By M.A. Sumanthiran –

M.A. Sumanthiran PC MP
Thank you presiding officer for the opportunity to say a few words on the adjournment debate. On the Throne speech made by the President yesterday in this house, I am saying throne speech because in the English version of the printed document of his speech it actually says Throne speech. The Sinhala and the Tamil don’t have it but the English says Throne speech. Knowing the president as I do, he probably drafted his speech in English first, and he thought he was actually making a Throne speech, those who translated it into Sinhala and Tamil knew better than to call it anything like that. And the title says Policy statement; Policy statement by the His Excellency the president.
But this betrays what the president has in mind or what he thinks, who he is, to say throne speech. Now, in this speech, the president deals with people who criticize various acts of the government, various policies and says, but when they come into office, they continue with that. They don’t act any differently, and he has criticized them quite strongly in his throne speech. But I would like to remind in his throne speech. I would like to remind him that he is also doing the same thing. In 1996, it is said that the United National Party at is convention resolved to Abolish the executive presidential system. And that was a position they have held on to until now or said to be their official position. In the last Parliament, when we had a constitutional assembly when this issue of Executive Presidency came up, the President who was Prime Minister then, quite categorically said that’s the UNP Stand, we are for abolition of the Executive Presidency. But now that he is the Executive President, we don’t see anything; we don’t hear anything about abolishing Executive Presidency. In point of fact, when the 21st amendment was passed, what was presented to the country was that the powers of the Executive President are being curtailed, 20th Amendment enhanced, 18th Amendment enhanced it, 20th Amendment enhanced it further, So it was said that we are going back to the 19th Amendment, the powers of the Executive Presidency was being curtailed, but none of the executive powers of the president have been curtailed. I said that at the debate on the 21st amendment also. That was a fraud on the people because what was presented to be the amendment, did not achieve that and the president happily carries on as The Executive President with full executive powers. And although the UNP’s stated policy, is abolition of the Executive Presidency, he has made two throne speeches; He has made two throne speeches, and he has not said that he will abolish exhibited presidency.
There is one matter that I want to deal with in the short time that is that I have today and that is to do with the Tamil National Question. The President has, in fact, the president has dealt with it quite categorically. He has said the right things except one important thing which I will come to in a moment; he has dealt with at pages 12 onwards of the English version. He has said that he and Hon. Sampanthan came to this house in 1977 several attempts have been made to resolve this issue and not been successful but now he says we wish to succeed this time. He doesn’t say how he wishes to succeed. Except to say that several issues that he has highlighted will be dealt with. Particularly that of land, military held lands, we are not satisfied with what he has said here, nor what has happened on the ground. What he has said here is he will have discussions with the Military, and we saw that happening in Jaffna Katchchery recently when he came over he was merely at the, almost at the mercy of the military asking them “are you able to release some more?” Almost pleading with them, he didn’t behave like an executive President.
But on the other issue of forest, wild life, archaeology etc. he dealt with a forest issue here, he says we will go back to the 1985 map and that is most welcome. Only question is when he will go back to the 1985 map? It must be done immediately, there’s a policy decision taken by the cabinet, and we are told that that is the policy decision of the cabinet, so it must be immediately done. You have the 1985 map, you don’t need to do anything in between, and you just have to go back to the 1985 map. It requires just one day. So we are waiting to see when that is going to happen.
Then he has just one small paragraph with regard to the office of the missing persons, this is a very serious issue. In our discussions with the president we have told him even the LLRC, the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission which President Mahinda Rajapaksa appointed soon after the end of the war, that gave its report on the 31st of March 2011; even in that report it says just over 3000 persons were surrendered to the security forces in the last few days of the war. Your own commission, government’s own commission says … it says many were surrendered but it says over 3000 who were surrendered as such have gone missing. How can people go missing like that in there thousands? So merely having an office of missing persons; and we supported that legislation, but after that not one single case has been investigated in to find out what happened to the persons who surrendered. What happened? It’s not enough to say they are no more, how did it come to that stage? If you surrendered to the security forces how can you go missing?
Thereafter he’s dealt with the issue of devolution of power, there are five issues that we identified when we had talks with the government, and I must say in this document, in his speech he has dealt with all those five matters but with regard to the Police powers he merely says there is a short one sentenced paragraph at page 16 that says there is no change in Police powers. Now we don’t understand what that means. Is he saying there’s not going to be any change? The status will remain or is he saying there won’t be any change to what is in the constitution. If there is no change to what is in the constitution then the police powers must be devolved. So he has left it ambiguous, I suspect deliberately. The matter that I wanted to end with is that he says maximum devolution of power within a unitary state, you cannot have a maximum devolution of power within a unitary state. The President knows that more than anyone else. The President campaigned on the platform of a federal state. In 2005 when he contested for Executive Presidency, in the last Parliament when he was Chairman of the steering committee of the Constitutional assembly he very specifically said that he stands for a federal state and now he has done a summersault and he says within a unitary state. With a capital “U” and a capital “S”. Signifying that the scheme of government will be Unitary. And he ends by saying I will not allow separation of the Country. We are not asking for a separation of the County. We are for a united undivided even indivisible country. Don’t divide the country, but share power in a meaningful way, maximum devolution of power cannot happen in a unitary model and therefore we reject this throne speech on that account alone. Thank you
*M.A. Sumanthiran M.P’s speech made in Parliament on the adjournment debate on 09th February 2023
Mahila / February 10, 2023
We are for a UNITED UNDIVIDED (PAST AND PRESENT STATUS) even INDIVISIBLE (FUTURE /ASPIRATIONAL STATUS) COUNTRY. Don’t divide the country, BUT SHARE POWER IN A MEANINGFUL WAY, maximum devolution of power cannot happen in a unitary model
Native Vedda / February 10, 2023
old codger
What Ranil did in early 2000 within parliamentary compound he has got saffronistas to do it outside parliament this time. Ranil burnt Chandrika’s draft constitution and the Mihintale saffronista burnt 13A.
Army/Police and thugs from Kurunegala burnt Jaffna Library under the direction of UNP MPs.
Thugs burnt houses and business properties while armed forces were watching and protecting them directed by Saffronistas.
Even during this difficult times nothing has changed except the size of the debt.
Perhaps the time is ripe for a good riots.
Rajapaksas, Armed forces, ….. Kamala, Wimal, Udaya, Weerasekera, ….. want one now.
Ranil may consider one.
All those good Sinhala/Buddhists prepare yourselves to help the victims, like you did in the past.
SJ / February 11, 2023
See who blames the UNP!– Surprise, surprise. A great surprise indeed!
Native Vedda / February 11, 2023
“Surprise, surprise. A great surprise indeed!”
What is the surprise?
All one has to do is pull one’s head wherever it is now and see what is in front or the best solution is to stop sitting on one’s brain.
SJ / February 12, 2023
So it is OK for the glass ball to fault the UNP.
I know, it is hard for you to be consistent– but carry on, the show must go on.
Let us hope for a brighter morning tomorrow.
Remember, I care very much for your health.
Native Vedda / February 12, 2023
However you need to read this typing by our own Prince of Darkness, the Rare Admiral who has shed some wise words about his imagined history as well as this island’s past.
Tamil National question does it exist?
11 February 2023
He says:
Tamils in Sri Lanka have equal rights and dominate certain trades in Colombo and also run mega businesses
He has already surveyed and identified targets for the next riots among privileged minorities. Do you know in which planet does he live, dwell,…….?
SJ / February 14, 2023
“maximum devolution of power cannot happen in a unitary model”
Mahila / February 14, 2023
Analysing the proposed “Ekamuthu, Ekiya” constitutional provision, to dispel the Claims made by, hawks who are fearing of FUTURE separation, under cover of devolution!!?? Am not saying anything about “MAXIMUM DEVOLUTION”!!!??? Hopeful foregoing explains position!!
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2023
Evil is a crooked person. All know you cannot have the cake and eat it too. Without a federal union, there is no power sharing. When the government is one single institution, with whom you are going to share maximum power? In reality, “Maximum Authority” is nothing but Zero casualty. 13A never allowed Tamils to do things on their own. Just see these two cases. 1). Aanduwa murdered a Tamil businessperson because he allowed protesters pass through his property to save their lives from Rapist police. Now months have passed. The Rapist Security system which annihilated LTTE with Zero casualty is not able to find anything on the Gentleman death. The police kept his brothers, father, brothers-in-law, and wife for many days in the police station to force them to confess they murdered him. Now coming out with an explanation that he was not killed by anybody though there were metal chains tightened around his neck, because he did not die by that attempted murder, and he had arsenic in body, that was the one that killed him. Here the explanation is the man took arsenic and went to Cemetery, tightened the chains around his neck and hand and died. It is for this type of investigation the people are paying for this Rapist Police billion and million through their tax payments.
Mahila / February 10, 2023
This story resonates with the Niladhari who was tied with a belt and assaulted mercilessly by a PERV of a politician in MaRa’ reign, claiming that said Niladhari came to the place where the famous PERV Minster was holding a meeting in his electorate, begged forgiveness for not performing his duties and as a measure of Penance, tied himself and ‘belted’ without anyone’s assistance from standers-by!!!?? And had the NERVE to claimed PERV the exalted Hon Minister!!??
What a splendid resplendent isle, Pearl of the Indian Ocean, Tear drop at the southern Tip of India and its people, who have a splendid SB culture and civilisation of 2600+ years, uninterrupted heritage, since awakening of the Lion (Sinhaya) thence!!!
Wonderful culture, unmatched Heritage, significant humanitarian contributed!!!
Battalanda, Kelaniya electorate shadowed, in level of IMPUNITY!!??
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2023
Now they say it was the arsenic killed so even the businessperson is not responsible for attempting to kill him with chains. Remember how Evil was framed in parliament and how LTTE murdered Kadirgamar for the money of Royals? With that Sherlock Holmes expertise, can he explain how this arsenic killed a man, patiently waiting until he finished tying the chain for himself? There are hundreds and hundreds of murders, rapes, burglaries, house break in, kidnappings in Tamils’ area after the Evil took his EP seat. Not one case out of those is investigated by Rapist police, because in all of them they too are partners. These crooks are calling for investors to come to Langkang, without stopping these games. But anybody reading the Colombo media would know how many businesspersons have been murdered recently. Who are those lunatic suicidals who want to come to Evil’s Empire & have killed them by Arsenic? For all these, Rapist Police and Rapist Army expenses are one draining out the budget funds.
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2023
The evil Emperor is saying that he will not change his Empire’s police system? Is that what the IMF condition is? Do the IMF want to invest in criminal Langkang Hitman Enterprises by working with the EVIL? Last week, a Sinhala Trader was also killed by some hitmen. Rapist Police are framing it as only a prostitution ring that was in action, but nothing of any sort of murder! Who are the pimps organizing these murders? For which ministry are they bosses?
Rogue Evil prorogued parliament in an emergency time. Then celebrated his new post under the name of “Freedom Day,” with Pomps and pageants. Came back and opened the parliament to deliver his throne speech, with acolytes following left and right. MPs in parliament called him a usurper, who is buried in Hero Syndrome. He disguised his every intention and falsified every statistic. (He must answer right away to Harsha’s question about the PAYE and Rs 200,000 level income taxing)
chiv / February 10, 2023
Japanese giant Mitsubishi Corp is winding up business and leaving Lanka for good. Mitsubishi, Lanka, is one of it’s first overseas offices, as it contributed immensely towards business , economy and Lankan companies. Key reasons to close it’s office after many decades are SriLanka’s external debt, adverse international ratings, negative economic outlook and strained relationship in recent years , due to abrupt cancellation of several major projects including LRT and LNG.
Thanga / February 10, 2023
Seventy- five years have elapsed since independence and what we have is a bankrupt country on life support. Should not the Sinhalese politicians sit back and think the factors that drove this country to the current economic meltdown?.
Ceylon is one country that is the envy of even advanced countries in terms of natural resources like different climate, unique landscape, abundance of rivers and tanks. The island seas contains fish that can feed the country five times over.
The failure on the part of the Sinhalese politicians to write a constitution that will unite the country and ensure political stability is unpardonable. Without political stability, economic stability is a pipe dream.
Monks and nuns are expected to live an austere life focused on the study of Buddhist doctrine, the practice of meditation, and the observance of good moral character
However, they are in the forefront in sowing the seeds of hate instead of piety and compassion. Compassion not only towards humans but also towards all living beings.
It was an ugly sight to watch Buddhist monks in saffron robes wrestling with the Police like ordinary thugs.
The people of Sri Lanka will soon eat grass to keep alive unless there is a radical change in their thinking.
Mallaiyuran / February 11, 2023
(3) The failure on the part of the Sinhalese politicians to write a constitution that will unite the country and ensure political stability is unpardonable. (2) Without political stability, economic stability is a pipe dream.
(1) The people of Sri Lanka will soon eat grass to keep alive unless there is a radical change in their thinking.
Thanga, please read the comment lines of yours in the order I have marked. That should help you to overcome the confusion in your head.
Mallaiyuran / February 11, 2023
Thanga, please do not write something just to insert yourself in a conversation. We respect freedom of expression. We want as many comments as possible as we can get. You are one of the King makers who worked hard in splitting TNA, by promoting your kings. You never wanted Sampanthan Aiyya to steadily take forward the Tamils’ plight. I had repeatedly said here that you were doing to TNA all what Potter Nadarajah did to the Federal Party. After seeing where the TNA & FP have gone, is it not the time for you to correct your thinking? The world can survive and flourish if it is prepared to recognize each other. Sinhalese Viyathmaha Intellectual destroyed them because all they wanted was destroying & annihilating Tamils. The Turkish Prime Minister said how a country can be prepared in anticipation for this much destruction. If A calamity like that happens in Langkang, not just Tamils, even Muslims and Sinhalese must be wiped out to the ocean. Thank God, Turkey is capable of taking international help and working a way out of this disaster soon.
Mallaiyuran / February 11, 2023
The Langkang leaders created a calamity for themselves, they are unable to get IC support, nor do they have quality if they get IMF help so that any time they can come out. What is the IMF loan going to the poor who are tightening their belts? Evil’s administration has squeezed the empty stomachs & tapped in a $2B exchange reserve. That is good for, what? Is that reserve worth for the pains the poor are suffering by all the belt tightening?
That is the story of those who think destruction to others. You are advising Sinhala Intellectuals, but not willing to see where you & some others have taken the TNA to. During the peak of their racial hate, Rear Admirable Weerakuddy, Lemon Puff, Ganapathi Pillai, Dentist Gunadasa were setting fire to poor Tamils’ huts. Now poor innocent Sinhalese huts too have caught fire. In those efforts they were showing too much concern for Hindus who were split by caste and that was destroying Tamils. They do not want to look at their racism and how that has destroyed the entire country.
Mallaiyuran / February 11, 2023
There is no point in using others’ weaknesses or mistakes to push forward our whimsies. Preaching in turn each turn is not anything as social development. Please read your above points in the order I have marked. Without going out of context, do they make sense for you? You are talking about the deficiency in following Buddhism. Is that your point if that is fixed, Lanka will return to normal? Say somebody rewrites tomorrow, the constitution, will restore the economy? Are you another one of the opposition parties advocating that if the LC election is conducted, milk and honey is going to flow in the country. What is this Hala Bula about? Can the TNA people explain to me the importance of this election, so they split into many prongs, and all have to win at the same time?
Mallaiyuran / February 11, 2023
What are 9 demands Protestors put forward when they unseated the Royals? They clearly said a complete overhaul is needed in the citizens’ life of the country. Doesn’t that make you feel that those youths have a much better understanding of what has to be done than your proposal for a 4th constitutional change? Instead of Donkeys getting to Dog’s hut, can they return to Donkey’s camp and fix their burning problems? Instead of consulting Sinhalese what to do, can you start to write biweekly an essays to CT readers and TNA members about what went wrong in TNA in the past 10 years, why TNA is split now, who started the rivalry with justice CV, who are members in TNA who are destroying Tamils future just only for empty titles in party leadership position, how in the future you can contribute useful manner to TNA, instead of wedging between leaders?
Mahila / February 11, 2023
“Monks and nuns are expected to live an austere life focused on the study of Buddhist doctrine, the practice of meditation, and the observance of good moral character”
They have done all those things and concluded it!!
That’s the reason SL re-elects the same Street Robbers looters of the wealth as Lawmakers to enhance aggrandisement, “OVER AND OVER AGAIN”, ABHORING ‘NEW BLOOD’
The “KNOWN DEVIL, is better than the UNKNOWN”!!?? SB’s seem to DEVOTIONALLY BELIEVE!?
WHAT A LOGIC, WHAT A RATIONALE, WHAT INTELLECT ON DISPLAY!!?? Good and splendid advice wrapped in 24 Carat Gold splendour and very altruistic!!???
Gus / February 10, 2023
Seems that sinhala land is bent on RETARDING further to pre historic times (when their ancestors mated with lions) now that it has retarded to economic status that was 75 years ago and all countries that were economically less developed then than sinhala land have had BRILLIANT Progressive and successful economies even Bangladesh and sinhala land can look forward to exporting more house maids, labourers etc and keep professing the begging bowl to these other countries.
By 2048 a developed country is well and truly a pipe dream!!!
Mahila / February 10, 2023
This story resonates with the Niladhari who was tied with a belt and assaulted mercilessly by a PERV of a politician in MaRa’ reign, claiming that said Niladhari came to the place where the famous PERV Minster was holding a meeting in his electorate, begged forgiveness for not performing his duties and as a measure of Penance, tied himself and ‘belted’ without anyone’s assistance from standers-by!!!?? And had the NERVE to claimed PERV the exalted Hon Minister!!??
What a splendid resplendent isle, Pearl of the Indian Ocean, Tear drop at the southern Tip of India and its people, who have a splendid SB culture and civilisation of 2600+ years, uninterrupted heritage, since awakening of the Lion (Sinhaya) thence!!!
Wonderful culture, unmatched Heritage, significant humanitarian contributed!!!
Battalanda, Kelaniya electorate shadowed, in level of IMPUNITY!!??
Mahila / February 10, 2023
If not known to you before, he is good exponent of sidestepping and detraction!!!
Knew this would be, outcome when he started the “JUNKET”!!! NO POSITIVE OUTCOME!!????
SJ / February 11, 2023
You may like to hear of some remarkable FP/TULF somersaults.
Even MAS did an impressive one by changing his stand on whether 4th February is a black day for Tamils, after celebrating it not long ago.
Mallaiyuran / February 13, 2023
“You may like to hear of some remarkable FP/TULF somersaults.”
I would rather like to hear about your games on cleaning CT and its current status and when do you hope to finish it.
How is Deva doing? I am hearing the man crashed into Evil’s Slap Party meeting in the North and Evil canceled all programs allocated to others and he completed alone because the man had entered into it without inviting.
How is Vasanthi doing? Had she won the Olympic gold medal she was trying in somersaulting or still trying? Best wishes anyway!
Oomaiyar Sabaiyil Olaruvayan Maha PhD in mechanics.
SJ / February 14, 2023
Sad. Still addicted to the bad stuff!
Native Vedda / February 10, 2023
old codger
What Ranil did in early 2000 within parliamentary compound he has got saffronistas to do it outside parliament this time. Ranil burnt Chandrika’s draft constitution and the Mihintale saffronista burnt 13A.
Army/Police and thugs from Kurunegala burnt Jaffna Library under the direction of UNP MPs.
Thugs burnt houses and business properties while armed forces were watching and protecting them directed by Saffronistas.
Even during this difficult times nothing has changed except the size of the debt.
Perhaps the time is ripe for a good riots.
Rajapaksas, Armed forces, ….. Kamala, Wimal, Udaya, Weerasekera, ….. want one now.
Ranil may consider one.
All those good Sinhala/Buddhists prepare yourselves to help the victims, like you did in the past.
old codger / February 10, 2023
Did you see those two senior police officers worship the saffron thugs while their men were pushing them back. Isn’t there some law to stop this sort of feudal slavishness?
Native Vedda / February 10, 2023
old codger
“Did you see those two senior police officers worship the saffron thugs while their men were pushing them back.”
No, I couldn’t.
However I saw even the senior policemen are very reluctant to push them with their bare hands.
I saw there were numerous women police officers pushing and shoving the mob. It appeared the saffron clad mob didn’t mind it at all.
Mahila / February 11, 2023
Why would anyone, in their senses, it is F.O.C. and the “Monks are not willingly seeking” such treatment!!!???
Have been made to understand, the veracity of it’s accuracy is sought from readers and has to be ascertained though!!!
Apparently it is the belief, that it is not a sin, to eat meat/flesh, not specifically to feed and satiate the hunger of the clergy!!!
I was told this by a friend of a friend, who is a Hunter (hobby) and the meet of such game is most sought after by clergy as it is not a sin!!??
Could someone knowledgeable please clarify this at the earliest??
Looking forward very earnestly, as to me it doesn’t make sense!!!
If that has any truth, then this situation of the Mob with Police explains itself!!!
SJ / February 11, 2023
“…and the meet of such game is most sought after by clergy as it is not a sin!!??”
M, meet of game is certainly no sin.
Mahila / February 11, 2023
“All those good Sinhala/Buddhists prepare yourselves to help the victims, like you did in the past.”
he need of the hour and blood transfusions and hideouts to keep the victims safe and out of sight of the enraged mongrels!!
Mahila / February 11, 2023
“Thugs burnt houses and business properties while armed forces were watching and protecting them directed by Saffronites”
That was the absolute truth. Add-in the awe-inspiring to it, OVERLOOKING AND RESTRAINING, ACTION UNTIL NEGOTIATIONS ARE COMPLETED AND AGREEMENT SEALED FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO PAY “KAPPAN”, for not ‘looting or burning’ down the Businesses or Houses, until the FIRST WORKING DAY AFTER THE CURFEW – Graceful and Meritorious Act!!
Get the funds – 100.000 to 1,000,000 Sri Lankan Rupees (equivalent USD 5,000+ to 50,000+)
Very invigorating, venturesome and prudent business acumen – save SL Rs. 5 million to 500 million stock-in-trade and goodwill of those businesses!!!
Entrepreneurship and excellence of those involved in display, but there are none now to save the Sri Lankan economy for the last almost year, which is suffering BANKRUPTCY – CONDEMNED TO STAY THAT WAY FOR SOME MORE TIME!!!
NV, given the situation, I may unwillingly agree with you on the timing of the so-called EVENT!!?
They were saviours, reassured safety – life and limb until settlement of financial dues!!? Meantime assured “passage out” of the Building and Street/Road!!??
Let the ‘Triple Gem’, bless all Sri Lankans, in trying times and misery!!
Bhudham Saranang Gachchami!! Dammam Saranang Gachchami!! Sangham Saranang Gachchami
Native Vedda / February 10, 2023
Soman (Where are you?) , Ravi Perera (The Sinhala Speaking Demela), ……Elle, ….
It is time for a good riot against non Sinhala/Buddhists.
When and where are you going to start your next riot?
Can I join you lot as an observer?
RAVI PERERA / February 13, 2023
Ado thala vedda,
Riots should only be against demalu
Ajith / February 10, 2023
“We are not asking for a separation of the County. We are for a united undivided even indivisible country.”
Buddist Monks, Buddist Fundamentalist politicians or majority of Sinhalese people are well educated people and they knew very well that Tamils are not for division or seperation of the country. But it is the only way they can cheat majority of Sinhala people using the yellow clothes. It is not impossible for Ranil or Mahinda to use the military against the violent yellow clothes. But they will not do. So, Tamil speaking Tamils (Hindus, Muslims, Christians) should understand the truth behind the Sinhala Politics and their future in Buddhist Sinhalese only Nation. Even Vasudeva Nanayakara who was a pwerful left Politician now saying that land and Police Powers will lead to division. So, the hope for progressive politics is anymore. IMF loan is in favour of ethnic cleansing. It will be used to more violence against Tamil speaking people.
Simon / February 10, 2023
Mr. Sumanthiram: Now you have spent all your intellect and failed to achieve anything for the country in general and Tamil in particular. The Sooner you realize your failures, the better for the country and the people.
Please get back to drawing boards and start afresh. I know you all made some attempts during the “Yahapalanaya” era to draft a new Constitution. During that time the Legislature formed several committees and spent money and time to deliberate on issues and almost come to a consensus of giving birth to a “Draft” new Constitution. Please revive that and let that be the beginning once again instead of wasting time on this already “Fragmented” (21 times amended) Constitution. Please show your “Leadership” in that endeavor and do something meaningful and achievable for the common good of all the people and the country.
Mahila / February 11, 2023
That is a commendable suggestion and hopeful, MAS would note and take that missive well forward!!!
whywhy / February 10, 2023
Silva won’t understand Hybrid language that Ranil or Sumanthiran speak !
But he knows one thing . The Greedy is not known to Give ! Generosity is
not in the Books the Greedy reads ! Some people have needs , greater needs
if not wisely solved them , gets bigger and bigger in size that can not be
scaled down ! If a medical Doctor is a Drug addict , you don’t go to him for
treatment ! Mr . Sumanthiran , Sambanthan Ayya is now 90 or 90 plus and
you don’t have a lesson in him ? You asked , not given and then a war to
win it but lost , BACK to ASKING ? Nothing better to do ?
SJ / February 11, 2023
“Nothing better to do ?”
Can you suggest something for them to do?
davidthegood / February 11, 2023
SJ, They need to first live like equal first class Sri Lankan citizens and continue that until they die. Ethnicity and Religious beliefs are in addition to first being Sri Lankan. Yellow robes have no say about Sri Lankan tamil population
SJ / February 11, 2023
the clergy have a parasitic aspect to their existence– like the politicians.
I can give plenty of examples for the negative contribution of all descriptions of priests to communal harmony.
If they stick to looking after our ‘after life’ that will be fine.
whywhy / February 13, 2023
S J ,
This time around , I feel like announcing some of the professions
my family and relatives have , because the funny story I am going
to share with you , should not hurt anyone who is in one of these
profession. In my background , I got ,Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers ,
Accountants and Teachers , so , I do not take any pleasure in hurting
the feelings of those in these professions ! And , Sumanthiran is
someone I hold in high esteem . Ranil is a Lawyer and so are ,
Sumanthiran , Mahinda , Namal , Hakeem and many others in the
Legislature ! Before I suggest to Sumanthiran , what else he can do ,
just read this story please , something I read somewhere .
One woman went to a Doctor and said , ” my husband is developing a
penchant for Axxl Sxx , is it ok to play ?” Doctor asked , does it hurt
you ? She said “No”. Do you enjoy it , asked Doctor ? Yes she said ! And
then she asked the Doc , ” am I going to get pregnant ?” Doctor said
“where o you think Lawyers are coming from ? “
SJ / February 13, 2023
You will not upset me with any story about human sexual behaviour, but there are others who may have strong view on sodomy– like some of the clergy (including those who secretly practice it).
whywhy / February 13, 2023
S J ,
Your understanding is much appreciated . Thanks and
sorry about the typo.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2023
“Your understanding is much appreciated”
SJ wouldn’t mind as he has plenty of time on his hands.
whywhy / February 13, 2023
Native Vedda ,
N V , watch out , S J is a sharp guy , no flaunting yourself
around him !
SJ / February 14, 2023
Oh dear!
Is ww risking getting into someone’s bad books?
The one with the glass ball should not lose sleep to make the next day even worse.
Take care.
Always remember, I very much care for your health.
RBH59 / February 11, 2023
The President Has Done A Somersault
Thorne speech without peoples vote , The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
The throne speech is due to election and speechless with IMF all are stil attending his meeting looking benifit RW says he took this post to good of country and remanded those who put way to his president Aragalaya, Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means,if not this happen it is difeerenet story He will promise 13A and then step down for some time from president the diraction then undermined.