By Dayan Jayatilleka –
Here’s a news flash; the political solution to the Tamil question exists and has been around for a while. Thousands died in two civil wars to proclaim and defend that solution. Vijaya Kumaratunga and K Pathmanabha were martyrs to that cause. And yet, those who should cherish the cause they were martyred for and the survival and entrenchment of that democratic reform act as if it didn’t happen.
While the political solution exists, Sri Lankan politics is increasingly divided into two camps: One camp consists of those, mainly neoliberals and liberal-leftists who ignore the existing solution for which rivers of blood flowed, and try to leap over it to something they regard as more advanced—and in so doing, run the risk of effacing what has been achieved. The other camp consists of neoconservative and ultranationalists who seek to ignore, bypass and bury the existing solution—thereby running the risk of opening the gates to a far looser and more radical restructuring of the state.
There were two civil wars that swirled around the political solution. Northern extremism lost that war but are still trying to fight it by other means, vaulting over the existing reform and making for a loose federalism transitional to separation. Southern ultra-nationalism which lost the civil war is trying to reopen it and paralyze and dismantle the reformist solution that exists.
Why is there so much aversion to the existing reform? The secret lies in two contending ideas of Sri Lanka; of what Sri Lanka is or should be. The definition of Sri Lanka in the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord of 1987 calls in Article 1 for the “strengthening” of the “unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity” of Sri Lanka while saying that Sri Lanka is “a multiethnic, multi-religious and multilingual plural society”. The semi-autonomous Provincial Councils committed to in Article 2, flow from this definition and the need to strengthen unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty while recognizing multiethnic pluralism, presupposing that unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty can be protected only by such recognition and structural reforms i.e. Provincial Councils, which correspond to it. This formulation was not exclusively due to coercive diplomacy because the Accord clearly says that it is based upon “the proposals arrived at between May 1986 and December 1986” (well before the airdrop). A reading of the text makes it amply clear that the power projection enforced the signing of the proposals arrived at in 1986.
The Northern extremists and Southern extremist disagree with this paradigmatic definition and they share an idea of Sri Lanka as a Sinhala-Buddhist country, society and state. The Northern extremists wish therefore to exit the Sri Lankan state or at least liberally federalize it, and can justify such action only on the basis of Sri Lanka being a Sinhala Buddhist state. Similarly the Southern extremists want the state to be explicitly redefined and recognized as “Sinhala Buddhist”.
Indira Gandhi’s special envoy to Sri Lanka in the aftermath of Black July ’83 (as senior Veerakesari journalist Thanabalasingham has recently written, that phrase ‘Black July’ was coined by my father, Mervyn de Silva) the learned and sagacious G. Parthasarathy Sr. (who knew my father and whose cigar-chomping son Ashok I had met at the Pugwash Conference in Sao Paulo in 1985) told me in retirement on the porch of his house in Delhi, that when, at President Jayewardene’s suggestion, he spoke to the senior Buddhist clergy at the main temples in Kandy during his 1984 shuttle diplomacy, he knew that a political settlement of the Tamil Question was going to be almost impossibly tough. Today, this social stratum has achieved unprecedented ideological hegemony over a probable Presidential candidacy which it is propelling. Thus it is capable of reversing those policies they disapprove of while pushing through those that reflect their worldview, including on the character of the State itself.
At the other end of the spectrum is former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, who has, on the ethnic issue, the virtue of consistency. She has always been anti-racist as was her late husband Vijaya Kumaratunga who was slain by the JVP for his enlightened stand on building North-South bridges through devolution. CBK has herself been a votary of deep-going structural reform in the cause of political reconciliation with the Tamils which is a sine qua non for true national reunification and nation-building. The problem is however that former President Kumaratunga never thought through the complex relationship between several very important events in the island’s contemporary political history which have quite understandably embedded themselves deep in her consciousness: 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959.
She is quite rightly committed to her father’s pioneering effort at ethnic reconciliation in the form of the Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact of 1957. It is she who introduced Vijaya Kumaratunga, who could have been our Barack Obama but tragically ended up our Bobby Kennedy, to that text which helped shape his stand on the ethnic question. The problem is that she has not quite figured out the relationship between 1956 and 1957. Worse still, she seems ambivalent about 1956 itself.
1956 had two sides—progressive and reactionary. The primary aspect was progressive. That progressive aspect was the anti-comprador capitalist struggle, the strengthening of the national bourgeoisie, nationalization (de-foreignization and building up a strong state sector) and a non-aligned foreign policy. The negative aspect was narrow nationalism i.e. Sinhala Only. The neoliberal Right decries 1956 in totality; the nationalist Opposition celebrates it in totality. The neoliberals try to roll it back; turning the clock back to pre-1956 and throwing out even the positive in ’56. The Opposition’s neoconservatives hope to build upon and extend the most regressive aspects of 1956 i.e. the ethnonationalist hegemonistic aspect.
The Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact of 1957 was wholly positive and progressive. If it had been implemented there would have been no war, or the war would have been a low-intensity insurgency, winnable far more swiftly and with early, unambiguous Indian support.
It is necessary to understand the complex dialectical truth that the B-C pact was possible only because of the Bandaranaike victory of 1956, and that victory would have been possible even without pandering to Sinhala only in 1955-’56. In short the problem with 1956 was not 1956 but 1955-’56, and the surrender to the Sinhala Only slogan, abandoning the enlightened progressive nationalism and social democracy of the SLFP’s founding documents in 1951, its election manifesto of 1952 and its progressive stand right up to and including the Hartal of August 1953.
Imagine a country in which there was a progressive victory in 1956, without Sinhala Only, and followed up with the B-C Pact which made for limited but real autonomy? Imagine a quartet of non-alignment, patriotism and progressive nationalism, an expanding state sector, and autonomy for the Tamil areas? That would have been a populist but not narrow nationalist triumph. It would have been the victory of social democracy. What a country this would have been! That would have been perfectly feasible given the Hartal of 1953 in which even the Federal Party participated!
What was necessary at that time and remains necessary today is the fusion of 1956 and 1957, or more correctly the fusion of the progressive aspects of 1956 with 1957. The rightwing comprador government of the day could have been defeated by the SLFP/MEP without conversion to the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress’ Buddha Jayanthi report’s recommendations, especially the language recommendation. 1956 should have been the political expression and extension of the ideology and cross-ethnic alliances of the Hartal of August 1953 (the kickoff was a massive Galle Face Green meeting presided over by SWRD Bandaranaike), in which even the Federal Party participated. Instead, SWRD succumbed to the Sinhala-Buddhist pressure groups.
SWRD’s great merit was that he was our Nehru. His great demerit was that he wasn’t enough of a Nehru. Nehru was a socialist-oriented anti-fascist and committed secularist. SWRD was not a secularist like his close friend. In fact 1956 contained an improbable fusion of the Nehruvian and the RSS/Shiv Sena “Sangh Parivar”—and the local RSS component assassinated our imperfect approximation of Nehru.
What is happening today is very similar to what is happening then. The dynamics for change, which can ensure victory on a populist basis without any recourse to ultra-nationalism, are being manipulated and hijacked by ultra-nationalism exactly as happened in 1955-’56. Chandrika intuitively understands that the B-C Pact was aborted because of the retrogressive aspects and forces of 1956 itself. Her reflex action has been to dump the 1956 heritage itself or worse still, to switch sides, wittingly or unwittingly, and stand on the wrong side of 1956 and the famous ‘Mara Yuddha’ cartoon depicting the Pancha Maha Balavegaya against the deracinated elite, the precursor of today’s neoliberal globalizers.
SWRD Bandaranaike’s great intellectual merits were two fold; firstly to understand the global Zeitgeist, that there was an irresistible dynamic of transition, of change, flowing through the world, especially Afro-Asia, and Ceylonese society itself. Secondly to adopt a foreign policy position congruent with these changes. His demerit was to vacillate and finally abandon his own enlightened social democratic and populist views, and permit the adoption of an ethno-lingual and ethno-religious program. He strove to reverse it with the B-C pact of 1957 but could not overcome the backward social forces he had himself helped to achieve hegemony. These forces killed him. Their socio-cultural ‘children’ killed Chandrika’s husband Vijaya.
What was and is needed is not a hopeless attempt to hold back the tide of change and shore up the status quo. What was and is needed is to combine SWRD’s understanding of the “Time of Transition”, with an intervention that influences and shapes that transition. The challenge is to cut away from the negative forces of 1956, while fighting against the declining force of the status quo, building upon the positive forces for transformation and injecting a positive program of transformation i.e. an updated reiteration of the B-C pact, into their ideology. The task is to synthesize 1956 and 1957, not to hybridize 1956 with its opponent, the pre-’56 elite and its ideology.
CBK is making an ideological and philosophical error which is a mirror image of the ultranationalists. The ultras of South and North want a populism dominated by narrow ethno-religious nationalism; a populism which is overwhelmed by narrow nationalism. CBK’s formula has dumped every ounce of populism that her father, husband and she herself stood for, and instead seeks to merge reform with neoliberalism.
Liberal reform can be salvaged today only in alliance with the dynamics of populist change. If there is no such alliance, and liberal reform is identified with neoliberal globalism and cosmopolitan elitism, then rising populism will be wide open to hijacking by ethno-religious chauvinism.
The present dispensation, bi-partisan though it be, is nowhere as strong and coherent as hers was when she attempted a new Constitution and failed. One wonders why she thinks the same ‘Package’ project can succeed now, in far less favorable circumstances.
Those pushing for a new Constitution do not have the patriotic/nationalist credentials that would confer public legitimacy on that effort; credentials that were achievable only by winning the war. Conversely, those who did win the war, are opposed to a new Constitution. They cannot be seen by their nationalist-populist constituency to buy, still less sell, any “poisoned fruit” emanating from the TNA, the JVP, and those who are “selling off national assets”.
The B-C Pact has already been revived and exists in our Constitution and institutions—in the form of the Indo-Lanka accord, the 13th amendment and the system of Provincial Councils. To put it differently, the feasible political solution to the Tamil question already exists and has been in place since the Indo-Lanka Accord of 1987. The problem was that the ensuing 13th amendment could not be implemented due to the LTTE’s war, and afterwards, due to the obstructionism of the security ‘hawks’. All that is necessary is to revise, update, and upgrade this system.
What is needed is not to reinvent the wheel, but to excavate, renovate and reinforce what has been achieved by way of a political solution. Constitutional change and reform are not coterminous with a new Constitution or a Constitutional amendment. What is feasible today, and barely so, is a program of Constitutional reform and renovation, not a new Constitution or even a Constitutional amendment. Change is most feasibly achieved today through gradualism and evolution in the form of changed laws and regulations, which renovate and reinforce, streamline and strengthen, build on and broaden which renovate and reinforce the PC system, the already existing successor of the B-C Pact of 1957—all within an explicitly unitary state framework. All that is necessary is to facilitate the working of this structure as its co-authors meant it to.
JD / August 1, 2018
One, foreign journalsit writing in the CT understood it differently.” After 2015 general election, Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe faced to an acute problem, even Mr JR Jayewardene never faced with China and now Mr. Wickramasinghe is in a situation that he would not be able to get out of the problem. In this situation, it seems that if any leader of the country is able to stay Non-Align between China and India like the way Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike acted during her tenure, the leader of Sri Lanka might not be able to survive in the current situation. Before 2015 presidential election, Western countries and India beguiled Mr Wickramasignhe against China giving impossible promises such as to provide US $ 4. billion supports to Sri Lanka. Previously many time, America and Western countries gave false promises to Mr Wickramasinghe, but they did not fulfil the promises. The promises given during 2015 election period were accomplished by India and West Collison. Motivated Mr Wickramasinghe from false promises, made some improper statements against China in election platforms such as China is a beggar, I will stop Chinese assisted projects without knowing the truth about China. The total foreign assets of China are about US $ 3.0 trillion, which is higher than the combine total of foreign assets of USA, UK, Canada, EU, Australia, India and Japan. Foreign assets of Taiwan, where the land area and population equal to Sri Lanka, is US $ 500 billion, which is higher than India. Although China has differences with Taiwan on the basis of One China policy, it is economically depending on China. Why did Mr Wickramasinghe make irresponsible statement in political platforms, if he was a wise politician. Current Sri Lanka has a serious crisis in relation to economic management and corruption. There is no difference between governing parties and the opposition, even non-government organizations are also equally corrupt in relation to resources management.
Amarasiri / August 1, 2018
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka,
RE: Api Kavuruda? – The Constitutional Gamble & The Idea Of Sri Lanka
Api Kavuruda?Api Kavuruda? – Parayo*! Parayo*!
“Here’s a news flash; the political solution to the Tamil question exists and has been around for a while. Thousands died in two civil wars to proclaim and defend that solution. Vijaya Kumaratunga and K Pathmanabha were martyrs to that cause. And yet, those who should cherish the cause they were martyred for and the survival and entrenchment of that democratic reform act as if it didn’t happen.”
And yet, those who should acknowledge that they were Parayas* from India for and the survival and entrenchment of that nation, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, act as if it didn’t happen, that they are not Parayas, and call themselves Hela etc.. What bullshit!
* Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
PS. All the Paras have 46 chromosomes, and their Chromosome #2 was formed by the fusion of two primate Chromosomes.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 1, 2018
Dear Dayan, please refer to two recent development regarding making of a new constitution. First is the advice given by Indian foreign minister to SL president to expedite making of the new constitution to settle ethnic problem by sharing of power and implement it immediately, for which SL president said nothing. Do you not think that this is more of a gentle warning to request Sri Lanka to comply with. Second is the statements made by two Tamil members of constitution committee Mano Ganeshan and Siddharthan that they have lost hope for promulgation of a new constitution during the life span of present government due to intransigence of Sinhala members of both sides. How long do you think that Sinhala people can continue to hoodwink international community. Your statement that federalism demanded by Tamils is extremism shows your hatred. Federalism is the most prudent and pragmatic solution and is accepted by fair minded international players. When you share power and land in a fair and meaningful manner, it will amount to federalism, which the international community has sanctioned. Despite Tamils willing to accept a solution without division and consider devolution without calling the state either unitary or federal like how Scotland has received power sharing, none of the Sinhalese are willing to move forward. This is why I have been saying that only international intervention forcing a solution like in other instances in the world, will deliver justice to Tamils. Your sticking to 13th amendment proposed in 1987 is a non starter, because since then several ethnic groups have either received independence or wide scale autonomy.
Ad / August 1, 2018
Dr GS. Federalism is the best solution for the smooth functioning of the parliament also. The rules may have to be amended, but present constitution is a stink. DJ learned few things from Joe, but not mastered anything.
sach / August 1, 2018
As much as Sinhala people cannot and should not force a constitution which has no provision for autonomy in North like 72 consitution, Tamils cannot and should not force a constitution which is a stepping stone to separatism. It works both ways
Native Vedda / August 2, 2018
Stupid sach
“Tamils cannot and should not force a constitution which is a stepping stone to separatism.”
Your stupid constitution never will stop separatism.
It would be the powerful countries that decide the form and shape of the country. A powerful Pakistan (an all weather friend of China and close to the great satan) was unable to stop the separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan.
An exclusive mono ethnic (SInhala/Buddhist) Fascists cannot stop separatism by their undemocratic, authoritarian, centralizing, corrupt ………… constitution nor an army of murderers can preserve an artificially created unitary state.
I suggest you shove the present constitution up in ……………………… If you need physical help please contact wannihami, Hela, soma, Champa, HLD M, Wimal, Dayan, Sugath, Kamalika, Nalin, Ganapathypilla, ……………………………. Maha Sangha.
sach / August 2, 2018
If it is not us who stops separatism, then why bother with a new constitution? That too a federal one? Deal it with your powerful countries. Tamils need to realise this is not their Tribal Tamil Nadu to indulge in Tamil Only politics. If you want to eat Tamil, drink Tamil, and sh* t in Tamil, you have to shift to Tamilnadu which is exclusively for peddling in Tamil Nationalism . If you live in Sri Lanka or any other country , you have to listen to other peoples (non Tamils) point of view and listen to their demands.
I know comprehension is not your strong point when I said Sinhalese cannot force a Sinhala only constitution I meant Sinhala fascists cannot run the show here. And majority of Sinhalese will not agree with it .
-What are you going to do to the present consitution? Shoving it in each and every SInhalese *****? Didnt 30 years of war make you realise you will get nowhere with threats? What makes you tamils to act like the majority in SL and even like conquerers? Do you think your doing it like rabbits co ethnic in TN is going to come and kill Sinhalese with you? Remember the last time they came, it was your women who paid the price.
Native Vedda / August 4, 2018
Stupid sachoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
“If it is not us who stops separatism, then why bother with a new constitution? “
There was never going to be a separate state in the first place. Hindians have impressed upon VP and Tamil leadership from the beginning. The war went on for few years for reasons every intelligent person was aware of.
“What are you going to do to the present consitution? Shoving it in each and every SInhalese *****?”
Its a good idea.
What did you do with the constitutions 1833, 1945, 1972, ……………..?
I see a gap in your head, which is a good place to shove all those old constitutions or up HLD Ms ****.
By the way why did the rulers change constitutions in 1945, 1972, 1978, … and Dr Mahinda tinkered with it to be the Chakravartin of the island, by impeaching the chief justice who refused to allow it?.
Please don’t think.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 2, 2018
Sach the stupid fellow. The only entity that has the power to decide whether Sri Lanka is to remain as one or not is India. None of your Sinhala racist constitution can prevent separatism if India decides to divide Sri Lanka. Why did not the SL president ay no when Indian foreign minister told him to expedite constitution making to share power with Tamils and implement it immediately. Go ahead and comply with it without coming out with your crap. Otherwise you will face worse humiliation than in 1987, and there will be no Prabaharan to bail you out.
sach / August 2, 2018
When S Jaishankar came to Sri Lanka and talked with TNA, your Tamil politicians demanded to force the Lankan government to combine N and E. Jaishankar who was the point man in Modi gov asked them to forget it
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 2, 2018
Sach you are wrong. What Jaisahankar told was that India will no longer insist on north east merger, but if Tamils demand it, they will not be against it. A fair compromise for that is to re-demarcate eastern province without giving credit to ethnic cleansing of Tamils and programmed settlement of Sinhalese. How can Sinhalese or Muslims say that lands in eastern province which Tamils can prove archaeologically to be the first settlers, should not be linked to northern province. Muslims cannot deny that they settled in eastern province only 400 years ago as refugees in the midst of Tamils who were already resident there. Remove Amparai electorate and Lahugala AGA division from Amparai district and Gomarankadawela AGA division from Trincomalee district and link the balance eastern province to northern province. This will take 80% of Sinhalese out of the merged region. To compensate for the loss of land, remove Puttalam electorate and link it to northern province, as this area was under Jaffna kingdom and was known as Demala Hatpattu under Kandyan kingdom. Within the merged region bring all Muslim areas under one administration. This is a win-win solution for all which if there is a will, everyone can easily agree to.
sach / August 2, 2018
Tamils should prove that east is archelogically theirs. We Sinhalese will give our evidence from our side. Lets settle it in that manner?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 4, 2018
Sach whatever evidence that you are going to place to claim eastern province relates to Buddhism and not Sinhalese. For your information at certain time, Buddhism was in vogue among Tamils, which due to Saiva renaissance vanished. So far not a single inscription in Sinhala has been unearthed in eastern province. In contrast Tamils can place several stone inscriptions dating to 2000 years such as those found in Mahladitivu in Batticaloa and Weber stadium in Trincomalee. when genetically it has been proved that Sinhala ethnic group originated from Tamil ethnic group with additions from other ethnic groups, how can you say that there were Sinhalese in eastern province before Tamils. Your argument will only carry through in a bigoted Sinhala racist audience and not in a impartial enlightened group.
Native Vedda / August 4, 2018
Stupid sachoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Why should the Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, Sinhalese ……… prove it archaeologically theirs when you stupid noisy Sinhala/Buddhist take it for granted?
What sort of evidence do you want?
Its there, all you have to do is look for it you stupid lazy bums.
In 2016 the Eminent Scholar Prof S Pathmanathan published a 550 page tome titled:
History of the Tamils in Sri Lanka
The Nagas and Tamils in Eastern Sri Lanka Volume I
(BC 250 – AD 300).
Especially the pages from 157 to 312, from 353 to 442, ….
We know it is difficult for you to grasp anything intellectually challenging until you pull your head out of wherever it is.
sach / August 2, 2018
If Puttalam needs to be given to you as it was under Jaffna (according to you), dont you give whole Eastern province to Sinhalese as it was under Kandyan Kingdom?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 3, 2018
Sach there is a difference as evidenced by archaeological findings. There are several urn burial sites in Puttalam district which are hall marks of Dravidian civilisation. Names of places like Kudiraimalai, Pomparippu, Vannathivillu, Mundalam, Madurankuli, Palavi, Karaitivu etc are all Tamil names. Munneswaram the oldest place of worship in the region is one of the five pre-Buddhist Siva temples. I have only recommended part of this coastal section north of Deduru-Oya, where until now no evidence of Sinhala stone inscriptions have been found. As for eastern province entire area was not under Kandyan kingdom as part of Trincomalee district north of Mahaveli was under Jaffna kingdom. Only area south of Mahaveli was under Kandyan kingdom. Please note that legitimate owners of eastern province are Tamilised descendants of Veddhas who are living on the coastal parts extending from Mutur to Kumana, where their seat of rule has been discovered in Kathiraveli. First setters of the area are Tamils and not Sinhalese. There is archaeological evidence for this as several 2000 year old stone inscriptions have been found. If you see my recommendation one third of land mass of eastern province will be removed and linked to North-central and Uva provinces. Also you must note that northern parts of Anuradhapura district was under Jaffna kingdom, which Tamils are not claiming. A recent book published gave evidence of several Hindu temples and Tamil villages lying buried in this part of Anuradhapura district. So my suggestion is absolutely fair.
Native Vedda / August 4, 2018
sachoooooooooooooooooo the stupid
When and how it became part of Kandyan Kingdom when the last few kings were Tamils/South Indians?
There was no Kandyan kingdom before mid 1593 nor after 1815. Was it a kingdom/country?
JD / August 1, 2018
MODA AMARASIRI: Every humn in this world has 46 chrosmosomes.
LAC3(rtd) Buddhadasa / August 1, 2018
Moda Jimmy,
Mentally challenged mongols have one extra chromosome. Have you checked yours?
Mallaiyuran / August 1, 2018
” One, foreign journalsit writing in the CT understood it differently. ” Can you give me the link of that writing. Here you have provided a lot of information to you side of points. I would like to know where that guy went wrong in his/her statement, comparing with yours.
Do you have any support to show that any time US or India promised aids near to $4 billion. During LTTE-Old Royal negotiation, joint leadership countries promised $4B, provided they strike a deal. That is not for Ranil. Japan $2.5, Norway $1B, EU .$5B US $0. My understanding is even though America refused to allow LTTE into the negotiation, but, Japan and Norway paid that money only to Lankawe. So Tamils got nothing out of it. But EU, eventually, took away GSP+.
You need to understand that US and India has to accept that China’s dominance in Lankawe is here to stay permanently. If they accept China’s dominance, they can deal with Lankawe or otherwise they get the hell out of Lankawe. There is no second option for India or America on that. If Lankawe start to spread its influence in Indian Ocean with China’s backup or China starts it with Lankawe backup, they will have to accept that too. Rejecting that will only break out in war, nothing below that.
See here, earlier Australia and India gave warships to Lankawe; that is to capture the Tamil refugees being smuggled. Russia wants to sell one to In-Laws of the New Royals family; that is a private business deal. But US too wants to give Lankawe a free ship. If that is for Lankawe’s Moda Navy to intercept the creeping in China’s submarines then…….. probably that is why Jay Leno no longer on the Air. Whoever hears this why would wait after 11:00 PM to listen to him?
Ceylonee / August 2, 2018
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Colombo Man / August 2, 2018
Sri Lanka will have to be more and more self sufficient – relying on any foreign power is not advisable.
Resources should be managed wisely – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, – RRR – Happy with who we are, and working together. – for the common good.
Good Relations with India is paramount. (being our closest neighbour)
As we have a very close relationship historically and culturally.
Native Vedda / August 1, 2018
The public racist types:
“What is needed is not to reinvent the wheel, but to excavate, renovate and reinforce what has been achieved by way of a political solution.”
Could anyone or any pundit explain us what is/was this “achieved by way of a political solution” ?
Kumarathasan Rasingam / August 1, 2018
The only and wise solution is separation: Sri Lanka one island two Nations: Tamil Nation and Sinhalese Nation. Enough is enough. Tamils are betrayed by Sinhalese leaders since independence in 1948;
Tamils demand freedom – a reasonable demand. the reasons are explained in this article
sach / August 2, 2018
The bottom line is Sinhalese do NOT want to live with Tamils as much as Tamils dont. The problem is we consider the island of Sri Lanka as our homeland which gave birth to our civlisation, language. That is why we fight for SL.
Native Vedda / August 2, 2018
sach the stupid
“The problem is we consider the island of Sri Lanka as our homeland which gave birth to our civlisation, language. “
Actually your ancestors came from South India. You have no right to consider anything else. Please go away, go back to your mother country south India. There is no bottom line as such however get lost before we draw a red line on the sand.
Your, DNA, your language, your religion, your food, ……………………… your ancestors all came from South India. I don’t think anyone want you here. Pack your bags, go away.
Please go.
Punchi Point / August 2, 2018
Tamil homeland is in Tamilnadu. Tamil demand for another homeland in the Sinhalese island is most unjust and unreasonable. Tell us what kind of importance does any part of this island has to the formation of the Tamil nation? Everything Tamil was formed in Tamilnadu and brought here by Tamil immigrants, who forcefully took the north from the Sinhalese by slaughtering most of the Sinhalese and ethnically cleansing the rest. And as for your accusations of genocide – it should be made illegal to level such false allegations. Tamils show almost twice the growth rate as that of the Sinhalese. If the Tamils are being “genocided” how come that Tamils show such a high growth rate? It is the Sinhalese who actually have been “genocided” by the Tamils. The kind of writing Rasingam is doing and levelling such false accusations should be made illegal and punishable by law.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 5, 2018
NASA and Indian Institute of Oceanology have discovered evidence submerged under the sea between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka which proves the belief that Sri Lanka was part of Tamil homeland of Kumarikandam. Therefore for you to say that Tamils have no claim to any part of Sri Lanka as their homeland is racism. The earliest stone inscription in Sinhala to be unearthed is 1500 years old. This corroborates with the finding that Sinhala script originated at that time only being borrowed from Malayalam script. In contrast several stone inscriptions in Tamil dating to 2000 years have been unearthed in various parts of Sri Lanka. Recently 10,000 year old civilisation has been unearthed around Settikulam and Giants Tank in Mannar, which has thrown into dust bin Sinhala claim that people in Sri Lanka were uncivilised and were taught civilisation by their ancestors who arrived in the Island 2500 years ago. A proper unbiased survey of archaeological remains that is lying buried will throw more light on Tamil claim and will rubbish Sinhala racist propaganda. By the fact that Vijaya and his friends were able to communicate with Kuveni and her people means that they spoke the same language. By the fact that Vijaya and his friends were able to communicate with Tamil speaking Pandyan princess means that all of them understood Tamil. Genetically it has been proved that Sinhala ethnic group evolved from Tamil ethnic group with input from other ethnic groups. It is time that Sinhalese accept the truth, without being labelled as fools.
Jim softy / August 1, 2018
Both the political solution, NEw constitution, destruction of the Bhikku influence and the sinhala buddhist culture arer ESSENTAIL parts in dominating the Indian OCean. So, with the political solution, JAffna Hindu University and Hindu college will be JAffna Evengelist everything governed via Tamilnadu and West.
Paul / August 1, 2018
‘JD’ alias ‘Jim softy’ alias…. how is the schizophrenia treatment going?
JD / August 1, 2018
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Burt / August 1, 2018
Hay Dimwit:
What is Sinhala Buddhist Culture other than what we know as “Sunday Sil: Monday Kill”.
“So, with the political solution, JAffna Hindu University and Hindu college will be JAffna Evengelist everything governed via Tamilnadu and West.”
If this happens we can make Jaffna Great Again. Isn’t that a good thing?
“destruction of the Bhikku influence”
WTF is Bhikku influence?
Rajash / August 1, 2018
wannihami / August 1, 2018
No did not read it mate, too bloody long and for all I know may be you are presenting CBK as the next presidential candidate in this yarn..summarize at the beginning of the next episode and I will read it then. Ciao!
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / August 1, 2018
Northern extremists! May be extremist of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists and racists but not to ordinary people. Asking for your just rights in your own land and territory where you have lived and ruled for thousands of years and trying to save it from state sponsored Sinhalese racism is not extremism. Unlike all Sri Lankan governments , the Sinhalese establishment , armed forces or police and the Sinhalese Buddhist fascists , who want to forcibly impose Sinhalese Buddhist fascism forcibly down the throat of the island’s Tamil speakers Hindu Muslim or Christian, the so called northern extremists only want just rights for the island’s Tamil speakers. Hindu Muslim or Christian and do not want impose Tamil Hindu culture on the entire island. The Tamil Saivite/Hindu extremists are just a lunatic fringe amongst the Tamils but unfortunately Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism is mainstream amongst the Sinhalese . It has its ardent follower from very influential to the peasant. This is where all the problem is Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism. Tamils and Tamil Muslims are only reacting to this fascism in their own way to survive.
RajS / August 1, 2018
The Ultra-racist DJ won’t rest until the Tamil people are oppressively ruled. He is coming out with all kind of excuses and self-created reasonings to justify why the Tamil people must not be given what they are asking for? What happens if the Sinhalese people offer the Tamil people what the Tamil people want which is the self-rule in their region? How will that affect the Sinhalese?
Sach / August 1, 2018
What is wigneshwaran? What is northern provincial council
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 1, 2018
Sach, anyone espousing a just cause by demanding their legitimate rights is not a racist. In which case Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King are all racists. On the hand those who deny equality or justice to others which are due to them are racists. It has now been proved Geologically that Sri Lanka was a continuous land mass with Tamil Nadu called Kumarikandam most of which were submerged by sea upheaval more than 10,000 years ago and Sri Lanka got separated from Tamil Nadu. It has been proved archaeologically that Tamils were the first immigrants to the land after native Veddhas having a civilization of over 25,000 years old in the island. Earliest stone inscription found in Sinhala is only 1300 years while several 2000 year old Tamil inscriptions have been found. It has been proved genetically that Sinhalese were in fact former Tamils with south Indian core genes, who had developed a separate identity like Malayalees. Despite Tamils having legitimate claim for owning and ruling entire Sri Lanka, they are demanding only part of it where they had lived for centuries. With these proofs for Sinhalese to say that entire island belongs to them and deny Tamils there share of power and land is rank racism.
Api Demalu Sanwidhanaya / August 2, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
sach / August 2, 2018
what is legitimate? Who decides legitimate? Dont talk about Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King! Tamils are never like that. Prabhakaran, Seeman , racist Karunanidhis is Tamil brand of politics
Richard / August 1, 2018
Dear Author and participants,
This article by this author is not strange. It is customary for sri Lankans instead of helping at a time some help will do good, you do something bad because you feel when helped the one who gets help will be better off than you are. This is typical for Sri Lankans. You will realize this truth if you note the timing and the contents of this author who is involved in Sri Lankan partition politics. They somehow get pleasure in promoting bad times for all including their own children. In a Country where there is no justice for all the communities alike it is easy for racism to push the Country down to great depths just like it happening in Sri Lanka!
Mallaiyuran / August 1, 2018
Thero who was chased out of Old Royals camp by the Lankawe Women organizations, now is hiding in Chandrika’s Thavani. Chandrika is not in power. Period! She has not so far expressed any come back intentions. Chandrika, in a Buddhist monks’ meeting, recently said that constitutional solution would be satisfactory solutions to Tamils (TNA-she meant). But irrelevant of her intentions, this was proposed by Ranil to UNHRC to block its IC inquiry and Resolution 30/1. Locally Ranil refused to talk about “Constitutional Solution “and so it is known as Secret Solution. Tamils worried now further because Chandrika, is a person without power, talks about it but Ranil who is in power and he who blocked it during Chandrika’s time, is silent on it. This can confuse the International Community and bring ultimate damage to Tamils, by getting nothing. Thero is here opposing Chandrika on her solution, not on Tamils perpective, but on his points. But so far Tamils have not shown any sincere effort to tear the mask of the Sinhala Intellectual leaders’ game here.
As usual Thero is baffling with his Left Right About Turn, but no political points or rejection or substantiation in that. Biased Thero is selecting only SWRD’s B-C pact but abandoning Dudley’s D-C pact. Before we go further, a small talk on Thero’s detail analysis of Chandrika’s personal attributes. Chandrika had said her parents too contributed to the political deterioration of the country. So it is meaningless connecting her politics with her father’s politics. Further it is also known that Vijaya was a reconciler and Chandrika is for “War for Peace”; so again comparing them both is mismatch. We can wish “if he is alive”, but he is not, so moving further is the one left to do.
Mallaiyuran / August 1, 2018
The reality is SWRD and SJV are the Sinhala and Tamil politicians proposing Federal States for Ceylon. What is Thero attempting is, by bringing in B-C pact, he is hiding many important things. B-C pact was not meant as the final solution by Chelva. He was openly talking about Federal states and latter Self-determination and armed struggle. So when B-C pact is about SWRD and SJV, talking about SWRD’s positions is meaningless. Thero is not honest on that talk either. SWRD was the first man recommended Federalism for Lankawe and he never in his life regretted for that or denounced that. SJV only asked to follow up on that.
What Thero should be writing is “Instead SWRD joining with the murderous bald heads and other four rowdy or imbecile groups and spoiling the country, he should have brought Federal Status to the country”.
Ajith / August 1, 2018
There is no relationship between Political solution and extremism. 1971 JVP extremism is nothing to do with Banda-Chelva pact. This was blocked by JRJ. Similarly 1989 JVP extremism is nothing to do with Indo-lanka accord. It is about Indian army. There is no Northern extremism. It is about Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism and political opportunism. The major political parties had always the parliamentary power to implement what is in theB-C pact or what is in the Indo-Lanka accord. Even after the end of war, Mahinda promised to go for 13+ but he became an oportunistic and he is the barrier for the new constitution making which is nothing different to any other solutions agreed upon. Whether it is a new constitution or constitutional amendments with legislation there should be some permanent strutcure which cannot be changed by Sinhalese only. As Sinhalese accout for 75% of the population, it is always possible to make changes with Sinhalese only votes using two-third majority or 50% majority. So far, none of the major political parties have a party policy about devolution of power.
alex / August 1, 2018
Dayan knows PC wont work in the future, for the same reason they haven’t worked in the past. They require the Sinhala South to allow them to work – i.e. they are not autonomous (they are unitary). In peace time there has never been political will in the South to permit them to work. Hence the search for a solution that guarantees autonomy.
Separately, I like how Dayan calls the Rajapakses ultra-nationalists as opposed to just nationalists – amazing considering just a few years ago Dayan whipped up populist Sinhala crowds against any progressive solutions, sharing the same platform as, and endorsing, the Rajapaksas.
What is the exact relationship with the Rajapaksas? Frienemies? Or perhaps there is a secret detente?
justice / August 1, 2018
Dayan’s ‘dream’ completely ignores the military regime which was prevalent even during CBK’s watch – and prevented Tamils from voting —
If Tamils are left alone instead of being ruled by an all-pervasive military which robs them of their lands, homes, livelihoods, businesses, places of worship, occasional arrests, killings etc., there will be peace and contentment under the present provincial council regime.
The Buddhist clergy too contribute to the alienation of Tamils.
Kumarathasan Rasingam / August 1, 2018
Before the country was prospering competing with Singapore – the racial power hungry dirty politicians ruined the country – it is shocking to note the Buddhist clergy instead of preaching Lord Buddha’s teachings preached hated and poisoned the minds of the Sinhalese innocent honest people who lived peacefully side by side in all parts of the country.
Now to much damage has been done: Tamils can survive under a separate state for them which is legal and reasonable – before the British amalgamated the Tamils homeland and Sinhalese homeland for their easy administration there were to administration during the Portuguse , Dutch and Tamil Kings rule. For the justification for a independent homeland for the Tamils please read the article for detailed information etc.
sach / August 1, 2018
Singapore has taken steps to prevent ghetto areas in S’pore. It is in its law. If SL had the same thing, Tamil separatism would not have occured at all.
Native Vedda / August 2, 2018
“Singapore has taken steps to prevent ghetto areas in S’pore. It is in its law.”
Could you cite chapter and verse of the law.
“If SL had the same thing, Tamil separatism would not have occured at all.”
The entire country would have been converted into a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto exclusively for the fascists.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 2, 2018
Sach there is China Town for Chinese, Little India for Tamils and Geylang Serai for Malays, where each community have there shops and cultural monuments. There is no restriction for anyone to settle anywhere, even if they belong to one ethnic group. Singapore was a Malay fishing island called Temasek in which others have settled within last 150 years. In Sri Lanka Tamils have been living for centuries even before the advent of Sinhalese as an ethnic group. If you do not want Tamils to be spread all over the country, then Sinhalese also should be spread all over Indian sub-continent from where they came. Had steps been taken to prevent Sinhala ghetto areas in Sri Lanka, Sinhala nationhood would not have occured at all.
Punchi Point / August 2, 2018
Sankaralingam and his most dumb arguments. This is the island of the Sinhalese. Sinhalese originated and formed in this island from primitive tribes in prehistoric times, and the Sinhalese state formation was here, while the Tamils who had achieved nationhood and statehood in Tamilnadu came here and settled here by slaughtering and ethnic cleansing the Sinhalese, in relatively recent times. Your Raja Raja Chola boasts how he killed the Sinhalese in his inscriptions, besides the ruins we see in the north and north central area where all the ruins spell out destruction by violent forces.
The Tamil kingdoms were in Tamilakam, and not anywhere in this island. If Tamils have been living here before the Sinhalese, you most certainly would not be speaking the same language as the language of Tamilnadu, and you will show some linguistic convergence with the Veddas and also even a slight genetic admixture with the Veddas. You can’t compare your pathetic immigrant diasporic community of invaders, mercenaries and settlers brought from Tamilnadu to the Sinhalese people. I hope Tamil fanatics understand how dumb it is to speak the same language as the people in Tamilnadu, have the same caste system, religion etc and share the same culture and literature as in Tamilnadu and claim that you have been living here for 2500 + years. If that could happen then your community is truly an anthropological and linguistic wonder of the world. Mysteriously you guys managed to hide for all those millennia too, because nobody had ever heard of an Tamil kingdom here ever. Not even the socalled Jaffna kingdom which was established in the late 13th century was ever considered an authentic kingdom even by the Tamils themselves, as it was nothing but a Pandyan occupation.
Native Vedda / August 2, 2018
Punchi Point
With Punchi Brain and punchi willi.
“This is the island of the Sinhalese. “
How so?
FYI there was no nation either in Tamil Nadu or in this island. The idea of nation wasn’t around until the late 18th century and it was not (un)popularized in this island until 1948.
Use your brain if you have one to research and learn new discoveries, start with the question of why you and your fellow bigots remain stupid and make others feel inferior with your lack of knowledge and information.
Even die heart racists soma, Hela, Champa, sach, Jim dimwit softy, …………….. are not only willing to learn but actually they have been improving their knowledge albeit from a very low base and slow pace.
Any improvement is better than no improvement.
This is a forum for learning, bettering one’s wisdom, sharing knowledge, ….. debating, exchanging ideas, and acknowledging mutual respect for the learned, (learned is completely different from educated), ……………………..
If you want to recite and play the old cracking record please take your gramophone and go to Galle Face.
The world has moved on from your gramophone days to …………………………. iPod shuffle, SanDisk Clip Jam, Apple iPhone, MP3, …………..
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / August 2, 2018
Punchi Point you are contradicting the Mahavamsam fairy tale that Sinhalese are purely descended from North Indian male immigrants and their Pandian Tamil harlot wives. If Sinhalese are descended from local primitives ( or primates) who were they and what language would they have spoken? Well the these so called primitives would have been ancient Dravidian tribes speaking a form of proto Tamil now called Elu. The Naga and Yakka . So you admit the Sinhalese are descended from Dravidian proto Tamil speakers? This is the reason the father of the king who converted Buddhism had a pure Tamil name Mootha Sivan meaning venerated or the great Siva in Tamil. The Sinhalese title Mudiyanse ( venerated )is derived from the Tamil word Mootha meaning old or venerated an old or venerated person in Tamil is still called Muthiyan. A language called Sinhalese only came into existence around the 7AD , All these Tamil invaders and immigrants from South Indian all assimilated into the Sinhalese identity, as 99% of these were centered around the south of the country and the Sinhalese DNA proves this. There is no where in any history of any record of Sinhalese packing their belongings and moving
en masse from the north and east and Tamils from South Indian moving into these areas. Even your Mahavamsa fairy tale constantly speaks of Tamil lands and Tamil people, kings and chiefs to the north and east of the island. The so called primitive Dravidian tribes that converted to Buddhism and evolved as Sinhalese in the south of the island , largely did not convert to Buddhism in the north and east and remained Tamils. Stop posting fake history from Lanka Lies or from other Sinhalese extremist sites.
Ajay / August 1, 2018
Dr. Faust’s plan seems to be to wear down both sides with this endless stream of abstruse diagnosis and prognosis. Who knows? May succeed in pushing the nuts on both sides to work something out at least to escape this nightmare.
K.Pillai / August 1, 2018
Dayan Jayatilleka:
We have to choose between two baddies. You said otherwise. Bond issue is the one and only scam. This time you are not quite that explicit. Here you are again blaming Tamils for our misery not the language/religion-divide.
Your comment that SWRD B “……..wasn’t enough of a Nehru……….” was tongue in cheek I hope. Surely not on par with “Gnanasara is not quite a Buddha yet”.
Those who followed the SWRD B assassination trail came to the conclusion that the abrogation of the BC pact was a distraction. SWRD B tried his temporary fixes – in this case to bring sanity to Buddharakeertha ambitions. Somarama was an easily manipulated fool. Buddharakeertha encouraged by the 1958 pogrom thought that another pogrom may result and in the confusion he could become the ruler and live happily ever after – initially with Wimala (albeit part time).
Time for lateral thinking Dayan.
m / August 2, 2018
” Api Kavuruda? – The Constitutional Gamble & The Idea Of Sri Lanka “.
Everyone may know of Mechanized wars the countries fight within them. Then the diplomatic wars, cold wars, cyber wars……….are some other wars. These days Lankawe is fighting a skunk spray war with IC, using its smelly Appa diplomacy. Thero like diplomats are masters in this Skunk Spry Appa Diplomacy. Thero had served in UNHRC and France during controversial times. He was selected to go to Russia as the Ambassador by New King. 104 signatories, notably Women NGO accused Thero as an anti-human right crusader and defeated it. Thero is noted for his anti-human rights and anti-Tamil propaganda with his lowest moral conducts.
The constitutional gambling of Yahapalanaya (pervious governments not in this comment) has many different dimensions. We cannot travel on all of those planes in comment. This comment is about one that connects the UNHRC. Locally Yahapalanaya’s constitutional gambling is known as “Secret Solution”. The name was earned because of the Yahapalanaya’s evasive stand of not to talk about it within Sinhala Majority, while it needs a referendum and Sinhalese approval.
IC wanted a power change in 2015 Lankawe. They brokered a deal with TNA to support their candidate, promising to press Sinhala government to alleviate Tamils’ problems. But their candidate’s team feared associating with Tamils would unite the all 75% of the Sinhalese against them. In addition, though they were promising to IC and TNA’ leadership of alleviating Tamils’ problems, it was only a trick to get Tamils votes, not sincere one. During the election time, TNA released a statement saying it had struck a deal with Yahapalanaya so the Tamils had to vote to Yahapalanaya. Yahapalanaya denied existence any such deals, out rightly. The reason for the denial was that time, yet to be born, Yahapalanaya didn’t have the courage to falsely give TNA a promise to resolve Tamils’ problem, while IC witnessing.
Mallaiyuran / August 2, 2018
But Yahapalanaya quickly soothed down IC and TNA that the South would not like solving the Tamils’ problem, so they don’t want to accept it in election time, but they will work on it latter. TNA ok-ed to this treachery. In the election Yahapalanaya promised “No leader, No Commander, No soldier “would be prosecuted. No words to Sinhalese about Tamil’s constitutional solution. Then second time Yahapalanaya promised to IC to take care of Tamils’ problem after the Sep, 2015 election, but didn’t wanted to talk about it in election. In October 2015, the Resolution 30/1 got written as an agreement from Yahapalanaya, not mentioning any specific, but conduct and inquiry into war crimes and resolving the Tamils’ problem with Constitutional change. Once it had properly seated, by the end of 2015, Yahapalanaya denied any promises. When reminded of Resolution, it discounted the “Foreign” means Lankan Nationals living in other countries, so it would have an inquiry, eventually. When pressed hard, it said if UNHRC let go the demand for war crime inquiry, it will amend the constitution and resolve the Tamils’ problems. But still it denied talking in the South of its plan to change constitution to solve Tamils’ problem. The standoff of Yahapalanaya’s refusal to campaign in south to Change the constitution to give Tamils’ right earned the name that as the Secret Solution.
In March 2017 Lankawe demanded from the new American Administration to repeal the Resolution. America gave another two years extension instead repealing. By the end of December 2017, Lankawe had successfully completed all preparation it wanted and in March 2018, it threatened to withdraw from UNHRC. But unexpected rivalry stemmed out in ruling coalition has caused Yahapalanaya to revisit the Secret Solution again. Otherwise, Yahapalanaya was thinking, with all the maneuvering it was doing in the LG election time, by March 2018, Secret Solution and war inquiry call would be permanently silenced.
Mallaiyuran / August 2, 2018
The media is reporting that the new Acting American Ambassador assured to CV, NPC CM that America will continue to support the resolution 30/1. The resolution was brought in by America with other three nations and Lankawe. It was not a conclusive, self-contained, cut & dry resolution. It has so many loopholes to Lankawe to slip through. It was not based on OISL report, mainly prepared for that purpose. OISL had accused past & present presidents, many past & current ministers and army personals as War criminals. But the resolution completely ignored that International Experts’ opinion and asked Lankawe to start afresh an investigation. It is well known, in Lankawe, for Tamils, there is only Sinhala Jury Only Verdict exists. The resolution did not refer even in preamble the earlier UNHRC’s failed IIGEP supervision on Udugama Commission’s murder investigations. Further, it had not recognized or ratified the existing three reports of UN, named as 1. Expert Panel report, 2. Internal Inquiry Report and 3. OISL’s withdrawn report. Now all witnessing and other efforts lost. Earlier, Lankawe and its representative Thero had defeated Canadian sponsored resolution. It took almost five years to bring in this highly compromised resolution and have it passed. Now America is no longer in the UNHRC. That is a concern for Tamils and NGO’s involved. Though four years were given to Lankawe to implement the resolution, because of the loopholes built in by UNHRC, Lankawe is needed not to implement this resolution. There is no loss clause attached for Lankawe for not implementing this. So Lankawe boldly used these four years to strengthen the commercial and military ties with China and Russia to protect it from any international Trade, Military and Political sanctions take place. Lankawe worked on trident deal to protect it from being forced submitting to the resolution.
Mallaiyuran / August 2, 2018
The Three prong of the trident are
1. Prong one: Extraordinarily beneficial trade deals to China so China will be obligated to use veto in UNSC and block any sanctions for violating international human rights.
2. Prong Two: Working with China to build up its military might in Indian Ocean. This will force other countries, especially India to bend to Lankawe, to keep Chinese presence minimum in Indian Ocean. Other option will be India being forced to encounter with the Chinese submarines in Lankan waters.
3. Prong three: Protecting Lankawe’s economy from Western Sanctions. These like not simply being prepared to lose GSP+ or other trade favoritism, but even from Food, Oil, like other import restrictions.
Unlike earlier Chitanta government, new Yahapalanaya government has successfully fine turned strategically its resources to defeat the Resolution 30/1. It has used the last four years precisely to prepare to survive if sudden tsunami strikes on from Resolution 30/1.
It is not being easy job for Smart Yahapalanaya too. Lankawe’s export to West is $4B. But to China it is only $.25B. Lankawe import $3.5B from China. This is not connected the loan account. Even after another 25-30 years, Lankawe is not going to have any real source of export that will give a reasonable turnaround of the imbalance Lankawe has with China.
Beyond the Skunk Spray Aappa Diplomatic war and three prongs deal with China, Lankawe uses corruption to influence the International diplomats to side it with it. Other than G. Parthasarathi, all Indian diplomats got involved in Lankawe were accused of colluding with Lankawe in return for monitory benefits. The Indian embassy’s van drivers in Colombo to Ministers like Chidambaram, Krishna, and Mukherjee all are included. Diplomats like Shiv Shankar Menon, Narayan, Nambiars, Nirupama Rao all are connected into these hidden dealing.
Mallaiyuran / August 2, 2018
It is not ended with India, but two of the British MPs are recently punished in connection with Lankawe’s corrupted deals. Lankawe illegally tried to settle a Lankan minister nicked named Karuna in Britain, too. There are suspicions on Lord Naseby too. Lankawe’s Udayanga, a Russian – Ukraine Ambassador, is connected with racketeering, involving both governments. Jaliya has been doing this in USA. Under Obama administration, Officials & reporters were investigated for bribing. It is said China had punished a senior engineer worked on Nuraicholai Project for unknown crimes, including inefficiencies. In France, there was a murder committed by Lankan government on Tamils. For unknown reason, Paris police did not complete this investigation. In Australia, their navy revealed information about Lankan Royal families smuggling refugees, but it was Australian government who gave money, Kinds and gifts to Lankan Royal family to suppress this case. In New Zealand, 85 Lankan students are caught with fraudulent Bank statements of $15,000 money deposits. Neither Lankan government nor banks are punishing anybody involved in that. (Compare this with Kilinochchi Tamil Bank Manager lighted a lamp for Anniversary, lost his job. Because this is a new case, we need to come to know about this.) In Brazil, under Universal Jurisdiction, a case was filed against a Lankan Criminal. Personnel from Brazilian police tipped the man, instead of arresting him, so he ran away. The NGO leading in that has not said anything about Bribe. But, after that, Lankawe put a hold to importing sugar saying drugs are smuggled in those sugar cartoons. Almost all Three Languages Colombo Media wrote the Ship deal with Russia is fraudulent and connected it with New Royal family. Lankawe is heavy using corruption to defuse the resolution 30/1.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 2, 2018
British government is well aware that Lord Naseby had received perks from SL government in the past and is still continuing to be their darling. But he is a lord and therefore does not come into the same category of MPs who received perks and not disclosed it. British government simply ignores this nosey boy and his antics.
Eagle Eye / August 2, 2018
If Lord Naseby said 150,000 Demalu were massacred by SL Armed Forces, he is no longer a ‘nosey boy’.
Eagle Eye / August 2, 2018
Sri Lanka, we have Yapanaya Demalu; Tirikunamale Demalu; Madakalapuwa Demalu; Wathu Demalu (in the Central part) and Pickle (mixture of all) Demalu in Coloimbo. Then we have Demala speaking Muslim Demalu scattered all over the country. Can these guys who talk about a Federal solution to Demal problem tell us how a Federal solution is going to solve the so called ‘Demala problem’?
There is another dimension. In Yapanaya, high caste Demalu look down upon low caste Demalu. Yapanaya Demalu look down upon Tirikunamale Demalu. Yapanaya Demalu and Tirikunamale Demalu look down upon Madakalapuwa Demalu. All Demalu in North and East look down upon Wathu Demalu. All In Hindu Demalu look down upon Muslim Demalu. Will this ‘looking down’ mentality disappear as a result of a Federal Solution?
K.Pillai / August 2, 2018
Recently the Mahanayakas refused to accept a Governor. Why? Because of caste consideration. NP accepted the man.
Your tirade against federalism is very poor eye-sight. Look across the Strait. The Sikhs are found all over including the Indian Armed Services.
If you do not want to look that-a-way, look at your best friend Australia.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 3, 2018
Eagle Eye AKA Edwin Rodrigo, Tamils are asking for the sovereignty over their lands which Portuguese took from them forcibly and British failed to return. Unfortunately there is no backers for this and that is the reason why Tamils are demanding to grant this without division, which has been accepted as fair by international community. Just like there is area division among Tamils there is area division among Sinhalese. Up country Sinhalese look down upon low country Sinhalese. Among up country Sinhalese, those in hilly areas look down upon those in low lands. Among low country Sinhalese, those in western province look down upon those from southern province. (They say that even a cat south of Bentara ganga cannot be trusted). Govigamas look down upon Karawas and Salagamas etc.