridically wake up, make some noise and crawl back under the rock. The likes of them had some influence over Northern politicins, but that has decreased substantially — along with the importance of Northern Tamil politicians in the future of Tamils in Sri Lanka. If NPP create an environment of confidence, more in the diaspora will engage and contribute positively.

    • 3

      “The likes of them had some influence over Northern politicins, but that has decreased substantially”
      You do not seem to be aware of the power of sections of the Diaspora that play Godfather to certain Tamil political parties, some of whom take orders from Delhi ad Washington DC. They had their way in the common candidate debate. The voices of Delhi Sultanate and the White House were clumsy. Both lost in their respective bids.
      I hope that you are right about the weakening of these forces, but money speaks as loud as ever and the USD is loudest.

  • 1

    “The diaspora has a crucial role to play, “
    Who should realise it and Who should act on it?
    We call diaspora as Tamils who were chased away by Sri Lankan governments directly and indirectly to reduce the Tamil Population. We don’t call Sinhalese who are living outside of Sri Lanka. The same division existed even in the developed world between Tamil diaspora and Sinhala diaspora. We should not forget that thousands of Sinhalese went to Sri Lanka from developed nations to vote for Gotabaya in 2019 and 2020.JVP remained the same level of support by the Sinhalese people only after 2022. You cannot claim that it is the effort of growth of change steadily over the period of time. It is a change that happened suddenly by the failure of Sinhalese rulers and political coup among Sinhalese leadership.
    Of Course, NPP may have changed their strategies and used the opportunity to remove the traditional powers dominated in the past 75 years and doing some good to people to attract more people to establish their government. Even if he likes he can’t do anything towards Tamils needs until parliament election is over.
    Diaspora Tamils are not born and lived of the developed nations. They are the origins of Sri Lanka.

  • 7

    I never were interested nor involved in Sri Lankan politics all these years as it was rotten to the core in every which way , infact it was the fundametal reason why emigtrated to the UK way back in 1962. But all of a sudden i see hope for all of the people of SL immaterial of religion, language or race . I see that the nation has awakened from a long slumber , to be honest since independance the nation has been sleep walking . Ariaratnam’s article has awakened me at my old age and enthused me to write this . I appeal to all Thamil people to get behind The Predident and genuinely support every way that you posibly can . As to most of those former MP’s who are standing for re election , I appeal to you please be genuine and work for the people you are relying to re-elect you , not for your personal benefit (and corrupt deals) . Wake up and unite as Thamils to start with and start dialogue with the President , this is the only chance and if you let this slip by not only the Thamil people but the entire people of SL will not forgive . Put the PEOPLE first that surely must be your DUTY.

    • 2

      “I never were interested nor involved in Sri Lankan politics all these years as it was rotten to the core in every which way”
      Is it much different in the country where you live?

  • 2

    “ showing that we are committed to peaceful coexistence within a united Sri Lanka.”
    Since the Independence from British Empire the Tamils were READY to work hard for the prosperity of their country. But it was the UTTER JEALOUSY of the majority race that the country was leading into working against the Tamil Speaking SL citizens by destroying their homes businesses
    their life and limbs for three quarters of a century. It is time for the majority race to reverse their activities such as grabbing lands on false pretences
    Building dagobas ; having big contingents of defence forces in Northern and Eastern provinces.
    We need to stress on the country being UNITED and Unitary. This should be done by passing a referendum after the parliamentary elections. Let see the GoSL doing the RIGHT things to bring in peace and harmony

  • 2

    United and NOT UNITARY

  • 0

    It’s very difficult to live in Past. Unfortunately, the people in South & North have been kept seperately for the personal gain of Politicians. The trio, Ponnampalam, Thiruselvam & Selvanayagam, should have filed litigation in UK when the constitution was changed & the immunity against minority was changed in 1972 but they did not do it. On the otherside, even the religious leaders often provoked violence rather than preaching real buddhism. Buddhism is a religion embraced by Emperor Asoka to give up his violent pathway. The consecutive leaders continue to thrive by “divide and rule” policy and used the religion for them. While preaching religion, they promoted liquor, drugs, violence, casinos & prostitution for their personal gains. It’s time for everybody to work for the country positively beyond the boundaries of religion & ethnicity while maintaining our cultural identity. Past is remembered only not make the same mistakes but not to keep on regretting or taking revenge. Just talk about the past in our family and see how the kids are reacting. It’s the same to the country. Please forget the past and try to to build a corruption free country without liquor, drugs, casinos, violence & prostetution. Concentrate on education. Let the children to complete school education before 18.

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