21 January, 2025


Aragalaya, Political Buddhism & Ranilocracy

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Historic Aragalaya

Aragalaya, a historic event that started at Galle Face Green in March 2022 and continued peacefully for more than three months until it was brought to a violent end, is not dead but waiting to complete its mission. The violence that aborted it ultimately brought in a new President, a new Prime Minister, and a new cabinet, all without fresh mandate from the people. One of the first acts of the new President, Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW) was to send in the police to clear the occupied premise and arrest a few of its vocal leaders who were later accused of setting fire to RW’s private residence. One of those arrested also claimed that there was a conspiracy to kill him while in prison. This allegation is yet to be investigated. 

However, the aragalaya episode was unique, although some from the old leftist groups may contest this claim, because it was the first time since independence that a new generation of young men and women, mostly from the majority Sinhalese community and not belonging to any political party or faction, were awakened to the fact that there was something radically amiss in the way the country is being run by the elected leaders. It was that awakening and realization which made them to raise the historic demand for “System Change” with a complementary slogan, “No 225”, which was in essence a virtual motion of no confidence on the entire political leadership.      

RW, who tactfully sympathized with the aragalaya cause until he captured the plum job as President eventually showed his true colours and turned out to be another paragon of the prevailing system and accusing the youngsters as anarchists and militants. After arresting a few and sending the rest back to their homes with a stern warning that he would not tolerate any disturbance to his economic recovery plan, RW offered the youth an olive branch and invited them to join his twenty-five years economic marathon and promising them even official positions to prove their competence and help him to win the race. But there are clear signs that aragalaya youth are not to be hoodwinked with these gestures and that they are regrouping to complete their mission. The fact that there is a new wave of slanders, accusations and condemnations of aragalaya, particularly by politicians on the government side and their apparatchiks, and even harming certain identified youth physically is evidence of an official fear about aragalaya renewal. The most recent arrest of IUSF leader Wasantha Mudalige and seven others for allegedly preventing the police from carrying out their duty is an index to this alarm.

Aragalaya & System Change 

Be that as it may, what is the system that aragalaya wants to change and what is the system that it is purporting to replace with? There is no specific document or a blueprint from which one could search for answers to these questions. Nor, the movement had articulated its demands in a more concrete form in any of the public utterances. But there are certainly some behavioural indicators from which one could glean some ideas about the yearnings of the youth.

During the early days of aragalaya there was one little incident of great significance that explains at least one aspect of what the movement meant by system change. In one of its protest gatherings held at Battaramulla a Buddhist monk went to join them, but the protestors politely requested the monk to keep way. This little incident caried a strong message to the world outside that aragalaya did not want their mission to be tainted with any religious colour, and particularly wanted to avoid being identified with political Buddhism. This did not mean that aragalaya was anti-Buddhist or antireligious. It included everyone who supported its cause, irrespective of caste, sex, religion, language or ethnicity. Aa a result, Galle Face Green turned into a theatre for New Year celebrations to Buddhists and Hindus in April that year and a venue for breaking the Ramadhan fast for Muslims. Unlike political Buddhism that excludes the ethnic and religious minorities and advocates discrimination against them aragalaya yearns for a Sri Lankan polity that is inclusive of all its citizens in an effort to build a democratic, free and peaceful society with a vibrant economy. That is why it is demanding system change.            

An Intergenerational Divide 

Before going further into the issue of system change, it is necessary to clear certain misconceptions and prejudices against this mission. There is widespread ignorance or misunderstanding among senior members of Sri Lankan society regarding the aspirations, philosophy and actions of their junior partner. What one witnesses currently is indeed a universal phenomenon of an intergenerational divide in which the younger half is aspiring to create a new world in which humanity could live in peace, freedom and prosperity without destroying the environment. Aragalaya represents its Sri Lankan chapter. These agitators are not, as some tend to think, a bunch of adolescents from urban elite families looking to spend their leisure hours in romantic politics. On the contrary, they are a serious, knowledgeable and dedicated generation of articulate, intelligent and informed men and women trained in the art of networking who feel free to challenge the very axiom on which the country’s governance and economy rest and operate.  It is this challenge that underlines their demand for “System Change”. 

Political Buddhism

Aragalaya missionaries are aware how systematically Sri Lanka had been politically misgoverned, economically mismanaged and socially and culturally misled and misrepresented by leaders schooled in the sectarian philosophy of political Buddhism. This philosophy, unlike its counterpart political Islam, which is aspiring to create Islamic states to be governed by the so-called sharia laws, is one devoid of the subliminal teachings of Buddhism and driven by the singular desire of transforming the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Sri Lanka into a monocultural if not monoethnic political and economic entity. This ideology with a false sense of irridentism based more on mythical stories than solid evidence from history and archaeology, was born in the late 19th century as a reaction to 450 years of colonial rule, but blossomed in the 20th after independence and continued to flourish with a resolve to dictate terms to every government that came to power for achieving the ultimate target of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism. In short, political Buddhism committed itself to keep Sinhala-Buddhist hegemony as the permanent feature of political governance, while granting the governors a free hand to devise their own modus operandi. What this meant in practice was the simple formula that so long as political leaders remain loyal to the ideals of political Buddhism there would be no accountability for their actions. Politics thus became the breeding ground for corruption. 

This system flourished with corruption and became uncompromisingly autocratic during the Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) presidency. The election of GR in 2019 and that of his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa’s SLPP Government which followed soon were both victories for political Buddhism. GR’s decision to take his oath of allegiance not in the parliament as was traditionally done, but in the Buddhist precincts of Ruvanwelisaya in Anuradhapura, his regular audience solely with Buddhist clergy to receive advice on virtuous governance, his appointment of a Special Task Force manned more by Buddhist monks than archaeologists to excavate Buddhist ruins in Tamil and Muslim concentrated north and east of the country, another Task Force also appointed under the chairmanship of a controversial Buddhist monk to explore the possibilities for implementing the so called One Country One Law, and as a reward for all this the crowning of GR as Sri Lankadheeshwara Padma Vibushana by the Sangha, indicate how the presidency, the government and Buddhist clergy were working in tandem to translate the ideals of political Buddhism into practice.  It is therefore no exaggeration to claim that GR became the epitome of political Buddhism. 

While that image was being successfully built corruption which has been endemic seems to have reached its acme during that regime. The fact that CBSL, which is constitutionally empowered to monitor and direct the financial sector of the economy and advice governments on devising fiscal policies to go hand in hand with CBSL’s monetary policy, was subverted by GR and ordered instead to assist implementing his own economic policies based on the advice of the so-called Viyathmaga experts, spelt a mortal blow to the entire economy. Policies such as tariff concessions to GR’s favoured importers and his ban on chemical fertilizer imports, and unlimited borrowing from private creditors meant budget deficits, negative trade balances, and financial bankruptcy. What happened next is history.

Eyewitnesses to Ruination

What was important in all this development is the fact that the aragalaya youth were eyewitnesses to this bankruptcy and ruination. They had seen the pathetic plight of seven decades old history of once a flourishing economy that fell victim to a regime buried in corruption while championing the cause of political Buddhism. They have also witnessed although from a distance how political Islam had destroyed a glorious civilization and economy in parts of the Muslim world. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Iran and the list goes on, are victims of this menace. Several of these countries are blessed with petroleum and natural gas, the lifeblood of industrial economies. Why then are their people starving, homeless and emigrating? It was that reality which finally awakened the aragalaya youth to cry for system change. Are they idealistic or realistic? There is no question therefore, that system change should start with a disconnection between religion and politics. Either religion should be depoliticized or politics should be dereligionized. The country therefore needs a new system based on a new constitution.  There must be accountability for people in power and the corrupt must be eliminated. That in essence is the meaning of system change. The aragalaya youth has no confidence that this could be achieved with the current 225. 

Economic Recovery & Ranilocracy 

None of the political parties or coalitions vying for power at the next election, and none of the presidential aspirants including RW, is prepared to annul the marriage between politics and religion. In fact, they are already getting ready to use the Buddhist card in the battlefield. Even NPP, which is at least talking about system change has so far not declared in public the disconnection between religion and politics. Rejecting political Buddhism is not rejection of Buddhism just as rejecting political Islam does not mean rejection of Islam. Any system change in Sri Lanka should take this first step.

RW is not going to embark on any system change. Instead, he is anxiously waiting for the IMF miracle to work. If it works, which is doubtful given the obstacles in front such as debt restructuring, global economic slowdown, supply constraints and inflation, at least RW and his coalition partners could go before the voters and claim credit. But what happens when it fails? Is there a trump card other than religious nationalism to win an election? 

RW knows very well that restructuring domestic and foreign debt is going to put additional burden on the people. In Argentina for example, where IMF is intervening heavily, the country’s vice-President Christina Fernandez-Kirchner insists on keeping debt payments subordinate to trade balance situation in order to avoid additional burden on the budget. Will RW and his regime adopt a similar position for Sri Lanka? One has to wait and see the outcome of negotiations. Economic slowdown abroad, high inflation caused by supply constraints and tight monetary measures to counter inflation at home would add more to difficulties to households. That would stimulate aragalaya and renew its demand for system change. 

This is why Ranilocracy is preparing to defend itself with ATA, which has been temporarily shelved.  IMF would not want any disturbance to thwart its recovery plan. Therefore, ATA would have IMF blessing as well as that of its shareholders. Gotacracy failed because it did not have such support. Will Ranilocracy succeed?   

Aragalaya obviously has no confidence in the success of IMF recovery plan without system change. NPP, among all other parties, seems to agree with that position. So far there is no alliance between the two. Ranilocracy is cognizant of this fact and wants to prolong its reign. If an election is declared once again political Buddhism would become the last resort to the Ranilocracy.

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 6

    … accusing the youngsters as anarchists and militants, – Aragalaya leaders.
    … accusing the youngsters as terrorists and militants, – Tamil youth.
    Both factions had almost similar reasons and arguments, but the terminology?

    • 6

      Be fair.
      Did the Aragalaya protesters resort to mass killings, political assassination etc. like some of the Tamil youth groups?

      • 1

        “Did the Aragalaya protesters resort to mass killings, political assassination etc. like some of the Tamil youth groups?”

        Yeah, they were bad but not as bad as the LTTE.

        • 19

          Typical Chingkalla racist, always constantly coming here to justify state-sponsored Chingkalla racism, completely ignoring the fact that his family name is quite common in Kerala that was a few centuries ago Thamizh and in parts of Thamizh Nadu. Not as bad as the LTTE? Why not say the Chingkalla state, their racist government and armed forces, who were responsible for 99% of the killings, war crimes and genocide of all civilians including Chingkallams, the LTTE are only responsible for around 1% of the killings and they were a guerilla force, that was trying to protect the island’s Thamizh from state-sponsored Chingkalla racism, marginalization and structural genocide and from Sinhalese racist and Islamic extremists. The Sri Lankan state and the armed forces as well as their government departments like the fake Archaeology, Mahaveli, land and forestry department to name a few are supposed to work for the benefit of the entire population and not just for the benefit of only a certain ethnic group or religion.

          • 15

            Thanks to the British, this is only a Chingkalla majority country but not a Chingkalla country and the island was created from ancient Chingkalla and Thamizh homeland and not Chingkallam only understood and half the present Chingkallams are descended from post-colonial immigrants from then Thamizh South India. Not commit genocide war crimes ethnic cleansing and marginalisation of the Thamizh. What Canada stated is true and very soon other Western nations will also state this truth. Do not blame the victims for fighting for justice against state-sponsored Chingkalla racism.

        • 4

          Do you know what mass killings means?

          • 1

            Senile China-loving Thaatha who leaps to the defence of any anti Thamizh, we all know that you proclaim to know everything but in reality know very little.

            • 1

              PK , I thought he was addressing Leonard. I may be wrong.

              • 2


        • 17

          Leonard Jayawardena

          “Yeah, they were bad but not as bad as the LTTE.”

          Why do think Aragalaya is/was bad?
          Why haven’t you compare Aragalaya with Sri Lankan armed forces or the other patriotic Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) /Deshapremi Janatha (DJV)?
          Are we suffering from selective memory?

          • 11

            “Why do think Aragalaya is/was bad?”

            Don’t mince words ……. have the frigging courage to say that Aragalaya was the most peaceful, co-operative protest undertaking that crossed/obliterated – while it lasted – racial/ethnic/religious demarcations in Lanka’s history that set/showed an example to the rest of the world!

            Be proud: not ashamed because some self-serving humbugs appear here to say that the Aragala Karuwas were bad.

            Some “sections” of the Aragalaya was forced to reply in kind …….. when Mahinda’s goons attacked them. The goons got a good dose of their own medicine ……. and exposed what their true nature/courage is!

            Leonard Jayawardena, are you one of those who took a dip in the Beira Lake?

          • 13

            The real Leonard is now exposed..

          • 2

            “Aragalaya obviously has no confidence in the success of IMF recovery plan without system change. NPP, among all other parties, seems to agree with that position.”
            So, the good Dr. Ali still has no proper description of this “system change”, except to mention the NPP. But that lot has nothing new either, even their hammers and sickles have disappeared from the countries which thought that was a new “system “.

          • 1

            “Why do think Aragalaya is/was bad?”

            Is this the question I get after writing three articles on CT opposing the Aragalaya?

            “Why haven’t you compare Aragalaya with Sri Lankan armed forces or the other patriotic Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) /Deshapremi Janatha (DJV)?”

            My comment was in response to the following statement of SJ in an earlier comment:

            “Did the Aragalaya protesters resort to mass killings, political assassination etc. like some of the Tamil youth groups?”

            • 2

              Actually, my comment “Yeah, they were bad but not as bad as the LTTE” was meant to be an ironical response, which seems to have been lost on the commenters. Neither Nathan nor SJ, who was responding to him, probably thought that the Aragalayists were bad. I was pointing out that they, too, were bad.

              • 5

                Leonard Jayawardena,
                Although I get amused by a few of the comments here, I am not here every time to enjoy the fun.
                Read nimal fernando above to get to know how isolated you are.

        • 4

          Don’t forget, Sinhalese chauvinism was the root cause of the birth of the Tigers.

        • 4

          Don’t forget that Sinhala chauvinism was the root cause of the birth of the Tigers.

    • 6

      Dear rational thinkers,
      No matter whoever it did, if the Rajapakses had not been driven out, the economy of this country crippled by Gota’s rule and it surely became Somalia.
      There I salute RANIL today more because it was the innocient people who suffered more in that period.
      Definitely, affluent class people were the ones who started ” aragalaya” not being able to bear the burden anymore.
      The manner those brave men held the place clearner and being well organised were displayed on the TV screens. However, opportunists started to give the birth certifiates to aragalaya and make use of the chance.
      However, it became later to be the place for less fortunate colombo dwellers to pick up their daily meals freely.
      Then it expanded to a heterogenous common fight, whose composition being mixed. JVPrs and Peratugami (opportunists by nature) made every effort to stand out to be good politicians. Antharaya joined the araglaaya later only with the forcefulness of peratugami.

      Rajapakshes played with the stupid nature and gullibility of the majority unedcuated masses for their power gains (often suffering from selective amnesia). Media should make every effort to educate the people by feeding them with the facts as of today


      • 5

        Gas and petrol queues became our national identity. Remember the cruel days? These became anathema to “stupid Rajapakse led politics”.

        This time of the last year, people in this country were like beggars, spending day-long in snaking queues and unable to afford gas to cook properly. They did not have cooking gas, they did nto have petrol. Tourists became upset and the country was cornered and branded as ” Rajapakshes# looting nation”.
        Some were found dead in such queues while other got killed by explosion of gas cylinder bursts in their kitchens.
        Blue and yellow gas can carrying consumers sent out the the message how poor Sri Lankans in general are, despite the so-called “prosperity wishes” that a squalid family misled the international community deliberately.


        while Living outside the country, yet today, I am ashamed to call myself “Sri Lankan”. The damage the Rajapaksa’s are doing to this nation is immeasurable, if the Sri Lankan Judiciary is still unable to do what it should, they should not be respected as human beings.This country needs enforcement of rigorous laws in order to make the grounds for proper investments, because the potential of the youth in this country is unique for better investments and to turn is a prosperous country sooner than later.

  • 8

    Every body understands what is the “System change” that is godd for the country and People. As the Author highlighted that Religion should not interfere in politics or politics ahould not interfere in religion. The rule of the law is equal to all whether it is a president or priest or any ordinary citizen or high ranking officer in the military. A maximum period of Prime Minister or President or Minister must be no more than two times and all political parties also have to follow the same principles. accountability and responsibility is fundamental.

    • 4

      Ajith ,
      ” Maximum period of PM or President must be no more than two
      times.” Watch out , the 225 are going to raise their both hands for
      another amendment to increase one term To Twenty Years ! It
      does not matter they do not live that long ! What matters is , they
      have it in their pocket !

  • 4

    “Aragalaya, …was brought to a violent end, is not dead but waiting to complete its mission.”
    There are quite a few who say similar things about the LTTE.
    To be less frivolous, is it the Aragalaya that developed into a beach side banquet and catered by all manner of NGOs and even businesses that is expected to complete its mission.
    Its prime mission was “Gota go home” . Was that not fulfilled, although in an unforeseen way? The urban middle class fighters have retired for good.
    There is another that is brewing but slowly and its mission may not be what Dr AA has in mind.

    • 5

      Dr Ameer Ali,
      You have become a pessimist and hope for the resurrection of an imaginary “Aragalaya.”Without any evidence.

      The aragalaya focused on misdeeds of Rajapakses- all Rajapakses and once Rajapakses went home, aragalaya lost steam and Arangalayaa simply withered away and Ranil did the final burial.

      Any outfit for a systemic or system change has to be organized around creditable objective and if the objective is systemic change , it should be clearly spelt out and those in support has to be mobilized around that objective.

      Unless we ourselves are part of that organization, we could not make any influence on such an organization and it turns out to be a dream.

      It is immoral to expect others to fight your own battle!.

      • 7

        “Any outfit for a systemic or system change has to be organized around creditable objective and if the objective is systemic change, it should be clearly spelt out and those in support has to be mobilized around that objective.”
        Absolutely Spot-On and must be the Motto to adorn the effort by People, if they are Genuinely Civic Minded than being a Power Hungry exercise, in my thinking is the motive behind every SL agitation!!?? All the con-artist exhibit same GENESE, only varying SHADES and HUES, RETAING IDENTICAL CORE!!?
        Public continuously inveigled – specially Rural and Urban Poor below Poverty line of sustainable living – 5000 Rupees, ¼ Bottle of Gal Arrack, Chicken Biryani (which these poor are outside their daily menu)!!!
        They would perhaps manage to imbibe in such “LUXURIES” (one may call it that – “LUXURIES” – considering the given SL circumstances, though it may be daily NEED with the rich and even upper Middle Class urban and Suburban dwellers!!!
        To those RURAL POOR CHARLATAN POLITICIANS donating 5000 rupees and substance to fill the empty Tummy, become Messiah’s or even Demi Gods!!!??

      • 7

        SriKrish (SK),
        “Unless we ourselves are part of that organization, we could not make any influence on such an organization and it turns out to be a dream.
        It’s immoral to expect others to fight your own battle!”
        Very true and cannot agree more!!! Ceylonese/Sri Lankan culture has turned the corner and direct involvement is curtailed if not absent due mainly to PTA, introduced purportedly to fight LTTE and the other terrorist, JVP uprising, welcomed by the many then being used for subjugation of legitimate protest!!!
        Whither Sri Lanka and D. E. M. O’CRAZY BURIED ALIVE!!????

    • 6

      “There is another that is brewing but slowly and its mission may not be what Dr AA has in mind.”

      Is it the long awaited “Long March” of Premakumar Gunaratnam? Has he got enough Mao’s red books to sustain his brand of struggle?

  • 2

    Aragalaya definitely had/has a mission, and remains to be completed. In it’s orginal form nothing could continue. A clear leadership,target , and a path are needed to emerge. Had some democratic breathing space been allowed, the direction of possible progress could have been made visible by now. Itis indeed a huge task to find the way, because Ranil is denied to handle his problem fast enough with the iron fist. The entire society is left blank as all avenues via democratic means are effectively blocked. All “saviours of democracy,” both local and western, opt to remain tight lipped. Can the deadlock be broken with a new democratically elected government? All mechanisms and means are on the table. Ranil is frozen to death by fear of democracy. If our hand is loosened another wave of” ASIAN SPRING OF NON-VIOLENT change” could grip the region.

  • 3

    One thing people are being encouraged to ignore is , the fact that the
    Aragalaya Did Have A Strong Hand Operating From Behind ! Experts
    are there to give the Aragalaya Different Interpretations but cutting
    off the Most Important Organ ! They all want the general public to
    believe that the Aragalaya was a Headless Chicken and at the same
    time ” it had a goal . ” A goal with no Head to see an end ? And the
    Rajapakshas ran away helter -skelter in panic ? Now they are back
    and unmoving and their caravan moves on ! The experts do not know
    to include in their analysis all these developments , intentions , goals
    and the source of power ? Fool’s Paradise !

  • 7

    Readers might like to watch a discussion I had recently about my views on the future of this struggle for freedom here:


    • 5

      In our country, people have not acted using their brains, not once several times in recent history, elections have not brought much for the benefit of the country.

      The best example just because a bunch of thugs killed the innocient christian worshippers in order to vent the thoughts to the lack of national saftey and grab power, was at once supported by the majority of people for no good reason.

      PEOPLE s psychology would not change easily, if they would not be subjected to shock therapies. That is why I call them HUMAN BEASTS today.

      A few months before that brutal church massacre aka “easter sunday bombing disaster”, politicians supporting to ” very same Pohottuwa speahearded by Rajapakshe siblings and their backlickers”, behaved like uncivilized in srilanken most respected institution, which is the parliament, sending the message across the world, that our people’s representatives are more vandalists than law-bound people.


      Surprisingly, the man who spilled over the ” then speaker#s seat with urine” reelected by the very people. Can anybody with some education could ever respect it ? That means, not onnly those wild POHOTTUWA dogs, but also people are to blame equally.

    • 0

      Dear Readers,
      I ho[e that you will make a point of watching both the videos that Lasantha has made in Australia – for those Sinhalese people in Australia who are not really fluent in English. This is the one that he has given above:
      Adding my voice may be more effective than Lasantha suggesting it himself.
      There’s another by him, a little longer than this:
      Sadly, I must tell Lasantha that his performance in English (where we have seen only his writing is better.
      I’m sure that Dan Silva’s and Jehan;s performances on YouTube would be more interesting. See how well they combine here:
      But hardly anybody will see them there. However, if they were to perform on this site:


  • 0

    There was a blip in the electricity there and so I quickly submitted that incomplete comment.
    I meant to say that if Dan Silva could join hands with Vishvavahini TV, he could establish it in Europe.
    And they seem to provide very useful information on how to fit into the white countries that Dan loves so much.
    That was legalities. Legalities are what Dan’s hero, Ranil, likes so much. But also advice for other categories: chefs, here:
    These are ways in which Ranil can be helped to improve our economy. I spoke of a blip in electricity that caused me to submit my earlier comment. Actually the electricity is now mainly satisfactory.
    Today is the day Ranil and Kanchana will try to sack Janaka Ratnayake with a vote in Parliament. Speculation is rife:
    That’s in Tiran Alles’ newspaper. This is from another source.
    More support for Janaka. All this is in English, by the way.
    I don’t know how powerful these groups are, but the government seems t be rattled.
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela

    • 5

      Dear logical readers,
      A man who, for some nefarious reason, has done nothing but try his best to expose CT’s anonymous commenters, cannot know the basics.

      We know how this man exposed the private details of that HANCHO pancha a few months ago. Not many took it serious, now I feel, spiteful SINHALA man is unpredictable.
      This is why I repeat these senile men are filled with hatreds and revenges for no good reason. We should better build a rehab for them, then only can we ever see it beyond.
      What has this guy been doing SINCE his retirement is focusing on GOSSIPs. Instead why cant he spend his valuable time teaching the STUDENTs in that far remote UVA province. Most that return from ME coutnries are said to have not the basic knowledge in English in order them to find jobs anywhere.

      His silly reactions may be connected with his broken childhood rather than anything else.
      I wish him the best, and dont want to hang on with his revengeful acts. Besides, the bugger cant even prioratise anything other than his ludicrous comments.

      • 6

        89-92 killers aka JVPs back then followed the youth and their families until they were killed like cats and dogs. Sinhalaman are with them today.
        It seems that this man is full of hate, jealousy and hatred and has ulterior motives to take revenge creating “Ranil Phobia” in this society today. He should be sent first to a kindergarten, I feel.
        Many of us anonymous commenters feel he is persecuting us today rather than focusing on the topic being discussed..
        We can only pray for this venomous monger. What can we do ? I would rather send him a parcel of “Thanakola” in upcoming weeks.
        Like it or not, believe it or not, the current context is not to correct anyone in a land filled with corrupted people but to save the economy in dire situation, which is similar to an ailing mother in intensive care unit.
        The situation is more serious than it seems as school going children do not have the essentials to carry on and patients have money to buy their essential medicines. However, for the country to move forward, albeit slowly, anyone with some common sense should be grateful. This time of last year, the nation was caught by all the dangerous situation, however our people are not grateful, nor would they ever see things right.

        • 3

          ‘Besides, the bugger cant even prioratise anything other than his ludicrous comments’
          Ha ha ha! I dont think this can be the real Sinhala_Man. Why hasn’t he told us the time in Bandarawela?

    • 3

      S M ,

      We , the ones who can afford internet are awash with youtube
      supplies and other social networks that are into Srilnkan
      Business of Politics ! And it is o k once in a while , to prove a
      point , we may be recommended to visit these sites but to make it
      a habit of replacing one’s own opinion with someone else’s , do
      you honestly believe , a good practice Mr S M ? On the subject we
      are commenting here , we want to hear and exchange with your
      views , good or bad . I recently watched AKD waving a Lankadeepa
      to a rally , explaining contents on the whole front page to prove
      what is happening in the country today ! Whose paper is it
      Lankadeepa ? I hope I draw your attention here .

      • 1

        Whywhy ,
        “Whose paper is it Lankadeepa ?”.
        You can bet SM doesn’t know, but he’ll tell you that’s bad grammar.

        • 0

          Hi O C ,

          ” but he’ll tell you that’s bad grammar .”
          What’s important is , you got the message . My writings
          sometimes smells French and some other times , tint of
          some other language due to my little experience in seven
          other languages and the care taken to minimise the use of
          space . For quite some time in history , English elites loved
          to speak French , just like Tea was a luxury drink at the
          time . In any language , what is most important is making it
          as simple as possible . Thanks O C .

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