13 February, 2025


Arabified Muslim Bombs Ticking Under Ranil’s Chair

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

The shock of the Easter Sunday bomb blasts shattered within minutes the comforting beliefs of a nation that had settled down to recline smugly in peace for generations to come. Lulled by the sense of security that restored confidence in the dawn of a new era at the end of Tamil Tiger terror in May 2009 no one expected Muslim bombs to blast our faith in a non-violent society fought and won in a 33-year-old war (i.e., from the declaration of war in the Vadukoddai Resolution in May 1976 to Nandikadal in May 2009). The impression created before Easter Sunday was that the nation was moving towards reconciliation and peace. Ranil Wickremesinghe-NGO combination was marketing “reconciliation” as their latest trump card to publicise their brand of politics as a great success. Consequently, the word ”reconciliation” tripped off the lips of all the political pundits to explain the good, the bad and the ugly in the Yahapalanaya regime. It is a word that gained currency at national and international levels to justify the betrayal of the overall national interests to the extremist demands of the minorities. In fact, Muslim extremism gathered momentum under the soothing cover of “reconciliation”.

Ranil-NGO combo believed that their much-publicised programme of “reconciliation”, like the flopped Sudu Nelum Movement of CBK-Samaraweera, or the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) of 2002, had restored normalcy and stabilised the nation. Anyone opposing their failed politics was accused of sabotaging “reconciliation”, or being provocateurs of racism. Even the EU is justifying their attack on the local media by accusing the latter of harming “reconciliation and peace”.

They accuse the media of provoking incendiary racism ignoring the explosive ground realities, as revealed in the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC). The grim reality is that there was no need for the media to demonise the Muslims. The Muslims had done it themselves by going along with the suicide bombers, wittingly or unwittingly, not expecting the ideological fanatics to go the extreme of pressing the button to meet instantly the 72 virgins in heaven by creating hell on earth. The Muslim leaders had been a part of the process of establishing brain-washing madrassas that mushroomed in every available nook and corner, along with the importation of hundreds of radical preachers inculcating politicised Islam to make Sri Lanka a part of the global caliphate. They prepared the ground for Zahrans to emerge and grab power. Predictably. when the non-Muslim majority reacted, as any majority would, to the violent and destabilising consequences of such radicalisation the blame came down on them for violating the rights of minorities. In other words, in their book of values and rights only the minorities have rights. And the only right of the majority is to accept the right of the minority to violate whatever rights that are left for the majority.

The media, for instance, doesn’t have to provoke anti-Muslim hatred at all. That work was done with precision inside the madrassas by radical preachers and outside in the electorate by multi-billionaire Zahran and his terrorist gang. Following their terror attack on Easter Sunday the Muslim witnesses at the PSC exposed the machinations of rival Muslim sects fighting each other and propagating extremism and intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic hatred. When the groundwork was done, with the state looking the other way under the pressures of the Muslim leaders and the Muslim leaders going on their bended knees to suck up to Zahran and their Arabic agents abroad, media didn’t have to cook up stories against the Muslims. PSC has heard enough and more stories of Muslims demonising their rival Muslims. The role of the media is to report those stories. And if Islamaphobia has reached a new level of intensity, which is inevitable given the horrendous slaughter of Christians at prayer, it is stupid to blame the messenger.

Without anyone’s help the actions of the Muslim extremists were sufficient to generate instant antagonisms against the whole Muslim community. Take, for instance, the role of M.L.A.M HIsbullah, the former governor of the Eastern Province. His attempt to spin yarns to cover up his tracks is hilarious. His record indicates that his political goal was to exploit the rising Muslim radicalism to be the new Muslim messiah in the East, with prospects of rising to be the first caliph of Kathankuddy. In one way or another the Muslims leadership was giving a nudge-and-wink to Islamic radicalism hoping to gain by riding on the back Muslim fanaticism to power. The Muslim leaders did not gather round Zaharan merely to get a share of 2,000 odd votes, as stated by Hisbullah. They were at his feet to benefit from the rise of radical Islam as a political force to confront the state and the Sinhala-Buddhist majority. It was when politicised Islam backfired on them on Easter Sunday that they tried to distance themselves from Zaharan. Now that Zaharan is not there they are quite brave in denouncing him.

The Arabification of the East was the first step. Either through acts of commission or omission Hisbullah had thrown his weight behind it. But he fronts up before the media and the PSC pretending to be the much misunderstood Sri Lankan patriot who is vilified for discovering the science of cooling the sun-scorched earth in the East by planting date trees.

So who is provoking racial antagonisms? Is it Hizbullah saying that the global Muslim community will drop everything and come rushing to save the Muslim minority from the Sinhala-Buddhist majority? Or the media reporting it? In any case, if the EU has any evidence of the media inciting racial hatred it should take the case with substantial proof to the Press Council instead of regurgitating the bull dust fed to them by the NGOs they finance for their benefit. Why is the EU rushing into places where knowledgeable angels fear to tread? Reconciliation and peace cannot and will not come because EU blames the media. It is merely using the current jargon of “reconciliation” in the absence of substantial evidence. It is the buzz word of “reconciliation” that has become the sword and the shield to cut down the Sinhala-Buddhist majority and defend their anti-Sri Lankan politics respectively.

Ranil, as usual, has misread the subterranean forces undermining his euphoria. He is in the same smug, self-congratulatory mood that intoxicated him after signing the CFA with Prabhakaran in 2002. Then he thought that appeasing Prabhakaran was the way to end the war. Now he thinks that appeasing minoritarianism is the way to achieve “reconciliation”. But the history of ethnic politics has proved that the more you appease the minorities the more they escalate their demands and/or violence.

“Reconciliation”, in fact, has become a dirty word. In the post-Prabhakaran period, “reconciliation” has become a convenient tool to put pressure on the government to promote and extract concessions to the extremist demands of minorities. And the Yahapalana-ya-kos seems to be ever ready to go along with those demands, of course, in the name of “reconciliation” which means giving in to ever escalating demands. The Ranil-wing of the Yahapalanaya government was obliged to give in to the demands for one reason: the evidence of the former Governor of the Eastern Province, M. L. A. M. Hizbullah, has proved that the Ranil-NGO Yahapalanaya government rode into power with the votes and backing of Zahran Hashim. And Ranil hopes to do that again in the coming elections.

Hizbullah confessed that Zahran had the power to summon the entire Muslim leadership and dictate terms to them. The Muslim leaders signed an agreement not to even play music at their meetings. This makes it clear that at the peak of his of power Zahran and politicised Islam radicalism was the source driving Muslim politics in the mainstream. Either directly or indirectly the Muslim leadership was in cahoots with the rising tide of Islamic radicalism. And they rushed to Police stations to lodge complaints against Zaharan and the radicals not to save Sri Lanka but to save their own skins. They saw the radicals rising as a rival power challenging their supremacy. Radical Islam was a serious threat not only to traditional Islam but also to the power base of the Muslims in the parliamentary mainstream. The young radical Islamic Zaharans were emerging as a formidable threat to their vote banks. They rushed to the Police stations hoping that the state would step in and crush the Muslim youth gathering popularity and votes in the electorate. At the same time, they had no compunction in rushing to sit at Zahran’s feet and agree to his radical demands and even signing agreements with him. They wanted to have it both ways.

They not only wanted to plant the date palms but also eat the fruits of it. Islamic radicalism could not have grown to the peak of Easter Sunday without the blessings of the conventional Muslim leadership using their influence to anesthetize the state into believing that they were their “boys” who were merely toying with Chinese crackers. Of course, they did not go as far as the Tamil leadership that embraced the Tamil terrorists as their “boys”. But they were near enough especially with the funds pouring in from the Middle East to consolidate the power of radical Wahhabism. They joined heartily and became an integral part of the Arabification of the East. And there was a degree of pride in the Muslim community heading in the direction of Arabification. It meant abandoning the Sri Lankan identity and identifying totally with the Arabic identity. For instance, their argument at the PSC was that they had the right to learn Arabic to understand and study the Koran just as much Buddhists had the right to learn Pali to study Buddhism. Plausible, Indeed! But the fact is that Buddhist didn’t learn Pali to establish a Buddhistan. But the Muslims were learning Arabic to prepare for a Bagdhadidstan / caliphate, excluding all other communities. Conventional Muslims were content in going to Mecca and returning as Al Haj. But politicised Islam was bent on transforming the East into the first caliphate this side of the Suez. Sri Lanka was faced with the proverbial camel who crept into the Arab’s tent.
Ranil was responding to the Arabification of the East as if it was an anodyne variation of Buddhism. He was not inclined to confront the Arabification of the East because Muslims, by and large, were with him. His calculation would have been simple: a growth in Muslim votes would be a growth in UNP votes. It is, of course, a known fact that the mainstream Muslims were mainly with Ranil. And the Muslim leaders in his camp had the power to directly influence and manipulate Ranil.

According to Hisbullah’s statistics Zahran was in command of around 2,000 votes. But Zahran was more than that. He was gathering momentum and becoming a force to reckon with. It was a force that the Muslim leaders could not ignore. They were, of course, pushed into a position of kissing the hand they could not cut. Besides, Zahran power was not confined to votes. He had money. Tons of it! Police estimate that his asset amounted to Rs 7 billion. He had Rs 140 million in cash alone. In other words, National Thowheed Jama’ath (NTJ) had the resources to buy a majority in the Parliament at Jayewardene Pura, if they had planned to do so.

Clearly, the Muslim leadership had acquired enough power, through electoral and parliamentary votes and money – tons of it! — to manipulate the Ranil-wing at the core of the Yahapalanaya regime. They had aligned themselves to Ranil Wickremesinghe partly because he had enhanced his constitutional power after the 19th Amendment. The hidden agenda of this Amendment was to devolve Presidential power to the Premier’s office. Ranil was hell bent on transferring Presidential powers to the Premier’s office because he knew that his chances of becoming president are as great pigs developing wings to fly. And more importantly because the Muslims knew they could easily manipulate Ranil who was dependent on their votes to stay in power. There was a quid pro quo arrangement. You-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours was the name of the game.

The Ranil-wing was only too willing to let the minorities get away with their extremist acts and demands just to stay in power. Muslims could get away with raping the Wilpattu forests. Neither the President nor the Prime Minister knows who raped the forest to this day. In fact, the Ranil-NGO “reconciliation” programme was so successful that Mullahs were packing their Mosques with swords to cut grass! Ranil must have thought that it was the Muslim equivalent of Christians turning swords into ploughshares!

The Muslim leaders who are with Ranil can be categorised, to some extent, as proxies of Zahran. It is obvious that Ranil was under pressure from the Muslim leaders who were under pressure from Zahran. So “reconciliation” was another name for pushing the violent extremism of Zahran who dictated terms to the Muslim leaders. When Hizbullah told the Parliamentary Select Committee pointing a finger at former Minister Rauf Hakeem, who is now sitting as a member of PSC, that even he signed the agreement with Zahran, Hakeem could only wriggle in his chair and grin sheepishly, virtually acknowledging his guilt.

This is the tragic and pathetic state of power play in Sri Lankan politics today. Altogether they are wallowing in the same putrid swamp. The word “reconciliation” has lost its force and meaning because the minorities are using it as their tool to dictate terms to the majority. Reconciliation is a two way thing. But Ranil is using it as a one-way instrument to appease his Tamil and Muslim vote base and his Western and Indian partners.

This is his last gamble. On the one hand, he has lost his traditional Catholic base. The Catholic Church is coming out strongly against Ranil. Even his Cabinet Minister knew what was going to happen on East Sunday but no one informed the Cardinal who would have closed the Churches that day. More than that, Ranil has galvanised the sleepy Buddhist electorate which was reconciled to accepted “reconciliation” (Ranil’s version of it) as the next step. Ranil was also on high after his Supreme Court victory on the constitutional issue of the President sacking him.

Then came the Muslim bombs. Rightly or wrongly, it has blasted the image of the Muslims as a trustworthy community willing to live in peace with the other communities. More importantly, it has blasted Ranil’s chances of contesting as a candidate at the coming Presidential election. His image is aligned too closely with the Muslims. This image has magnified manifold in the post-Zahran days. Even sections of the Tamils too are not pleased with the rise of Muslim fanaticism.

But it is the instant and instinctive reaction of the majority to Easter Sunday that has sealed the fate of Ranil. Ranil and UNP are now at the same point as Sir. John and the decadent UNP was in 1956, facing S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike. Ranil seems to be aware of it. He is desperately trying to wrap himself round the national flag. The background to his TV appearances is covered from wall to wall with a row of Sri Lankan flags.

Can he fool the people with his optics? Can his cheap cosmetics beat the renewed power that radiated from the bed of Athuraliye Ratana Thero fasting at Dalada Maligawa? Ranil will try. But it is clear that another “1956” is on the way if the opposition can pick another Bandaranaike with national security, national identity and national prosperity on the agenda. .

Latest comments

  • 7

    The clock is indeed ticking for this ‘Wala Paya, Goda Paya’ now. Hope it will not be a Peaceful ending as he deserves more than that.

    • 1

      If there was infighting among Muslims themselves, shouldn’t that be the subject the media should be talking about? How did it turned into racial issue unless media with the help of extremists created such an issue?
      What is clear now is that media totally failed understand nature of infighting for dominance going on within the Muslim religion. Since such a conflict which frequently leading to bloody massacres of innocent people in the Muslim world outside of SL, could have the potential to reach SL as well, the duty of the media should have been to stay on the lookout for such development, if SL media is mature as they claim. They didn’t do it at all; instead, they took the easy & cheap emotional way out by portraying the political & business success of Muslim as a threat to S/B. They are still doing it! That is why we are attacking the messenger.

    • 4

      Yes, certainly for what he had done to the innocent and decent educated youth including undergraduates int the medical engineering fields etc., at torture chambers (what a crime) there’s no end, now signing agreements allowing foreign forces to invade the country… he’s a loose cannon at his dotage. End will be the same for his friends too

  • 20

    Are you now supporting Mahinda’s Pohottuwa or Sajith?We Muslims will always support The UNP whoever the Leader would be.Cant you see the hate created by the Mahinda golayas Weerawansa,Gammanpila,Rathnasara,and others.We could add you to the list.Why are you hating Muslims? We like to live in peace with other communities like we did for more than 1000 years.I am extremely disappointed with The COlOMBO TELEGRAPH for publishing this shit.

    • 10

      If Muslims en block are going to vote for one party the Sinhalese should vote for the opposite party.


    • 12

      Islamic infidel, if you want to live in peace, why did you kill 250 innocent people. Do not come out with your crap. without the support of a large section of Muslims, such as politicians, businessmen and officials, these terrorists could not have carried out these attacks. Muslims always had been treacherous. Only Portuguese knew about their true state and gave them the works. Since Zahran is dead and cannot defend himself, all Muslims are putting the blame on him and trying to escape out of the situation. Just because spineless, corrupt and power hungry Sinhala politicians of both sides want to cover this up, Sinhala people and Buddhist priests are not prepared to tow the line. Either do what you are told or face the music.

      • 5

        Here is an ardent follower of Wirathu, Buddhist terrorist, Muslim hater, and the man who started the genocide movement in Myanmar.

    • 5

      This writer seems to be a Mahinda-pala from the way he approaches a burning issue that affects the entire country.

      • 5

        He should change his name to Mahinda – Dasa (Lackey of Mahinda) in keeping with his efforts to promote his master.

  • 17

    Blind eye
    There are no bombs in Singapore. Lee Kuan knew how to run a multicultural country. He said he was going to model like Ceylon. So you know how ceylon was.
    What did the Sinhalese Buddhists politicians do? They did not follow Buddhism and they did not follow LeeKuan.
    Do I have to say any more?
    “Kurankin kayil Poomalai” – ask your wife to translate.

    • 6

      Blind Eye, Blind indeed! With public Tamil Racists like Sunda, Ponna bothers and Chelva the rabid Sri Lanka could never had a prosperous multicultural country. They have made it impossible for Tamils to live alongside the Sinhalese. Sad to see the Muslims resorting to murder as Tamils did. Hope they can avoid their own Waterloo or should I say their own Nandikadal.

      • 12

        lal loo

        You are back.
        Was it a profitable riots?
        You must be disappointed with low performance of your fellow aspiring Stormtroopers immediately after the Muslamist’s faith bomb.

        “Blind Eye, Blind indeed! With public Tamil Racists like Sunda, Ponna bothers and Chelva the rabid Sri Lanka could never had a prosperous multicultural country.”

        However the Public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala thought otherwise, he begged his followers to send Ponna Ramanathan to Great Britain to save Sinhala/Buddhist murderers of 1915 riots. Ponna went to London, saved some Sinhala/Buddhist a**es came back jubilantly.

        Now it appears Sambandan and Sumanthiran are behind the scene lending their support to the state to save war criminals.

        “Sad to see the Muslims resorting to murder as Tamils did.”

        Don’t push them too hard and far by your thoughts, words and actions, they are like LTTE networked all around the world. It appears they have at least 50,000 unemployed Jihadis at their disposal.

        “Hope they can avoid their own Waterloo or should I say their own Nandikadal.”

        It is never been their mission to win a war, simply bombing all the way to meet their 72 heavenly virgins. Therefore it would be useful if you kept your mouth and bum shut.

    • 6


      Lee Kwan was a wise man ! During the early years of his rule, Lee jailed the Opposition Leader and some MPs for making unreasonable demands. The Opposition leader in Singapore at the time was an ex Sri Lankan Tamil Lawyer by the name of Rajaratnam. The opposition MPs who were imprisoned by Lee were also SL Tamils. May be if Sri Lanka followed the example of Lee and put Chelvanayagam et al in jail, Lanka might have done much better!!

      • 4

        Edward Upali, your thinking seems to have been clouded by anti-Tamil bias. You have got the name wrong. It should be Jeyeratnam and not Rajaratnam. In fact Rajaratnam worked with Lee and was once deputy prime minister. The school of international studies has been named after him. There have been two Tamil presidents and several Tamil ministers including Shanmugaratnam last deputy PM till 30/04/2019. For the records Jeyeratnam was the first opposition MP elected to Singapore parliament in 1981 on a by-election defeating a Chinese government nominee. He retained the seat in 1984, but was unseated on being found guilty on a false charge, which was later quashed. He returned to parliament in 1996, but was again unseated as he was declared bankrupt due to inability to pay damages to government politicians for libel. He was deliberately harassed for being a socialist which is a blot on otherwise excellent record of Lee Kwan Yew. Had Sri Lanka put Chelvanayagam et al in jail, it would have led to a separate Tamil state. When Sri Lanka government could not put Prabakaran in jail due to international pressure, what do you think would have happened then.

      • 7

        Edward Upali

        “May be if Sri Lanka followed the example of Lee and put Chelvanayagam et al in jail, Lanka might have done much better!!”

        Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam was arrested a number of times on the orders of Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike, in June 1958 he was arrested and imprisoned and was placed under house arrest for several months along with other Federal Party leaders and supporters.

        Seriously, you ought get your facts right or if possible have your head examined.

        It is interesting those who ought to be imprisoned are out on the street all because they are patriotic smart Sinhala/Buddhist fascists including several saffron clad thugs.

  • 16

    A perfect amalysis of the Sri Lankan situation. Latest is Ranil wanted to ignore the demands of the protestors at Kalmunai and wanted to be a hero, but when his messages were carried through Sumanthiran, Mano & others, the people shouted them to go out. I think people knew about Ranil’s cunningness with Rauff Hakim. Ranil is also spineless and wanted to be with Rauff Hakim and Rishard Badurdeen without knowing their hidden agenda. Fortunately, the Buddhist priests were vigilant. The Tamils also knew that the CFA was a farce. But Ranil’s diplomacy of having another CFA will be a futile exercise. This is a national issue and the Muslims are a unreliable community when the recent developments have neen established beyond doubt. Ranil should not play with the lives of the people or with the sovereignty of the country. I have already written number of articles on the hidden agendas of the Muslim politicians.

    • 4

      Ayathuray Rajasingam, you said you know of the hidden agenda of Muslim Politicians so what about the hidden agenda of your politicians. We saw the suffering of Sri Lankans for nearly 30 years because of the hidden agenda of your politicians. God only knows for how many years we will be put into suffering again because of the hidden agenda of your politicians.

      • 5

        ralli hamid

        “God only knows for how many years we will be put into suffering again because of the hidden agenda of your politicians.”

        The politicians think they are too clever. Indeed they are clever dicks.
        You can see that from it from 1948 to date. Irrespective of their race(?), region, religion, gender, …. what is the end result of them having hidden agenda and being clever?

        Self Destruction.

        “God only knows for how many years we will be put into suffering again because of the hidden agenda of your politicians.”

        I am not sure if gods knows anything about the special breeds which are being born, bred and bent on destroying themselves, others and the country. Even if there is a god he is too busy with other things, wondering about much hyped and talked about, God’s Particle, Black hole, Quantum Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Pavlov’s Effect on Human Religious behaviour, …………… and maybe confused whether he (always he) ever revealed anything in the form of Tora, Bible, Quran, …. Gita, Das Kapital, Red Book, Green Book, Mein Kampf , The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, or yet to be published holy books.

        So please take time to ponder about your (god’s) contribution to the destruction and how to stop you (god) from continuing the “more of the same”.

    • 4

      Ayathuray Rajasingam, “Muslims are a unreliable community” – In fact Muslims are very reliable community to Sinhalese that is why they never supported the Tamil’s political agenda to Tamil terrorism to separate the country despite speaking the same language. There is a temporary disturbances between Sinhalese & Muslims, once Elections is over, everything is going to be back.
      If vigilant Buddhist monk are thinking of joining hands with Tamils who destroyed the country for 30 years, killed innocent Buddhist people in the south, killed monks & bombed their most sacred Temple of the Tooth, killed innocent 800 police men who surrendered to Karuna, and the feud is still not over with diaspora taking all possible chances to undermine SL at every turn….etc…etc… — Do you think MUSLIM & SINHALESE can’t get back to their relationship?

  • 7

    [Edited out] The ticking bombs that went off during Easter celebration and what may possibly go off in the future are all the workings of the Rajapaksa goddaya rascals. It has nothing to do with IS and all the clowns associated with them. Idiot, stop misleading people. We all know the bloody Rajapaksas are rogues and murderers.

  • 9

    Ha ha ha ha…… It is our Mahindu man! Back again!
    Izeth Husain is not in CT. So Mahindu has shown up here. The hybrid history is told in Izeth’s stories in CT. Very courage act from Keyboard Australian Patriot.
    A hybrid mule is mixed with Afghani donkey and Arabian horse!
    A famous laptop journalist, who was ardent defendant of journalist murders, is now back again.
    But he could not quote anything from jaffnahistory.com this time because this is about Kizhakistan Caliphate. Old Royal did not issue decree nisi to Bold Heads to open up kizhakistancaliphatehistory.com to back up Mahindu, so he is left alone.
    Let me tell some of those things that I read in one of that history.com opened up by Mahindu and maintained by bald heads. At the height of Mahindu’s servitude to Old Royals, it was Mahindu was putting saliva to fingers and counting the note bills to pay the Patriotic Muslims spies. He has now amnesia of what was happening in Old Royals when they set up Razick Kuzhu and Muslims Home Guards. When Rishard was paraded to Navy Heli to sit in it and direct destruction of Mannar Court, it was Mahindu carrying the umbrella to the lord until to board Heli. He won’t mention about it here.
    He is blasting and blasting Hezbollah
    Here is a record of Hezbollah he is counting what Tamils’ properties he illegally captured and converted Muslim earmarked properties. Every illegal action in that took place only in Old Royals time and the famous Lowyer Mahindu is the one converted deeds to Muslims.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=470&v=BvlSIOAkQ-w. Hezbollah showing his hand how he wiped out Tamil from their land and captured all of them during Old Royal’s time.
    Is that Mahindu took the Malaysian payments and shred with Old Royals or Old Royals took the Arabian Halal money and shared with Mahindu?
    A shameless idiot with a big mouth!

  • 9

    “And the only right of the majority is to accept the right of the minority to violate whatever rights that are left for the majority.”
    Yes minority should be treated as 2nd or 3rd class you meant in diffrenlly. You become old Without seeing all that discrimination, violence, hatecrime, looting, thretning to these minority, not even punishment by law, and law itself releasing masters of these organised criminals against humans existence.:-(

  • 4

    Further egging on the growing Islamophobia, this monk representing one of the highest orders of the Buddha Shasana in Sri Lanka, also implies he believes the younger generation will be infertile due to frequenting Muslim owned eateries.
    “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

    — Jesus Christ, English Standard Version (Matthew 5:38–39)


    In the Torah, We prescribed for them a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, an equal wound for a wound:

    — Al-Ma’ida Qurʾān,
    Message to all Muslims

    Do not boycott Sinhalese business places, follow God’s advice, patronize unless asked not to by the owners, if the staff give you bad attitude return it with a smile and a thank you.

    wear abayas and Hijabs and Jubbas and cap (those who usually do), especially when you go shopping in Sinhalese outlets so that you may be known as Muslims.
    As for the big Muslim businesses that are suffering from boycotts please follow Hamas(Borah Muslims), it won’t hurt to approach the dynamic Chairman of Hamas for advice .

    Trust in God and be patient and don’t get involved in politics ,If you believe sincerely God is the provider then he will to everyone, but as the saying goes ,God feeds every bird but does not throw their food into their nests ,so Muslims may need to come together and work together a bit harder and their portion will be provided.

  • 6

    90:10, 10% facts, 90% lies, typical of the race you belong to

    So HLDM, is a lying a virtue for you, do you get good karma for lying, did you read Robert Knox’s book on the cingulaya written almost 400 years, wasn’t he spot on, according to him, the cingulayas think of their low level of cunningness to be of high level of intelligence also he says they have no shame whatsoever in lying, was he correct?

    Does this sound a bell when you see most of the modern day cingulayas like you

  • 5

    Agree 100% with the content of this article. This is what Reuters reported from Vatican today:
    “The Head of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka on Thursday issued a scathing criticism of the Government over the Easter attacks that killed more than 250 people, decrying a total lack of interest” in determining why intelligence reports were ignored. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith spoke of his frustrations just hours before he was due to meet Pope Francis and show the pontiff a video with graphic images of the 21 April attacks on three churches and four hotels. The attacks were claimed by Islamic State militants. There was a serious lack of responsibility on the part of the Government,”
    The PM and the President are responsible and the international community should push them both to resign and hold elections immediately. That’s the only way to find out the truth behind these crimes against innocent Catholics and foreign tourists.

  • 8

    Here we go again. Rehashed garbage. Plagiarism and cut and paste efforts on display. This man was once a Lake House editor. What a disgraceful letdown for the term journalist.

  • 5

    Unlike his main Opponent at the next Election, who had to have a CGB after Zaharan and Ibrahim Boys Blood Bath on Easter Sunday , Dr Ranil seems to have got a new lease of Life with his Ticker now beating even better…

    Dr Ranil declared the other day that the Easter Sunday helped him to bring the Yahapalana Development to a record breaking Level even eclipsing his own 1994 Record.
    Dr Ranil also boasted the Easter Sunday helped his mate Mangala Samare to put 6 Million Baiyas on the Samurdhi. Dole.

    And Dr Ranil apparently told one of his closest UNP Heavies that he is going for the Presidency .
    And begged the mate to support him because this is the last opportunity for him to match his Dear Uncle and Mentor , Yankee Dicky’s service to our Lankawe.

    Dr Ranil even promised to turn the Kandy the Holy City which houses Lord Buddha’s Upper Molar in to a Koyoto..
    And told his mate that he will ensure Keselwatta Kid gets the PM Gig..

    It looks like nobody has told Keselwatta Kid about this latest development at Srikotha,’
    Otherwise the Kid would not have gone around yesterday boasting that the first thing He will do is give our Kids at least one nutritous meal at School plus a new Uniform each.

    Wonder why kids need free meals and free uniforms after Dr Ranil achieving so much after Easter Sunday?.
    BTW wonder whether Zaran’s Party will vote for Dr Ranil?…

    • 5

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      We know Buddhism is founded on Buddha’s teachings.
      Whose teaching do the Sinhala/Buddhists follow starting say from 1900 or so?

  • 2

    “no one informed the Cardinal who would have closed the Churches that day. “

    this is an important point.The rest of is mahindapala political drivel.That is why the cardinal is livid with rage.Now he has gone to visit the pope and before he left he lambasted the government for preventing the truth from coming out and covering the sequence of events that preceded the bombings.It is unbelievable when the indians informed that churches are the target,the government did not pass on this to the heads of the churches.Not only that the army commander says he also was not informed.is this the way a responsible government behaves.

  • 6

    You summed it up all:
    “But the history of ethnic politics has proved that the more you appease the minorities the more they escalate their demands and/or violence”


    • 5


      ““But the history of ethnic politics has proved that the more you appease the minorities the more they escalate their demands and/or violence”

      I am very very sorry to agree with you.
      HLDM brilliantly summed it up or slip of his shaky fingers.

      Fantastic he knows very well because he is part of the minority, the Sinhala/Buddhist noisy fascist ghetto suffering minority that I frequently mention in most of my observations.

  • 1

    Not even a word about Demalu.
    It is as if there are no Demalu left in Sri Lanka !

    Ranil for President,
    Sajith for PM.
    Let a new nation be born.

    • 3


      “Sajith for PM.”

      I do not know why Sajith is qualify to be elected as prime minister apart from his father’s contributions and popularity.
      Why not AKD for prime minister?
      Why not Sambandan for president?

      Why not KP for minister of defense?
      Why not Warakagoda Gnanarathana for Minister of Muslim Religious Affairs?

  • 2

    Native, you have really scared appe HLD aka Blind Eagle and he is shitting in down under, polishing cans of beer, thanks to Aussie Charity. He is even worried now that jihardist may locate him in down under for a chit chat. Then came Pen, who is advising Muslims to confront the natives openly while wearing their face cover and body cover. Further challenge to HLD. This Pen ? is another danger, it looks like. Confrontation is his policy. In Kalmunai Muslims don’t want a Tamil Division, for their very Muslim interest. So they are for game still. They won’t let go now. They have already been well and truly brainwashed to meet the impossible. Now Hizz-Bullah says that The Shariya uni is his private property. He has taken the modayas for a very very good ride. He is using Arabic to attract Arab tourists. Only this bugger can say this and also to our Modayas. What amount of courage he has. Another Muslim in kalmunai has said that if they accede to kalmunai north Secretariat blood will flow and it will be his life first. What a courage. It looks as if our natives have already lost the battle. Native modayas groomed Muslims against Tamils and now reaping the harvest. For Muslims, now Sinhalese and Tamils are their enemies. HLD get ready for a sunnathu.

    • 3


      “Another Muslim in kalmunai has said that if they accede to kalmunai north Secretariat blood will flow and it will be his life first. “

      I never thought there are people who could replace stupid LTTE fascists, stupid Sinhala/Buddhist fascists, ….. now you found one, should be enough for the time being to sustain the conflict until the now unemployed Jihadhi’s travel from all over the world.

      The problem is not with ordinary Muslims, it is like Tamils who were cowed down by gun wielding “boys”. I have known for years that various aspiring home grown Caliphs had social control over Muslim families through their men folks. The religious nutters covertly spying on every movement of members of Muslim families, usually give the man about the house some serious advice about his children’s behaviour, clothes that they wore, ……. their friends, love affairs, …. .

    • 2

      My dear you are poorly informed when you say “HLD get ready for a sunnathu”. You seem to be unaware that HLD is a Malay who had sunnathu when young, before taking up a Sinhala name. Look at his photo with Malay colour and facial features.

  • 1

    Mahninda Rajapakse’s excessive greed and unbelievable dishonesty became Ranil’s Success and just with 42 seats he is doing a Lot. Now, an Employee of USAID (CIA) is the adviser to speaker. Swindling the country is occuring in the open. Ranil doe snot have specific role. He talked about economy, Defence, finance, education and anything that make him popular. His PSC became real joke. His ministers and almost every politicians is talking issues and no one is talking about National policies. African countries are doing better than Sri lanka. Sri lanka likes t get compared with a city state. I heard Ethiopia is growing 8.5% this year. Since 2013, Sri lanka has a slowing growth rate and the govts do not know how to reverse it. We are sending women to the middle east, they say then we want a share of what is yours. so, they are islamizing the country. the same thing is happening with the oriental countries European countries come through UNHCR, co-sign resolutions and when Sri lanka gives some contracts to them the resolution goes under. Buddhists and bhikkus can not and must not talk because that hurts the feelings of minorities. So, the question is why do we talk separate ethnic groups. Every where it is the majority rules.

  • 1

    On 08 January 2015, Lankans changed the government. hey soon found out that the ‘Culture’ of corruption/nepotism/impunity was part of day-to-day life of both sides. However the new GoSL did try to disable the WhiteVans, reintroduce media freedom and the like. Under the old regime journalists who wrote what certain Lankans wanted to hear, prospered. Under the new GoSL, investigative journalists felt safe to wakeup from the pretend sleep.
    H L D Mahindapala is resorting to ‘What-some-want-to-hear-Journalism’.

    • 2

      Why the silence on the apathy, misdeeds and non-deeds of Sirisena, in this Article. Does the writer hold some brief for him?

  • 1

    Native, your riposte to Lallllooo is a real cracker. Still laughing.

  • 2

    The problem started with monks and will end with the destruction of monks.aluthgama/diggana/ampara – what goes around comes around.

  • 0

    The present situation in Sri lanka is as such, if 290 buddhists and bhikkus were killed and if 500 buddhists and bhikkus were maimed, people would not have talked this much. for years, muslims attacked buddhist pocessions and killed a few buddhists too. Everytime, sinhala-buddhists and bhikkus were accused and not thing was said about what caused that. Politicians knew and they were hiding around their security details.

  • 3

    Ahh! The RACIST Islamophobic PIG is back. Mahindapala, the bloody off shoot Malay ‘bugger’ who was shat into this world is still wrangling about Arabization. Wasn’t this country Indianized many decades ago with a heavy dose import of Indian culture, Hindhi movies, songs catchy bangra music, entertainment, shalawa’s, Sarees, Indian tops for women that introduced erotic designs to flaunt their bulging boobs and cleavage where Mahindapala can dive into their crevices to surfeit his perversion? Get lost you bloody hypocrite and RACIST PIG! What f;ing reconciliation can any government expect when we have those of your ilk that fuel the fires of ethnic tension?

  • 0

    “But the history of ethnic politics has proved that the more you appease the minorities the more they escalate their demands and/or violence”

    If not for a certain ethnic minority, Sri Lanka would be a Singapore today. Unlike India, most in Sri Lanka are not held back by caste. Similarly, Sri Lanka had women’s rights and a higher literacy rate long before China. Fundamentally, Sri Lanka is not at odds with the West; they share similar liberal values. So opening up the economy is simple, as JR found out. Unfortunately, the war occurred, there was a mass exodus of intellectuals, the resources of the country were devoted to the war effort, huge loans needed to be taken out, and government corruption increased in proportion to Tiger terror as various politicians took advantage of the pervasive fear psychosis.

  • 2

    Gnana, this HLD guy is a clean Portuguese parangiya from down south. His complexion similar to Mahinda and his Paula. In Down south Portuguese influence was high. But this guy thoght it is beneficial to pretend like a Sinhala. This is why this guy always scream about invaders. His ancestors must have been carrying clove and cinnamon to Portuguese ships. This guy just cannot be a Sinhala. His features don’t look like a Malay too. MR and Gotta paid Muslims, BBS and this guy to run a racist campaign from down under.

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