18 September, 2024


An Open Message To Gotabaya Rajapaksa

By Thrishantha Nanayakkara

Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara

In year 2006, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE) took a radical tactical turn to use remote controlled claymore mines to block Madawachchi-Mannar and Habarana-Trinco supply routes. This effectively made the vegetation clearance on either sides of the road fruitless. Attacks were frequent and caused huge damages to ground movements of the army. The defense research units that attracted the volunteer support of several civilian engineers worked day and night to develop a counter measure to jam the LTTE remote controllers, based on some pieces of circuits found among the debris of explosions in the North. The rate of innovation of the LTTE side was so fast that the Government defense research units had to struggle to keep up with their phase. Finally, LTTE gave up using remote controlled bombs. As far as I can remember, the last attack was on the Pakistan ambassador in Colombo. To be honest, I had respect for the researchers/innovators on the LTTE side who gave a difficult time to us, and worked with the only intension of outperforming. There was no hatred. For the civilian volunteers, burning midnight oil, and then returning to work the next day was not easy. The only motivation was to see an end to the war that kept on taking so many valuable lives. I am sure that this was the main motivation to all others who volunteered in many other fronts of the war. Those volunteers had complete trust in the Government to make a genuine attempt to bring in a lasting peace by firmly establishing democracy, rule of law, notion of citizenship, and justice, through some credible reconciliation process after the war.

After the war came to an end, silent ground forces went to rest, too tired of war, with a greater appreciation for humanity, but the racist cowards came out of their hiding places like mushrooms popping out. Unfortunately the country’s top leadership saw this as a cheap political opportunity rather than a threat to the dreams of those who toiled and died. To be honest, if I knew the close relationship between groups like Bodu Bala Sena or Jathika Hela Urumaya, and the secretary of defense, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, I would have quit without any hesitation, for it could have been ample evidence of what would happen after the war comes to an end. Due to some reason, Gotabaya showed a deep interest in protecting the country’s constitution and rule of law instead.

The way the law enforcement agencies behaved during recent public protests like the movement to release General Sarath Fonseka, the movement to protest the process of impeachment of the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, and the protest questioning the activities of Bodu Bala Sena, was shameful, filthy, and disgusting. In the case of protests to release Sarath Fonseka, we saw police mingling around with street thugs who hurled bricks and stones at the peaceful protestors. In the case of protests of lawyers to defend the constitutional rights of the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, the police openly worked among the street thugs as if they were one team. In the case of an attack on Fashion Bug, the police was watching how monks threw stones to damage private property. None were arrested on site. However, we saw how the police manhandled those who participated in a peaceful candle light vigil in Colombo, on 12th April, 2013, without a single warning to those threatening Bodu Bala Sena goons to disperse. Compounding the shameful situation, a police officer later expressed his opinion about the religious backgrounds of the peaceful protestors, as a reason to be hostile to them, as if the country’s constitution has given him a mandate to be hostile to religions he doesn’t like. Who thought stupidity and ignorance could reach this height inside a police officer’s brain?

I wanted to point out this final message to none other than but Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Please keep in mind that Sri Lanka belongs to all its citizens. You may have been entrusted by your brother Mahinda Rajapaksa to defend rule of law and peace, but keep in mind that it is not your private or family property. You are just a public servant and your job is to protect law and order to protect all citizens, not only to protect those who are close to you, or those who have religious or political ideologies that resonate with yours or those of your family. Please don’t think that those civilians, who volunteered in many fronts of research and development in the defense apparatus during the war did so because of they were blind worshippers of Rajapaksa family or because they were war mongers. There was a greater dream in their minds that you have humiliated in broad daylight. Simply put, you are disgracing those dreams by being partial to some groups in the way you manage the ministry of defence. May Sri Lanka be a country where all its citizens feel safe to live, where all their constitutional rights are safeguarded, where rule of law will sit above the tallest man, where the legal procedures respect the constitution, and where public servant serve the public, but not nepotistic agendas.

* Dr Thrishantha Nanayakkara is a  Senior Lecturer at King’s College London

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  • 0

    Fearless piece. Kudos for speaking your mind.

    • 0

      Agree. Writer is a true Sri Lankan. Fearless.

      However, Thrishantha Nanayakkara does not understand the crude mentality of Gota or his clan fully.

      Gota is helping his family build a dynasty. He is using Balu Sena in that project.

      Though an unelected and unaccountable civil servant, Gota is more powerful than all of the other backboneless clowns in the Cabinet put together. He is a De Facto Vice President of Sri Lanka.

      Cabinet is not an institution. The Jumbo Cabinet members are their for the title, perks and bread crumbs that fall of the Rajapassa family table. Extremely shameful. These Cabinet clowns should be whipped in public. When the regime finally falls.

      Gota is a Die-Hard, Neo-Con, extremist, religious fascist. Or just uses that cover as an excuse to entrench corrupt extended Rajapassa clan in politics of Sri Lanka. Forever.

      Gota is above the law. In fact, there is no law. What Gota fancies, is the law.

      What a despicable situation we Sri Lankans find ourselves in now. After getting rid of the LTTE, we now have to deal with these uneducated people with unforseen dynastic ambitions from Hambantota.

      Sri Lanka faces an uphill task. Siblings are raw and brutal.

      But, Sri Lanka must and will prevail. Question is how much time, life, limb and treasure shall we waste dealing with this totally terrible situation? Horrible indeed!

      • 0

        Brilliant letter.
        By distorting, militarizing and Tabliban-izing a peaceful and non violent religion – Buddhism – Gota the white van goon is responsible for the fact that Buddhism is in great moral and SPIRITUAL DECLINE in Sri Lanka today and has been emptied of its true spirit and substance.
        The Talibanization of Buddhism in Sri Lanka today (also to hide huge land grabs in the northeast and legitimized military attacks on civilians and the Uthayan Newspaper in Jaffna where the military rules) is a result of the Militarization and POLITICIZATION of Buddhism by the Rajapakse family;
        The military MUST be DOWN SIZED and prevented from doing MILITARY BUSINESS – making Vesak decorations, tourism and sports business. Which is mission and mandate creep and bad for military discipline and democratic governance.
        Today the curse of Kuveni is on Lanka and takes the form of the murderous and PARANOID dictator Gota the Goon who has delusions of grandeur and thinks he knows everything and is GOD just because he can drive around breaking speed limits in convoys!

      • 0

        Buddhagama darunu Parihaniyata pathwela. Buddhism is in Decline and danger in Sri Lanka today because it is highly militarized and corrupted.
        The Rajapakse regime has given Sinhala Buddhism a bad name in the WORLD by militarizing Lanka after war ended and cultivating the BBS;
        The true monks form the Nikkayas should rescue our peaceful and nonviolent (AHIMSA) religion from Rajapakse and brothers and other politicians who are distorting, using and destroying Buddhism in Lanka for personal gains.
        Gotabaya Rajapakse is responsible for militarizing Sinhala Buddhism very systematically, and distorting a peaceful religion to hide the crimes and corruption of the Rajapakse brothers.

      • 0

        Q: “Sri Lanka must and will prevail. Question is how much time, life, limb and treasure shall we waste dealing with this totally terrible situation?”

        A: As much time, life, limb and treasure as we continue to waste without a game changer, i.e. selecting and supporting a viable Opposition candidate for the elections that are coming up in 2 1/2 years. Under the present dispensation the main Opposition party will be lucky to get 30% at the forthcoming PC polls in the former UNP strongholds of the Western and North-Western Provinces. Leave alone a Barack Obama, can’t 20 million Sri Lankans produce an Imran Khan? I think we can. We have to.

        • 0

          How come you did not make such comments when you were enjoying [Edited out] at our (the tax payers) expense??
          Will another fancy foreign sojourn quieten you down?

          • 0

            This is not fair.

            MR and the thugs were not seen as thugs at the beginning. So that could be one of the good reasons to DJ to work on their agenda.

          • 0


            Is there any point in relentless DJ bashing? DJ is hardly the reason for our current sorry state of affairs.

            Fact remains, as SL’s Ambassador, both in Geneva and Paris, he did an outstanding job. Worthy of emulating at all SL missions abroad.

            Despite the limitations that comes with the job of being a diplomat, he was very outspoken compared to many others.

            More importantly DJ contributes positvely to the ongoing public debate in SL right now.

            Perhaps we should focus on how we can use passion and analytical power of the likes of DJ to win Sri Lanka’s future.

            • 0

              Ben Hurling

              “More importantly DJ contributes positvely to the ongoing public debate in SL right now.”

              Do you think so?

              Do you also notice his inconsistencies in his writings over the past few years?

              His liberal views expressed in his writings contradict with his actions on the ground. A one man liberal front for a failed war crime denial industry.

            • 0

              Yes, fully agree. He is only person at least now trying to take part in the debate – I mean out of many others worked and working for the rulers.

          • 0

            Oh I did, on the record, since 1997 in fact, and also as Ambassador: see my articles on the 25th anniversary of July ’83, the murder of Lasantha ( both in The Island), and the many pieces on what postwar Sri Lanka should and shouldn’t be like (on Groundviews since 2008).

            • 0

              Above all your performance in 2009 in Geneva – world class no doubt.
              It proved the loyalty to the regime, and had to as one representative to them and the country. Anyway, top leadership to USE AND THROW you and the others today- the competent candidates like you is questionable to many today while GLP is not even trying to add a small comment on the grave matter.

            • 0

              Given the fact that you are a monument to opportunism, I am sure you can trot out examples of being on every side of every question. The one consistency is that you are a self-serving apologist, no matter how seemingly subtle, for a bunch of murderous crooks!
              Take a bow, my man, you’ve earned it!

          • 0

            So, you agree this is a very good article. Realize and enjoy the truth.
            Give up the ‘kissass’ attitude.

        • 0

          This is the same Imran who gave a Clean chit to the founder of JuD post the Mumbai Terrorist attack.
          Along with his sponsor they cannot be trusted and should not be welcome!

        • 0

          Any potential Imran Khan will be ‘white vanned’.
          The immediate need is to restore Human Rights, and Rule of Law.
          This can be done only by a civilian government.
          But we now have a militarised state.
          The only solution is another ‘Somarama’ or a similar avatar.

        • 0

          Now Dayan Jayatileke is also at the receiving end like the Nanayakaras and their ilk. When the Tamils were arbitrarily arrested, then tortured, sodomized, molested, and raped all you Sinhala Buddhist raved and cheered of your new hero Gotabaya Rajapakse and his brothers and nephews/nieces for years.

          When white van operations were going on for years where Tamils were abducted, tortured and sometimes murdered or went missing there was not an ounce of sympathy to those Tamil victims. Then the Vans came for the Sinhalese, Muslims and the journalist or everyone. Now the worms are turning and coming to the surface and crying fowl at the War Criminal Gotabaya Rajapakse and Sarath Fonseka.

          Ironically Sarath Fonseka himself received the same treatment and humiliation from his former partners in crime Gotabaya Rajapakse himself. When 100 white vans, armored cars, APC’s, Jeeps and motor cycles turned up at his rented mansion (half a million rupees per month) and beat him up, and dragged him to jail. Then threw him into Welikade and treated him as a ‘common criminal” for 27 months and removed his civic rights and privileges as a MP. All this after Fonseka being the head of the army, 5 star general, a Presidential candidate and more.

          While all this was going on Dayan Jayatileke was ruling the roost for 5 years being the SL High Commissioner in Geneva and Paris band also attending the cocktail parties or hosting them at the tax payers expense. He got these jobs not by merit but simply politicking, unlike the good Tamil lady who played hostess to the beggarly Rajapakse 25 years ago when he arrived in Geneva with only a few files inn hand to complain against his own government. Tamara had [Edited out]
          If others does the same as Rajapakse did and visits Geneva during March or September, the Rajapakses are ready to arrest them, intimidate them, harass them and let loose the bribery Commissioner, Customs Chief or the Tax department, on their return. or set up thugs to simply hammer them and stone their homes and scare the hell out of their wives, husbands, children and extended family. Case in point the impeachment of the Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake and the Judge from JSC.

          In 2007 I founded the Tamils for Justice and hired US attorney Bruce Fein after being sick and tired of all the HR violations and abductions using the white van of the Tamils. But the Sinhalese were busy cheering/defending Gotabaya Rajapakse and Fonseka giving a lame excuse that they were helping to get rid of the “Terrorism” in the country. Nananayakara or Jayatileka were no exceptions.

          Nanayakara boasts about some sophisticated remote controlled blocking devices only 5/6 years after the event. Let Fonseka acknowledge these collaborators of the army and the war criminals and let the Department of Justice take care of the investigations if they are and were Permanent residents of the USA like their army boss Fonseka.

          War criminals can only hide from Justice of the USA only for a certain period of time. But not for ever. Finally Justice will prevail and we only call and lobby for investigations of the US citizens and permanent residents involved with war crimes or war criminals where US has full jurisdiction. From your own words Nanayakara you have confessed some of your role and participation with the war criminals.

          The real problem in Sri Lanka was State Terrorism and racism for at least 30 years, but the Sinhala racist, Buddhist, extremist and chauvinist were simply blinded by jealousy, and envy of the Tamils, and hence supported the State Terrorist. They also participated in the race riots of 1958, 1977, and 1983. Only during the short period of 3 years when Ranil Wickramasinghe was Prime Minister there was some measure of decent and civil administration without violence. Of course the armed forces and police were under President Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunge and they were specifically instructed to acts of provocation where a few incidents occurred. Meanwhile the armed forces were busy building up the arms, ammunition and machinery during the 3 years. Later under the Rajapakse regime where the MOD budget from $600 million dollars went up to $2.2 Billion dollars as well as the purchases from China, Pakistan, Iran, South Africa and Israel on credit for a billion dollars or more without tenders and very high interest. The commissions also was very high and few in the “Family” benefited immensely.

          In conclusion, Mr. Nanayakara and Jayatileke, the GOSL won the war not due to heroism, strategic planning or bravery but due to the use of chemical weapons, phosphorus and cluster bombs as well as illegal land mines which may be even Nanayakaras and others might have assisted in building and using. I would not at this time mention the military and intelligence assistance given by many countries such as India, Pakistan, China, USA, UK, EU, South Africa, Israel, Iran, Libya, and Korea just to mention a few but totaling nearly 32 countries.

          That is also why now those same countries and many more are seeing the light and the lies of the Rajapakses, Fonsekas and Jayatilekes and are willing to support the independent international investigations of the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Sri Lanka in 2009. The last 4 years of State terrorism is another bag of worms and Pandora’s box where the 80,000 war widows and their young female children and siblings are victims in the “hands” (other parts) of Sinhala Buddhist soldiers supported by the JHU, JVP and BBS. Land grabbing, Sinhalisation Sinhala colonization of the NE and Buddhizisation are the other problems which are bone of contention between the Sinhalese backed by the military and the government against the Tamil civilians.

          How come it is such a surprise to you all that these ultra racist political parties were not in cahoots with all the Rajapakse, Fonsekas, Ranawakas, Weerawansas, Mervyn Silva’s and Kudu Silva’s of this dictatorial regime? Way back from DIG Kotakadeniya’s time in 2006 the racist groups were part and parcel of the Rajapakse regime. Let us not forget the extremist Buddhist monks in Parliament and outside.

          Where have you’ll been or pretending not to know the evil plots.
          Now that these racist have turned against the Muslims as well as as the few Sinhala and Tamil demonstrators in Colombo (Read Ground Views) being attacked by Gota’s wild terriers and blood hounds, you guys are getting nervous of being bitten by the mad rabid dogs or the international community turning against the Sinhala Buddhist.

          Why such a hue and cry about 2 Muslim shops being attacked but silent when Tamil shops and homes have been raised to the ground for the past 30 years and Tamil newspaper UTHAYAN being attacked for the 37th time. Tamils do not get any insurance payments but Muslims and Sinhalese receive double payments on their insurance claims from the state owned insurance companies. [Edited out] like Malinda Seniviratne another Rajapakse opportunist [Edited out] What a disgrace.

          Donald J Gnanakone
          Tamils For Justice

          • 0

            //… illegal land mines which may be even Nanayakaras and others might have assisted in building and using…//

            Nanayakkara actually worked on anti/counter land mine technologies. His work had the potential to save human lives regardless of whether they are freedom fighters or terrorists or security forces or perpertrators of violation of human rights. In the simple forms of ancient warfare, people used to carry a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. In modern warfare, while some people specilize in sword alone, others specialize in shield alone. IMHO, specializing in shield alone is a noble choice – one that even Bertrand Russell cannot complain about :) Imagine a remote-disabling of a detonation of claymore bomb saving lives – regardless of who they are! Or a potentially harmful land mine having been eliminated from being a threat to post-resettlement life. Or imagine, in the wartime, your LTTE soldiers having lost track of land mine zone demarcations and having to mobilize themselves into grey zones, and those regions actually having been already demined by the military! Demining is absolutely humanitarian. More than the job of a military physician. You cannot compare the likes of Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara to that of Werner Von Braun.

            Rest of your comment is certified non-bullying :D

          • 0

            Check out Donald’s rant against Burghers here and how he is jealous of the sympathy given to Muslims: https://www.facebook.com/uvindu.kurukulasuriya/posts/122812201246728?comment_id=49376&offset=0&total_comments=20

            • 0

              Iyoo Mr.Blocker, seems like Mr.Gnanakone is one more person who has exposed your sycophancy towards the Rajapaksa regime and the link also proves what an apologist you are towards the armed forces. Ha ha ha…it was funny to read that you were a veteran of one year in the army. Empty vessels make the biggest noise noh? I wonder if Mr. Native Veddha would have anything to add after reading this extremely funny link.


            • 0

              Lol can you quote me apologizing for the armed forces or the regime in that thread? Why are you apologizing for Donald’s racism? Do you agree with it? ;)

              Also, I have never pretended to be some great warrior. I have nothing to hide unlike you, Normally Pukapassa. But thanks for drawing more attention to that discussion. I think it’s important that the racism towards other minorities by those calling for a separate state be seen by all. Thank you for supporting that effort :D

        • 0

          Does this constitute your not-so-veiled application for the position. After all, coming from one who’s been all over hell’s half acre in pursuit of his opportunistic ambitions, that wouldn’t be much of a surprise, would it?

        • 0

          It is nothing to do with producing an Imran Khan to win Election.

          It is to do with Hambanthota Tsunami Alibaba stealing every election.

          Winning 2010 Presidential election is one of the.

          Therefore until voters find a solution to install an independent Election Commission and amend the constitution, no amount of Imran Khans will help to win elections. FYI.

      • 0

        Thrishantha Nanayakkara Calling a Spade is a Spade.
        that is admirable.


        ” but keep in mind that it is not your private or family property. You are just a public servant and your job is to protect law and order to protect all citizens, not only to protect those who are close to you, or those who have religious or political ideologies that resonate with yours or those of your family. Please don’t think that those civilians, who volunteered in many fronts of research and development in the defense apparatus during the war did so because of they were blind worshippers of Rajapaksa family or because they were war mongers. There was a greater dream in their minds that you have humiliated in broad daylight. Simply put, you are disgracing those dreams by being partial to some groups in the way you manage the ministry of defence”.

        But will the Psychopath/ maniac bend his own rules and disband the notorious white vand squad.
        and so called goon war heros.
        [not a insult to most of the real soldiers of sri lanka armed forces]
        but drunkard, rapist goons supporting to intimidate innocent civilians.

        What a shame to be a sitting on brain so called secretary to MOD.

      • 0

        Ben Herling,

        Dr Thrishantha Nanayakkara is a doctor. But he has come to all his conclusions on filthy reports similar to what you post. I respect his contribution in saving SL from brutal LTTE terrorism but he also tells that LTTE research outperformed the SLA research which he also work for. But the truth is that the Pak ambassador was attacked on 14 August,2006 and the LTTE had to give up close detonating as 1st August started Mavilaru operation had chased away the LTTE detonators. Can any army jam hidden terrorist remote signals everywhere? Especially in urban areas where they used mobile phones also as detonating devices.

        Didn’t he know that the JHU with a 0.9 million vote base was a main coalition of the ruling UPFA? Then he did not quit due to his ignorance but now he has broken away on false propaganda getting his PHD degree (as it is not in this subject) tarnished. He is only slightly correct in his statement; not only the so-called researches but all the others who contributed in defeating the LTTE also did so not because they were blind worshippers of MR family or because they were war mongers. But the LTTE cadres got suicided in it because they were blind worshippers of VP/TNA/ITAK separatist agenda and because they were terrorists. However he has unknowingly accepted GR/MR as the main force behind the successful HO.

        How did this doctor come to know that all the un-peaceful protestors including the BBS were sent by GR/MR? Can the police arrest mas protesters at sight without making it a further violent one? In 2011 when London protesters made £ Billions of looting and destruction in daylight, it took moths to arrest some of the videoed suspects. How did he come to know that the GR protects only his closed ones? All the country is protected, safe and developing now according to the recommendations of respected international media to IC. So far the constitutional rights have been safe guarded by the SL parliament which is elected by the majority people to make the law which can impeach both the heads; CJ and the EP, of the other 2 pillars; SC and the Executive and thereby can remove any public servant who is against the public. He, citing false and filthy sources to IC, should not betray his country which dearly lifted him there.

        • 0

          // But the truth is that the Pak ambassador was attacked on 14 August,2006 and the LTTE had to give up close detonating as 1st August started Mavilaru operation had chased away the LTTE detonators. //
          the point being made is?

          // Can any army jam hidden terrorist remote signals everywhere? Especially in urban areas where they used mobile phones also as detonating devices.//
          technically possible, especially when those are mobile phone signals :)

          // PHD degree (as it is not in this subject)//
          the author doesn’t relate the relevance of his PhD to his political statements. I think the capacity at which he serving the military and the academia and being a citizen of the country gives him the right to say what he wants to say.

          //All the country is protected, safe and developing now according to the recommendations of respected international media to IC.//
          pun intended? you do read news, right?
          i think it was the human rights commission last time.

          //So far the constitutional rights have been safe guarded by the SL parliament which is elected by the majority people//
          ever pondered upon this fact about democracy? well it’s like there exists a law of social life of living organisms that sets a limitation on the perfection of social justice systems. democracy, at unfortunate circumstances, reduces to 51 being able to rule/ oppress 49. you do read from history that the parliament system was actually the reason why constitutions went through reforms and eventually failed to protect minority rights?

          //He, citing false and filthy sources to IC, should not betray his country which dearly lifted him there.//
          country is people. people are made of individuals. if people lift individuals, then it implies that individuals are lifting each other, possibly making a collective move forward/upward. just as religion (the organized religion with power to be precise) proves to be the opiate of the masses, so (or even worse) is blind patriotism/nationalism/fascism, because the former at least demands that you weigh the options in light of justice or some set standards while the latter just makes you stand for where you were born regardless of what you are going to stand for. you are prescribed peace education :)

      • 0

        Not just his craving mindset lead him to plunder wealth of Sri Lankans. This nasty fellow is person who accounted for highest number murders of people belongs to all three religions of Sri Lanka. He was success in his craving mindset all the time despite of who governs the Sri Lanka. He has been killing Sri Lankan under three eras and still doing the same

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    • 0

      The anti-Bodu Bala Sena group should ORGANIZE a bigger and better protest against Gota’s Balu Sena in DAYLIGHT and ensure that the police and military does NOT break up the meeting this time..

      The anti Balu Sena group should demand the down sizing of the military and PROTEST Gota the Goon’s militarization and Talibanization of Buddhism that is distorting and distorting Buddhism in Lanka and giving Sinhala Buddhism a very bad name..

      The Military should not be forced to make Vesak decorations since it is NOT their job. And Vesak should not be distorted by militarization. It is an insult to the Buddha.

      • 0

        It is very clear that the Rajapakshes have got into the self-destructive mode but unfortunately they are not only destroying themselves but also the whole country and the Buddhists along with them.

        It is true that the Muslims, Christians, and the minorities are affected by this regime and their pseudo-Buddhist BBS but the most affected are the 75% Buddhists. Now the anti-Buddhist activities of the BBS are no secret, it is spreading to the whole world (especially the Middle-East). Non-Sri Lankan Muslims around the world have started protesting calling for Jihad in Sri Lanka. It won’t be long before Al Qaida steps into Sri Lanka. This is the first time in history the Buddhists are addressed as Barbarians and Terrorist Buddhists.

        The Buddhists should understand that the BBS is actually tarnishing the image of the Buddhists and destroying the whole country. Those who believe that they are the true Sri Lankan Buddhists should come forward and stop this nonsense before it is too late.

        • 0

          The day BBS introduce their own Sharia Law among Sri Lankan Buddhists is not that far.

          The Sri Lanka BBS sharia Law in the making.

          Importing Milk foods from major suppliars been stopped.

          Get ready to eat Polkudu and Punnakku with BBS receipee.

          People look skeletions while BBS does not look sanga Vegetarians but well fed three meal eaqting stude.

          Better proscribe as Terrorists.

    • 0

      suz loves to read a open message to adele balasinham next DR.

      • 0

        Why don’t you write an open letter yourself????
        May be you do not know English since Adel knows that language.

  • 0

    Excellent read! Hats off to Dr. Nanayakkara.

  • 0

    Hope he read this….. Everyone want to tell this but you made it others still might be thinking the repercussion…

  • 0

    Well said Dr!
    Unfortunately, Sri Lanka seem to belong to the Rajapakshas and all willing to ‘brown nose’ them!
    By the way MR is not is in charge it’s GR and together the Rajapakshas are ru(i)nning the country

    If I may quote…

    “when your actions towards acquiring leadership in any country portrays blatant mischief orchestrated towards disregarding the concepts of the constitution, you do not only become guilty of hijacking power which rightfully belong to the people, but also, you are guilty of violation of the rights of freedom of the same people that you purport to want to lead. Like any match, elections is competition towards democracy, and all competitions have rules that set guidelines in that particular competition. Any violation of such rules renders that competition invalid. True democracy does not condone compromises. True democracy upholds and adheres to the rule of law, for it is the rule of law that can explicitly define democracy.”
    ― Akuku Mach Pep

  • 0

    Great article Dr. Nanayakkara. MRs brother is the real culprit behind the BBS/Grease Yakkas/White Vans etc. Next time the BQBBS decide to organise a protest against the BBS, they should do it in front of the Ministry of Defence.

    • 0


      Time to take the “Bull By The Horns”.

      Next protest should be opposite Gota’s HQ. The God Father of all this.

      • 0

        Ben Hurling

        The bull is already in the China shop.

  • 0

    Bravo, Thrishantha!

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      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

    • 0

      What does that mean? So you do respect the sentiments of the people today, though you had only been supporting the rulers sofar ? what makes your upside down ?

      This is what I always hoped to occur – I am quiet confident the many that cried for them would join to the right thinking masses – the days are sooner than I just guess.

      Millions though stay indifferent – they are fed up of the manner rulers govern whatever the issues arise today.

  • 0

    Hey Thrishantha Nanayakkara, did you ever serve in the battle front ? According to your FB profile you reside in Vienna. So you volunteered in many fronts of research and development in the defense apparatus from Austria ?

    After reading your article it gave me the impression that you’re a x-member of security forces or someone closely associated with them but after googling your name I figured out you’re no more than another cyber warrior. you know GR is million times better than good for nothing fellows like you.

    • 0

      Joseph Stalin,

      If googled you will see that “Kim Jong Un” is a more suitable name for you.

      • 0

        BTW Joseph Stalin/Kim Jong Un,

        After killing fields of Matale in 1989, and mass graves etc, Gota took leave for 3 months from SLA.

        Left for USA. Never returned to SLA. Remained in USA for 15 years.

        Meanwhile SL was getting pounded by LTTE. But, Gota was not here to lead his troops. He deserted SLA at the height of battle.

        Who is the coward? Thrishantha or Gota? Sleep on it.

        • 0

          If you want to attack people, use the truth, Ben, not lies. GR resigned his commission and left the Army, he didn’t desert as you imply. He has commanded units in combat and served under fire. Whatever he may be, he is not a coward, and you will never hear him called that by soldiers.

          • 0

            Gota received a Boru discharge from Ranjan Wijeratne and all records including psychiatric/medical has been destroyed.. Sarath Fonseka or his batch mates will confirm the way Gota left the army and the country. Now people are afraid to speak because the white van will be at their door. Who are you kidding young man Blacker… You have no damn idea what really occurred before you even joined the army for 1 year.

            • 0

              GOta resigned , Which is different to a discharge . GEt it ?

            • 0

              I am well aware of what is on public record. I don’t have to pretend to have inside information, Donald. The point is that GR isn’t a deserter. You, on the other hand, while scoffing at the service of others, has never seen a bullet fired in anger or ever bothered to fight for the cause that lines your pockets. You ran away, Donald, without serving a day, and left the fighting to women and children. Are you trying to hide your guilt? The war is over, Donald — it’s too late to be a hero. But it’s not too late to be a moral man.

          • 0

            David Blacker

            GR may not be a coward, but he didn’t protect the Tamils when IPKF systematically killed, maimed, raped Tamils in the North East and plundered their properties.

            After all the Tamils were not part of one nation, were they?

            A principled mutiny within his ranks would have prevented IPKF’s war crimes and its crimes against humanity. It is not too late for GR to demand an independent credible investigation into IPKF’s crimes.

            Being a great warrior, why is he silent on important issue such as that of IPKF war crimes?

            • 0

              Ooruwarige Booruwa, this point has been explained to you many times, but your bitterness and hatred won’t open your eyes to the truth. So I will ask you instead some questions, the answers to which will find you the truth that your eyes are unwilling to see:

              1. Have you heard of the Indo-Lanka Accord? Possibly it was signed before you were born, but perhaps someone’s told you about it?

              2. Are you unaware that SL and India were in fact allies in the fight against the Tigers, and not on opposing sides?

              3. Do you understand that the military is subject to Parliament, and that the latter had invited the IPKF into SL?

              4. Do you understand that a mutiny is both unconstitutional and a criminal act?

              5. Do you not know the difference between a warrior and a prosecutor?

              I understand that you blame your personal loss on the IPKF, and I sympathize with that loss, but such is war. Rather than foolishly bringing up untenable arguments, you should look into bringing the culprits of your personal loss to light. The GoSL isn’t pushing for punishment on either side. In fact, Paul Moorcraft, in his book Total Destruction of the Tamil Tigers claims that GR was always opposed to punishment of the Tigers.

          • 0


            You say Gota had a lawful discharge from SLA. I take your word as the truth. And will give Gota the benefit of the doubt and withdraw the word coward. Since he also survived a bloody ambush by LTTE in Colombo in later years.

            Law aside, I do not know how a patriot as Gota claims to be could be away from SLA for so long. Beyond my understanding.

            Non of my close friends in the SL Armed Forces were allowed to resign their commissions during this period. Except one officer in the Air Force, who was allowed to leave. Due to serious, personal, family issues. Even that, after several rejections and direct influencce from a powerful member of CBK clan at that time.

            I have nothing pesonal against Gota. I am just totally against the direction Sri Lanka is taking under his extended family control. We are heading towards total disaster in every possible way.

            • 0

              Ben, in CA Chandraprema’s Gota’s War, and in Paul Moorcraft’s Total Destruction of the Tamil Tigers, GR is quoted as saying he was very disillusioned with the way the war was being handled both by the military top brass and the politicians, and he decided he was risking his life for nothing. This was a very common sentiment amongst officers of his vintage (mostly battalion commanders and staff grade officers) in the ’90s, and in fact many found a way to resign. It wasn’t a straightforward right, but nor was it impossible, and like many things in SL, a few strings pulled made it faster. But GR did not desert and run away as many people like to suggest maliciously, nor did he do anything illegal. He quit in disgust and left. It is quite funny to see people who have never been near a war calling him a coward for quitting after almost 20 years of service.

            • 0

              The only reason why Gota came back to Sri Lanka after 14 years in excile in the US was due to his Brother winning the Presidential elections.

              If not for President Rajapakse winning the election Gota would have never stepped into Sri Lanka………never.

              Therefore how anybody could claim Gota to be a war hiro. He was in excile in the USA for 14 years without visiting Sri Lanka a single occasion during the hight of war when many soldiers were dying.

              Also according to Gen Sarath Fonseka the only reason Gota got the Secretary to Defence Minister was to be incharge of Logistics and arm procruments which brought in good commission among the Mara siblings.

              Read the following web.



              This is also the beginning for the fall out between Gen.Sarath Fonseka and DS Gotabaya Rajapakse which led to SF to be in prossion for 27 Months.

              How come a DS who was in excile for 14 years, coming back and giving orders to field commanders to shoot at surrenders over riding the Army Commander is still a mystery and has to be investigated.

              There are many worms in the bucket to sort and in a short time they will be sorted out.

        • 0


          Gota was not a Ranavirua but a Run-away-Virua who ran away to the US when the war was taking place. Similarly, David Blacker was also a Run-away-Virua who ran away to Europe when the war was going on.

          • 0

            Why could not DBlacker to get posted to foreign missions as we see even dogs and cats of them have been posted to represent the folks to the outside world – no matter everything could go wrong in there. ?

            • 0


              Can’t you see that Mr.Blocker is trying to curry favour by trying to be the secretary to the secretary of defence. Becoming his official mouthpiece and defender on forums like this. Who knows maybe one fine day, Mr.Goataboy may take pity and make Mr.Blocker ambassador to the Christmas Islands or a Special Envoy to the North Pole? :)

              In one of his previous comments Mr.Blocker tells Mr.Donald J Gnanakone that it’s never too late to become a moral man…maybe he should practice what he preaches?

          • 0

            Lo, it’s quite funny to see people who never had the balls to actually fight a war calling those who did cowards :D Sort of like a penguin telling an eagle to fly properly.

    • 0

      Stalin are you another Gota bootlicker, the writer is 100% correct.

    • 0

      GOATA is the Chief of BALU BALA SENA! If the cap suits you, put it on??

    • 0

      When you read things, please read fully. I updated my status from Vienna where I was in a meeting for a last two days. It doesn’t mean that I live in Vienna. Yes, I spent many nights in the battlefront. Have we met there?

      • 0

        I think Stalin is one of the ‘brown nosers’ I was referring to!

      • 0

        “Have we met before?”
        Amongst the buzzing?
        It could be anywhere that we’ve passed each other by.
        Were you at that one party? That one up on the ninth floor.
        Were you the quiet one who stopped to hold the door?

    • 0

      WEll said joseph Stalin . TN is so big headed thinking that his docorate can dictate terms to the sec of def. He seems to think that his Phd is sufficient ammunition to threaten Gothabaya Rajapakse . He is a [Edited out] .

      • 0

        Are you the latest recruit to defend this regime??

        Do you feel inferior to Ph.D qualified persons.
        If so, you might as well get a Ph.G like Dr. Mervin the Vermin.

        • 0

          I am a Phd qualified person as well . Sorry to disappoint you Silva.

          • 0

            1. how did you know that the author thinks his PhD in some technical specialization had everything to do with raising the voice of a concerned citizen that contributed to the country?
            2. if anybody raises a concern that apparantly questions or criticizes the govt., would you always go looking for what they are good at and do a find&replace on this statement with that and reuse your standard bullying statement?
            3. why does it disturb you when people who contributed to the government machinery report that they find the later developments unsatisfactory and to be in contrast to the perceived common good of the people?
            4. do you not accept that in good governance and democracy, a government must be accountable to its citizenry?
            5. why you just take on the author than on the opinions expressed? I think it is rather civilized to fight in the ideological plane, citing principles, facts and deriving from stats. were you in an attempt to brand a person and isolate them so their voice goes ignored – a common tactic of intellectually impotent?

          • 0

            But your behaviors show the opposite unfortunately.

          • 0


            “I am a Phd qualified person as well”

            A doctorate does not make you wise.

            • 0

              The most known example is GLP – he was a law professor before joining to politics but failed to avoid the blunder in the impeachment process against CJ Dr. SB.

              There he had no guts to point those idiots clearly that the ENTIRE WORLD INCLUDING MAJORITY OF LANKENS are always not fools.

          • 0


            You may be an academic but definitely not an intellectual.

            The former does not necessarily qualify you to be the latter.

    • 0

      APPARENTLY HE .. [Edited out]

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

      • 0

        The difference is there are enough of your ilk are there – but there are just few of writer^s calibre to come forward in this way.

        I have no idea why you are trying to protect a man that fertilizes the ground BBS fanatics to breed further- this is a curse for the entire citizenry.

    • 0

      Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara served at the University of Moratuwa a time overlappig that of the time of war between the current govt. against the LTTE. And there is a generation of his students who would testify his ‘absolutely humanitian’ (blindfolded boot licking to teachers is of no use anonymously, right?) mission in land mine removal reducing risk of military personnel involved. You don’t need to serve in the battle-front. You can also be a medic that saves lives! Btw, did you serve at the front line being able to compose such a good English comment?
      Dr. Nanayakkara served the military at the capacity of a researcher and fled the country on threat to his life. Before you google next time, please read some tips from Google on how to effectively use internet search engines. For your information, he has a job that keeps him busy enough not to be an internet warrior. But I see you more than I see him here or elsewhere. Good day!

    • 0

      Joseph Stalin;

      the name you use is very applicable to you,

      because GOTA is another BORIA to His brother,


      STALIN = M R = V P =POL POT.

  • 0

    “To be honest, I had respect for the researchers/innovators on the LTTE side who gave a difficult time to us, and worked with the only intension of outperforming.”

    If the LTTE researchers/innovators were that good at keeping themselves one step ahead of the state, what made them enemies of the state in the first place? Why these talents were not identified, natured and utilised by the state contributing to the good of the people and humanity?

    As an undemocratic state its first and foremost duty to its people has always been to prevent its people unleashing their potentials.

    Gota is just a symptom not the disease.

    The disease lies elsewhere in the exclusive nation building process.

  • 0

    Well said Thrish. I was waiting for you to say this for a while directly other than your useful writings on many related matters.

    That time I didn’t know you directly but came to know your role among others which brought to a halt some of the high tech LTTE activities. We all who supported the government in defeating the LTTE to end the war and bring genuine and lasting peace were deceived. Yet, the defeat of the LTTE was necessary and I do not regret our role. Defeating the family banditry is now necessary and on the agenda. It is another form of terrorism. Let me repeat what you have aptly said.

    “I wanted to point out this final message to none other than but Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Please keep in mind that Sri Lanka belongs to all its citizens. You may have been entrusted by your brother Mahinda Rajapaksa to defend rule of law and peace, but keep in mind that it is not your private or family property. You are just a public servant and your job is to protect law and order to protect all citizens, not only to protect those who are close to you, or those who have religious or political ideologies that resonate with yours or those of your family.”


    • 0

      well said Dr Laksiri and Thrishantha

  • 0

    Well said, Sir!

  • 0

    Brilliantly written by someone who can’t be dismissed as a disgruntled peacenik.

    GoSL’s post-war behaviour is a betrayal of the sacrifices made by tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, who did not sacrifice their lives and limbs to enable MR &GR to set up a permanent kleptocratic dynasty.

    • 0

      I agree.

      • 0

        You are reaching the point when your deserting the sinking ship might prove premature and, to mix metaphors, a white van might well be in your future!
        You really should seek another career now that the string is running out for your mentors because sucking up to the Fascist horde in Sri Lanka appears to have passed its “best before” date!

        • 0

          You mean I should speak anonymously so that no one will know who I am and no one will take me seriously? :D

          To oppose in some things isn’t to oppose in all things; to support in some things isn’t to support in all things. We have brains to decide what is right and wrong, not to blindly follow the path of rhetoric that can see no shades beyond black or white, for or against, Sinhalese or Tamil.

    • 0


      Didn’t the soldiers and civilians know that the state itself is unaccountable to the people and state power is biased towards a few?

      Remember in elections, (means to test the popularity), MR got what he wanted. He and his party were democratically elected by the vast majority of the inhabitants.

      Whats the matter with you Mango?

      MR and GR are making use of the state institutions or beneficiaries of them which have been deliberately designed to exclude people from decision making and implementation. The state structures cannot and will not police itself.

      Democratic accountability can only come from democratisation of state structures which seem an permanent anathema to the majority Sinhala/Buddhists.

      Ultimately responsibility lies with majority inhabitants who elect their representatives, presidents, supply work force to man and run the state bureaucracy, armed forces, police, judiciary, ………… Election Commission, Bribery Commissions, ………LLRC Commission.

  • 0

    If Sri Lanka survives, it will be because of people like Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara. Thank you.

  • 0

    Congratulations to you, I join you in this statement.

  • 0

    Well said doctor. Hope they wont say that you are in the LTTE paylist

  • 0

    The problem is from the Rajapaksa regime. It is a team effort. BBS is just one of the tools. Otherwise there is no way that a handfull of monks and thugs could create such havoc. Also there is no way that any outside movement or policy will be backed in the way it has been by the Govt.

    If the motive was to uplift Buddhism, there is the normal way which would have been followed by any Govt. There is a Minister of Buddha Sasana and there is a Ministry of Buddha Sasana. There are the Nikayas, the Sangha and Temples. There is no need for a lawful govt to back and promote shadowy organisations like BBS / Sinhala Ravya etc.

    It seems GR does not prefer to use conventional methods or lawful vehicles of governance. Instead he uses paramilitaries, thugs and shadow organisations to achieve his goals. There is no chance for Law and Order or Human Rights under the Rajapakse regime. They are hell bent on destroying this country.

  • 0

    Thank you for being so fearless!

  • 0

    As a senior at Kings College, London, the writer must surely be in similar circles to Geoffrey Robertson, QC and the International Bar Association etc.

    The problem is that ordinary Sri Lankans living in Sri Lanka have got used to the culture that has evolved over the last twenty or thirty years, and probably do not feel the same level of indignation the writer feels, if not for any other reason, then simply because it has been a feature of the status quo.

    There are many complexities with Sri Lankan culture that make this black and white scenario rather impractical, as relationships, currying favour, going to the shop for others of rank, keeping mum for safety from persecution etc are all real and palpable features of life there, that citizens have to contend with.

    • 0

      Nanayakara has nothing to do or close to QC Robertson FYI..
      He has only fallen out with Gotabaya Rajapakse with whom and Basil he has been working for many years.

      [Edited out]

  • 0

    Thank God your not in Srilanka , there so many people who are ready to spit on the Rajapasse face but the consequence is ???????.

  • 0

    “May Sri Lanka be a country where all its citizens feel safe to live, where all their constitutional rights are safeguarded, where rule of law will sit above the tallest man, where the legal procedures respect the constitution, and where public servant serve the public, but not nepotistic agendas..” Once more yet another true son of the soil speaks – loud and clear for the Motherland. People are slowly, but surely, beginning to see the evils of racialism, communalism and parochial hatred which are fanned to keep the country divided and in turmoil – so The Family can rule the roost. How useful it will be if the Kandy Mahanayakes gather up a fraction of Dr. Nanayakkara’s courage and speak for the people and the country in this crucial hour.


  • 0

    Dear Dr’

    Well said. However these wise opinions of a few on social media seem to have no penetrative effect on this thick skinned family. The villagers who constitue a majority of voters in our country seem not to bother with the wisdom of intellectuals and will continue to vote racists like the Rajapakses. And the Rajapakses will continue to misguide these voters will false ideologies and keep them poor intellectually and economically to further their agenda. We need an arab spring movement to throw this filthy and unlawful government out of history of our nation. Winning a war is no qualification for eternal rule over our land. They are the scum of Sri Lanka. They used the LTTE to get them into power at the 2005 elections and our notorious double crosses who will not hesitate to trade peace for racial intolerance and violence to keep themselves in power.

    Sri Lanka is hapless and we need a leader so badly to reverse this situation. May God save our nation from these rogues.

  • 0

    Finally, an acknowledgement from the Sinhalese side that the LTTE was capable of great innovation (as opposed to blind terrorism). Much of the animosity against the Tamils is similar to that held against the Jews. Left to their own devices, these two groups of people are capable of remarkable achievements. They will eventually outperform the “native population”, making the latter group jealous of the economic prosperity of the so-called “invaders.”

    • 0

      Don’t you mean most of the animosity against the Muslims? :D But of course you want to divert attention away from the anti-Muslim attacks, don’t you, Lester/Heshan?

  • 0

    What were you doing all these four years of Gota-affi tactics – certainly
    away from the White-van. Intellectuals have let down the people of Sri
    Lanka by their silence – just imagine ONE open letter to G O T A for the
    record and 30 supportive arm-chair comments. You cannot make changes
    whatsoever with a rabid lot of corrupt politicians and henchmen in the dynasty. Should we Sri lankans not openly support a Regime change also from outside for the sake of our country?

    • 0

      No, the Sri Lankans should not and will not support a regime change from outside, which might reverse the results of the sacrifices of the military and the citizenry. Sri Lankans should and will support a peaceful democratic regime change from inside, if they are offered an alternative they can trust. Don’t forget that 75% of Sri Lankans are Sinhalese. Don’t also forget that the armed forces and their families constitute a huge number of voters who have to be convinced..

      • 0

        All I think most imperative now is to you guys that have the people^s faith on you – being most respect academics must advise the President adequately. He has not reacted properly enough to satisfy the people IN THE WARAGODA KILLING AND MANY OTHER ISSUES THAT PEOPLE THOUGHT THE PRESIDENT WOULD. AND NOW HE WOULD NOT UTTER A SINGLE WORD AGAINST BBS or ITS SYMPATHISER – IN CONTRARY HE WOULD REACT SUPPORTEDLY. AS DAMBARE AMILA THERO ONCE LOUDED- if a leader would not utter a word ON A key election manifesto WHICH IS ABOLISHING OF EP – keeping further silence – that should be a bigger failure than anything else.

      • 0

        Dr Dayan Jayatilleka,

        “Sri Lankans should and will support a peaceful democratic regime change from inside, if they are offered an alternative they can trust”.

        Are you planning to be the “alternative they can trust”?

        • 0

          There are many intellectuals, well qualified, well respected and honest Patriot Sri Lankans are out there who are really concern of Sri Lanka and where it is leading towards.

          But MR the crook who always played double tricks got rid of them and installed his Buffalo “Yes sir” goons to those important positions. Now GLP is leading the set.

          Time has come to say enough is enough to the Ruling Joker family. Enough acting they played with the country and it’s people.

          It’s time for Dr.Dayan like minded people to rally together and give MR two options. Either to change within or to be changed using outside force.

          MR should get the message seriously…..before the economic, social, political, racial and religious collapse.

      • 0

        If a Sri Lankan is to write openly, as in this case to a Civil
        Servant, what prevents a Sri Lankan overseas influencing a Regime
        change, which other Countries are inclined to support or not. Has
        this Lankans democratic rights being limited by geographical boundries, like Insurance Policy conditions or are you thinking
        of TGTE lines?

  • 0

    Well said, Thrish. this is precisely what many of us who care for the future of our country want to say, but are afraid to say so.

    A great New Year message! Thank you.

  • 0

    It is widely known that the evil that is creating all the problems for the country both internally and externally is called Gota. Gota is a law unto himself and is the power behind the throne. The man has a violent and unsavoury past and with his brother’s blessing carries on his illegal and violent activities through the underworld and through such organisations like the BBS.

    This piece by the brave Dr Nanayakkara shows the feeling among many who contributed to defeat the LTTE and genuinely believed in peaceful coexistence of all races in a prosperous Sri lanka. Their dreams have been shattered by the Rajapaksas whose only intention is to enrich themselves and stay in power for as long as they wish regardless of the consequences of their actions that are destroying the country.

    Gota or his siblings are not going to listen to anybody and therefore the only salvation for the country and its people is the overthrow of the regime by whatever means. The sooner it happens the better.

  • 0

    By the way!! Today the Balu Sena are in Anaheim, USA…..
    The Anaheim Viharaya is hosting a meeting of a visiting delegation of the Balu Senava and the management committee is falling over each other denying they had something to do with the meeting. Apparently the Ven. Sumana went ahead with the arrangements without consulting the management committee according to a letter released yesterday.

    The disgraceful part is that America is the devil when it comes to all things ‘Rajapakse’, in Sri Lanka.But, its also the land of opportunity to collect money and like-minded pseudo-Buddhists.

    It is reprehensible the US embassy would issue visas to this miscreants. I wonder if they are playing a double game in all this? Diplomatic passports anyone ?

    • 0

      A ploy by the USA to cause mayhem in sri Lanka by which to get rid of Rajapaksa?

      I welcome any means from any quarter to get rid of the curse of the Rajapaksa regime.

    • 0

      USA should destroy this terrorist cells who preach violence and terror. They are the Al Quida of Buddhism

  • 0

    Getttiing rid of Ltte was only tackling the symptom of a long and racist sri lankan state. Gota is the product of the victory of the sinhala racist state. you cannot have one without the other. The national question of the tamils is still waiting to be resolved.

  • 0





    • 0

      MR is building the thirteenth Airport Runway in Kandy. Possible stand by quick get away excit strategy.

  • 0

    Well said Dr Trishantha. However you are safe, living in the UK. If an academic in Sri Lanka wrote in this way,under their own name, the white vans? no defenders now, would be after that person for questioning as in the case of the key members of FUTA who were hauled over to the CID for questioning and watched every day. The no of CID officers in plain clothes at the vigil was so sickening. Gota is really sick in the head and is watching over his shoulder all the time. Deep insecurity owing to his dirty deeds.

  • 0

    Dr Nanayakara,
    How lucky you all are to be in the right place to do the propaganda for Srilanka while brushing everything what has/is happening to Tamils in their occupied land. You do not need people like L Kadirgamar to do any propaganda.
    What happened to S Fonseka, S Banadaranayake and BBS protesters seemed to you the law enforcement was shameful,filthy and digusting.
    Are you honest?

    Having worked in Tamils area, you mentioned something about LTTE. You people it would be difficult not mentioning about LTTE while not wanting or mentioning what has/is happening to Tamils in their own land is shameful, filthy and disgusting.

    no wonder the tourism is flourishing in that country , even after the horrendous crime has been committed by the Sinhalese criminals because of people like you very cleverly doing the propaganda.

    be honest and say what is filthy, shameful and disgusting.

  • 0

    Sri Lanka needs change . The masses are suffering with high cost of living . Revenue is not sufficient to pay debts to China, ADBANK, IMFUND,WORLD BANK, JAPAN, AND OTHER COUNTRIES . GOSL IS ON ITS WAY TO A DICTATORSHIP . There is ethnic and religious intolerance under the RAJAPAKSE SAMAGAMA . The poor masses are living in fear . CHANGE IN SL CAN ONLY COME ABOUT BY A REVOLT WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT PR AN UPRISING OF THE PEOPLE OR WHO KNOWS MAY BE THERE WILL EMERGE ANOTHER ” Buddharakitha ” . MOTHER LANKA NEEDE OUR PRAYERS TO GUIDE HER IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION . Does any one know why the Commonwealth PM ‘S meeting place (SRI LANKA) is not changed? The Diaspora and CT WRITERS ARE ALL CORRECT IN THEIR OPINIONS ON THE GOSL, but the UN, USA , Australia,INDIA , UK , and other nations don’t seem to care too much about SRI LANKA . This is a dilemma Many like me do not understand . THE GENEVA REPORT WAS ONLY A SLAP ON THE WRIST TO SRI LANKA . At the present time GOSL IS NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THE GENEVA RECOMMENDATIONS . Finally , if no changes are made by GOSL , I suspect that GOSL SHOUL BE WORRIED ABOUT TAMIL NADU AND KERALA FROM WHERE ANOTHER MOVEMENT MIGHT BREW TO ESTABLISH TAMIL ELAM. Recent happenings in Tamil Nadu and Karunanithi pulling out of the CENTRAL GOVT; with 5 capable Ministers should send strong signals to the RAJAPAKSE SAMAGAMA .

    • 0

      Unless Mara use his Brains and not the one Between the legs, very soon he will get his share of Drone Parippu direct into his Bedroom.

      If Mara wants to be the next Charlie Chaplin or “Mr.Bean” he could do so in Holllywood in the USA and not in Sri Lanka.

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