13 February, 2025


Anti-Muslim Hatred: Clouding The Fight Against Corona!

By Haaris Mahmud

Haaris Mahmud

Social media in Sinhala is exploding these few days with vicious posts and cartoons demonising the Muslim community as a whole for expressing views  about  their displeasure in respect of the cremation of the first Muslim Corona patient who passed away in Negombo. The very basis for their displeasure was conveniently forgotten; which was clouded by a Islamopbobia coating with unreasonable labels attached to them such as unpatriotic and senseless (for having brought religion into what was basically a medical issue and asking for undue rights at a time of national calamity. Two TV stations well known for their anti-Muslim hatred such as Hiru and Derana, added fuel to the fire, thus attempting to marginalise and stigmatize the Muslim community, at a challenging time, which calls for concerted and unified action of all communities. 

Not that demonization is something novel or new to the Muslims either in Sri Lanka or globally for that matter. In the Post 09/11 world and Post war Sri Lanka, Muslims have been at the receiving end of  a well-orchestrated anti-Muslim hatred campaign fuelled by a powerful Islamophobia industry, which led to racist rhetoric and attacks, malicious campaign in the Media as well as communal violence. In Sri Lanka, impunity for such open racism mainstreamed by both a biased Media and an apathetic establishment, as well as for anti-Muslim attacks, from Aluthgama to Post Easter, has reached crisis proportions. Besides, in Sri Lanka, the racist elements emboldened by the patron saints within a majoritarian and Sinhala supremacist state craft, are virtually being acting as unofficial Police and enjoying “more equal than others” status in this society; making the Muslims feel like second class citizens or ‘guests’ in their country of birth. Alas! With the onset of this recent Corona pandemic, the lid of another Pandora’s box appears to have been opened, letting out another pandemic – the same style of racism with a fresh outlook. 

In the Sri Lankan context, Corona is a dreaded virus devastating the entire national fabric, caring nought for differences of region, race , religion or gender. It is great that Sri Lanka has been complimented by the WHO for their comparative success in preventing the spread of this virus. However, people of Sri Lanka are usually community oriented which make it difficult to social distance or self isolate them as easily as such measures were required. Thus there are naturally obstacles in getting them to fall in line with national guidelines in this regard. Then again, the stigma attached to this disease also prevent people from disclosing voluntarily relevant details including their whereabouts or travel; thus the reason for their hesitancy to comply with the requirements of containment or isolation in this regard. Officers like DIG Ajith Rohana as well as the Director of Health were seen to be burning the midnight oil in trying to explain the need to act as  responsible citizens,to an audience filled with ignorance, anxiety and fear.  

Resultantly, there were many cases of failure to disclose their travels and failure to give up congregational activities both religious and social, more due to ignorance than wilful neglect. More awareness is bearing fruit as people are getting out of their shells and cocoons to fall in with the measures being put in place. However, unfortunately, there was a well- orchestrated attempts by the Hiru/ Derana as well as hate peddlers in the social media notably Facebook, to predominantly target and showcase Muslims in these categories and conveniently avoid pinpointing such acts by others. 

The Muslim religious leadership admiringly took pre-emptive measures in this regard, appealing to the community to give the fullest cooperation to the national drive to contain this viral invasion. They instructed Muslims to stop all Mosque-oriented activities and to notably avoid congregational prayers in the mosques including Friday Jumma prayers. The Dept of Muslim affairs gave orders to  all Muslim institutions to follow government guidelines to avoid public congregation. Despite, all these measures, there were few instances where some groups of Muslims knowingly or unknowingly ignored them, and conducted congregational activities. When known, such places were sanctioned by way of dismissing their Boards of Trustees for example. There were also instances of  some Muslims not disclosing their travel (arrivals from foreign countries and within the country)  as well as failure to self-isolate as required, which were certainly deplorable. The Muslim man who died out of this Corona virus reportedly was guilty of travelling around and non-disclosure as well in this regard.( although his family disputed this in a public statement).  

But, was this only a Muslim problem? No! they were many similar instances, where those of other nationalities too engaged in activities or actions which were contrary to national guidelines. There were many Sinhalese who came from Italy, there were many other Sinhalese who came after their pilgrimage from India who skipped quarantine procedures. There was a Tamil pastor who infected his congregation in Jaffna. Weren’t there innumerable cases where people did not disclose their previous travels? Wasn’t there a Sinhalese man from Italy who publicly challenged public health authorities? Despite all types of preventive measures, there are always idiots or stupid people in all communities; Muslims inclusive, who act contrary to the guidelines. 

A cursory view of the mass media also revealed how the crowds were allowed to congregate in many parts of Sri Lanka – opposite Sathosa, supermarkets and shops in search of foods- salmon and dhal packages inclusive. FTZ workers were also allowed to flock to the BOI entrance in greater numbers. In many areas, people during curfew were forced to come out in huge numbers too in search of their daily provisions as many areas were left out in distribution. Thus, the issue of people congregating in numbers was a common problem, which the authorities had to tackle. 

During this crisis situation, the good hearted Sri Lankans showed their magnanimity and charitable nature by coming out to help each other. Muslims too joined in with almost all mosques around the country distributing provisions and dry rations to all deserving families in their areas without differences of race or religion. Many Muslim businesses too, like others, donated immense sums of money for the Corona eradication initiative. Some mosques donated medical accessories and Katukelle Mosque  offered their school premises to be used as a quarantine centre. This was merely to show that Muslims did not fall back; instead they joined with others hand in hand to counter the invisible enemy. 

Despite this reality and despite the fact the majority of the Muslim community were falling in line with the national guidelines, as reiterated by their religious leadership, it is regrettable and deplorable that violations were projected as a Muslim problem, calling them as unpatriotic and insensitive to national priorities. Muslims were publicly demonised. One social media post even suggested that Muslims are using the Corona virus to kill the majority community, the way Sahraan did last year. Stupid post! but as Goebbels theory suggests, such lies and canards frequently uttered will be believed by an unsuspecting public as true!  As stated earlier, Hiru and Derana were  spreading anti Muslim venom through their news admixed with fake, half baked aimed at provoking the average Sinhala population to act against the Muslims. They conveyed totally incorrect information about the congregational prayers at the Red Mosque too. Todate, that misinformation stands uncorrected! Even the Army Commander in a Derana TV interview, referred to some areas not heeding instructions about precautions as ‘Muslim areas’, which he later apologized for.  

Cremation Issue

Let us now address the issues revolving round the stand of the Muslim community with regard to the cremation of Muslims who fall victim to this Corona monster. The 2nd Corona to die as a result of this virus was a 64 year old  Muslim patient in Negombo (originally from Jaffna). The patient had earlier shown a chest-related illness after which he tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Then he was rushed to the Negombo Hospital where he died a few hours later. The social media was full of  details of the movements of this patient which contained truths, half-truths and untruths as well as per version from the patient’s family. His family says, they were informed of the death and the preparation were being made for his burial. However ,they only knew about the cremation of the patient’s body way later after the event; although Derana news said that the family did not attend . 

The background to this cremation will throw light into the reason why the Muslim community expressed dismay and surprise about this method of disposal and there were widespread discontent about the diabolical manner in which the authorities acted . Unfortunately, these concerns were later  turned by anti-Muslim hate peddlers into a deplorable racist saga both in the social and mass media, thereby painting a distorted picture about the Muslims , in the minds of the Sinhala public.

To Muslims and Jews, body should be buried and not cremated. This option was written into the the World Health Organisation (WHO) formulated guidelines titled ‘Infection Prevention and Control for the safe management of a dead body in the context  of COVID-19. These guidelines allowed for BURIAL OR CREMATION. Even a study of the past shows that when it came to the combat against Ebola or Marbug virus, WHO permitted burial of the dead bodies infected with the said virus. There is no scientific evidence of spread of disease after the body has been sealed in a body bag from respiratory or gastrointestinal fluids and therefore there is no difference in cremation or burial with regard to spreading of the virus. Countries like United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, Israel, Malaysia, Iran and Italy too had permitted to bury the dead bodies of those infected with COVID-19.

Although the SL health authorities earlier specified only cremation as the means of disposal of ‘Corona’ bodies, later on representations made, amended their guidelines to include burial as well apart from cremation, in line with the WHO guidelines.In accordance with this amendment, the Ministry of  Health even imported the necessary bags too for this purpose of burial. It was in this context, that the Mosque Federation and the ACJU arranged for the burials of any Muslim victims bodies’ to be done to be Maligawatte or Kuppiyawatte Cemetery, based on the specifications given in the said guidelines. However, our inquiries reveal that the regional MOHs have not been properly informed about the option of burial as well. However, when the first Muslim Covid 19 patient died, the regional authorities in Negombo took the decision to cremate the body, despite the fact the provision was there to bury the body

Addinng salt to the injury, after this cremation, the Public Health authorities citing no plausible reasons for the change, amended the guidelines to dispose the bodies only by cremation. If the decision was taken based on based on scientific and medical concerns, then the Muslim community would have no qualms about the decision. But, sadly, it appears to be a decision taken on other considerations such as racism, bad publicity or playing to majoritarian gallery, blatantly disregarding express WHO standard guidelines followed by over 180 countries which allows both options. This unwarranted deviation may sadly even discourage some from revealing their actual symptoms, which may be disastrous.  

Therefore, it is not the question of Muslims not falling in line with public health guidelines. The questions are why and how the guidelines were amended only to allow cremation at the last minute, when there are no scientific basis for such amendment as WHO guidelines clearly shows. Any sensible person will realise that this decision was taken on other considerations. The people and those in the social media have been made to believe that Muslims are inflexible ; in actual fact, the option for burials granted under WHO guidelines previously adopted by the Sri Lankan health authorities were mysteriously changed by vested interests to pre-empt such option. Some may say ‘One nation; one law’. In this case, the guidelines gave two options at first; but the religious and cultural rights of a section of the society was denied by blatantly taking away one such option  without any scientific basis. Allowing individuals or influencers to deviate or bypass established procedures is an extremely high risk approach given the circumstances related to COVID-19.

Shouldn’t Sri Lanka complimented by WHO for their successful Anti-Corona campaign should follow also follow WHO guidelines too in this respect? This is the reason for the Muslim community to express their concerns which was misinterpreted as lopsided and unwarranted. It will be the constructive engagement which will continue to yield positive results for the whole society, balancing both religious rights of people and the scientific and medical considerations.

As the outbreaks continue to spread, so do panic, new rumours and unwanted tension across communities. As the world is fighting a pandemic, maybe we should also prepare for combating a corona-racism pandemic so we can all fight the virus in solidarity.

Latest comments

  • 24

    Far more destructive are burial of Corona dead and foreign pilgrimages to Corona infected gatherings. India also cremates all Corona dead. SL too should. One law for all Sri Lankans. Messing up with the military at this time is totally unwise.

    • 11

      Mr Gatam..for you kind information I ndia is not cremating muslims..thanks..

      • 14


        As a Muslim you are notorious for being a liar and a hypocrite. India does require everyone irrespective of religion to cremate the Covid dead.


        • 9

          Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera – But you too proved that you’re a that famous “M” or a “Kewum fella”. That link is about Maharashtra, which is not whole India. So at least now you agree that federal system is good?

          • 3

            Isn’t maharashtra part of india?

            • 3

              Oh damn, now I am having to deal with two “M”s..

              • 0

                In the history of Sri Lanka Muslim stand with the country benifit. People must read the freedom speech of Mr. T B Jayah. When LTTE terrirism myslim srand wuth the central government even they kived in north or east. Muslims lost lot of asserts & long time lived as refugees camps. There are more than 180 countries & WHO standard very clear guidelines given. But racist are stand for the benifit of political future. Entire muslims should not think Mr. JAYAH & standwith the central government is wrong decision in the history. Today some intelligent & professional people mostly majority made the appeal to political leadership. Still muslims have the rights to go to courts & appeal to international right organization. But they wanted to sort it its boundaries. Because government must consider the scientifical methodology

    • 7

      Mr. Harris Mahmoud,

      There is no conclusive evidence for the presence or absence of a soul, no conclusive evidence for the presence or absence of Nirvana, Nibbana and Heaven, even though believers believe that they are there and there is afterlife.

      Until concrete evidence is presented, biology takes an upper hand to prevent further infection, and save the living, irrespective of unproven beliefs.

      The tiny virus, with only a single strand of RNA is calling the bluff of the various believers. The monks, the priests, the Ulama and the politicians are all stumped.

    • 5

      Harris Mahmoud,

      Do the dead breathe?

      You may be able to spread coronavirus just by breathing, new report finds

      Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center.


      The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has given a boost to an unsettling idea: that the novel coronavirus can spread through the air—not just via the large droplets emitted in a cough or sneeze. Though current studies aren’t conclusive, “the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing,” Harvey Fineberg, who heads a standing committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats, wrote in a 1 April letter to Kelvin Droegemeier, head of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

      Thus far, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health agencies have insisted the primary route of transmission for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is through the larger respiratory droplets, up to 1 millimeter across, that people expel when they cough and sneeze. Gravity grounds these droplets within 1 or 2 meters, although they deposit the virus on surfaces, from which people can pick it up and infect themselves by touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. But if the coronavirus can be suspended in the ultrafine mist that we produce when we exhale, protection becomes more difficult, strengthening the argument that all people should wear masks in public to reduce unwitting transmission of the virus from asymptomatic carriers.

  • 8

    Cremating the body totally destroys it. The human body belongs to Allah (PBUH) as all things. It must be preserved at death so that the person can go to heaven in one piece whenever possible. Interfering with a dead body is a crime and a sin. Hand over dead Muslims to their relatives to bury. Do not worry about Muslims. Allah (PBUH) has always protected Muslims and always will. You pray to your stones, robes, genitals and trees. Leave us alone. Please.

    • 18

      Fathima, if Muslims do not follow the Law they will infect others who will infect others who will……….

      Do you think we should die just so that you can maintain your crazy beliefs?

      • 5

        Adrian, agree with you. But be alerted that this so called “Fathima” seems to pretend as a Muslim.

        • 3

          Fathima, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it.

      • 5


        There are other countries like iran that death rate is high 3000, turkey, 277, malasian 50 they do not get the dieases form the death body, paractice hugenic etiquests practice one day burial the dead like muslim always does

    • 8

      Haaris Mahmud,

      Now this is the 2nd such write-up from you. There is something fishy in it. Govt is fighting a toughest battle along with forces, medical teams and others, and thanks to them so far things are under control.

      Though I am not an Islamic theologian, I know that Islam has accepted exceptions at several other scenarios. For example, life or death situations, Islam allows Muslims to eat pork. Having said that, this is not the time to arouse this type of unwanted communal hatred among the people.

      I guess some politicians are trying to take advantage out of this situation. As far as I know, some bankrupt writers on CT & other media started writing on it, then suddenly Muslim politicians started to talk of it. Instead, why not write to reform this backward community among other communities?

      • 5

        you seems to have missed the point . Writer talks about the racist cloud engulfing the whole corona debate . He is trying to say that this is a common battle and the racists are trying to demonise only muslims. Please refer the Derana and Hiru TV shows. If you can;t see the underlying picture and think that the Muslims are stupid in highlighting these issues, then there is something wrong in you .

        Also he is saying that the decision to cremate or burial should be taken on medical and scientific grounds and not on other considerations. WHO guidelines are clear which was earlier accepted by the SL health authorities; but sadly reversed it. There is still no plausible explanations for the decision from the key people. More than 180 countries have both options. So there is something fishy here.

      • 4

        Abdul Kader ,

        Just a few words . We had a Tsunami where we had dozens
        buried in one grave and a mixture of unidentified bodies of
        all cultures ! Who raised a voice ? None ! Can we match the
        situation today of Covid -19 with that ? We do everything
        we can because we have some control in hands . So , the
        decision to cremate , when it was taken , was well known to
        create unease among Muslims particularly and it is not the
        practice of all Sinhalese either ! Only a few affluent section of
        them cremate and Sinhalese won’t mind it because they are
        used to it . So , while battling with a deadly global menace ,
        what makes it necessary to create a clash between cultures
        in the name of managing it ? I would not oppose it if it was not

    • 7


      “Cremating the body totally destroys it. The human body belongs to Allah (PBUH) as all things”

      The body belongs to the soul it occupies, not anyone else. For your info, Muslims use a “(PBUH)” only when mention Prophet Muhammed. Aping?

    • 6

      What a laugh. You’ll be telling us Islam is a religion of Peace next.

    • 5


      Does your body also belong to Allah? Especially that thing?

    • 4

      Leave us alone. Please move back to your desert arabia

    • 2


      Do you have support got your hypothesis, with evidence? It is it just belief?

      Does the Sun go around the Earth?

    • 1

      You are a fraud man; that all in the CT knows.

      Ulama Party Mubarak has said it was not Allah’s who order to bury bodies, so that eventually he can come back and dig it like The Tale of Two Cities’ Mr. Jerry. Of Cause in Allah’s time there were universities to buy bodies.

      Mubarak says when the first man killed another man in the hope of 72 virgins that Modaya didn’t know what to do with the dead body. He saw nearby crows were burying one of theirs & and got enlightened. I am not sure where Mubarak did copied the Burqa to blind their eyes & minds, but what the crows culture of Adams – Eve’s time has to do with the 21st century, Chinese invention, Coronavirus? Why would you take example from Adams’ days crows to “not to cremate” an infected body, which constantly radiates a weapon grade virus.

      Fathiman, if somebody calls you Modaya just take it. Don’t insist that, “No N0 call me the Modayaest, like Mubarak”

  • 10

    Srilanka s anti-minority antipathies are like fire hidden under the ashes. Almost every sinhalaya would know this, but they stay passive. I really dont know why.
    On and on, I have spoken with various levels /walks of people.why people cant feel that we are all teh same, so long we are born to this soil – the manner they look at the issue is similar to that of some australians (whites) feel that migrant communities have taken over their country. That is why the xenophobic sentiments are growing rapidly.
    Sinhala supremacists would not make any efforts to see it, even if we suffered a lot for over 30 years.
    They talk about the war and war heroes, but why cant the people themselves see it yet, that we should all have the same right.
    So long the majority feels that they should be KEPT above. … whenever whatever being done for the nation –

    Now being caught by COVID 19, people should really really see it that, we are all the same. Deadly virus would not select whom would be infected to. All are the same, so long they are born as HOME SAPIENS.

    May all beings be blessed by God.

    • 2

      Sam Fernando ,

      The prescribed distance between two people in public is , 2 Meters .
      So , if you maintain this , you won’t catch the virus . Now , once a
      man is dead , from removal of the body from the bed to cremation ,
      how many people are involved ? Has anyone proved that the virus
      is capable of getting out from six feet down under ? and from a
      dead body ? I know only one thing , FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER ,

      • 5

        Brother Why wHY;
        They annouce it to be 3 feet in SL while in europe their distances are 1.5 to 2 meters.
        Yes here in europe, some believe, you get the virus more from going to supermarkets where a tiny portion of people would not respect these instructions. : I usually go to markets but as Dr Janapriya described it, I am also an another parnoid.. and keep almsot more cleaner than altogther.
        Yes, they could explain this going by interntional norms, so that no problems would arise in this regard. Anyone to fish in muddy waters could create new wave of divisions. That is the danger. Besides, if the averagemind set would not be informed by recognized authorities, things could end up being worst, even if they die by COVID 19, they would keep it for them.
        All these could happen easily in our country where thugs and culprits are led while the educated are shut by the power of thugs that work for Rajapakshe clan.

        • 4

          Sam Fernando ,

          Spot on .Yes , you are right , the standard depth of the grave of an
          adult Muslim is from about 1 .7 Meter to little more while in the
          U S it is about 4 feet . To make my point very clear here to any
          racist vulture on this forum , there’s a report from London that
          the youngest Covid-19 victim is believed to be a 13 year old Muslim
          boy from Brixton . He is to be BURIED Friday the 3rd of April while
          the family can only watch the funeral remotely because of their
          isolation . Fair enough . And going miles further , a fund was raised
          to cover funeral expenses aimed at £4000 but received £67,000. The
          wonderful humanism of raising this fund came from the victim’s
          family friend Mark Stephenson . I salute this gentleman with all my
          heart as I am only a human lover and against vultures in the form of
          humans . Thanks Sam .

          • 4

            Dear Whywhy,

            I read the comments and articles written on their biased quarantining measures being taken at the BIA in SL.
            This Dr Janapriya himself added that he was not subjected to quarantining even if he returned from UK to BIA on the 9th March, while one another Dr as a commenter to his article confirmed that his brother had no choice but to go for 2 weeks quarantining period even if he arrived their on the 6th March…. And again, the first batch of the pilgrims from India were not subjected to quarantining according to dpt IGP as detailed in a TV show.
            Allthese proved that srilanken autohrities have not done their job properly even if their media shows repeatedly boastabout ABOUT their pefect plans. :::
            We in general know how Rajakshes work .. being biased to any thugs … not being alert to any international instructions. That in the end, ruined this country again, even if the chances were there, to protect the ISLAND nation easily. Srilanka is one of the island nations that could prevent the viruses being spread easily… Now UK has been doing well even if their numbers on the dead rise up. hOWEVER the infected are relatively held lower in UK than other countries.
            Knowing only way to spread the virus is through arrivals to Airports is known to our leaders but they JUST ignored it: That has now affected on ENTIRE srilanka.

    • 5

      You have said something nice and neutral. Yet at this point in time 8 people have clicked the red button.

      This shows that the majority of our people are basically sick.

      We can only pray for their salvation

  • 6

    The set procedure from must be under stood WHO standard guidelines followed by over 180 countries which allows both options Instead of the TV station added fuel to the fire as the TV stations well known for their anti-Muslim hatred and transperant to the world there action.

  • 8

    follow the country’s law. then there will be no issue. as simple as that. No one cares for your religion at this time

    • 2

      Dear Whywhy,

      I read the comments and articles written on their biased quarantining measures being taken at the BIA in SL.
      This Dr Janapriya himself added that he was not subjected to quarantining even if he returned from UK to BIA on the 9th March, while one another Dr as a commenter to his article confirmed that his brother had no choice but to go for 2 weeks quarantining period even if he arrived their on the 6th March…. And again, the first batch of the pilgrims from India were not subjected to quarantining according to dpt IGP as detailed in a TV show.
      Allthese proved that srilanken autohrities have not done their job properly even if their media shows repeatedly boastabout ABOUT their pefect plans. :::
      We in general know how Rajakshes work .. being biased to any thugs … not being alert to any international instructions. That in the end, ruined this country again, even if the chances were there, to protect the ISLAND nation easily. Srilanka is one of the island nations that could prevent the viruses being spread easily… Now UK has been doing well even if their numbers on the dead rise up. hOWEVER the infected are relatively held lower in UK than other countries.
      Knowing only way to spread the virus is through arrivals to Airports is known to our leaders but they JUST ignored it: That has now affected on ENTIRE srilanka.

  • 2

    Follow the Buddhist way in order to resolve this issue! Once you are dead your body will decompose and turns itself back to the four main elements (Apo/Liquidity, Thejo/Heat, Vayo/Air, and Patavi/Solidity) that it had been originally made of. When the consciousness has departed, the dead body is similar to a piece of rotten wood! There is no difference between a carcass and a piece of rotten wood (Buddha once said as per Dhammapada).
    In short, the above four elements that made the tiny (interior) world of I, me, and mine, are now ready to mix with the four elements of the Larger (outer) world where they came from. Scientifically too, this is the fact; this is the truth.
    If Muslims believe it belongs/goes to Allah, (we should respect their belief, but) they should be clear and specific on that as to when Allah would take possession of it. Within 24, 48, 72 hours of death or later? Here, we talk about a dead body and we need to be specific; the carcass doesn’t wait but decomposes every second as if to say that reality doesn’t wait for belief.
    If the Holy Koran is not specific about it, let the scientific community who are familiar with viruses, germs, bacteria, and contagious diseases make the decision. I hope Allah has permitted and allowed his followers to do so.
    Please remember, Allah will exist with our beloved Muslim followers and among us only if the human world exists! If there is no human world, Allah may still exist but not as a force to be followed like today. He/She will be most like a Covid-19 patient in an ICU without a respirator. Our beloved Muslim followers should not put their beloved God Allah to that desperate level; we want Him/Her to exist and not to extinct!

  • 1

    The world needs two vaccines at this time. One for COVID-19 and another for the Muslim Virus.

    The Muslim Virus has killed far more people over thousands of years than the COVID-19. Therefore, the bigger urgency for a vaccine is for the Muslim Virus. Once you test positive for the Muslim Virus there is no cure, like Fathima has just shown.

    • 5

      Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera – Modaya, see what others said, she is not a Muslim, just pretending. Just someone’s fake name makes you an instant racist, you poor fellow?

    • 6

      Retarded Shemale Reginalding Perehera, yes no problem we can use the vaccine on Muslims, but how are we going to castrate and euthanize you? No knife is sharp enough to cut those sagging marbles that hang below that match stick of yours and no poison is strong enough to eradicate a toxic waste of a disease like you. I guess the Muslims will come up with something that will take care of you soon.

    • 3

      More importantly a vaccine for imbeciles like you not to procreate and propagate, so the future human race will be safe

  • 3

    I thought the Muslims did a good job of demonizing themselves through Zaharns and Inbrahims as late as last Easter.

    If the Muslims are allowed to do what their Political Leaders and the Mullahs want to do with the dead Corona infected corpses, how can the Government protect the poor inhabitants in their neighborhoods?.

    If the Government agrees to these Muslim demands, can it stop Cathoilcs bringing their Corona Victims to the Church for a Mass ?..

    What about the Buddhists who may want to bring the Bodies to the House and hold a Pansakula?.

    Hiru and Derana has been under attack by the Muslims as well as UNP buddies since Nandasena became the President.

    Now the Muslims are trying to make the Government look like the baddies over this burial of Muslims.
    And help their UNP buddies get any Muslim votes which are not in Rauf Hakeem, Bathdeen , Assath Sally and Hisbolla Party Electorates.

    That is okay.
    But these issues are also masking the more important issues like catching the culprits who did the Church Bombings although it is nearly an year since that demolition of the Churches.

    Despite the Yahapalanay holding so many Investigations , even one with Rauf Hakeem in Kotte, they couldn’t find who drove the Suicide Bombers to Cinnamon Grand, Zion Church and Kochchikade, until Kamal Gunarathna became the Defence Sec..

  • 0

    Failure to disclose previous overseas travel details or any outside contexts are passed off as “due to ignorance”. They are on the other hand not ignorant about any other matter. The whole world has done away with funeral rites, why only an exception in Sri Lanka?

  • 4


    The speech in viodio clicp in the above clip says you can cremate or burial with 8 feet these are facts from ministerial of health

  • 0

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  • 2

    Covit -19 does not differenciate according to race or creed.
    The face book is a sword in the hands of monkeys.

    be aware of Face Book racist idiots

    • 2

      Very correct , FB racists are on a rise also at this critical stages. Government stays mum.

  • 0

    Muslim leaders opened the can of worm and now try to put the blame on others. Islam is fundamentally flawed , that is why they have problems everywhere even in predominantly Islam countries. Wake of folks this is 21st century….

  • 0

    Haaris Mahmud says ” Not that demonization is something novel or new to the Muslims either in Sri Lanka or GLOBALLY for that matter” There surely must be a reason for Global demonization because there cannot be smoke without fire or is the entire world insane?
    Fathima, Do the Muslim suicide bombers also go to heaven in one piece and enjoy 72 maidens?

  • 1

    Everyone commenting here, please realize – the current government decision to cremate is accepted by Muslims of this country (Even if not accepted its being forced) – while there is displeasure – lets not add acid to injury …

    Lets not take this as another opportunity to vilify and distance the Muslims further, there is a planned political agenda to win over Buddhist votes and the best strategy is to show someone as the bad sheep.these hate mongering is not helping Sri Lankans as whole cause I see people are becoming very violent these days cause thats what FB and the racist are preaching … the common Man will practice it on innocent people.

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    All racial conflicts arise from economic competition. As long as the Sinhalese are comparatively poor they have problems with Muslims. Instead of blaming Muslims do the following. 1.Work hard and take to trade and business. 2.Have at least four children.3. Stop drinking and using drugs. 4. Educate your children in English. 5.Try to live in urban areas.6. Compel the government to start English medium schools above Grade six. 7, Be law -abiding to he possible maximum extent.8.Help other brothers also to take to trade and commerce. 9 . Distance from differences such as cast and regional feelings.

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      Muslims are being criticized because they applies sharia – giving whipping punishments for adultery through Qazis or through mosque federations, without no legal power to do so with the community support.(Reference: Unequal Citizens: Muslim Women’s Struggle for Justice and Equality by Hyshama Hameen and Hassana Cegu Issadeen, page 27 in English copy. can be downloaded from mplreforms.com) important thing is that even the “Biased Community” was hesitant to oppose the practice. This is an extremism, kind of religious violence, Biased community doesn’t care. Though they do not dare to question such illegal and inhuman activities by Muslisms, they will criticize if any monk commits a racist speech or showed any intolerant behavior.
      Sri Lankan Muslims are being criticized because they encroah religiouse/archeological places of other religions. (Reference: 2002 Oresidential Commission REport on Buddha Sasana – can be read conclusions and recommendations section at Lankaweb,com)
      Is talking about these issues racism?
      Anti-Muslim & Nationalistic movements which increasingly arose in post war Sri Lanka were wrongly understood by civil movements as projecting the oppression directed at Tamils in war era to a new enemy.
      That misinterpretation (and prejudice towards opponents of it) prevent us from correctly understanding the situation and assessing the claims of so called “Racsists”. That’s why Islamism have gone so far in Sri Lanka. it’s sad to see that they haven’t yet realized the error even after the Easter terror attack.
      There are many studies done on the “mentality” behind the Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism or it’s trends or factors led to it, perceiving it as some “sickness of the mind” of Sinhala-Buddhists. Gananatha Obeysekara, Serena Thennakoon, Kumari Jayawardena, Social Scientists Association of Sri Lanka and Center for Policy Alternative have done so many researches in such an attitude.

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      Regarding your suggestion about English Medium Education:

      it may be wiser to look at the impact of that colonial days, which students were taught in a language which was alien to them.

      “In fact students of the English medium schools are in a far worse state when compared to the students of the schools using native language as the education medium. Because the students in schools which use native tongue as the medium of education, are at least being taught how to use their thinking. …. It’s truthful to say that, in sometimes those who are learning in English medium will learn only a vocabulary used in English and then will perceive as they learned the subject deceiving themselves. ” – P. Arunachalam in 1901 census report

      a recent article by Michele Gazzola under the title ‘Why teaching in English may not be such a good idea.’ (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/why-teaching-english-may-not-be-such-good-idea) also cites a study conducted using Austrian undergraduates with higher English skills, suggests that English medium education will decrease the Quality of education.

      Above all teaching in mother tongue is imperative to be preserve the nationality of the country and of the child. Your suggestion serves the class interests of “Bamunu Kulaya” who loss the power after revolution of 56.

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    Imagine this plaque had started for a Muslim country instead of China or Italy and the local Muslims working from that country wanted to come back home to Lanka?

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    Please Watch this vedeo, all will be revealed?
    Imam Calls Coronavirus “Soldier of Allah,” Celebrates Non-Muslim Deaths – YouTube


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    For some time now, hate speech has flourished in our little Garden of Eden. Nature has bestowed on us so many blessing – in abundance. Yet, many of us , creatures of circumstance, lucky to be born here, have turned into little racist scum having a go at each other just because we worship a different God or talk another language. People, the secret of success is respect for each other and collaboration. WE the majority must outnumber the few who will hate. Sri Lanka deserves better.

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    yes WHO allowed for Burial, but under the condition it should be buried under 8 feet. As Dr: Anil Jasingha explains to Mr: Rauf Hakeem in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYGlVZDf_ng) This can’t be done in every area since the groundwater level is so close to the surface in some areas. Although WHO specialists say virus can’t be transmitted from a dead body, since the virus is new, we can’t sure about researches, maybe after few days accepted fact can be changed. So it’s better to cremate since it ensures full safety. In Israel cremation is mandatory, and even Orthodox Jewish Rabbis are supporting it.(https://www.timesofisrael.com/state-mandated-cremation-a-posthumous-mitzvah-says-leading-orthodox-rabbi/) Why Muslims can’t be moderate as Jews?

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      How does Dr. Anil Jayasinghe ensure that the waste water from the Corono wards at the IDH and other hospitals do not contaminate the water tables in the area.

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