22 January, 2025


An Open Message To Gotabaya Rajapaksa

By Thrishantha Nanayakkara

Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara

In year 2006, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE) took a radical tactical turn to use remote controlled claymore mines to block Madawachchi-Mannar and Habarana-Trinco supply routes. This effectively made the vegetation clearance on either sides of the road fruitless. Attacks were frequent and caused huge damages to ground movements of the army. The defense research units that attracted the volunteer support of several civilian engineers worked day and night to develop a counter measure to jam the LTTE remote controllers, based on some pieces of circuits found among the debris of explosions in the North. The rate of innovation of the LTTE side was so fast that the Government defense research units had to struggle to keep up with their phase. Finally, LTTE gave up using remote controlled bombs. As far as I can remember, the last attack was on the Pakistan ambassador in Colombo. To be honest, I had respect for the researchers/innovators on the LTTE side who gave a difficult time to us, and worked with the only intension of outperforming. There was no hatred. For the civilian volunteers, burning midnight oil, and then returning to work the next day was not easy. The only motivation was to see an end to the war that kept on taking so many valuable lives. I am sure that this was the main motivation to all others who volunteered in many other fronts of the war. Those volunteers had complete trust in the Government to make a genuine attempt to bring in a lasting peace by firmly establishing democracy, rule of law, notion of citizenship, and justice, through some credible reconciliation process after the war.

After the war came to an end, silent ground forces went to rest, too tired of war, with a greater appreciation for humanity, but the racist cowards came out of their hiding places like mushrooms popping out. Unfortunately the country’s top leadership saw this as a cheap political opportunity rather than a threat to the dreams of those who toiled and died. To be honest, if I knew the close relationship between groups like Bodu Bala Sena or Jathika Hela Urumaya, and the secretary of defense, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, I would have quit without any hesitation, for it could have been ample evidence of what would happen after the war comes to an end. Due to some reason, Gotabaya showed a deep interest in protecting the country’s constitution and rule of law instead.

The way the law enforcement agencies behaved during recent public protests like the movement to release General Sarath Fonseka, the movement to protest the process of impeachment of the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, and the protest questioning the activities of Bodu Bala Sena, was shameful, filthy, and disgusting. In the case of protests to release Sarath Fonseka, we saw police mingling around with street thugs who hurled bricks and stones at the peaceful protestors. In the case of protests of lawyers to defend the constitutional rights of the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, the police openly worked among the street thugs as if they were one team. In the case of an attack on Fashion Bug, the police was watching how monks threw stones to damage private property. None were arrested on site. However, we saw how the police manhandled those who participated in a peaceful candle light vigil in Colombo, on 12th April, 2013, without a single warning to those threatening Bodu Bala Sena goons to disperse. Compounding the shameful situation, a police officer later expressed his opinion about the religious backgrounds of the peaceful protestors, as a reason to be hostile to them, as if the country’s constitution has given him a mandate to be hostile to religions he doesn’t like. Who thought stupidity and ignorance could reach this height inside a police officer’s brain?

I wanted to point out this final message to none other than but Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Please keep in mind that Sri Lanka belongs to all its citizens. You may have been entrusted by your brother Mahinda Rajapaksa to defend rule of law and peace, but keep in mind that it is not your private or family property. You are just a public servant and your job is to protect law and order to protect all citizens, not only to protect those who are close to you, or those who have religious or political ideologies that resonate with yours or those of your family. Please don’t think that those civilians, who volunteered in many fronts of research and development in the defense apparatus during the war did so because of they were blind worshippers of Rajapaksa family or because they were war mongers. There was a greater dream in their minds that you have humiliated in broad daylight. Simply put, you are disgracing those dreams by being partial to some groups in the way you manage the ministry of defence. May Sri Lanka be a country where all its citizens feel safe to live, where all their constitutional rights are safeguarded, where rule of law will sit above the tallest man, where the legal procedures respect the constitution, and where public servant serve the public, but not nepotistic agendas.

* Dr Thrishantha Nanayakkara is a  Senior Lecturer at King’s College London

Latest comments

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    Yes, I did. But it was not based on any personal preference, but based on the best alternative principles available at that time. And yes, I tried to contribute my two cents to get him released. Now that he is free, I don’t worry anymore. I will see the next set of alternatives presented to us in the next election to take a decision. This is what we all do afterall, don’t we? The solution is not in them, but within us. We try to find a solution from outside us, that is why we keep on coming back to the same problem over and over again. The purpose of this article is to show that we, the people, sit above all of them, and that we demand for justice.


    You have proved that you have a different political agenda, therefore it is natural for you to attack to your political enimies until bring your man to the power , again its proved your article is bias article , your are not whole hartedley love to your motherland, you are trying to achieve your cheap political agendas by selling the country to western powers and attacking the people who save our motherland from terrorist.

    you must be shame about yourself , you are a another brain drain

    fist of all respect the free education you have received , come and serve to your motherland then talk.

    Antibully is trying to justify your migration about talking tax system in SL which he doesn’t have any idea about SL tax system.

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      //come and serve to your motherland then talk.//

      Thrishantha volunteered and worked with the soldiers to clear mines.
      That way he has used his advanced education to help defeat the LTTE.
      I think he has paid back the debt, and he has every right to ask that
      we build a country to the high standards he expects.

      Let us hear what you have been doing in the meantime?

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        He HAS served his motherland -don’t you get it? This isnt him “motherland” anymore, but somebody else’s “Brotherland”.

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      //You have proved that you have a different political agenda//
      if a person has 1

      //Antibully is trying to justify your migration about talking tax system in SL which he doesn’t have any idea about SL tax system.//

      Well, it was completely my personal opinion and i welcome suggestions and corrections and i stated that it was an idealization to make an example within a short space. the point that was being made is that you can’t say that everyone technically owes something back. you must realize that everyone’s father/mother/caretake is participating to contribute to the free education. instead you should appreciate if a person contributes more than he/she consumes. sounds like you are an expert in taxation. Would you like to set the boundaries as to which aspects of the tax system are to be included my next detailed version of the same argument? Further, may i also assume that you are truthful to your conscience that you will never leave the shores of the island for any economical/professional reason and will continue to earn your bread by making your own poisiton in the public or private enterprise than you occupy the space of another person?

      //you are a another brain drain //
      great, at least you accept the existence of brains elsewhere :) however, could you please tell me what happens if all the Sri Lankan brains come back and claim a spot in the job market keeping the political variables constant?

      //fist of all respect the free education you have received , come and serve to your motherland then talk.//
      there is a class of websites on the internet called search engines which perform a search on the rest of the internet if you give them some keywords and makes the job easier for you so that you don’t know the address of the required websites to extract information that you might be interested in. i suggest you that you make use of such sites to do a background search on teh author and see if he fulfills your requirements to be eligible to ‘talk’.

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      //You have proved that you have a different political agenda//
      oops, i jumped on to what was relevant to me.
      if a person has a political alignement or preference or idology, then it disqualifies them from being able to demand the state of justice, by making their arguments? i leave it an exercise for you to prove by contradiction that those who you want to defend are completely devoid of political preferences being bureaucrats in the system and that they earned their ranks by means of competition.

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      “You have proved that you have a different political agenda, therefore it is natural for you to attack to your political enimies..”

      It is natural for you to view other people that way when you are in that political habit of whitewashing dirt. We honestly did our job when we thought it was needed, and continue to honestly speak the truth when it is needed. And we are not scared to be transparent about our personal political views. Even the chief justice and the commanders of the three forces of the country are entitled to have a political view if you didn’t know. That has nothing to do with this concern about partial law enforcement that you can see unless you are completely blind. Gotabaya can enjoy doing that if Sri Lanka was his private property and consequences will be faced by him only. Unfortunately, there are dangerous consequences that other innocent people have to face due to this lunacy. That is why we are concerned.

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    Donald J Ganakone’s long reply is ver misleading. Sinhalese were the underdogs for many years when Tamils dominated all sections of the country, and after 1956 the situation became a bit more balanced. Sinhalese never started this fight with the Tamils but Tamils agitated to get their lost powers, created the LTTE Terror activities which was resisted by the government in power and the present situation is an outcome of the actions of the LTTE supported by many Tamils, including Ganakone’s brothers. In 2000 Ranil was helped by the LTTE to topple President Kumaratunga’s government. Paskaralingam was posted as the LTTE representative to get what the LTTE wanted. Donald is wrong to say Defence was under the President Kumaratunga’s hands. President handed over those powers to Ranil as requested going against the constitution, but Ranil failed to keep his part of the agreement.

    We are not supporting the way Rajapaksa brothers treat the innocent Tamil IDP’s. most right thinking Sinhalese are not in agreement with what the Rajapakasa siblings doing to the country, but using false information to mislead the IC is not going to help the Tamils for Justice. Most accusations Donald has levelled against Rajapaksa’s may be correct, but if his hero Ranil can stand irrect as the opposition leader most these misdeeds can be corrected.

    Education, Democacy and Employement are the essential factors to bring harmony among all nationalities in Sri Lanka. but corruption has overtaken National issues, and Rajapaksa regime is thriving in corruption while running the country down. If the country goes down even the Tamils, Donald is fighting to bring justice will suffer.

    Stop spreading false accusations, and come out with facts so we all can get together to create a better Lanka for all, including those of us living many thousand kilometres away from Lanka.

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      Tamils did not dominate anyone using their numbers or by force. They played a visible and useful role in society because of their hardwork, education and ambition. They led a fugal life, to provide opportunities for heir children. They migrated in droves even at that time, to earn. They earned their keep. They were not social parasites. They did their best wherever they were. They were excellent slaves and kind masters. They trusted and were led down by those who wanted to dominate. They trusted their leaders to guide them, but were badly let down.

      Do not peddle vicious nonsense.

      • 0

        Tamils did not dominate anyone using their numbers or by force.

        Tamils didn’t dominate anyone *by force* back then. True. But somehow through history things came to be that they did dominate Sinhalese in their numbers. Today Tamils won’t tolerate even a Sinhala name post or a Buddha statue in areas where they are in majority. Will they tolerate if 50% of the civil administration of Jaffna were Sinhalese? Will they tolerate if 40% of Jaffna medical faculty students were Sinhala? Will they not call it domination?

        QUOTE (http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTSRILANKA/Resources/App1.pdf)
        By independence, Tamils accounted for over 30% of government services admissions, a share larger than their proportion in the general population—i.e., Sri Lankan and Indian Tamils have never totaled more than 25%. By 1956, it is estimated that Tamils constituted 50% of the clerical personnel of the railway, postal and customs services, 60% of all doctors, engineers and lawyers, and 40% of other labor forces.
        END QUOTE

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          you, sir, are one rare specimen among those who keep stats to quote on demand: that you have the fairness and decency to put “not force” within quotes. hats off.

          Tamils should in principle
          1. accept a Buddha statue in areas where they are in majority if those were erect there because of the necessity of the worshipers living there. religions are to be practiced, not for symbolic domination, right?
          2. should tolerate if 50% of the civil administration of Jaffna were Sinhalese if there is fair competition and transparency in the criteria for the posting of public officials to various parts of the island.
          3. should definitely tolerate if 40% of Jaffna medical faculty students were Sinhala when UGC is transparent to tell a student why she/he is posted to one university than the other.
          All of this requires good governance, transparency. Not white vans and drunken-drive-hit-and-run-led mobs and thugs can make that happen.

          If you do agree that tamils played the game by its rules for

          “By independence, Tamils accounted for over 30% of government services admissions, a share larger than their proportion in the general population—i.e., Sri Lankan and Indian Tamils have never totaled more than 25%. By 1956, it is estimated that Tamils constituted 50% of the clerical personnel of the railway, postal and customs services, 60% of all doctors, engineers and lawyers, and 40% of other labor forces.”

          to be the truth, then it sounds like you also agree that it is legitimate say you want the minorities to be in every public/ private enterprise to be in the numbers proportional to their populations ratios. In other words, “know your place, you later-immigrants!”. That unfortunately, is just another form of racism my friend. Upasiri de Silva, who distorted the fact by sweeping the fact of tamils’ “fair play” under the carpet, was at least trying to comfort his own conscience. If you want to see one race to be dominant or proportional in numbers then you should encourage them to play the game by the rules instead of cheating the game, like in 1956 and now in 2013, by bending the rules.

          Reconciliation must come with whole-heartedness. Any objections?

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          What you see today is a reaction to many incidents in our post-independence history, that were in reality or in perception, anti-Tamil. The Tamils were made to feel unwanted and insecure as individuals and as a community. They should not be blamed for the nature of their reactions, as they were also badly led. Like in jet engines action and reactions should be equal and opposite to carry the plane forward. Unfortunately, the reactions of the Tamils- in reality Tamil politicians, have been in the same direction, as that of the Sinhalese- in reality Sinhala politicians. We have on account of this, moved backwards.

          Stupidity cannot be countered with stupidity. Stupidity must be countered by intelligence. Similarly, violence should not ever be met with violence in a social context. Violence of all kinds should not be also be used as a political tool in governance. This is the reason that in civilised countries institutionalised limited violence in the form of the police and institutionalised, disciplined , controllable, but more aggressive violence in the form of the armed forces are used as tools to maintain order in society and confront situations that threaten a country, respectively. In these instances the violence inherent in man are harnessed to prevent or overcome violence.

          It cannot be however denied in this instance that the Chicken came first in the form of Sinhala chauvinism and majoritarianism and laid the egg that hatched to become the chicken of Tamil chauvinism and minoritarianism. If Sri Lankan nationalism had been the guiding principle, Sinhala and Tamil nationalisms would have been complementary and taken the country forward.

          I have been very critical of Tamil politicians reactions, but am also equally critical of Sinhala politicians actions and vice versa. Both peoples have been made stupid donkeys by their cheap, scheming, perverted, immoral , stupid and shortsighted politicians. This sad situation continues to this day.

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Thrishantha, thank you

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    //Sinhalese were the underdogs for many years when Tamils dominated all sections of the country, and after 1956 the situation became a bit more balanced.//
    may i also assume that the result of a “find ‘tamils’ and replace with ‘muslims’ and then find ‘all’ and replace with ‘business and economy'” on that statement will also be something you would consider a tuatology? Please enlighten me on how the tamils conspired to suppress the sinhalese. 1956, in addition to the contributions by Mr. Dharmapala and his clan, is the long term reason for all that we are suffering today. Pretending to know enough history, i believe you wouldn’t overlook the fact that the fascist LTTE wasn’t born overnight and was a result of the failure and frustration of the non-separatist, non-war-mongering tamil leaderships for 30 years. Also I believe you would have the decency to accept that the first ever casuality on the LTTE side was Mr. Thileepan and it was a Gandhian protest and Thileepan didn’t die demanding ‘Tamil Eelam’!

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      sorry i think in the find and replace you must also “find ‘1956’ and replace with “2013”‘.

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    Hope your next letter will be in Sinhala. The Rajapaksas may not understand English documents.

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      proficiency in foreign languages is not something to be too proud about. but i agree that local languages are what reach the grass root community. but English has always been a platform for inter-ethnic dialogue and for reaching and understand the world outside, not to mention its contribution to the economic and educational advancement.

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        That cant be accepted as an excuse them to stay dead silence further without taking proper and prompt actions against emerging problems.

        Truth is it will take decades until the masses grasp that MR and the clan focus only on their business. They will continue looting.

        Where stupid masses are the majority – all others have to sacrifice in democracies.

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    How sad Sri Lanka should be congratulating a true patriot Dr Nanayakara for his views instead we have supporters of terror spewing forth their own brand of twist to a well written piece. The point that Gnanakone misses is that to the majority it is ‘a cause untrue’. Come on Prabhakaran was no angel and neither was his brand of fear mongering including to the Tamil people. He Gota’d what he deserved, I know you don’t think so…..I am sorry that many innocent people died in our 30 year war. A war that was fed by the hegemonic aspirations of our Giant neighbour. Take it from a mixed parentage Christian he had it coming. I did not celebrate I am no savage to celebrate the death of another human. Oh yeah I agree that minorities are being discriminated against fight that battle. The LTTE is kaput. The ruling clan will go kaput too and the way they are trying to rule it may happen sooner than later. It is clear that we are having 4 or more Musketeers running a fiefdom that brooks no criticism and uses religion to confuse the masses (Opiate). With the information available to us distorted or otherwise. The tactics are clear increase the size of the military, pay them wages that ensure they can’t do anything else buy their loyalty, give them land, get them involved in business, tourism agriculture etc. If the people should revolt the military loyalists will suppress the people. This regime has no idea about economics look at the Sec of Finance the courts found him wanting! Have you heard how he speaks to people?? As for law it is ‘you are either with us or a traitor’. They have put their foot in their mouths with all the prosperous trading partners because of the ‘chandikama’. Appointments to manage the country is through ‘Nepotism’. Professionals have no place. Good business’s are taxed then bought by a front person of the govt and then tax burdens released again….. Roads are the easiest projects to make commissions on, Transparency as to the costs per km are hidden from the public …. I challenge anyone to show me a single cost effectively constructed road. They are at least 50% more than the cost in any other country?! When the leadership surrounds itself with persons who have bad intentions, ulterior motives and agree with scatter brained schemes nothing good or useful will come of it. So all this is ‘mental masturbation’ right? The question is who is going to take wipe the slate clean….. what is needed. I can tell you not a single Minister is happy particularly the old hands of the SLFP….. the plum posts have gone to the UNP turn coats. Will there be someone from the army who will realize that they were used by the brothers to ruin the country?? Like some one said will a Buddharakita appear? Some say ‘ when you live by the sword, you invariably die by it’…… Opposition what is that ? Give the brothers credit for neutralizing them they are a kept group……. Royal personalities LOL!! We the people what choice do we have to vote for A King, A Clown, A megalomaniac, A Utopian Marxist, The LTTE took out the cream and the others have left for greener pastures where professions are respected along with ones views, laws protect your property, your ideas, and your life and livelihood……. The education system is like the Govt a joke putting out domestic aides and soldiers!! As for independent free thinkers think again all we have are bigots who think they are better because they are from one ethnic group or from a particular religious belief!!

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      Nicely sums up Rasavath. Exactly, that is the upshot (shot up the backside) for Sri Lankan citizen who are not aligned to any political party. That is, you and me!

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    i hope this would be translated to sinhala and published in sinhala media

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    This guy published this article in another website adding some to justify his paid back to SL for his free education in SL after heavy criticism here for his free education. He think his demining activity is similar to winning the war and now he is advising Gota to give up everything and go home. he thinks he can bring back all law and order in SL if Gota go home, what a stupid idea.

    Little story- a man started to cut the trees and another man came and asked why are you cutting those trees , his reply was to satisfy my wish , then other man ask what is your wish , man replied “my wish is to ride on camel”

    Same thing Trishantha is doing

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      Dear kris,

      so you are good enough to search for the appearance of the article elsewhere, but lack in the motivation to check on the background of the author? You haven’t so far given us your conclusion on the pay back yet? *Maybe* the author felt the need for adding some preclude to make the job easier for your type of people, not so skilled at googling as he expected, before ever making a statement catagorically bullying someone? Since I live on this page looking for your type (so far have met you and sarojini :D), let me do a sequence of ‘find’, ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ of some questions still pending for your consideration:

      1. you say that the author is no professional. i asked “define professional, please?”
      2. you say the author was trying to be a hero by writing an article, i asked “btw, how do your *heroes* become heroes, if not for expressing their opinions?”
      3. you asked the author to come back and serve. you already have identified a position vacant or possible to be created without sacking somebody else in the system? and for all Sri Lankan brains you think are contributing to the brain drain? You have space to cater for all of them, given the status quo of how the country is being governed today?
      4. you said “come serve your motherland then talk”, somebody after explaining you how author pays back, asks “Let us hear what you have been doing in the meantime?”. How about you try to answer some questions for a change?
      5. you said “antibully?”‘s got no idea about taxation. i am awaiting your response as to which aspects of taxation i need to include in my detailed analysis.
      6. you said “//fist of all respect the free education you have received , come and serve to your motherland then talk.//”, i said acquire some searching skills. have you already?
      7. you said the author has his political preferences/agenda. i asked you if that makes him disqualified to ‘talk’ (I used one of your terms, sorry)? and then i asked you to prove if your heroes don’t have political preferences.

      // He think his demining activity is similar to winning the war //
      you agree there are some talking about a failure in winning the ‘peace’? demining is one thing that’s crucial for it. in addition, as an exercise to motivate your learning, i encourage you to think of how demining and disabling mine detonations will weaken the enemy, strengthen ones own forces and make more spaces for mobilization of troops. hint: press key.

      //he can bring back all law and order in SL if Gota go home, what a stupid idea.//
      well you can say it’s a necessary condition, not sufficient. it’s just the main obstacle or the barrier you have to overcome :) there is then the real work of establishing law and order, but surprisingly it seems that it might work like an exothermic chemical reaction :D

      //Little story//
      sounds like i’m lacking in literarary skills to fit your metaphors into the real picture? i am raising this i genuinely consider that the story fits in very well when you switch the roles of the tree and camel (from what you originally thought of).

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        sorry, the hint was to press [home] key. Good luck

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      Let me explain what C.W.W. Kannangara envisioned in free education. A major goal of free education is to empower people to question the status quo to make it better. A major part of paying back is to make an attempt to make the lives of Sri Lankans better. Point out one thing in this open message to Gotabaya that works counter to the welfare of Sri Lankan citizens. Of course if you are Gotabaya himself, I can understand why you have got worked up.

      We honestly tried when it was needed, and left the moment we felt the limit. I don’t want to do costing here to insult my free education, but if you try to abuse that fact that we benefited from free education, you must know that the total cost per graduate does not exceed Rs. 200,000 at University of Moratuwa. Say that is Rs. 1million. What is the value of making a contribution to stop LTTE abandon remote controlled bombs? What is the value of teaching Sri Lankan university students free of charge from here, and offering them scholarships? I apologize from other people here for having to mention these. Due to some reason, people like Kris either pretend that they don’t know the truth or they just don’t know the truth. I am not the only one who volunteered during that time and left the country. We left partly because of such people who never wants to question the status quo to improve it. Do you think coming there to help the president to run loss making institutes like Mihin Lanka, and helping him to abuse public property (ex. abusing state media in elections, for propaganda, for family building, etc.), is “paying back” according to Kannangara vision?

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    Very honest analysis. but will It have any impact on the regime? I do not think so! the regime has acted with impunity and will continue to do so as they have bullied the the ruling elite and intimidated the business elite into submission. The arrogant display of indiffernce to the appeals made by the UN and US on post war accountability and reconciliation shows a regime that is ignorant and foolhardy. they are prepared to risk the goodwill and support of the rest of the world due to poor advice on effective foreign policy. Confrontation will not get us anywhere except down the drain. They seem to forget that we are only midgets in the international scene lacking any form of clout. It is indeed surprising that western educated advisors cannot put any sense into them. In fact, they are bending backwards to please the Rajapakses.
    The arrogant statement made recently by ‘a high official’ that a reduction in US aid will not impact us is just plain stupid. As one of our major export markets, we will be a dead duck if they impose sanctions. Isn’t there one sensible person close to the regime who is prepared to stand up and speak the truth? Don’t they have a shred of moral conscience to Prevent Sri lanka from its downward spiral to disaster?

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      even in the hardests of times, it’s customary that the comforts enjoyed by the rulers don’t go compromised. e.g. Iraq when its people were starving, Mr. Hussain had even more strengthened security (hence locally guaranteed, continued dictatorship) and all sorts of comfort (non compromised even for the extended families), unquestionably. makes sense?

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      agree , how cum these Raja Paks don’t see it or like Matthew said ‘none so blind as those who will not see’ ! As for business elites their morals lie with LKR or USD’s, governance, values, norms something that exists in text books……. the lily white Captains are the worst! So we fall from the cauldron of war into the fires of Southern comfort!

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    Reading the enlightened articles and comments by several identified and anonymous writers, from all communities and both genders, I wonder why we are short of politicians of the same calibre. It is likely that those who had shunned politics as unfit for the decent, are emerging from the shadows, aggravated by what is unfolding around us. It is also likely a new generation is beginning to assert itself. This is a good sign. It is a sign that the young, learned, wise and the decent feel that enough is enough. This is a spontaneous response to a dire need. This is a phenomenon that has unfolded in other countries in similar circumstances. I am certain that there are plenty of Sri Lankans in this country and in the Lankan Diaspora, who can make a difference to this country.

    Why not form a new political party with the best of the best, among the willing ? Those within the country can be encouraged, supported and financed by those in the Diaspora. We need high calibre leaders in plenty in every sphere of life, including politics. The new political party, should become a multi-faceted movement, led by learned, cultured, experienced, wise , proven and honest persons. We have to have a democracy where learning, ability and honesty are recognised and enthroned. We cannot afford to have a democratic charade orchestrated by the dregs, for dregs and from the dregs in society, anymore. We need a democracy that befits a nation that boasts of high literacy and is in essence decent in terms of having a gut feeling for what is right and wrong.

    I do not think that anything decent, visionary and with the required ability would emerge out of existing political parties or politicians. There has to be a qualitatively and substantially better political alternative, if we are to progress as a country. The time has come to seek new alternatives!

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

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      Absolutely Sir Dr RN…… You make a good point there are obviously free thinkers while the masses may be like sheep. As Nietzsche said the ‘Uber mensch’ which led to the Nazis LOL . But really I can see it this group who wants to see change and wows to ‘separate religion and the state’, ethnicity has no bearing, differences are there we must agree to disagree. A group that is quite centrist neither Socialist nor Capitalist that meets to first draw up a new constitution that will ensure that all are equal under the law, we swear allegiance to the country and not to any individuals, the publics ‘right to information’ bill passed overnight. Government have no business in doing business. Like Public companies have to publish and file audited accounts so should any Public/ state Corp. Suggest we consider appointing some retired judges from India/ Pakistan/ UK etc for 3 years on to the Supreme court to ensure fairness. Minimum standards for State sector jobs, job evaluations, down sizing etc. Revive our policy of non alignment, bring back the real public servants who can stand up to a minister and not be afraid to loose their jobs. Reduce defense expenditure restructure the education and syllabus’ …… etc put out a document present it to the people as a plan get elected the head of Govt can only remain for 4 years no exceptions, Ministers may not employee any family members relations etc I can relish this exercise!!!!

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        A group of learned and honourable men should come together to draw up a new constitution. The Ven. Sobitha Thera has made a good start in this direction, although I believe a reversion to the Westminster model is the right answer. a political party should be floated with a defined vision and a time-framed political, economic and social objectives. a leader with unimpeachable credentials and charisma should be projected. The party should be national in nature and draw in persons from all communities and provinces. The proposed new constitution should be the main platform of the new party. It should rely on modern techniques to campaign, as did Obama in two presidential contests.

        A start should be made now. I like to see men like Ven Sobitha Thera, Bishop Chickera, Dayan Jayatilleke, Sumanthiran, Laksiri Fernando , Jayantha Dhanapala, Savithri Gunasekera, Javid Yusuf and those of similar caliber, come forward to initiate the process.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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          A correction: – a reversion to the Westminster model is not the right answer.


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    sorry, correction: so far have met you, sarojini and joseph stalin :D none of whom seem to care to answer question but find it ok to demand answers.

  • 0


    It is very sad that educated person like you can’t understand the MORAL Obligation you have for the country. you try to put costing for you degree but you completely forgot about your primary education from grade one to grade 12

    Pay back for free education is not paying back money for the government , you have a moral obligation to the country to come and serve for the future generation of the country

    Initialy Sri Lanka help you to come to the status what you have now so you should server to our future generation doesn’t matter who is ruling the country.

    You have the anger,jealously and hatred against the current regime therefore you are serving for another country

    Please go and check the business reports in UK to check whether all business institution in UK are running at profit or not. then blame the Sri Lankan entities no one ask you to come and work for Mihin Lanka.

    Antibully is trying hard to put white wash on you without understanding the real facts.

    Finally your direction is for everyone is, if you don’t like the ruling party of the country then leave the country . How sad

    • 0


      welcome back. Instead of trying to answer some questions posed at you for a change or even giving your feedback as to whether you have been answered, you are so interested in raising more questions and stating here what you think are axiomatic facts, everytime beginning a new thread thinking that people would fail to see you skipping questions thrown at you- grew up in an ostrich farm?

      //you can’t understand the MORAL Obligation//
      GOTO “end of comment”

      //you try to put costing for you degree but you completely forgot about your primary education from grade one to grade 12//
      Yes, Thrishantha Nanayakkara’s calculation has that shortcoming. Good job finding it out. I suggest that you put his parents’ contribution to the free education, which he missed too, when you find the imbalance.

      //Pay back for free education is not paying back money for the government , you have a moral obligation to the country to come and serve for the future generation of the country//
      GOTO “end of comment”.

      //Initialy Sri Lanka help you to come to the status//
      GOTO “end of comment”.

      //therefore you are serving for another country//
      Is Thrishantha Nanayakkara, in the first place, currently serving an institution that advocates fascist/nationalistic/short-sighted-pseudo-patriotic agenda in disseminating knowledge and advancing/improving/helping humanity? you never responded the question about what was your pay back (including non-paid volunteering like what Mr. Nanayakkara was witnessed to be involved in at several occasions) to the country?

      //no one ask you to come and work for Mihin Lanka.//
      Mihin Lanka was a perfect example the author finds to assist you in thinking how best one can mismanage a country. Business organizations running at loss due to external factors that emerge beyond their control is one thing, designing family businesses very well knowing that their outcome is a loss for the country is a different thing.

      //Antibully is trying hard to put white wash on you without understanding the real facts.//
      then attempt to educate me on the “real facts” instead of repeatedly stating that i don’t understand. you didn’t even try to make a point to me, then how come you claim that i don’t “understand”? Antibully doesn’t have to be a try-harder in “white washing” Thrishantha Nanayakkara, as Antibully believes that a) TN isn’t guilty of something (you need to prove when you think someone is guilty) to be white washed b) google dot com is rather better at making facts clear to you if you make use of it. Point is, you don’t do your homework everytime i suggest you, so it’s harder for both of us, you and me, in the succeeding lessons, hence the reitaration of the same ideas/ facts in different forms – learning has to be interactive.

      //your direction for everyone is, if you don’t like the ruling party of the country then leave the country .//
      I don’t think people come in and go out of their homeland because of their sentiments towards the ruling party, unless there is death threat like what the CT staff is enjoying right now. There are more variables to consider.

      end of comment:
      In this part, for the benefit of kris, SAROJINI, and Mr. Joseph Stalin, I will present my personal response to what i call their pseudo-patriotic bullying of others misquoting the noble free education system and contribution to one’s homeland. I will keep my example simplest possible, mostly drawing from personal experience without loss of generality.

      I find it personally hurting to see these pseudo-patriots always invoking the free education and serving mother land arguments, as if only those who take up a position opening in the local job market, public sector or private, or creating a local business contribute to the nation. This is wrong. What’s more, this opinion is abusive towards those who contribute by other means. I make my argument without resorting to an ideal state, i.e. keeping all the remaining polical variables (everything including MR, GR, the pavul samaagama and their policies towards employment and appointments (and even impeachment :D ) in the public sector and business autonomy (this makes it to the list because of the recent drunken-drive-hit-and-run-worst-of-the-glossary-led mob attack on businesses) etc.). I make my argument bearing in mind the throughput of the public and private education enterprise. Now a simple question: are we in shortage of skills or in shortage of jobs and possibility for new businesses, (again keeping all the other variables constant)? I “served” (using the terms of kris and others), in SL for a period of time. I knew very well while doing it that either i and my colleagues were occupying a position making a young graduate unemployed or underemployed (case- public sector) or we were only contributing to make the local rich richer and local poor poorer (case-private sector). It’s not trivial either to state that *most*(not all) of the “services” (in kris’s terms) are simply technically redundant and socially pointless – less farmers and fishermen than middlemen and supervisors in the supply chain. That’s all what the economic policy dictated by your heroes could allow at the maximum. One might argue that one should, instead of blaming the system, make constructive effort and my response to that is that such effort is democratically possible only in a state with law and order machinery operating in good health, not to mention the absence of dictatorship in disguise. Later i began working abroad. I make a *net* earning like many others and send home purely foreign currency, a wealth entire generated off the shores of the island. bank of ceylon makes a profit in currency exchange too. i single handedly support my parents and siblings out wealth generated entirely outside the country. what am i to think of myself? someone deserted the country for the perks of living elsewhere where my skin is off the nominal operating point when it comes to the harmful whether and completely foreign lifestyle? if anyone was to find me doing an economic harm, then it must be some pseudo-patriot living in the country where i reside; thankfully, their economic equilibrium is maintained by educated brains so that the supply (of jobs) bearly fluctuates over the demand and it is that little overshoots that we third-worlders occupy – a win-win solution! However, since foolishness and narrow-mindedness and fascist pseodu-patriotism like that of kris et el has no geographic/demographic boundaries, we (your expat siblings) are not always welcome in foreign lands, not by everyone. You may say that it’s not about the money.

      Of course, it isn’t all about money. I agree, the state education is not meant to produce people who would bring money alone. But I say, given the balance between the supply in jobs and the throughput of the educational enterprise (both state and now emerging private, thanks to the emerging self serving dynasty), there is always a younger graduate who will sweep the streets you might have wanted me to sweep and by me going to sweep somebody else’s street, that young chap is saved from being unemployed or under-employed. so look at the big picture with the status quo in mind and i humbly beg that you respect me, if not be grateful that you are guaranteed a job because i left!. even if i stay elsewhere (like for fifteen years until one of my siblings become a president), one day or another i will return to my death bed in my homeland with my relatives around me and you will see a net cash flow inwards and that would also be a contribution to the national wealth which will help your kids too in their free education.

      Interpreting the great visionary Kannangara, i would say free education (now at threat mainly because of you know who), along with compulsory education upto a certain age, is a noble achievement of our country that guarantees every kid an education regardless of their parents’ wealth (or income), race, religion, language and the number of siblings they have. That makes us grateful to the system and founders of the system. However, in my opinion, you cannot misinterpret it to bully others saying they are in debt and therefore they cannot work elsewhere etc. In such cases where you are ready forget about their contributions looking into ways of contributing in all forms, then there is no way to convince bullies of your kind other than with a numerical computation where you compare apples and oranges by assigning monetary value, in some currency. And surprisingly, those numbers are provided by the state, which in principle is by people for people.

      But again, your problem is not that they are working elsewhere. your problem is that they are criticizing whom you consider immune to all forms of criticism regardless of what their acts speak of themselves.

      exercise: write a brief note on why you think the president ceremonially opens a vocational training center for migrant workers? also state if you think it would have contributed to balancing the image of the honorable defense secretary and urban whatever big-shot if he participated in the opening of such productive institutions as well?

    • 0


      It is stupid to think that one has to be in some piece of land to serve that land. That would have been true in Marko Polo’s time. Grow up man, the World is a village already. We teach Sri Lankan students from here through Skype. We organize International Conferences in Sri Lanka without stepping in there (See http://www.iciafs.org). You have to come out of your little well to understand how the Global village works now. can you kindly asnwer me without bluffing? Point out a single thing in the above message to Gotabhaya that goes against the welfare of Sri Lankans. You can choose to be silent to mean that this is part of the service we can do to the country that people like you appalingly neglect to do.

      • 0

        Sorry for the typo. It should be Marco Polo.

  • 0

    Dr. Thrishantha,

    You still haven’t answered my question on your support for SF.

    As a _Human Rights Activist_, who believes in liberal democracy, personal freedoms, etc., how do you justify supporting SF for presidency?

    Do you believe that the man is a lesser human rights abuser or do you believe in using one human rights abuser to displace another? Or is it some other reason based on knowledge about man’s personality, abilities, views, political acumen, diplomatic skills, etc.
    that are not in public domain?

    Surely, you must appreciate that human rights aside, most people would be hesitant to support a hard line general as their president let alone a controversial one or one who has no political party to form a government!

    So far you have only said that you looked at relative merits between different candidates. Well good. Now please tell us how he scored so high to warrant your support, will you?


    • 0

      Navin, sorry, the circumstances of SF being a choice at that time is a big topic on its own. I agree, it was a big gamble. There were gains in the potential for National unity, and downsides too. But in my view it was a gamble worth gambling given the deterioration of rule of law and rise of racism we are now experiencing under MR, that we correctly predicted at that time. Some of my observations were noted in this article: http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2010/2/3/sri-people-lanka-election/

      But, I wish to avoid that discussion here.

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        ” the circumstances of SF being a choice at that time is a big topic on its own.”

        I believe you are aware of the difference between expediency and principle.

        One cannot go wrong, one believes and adheres to one’s own principles.

        The choice presented at that time was between devil and the deep blue sea.

    • 0

      why do you always open a new thread instead of continuing the previous discussion?

      your point is that SF is guilty of something. so anyone having stood behind him has stood for a guilty person.

      i wonder if you read news at all. even today SF says he is fine even with an internation probe into alleged war crimes. it is far beyond what even LLRC would recommend. you cannot hold someone guilty until proven. and SF welcomes investigations of any type on him – he said the same yesterday, he says the same today, i.e. no inconsistencies. he may argue that he is not guilty, but you are given the grounds to go against his arguments to prove him not, if that’s the truth. i believe a human rights activists, to their maximum, can only campaign for investigation.

      it was SF who made the first creadible statement about war crimes which you guys now hang on to. imagine if SF won the presidential elections, the first thing would have been to revist the war chapter. SF still maintains that there was a professional war and then there were unacceptable/unauthorizable para military forces/ contractors.
      it is you who hasn’t so far provided any reasonable point to support your claim that campaigning for politics or release of SF is an equal sin.

      i can easily conclude that for you every sinhalese is a war criminal and a war monger by birth, which is wrong.

  • 0


    When people have anger and hate they don’t know what they are talking

    You asked me to grow up, you put me into Marco Polo era, you compare me to frog in the well

    Did you think we start this dialog through PIGEONS

    Unfortunately you don’t have common sense to think that we have exchanged our ideas through “INTERNET” otherwise you wouldn’t write like that.

    Now grown up man like you, living in cyber age, knows everything under the sun cannot realise what he is taking about.

    So everyone have to be very careful about your advice regarding Gotabaya Rajapakse ,please go and read your article again to see whether you really understand what you are talking about.

    Everyone in SL knows after 30years of war Gota and the team stop terrorism in SL, So Other than few people like you ,people live within the SL have very good confidence and faith about the Gotabaya Rajapake’s duty as defence secretary. so as per your idea remove the Gota from the post that is the worst thing could happen to the SL society and well being of the SL people. Same way you blame LTTE will blame the Gota that he was partial to the Sinhalese people – GROW UP MAN

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    summary of the above: part 1: i got so irritated by TN telling me to grow up by reminding me not to demand a person to serve a land by being present in that land by telling me that it’s no more marco polo’s time. part 2: i would like to state without adding reasons that removing Mr. G Rajapakse is the worst thing that could happen to the SL society and well being of the SL people. part 3: i can’t sleep if i don’t end this comment yelling at Mr. T Nanayakkara to grow up.

    a request: please add supporting reasons to your claim in part 2 and describe what you meant when you said well being of SL people. You may choose to avoid responding to the specific points and open another thread to continue your bluff if you think you do not have substance to validate your claims.

    exerice: no new exercise this time except for the kind request above. you may make use of your leisure time to catch up with the exercises from the previous lessons :D

    a conclusion: now that i can conclude that you are certified bluff, i am seriously considering giving up on you :D

    • 0

      a hint: you may feel free to try your exercises with the aid of some friends like Leela (search skill tip: you may find him at the comments sections of the authors article at ground views) who seems to be a little more clever than you except that he has pre-written passages to reuse, a practice that is nothing wrong though. Don’t try Joseph Stalin because he is sucessfully repelled from here and is now busy polluting other comment spaces in CT.

  • 0

    What is FREE Education? Universally accepted principle is to provide education up to year .12 or GCE/AL free and all expenses for such education should be born by the State. When SL was not providing that service CWW Kannangara, them Minister of Education did include free education for all students to get their basic education, during a time education was costly. University education in many developing and developed countries cost money for the students, and if any student obtaining this service at government cost he/she should pay it back by serving the country for some years. This may be 5 or 6 years the most. Because sone one got an education free of charge in SL, he is not going to be a slave for the government till he retired.

    Best example, as demonstrated by the former UGC Chairman Prof. Gamini Samaranayake, when he answered the striking Medical students against the Registration of the private Medical College at Malabe may clear the minds of many who think about free education. When the students questioned him why he is trying to demolish the free education in Sri Lanka, he told, he is not trying to demolish the FE, but it is the students who are questioning him. Then he asked from those Medical Students, to give him an undertaking that after qualifying as a Doctors, how many of them will provide free medical services to the people paid for their education. There were about 30 students in that delegation, but without giving a reply, all of them walk out from the UGC Chairman’s office, and we continued our urgent meeting to discuss about budget allocations for Universities. Free education, if any one obtained at Uni level can be paid back fully if that person serve the organisation or the government, say for a 3 year degree course, at least 6 years. Even I never obtained any free education from Sri Lanka, I served the country for 20 years before I left the country, and later 2 1/2 years Free as a Volunteer.

    GOTABAYA did some service co-ordinations the Defence forces work with his brother the President and procuring the necessary weapons, ammunition and fighter jets to eliminate the LTTE, but all planning and the execution of those plans was handled by the then AC, with all his able soldiers and the other two services Officers and men.

    What Trish is requesting from GOTABAYA is to establish Law & Order and bring normalcy to the country, as Sri Lanka is now becoming a lawless country, and if GOTABAYA allow this situation any further, SL may be in dander from the IC.

  • 0

    Uthayan office was attacked 37 times. The latest attack on April 13th New Year day by armed men carrying rifles resulted in the destruction of the printing press worth at least 2 crores of rupees.
    The previous week on April 3, Uthayan Tamil newspaper office at Kilinochchi was attacked and three employees were wounded. They were warded at the hospital in serious condition. There was also widespread damage to property. In all these attacks Uthayan editorial staff, reporters and employees fell victims to state terror. The publisher of the Uthayan newspaper has openly accused the military intelligence unit and members of the Para -military personnel responsible for the attacks.

    It is no exaggeration to state the Uthayan newspaper establishment has paid dearly in defence of free press.

    On May 26, 2006 3 employees of the Uthayan newspaper were attacked and killed by unidentified gunmen.

    On August 15, 2006 Uthayan newspaper driver S. Baskaran was shot dead at Puttur.

    On April 29, 2007 Uthayan Reporter S. Rajavarman was shot dead while returning to the newspaper office.

    On June 21, 2007 V. Nimalaraj of the Uthayan editorial board was abducted and there is no news about his disappearance till now.

    On May 28, 2011 Kathiravan Uthayan reporter was attacked while in his office.

    On July 29, 2011 there was an attempt on the life of Uthayan Assistant News editor G. Kugathasan. He was warded at the ICU of Jaffna hospital for 3 days fighting for his dear life.

    On February 7, 2013 S. Sivakumar was attacked with iron bars and his motorcycle set on fire by goons suspected to be minions of the ruling party.

    At least 34 journalists have been killed in Sri Lanka since 2005 and three others have gone missing. Sri Lanka enjoys the dubious distinction of being placed 162 out of 179 countries by Reporters Without Borders.

    There is a climate of absolute impunity in the North where killers are not caught by the long arm of the law. Or when caught and handed over, they are allowed to go scot free. In short, there is no law, only the law of the jungle prevails in Jaffna.
    To add insult to injury investigations were completed within 5 hours and the director general of the Media Centre for National Security, Lakshman Hulugalla issues a statement at 10.00am claiming the incident was an ‘inside job to tarnish the image of the government.’ This is the typical response of the government functionaries when complaints are made about murders, assaults, arson etc.

    Will any sane person(s) set fire to valuable equipment and printing machine costing millions of rupees? But Lakshman Hulugalla thinks if a lie is repeated again and again a gullible public will swallow it!

    There are 17 army divisions in the North and at least half of them are deployed in the Jaffna peninsula, yet there is no law and order. According to informed sources there is one soldier for every 7 civilians! But the attackers cannot be apprehended. What does it mean?

    Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is in charge of the army and police. But what do we see? Total immunity and indifference!
    It looks though Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is secretly plotting to bring down Mahinda Rajapaksa from the throne. Otherwise there is no rational explanation for the break down in law and order.

    • 0

      Thanga, who ever you are, you hit the nail exactly where the problem is. You are correct Thanga, GOTABAYA planned this in 2009, after arresting General Sarath Fonseka. As the first step GOTABAYA appointed Hathurusinghe as the Jaffna Commander even without the required experience and now Jaffna and the areas under his command is in turmoil. His pal KP and Karuna will form the key players when the time comes to get MR out from his Presidency. Time will prove these predicaments .

  • 0

    Thanga, I am sorry for you. Idealism is good. At this stage of your life this is natural. When you grow older and wise you will understand the practical aspects of politics and governance. Just because you have a PhD and teach at King’s college does not make you and authority on these matters. The wise will try and understand the complexities of government before writing silly essays like this.

    MR brothers appear to have vision for the country. They eleminated the menace of the LTTE against all odds. All Sri Lankans who love the country have to be eternally grateful to them for their resolve.

    To understand how police works you have to look around the world especially in the Western countries. You will find that they are no different. The same people who accuse Sri Lanka of war crimes are guilty of such measured on the same scale. Examine what happened in the UK during the IRA uprising. US police and their treatment of citizenry is not much different.

    Shirani Bandaranayake is not fit to be the CJ of Sri Lanka. The process of removing her was according to the constitution. Just because she has a PhD does not make her suitable for the post.
    You are dwelling in rumour when you accuse Gota as being a part of BBS. Please take the time to research. If you have read K.T. Rajasingham interview published on the Asian Tribune, you will learn that BBS is a Norwegian funded organization to create trouble in SriLanka.

    I suggest that you research before you publish. The common person presumes that because you have a PhD, you know everything. As you may already know PhD does not mean much in todays’ world.

    Fonny was good at his job and Gota appointed him for his competence, besides they being class mates at Ananda. Wasantha Karannagoda was one of our classmates too. However Sarath is not fit to be the president of SL.

    Best wishes to you and hope that you will develop wisdom in your journey through life.

    • 0

      You are funny ! Your audience – deaf & blind ?

    • 0

      correction, Thrishantha.

      //…the practical aspects of politics and governance.//
      why don’t you make outline of some specifics of those practical aspects?

      //Just because you have a PhD and teach at King’s college//
      well.. the author never claims that his PhD has anything to do with being concerned about the way the country and its resources are being mismanaged/ abused. besides, his PhD has to with a technical speciality that, as per the article, is only relevant to his contribution to the military and his profession. you need some more practise in reading comprehension. take a TOEFL test.

      //The wise will try and understand the complexities of government before writing silly essays like this.//
      so let me presume that you are not publishing your views because you are too busy trying to understand the complexities?

      //MR brothers appear to have vision for the country. //
      is that vision something that can be elegantly put in a statement for our convenience so that we judge its validity against the reality?

      //They eleminated the menace of the LTTE against all odds.//
      //eternally grateful to them//
      yes, after eliminating all other factors/ personnel that deserve sharing the credit. nice job bootlicking.

      //you have to look around ..Western countries. You will find that they are no different.//
      in the meantime, while *you* were looking around, you too noticed that there are people who wanted to raise their voice for justice in those cases too?

      //Shirani Bandaranayake is not fit to be the CJ of Sri Lanka.//
      i heard there were objections, resulting in lengthy publications even today?

      //Just because she has a PhD…//
      why you have so much problem with PhD’s? there are enough of PhD’s that would take on the side of the govt. it’s okay not to have a PhD :D you are still an equal citizen that has all the rights as the PhD’s do.

      //You are dwelling in rumour when you accuse Gota as being a part of BBS.//
      nobody claims that Mr. G Rajapakse holds an official membership of BBS. the problem is his published patronage (i refer to the statements regarding ‘these monks’) and the police (that’s still kept under you know who for reasons you know what) machinery being in favor of the BBS, against the law and sanity!

      //BBS is a Norwegian funded organization to create trouble in SriLanka.//
      haha something very much expected :) now that the sane majority of the majority is having access to youtube and has already seen enough of video clips -of the foul language of today and hit and run cases of yesterday-, so it’s time to play the BBS card the other way about: we create the evil so that we destroy it to win your hearts. that was plan B, if racism didn’t work out as it did for Mr. SWRD Bandaranayake. remember grease yaka? even Mr. M Seneviratne agrees there is nothing Budhist in BBS now :) , while the original causes, perceived or real, remain (?!?!). so subtle little boy Malinda! Plan B is already activated!

      //I suggest that you research before you publish.//
      the author has quoted events and facts while you haven’t quoted anything so far to support your arguments.

      //The common person presumes that because you have a PhD, you know everything.//
      well,, most of CT readers don’t take opinions on authority. and a lot of sane people don’t do that. Buddha told them so. you comment belongs in dailynews i believe.

      //As you may already know PhD does not mean much in todays’ world.//
      some people earn their degrees the harder way, for their own amusement. if you have problems with others having PhD’s then there are ways for you too as you suggest.

      //Fonny was good at his job and Gota appointed him for his competence//
      So now Mr. G Rajapakse was also in charge of appointing military commanders? how wonderful the bureacracy is!

      //Sarath is not fit to be the president of SL.//
      [citation/ supporting arguments/evidence required]

  • 0

    I can understand the feelings of Dr. Nanayakkara. The real issue is one that the frame-work corrupts the holders of office to seek for private gain and ultimately unable clinging to office unable to leave it.

    When somebody (a cabinet minster at that time) was entrusted with Sri Lankan Cricket yester-year to develop it, his vision was to build a frame work for cricketers so that they can earn for 7 generations. (“හත්මුතු පරම්පරාවටම හම්බ කරන්න ම්න.”) This is the mentality of many. Make hay while the sun shines. This seems to be the attitude of many.

    First and foremost the political structure must be changed so that those in office are unable to abuse or reduce the abuse to a bear minimum. No point witch-hunting after they leave office. They should be able to leave office with ease and lead private lives in peace. In this context it is noted that the term of Presidency in Republic of Korea is only one.

    What happened with the introduction of the executive presidency in 1978, was the creation “executioneering” presidency (විධායක ජනාධිපති නොව අළුගෝසු ජනාධිපතිකම) irrespective of the Parties and holders of office. They think and act. No discussion. This syndrome has spread even to lower levels of the state machinery. What is required is the continuity of an action plan for the nation must be ensured irrespective of holders of office.

  • 0

    Well said Harris, Lots of people in here couldn’t understand the simple facts you mentioned in your article, lots of people who were against the current political party take opportunity to attack to the people who saved us from LTTE

    Trisantha supports SF therefore his point of view Gota is enemy

    For LTTE supporters Gota is enemy

    Loser Ranil supporters Gota is enemy

    For JVP supporters Gota is enemy

    Everyone know whoever come to power above mention parties will not bring law and order 100%

    Thishantha please write another article in your point of view who is the best person to run this country to protect the law and order in this country.

    • 0


      so you chose to start another thread?

      //the simple facts you mentioned in your article//
      Could you please quote those ‘facts’ from Haris?

      //Trisantha supports SF therefore his point of view Gota is enemy

      For LTTE supporters Gota is enemy

      Loser Ranil supporters Gota is enemy

      For JVP supporters Gota is enemy//

      here is some lesson: (p–>q) is not logically equivalent to (q–>p), p and q being two propositions. it is possible that there is an r, independent of p, such that (r–>q).

      //Everyone know whoever come to power above mention parties will not bring law and order 100%//
      law and order does not mean zero crimes. it means there is a system in place that observes and takes corrective actions and establishes impartial and equal justice aposteriori for the crimes that happen and the problems that arise. legislature attempts at prevention and to provide for the judiciary. judiciary attempts at balancing the unjust gains/losses, if not curing – not every injustice has a perfect cure.

      //Thishantha please write another article//
      you already owe people a huge lot of answers so why don’t you calm down for a moment try writing some?

      given p->q and r->q where p, q and r represent three different propositions. now show by employing a truth table that
      1. ~q->~p
      2. (pvr)->q
      3. (q->(pvr)) is a contradiction.

      • 0

        sorry, i think i seem to have ignored the contribution of law and order in preventing consequent crimes by acting upon the alarming signals. and also by making the place a difficult ground for the criminals to play. existence of social injustice and crimes are nothing but another form the problem of evil, inherent to the nature of social living. we try our best to help the good in outdoing the evil. using the mechanisms meant for good to provide for the evil is wrong.

  • 0

    Dear Antibullyo

    You have obvious real life issue;

    Either you know lots of things which you don’t know how to explain or you know nothing but get ideas by googling( which you suggest to everyone)and writing crap.

    Trisantha supports SF therefore his point of view Gota is enemy

    For LTTE supporters Gota is enemy

    Loser Ranil supporters Gota is enemy

    For JVP supporters Gota is enemy

    Look at what I said above, every person live in SL knows Gota was no 1 person of LTTE hit list,

    Everyone support SF for his political carrier is against the Gota

    UNP and JVP supporters try to come to power, organising all these protest against the government controled by defence minister using the police and army

    Look at your reply

    given p->q and r->q where p, q and r represent three different propositions. now show by employing a truth table that
    1. ~q->~p
    2. (pvr)->q
    3. (q->(pvr)) is a contradiction



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      You are writing bull shit.

      It was Gota the coward who ran away to USA and stayed there in excile for 14 years, only came back to Sri Lanka when his Brother won the Presidential Elections to be incharge of Military Hardware and logistic purchases making very good commission.

      Read the following web.


      Where was Gota during the Hight of war……..hiding in the USA when many soldiers were sacrificing their lives.

      He is Just another Mara Family coward who takes over 100 body guards where ever he goes while murdering unarmed innocent civilians.

      This Gota’s illegal and unnecessary Arms purchases with mega commission was the reason to fallout with Gen.Sarath Fonseka which led to imprissioning SF for 27 Months.

      Gota is not a hiro but another ass licking commission Kakka blood sucking coward. Where is he now……..hiding in a bunker.

      How come three Rajapakse brothers be incharge of 90% of country’s budget making mega commission. The biggest Alibabas in the world.

      Go and check in Weliweriya what were there in the two containers that they were trying to hi-jack before inspectors came in. Are those the two Illicit Ethenol containers that were seized by custom officers a month ago which are used to make kasippu.

      Remember Weliweriya is a major Kasippu distribution joint and there are many phony companies located there.

      Shooting at innocent people protesting for water, while using full body armour Army fatigue and using hi-powered fire arms is the most cowardest thing one could do.

      Is this the same thing this coward did in Nanthikandal killing 40,000 innocent tamil refugees, while using white vans to abduct innocent people.

      Shame on you and the coward defense secretary crook sakkali third grade pimp Bast…d pig eating shit.

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    Aiyoooooooo May Trishantha lamaya !! Just seeking cheap publicity. Your cunnng-ness is similar to your improvised devices. You’ve just put the pedal to mettle going beyond “a monkey praising his own tail”.

    Anti Gota forces on the rampage…….

    By now you have propagated who you are to the whole world & what you intended to achieve. This article would have given a boost to your Ego that you sought.
    Happy now? Now you are in the 7th heaven. Its only a prick that takes to get that Ego deflated.
    You have provided ladders for the deflated monkies gazing up for fruits.

    Gota may be a scoundrel but if not for him being there those Cassoack varieties in the North and else where by now would have swamped all over Sri Lanka with the assistance Solheim, Westborg, Bondevik & Arne Fjotofts.
    Had that happened,You would not have had a future, these would have been the new Masters with Blake playing the banjo on his knees.

    They are not finished with us, now have unleashed the BBS.
    Gota stands between a Foreign origin regime change in Sri Lanka.
    They have not yet finished robbing us. A “Sandakada Paha” a loot from Sri Lanka was sold at a auction in the UK just yesterday for Pounds 500K. Its a pity that such a self proclaimed highcalibre person like Trishantha nanayakkara being in the UK was unable to purchase it and return it to Sri Lanka.
    Gota may be a looter but all these anti-Gota elements are “LOOTERS’.

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    Brilliant ,Excellent and what more………….
    Srilanka need more genuine people like you……well done.

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    Absolutely correct. This gentleman speaks with the bottom of the heart. But the most unfortunate thing is these illiterate, power hungry, filthy idiots will not understand the true meaning of these ideas. Instead of that they will try to talk to the brutal part of the minds of primitive people by using filthy opportunists like wimal weerawasa, vhampika ranawaka, udaya gamanpila @ buddist thug galagodaatte gnanasara.People of Sri Lanka must have to understand their plan and act accordingly.

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