19 January, 2025


Promoting Anti-Muslim Hate: The Ignominy Of ‘The Fence Eating The Crop’!

By Mohamed Harees

Lukman Harees

Deep shame is reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight” – Martin Luther King

Hate is becoming mainstreamed. Walls – which tormented previous generations, and have never yielded any sustainable solution to any problem – are returning while bridges are being burnt down. Barriers of suspicion are rising, snaking through and between our societies. These trends do not make them safe: they make them weaker. Piece by piece, these mutually reinforcing trends are shearing off the protections that maintain our diversity, integrity, mutual respect, and provide the only fragile basis for peace. They are attacks on sanity. On a daily basis, we are witnesses to horrors of every kind around the world. Sri Lanka too is part of this sad story, with racism, religious hate and related violence too are undergoing revival. The past decade has been witnessing a sharp increase in promoting hate, violent sectarian as well as religious tensions, on the heels of an end of a bloody 30-year old war. When the reckoning is taken, the decision-makers in all Post-Independence governments will find their legacy being forever damaged by their failure, to take decisive action to end this terrible, and entirely preventable catastrophe of ethnic and religious divisions and conflicts and to provide courageous leadership to make this nation inclusive without playing to the gallery. But the good news is that this unfortunate trend can be reversed.

When people heard the extremely vitriolic and hateful speech made by the Chief Prelate of the Asgiri Chapter in Sri Lanka, Ven. Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana Thero, considered as one of the most influential and foremost authority of the Sinhala Buddhist community in Sri Lanka, they felt extremely sad and perturbed. It was not because, the Ven. Monk started something new; rather because the diatribes and venom of ‘stoning, alienating and boycotting Muslims based on canards’ came from no ordinary person or a rogue monk like Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thero or Ratana Thero who are known hate peddlers imbibed with an anti-Muslim hate ideology. It came from one who holds the onerous position of the Chief Prelate in a highest Buddhist citadel, which prescribes rules of Vinaya(disciplinary code) to the Sangha Order of his chapter, and one who is looked upon to enjoin good, and promote peace and harmony. It should be recalled that it was the Asgiriya Chapter which once said that they agree with the (hate) ideology of Gnnasara Thero, although disagreeing with his methodology. It was regrettable that the Chief Prelate gave up Buddha’s Maithri philosophy and became a proponent of the Angulimala’s hate doctrine. In short, the fence which is supposed to guard the crops has started eating them, to the nation’s disgust. He knew too well that he can escape punishment, as ‘some are more equal’ in this Dharma Dweepa , in the backdrop of a severe impunity crisis in Sri Lanka, especially when those in saffron robes are involved in promoting hate and instigating violence against the ‘other’. Neither anti-hate laws nor ICCPR Act can touch them. One of the most respected monks Ven Galkande Dhammananda Thero rightly said that the Bikkhus today are unable to be good role models, as their souls and character are wounded and polluted too. This trend should be arrested pronto.

It was about these types of hate peddlers in sheep’s clothing that Vishaaradha Nanda Maalini warned the people of, when she sang in her inimitable style and voice : ‘Waedhi bana maedhin- muni bana thoora asanu……/ Waedhi bana dhesana sangha ghana wuwa pitudhakinu’ .(‘Be careful to choose good speech over the glib (hypocritical) talk../ Even if such talk is coming from venerable monks, deplore them …’. This advice should be taken seriously, at a time when some of those in religious authority are appealing to baser instincts of the people. It is an irony that most of those who shouted from their rooftops in the ‘Easter Terror’ aftermath, that Muslims haven’t spoken enough against religious extremism have today gone mum when one of their top clerics has shamelessly spat out hatred and gone to the religious extremes. Has the media or politicians spoken enough against this hate speech tirade?

The Easter Sunday massacre was certainly a shocking tragedy. In the Post–Easter aftermath, the people of Sri Lanka showed admirable resilience and restraint, due to the matured leadership provided by Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith and also by the Buddhist prelates and leading monks, which not only averted a bloodbath, but also led to many initiatives for introspection, confidence building and reconciliation among the people already in extreme distress and fear. Cardinal Ranjith rose up as a real leader at a time of national calamity, and succeeded in consoling the hearts of his flock who were charged understandably with raw emotions. He was careful in pointing his finger away from making the entire Muslim community guilty by association. Instead, he rightly saw scheming forces beyond the shores of Sri Lanka and blamed those in power who were negligent in ignoring the repeated warning about these impending attacks. Many other leading members of the Maha Sangha too, took up responsible stances and stressed the imperative need to take the Muslim community into confidence to fight the menace of extremism, without repeating the historic blunders, as was seen during the days of Tiger terror.

What ultimately happened in the Post-Easter period? Two weeks after the despicable disaster, racist ghosts of Aluthgama and Digana re-emerged with all ferociousness, to hit at an equally battered community, which not only warned the authorities about the suspicious activities behind Zahran’s networks, but also later condemned and fully cooperated with the investigators to identify and dismantle the vicious network. Throwing away the sagacious advice given by the Cardinal and many leaders and responsible sections of the Maha Sangha to avoid stereotyping the whole community, Muslims today are being made to feel besieged, demonised and alienated, due to continuous hate-bashing, Media sensationalism and failure of the government to deal with impunity effectively. Muslims were being particularly targeted with arbitrary arrests. The provisions of ICCPR Act, were blatantly abused to witch hunt and jail hundreds of innocents on flimsy charges like the infamous ‘fake Dharmachakraya’ case and the case of a pregnant women who covered her face due to nausea. The classic case of Dr Shaffie has now taken several twists and turns and likely to be thrown out as unsubstantiated; but the damage has already been done by tar-brushing all Muslim medical doctors as evil. Exactly, this is what the hate peddlers and their political backers wanted by exploiting a tragedy for their evil ends.

Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has in many occasion in the recent past strongly criticized the on-going discrimination against and harassment of Muslims and called for decisive measures to safeguard everyone’s rights and with cultural and religious sensitivity. Many international bodies like the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, the Delegation of the European Union (EU), as well as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) too issued strongly worded statements expressing extreme concern about hate attacks, harassment and political and religious pressure being directed at Sri Lanka’s Muslim community in violation of the obligations under the international law, which is undermining peace and reconciliation in the country. To-date, these pleas have by and large fallen on deaf ears.

This dangerous game of alienation and demonization in all spheres will drive the Muslim mainstream, too towards extremism, which will be a national disaster, much worse than the Easter Sunday tragedy.  Today’s most vexing concerns have echoes and precedents all through history. The sooner the government take heed of historic lessons and make amends, the better for its’ people in search of a country where impunity is shunned and Rule of Law and justice governs.

History has taught us that hate speech, often dismissed as bigoted ranting or merely painful words, could also serve as an important warning sign for a much more severe consequence: genocide. Increasingly virulent hate speech is often a precursor to mass violence. The world saw how hate speech led to the Holocaust and how high levels of inflammatory speech preceded Rwandan genocide and the Bosnian war of the  mid-1990s. Since then, the ICJ Tribunal for Rwanda  has recognized the relationship between hate speech and genocide by trying the world’s first “incitement to genocide” cases, convicting radio broadcasters, a newspaper editor, and even a pop star for the crime. The world saw how the virulent anti-Muslim hate speeches and sermons of Wirathu ( branded as the ‘Face of Buddhist terror’ by the Time Magazine) led to the Rohingyan genocide. International analyst Alan Keenan saw this possibility in the abhorrent hate speech of the Asgiriya Chief Prelate as well, when he tweeted ‘ classic pre-genocidal language… the world can’t say they weren’t warned’.

In 1995 the ICC convicted Jean-Paul Akayesu, a former Rwandan bourgmestre—or mayor—for incitement to genocide after he  gave a speech that was immediately followed by massacres. Sri Lanka too saw semblance of this before the ‘Aluthgama anti-Muslim mini –Pogrom’, when the hate monk Gnanasara Thero gave an extremely hateful speech against the Muslims, which then started off a spate of hate attacks wreaking havoc on the Muslim community in the area. The hate attacks was supposedly in revenge for a so-called incident where some Muslim youths allegedly attacked a Buddhist monk Those youths were jailed while Gnanasara Thero was enjoying State protection. Four years later, Kalutara judge found there were no evidence to support that attack against that monk and discharged those youths. Even in the aftermath of the Easter tragedy, Gnanasara (who was jailed for contempt of court but later pardoned by the President) joined hands with another hate monk Ven Ratana ( who was on a ‘fast-unto death’)to intimidate and drive fear into the entire Muslim community. There was clear evidence of well-planned hate peddling backed by disgruntled political schemers; but the law enforcement did not apprehend them under any ‘hate’ laws or ICCPR against them. Neither was emergency regulations used to disperse the unruly crowds who even desecrated the holy precincts of the Dalada Maligawa. Impunity at its’ worst levels and double standards in the application of the laws!

Analysing these developments, a CPA Report (2016) states, ‘Political Buddhism has been linked to ethnic violence in both Sri Lanka’s pre and post-independence history. The end of the war in May 2009 saw the resurgence of Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-nationalism as a prominent force, the most patent instance of its link to violence being manifested in the June 2014 anti-Muslim riots in the country’s south-western coastal belt…Contrary to some interpretations that ethnicity has lost its power as a tool for political mobilisation, Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-nationalism remains a highly potent force. While the vast majority of Sinhala Buddhists embrace rationalistic values and are amenable to sharing power‘

‘The Buddhism that is practiced in Sri Lanka today is not the same doctrine that is said to have been preached by Gautama Buddha, but one that has undergone many waves of transformation. The involvement of Buddhist monks in politics following independence in 1948, in effect, transformed Buddhism into a highly politicised religion. Since independence, Buddhist interest lobbies have been active in politics and politicians seek the support of organised Buddhist groups as well as the clergy at elections and their presence at ceremonies. Similarly, Buddhist institutions too depend on the state, thus making the relationship a deeply symbiotic one’. This explains how racism becomes political tools.

Religious leaders are often criticized for spreading hate or not doing enough to stem religious violence. However, there are many exceptions. One of the key movers of the political changes in 2015, the late Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero showed how a Buddhist religious leader espousing core Buddhist values such as compassion and universalism can take Buddhist concerns seriously and yet act as a unifying force for all communities. Ven Mawarale Bhaddiya is another leading Thero who has been speaking the language of inclusiveness. In an era of turbulence and uncertainty, interfaith action can offer an important antidote to religious violence. Religious communities can and do offer a reminder of the core principles of our common humanity. The persistent calls for patience, tolerance, understanding, face-to-face dialogue and reconciliation are more important than ever, given today’s spiralling polarisation and the dangerous anonymity provided and hate peddling by the social media. Like-minded religious organizations and leaders of the stature of Rev. Cardinal, Mawarale Bhaddhiya Thero and Amhar Moulavi (of ‘Derana talk’ fame) should join hands to promote inclusiveness and inter faith understanding and help heal the wounds of war and violence, at this most challenging time faced by our nation. Sooner this initiative is undertaken, the better for the nation.

Latest comments

  • 11

    Why Buddhist priests?
    Look at Muslim extremists who spread hatred against Buddhism in their sermons and publications.
    How about Abdul Razick who intentionally distorted facts about Lord Buddha and Buddhism?
    First correct your people before point finger at others!!!!!!!!
    The equanimity, compassion and benevolence of Sinhalese Buddhists have been abused by Muslims for a long time.
    How could you find faults with Buddhists when they retaliate?
    This is not over, yet.
    I bet Sinhalese Buddhists will forget about all their differences and get together to elect a Sinhalese Buddhist President from their own votes.
    It is high time we defeat Muslim and Tamil extremism by unity, patriotism and wisdom.

    • 14

      “Why Buddhist priests?”

      This is a good point. The Buddhist priests always speak in the open. They are ready to debate. They were debating Christian missionaries in the 1800’s and 1900’s. Now they are debating Islam. This is not the case with muftis. They speak only in the mosque.

      • 8

        Harees, promoting hate is the hall mark of Koran. It says to treat non believers as infidels, kill them, burn their places of worship, tell lies when confronted with non believers. Are these not worse hate promotion than any one else in the world has ever attempted. Therefore put your house in order before pointing your fingers at others. In all Muslim countries there is hatred promoted against non Muslims. All these seem to be OK for you and you want only promotion of hatred against Muslims stopped. See what is happening in eastern province where Muslims are promoting hatred against Tamils threatening them of violence if anything is done against wish of Muslims. If that is not wrong, nothing else could be wrong. People of other faiths want Muslims to fall in line with the customs and practices of the country, which Muslims are stubbornly resisting. Do not blame others for what is happening when the blame is squarely on the Muslims.

        • 10

          You seems to be a hate peddler. To understand the verses you say promotes hate , you need to understand the context. They are verses revealed under certain contexts when Muslims under prosecution were compelled to fight . They are facts of history and not be followed by the Muslims outside that context. If the Muslims followed the line you are imputing, then do you think there will be any non muslims in muslim countries. Just don’t sit on your brains if you have one.

        • 1


          The way things are going, one of these days Gnanasara will become one of the Chief Prelates of the Dalada Maligawa. You can then rejoice!

          • 2

            Even better; Gnanasara for President of the country.

            • 1


              Will he then go after the Wahhabi-Salafies and Clones, who follow Satan, Devil, Mara, just like Ganssara, who follows Mara not Buddha?

        • 0

          Lanka Perera,

          When did you read the Quran?
          And where have you seen people being killed and other places of worship being burned and desecrated by Muslims..
          It is only Buddhists that have done this, without it being promoted in their religious texts.
          The problem is your imagination is going wild.

    • 12

      Don’t blame others. Buddhism has a monopoly on hatred in Sri Lanka. The main architects of 1983. The Sunday Sil Monday Kill Balakaya.

    • 7

      Lukman Harees’

      RE: Promoting Anti-Muslim Hate: The Ignominy Of ‘The Fence Eating The Crop’

      ” When the reckoning is taken, the decision-makers in all Post-Independence governments will find their legacy being forever damaged by their failure, to take decisive action to end this terrible, and entirely preventable catastrophe of ethnic and religious divisions and conflicts and to provide courageous leadership to make this nation inclusive without playing to the gallery. But the good news is that this unfortunate trend can be reversed.”

      Thanks for the article. “Religion is the Opium of the Masses” Philosopher ( lover of wisdom) Karl Marx.

      The core problem, is of course, not implementing the laws on the books to maintain law and order. The criminals get way without being charged, and the victims and the general populace lose trust in the system, and gradually lead to anarchy. The victims, take it upon themselves to defend life and property, because the state fails to do so.

      The situation made worse by letting the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” Monks run amok, commit crimes, and nothing happens, because the failures to implement the laws. Neither the Monk Orders, implement the Vinaya, the Monk Rules. So, the Para-Sinhala Monks are committing criminal acts, violates the Monk, Vinaya rules, and the grass earing populace. mean IQ 79, and the politicians prostate to them, saying that they are the 3rd Gem.

      What a farce. It is all about self-interest. None of these monks will achieve Nirvana or Nibbana. They will be burned, oxidized or rot after dearth. Those who [prostrate to these monks are real suckers, real imbeciles.

      What a Farce. T he Ulama are not much different. See what happened to the MMDA.

    • 7

      Mohamed Harees

      RE: Promoting Anti-Muslim Hate: The Ignominy Of ‘The Fence Eating The Crop’!

      T6hanks for the article.

      This is not something new. It is about Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhism, just like Para-Wahhabism, that is an Insult to the Buddha and to Islamism. They all follow Mara and Satan. Why did the LTTE attack the Monks and the Temple of the Canine Tooth? They identified the core problem.

      Want to know more?


      Buddhism Betrayed?

      With a Foreword by Lal Jayawardena

      This volume seeks to answer the question of how the Buddhist monks in today’s Sri Lanka—given Buddhism’s traditionally nonviolent philosophy—are able to participate in the fierce political violence of the Sinhalese against the Tamils.

      Read below, the chapters.

      Foreword by Lal Jayawardena

      1. Introduction: The Question
      2. The Period of Buddhist Revivalism, 1860-1915
      3. Politics and Constitutional Progress, 1915-1946
      4. Radical Monks and the Legitimation of Monks’ Participation in Politics
      5. The Betrayal and Restoration of Buddhism: Accusations and Remedies
      6. The Betrayal of Buddhism: Report of the Committee of Inquiry
      7. The Social Revolution of 1956 and Its Aftermath
      8. The Restoration of Buddhism and the Transformation of Education in the 1960s and 1970s
      9. The 1970s and 1980s: The Deepening Crisis
      10. The Mavbima Surakime Vyaparaya (MSV): The Movement for the Protection of the Motherland
      11. Monks and Violence Face to Face
      12. The Parameters of Buddhist Nationalism and Buddhist Democracy
      13. Epilogue: Sinhalese Identity: The Legacy of the Past
      Appendix: Testing Some Charges in The Betrayal of Buddhism

      • 2


        This is another attempt by a ‘Para-Demala’ person who could be a descendant of a slave brought to this country illegally by colonial rulers to tarnish the image of Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          Eagle Eye,

          Would agree with you that the Para-Sinhala, Para-Demalu, Para-Marakkalu, Para-Portuguese, Parangios. Para-Dutch , Para-English etc. have all made their contributions to the destruction of the environment and habitat of the Native Veddah Aethho.

          However, the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” are the greatest hypocrites, to claim that they are Buddhists, when in fact Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism” , is really a cult of MaRa, and should be called Para-Sinhala MaRa-ism.

          The Veddah Chief says that the Paras have turned the land into a cesspit. The monks have made their contribution. The imbeciles prostrate and follow them.

        • 4

          Eagle ‘Blind’ Eye, you got your eyes back in your arse :)

    • 2

      Yes, in democracy anything including bringing Hitlers to power is possible but you must also keep in mind the fact that being an extreme racist alone is not enough to run a country; a leader of a Gvt also must be intelligent, educated and be experienced. Above all, such leaders must respect HR of all citizens irrespective of their ethnic/religious background. That includes atheist like me who believe what late Steven Hawkins penned in his revised version of “A brief History of Time” titled “the Grand Design”, THE AGE OF PHILOSOPHY IS OVER! Here, what Hawkins meant by philosophy is religion(s).
      The question “why only Buddhist priests” is wrong for three major reasons: 1. Buddhism is the majority religion in SL; 2. Buddhist monks are expected to hold themselves to the highest level of civilized moral/ethical standards b’cos its founder Buddha practiced & preached such highest level civilized social ethics; 3. Buddhism, like any other religion or grand theory, does not belong to one particular race.

      • 0

        I shall make my reply brief.
        Who did you vote in 2015? Maitri or Mahinda?
        Did you apply your own logic when voting your choice President?

        • 3

          Wrong question! The right question should be about the expectations; not the choice of the candidate. My expectations have been the same but my choice of candidate never was perfect; and it never will be either. That is b’cos, in this world of various expectations among millions of voters, it is very unrealistic to expect any elected candidate to be be able to fulfill everything at once. In this world filled with misconceptions (people still believe in heavens & hell) I understand that the progress I expect can come only incrementally.
          The direct answer to your question is MY 3. He certainly didn’t turn out to be the person I hoped for but still the better choice than MaRa. I don’t have the illusion that, unless I go & do myself, my next choice will be perfect either!

          • 0

            In your first comment you advised me to keep in mind certain facts when choosing a ruler, without you being followed it first.
            Your second comment has negated your first comment. Thank you.
            About Buddhism, yes, the practice of Buddhism in Sri Lanka is unique.
            It is unique to Sinhalese Buddhists.
            There is no other race in the world who practice Buddhism like us, with our own unique rituals, customs and values.
            There is no other country or race in the world where Buddhist devotees listen to Dhamma and Pirith every day.
            There is no other country in the world where Buddhist devotees observe Sil every Full Moon Poya Day.
            There is no other country in the world where Buddhist temples, viharas, antiquities and monuments are protected and revered as much as Sinhalese do. I can extend this list more, if you want.
            The Theravada Buddhism, in its pure form is only practiced in Sri Lanka.
            In light of the above, we can legitimately call we are Sinhalese Buddhists. The practice of Buddhism in Sri Lanka is special and unique to Sinhalese.

            • 1


              You and some of your clergy are also murderers and law breakers!

    • 2

      Abdul Razik is not a religious priest. he is a graduate from Kelaniya University and he is just like all others publishing videos to social media as you know social media platforms pay for popular videos.

    • 3

      Sinhala Buddhist Politicians are like most politicians full of Poditricks; they are no different!
      Keep your foolish expectations low.

  • 13

    Still calling him VENERABLE? My foot

    • 9

      Abu Mukarram,

      “Still calling him VENERABLE? My foot”

      And the Para-imbeciles , prostrate to them as well, believing that they are the 3rd Gem

      What a racket! How low can one get with low IQs?

  • 5

    Sinhalayo know very well that the whole Muslim community is not responsible for crimes committed by few extremist terrorists. But the biggest problem Sinhalayo face is differentiating a Muslim extremist or terrorist trained to kill people belong to other faiths and an innocent peace loving Muslim.

    When Demala and even some Muslim writers write about ‘Black July’, they blame the whole Sinhala community although it was the work of UNP thugs. There were Muslims among them and Muslims were the main beneficiaries of ‘Black July’.

    • 4

      Eagle Eye,

      “But the biggest problem Sinhalayo face is differentiating a Muslim extremist or terrorist trained to kill people belong to other faiths and an innocent peace loving Muslim.”

      The Muslims too seem to have the same problem.

      The non-Buddhists have the same problem, too. How to separate the peace loving Buddha following real Buddhists from the fake “Buddhists”: Mata Following Monks and “Buddhists”

      “Religion is the opium of the masses” Philosopher (lover of Wisdom ) Karl Marx.

    • 3

      Eagle Eye,
      Wrong! The first response of people to incident like 21/4 usually is not racial hatred. It grows to such levels at a later stage only if someone or a group start to set an emotional opinion of racial or that nature. If you look back how events unrolled from 21/4, you can easily see that race/religion wasn’t there. It started to take shape only when media began to show things connecting Muslim mosques & traders to swords, military like clothing and a few weapons. Then came the primitive interpretation that Muslims were planning to attack each & every homes with swords. That was the most critical stage of the inception of racial violence. Even at that moment, the racial hatred would not have erupted if the media did try to sober things up with factual news. Instead they put oil on fire by spreading even fabricated news such as the story surrounding Dr Safi. Then came the inevitable: Opposition politicians, religious leaders of both Buddhist & Catholics began to play the game of racial hatred! I think that the media is the biggest culprit in making the terrorism of a small group into a race/religion conflict. They behaved in this manner b’cos of the simple reason: It became a golden opportunity for their anti- Gvt propaganda which was already the major goal.

    • 6

      Eagle Eye,

      The problem is, when UNP thugs were attacking, the Army/Police/Navy and all of them were looking on and you know who are in the armed forces of SL. This is not relevant only to Black July but all the riots by Singhalese Thugs against minority community. This is ample proof to show that most of the Singhalese are happy when the minorities are attacked and even the Govts turn a blind eye when these carnage take place, even under Emergency and Curfew and who is the Head of State, it is the Singhalese and they owe it to the minority community to protect them.

      Even the recent church bombing was allowed to succeed by the Singhalese Govt and most of the Police and Intelligent top brass including the Head of State, so that the Thambiyas can be whacked after that tragedy. Otherwise why on earth was this allowed to happen when so much information was provided by Muslims to the authorities. Just get up from where you are seated and allow the brain to function, so that you can have an objective look, at your race.

      I also had this feeling that only a few in your race are racists, but since of late you guys are proving me very wrong with your acts and scant regard by the police, army, judiciary and the legislature who are hell bent on applying two sets of rules, one for the majority and another for the minority. This is abundantly clear in the recent release of all marauding thugs in Minuwnagoda and other areas and incarceration of all Muslims, even for minor suspicions, not to mention Dr.Shafee’s arrest when he was arrested first and then issued a media release by Police to come and complaint against him. Where on earth will this happen except in the Singhalese Serendipity.

      Let us be little objective in our analysis, for that you need to walk about and let the brain on which you are sitting, function.


  • 7

    Agiriya SOB was sired in a drain.

  • 8

    monks rule till a civil war comes. then monks hide.

    • 1

      Yes when civil war comes, monks will hide because they are bound by Buddhist doctrine of Ahimsa. When Sinhala ranaviru come out, Muslims will hide. I hear that now itself many Muslim big talkers have gone into hiding pissing in their pants.

      • 4

        Who killed Mr. Bandaranayake, is it a Muslim. have guts and balls, to tell the truth. we Buddhist forgot the LTTE. We are so dumb to believe everything said on TV.

  • 0

    Nothng much to say, just Mad’rati and Taqiyya. Even Zaharan, just like Prabakakan, is innocent. Pabakaran was screwed up by Sinhala Mahavamsa mindset. Zaharan was wronged by bhikkus. No one can talk about Islamic terrorism in the world.
    Even before this, You all said, Digana attacks and Aluthgama attacks. but nothing about Katargama, Mahiyangna, Dambulla etc., How about getting married to women of other religions, sterilizing women, you tube clips available about the NAzirishtan in wilpatthu, digan Killings forgotten, Aluthgama beating the bhikku, and throwing stones to protest and setting houses on fire not mentioned.
    Even Zaharan was interpreting the Koran the way he wanted.

  • 4

    Politics in Srilanka becomes a dirty monster and it is going to erase Srilanka out of the world map. Opportunism played a significant role in destroying Srilanka for past seven decades. Today we see Buddhist Monks are speaking for Tamil rights in Kalmunai. If we look at the seen we see Karuna and Viyalenthiran are in front of the seen. What does it indicate? They are the one’s close to Mahinda regime. What made Mahinda to speak for Tamil rights? We all know in the past during Mahinda regime, Rishrad Badiudeen, Hisbullha, and Rauf Hakkem all with Mahinda against Tamils. You will never know when Mahinda and Buddhist Monks join hands with Rishard and Rauf Hakkem putting the blame on ISIS alone.

    • 0

      If these Buddhist monks and the likes of Karuna, Viyalendran are stepping in to exploit the disputes between Tamils and Muslims in the East to suit their agenda, then that is owing to the failure of elected Tamil representatives. They are busy proving their loyalty to their master, Ranil, that they have no time to listen to Tamil issues.

  • 1

    Jehan __civil war may come soon to Sri Lanka … 2020 is the year …
    Muslim ISIS against Azath Sally’s camp and the rest , Shiva Sena and Buddhist militamts against all Muslims and Tamil Catholics and Evangalicals .
    Same like Myanmar today ,but Myanmar is yet to have ISIS & Shiva Sena in..
    It has Large Catholic in karen state , evangalicals in Kachin state ,Buddhists militants in Rakeine and smaller ethinics groups in small pockets.
    It all depends who will come to power , if people make a wrong choice , it will be hush ha , Husha ha we are all fall down. ?????????????

  • 4

    I agree that hate propaganda is bad. It is the self-alienation by the Muslims who started this provocating actions in a calculated and systematic manner. Before speaking of interfaith action, has any religious leaders spoken the essence of life. In Sri Lanka it is common that religious leaders lean towards certain politicians. What happened when at the Thirukeswaram temple prior to Sivarathri Day. Even Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith was seen with Mahinda Rajapakse and Gnanasara Thero. Has any Muslims or Islamic religious leaders condemned the acts of destruction of statues of Lord Buddha and Hindu Gods and even of fake Muslims pretending to be assistant to Hindu priests and mysterious powder in Panjaamirtham or the destruction of a Hindu temple and putting up a fish market on it. Has any one of the religious leaders ever preached forgiveness. Has any Muslim religious leaders or Muslim politicians ever told that Muslims are not a race, but Sri Lanka Tamil speaking people. Now there is a national crisis of sterilization in all quarters, destruction of lives and properties, Sri Lanka’s heritage, degrading the value of the constitution, threatening the sovereignty of Sri Lanka and other democratic countries and utilizing Sri Lanka as a battle ground. Mention should be made that during Premadasa’s period, Muslims from Kesalwatte wore Buddhist saffron and staged a march to disrupt the meetings of Lalith Athulathmudali and Gamini Dissanayake. Do not blame the Buddhist clergies totally. Though I do not agree that stoning of Muslims is correct, they have been compelled to speak to avoid Muslim shops and restaurants. As a Hindu I have moved with a large number of Buddhist priests and found to be good-natured and helpful. When Tsunami occurred in Sri Lanka I have seen the Buddhist priests searching for people and consoling them and providing meals. The blunder all of us made was the failure to win the confidence of the Buddhist priests.

    • 3

      Which end are you talking from as a Tamil?. Don’t you have a shame to side with the hateful Bikkus who insulted the Tamil nation? Now you are bedding with Ratana in Kalmunai and the North . You shameless fellows! It will be the unity of the Tamils and Muslims which should happen to defeat Sinhala Buddhist supremacism.

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        The unity of the Tamils were shattered by the selfish Tamil political leaders. I have been living with the Sinhalese for years. I am not against Muslim politicians either. A.C.S.Hameed and Ahamed were some of the Muslim Parliamentarians of exceptional characters who never had any hidden agendas. For your information, when there were Buddhists in their place of worship, the Buddhist priests had taken me inside the altar and explained in a friendly manner which I never expected at Ratnapura, Matara, Kataragam and in some places in Kandy and Anuradhapura. We all had healthy discussions. Likewise the Sinhalese were very friendly when we were in the team. They have never done any harm but encourage me. What is vital is religious harmony among all races like in Malaysiya and Indonesia. It is always better to win the confidence and command the respect of others. Luxman Kathirgamar did the same. Unfortunately some stupid people has shot him dead without realizing his value. Whenever any one comes forward to bridge the gap among the communities this is what happens.

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      Moors are Tamils by race.
      I would mention also the name of Mr. Simon Casie Chetty, who was a Member of the Legislative Council of Ceylon for some years since 1838, and whose opinions are recorded in his Gazetteer. The editors of the Ceylon Obnurver, in their issue of December 10, 1885, said, ” We believe that fully 80 per cent, of the Muhammadans of
      Ceylon are Tamils.
      And Mr. A. M. Ferguson, C.m.g., who has lived and laboured in Ceylon
      for over fifty years, speaking at a meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon
      Branch, held on January 26, 1888, observed, in reference to the Paper read on that day, as follows :—” The obvious reason why the marriage customs of the Muhammadans were mainly Tamil was due to the fact, that most of the proselytes made by Muhammadans in South India and Ceylon were from the Tamil race.”

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      To sum up. It has been shown that the 185,000 Moors in the Island fall under two classes, “Coast Moors” and “Ceylon Moors,” in almost equal numbers; that the “Coast Moors” are those Muhammadans who, having arrived from the Coromandel coast or inner districts of South India as traders or labourers, continue steadily to maintain relations of amity and intermarriage with their friends in South India; and that such “Coast Moors” are Tamils.
      As regards the nationality of the “Ceylon Moors,” numbering about 92,500 out of the 185,000, we have ample reasons for concluding that they too are Tamils,—I mean the masses of them ; for, of course, we meet with a few families here and there—say, five per cent, of the community, or about 5,000 out of the 92,500—who bear the impress of an Arab or other foreign descent. Even the small coterie of the Ceylon Moors, who claim for themselves and their co-religionists an Arab descent, candidly admit that on the mother’s side the Ceylon Moors are exclusively Tamil. All that remains to be proved, therefore, is, that their early male ancestors were mainly Tamils. For this purpose I have sketched the history of the Ceylon Moors. I have shown the utter worthlessness of a tradition among them that a great colony of Arabs of the house of Hashim made settlements at Beruwala and other parts of the Island, and have adduced reasons for accepting as far more probable the tradition reportrted by Mr. Casie Chetty, that the original ancestors of the Ceylon

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        The ancestors of the Ceylon Moors formed their first settlement at Kayal-paddanam, and that many years afterwards a colony from that town—” the fatherland of the Chonagar “—migrated and settled at Beruwala. I have further shown how similar the history of the Ceylon
        Moors is to that of the Coast Moors; how intimately connected they were with each other till the Dutch began to persecute them in Ceylon ; how intercourse between the mother-country in South India and Ceylon was arrested about 150, years ago; and how the distinction arose thereafter between the Ceylon Moors and the Coast Moors. By tracing in this manner their history, that is, their descent, I arrive at the conclusion that the early ancestors of the ” Moors,” Ceylon and Coast, were mainly Tamils on the father’s side, as admittedly they are exclusively on the mother’s side

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          Then, considering their social customs, I have pointed out how closely they are a copy of Tamil institutions. I have also touched upon their physical features and called attention to the opinion of some of our leading doctors of medicine and surgery, that the skull of a Moorman cannot be distinguished from that of a Tamil. In complete confirmation of the inference drawn from these arguments is the evidence afforded by language. The vernacular language of the Moors is, as I have said, Tamil, even in purely Sinhalese districts. What diversities of creed, custom, and facial features prevail among the low-country Sinhalese and the Kandyan Sinhalese, between Tamils of the Brahmin or Vellala castes and of the Paraya caste! And yet do they not pass respectively as Sinhalese and Tamils, or the simple reason that they speak as their mother-tongue those languages? Language in Oriental countries is considered the most important part of nationality, outweighing differences of religon, institutions, and physical characteristics. Otherwise each caste would pass for a race.

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            Dr. Freeman’s contention, that “community of language is not only presumptive evidence of the community of blood, but is also proof of something which for
            practical purposes is the same as community of blood,”1 ought to apply to the case of the Ceylon Moors. But, of course, in their case it is not language only that stamps them as Tamils. Taking (1) the language they speak at home in connection with (2) their history, (3) their customs and (4) physical features, the proof cumulatively leads to no other conclusion than that the Moors of Ceylon are ethnologically Tamils.
            Besides The Dutch rulers, who believed that the Moors were only Tamil Muhammadans, other authorities, who have mixed and moved with the people of Ceylon and taken pains to study them, may be cited: such as the Rev. James Cordiner, whose duties as Director of all Schools in Ceylon during the administration of Governor North, 1798-1805, afforded him great opportunities of collecting information and judging on all matters connected with the sociology of the Island. At p. 139 of his work on Ceylon he declares that the
            Moors are Tamils by race. Yet these people have now been brainwashed by their nasty politicians and elite , especially the southern variety to hate their Tamil race and origin and worship everything Arab. Look how they are behaving with regards to a separate district for Tamil North Kalmunai.. Even educated Muslims like the author of this article and other keep on harping about an imagined Muslim Muslim race and ethnicity . There is no such race or ethnicity called Muslim, it is a religious identity. There no such thing called a Muslim race or ethnicity anywhere in the world other than in Sri Lanka , created to divide and rule the Tamils. If they want a separate identity they should be correctly called Tamil Muslims and not Moors.

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              Yet these people have now been brainwashed by their nasty politicians and elite , especially the southern variety to hate their Tamil race and origin and worship everything Arab. Look how they are behaving with regards to a separate district for Tamil North Kalmunai.. Even educated Muslims like the author of this article and other keep on harping about an imagined Muslim Muslim race and ethnicity . There is no such race or ethnicity called Muslim, it is a religious identity. There no such thing called a Muslim race or ethnicity anywhere in the world other than in Sri Lanka , created to divide and rule the Tamils. If they want a separate identity they should be correctly called Tamil Muslims and not Moors. Unlike these fake Arab , Tamil Sri Lankan Muslims, other Muslims are proud of their religion but are equally proud of their language, heritage and culture and do not claim all sorts of fake origins and heritage and run behind Arab culture in the name of Islam and try to destroy theirs.

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    Whereever minorities have refused to assimilate with the majority the problems under discussion are bound to expand. Minorities should never adopt a challenging posture to the majority if they wish to retain a separate identity. They need to EARN the love and respect of the majority.


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      majority of majority community are thugs, criminals, and robbers. Do you want all communities become the same?

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        You have reserved the word “terrorists” for yourselves.


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      “Whereever minorities have refused to assimilate with the majority the problems under discussion are bound to expand.”

      Who are the minorities and who are the majority?
      Please define.
      What is assimilation.
      Remember the fact of the matter is 21 Million stupid people in South Asia should be considered minority. Within that small population Sinhalese are only 15 millions. Within that minority I believe your Sinhala/Buddhists a tiny minority. Again within the tiny minority the fascist elements of noisy Sinhala/Buddhists are negligible.

      You do not need a huge army to hurt innocent people, all you have to do is get former LTTE, DJV, Muslamists, Gota’s goons, common criminals, ………… or rent a mob to hurt them periodically.

      It’s not about assimilation it is all about how fascist minds work in tandem with saffron clad thugs in order to destroy people, culture, heritage, rich history, religious philosophy, …………………….. Time you wisen up. Its difficult but no harm in trying.

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    Muslims azll over the world behave as very people and other cultures friendly people. Even then others are anti muslim. Born to be wild. born with that defect.

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    Sad to say that Islam creates Muslims and many are non-negotiable. They are totally stubborn and claim Allah’s word is final. Any one questions Alla’s word to be killed. It is found that Islamic text books in SL say that anyone going against Islam had to be killed. Mind you, this is what taught to young Muslims in SL. What a dangerous trend. Now there is problem in Kalmunai. Again it is the power grab by Muslims from tamils. Some Muslim guy had again threatened that if the government accede to Kalmunai North PS then there will be blood and the speaker assured that he will die for that first. Mind you this threat is at a time like this when they are under very serious scrutiny. If we have to save Lanka this Islamic Extremism has to be controlled and eradicated. No other alternatives. At least for now the Hindus and Buddhists are united and working jointly against a common enemy of Islamic extremism. If Buddhists and Hindus unite then we can save Lanka. Extremism has no place, immaterial from which side it comes. I really cannot understand why Muslims are opposed to a full fledged PS in Kalmunai North? Can anyone enlighten this mindset?

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      Quran says Their Religion for them and Your Religion for you. Quran is a whole constitution on how to Live. So you will find answers for everything, How to Marry, How to eat, How to sleep, How to help others, How to pay tax for poor, How to live with nonbelievers, how to fight at a war. It’s a complete religion so you will find everything.
      Yes, it teaches how to fight to defend your country, and family members, What’s wrong on it? if someone attacks you and your loved ones, Islam teaches how to defend. if it doesn’t teach how to forgive or fight it won’t be a complete religion. Don’t we kill mosquitoes, don’t we kill our enemies at war and aren’t they human beings? Why did we kill thousands of LTTE carders, at war how to behave is also taught by the Quran.

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    An economic boycott is not “hate.” If that is the case, then what do you call Saudi Arabia’s boycott of Qatar and the US sanctions on Iran, which are supported by nearly all Gulf Arab nations? The monks are not preaching hate, they are telling people (as they have told people for 2500 years) to be wary of foreign influences and even domestic influences that may be against the values of Buddhism. For example, in the case of halal, the animals are slaughtered brutally. What place does this kind of animal brutality have in a Buddhist culture? Some of the monks have also protested against the loud noise made during the Muslim call to prayer. While most Muslims are not responsible for the Easter Sunday attacks, one cannot deny there is at least a little collective responsibility to be shared. Rather than looking for scapegoats like the monks, Muslims should do all they can to ensure similar attacks do not occur.

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      Why the whole country was in fire when some group were making the trouble where were the forces. july 1983/Myanmar

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        “where were the forces.”

        Being part of the Sinhala/Buddhist stormtroopers somass was in the forefront attacking, robbing, setting fire to houses, businesses, properties, supplying petrol, ….. collecting kappang from shops and businesses, …. under the aegis of local saffron clad thugs and the armed forces.

        I believe he benefited enormously from 1983 riots.
        However the recent riots are a disappointment to him and his fellow Sinhala/Buddhist thugs.

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    For example, in the case of halal, the animals are slaughtered brutally. The ministry is watching if it is brutally or not.

    Why this suffering is allowed many tourist attraction in spain ( goole Bu;fighting )Bull fighting arrowing aiming at the bull to make fun in Spain, Their horns have been shaved to keep them off balance, or petroleum jelly has been rubbed into their eyes to impair their vision. Sometimes his tail—are cut off and presented as trophies. in further mutilating the animal.

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    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

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    Hearing 4/21 bomb attacks, a Muslim priest from Vavniya has said he is delighted to hear the news and jihad has started. Getting to know more & more of their religion, people feel more insecure. People lost their trust in the Government. So ordinary people take various precautions to face this threat.

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    Thank you editor for blocking my post because it was too factual but aggressive. My main thrust was to use logic in the name of Islam and to give up extremism. More importantly let moderate Muslims to view their opinions. To lead a decent, honorable, useful life one can do so without any religion or god. So far god or religion have done nothing good.

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    If god command is not followed nothing good happens Obedience to God relates to discipline, not living in the truth.

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