3 May, 2024


Anti-Muslim Campaign Again – Why?

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

To fully understand the revival of the BBS’ anti-Muslim campaign of recent weeks, I believe that we must contextualize it globally. We must view it in the context of the strength and the spread of what has come to be known as identity politics or ethno-politics. To illustrate its strength I will cite some details about the Palestine problem. Former US President Carter has just made a public request to President Obama to recognize the Palestine state, just as 137 other states have done, because doing so will facilitate a two-state solution. Carter has a special interest in this matter because it was under his aegis that the Camp David Agreement took place in 1978: Israel would vacate the territories conquered in 1967, and a Palestinian state would be set up.

There were very good reasons to believe that the Camp David Agreement would be implemented and the Palestine problem would find a definitive solution before long. The Agreement was the maturation of UN Resolution 242 of 1968, which was an achievement of British diplomacy at its best. There was behind it the 1977 visit to Tel Aviv of Anwar al- Sadat, a spectacular offer of the olive branch by the President of the most important Arab state of that time. And behind that offer was Egyptian pride in its magnificent military achievement in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, notably the crossing of the Canal by Egyptian troops against what was apparently an impregnably fortified Israeli position there. That would have made the Israelis and their American patrons recollect what Ben Gurion had said at the time of the establishment of Israel: it could win against the Arabs once, twice, but he wasn’t sure about the third war and thereafter. Yom Kippur had brought to the fore Israel’s military vulnerability in the long run. It would appear that common sense and prudence dictated a two-state solution.bbs-kandy-19112016

But after thirty eight years a two-state solution seems very remote. The Israeli settlement policy is clearly meant to change facts on the ground, pointing the way to a one-state solution. But, as Carter points out, that will be no solution at all because the inevitable future numerical preponderance of the Palestinians will make Israel abandon democracy. It will become an apartheid state – significantly Carter used the term “apartheid” in his book on Israel – in which the white Jewish minority will keep at bay the colored Palestinians. Let us note at this point that Archbishop Desmond Tutu declared that Israel’s apartheid system is worse than that of South Africa. He should know. That brings me to some astonishing facts. There is nothing like the widespread international indignation over apartheid South Africa at present over Israel’s blatant apartheid racism. The US and the West as a whole are acquiescing – while making nominal noises of dissent – in Israel’s progress towards an apartheid state. We seem to be witnessing the realization of Herzl’s advocacy of Israel as a white fortress withstanding the advancing colored hordes of Afro-Asia. What is even more astonishing is that those colored hordes are also acquiescing in Israel’s progress towards an apartheid state. Otherwise they will kick the Israeli Embassies out of their capitals.

Those facts point to the enormous power of identity politics in our time. The eruption into the summit of American power by Trump, backed by Islamophobic and other mad dog racists, shows that and so do the gathering strength of neo-Fascist parties in Europe. I need not expatiate on the power of identity politics in Sri Lanka and other third world countries. What is the common factor behind the global spread of identity politics? I believe that the common factor is that a process of transition is taking place on a global scale. In such periods when roots are wrenched apart and traditional moorings are loosened, many individuals can experience an almost irresistible drive to affirm group bonds, resulting in racism and identity politics. It has long been a commonplace that the third world countries have been experiencing the transition from tradition into modernity.

It has not been sufficiently understood that the West has also been undergoing a process of transition. The Enlightenment project, designed to build a brave new world on the basis of rationality and individualism, which was the dominant secular ideology of the West since the eighteenth century, came into question from even before the First World War. I would argue that another process of transition set in from around 1980. It came to be understood that neo-liberalism was most unlikely to lead to Fukuyama’s utopia characterized by the end of ideology. It was also coming to be understood that market-based capitalism could deliver the goods but it could not deliver equity. And, gradually, the realization has come that ideologues like Hayek and Friedman and the politicos they have spawned like Reagan and Thatcher just didn’t give a dam about equity. Societies were being rent apart by their policies. That probably is the explanation for the rise of identity politics and neo-Fascist movements in the West. It could be significant that it was from 1980 that Karen Armstrong and others date the religious revival in the West and elsewhere: a sense of insecurity made people turn to religion. The common factor therefore is transition but with the difference that the transition in the third world is from tradition to modernity while in the West it is from modernity to post-modernity. The fact that more than a million jobs have been lost in the US through automation points in that direction.

In terms of the analysis I have made above, the anti-Muslim campaign in Sri Lanka is part of a global trend. It is not something that will go away if it is ignored, a point on which we must insist because our politicians tend to ignore problems that could entail a loss of votes. Certainly the Muslim ethnic problem has been given not much more than perfunctory attention over many decades. It should be addressed and action should be taken to contain it and eliminate it. What should be done? First of all we need to find an explanation for the external dimension of the BBS’ anti-Muslim campaign. It is known that there has been very considerable Norwegian funding for it. There has been evidence suggesting that there was a common source funding the anti-Muslim campaigns both in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. I and others have noted earlier that the T-shirts worn by demonstrators in both places were identical except for the different logos, and much of the rhetoric was also the same. We must recall further that the monk Wirata, who became famous over the anti-Muslim campaign in Myanmar, came here as the guest of the BBS.

Several questions arise. There are Muslim minorities practically all over the world, and the one here is relatively insignificant, hardly counting at all in the affairs of the world. Why on earth should Norwegian Islamophobes bother to focus on this Muslim minority? Who could gain by it? Certainly if there is another 1983 and Muslim business premises are torched on a vast scale, Sinhalese businessmen could become the beneficiaries. Who else could become the beneficiaries? If there is another 1983 holocaust, the Muslims would want to flee to safe areas, – that is to the Eastern Province where there is the highest concentration of Muslims. Could that lead to the Muslims making common cause with the Tamils, if not for Eelam for a very wide measure of devolution? We must also bear in mind that the Muslim minority has been abjectly submissive to the Sinhalese majority. That means that if they too are subjected to another 1983, the international community can well conclude that the Sinhalese are so racist that they are incapable of giving fair and equal treatment to the Tamils. Certain conclusions can follow there from. So, the Tamils could benefit from an anti-Muslim 1983 holocaust. Could the LTTE be the hidden paw behind the anti-Muslim campaign without the BBS and others understanding what is afoot? No conclusions can be drawn, but it would be irresponsible not to ask such questions. The Government should at least request the BBS and its clones to suspend the anti-Muslim campaign while the UNHRC sessions are on.

Former President Kumaratunga should be thanked for speaking out loudly and clearly on the imperative of action against hate speech. Even more important is that the Government should speak out on the substance behind the hate speech: the ridiculous charges against the Muslims based for the most part, though not altogether, on misconceptions. I have dealt with those misconceptions in a series of articles in the Island and elsewhere, which are easily accessible to the interested reader through the archives section of the Colombo Telegraph. But I could not deal with one important charge, the alleged inordinate wealth of the Muslims, because of the lack of appropriate statistics. At one time comparative statistics showing the economic positions of our ethnic groups were available. I used a Marga Institute study containing such statistics for a paper on the SL Muslims in the first half of the ‘nineties, showing that the economic positions of our ethnic groups were roughly the same. Such statistics are no longer available, a lacuna that the Government should fill as quickly as possible if it wants to ensure that anti-Muslim campaigns don’t get out of hand.

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      we are all doomed !

      • 0

        Why do you say that ? Just read this about Spain which was under Muslims and now ruled by a Christian King:
        The Muslim period in Spain is often described as a ‘golden age’ of learning where libraries, colleges, public baths were established and literature, poetry and architecture flourished. Both Muslims and non-Muslims made major contributions to this flowering of culture.
        A Golden Age of religious tolerance?
        Islamic Spain is sometimes described as a ‘golden age’ of religious and ethnic tolerance and interfaith harmony between Muslims, Christians and Jews.
        British took over India,ruled by Muslim King, where Hindus were the majority and still are.
        British control of India was largely brought about by the fall of the not in print version Mogul Empire and the subsequent division of India. Babar (1482-1530), a Turkish-Mongol prince from Afghanistan and the founder of the Mogul Empire, invaded India in 1526. His grandson Jelaleddin Mahmomet Akbar (1542-1605) was the greatest of the Mogul emperors and under his 49 years reign, conquered all of Northern India and Afghanistan, extending his rule as far south as the Godvari River. The Moguls were Muslims who ruled over a Hindu majority.
        So can you say Muslim Rulers are oppressors and not tolerant.
        This is History ,where now Muslims are in a minority and being oppressed.
        Before the end of time,Muslims will rule the world and there will be Peace.

        • 1

          Before the end of time,Muslims will rule the world and that will be the end of time.

          Muslim and Peace are two oppoaite poles

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    • 2

      Dear Writer.
      Thanks for the article.
      I believe not only ANTI MUSLIM campaigns, if possible they would even bring all various kind of campaign where they see that should be if their power to be regained.

      The word ” They” – here are nobody else -POLITICIANS that make every efforts to come back to greedy abusive, totalitarian politics.

      People should finally realize – those men even if CIVIL war against terror succeeded -not by their own – with the support of all collective forces ( army, navy, marine, civil society groups, professionals, politicians of wholeheartedness).

    • 1




      The point is OTHER minorities of Jews , Pagans , idol worshippers like BUDHISTs and Hidus never Ever ruled the world or will never ever rule the world..They are always under chiristians or Muslim.. because these Muslims and christians are guided by the Messengers of Almighty GOD despite their neglegance of obeying commangments.
      Even though Jews too guided by Messenger of Almighty they are CURSED people on the earth becuase they killed those messengers from the GOD.
      This is what I have understood from the History.

      • 0

        Very good comment. You have understood all the religions .We refer to you as those who have received
        Divine Guidance.

  • 2


    You ask the question: “Could that lead to the Muslims making common cause with the Tamils, if not for Eelam for a very wide measure of devolution?”

    The mad dog monk at the Mangalaramaya in Batticaloa has helped to unite the Tamil youths and the Muslim youths in Batticaloa against a common enemy – the Buddhist monks.

    I heard that another incident yesterday (3 December 2016) in the Batticaloa town caused by this mad dog monk has brought together large number of Tamil and Muslim youths against this mad dog’s antics. Batticaloa youths had demonstrated outside the Batticaloa Police station refusing to leave until the mad dog is tethered. I also heard that as usual the police did not take action against this mad dog.

    In the meantime, the other mad dog Gnanasara is reportedly still camped at Punanai with the intention of entering Batticaloa with bus loads of Buddhist monks and Sinhalese despite being prevented by the police from entering the district following a court order . According to news reports,he had even torn to pieces a court order not to proceed to Batticaloa. Despite this action which tantamount to contempt of court he had not been touched by the Police.

    Batticaloa district which is one of the most laid-back districts of Sri Lanka is being stirred up by these saffron-clad members of the Sinhalese community intent on disrupting order and peace.

    • 1

      Mind your language M/S. Naga. our buddhists monks community have every rights to protest against destruction of buddhists heritages in this land. Common enemy of Tamils and Muslims live in east may be those buddhists heritage sites. That may be the reason for destruction of them by those together.Tamils want to justify their home land claim after destroying sinhalese heritage sites in north and east.that may be their ploy under the cover of reconciliation.recently destroyed heritage sites belong to Anuradhapura era. I saw it on my own eyes. it can be rated as world heritage but Tamils and Muslims destroyed them for nothing but just for hatred with sinhalese. that is not reconciliation.FORTY thousand odd sinhalese lived there before starting of war have every rights to come back and settle down in their original places. denying of that rights made monks to agitate against it. if you see those agitations as mad dog actions you must be a total racist like vico gopalaswami of tamilnadu.

      • 5


        Please make sure you add your above piece of typing to the next chapter in Mahawamsa.

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          Native Wedda

          Right or wrong Mahawamsa for Sinhalese Buddhists references not for people like you half Indian Half Lanken. believing or not believing is our duty. it sets standards to verify correctness. it gives readers freedom to refer to base materials for which we have access but not you people.as such I never quote Mahawamsa in my comments. you people just talk like parrots just reading articles on Mahawamsa.if you do not know language pali or parkrite very well, and do not have access to its base materials, do not talk on Mahawamsa. it is a sin.

          • 4


            “Right or wrong Mahawamsa for Sinhalese Buddhists references not for people like you half Indian Half Lanken”

            Good, thank you for confirming Mahawansa is only good for the half beast half human. I am not sure which half produced you.

            “if you do not know language pali or parkrite very well, and do not have access to its base materials, do not talk on Mahawamsa. it is a sin.”

            Are you going to pronounce a Fatwa?

            By the way, could you translate the following words into English, Tamil, or Sinhala:






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              Native wedda

              All humans are evolved from monkey family members including you. you are not product of brakma or your shiva or our mahasona.why should I help you with translation. you go to library and get relevant dictionaries for translations. very simple. you are not my friend. you confirmed that you are descendants of south Indian. chola chera or pandyan. we were taught by our elders that they are our historical enemies.

              remember I am sinhalese buddhists if I do not know pali it is a shame for me. I am from deep down south sorcery community. if I do not know parkrite. that is also a shame.for me.

              • 3

                I am from deep down south sorcery community

                I thought Manthra Gurkam community is no longer existing in Srilanka today. All what we get to read is about disguised cheevaradaris that are deceiving the innocient people of this country.

                I am also sinhala. I dont think even if we are born buddhists, we all learn Pali Sanskrit in the school. If you did not go to Piriwenas, you don thave the chance to learn those buddha languages. Exception – you went to study buddhist culture at the university.

                I have no idea the stand for today. But 3 decades ago in the country, it was no possible each and every buddhist to learn those buddha languages. I hardly knew anyone who knew those langauges except some buddhist monks.

                • 4


                  Buddha spoke Magadhi, possibly other languages too.

                • 2


                  people are there but they do not practice those rituals except few individuals.as young kids we saw beauty of those arts.learnt a bit but not mastered them. our parent wanted us to shun those and go for scientific educations.but time to time I red those books hidden in our grand father’s almyrah to fulfilled my curiosity.

                  Buddha and Mahaweer said to spoken ardhamagadhi-prakrite. it was court language of Mayura empire. apart from that another similar 3 languages were used. nobody has any clue on them.

                  in our family circle members of both-sides mother and father knew those two languages. as such to learn them we did not want extra help. it was within family circle.

                  you may be Sinhalese but not one from Matara – Hambanthota border villages I suppose.

                  • 3

                    Ranjith@ thanks for your posts- really appreciate.
                    So, you can be a great assets and very useful to those researchers that work for extinicting tribes of asian countries.
                    If you know those languages, no doubt that can help to lanken Universities to study more about and revealing them to the world.

                    Do you think those Kattadiyas becoming known today as mushrooms emerge in the country, are well conversant of those Gurukam languages you are refering above ?

                    Galthanna – was one of the abusive places cheated by even senior POliticians in the high days of MR regime. All the filthy words used by so called Witch doctor revealed his background to the world through all these media displays. Particular man wearing a FEW kgs weighed ornaments calling himself to be above normal average – continuously claimed collections from all the last cent of the poor of the poor.
                    Thanks to that Radio sender, Balumgala programme- one of its unique nature – it became clear that the man et al was nothing but an another high profile cheater.

                    However, there are videos in which one could see, even army guards were given to the man for some reasons – most likely FORMER athigaru allowed it… as the minister of defence to that time.
                    There are records – which one can rely on… prove the Galthanna abusive man himself had treated own parents with all vengeance acts .I happened to study them by watching Youtub videos- and could not undrestand the level that the people have been taken to this day by all kind of fake kattadiyas:

                    I have no doubt, if we can rely on your information, you can be useful to lanken and world historians, enthrapologists to leran more about the local tribes- extinting by today.

                    Unfortunately we cant agree with you- all what you had added in your previous post – in terms of SINHALAYA BUDDHIST.. we have only one kind of buddhists in the country- that are born to those religion. That is it. SINHALYA BUDDHIST ARE FACIST MOVEMENTS WORKING FOR HIGHLY ABUSIVE POLITICIANS OF THIS COUNTRY:

                  • 0


                    I was told BUDHA came to ceylon FLYING and stayed at ADAMS SPEAK.

                    So your Budha was the first man who flewn in the air…..?

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                    ranjith (sprrw)
                    “you may be Sinhalese but not one from Matara – Hambanthota border villages I suppose. “

                    ok ranjith (sprrw)so you come from Matara – Hambanthota border villages

                    not sure what (sprrw) in u r name means. some kind of archaeological name

                    ahhh same as the MaRA clan

                    say no more now that you have revealed your true origin…we will give u margin for u r stupidity

              • 3


                “remember I am sinhalese buddhists if I do not know pali it is a shame for me. I am from deep down south sorcery community. if I do not know parkrite. that is also a shame.for me.”

                If you are Pali/Prakrit illiterate how did you manage to master Mahawamsa?

                Where in does Mahawamsa tell the story of Sinhala Buddhists? Please quote the chapter and verse from Pali Mahawamsa?

                If you are from sorcery community can you not recite the whole abracadabra charm and convert the entire population into Sinhala/Buddhism?

                “you confirmed that you are descendants of south Indian. chola chera or pandyan.”

                Did you just recite abracadabra and convert me into “descendants of south Indian. chola chera or pandyan.”?

                “we were taught by our elders that they are our historical enemies.”

                Did they teach you who is your historical friends, if you have one?

                “Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them..”

                Buddha the awakened one

                • 0

                  Native wedda

                  I never spoken on Mahawamsa in comments anywhere in this forum. you all spoken on it. did I ever tell you or anybody that I had mastered Mahawamsa. No never. I just red it that is all.It was not in line with scientific knowledge I acquired through my education. I just forgot it.

                • 2

                  I feel too that the comments added by Ranjith regarding buddhists are no right. Nevertheless, if his info is right – he can be QUELLE DATA – primary source for those langagues. Actually, there are various kind of Yanthara Mantra Kattadiyas becoming known through media today. Even if they would not know Gurukam Langauges refered by Ranjith, they could still go on decieving the average mind sets. After all, when one s mind set is weakened, he or she would go after any kind of alternative healing processes. Latter has been becoming a threat to normal life in the country today. TV and Radio per se make more efforts to give more publicity for such cheaters.

                  I think we have to protect – RANJITHs and their families to learn more about their history.

              • 1

                “I am sinhalese buddhists from deep down south sorcery community”

                The sorcery community of down south Sri Lanka such as the Kattadiyas have roots in Kerala (mostly Malayalees who got converted) and what they chant is nothing but Malayaala Manthara.

                Over the course of the centuries, the people (Malayalees) from Sera/Kerala who migrated to Sri Lanka have become part of the Sinhala-Buddhist community, adopting local Sinhala names and Buddhist practices. Other than Buddhism, the Sinhalese have also adopted the Religious practices introduced to Sri Lanka from Kerala such as the Pattini deity worship and the worship of South Indian Gods Natha, Vishnu, Kataragama, Saman and Vibhishana.

                Given the multiple shared features of the two communities, many have felt it easier to merge with the dominant local groups, rather than to try to maintain separations. In coastal areas from Marawila to Matara, there are many descendants of Kerala migrants who feel culturally and socially closer to the Sinhala people than they do to the Sri Lankan Tamils.

                It is also believed that the Sinhalese from the castes Karawa (fisherman), Durawa (toddy tapper) and Salagama (cinnamon peeler) were decedents from Kerela who got naturalized (Sinhalized) during the course of time. Professor K.M. de Silva in his book `A History of Sri Lanka`, refers to the migration of the Karawe, Salagama, and Durawe castes from Southern India to Sri Lanka between the 14th and 17th centuries AD.

                The Sinhala tele drama Akaala Sandya (all the episodes are available on utube) also tells us how the Malaylees (Kerala) and the Sinhalese were inter-marrying during the past.

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                  Martin fernando

                  Do not talk bullshits. first tell me your title name. then we can go further. mine is Sooriya Patabandige

                  • 5

                    ranjith (sprrw)

                    Patabandige is exclusively a Karava ge name. There is no doubt your ancestors came to this island a few hundred years ago from South India.

                    That makes you a zealous Sinhala/Buddhist than the ones whose ancestors came to this island many years before yours. You have an identity crisis, therefore you have found a rotten one, just to fit in with fellow Sinhala people.

                    • 2

                      Native this means this man is if very recent South Indian Tamil origin and like you stated his ancestors only migrated from South India a few centuries ago, like the ancestors of around 50% of the present day so call Sinhalese. Many of whom are now beating the anti Tamil drum against the Tamil and Tamil Muslims who have been in the island far more longer than them.

                      Here is list of Karawa Ge names and their meanings

                      The Karawa were imported into the island by the Portuguese and settled along the western and southern littorals to deliberately increase the Catholic population ( although many south of Colombo converted to Buddhism). They were imported largely from Tamil fishing communities like the Karaiyar, Paravan( now called Baratha or Barathakula) Mukkuvar and Thimilar. Largely from Tamil Nadu and some from then Tamil Kerala.

                      Arasa Marakkalage – House of the chief boat owner
                      Arasa = Royal – Marakalam = Boat or Ship (Pure Tamil Name)

                      Arukatti Patabendige – House of the warrior
                      Arukatti = Sharp Knife or Sword (Pure Tamil Name)

                      Ilandarige House of the youngster
                      Ilandari = Young/Virile Man (Pure Tamil Name

                      Kankanamage House of the supervisor
                      Kankani = Supervisor (Pure Tamil Name)

                      Kinnarage House of the mat weaver
                      Kinnarar = Weaver (Pure Sangam Tamil)
                      Kovilge House of the temple keeper
                      Kovil= Temple (Pure Tamil Name)

                      Mandadiralage – House of the fishing captain
                      Mandadi = Ship or a Captain fishing vessel (Pure Tamil Name)

                      Marumakage House of the son-in-law
                      Marumakan = Son in law (Pure Tamil Name)

                      Panikkige House of the worker
                      Panikkan – ancient Tamil name for Elephant minder or the guy who gives Betel leaves and condiments to the King

                      Pennkutti Patabendige House of the female warrior
                      Pennkutti = Young woman/ youngest daughter (Tamil and Malayali origin)

                      Sembu Kuttige House belonging to the clan of Sembu, or of the metal pot maker
                      Sempu= Pot made out of Brass or Copper (Pure Tamil name)

                      Sellaperumage – House belongining to the clan of Sella Perumal (Pure Tamil name)

                      Tantrige House of the shaman
                      Thanthiri = Tamil and Malayala origin for the Temple priest

                      Thevaraperumage – House of the singer of sacred songs in temples (sacred songs are known as Thevaram in Tamil) Even the Tamils of Tamil Nadu lost this tradition of naming after the sacred Tamil hymns of Thevaram sung by sacred Saivite Saints but the Sinhalese (former Tamils) and Eelam Tamils still continue the tradition.

                      Vaduge/Waduge : House of the northerner, for Nayaka soldiers
                      Vadugar = Mercenary Soldiers of Telegu origin (In jaffna the Vadugars are low caste)

                      Varnakula Aditya Arasanilayitta, shortened to Varnage (an elaborate Tamil title for a clan or tribal chief)

                      Ethiripulige: House of the tiger who vanquishes the enemies pure Tamil. Ethiri( Enemy )and Puli(tiger)

                      Appuge: Father house. Pure Tamil Appa, Appu, Appachchan

                      Apart from Ge names, they also use Iberian-derived surnames such
                      as De Silva, Silva ,Perera, Fernando and Mendis ,Corea Rodrigo, Dias, Ferdinando, Gomez, Costa, De Mel owing to their initial contact with Portuguese colonials.

                      Salagama/Durawe are the Tamil slaves who imported to work on the cinnamon estates and as tree climbers.

                      Saliya a Malayalee caste: The myth of Brahmin origin may have originated in Kerala, where the Saliya have a myth of similar origin . It is significant that in the Kandyan areas the Salagama were identified as weavers (Wiyana Haali), which is the same as the Saliya in Kerala and Karnataka. Saliya (or Chaliyan or sali or sale) is a Malayali weavers caste found mostly in Northern Kerala

                      The Berewa the drum beaters are descended from the Tamil Pariyans or Pulyans who traditionally beat the Parai( Bera) or Para Melam to spread news of during funerals like this and dance


                      This is from a movies but in many parts of Tamil Nadu they will typically dance in front of the funeral procession to the beat of the Parai( Bera) or Para Melam. Traditionally even in Jaffna when there is a death the Paraiyar( or Berewa) will come to the funeral house and start beating the Para melam( Bera)

                    • 1

                      bullshit.no art or science developed or will developed to hanged somebody’s ancestry in a night unless you assimilated on your own or by forced. as such you all comments are bullshits. I know my ancestry very well. I know my identity. no crisis at all.I know when somebody’s dynasty is being attacked attackers may get counter attacks. I expect those. nothing new to me but I never surrender. I fight until my last drop of blood finish. I can assure you that.

                  • 2

                    “mine is Sooriya Patabandige”

                    Sooriya is a very common name in Kerala. The Sinhala name Patabandige, your great grandfather must have adopted from the local Sinhalese when he changed his Malayalee/Kerala name to Sinhala. All the Matara Kattadiyas are from Kerala.

                    Martin fanando, you are 100% correct. This Sooriya Patabandige Ranjith descends from the Malayalee migrants who came from Kerala.

                    In fact, most of the low country Sinhalese are originally Malayalees from Kerala. I have some Kerala friends. Most of the Malayalam words are identical in both pronunciation and meaning to Sinhala. Even the Malayalam alphabets (script) resemble the Sinhala alphabets. The Kerala people, their appearance, features and complexion are identical to Sinhalese, their food is exactly similar to the Sinhalese food, Kavum, kiribath, pol sambol, aapa, idiappa, pittu, pol rotti etc., etc.

                    Ranjith, please visit older comments for more replies.

                    • 2

                      Suriya or Sooriya is also a very common Tamil name. Most Kerala names are Tamil. Eg; Sankaran Ramakrishnan Chellamma Kannama Vellupillai Sankarapillai Etc As they were Tamils until very recently . There is a famous Tamil movie star name Sooriya or Suriya. The word is originally Sanskrit but the name seems to very common only in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In Hindi it is Suraj

                    • 2

                      Ranjith’s Malayalee fisher folk relatives in Kerala


                      Although it is Malayalam the language of the common people is still almost Tamil. Any Tamil can understand almost 95% of the song easily

                    • 0

                      yours every thing very similar to tamilnadu people. language rituals and all. why do you not go there and get your people civilized. build some toilets and get them to lead more hygienic way of life.without those basic becoming super poer in world arina is only a dream teach them

                    • 4


                      In the link you have provided, the Kerala women are wearing Rathe hatta just like the Sinhalese women.

                      I also heard that the Osariya (sari that the Sinhalese women wear today) also came from Kerela, the style of wearing saree by the early Kerala women was exactly what the Sinhalese women are wearing now (Osariya).

                      After all, Martin Fernando is absolutely correct.

                • 4

                  Kerala was Tamil until very recently and when all these so called low casted migrated to Sri Lanka Kerala was still Tamil. The Malayalam language and identity came much later. This means you are descended from Tamils and not Malayali, To be accurate you should state most modern Malayali and many Sinhalese are descended from Chera Tamils not Malayali. You can never say Moses took the ancient Hebrews out of the Islamic Arab republic of Egypt. Everyone will laugh, as at that time the ancient Egyptians were neither Arab or Islamic but had another identity. Similarly when the ancestors of a section of modern Sinhalese migrated from Kerala the population of Kerala was Tamil. The Malayalam language or identity did not exist. They spoke a dialect of Tamil called Malayalama or Malabar Tamil that was the language of 90% of Kerala’s population.

                  When Portuguese came to Kerala, the \ language was Tamil. However the Tamil Chera (Villavar) Vellalar and Ayar aristocracy had been defeated and replaced by Tulu tribes (Nayara Menava Samantha) by the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 AD. Portuguese printed many books in the native language Lingua Malabar Tamul. Early Lingua Malabar Tamul or Malayalam-Tamil Christian books were using Portuguese script to write alternating lines of Portuguese and Tamil. Jesuits of Angamaly Kollam and Thalassery printed books in Tamil (eg Flos Sanctorum or Thamburan Vanakkam written bz Henrique , copies preserved at Copenhagen).In the 16th century except a few Paravas of Tuticorin Tamilnadu did not have Christians. Thousands of Tamil books printed in Kerala in the 16th to 18th centuries by the Jesuits or Eesho Sabha at Angamaly Quilon and Thalssery suggest that Mestizo-Syrian catholics were using Tamil as their Liturgical language used in Church. Though Portuguese established a Syriac college Syriac was never used for preaching or giving sermons. Few lines of Syriac was read out by the Kattiyakaran in the Churches 17th century onwards which Malayalees never understood. Similarly Sanskrit was never used by Kerala Christians prior to British residency. Monro-Mecaulay Dewan-Resident of Kerala in the 1815 forced Kerala Christians to adopt the Tulu-Sanskrit language of Nambudiris as Malayalam while using Tulu script to write it. (See: Neria Haris Hebbar Tulu language).

                  This is the reason the Portuguese mistakenly called the Jaffna Tamils Malabars, as they looked like the people of Kerala. Spoke dialects of the same language Tamil. In Kerala it was Malayalama or Malabar Tamil and in Jaffna it was Jaffna or Eelam Tamil. Contrary to what is stated it is the Jaffna Tamils who are much closer to the people of Kerala and not the Sinhalese. Liguistically culturally and by religion. Just wearing cloth and jacket is not the criteria for cultural closeness. Pattini is a Tamil goddess and she is Kanaki in Tamil.

                  Look at a typical Kerala Mappila Muslim wedding dance and song. See how similar the language is to Tamil yet.

                  The women traditionally wear the white cloth and jacket like all Malayali women but cover their head as their Muslims

                  The British banned this language in the 1820 and made the highly Sanskritised modern form of Malayalam written in a Tulu based script that was spoken by the Namboothiri Brahmins and their half caste bastard Nair offsprings. These people migrated to Kerala from the north via Tulu Nadu and were the allies of the British and were ruling Kerala at that time. They wanted the native Tamil language of Kerala banned in their higly Sanskritised bastardised form of Tamil dialect to be the language of Kerala. Even the powerful Syrian Christian church of Kerala until this time did not use Malayalam or Sanskrit but Tamil in their liturgy. All the ancient Nasrani Christian literature in Kerala is in Tamil, Hebrew ETC.
                  British missionaries and colonials claimed that Nambudiris (with Ahichatra Tulunadu roots) and their half caste bastard tribes like the Nair, Menava owned ancient Kerala not Tamils. It is it was not the ordinary Malayali population of Kerala but Malayali belong to these same Tuluva based castes that came to Kerala and destroyed the Tamil language there in the 1800 with the British, who joined the Sinhalese and helped them in their genocidal dance. Naryan. Shiv Shankar Menon, Nambiar, Nirupama Roa(nee Menon)

                  The indigenous Dravidian Malyalam-Tamil or Malayanma language was banned by British thereby destroying all the Kerala records since time immemorial. They replaced Kerala’s language with the Tulu- Sanskrit language of Nambuthiris. Most of GRANTHA books of the Nambuthiri written in the 17th and 18th centuries were not at all Malayalam but Sanskrit written with Tulu Script even today unintelligible to most Malayali.
                  Tulu Script was banned in Tulu Nadu by the British while it was being promoted in Kerala

                  The Salagama and Durawa are 100% from the Coramandel coast , That is modern Tamil Nadu. Most of the Karawa are also from Tamil Nadu as per their Ge names but some are from Kerala. However like I stated Kerala was them Tamil and not Malayalam.

                  The goddess Pattini is worshipped by Tamils as Kannaki from the famous Tamil epic Sillapthikaram. It was written in ancient Tamil Chera Nadu


                  • 0

                    real siva sankaran

                    your language, your names every thing common to tamilnadu people.why do you not go there and build them some toilets.your own people. it is great merit.teach them importance of leading hygienic life. live garbage free environment. no point in lighting sweet smell sticks every kovil. if township gives very bad smell. yours may be same life. that may be the reason you insult others in every forums with your garbage in order to erase out very bad smell in your capital chennai.garbage can be covered but smell can not.gobbling type eating pattern in chennai hotels make foreigners vomiting. your own people not different stock. it is a merit if you can civilize them.

                    • 0

                      Ranjith, please have metta on SArma and don’t be too hard. These guys don’t need toilets because they defecate on the plates they have been given food on by the natives of this golden island.

                      These guys are not supposed to use toilets. They are only supposed to clean them up, because they are of low caste. This toilet law is strictly enforced by their masters the Vellalas and Brahmins.

                      how advanced a race is, can be judged by the way their language sounds. Hindi is musical. Sinhala is smooth and soft. Arabic is masterly. But Tamil sounds like pebbles dropping on a Palmyra leaf.

                      It is not for nothing that we say ‘demalu Padi gaththa wage’ when referring to loud, unpleasant voices, which sounds like the guttural of monkeys.

                  • 0

                    real siva sankeran

                    if all were tamil why did they develop separate languages like malatalam kannada and got different identities. simple question. any thing to do with gobbling eating or bad sanitary practices of yours..

                    • 1

                      Just like old Germanic developed into German, Dutch English Swedish Norwegian Danish , Fresian Etc due to isolation migration and the influence of new religions and invasion from outside.
                      Old Tamil or Proto Dravidian along its northern areas got influenced by Sankskrit/Prakrit influenced and invasion migrations and got corrupted and gradually the people around these areas started to mix their Tamil dialect with Sanskrit and Prakrit and new languages like Kannada Telugu were born out of this corrupted version of old Tamil.
                      Kannada was the first to break of almost 3000 years ago. Then Telugu or Vadugu or Vadugar meaning the people of the north in Tamil. Hence the Sinhalese Karawa name Waduge.
                      Similarly in the south of Sri Lanka due to the influence of Buddhism the native semi Tamil Dravidian Elu dialect got mixed with Prakrit and became Hela originally. Hela then later got mixed up with proper Tamil, and the Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhism to gradually evolve as modern Sinhalese I the 8-9Th centuries.
                      The last to break off from middle Tamil was Malayalam. It started around the 12Th century but until two centuries ago it was still a dialect of Tamil called Malayalama or Malabar Tamil. it was what we call kodun Thamil ( low Tamil) Malayalama or Malyalam works written in the 16Th 17Th century are all in this Kodun Tamil dialect and has hardly any Sanskrit. Just like the native German dialect of German speaking Swiss is called Switzer Deutche ( Swiss German) A low sort of German not High German. It was the same in Kerala before 1820.
                      It would have remained like this but thanks to the British who were in league with the Tulu based Namboothiri Brahmins the Nairs Menon Nambiars etc all originally from Tulu Nadu. Many of these people even to this day still remain very anti Tamil and want to destroy Tamil. They did this successfully in Kerala and it is Malayali from these communities who joined with the Sinhalese in the Eelam Tamil genocide.
                      They banned the native Tamil dialect called Malayalama or Malabar Tamil that was until then called Malayalam. Written in the Tamil script and made the highly Sanskritised Tulu based dialect of the Namboothiri Brahmins written in the Tulu based script, that was used and spoken by only around 5-10% of Kerala’s population then , as the standard and official language of Kerala and called this Malayalam instead of the native Malabar Tamil that was the language of 90% of the population and was until then the official language of Kerala.
                      Even the courts of kings of Travancore Cochin were using proper Tamil as the official language even in the 1700s. This is the reason there are lots of Tamil Brahmins in Kerala and in and around Travancore.
                      The area that you call Tamil Nadu and North East Sri Lanka was immune or cushioned from all these so called Indo Aryan based incursions, therefore proper Tamil or a language very close to old Tamil or proto Dravidian was retained. This is modern Tamil. Tamil is the only Dravidian language that can exist without Sanskrit. All the other so called Dravidian language cannot. If you take of the Sanskrit based words from their vocabulary the root language is old Tamil. Around 85% of Proto Dravidian words are only maintained in Tamil. The so called Aryan or Sanskrit influence is even less in the native Sri Lankan Tamil dialects.
                      I think you know the truth but just like denying your recent South Indian low caste origins will keep on denying this and questioning everyone deliberately , thinking that the truth will go away if yo aggressively keep on challenging.

                  • 0


                    as per your argument all can develop their own language but not sinhalese.if dutch, german can why not sinhalese. there must be lot of similar words. Sooriya is sanskrite word not fucking tamil word. you fucking lot hired it from sanskrite. your job was cleaning toilet not building them that is very much visible in your activities. your fucking culture is not the culture of others.they have different style of giving title names and all. you should know those fucking idiot.now go and fuck dead body of your fucking leader.

                    • 1

                      As even as late as the 6th century A.D., there was no Sinhala language, the Great Chronicles were written in the Pali language. Monk Maha Nama hatched the Vijaya myth to dub the Buddhist converts as Aryans, projecting them as descendants of Bengalis.

                      Maha Nama did not know that the Bengalis were Mongoloid Dravidians. The average Sinhala man will decline to believe that prince Siddhartha, as a Nepalese, was not an Aryan. No king of Lanka during the 200 years history of Lanka, claimed that he was of Aryan Dynasty.

                      How then can the populace claim that they are Aryans? With the mixture of Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit languages, evolved that Sinhala language during 8 A.D. It was not Pali or Sanskrit, but the Tamil language that helped in the formation of the Sinhala alphabets. The alphabets of the Sinhala language are round in shape like the alphabets of the other Dravidian languages. Telugue, Malayalam, Kannadam and proto-Tamil. In the 10th century. Tamils changed the shape of their alphabets to the square shape.

                      According to Dr. C.E. Godakmubara, the Sinhala Grammar Sidathsangarawa was based on the Tamil Grammar Virasolium in the 11th A.D. The term `Sihala (Lion in Pali) is seen for the first time in Sri Lankan sources in the Dipa Vamsa (4-5 A.D.) and in that chronicle, that term occurs only once, and in that cryptic verse it is stated that the Island was known as `Sinhala` on account of the Lion – `Lanka Dipo Ayam ahu sihena sihalaitu`. In the maha Vamsa the term `Sihala` – occurs only twice. In the epic Ramayana 420 B.C., this island was known as Lanka much earlier.

                      [Rev. S. Gnanapiragasam – `There are more than 4,000 Tamil words in the Sinhala vocabulary. If the Sinhala vocabulary is stripped of all the Tamil words there will be no Sinhala language.`]

                      There were no Sinhalese in Lanka or in any part of the world until the Dipa Vamsa for the first time, referred to the descendants of Tamil (Hindus) who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. as Sihala on account of the Lion (no relevance). There is no culture called Sinhala culture. It is the Tamil culture that is projected as Sinhala culture. The 14th day of April is observed as New Year, day only by the Tamils and Sinhala people throughout the world.
                      This fact is strong evidence that the Sinhala people inherited this practice from their Tamil ancestors who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C.

                      It is stupid to deny that fact. When there was no Sinhala language in Lanka or in any part of the world before 8th A.D., it is thuggery to claim that there were Sinhala people in Lanka prior to the 8th century A.D. Just as the descendants of Tamils who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. claim they are Arya Sinhalese Tamils of the Western Coast, from Ragama to Kalpitiya, after adopting Sinhala as their mothers_day.jsp’ class=black>mother tongue, (after the introduction of free education) claim thy are Arya Sinhalese. In Sri Lanka any person who adopts Sinhala as mother tongue ipso facto is an Aryan.

                    • 0

                      I am a Brahmin most probably it is you, who is descended from low caste/Dalit recent South Indian imports who will be closely related to the Telugu Sakkilis and not me. No wonder you are so obsessed with them.

                      You remind me of a young Sinhalese woman in the now defunct Sri Lankan forum who used to insult every Tamil as a Pariah Sakkili and an asylum seeker. Finally it came to light that she was in Canada seeking asylum and that she was from the Berewa community, which means she is actually and literally descended from Tamil Pariahs but was insulting every Tamil as a Demala Sakkili Pariah. She had a terrible time after that and could not face the music, regarding her actual asylum seeker status and caste and finally left the forum.

                      You and some here remind me of her. Recent Sinhalised descendants of low caste South Indians originating either from current Tamil Nadu or then Tamil Kerala and parts of southern Andhra, now virulently anti Tamil Sinhalese Buddhist nationalists, claiming the ancient history of the island as your heritage and history, when in reality your low caste or untouchable ancestors were living in some Dalit colony in some part of then Tamil South India, eking out a miserable and sad living. Now you have to audacity to call every Tamil Pariah or Sakkiliya, just because your Pariah or Sakkili immigrant slave labour ancestors who were imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch have now become Sinhalese and Buddhists and you think by changing your language ethnicity and identity now makes you above your real lowly origin and superior to the Tamils.

                      You are still a low caste or Dalit just like that awful racist Sinhalese woman now seeking asylum in Canada. People living in glass houses should not throw stones

                • 2

                  Would you mind betelling us what kind of caste you belong to ?

                  Dont you think that they are all homo sapiens and their oxygen tranporters are red blood which is common to all human beings ?

                  I hate the thoughts of castes which were above everything in 70ties and 80ties in the country. We talk about equality and not going against minorities, but talk often about castes within SINHALA community – contraditory thoughts within us ?

                  However, today, each time travelling to the country, I dont hear much about the caste differences – really an improvement (exponential). However, I also have met with Indian science researchers born to lower casts. Once in a gathering of mix cultures, we happened to question as to why they chose lower seats being among with their country men – was explained – lower seats were allocated to those who were born to those lower castes regardelss of their academic achievements. So is India even by 2010 (this incident I myself exp was in 2010).
                  Lovely to hear that lankens have been changing their thoughts related to CASTEs. I even left home SEVERAL times at the age of 18 not being able to listen to my elders those days.

              • 3


                “Tamils want to justify their home land claim after destroying Sinhalese heritage sites in north and east.
                That is why they are engaged in the destruction of Buddhists heritages in this land.”

                If what you are saying is true, Prabakaran and the LTTE would have completely destroyed all the Buddhists heritage sites in the North and East long ago. However, they did not do anything to all those Buddhist sites in the North and East.

                Because all those Buddhists heritage sites in the North and East do not belong to the Sinhalese. They are NOT Sinhala-Buddhist heritage sites but Tamil-Buddhist heritage sites. They are the remnants left by the Tamil-Buddhists of the past. Only a very few centuries ago in Sri Lanka, everything Buddhist became Sinhalese and everything Hindu became Tamil but in the past, everything Buddhist is both Sinhala and Tamil and everything Hindu is also both Sinhala and Tamil.

                If you google, you will be able to learn about Tamil-Buddhism in the past.

                People who are destroying the heritage sites unknowingly in the East are ignorant and their only aim is to build a house or do cultivation in that land. They simply do not understand its value.

                Btw, someone has given some good replies to your old comments.

                • 2

                  Tamil Buddhist

                  “If you google, you will be able to learn about Tamil-Buddhism in the past.”

                  There is no such thing as Tamil Buddhism or Sinhala Buddhism. Those who follow the teaching of the awakened ones are conventionally as Buddhists.

                  The additional tagging are unnecessary which deceives the followers. Tamil/Hindus and Sinhala/Buddhists are political branding by the crooks. Hundred or so years ago there had never been such branding.

                  By the way, the 1881 census counted 12,000 Tamils who were followers of Buddha’s teaching.

                  • 3

                    Native there is no such thing as Tamil or Sinhalese Buddhism and you correct, what he means is that contrary to what is now claimed by the Sinhalese racists and even the government. Most of these ancient Buddhist monuments were built by Tamil Buddhists and not Sinhalese. As proof of this is many of them are not Theravada but Mahayana, as seen by the inscription. Sanskrit. Theravada Buddhists used Pali, whilst Mahayana Buddhists used Sanskrit. Sinhalese were Theravada Buddhists only, however the ancient Tamil Buddhists belonged to both sects. Theravada and Mahayana. This is the reason Buddhist ruins in the north and east belong to both sects but in the south it is only Theravada.

                    • 1

                      Who should have constructed those buddha statues in Bangaladesh for example ? Late Kadirgamar was working heartedly to protect them during his days inthe EA office.

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                      Racial Harmony

                      RSS, you say, “Native, there is no such thing as Tamil or Sinhalese Buddhism”. I agree.

                      Ex-1: There are no Sinhalese or Tamil Sivalingams. A Sivalingam is a Sivalingam and they all speak the same language – the language of love. You should not be misled by the size and quality though. There are outliers in the statistical distributions of both types.

                      Ex-2: There are no Sinhalese or Tamil Kalaveddahs. Only simply kalaveddahs. All of them stink to high heaven and annoy you by playing Pandu in your ceiling.

                • 0

                  good to hear from tamil buddhist. I heards lot of chanting of buddan saranan gachchami in various languages with unique accent to their native languages but not in tamil here or south India. why. though tamil considered as old and very classical language nothing on buddhism written in that language here by tamil buddhists. why monks were sinhalese or chinese.if so how come they built such marvelous buddhists monuments if simple thing can not be done.

                  • 2

                    If you google, you will be able to learn about Tamil-Buddhism in the past.

                    Tamil Buddhists also chanted buddan saranan gachchami in Pali (not in various languages). Go to Facebook and search Tamil Buddhism, you will hear everything. Most of what is found in the Buddhist scriptures were written by Tamil Buddhists in Pali. Buddagosha was a Tamil Buddhist monk. Monks were Tamils long before sinhalese or chinese. Most of the marvelous buddhists monuments were built by Tamils.

                    Do not continue to be foolish and ignorant, learn a little about Tamil Buddhism, google is the best to find out, simply type Tamil Buddhism.

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            The Mahavamsa can never be considered as the history of the entire island called Sri Lanka. It was written not as a history of Sri Lanka (or Sinhalese) but as a chronicle of that famous Theravada Buddhist Institution known as the Mahavihara. The original Mahavamsa is a historical poem written in Pali by a Buddhist Monk named Mahanama (an uncle of King Dhatusena) in the fifth century AD. It covers a period starting from the arrival of Vijaya (543 BC) to the time of Mahasena’s rule (334-361 BC). His aim was to glorify the Buddhist kings of the Anuradhapura kingdom who patronized this institution. It chronicles some of the main events in the kingdom of these patrons, the domain they controlled from Anuradhapura.

            Take for example the Mahinda Rajapakshe’s period. The Mahavamsa was written with 3 chapters about the Rajapakse royal family, but it never mentioned anything about Sarath Fonseka and had only one paragraph about Chandrika Bandaranayake.

            This is exactly how the Mahavamsa was written right from its beginning. It was written according to the king’s whimps and fancies. What should be written and what should not be written was the discretion of the Buddhist king who ruled and who patronized the Mahavihara monks. What we saw during Mahinda Rajapakshe’s period is a very good example of what happened in the past (how the Mahavamsa was written).

      • 2


        I have used this type of language because I have lost respect for these two men who get away with rank racism they are propagating.

        I have known very pious monks who follow the preaching of Lord Buddha and I always respected them. I respect all religions and races. But I hate racists whether they are ordinary people or robed ones. I will call a spade a spade and mad dog as a mad dog. Do not compare me with Vaiko. In fact, I am one of the few Tamils who openly criticised LTTE and its leader Prabaharan.

        Have you listened to the utter filthy language this one at Mangalaramaya uses? If you have listened you will be ashamed to be a Buddhist. Leave aside his calling the Tamil Grama Sevaka a paraya and dog. He used the most vulgar language against a fellow female Buddhist Minister even dragging the former President Mahinda Rajapakse. He similarly used very intemperate language against the present President Sirisena. He calls Muslims derogatively as “Thambiyas” and Tamils as “Para Demalas”. I heard him telling a Policeman in one of those videos that the “Nadukaraya” (Judge) is a “Thamby” and “Perukuthoru”(Lawyer) also a “Thamby” alleging that since both the judge and the advocate are Muslims he cannot expect justice from them over some boundary problems he has with Muslims living near his Vihara.

        Is this the language one expects from a Buddhist monk, and one from a religious order of one of the most peaceful religions?

        If you had ever watched those videos you will not be holding a brief for him now.

        He should have been disrobed and chased away from that Vihara long time ago. It appears your Mahanayakes have no control over these thugs who are masquerading as Buddhist monks and bringing disrespect to one of the noble religions of the world.

        He behaves like a mad dog and deserves to be called so. The same applies to the BBS man.

        As for your statement that forty thousand Sinhalese lived in the North East, if those people really lived there, their return will not be any problem and the Tamils or the Muslims will have no right to object. But, what is happening is that instead of those who really lived there, new comers who had never lived are trying to be settled under the guidance of Sinhala extremists.

        I am not personally against Sinhalese coming and living in the North East. In fact, Sinhalese lived in Batticaloa. Most of them left when LTTE raised its head. They sold their lands and properties before they left or they came back and sold them. There is no denying of this fact. If those people come back to their places, no one can object to that. What is happening now is that newcomers who had never lived in Batticaloa are coming there. Any resettlements of Sinhalese who previously lived in Batticaloa should be carried out by government under a proper plan. What is objectionable is illicit settlements. Illicit settlements whether they are Sinhalese, Muslims or Tamils should be stopped.

        The issue he was fighting for in the Batticaloa-Ampara border area relates to illegal squatters from Ampara district illegally occupying pasture lands in Batticaloa. The Tamil Grama Sevaka was instructed by the District Coordinating Committee to file court action against these Sinhalese illegal squatters. That Tamil GS was only carrying out his duties as instructed by the DCC.

        This story that Tamils are destroying heritage sites in the North and East is a canard. In fact, it is under the name of heritage sites, these people are trying to settle Sinhalese in the North East. What the Tamils of North East are opposed to is the illicit settlements of Sinhalese people in their midst with the help and protection of extremists.

        If Buddhist heritage sites exist, these must be confirmed by Archaeological Department and proper action must be taken by proper authorities. But, what is being done is that monks are simply claiming places where there exist old Bo trees as heritage sites without any archaeological proof. The place at Arasaiadi at Vilavettuvan, Chenkaladi is one such example.

        • 6


          I am sorry what are you trying to teach this Ranjith the racist or more aptly the pint size stupid.

          If people want to know the truth, they would have by now journeyed to find it.

          Ranjith hasn’t got a clue whether he is coming or going.

          • 2

            May be Ranjith is sunk in his Yanthra Manthra culture not being able to see way out. We have to look at them with sympathy.

            But one thing is clear his could be a source to historians or enthrapologists.

        • 0

          M/S, Naga

          thank you very much for writing such lengthy comment as a reply to my comment. I am a believer in freedom of expression and I write the way I feel correct as per my knowledge.that may hurt critics but I do not mind that.as such I do not mind people calling me racist or whatever as I know I am not.regarding your comments on behavior of Ampitiya thero chief incumbent of Mangalarama viharaya. yes you may feel that way. it is natural.no question about it.but I look at it some other way.As per our Sinhalese Buddhists culture.Buddhist monks always are treated as guardians of community associated with that particular temple and particular area custodians of Buddhists heritages, in this light naturally that monk became community leader.A leader ‘s prime concern is social welfare of his community. As per the legends that prevail in our villages community leader should be like hasthi raja or king of elephant. that is the quality people expect from him as a community. leader.otherwise he is not fit enough to be a leader.without help of political authority as all are Tamils or Muslims considered as enemies of Sinhalese buddhists living there and without any help of public service officers as all are Tamils and Muslims who look after welfare of their communities only and living hardship they are going through can you expect anything better than from community leader who guide his community in very hostile land. though you said you do not mind Sinhalese buddhists living there Tamils and Muslims slogans are very much differ. no Sinhalese buddhists are allowed north and east is their slogan. this monk and people have been living there under LTTE reign as well as pre war slogans of old Tamil and Muslims politicians that was to use shoes made out of Sinhalese skins. do you think they can forget those very easily though Buddhist monk.Human are Human not enlighten as yet.as such verbal abuses of his side is not very much concern to us..if he rise up with weapons law imposing people has to get in.that is not an issue.

          regarding destruction of heritage site yes archaeological officers new very well it was a buddhists heritage site but keep quite due to pressure from local Tamil and Muslims political authority.they get nothing opposing political authorities as officers are Tamils and Muslims. it is like asking pena from looters mother.

          yes it is true lots of Sinhalese lived in baticoloa before war started. most of my father’s family members had business there lived there. even my father did business there. those old generation now no more. new generations children grand children looking for opportunities. they can not be treated as new-comers. they have every rights to settle down there . they may be living in Ampara border villages for the time-being. but have every rights to come back.public servant and Tamil and Muslim political authority denying their rightful cause. that is the issue, center is silence in the shake of so called sanhindiyawa and yahapalanaya.

        • 0

          Naga, Your Queen of celluloid, the dream making super demi God Jaya Lalitha has passed away. Come out of your bad dreams about the Sinhalese, Buddhism and Monks and lead a normal life.

          With your Goddess dead Tamil dreams cannot be sustained.

          May She attain Nibbana.

          • 0

            Edwin, be somewhat civlized please.

            We are taught by elders to respect the dead. Peity is expected here. I dont think you belong to the uncivlized representatives of SL.

          • 0

            “how advanced a race is, can be judged by the way their language sounds. Hindi is musical. Sinhala is smooth and soft. Arabic is masterly. But Tamil sounds like pebbles dropping on a Palmyra leaf.”

            Are u sure that you are normal ?

            How dare you to say that sinhala is smooth and soft. To my colleagues Sinhala and Demala are both sounding no different. Arabi may be masterly for you guys who lick the balls of arabs for the sake of collecting your sums, but for europeans, arabic is a noicy langauge. And the vernacular saying you added for tamil langauge – is no go.
            All these are subjective man, grow up ! As it is the case about taste of a tongue – all these sounds depending on the person and culture are varied. That is also the nature. What I find spicy and nice food, is not what the others coming from totally different cultures would find. Tastes and sounds are solely dependent on cutlural and several other various factors.

            Those who eat very hot food are being rejected by the westerners callin that is unhealthy. This ia also provable for example since the stomach is the most senstive organ in our body.

            Please delete it from your thoughts, the saying ” demala padi gaththa wage”- since I have experienced lot more other lingual sounds which could be no means bearable to human ear. Spanish speakers for example are very loud. Arabic specially come from a female voices are no sexy at all. Iran and Hindi tones to our lanken ears are so soft. Turkish and other langauges too have soft melodies. All in all, all these are dependent on our thoughts and the cultural backgrounds we went through in our growth.

      • 1

        So best would be for you is join to them as an another cheatable Sangaya. Would you ?

  • 1

    [Edited out]
    @AYMAN – Could you please avoid typing all capitalized comments -CT

  • 1

    Demonstrate that extremism is not unique to a particular religion (e.g., not all terrorists are Muslim). Help students understand that there is a spectrum of behavior within every belief system and that no single religion has a monopoly on violence. Even Buddhism, which is traditionally associated with nonviolence, has extremist factions. In Myanmar and Sri Lanka, Buddhist supremacist groups led by vitriolic monks launched anti-Muslim riots in 2014, ravaging towns, killing dozens of people and displacing thousands. The inflammatory speech and divisive tactics of these monks are similar to those of some Christian-identity group leaders who promote contempt for Jews and people who are not white. Jewish extremists, such as Yigal Amir, the far-right law student who assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, have made their mark as well. Amir and his accomplices claimed that they were protesting the prime minister’s efforts to make peace with Palestinians. Being exposed to extremism from a variety of religions will show students that the enemy is not one particular faith; the enemy is intolerance from any source.
    It’s time we taught this to our younger generation

  • 0

    Sorry for Capitals. I do it because I have serious eye problem.

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    Passivity is fatal to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive. (Mao Zedong)

    Many commentators are perplexed, asking “Anti-Muslim Campaign Again – Why?” and so on and the explanations they give are wide off the mark. The answer lies in Mao’s perpetual revolution even after coming to power.

    Without frequent reminders the masses, especially the Sinhalese Buddhist masses, tend to become complacent. That is why Anagarika Dharmapala used to call the Sinhalese ‘Sinhalaya, Wal Aliya, Gon Thadiya’. I agree with the majority of the commentators here that Sinhalyas are Gon Thadiyas. But remember that they are Wal Aliyas too, with a lot of wild energy, dormant mostly, but once aroused, unstoppable.

    That is how we have been able to protect the Teachings of Buddha in the face of continuous machinations by numerically superior enemies such as the Cholas, Pandyas, Wadigas, Potuguese and now the Tamil International ‘something’.

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      At that time your Tamil Catholic Paravan Rodrigo ancestors were living in Thootukudi and southern Tamil Nadu. Your Appa migrated to the island and for convenience decided to convert to Buddhism and now you are a rabid Sinhalese Buddhist. Angagarika(the homeless) Dharmapala belonged to the Durawa or Salagama community, which means just like you, he had a very recent South Indian ancestry from Tamil Nadu. Descended from Adi Dravida Dalits. Which means he was not even Dravidian but of Aboriginal heritage. Yet this Dalit South Indian origin wanker was preaching about a superior Sinhalese Aryan race and an inferior Tamil Dravidian people. Also., just like your Catholic Tamil Paravan Rodrigo Appa , he was also born a Catholic.

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        real siva sankaran sarma

        you can fabricate like your people did last thirty forty years. but truth is we sinhalese are the adewaseen of this Island. it is scientifically proven fact. you people are kallathoni parayas. show us any scientific evidence to prove your fabrications. remember we are ready fight even yet another war or thousand wars for our mother land. this is our mother land sinhalese mother land. we fight for it till our last drop of blood. you go to tamilnadu get your separate home land. news is your beloved leader just expired. our wish is may she get doors of fire hell opened immediately. cry or get suicide like on her behalf foolish gand..

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          “you can fabricate like your people did last thirty forty years”

          oh dear….your knowledge is limited to I quote you “last thirty forty years..” unquote.

          Tamils have history going back hundreds of thousands of years not just in Sri Lanka. Internationally renown historians have come to the conclusion that Tamil was at one time the only language spoken on this planet.

          You are one of those Ganasara clan of new world historians.!

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            Why do you not say entire universe instead world.? Tamil as language become known since 3rd or 4th BCE. Human evolution took place in and around 2 millions years ago. but proto darvadian had been spoken by some tribes lived famous south Indian river valley. before that Sanskrit was spoken in north India. even Chinese+ Tibetan languages spoken in china and Tibet before Tamil as language become known to the world. Maya civilizations used their own languages even before rig veda came to being as per well known historians. nobody knows as yet how languages evolved. fossils evidences are not relevant in this connection.size of brain can be estimated but brain function like languages can be determined only using archaeological findings. you get your mind examined immediately. your Chennai Ambapali passed away yesterday. our great great pleasure. hope you are not planing suicide

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              ranjith (sprrw) “… you get your mind examined immediately…”

              can you please tell me how to examine my mind.

              “mind” is not a physical state.

              on the other hand I doubt you have the intelligence to understand…physical state and non physical state

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        Genealogy of Edwin

        RSS you say, “At that time your Tamil Catholic Paravan Rodrigo ancestors were living in Thootukudi and southern Tamil Nadu. Your Appa migrated to the island and for convenience decided to convert to Buddhism and now you are a rabid Sinhalese Buddhist. ….blah blah blah…. Also., just like your Catholic Tamil Paravan Rodrigo Appa , he was also born a Catholic”.

        The reasoning of RSS may be summarized like this:

        1. People with the same surname are blood relatives.
        2. Edwin’s surname is Rodrigo
        3. There are Rodrigos living in Thootukudi and southern Tamil Nadu.
        4. Edwin must be a descendant of Thootukudi Rodrigos.

        Obviously, the conclusion is wrong meaning that the initial assumption is flawed. People with the same surname are NOT always blood relatives.

        Taking another example,

        1. If a Group A worships Group B as their God, then any member of B must be superior to any member of A.
        2. Real Siva Sankar Sharma worships Monkeys.
        3. Therefore, monkeys are Superior to Sharma.
        4. Conclusion: Any monkey is better than Sharma

        Is the initial assumption true? Yes, it is. Oh My Hanuma! The conclusion ”Any monkey is better than Sarma.” is valid and true.

        Sorry, I took the wrong example for illustration, but the conclusion is logically consistent, just as I suspected.

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          You first denied this and then when challenged admitted that your Appa was a Thootukoodi Paravan and asked me to stop barking and leave you alone

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            RSSS, “You first denied this and then when challenged admitted that your Appa was a Thootukoodi Paravan and asked me to stop barking and leave you alone”.

            Did I? Oh yeah, you mean the “yeah! yeah! yeah!?”. Sorry, RSSS, at that time I was in a hurry because I was going to see a dog about a man. That “yeah! yeah! yeah!?” came from the side of my mouth American style and really meant : f-off.

            Regarding your fixation about the Paravans from Tootukudi, I suppose you consider them to be of a lower caste than yours.

            I refer you to Vasala Sutta, where Buddha says, it is not through birth that a man becomes a Vvasala or a Brahmin but by his actions.

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          You want to comment on everything and trying to make fun of religions and gods of certain religions.
          This is clearly uncivilized behaviour. You are even making fun of the death of Jayalalitha..who is
          a film actress who took to Politics and rose to the highest post in Tamilnadu and is admired by millions.
          Whatever your religion faith or beliefs, you do not have any human feelings. Simply disgusting behaviour….
          It is time you wound up.!!!

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            Gods and Edwin

            Ayman, if you feel that making fun of dead Jayalalitha is uncivilized behavior, you must read what I wrote about Prabakaran’s death in the hands of a young SLA private, the son of a SB Gamarala. Then you will understand what uncivilized behavior is.

            Am I trying to make fun of certain Gods only? I don’t think so. I believe in democracy and treat all Gods in the same dirty way. Give me a God and I just bash him up. Especially the ones who claim to be omnipotent and omniscient. And you know what, having done this since I was in my teens, it has become a habit. I just tell guys like you, ‘send them on’.

            The strange thing is that though I am in my late 50’s I am still alive and well with all 8 cylinders firing smoothly.

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              But please be careful with what you have been uttering about gods. Depending on the person s health, conscience and knoweldge, their reactions can vary.

              Even if you dont believe in God – you should not add any remarks that would ever cause any kind of hurts.
              So, let them believe in god while you and others dont believe in anything but the ME money.

              I am born buddhist. I respect anyone s belief. It is upto them to believ what they think is right while I do my way of beliving or not.
              Too much of a good thing is bad – that is what my mother was used to say.

              So Edwin, please think twice before adding your evasive wording on God. Besides, you are not in Europe but in intolerant ME. Never forget that please.

              We dont want you too to be sent back home being subjected to unexpected physical removals (we have heard the kind of incidents – in which some housemaids had been sent back home missing their ears, nose, arm pits, genitals etc )

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                Babansincho Jayathilaka, Thank you for your concern. I accept your kind advice. I don’t want to hurt feelings. But have you read what they say to us about our Sangha?

                These things trigger my wrath.

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    BUDHISTS and BUD(L)SHITS folloeres of ‘kaavi rowdies’ like gnanasara.. Just watch this vedio….


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    On a lighter note here all the cousins of Izzat and the rest of the Sri Lankan Muslims, the Malayalam speaking Mappila Muslims of Kerala . Lots of Malayalam movies in have a Christian and Muslim theme as a very high percentage of Malayali are Christian (20%) and Muslim (30%). Note as stated earlier Malayali Muslim women traditionally do not wear the saree like Tamil Muslim women but wear a cloth and long jacket like all Malayali women and just cover their head.




    Unlike the Tamil Muslims of Sri Lanka these Kerala Mappila Musims are very comfortable in their Malayalam identity

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      [Edited out]

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