By Izeth Hussain –
My recent probing into the question of the problem of the casteist racism that afflicts both the Sinhalese and the Tamils – the Tamils to a much much deeper extent – leads me to ask whether a solution to the ethnic problem can be found through devolution. My expectation is that the Sinhalese might conceivably make a success of it because their casteist racism is much less than that of the Tamils. On the other hand, I expect that if more and more devolution is allowed to the Tamils the ethnic problem will become more and more difficult to solve, contrary to what might be expected at a theoretical level.
I will first of all approach this problem at an empirical level, setting aside for the time being the question of the connection between devolution and casteist racism. When the Northern Provincial Council was set up and Wigneswaran was made Chief Minister there were sanguine expectations on a fairly widespread scale that we were set on a course that would lead at long last to a pragmatic solution of the ethnic problem. The assumption was that improvements on 13A, if not its full implementation, would suffice to meet the Tamil demand for devolution. But it was not long before Wigneswaran started striking, quite unexpectedly, belligerent postures that declared him an extremist. Then came Prime Minister Modi’s visit with its Hindutva affirmation of solidarity with the Sri Lankan Hindus and encouragement to ask for a federal solution. Recently the NPC refunded eighty per cent of the unspent budget allocated to it, and there has been controversy over the building of six hundred houses for the Tamil displaced. Considering all that could be done with 13 A even in its presently truncated form, the performance of the NPC has been dismal. The moral might be drawn that devolution isn’t working.
And now comes a thunderbolt in the form of the Resolution adopted by the NPC last month, embodying what are understood to be the TNA’s proposals for Constitutional change. As there have been several media commentaries on the proposals I will not go into details about them. I will focus on the one point that seems to be of overwhelming importance: the States (meaning in this context a State in the North East) shall be “supreme in their respective spheres”, meaning in the spheres that are not under the control of the Centre. Professor Laksiri Fernando comments, “This is about a ‘separate state’ within a loose federation, with ‘supremacy for that state ‘in its own sphere” (Colombo Telegraph of May 1). In other words the TNA is demanding a confederal arrangement that could go some way towards a de facto Eelam.
How are we to interpret that demand? It could be that the TNA is making a maximalist demand, in reality expecting something well short of it. It could be just a ploy in an ongoing political game and we would be over-reacting if we get het up about it. But it can also be interpreted as revealing an enduring Tamil mind-set: the Tamils believe that they have the right to self-determination inclusive of a right to set up a separate state, a right that is an absolute entitlement, something that inheres in their very being, something therefore that they can never renounce, and consequently they can never be satisfied with anything less than a de facto Eelam, or at the very least a confederal arrangement that goes a good distance towards it. A commonsensical question arises: how on earth is it possible for the Tamils to entertain so bizarre an expectation, bizarre considering that the LTTE was militarily defeated and no one in his right mind believes that the Tamils on their own can enforce Eelam or even a confederal arrangement on the Sinhalese? The answer of course is to be found in the India factor. If not for that factor there will be no Tamil ethnic problem today, and it is only India that can make the Tamils change that enduring mind-set.
How will that mind-set impact on the problem of devolution? It seems reasonable to think that if 13 A is implemented fully with devolution of police and land powers the Tamils could still want to assert as much power as possible on the ground, independent of the control of the Centre, and that could cause serious problems. Successful devolution requires a mutual accommodativeness that can hardly be expected from the Sinhalese, and still less from the Tamils, beyond a modest measure of devolution. Examples of successful devolution elsewhere may not apply here: the relevant example here may be the troubled relationship between Delhi and Kashmir. What might succeed here is limited devolution, not the very extensive devolution that the Tamils keep demanding, together with a fully functioning democracy inclusive of safeguards for the minorities as in the West. We cannot evade the following question: are the Tamils in particular psychologically fit for devolution beyond a very limited range?
I will now make a novel point that as far as I know has never been made before. That is an astonishing fact as will soon become apparent. I will make my point not in the form of a question but in the form of a categorical assertion about which there can be no argument on rational grounds. The point is this: the Tamils have no moral right, none whatever, to have devolution in the Northern Province. The Tamil rationale for devolution has always been that it is an absolute requisite to secure the legitimate interests of the minorities, meaning of course the interests of all members of a minority, not just some segments of it. But there has been grotesque discrimination against members of the upcountry Tamils who have settled in the North and other non-Vellala caste members. The rationale for devolution to the North therefore disappears.
My argument is based on what has been revealed recently (Island of April 29) by Murugesu Chandrakumar, former MP and Deputy Chairman of Committees in Parliament, who recently quit the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) of which he had been a founder member. He has declared that social injustice is evident in the discrimination against the non-Vellala depressed castes in almost all fields including education, employment, agricultural extension, and other fields providing opportunities for economic mobility. According to Chandrakumar the depressed castes comprise 65 per cent of the Northern Province’s population of 1.5 million.
The upcountry Tamils were given shelter and land in the Northern Province after the 1977 and 1983 riots but they were treated as servants by the local upper caste Tamils. Chandrakumar is quoted as saying, “This would be apparent if one visits Kilinochchi district. While the Eastern side of the A9 Highway is green, the Western side is parched. While the Iranamadu irrigation tank serves villages East of A 9, Western villages have no irrigation facilities. And it is on the Western side of A 9 that there are settlements of plantation Tamils. There was only one school on the Western side till the end of the war in 2009. After the war, the EPDP put up three schools.”
Chandrakumar alleged that there is political discrimination too. In the Northern Provincial Council there is only member from the depressed castes. In the Sri Lankan Parliament there is not a single member from a depressed caste. There was caste discrimination in Tamil society even when the LTTE was in power, but Prabhakaran would not allow it in a brazen form. In fact the LTTE recruited lower caste members and gave them responsible positions. But the moment the LTTE was eliminated, caste discrimination raised its ugly head again. I will not add anything to the facts presented here as they speak eloquently enough to establish the point that those Tamils in the North have no moral right, none whatever, to devolution.
Clarence / May 7, 2016
Izeth Hussein cannot stand the Tamils or Sinhalese. He has written about racism and caste problems involving both communities. Bu he forgets about the rampant discrimination practiced by Muslims. They keep their women covered from head to toe. Never heard of equal rights for women in their communitiy. Women are virtually slaves of sex starved Muslim men. Men never trust their friends or even their brothers. That is why the black hooded robes to conceal their women. There is enough problems to be addressed among Muslims. Why is he worried about other religions and races.
Amarasiri / May 7, 2016
1. “But he forgets about the rampant discrimination practiced by Muslims. They keep their women covered from head to toe. Never heard of equal rights for women in their communitiy. Women are virtually slaves of sex starved Muslim men. Men never trust their friends or even their brothers. That is why the black hooded robes to conceal their women. There is enough problems to be addressed among Muslims.”
While the above is true, Remember Izeth Hussein is almost the ONLY Muslim who is attacking Islamic Terrorism and Wahhabism. It is a very hard battle. Remember ISIS, the super Powers are battling. Remember, the Islamic Age of Reason and enlightenment is about 400 years behind the west, and they missed 1,000 years ago, when the Ulema took the upper hand.
2. ” Why is he worried about other religions and races.”
It is the problem with the other religions and races that is disturning the peace.
In the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, it was usually between Buddhism, Hinduism Sinhalese and Tamils, the conflicts were happening. The Castism and Racism among the Tamils, courtesy of Vellahala, was always there. However, thse conflicts have affected the Muslims and Sinhala as well.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims during 1990, from the Northern Province is an example. Given this situation, the Conflicts and discrimination within the Tami Community, due to Vellahalisn, The Vellahala “Trinity” of Hinduism, Castism and Racism should be discussed by all Sri Lankans.
The Tamils have failed to solve this problem on their own. These who came to was Mahaveeran Periyavar Velupillai Prabakaran.
jim softy / May 7, 2016
[Edited out]
nimal fernando / May 7, 2016
“Are Our Tamils Fit For Devolution?”
No, No, of course not!
Only we, the Sinhalese, are capable of governing ourselves.
I offer the 60 years of glorious self-governance as evidence. The great aptitude we have demonstrated for good-governance gives us the unquestionable right to ask if the Tamils are capable of governing themselves.
[Edited out]
Hamlet / May 7, 2016
Nimal Fernando
” Only we, the Sinhalese, are capable of governing ourselves.”
Witness the Activities in Parliament on Wednesday! Shades of our Ancestor Vijaya and his Men!
SJ / May 7, 2016
Truly funny.
Editor CT
Could you kindly organize urgently a crash course in “Humor for Sri Lankan Tamils” through Professor Niranjan.
Many of them hanging around here cannot spot a TiC statement and seem to believe that abusive language is funny.
Ravi-Telugu / May 7, 2016
[In the Land of Native Veddah Aethho]
why he has not discussed the issues of Native Veddas but discussing always only about so called para Tamils.
Amarasiri / May 7, 2016
“[In the Land of Native Veddah Aethho] “
” why he has not discussed the issues of Native Veddas but discussing always only about so called para Tamils.”
Very Good Question.
The Para-Sinhala , the Para-Tamils, Para-Muslims and other Paras act as if they are not Para, when in fact they are Paras, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. That is the core-problem.
The Paras stole the Land from the Native Veddah Aethho.
Are we really concerned about the true issues of Vedda people?
The Vedda Tribe
Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support
Hamlet / May 11, 2016
Could You organise an Island Wide ‘DNA Testing’ Drive, to Settle this Para-Question once and for all Time?
Many Contributors to CT seem to be obsessed with Separation into Caste, Creed and Race, which after all, are Only Man-Made Categories, Aimed at Proving that One Lot is Superior to Another!
Amarasiri / May 11, 2016
“Could You organise an Island Wide ‘DNA Testing’ Drive, to Settle this Para-Question once and for all Time? “
Excellent idea. Even if the data comes, contrary to their beliefs, they will not accept it. They will not discard the myths written in their scriptures.
Anyway, can expose them more and more, and can make them look stupider and stupider. It will have some effect. Remember, they all have been brainwashed since Childhood.
Yes, they are Paras from India, Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, Para-Muslims etc. in the Land of native Veddah Aethho. Check their DNA.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Journal of Human Genetics (2014) 59, 28–36; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112; published online 7 November 2013
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
Dawkins Drops the Bomb. The Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils are From India and Africa,
Jai_Bolo / May 8, 2016
Amerasiri, Hussain ,problem is they are both products sent by Arab and Portuguese `pirates/thieves in trade` to Hindu Country Father Hindustan.
Understand what Kochikade Colombo where most were shipped to and of Kochikade Negombo.Kochikade Kerala.9 they were ports to transport labour/ like today they stay and claim- Canada the Punjaibs wanted Kalistan just like that is Sinha-le Amere is Utopian Puddu.
By the time Vasco da Gama was in his 20s, the king’s plans were coming to fruition. In 1487, John II dispatched two spies, Pero da Covilhã and Afonso de Paiva, overland via Egypt, to East Africa and India, to scout the details of the spice markets and trade routes. The breakthrough came soon after, when John II’s captain Bartolomeu Dias returned from rounding the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, having explored as far as the Fish River (Rio do Infante) in modern-day South Africa and having verified that the unknown coast stretched away to the northeast.
An explorer was needed who could prove the link between the findings of Dias and those of da Covilhã and de Paiva, and connect these separate segments into a potentially lucrative trade route across the Indian Ocean.
The fleet arrived in Kappadu near Calicut, India, on 20 May 1498. The King of Calicut, the Samudiri (Zamorin), who was at that time staying in his second capital at Ponnani, returned to Calicut on hearing the news of the foreign fleets’s arrival. The navigator was received with traditional hospitality, including a grand procession of at least 3,000 armed Nairs, but an interview with the Zamorin failed to produce any concrete results. The presents that da Gama sent to the Zamorin as gifts from Dom Manuel—four cloaks of scarlet cloth, six hats, four branches of corals, twelve almasares, a box with seven brass vessels, a chest of sugar, two barrels of oil and a cask of honey—were trivial, and failed to impress. While Zamorin’s officials wondered at why there was no gold or silver, the Muslim merchants who considered da Gama their rival suggested that the latter was only an ordinary pirate and not a royal ambassador.[16] Vasco da Gama’s request for permission to leave a factor behind him in charge of the merchandise he could not sell was turned down by the King, who insisted that da Gama pay customs duty—preferably in gold—like any other trader, which strained the relation between the two. Annoyed by this, da Gama carried a few Nairs and sixteen fishermen (mukkuva) off with him by force.[17] Nevertheless, da Gama’s expedition was successful beyond all reasonable expectation, bringing in cargo that was worth sixty times the cost of the expedition.
in the north of India we laugh at this stupidity because we know the Islamic onslaught very well. Remember Nonis got a belly full from BBC/CNN Biz News reader born at pakistani Gujarat (the Hindu land Truman gave the stupid muslims) Because Catholics and Muslims are from the same stone -crusaders.
ken robert / May 9, 2016
Jai Bolo
Quite an interesting piece of historical insight. These wheeler dealers ( I mean you know who: may peace be upon them) are not amenable to reason or good thought)
Amarasiri / May 7, 2016
Izeth Hussain
RE: Are Our Tamils Fit For Devolution?
“Chandrakumar alleged that there is political discrimination too. In the Northern Provincial Council there is only member from the depressed castes. In the Sri Lankan Parliament there is not a single member from a depressed caste. There was caste discrimination in Tamil society even when the LTTE was in power, but Prabhakaran would not allow it in a brazen form. In fact the LTTE recruited lower caste members and gave them responsible positions. But the moment the LTTE was eliminated, caste discrimination raised its ugly head again. I will not add anything to the facts presented here as they speak eloquently enough to establish the point that those Tamils in the North have no moral right, none whatever, to devolution.”
The Vellahala Morality was based on the Veellahala “Trinity”. This is Vellahala “Trinitism”.
1. Hinduism
2. Castism
3. Racism.
The Dutch, The English and the Sinhala Majority and even VP failed to Tame it.
“I will not add anything to the facts presented here as they speak eloquently enough to establish the point that those Tamils in the North have no moral right, none whatever, to devolution.”
The question begs that the Tamils should have their Casism Racism in order, on sound moral bearings, not based on the Vellahala “Trinity”.
Antany Peter / May 7, 2016
Stick with the topic, are our Tamils fit for devolution? The answer is no. Tamils’ problem was sorted long time ago, but Tamils weren’t smart enough to accept it. Because their brain works wrongly and looks for ways to create disasters not solutions. When G G Ponnambalam was the leader Sinhalese generously agreed 40:60 solution even though Tamils’ population wasn’t 40% at that time. But Tamils rejected it. Later on Tamils decided to take arms from New Delhi to kill their fellow countrymen. Then second opportunity came through Indo-Lanka agreement. Again Tamils rejected the good offer, but decided to listen to the West and turned their guns against Tamils, Sinhalese and Indians.
If Tamils have little brain, little love for their motherland and people they would have found a solution long time ago. Tamils are the least when it comes to honouring smart people. Jealousy is eating Tamils. Tamils would do anything to undermine their fellow Tamils, even if they have to join with foreign powers. I have been living in Jaffna since last August. I have been to many public events. Indian High Commission and the Westerners are the VIPs not smart Tamils or Sinhalese. Therefore, if we share power with Tamils we are sharing with foreign power. This will lead to a bloody disaster. We have to be on our knees to please the foreign power, if we share power with Tamil leaders.
Burning Issue / May 7, 2016
Antany Peter,
You are neither smart nor cleaver you are just an opportunistic and cheap so and so. The TNA has been mandated by the Tamil people and they are working with GOSL endeavouring a viable solution. You go and get into bed with the Chinese! You are just a bitter and tweeted individual and if you have nothing to do go and fly a kite!
Antany Peter / May 8, 2016
Let’s see see how far you can go by avoiding smart Tamils. I know the answer, you will continue to go backward. You became terrorists, but achieve nothing.
I have a message for Tamils. Their leaders have nothing in their head, therefore Tamils will get nothing. It doesn’t matter whether Tamils suck Indians or the Westerners. The answer is zero, if you multiply anything by zero. Likewise, Tamils will get zero results, if they continue to multiply their votes to elect foolish leaders.
Burning Issue / May 8, 2016
Even you tell yourself that you are smart a thousand times, you will never be as such! You need to chill and have a life then trying to derail anything good happening to the Tamils.
Antany Peter / May 8, 2016
Burning issue,
You have a burning issue in your stinking ass. Wash it properly and leave Sri Lankan Tamils alone.
Burning Issue / May 8, 2016
Antany Peter,
There is no surprise that you get abusive; I assessed your character correctly! The Tamils are in good hands; your so called smart contribution is not needed. You go and advise MR to give up politics and retire gracefully; this would be a useful contribution and a smart one too! Whether you like it or not, India will always be a seminal actor anything to do with SL. Your Chinese adventure will get you nowhere.
Amarasiri / May 8, 2016
Antany Peter
“Stick with the topic, are our Tamils fit for devolution? The answer is no. Tamils’ problem was sorted long time ago, but Tamils weren’t smart enough to accept it. Because their brain works wrongly and looks for ways to create disasters not solutions. When G G Ponnambalam was the leader Sinhalese generously agreed 40:60 solution even though Tamils’ population wasn’t 40% at that time. But Tamils rejected it. Later on Tamils decided to take arms from New Delhi to kill their fellow countrymen. Then second opportunity came through Indo-Lanka agreement. Again Tamils rejected the good offer, but decided to listen to the West and turned their guns against Tamils, Sinhalese and Indians.”
“If Tamils have little brain, little love for their motherland and people they would have found a solution long time ago. Tamils are the least when it comes to honouring smart people. Jealousy is eating Tamils. “
Antany Peter, Wow!. Succinctly summarized. Support is given below.
Now getting a better understanding of the bimodal IQ distribution of the Tamils, as published in CT.
The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions
sach / May 9, 2016
I didnt know Sinhala leaders accepted a 40:60 for GG. Man the sinhala leaders were stupid then….and the tamil leaders were stupider
Native Vedda / May 9, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooo the stupid II
“I didnt know Sinhala leaders accepted a 40:60 for GG.”
Whatever you know, it won’t take more than three sentences. So do not worry about anything.
Amarasiri / May 9, 2016
“Man the sinhala leaders were stupid then….and the tamil leaders were stupider”
Sach, you hit the nail on the head!
After all, there is some truth to the saying, Sinhalaya Modaya and Thamulan Mootal.
Let’s see the IQ in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, populated by the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils with an average IQ of 79.
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
——– Country
———————– %
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
28 Sri Lanka 79
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 8, 2016
Dear Izeth,
From the begining I labelled you as a racist and an imbecile. Now it is abundantly clear that I am spot on. For your information, Sinhala Buddhist extremists who demonstrated outside the office of leader of opposition in the parliamentary complex have requested Mr. Sampanthan to inform the Sinhalese about federalism. Is this not a good sign for the future. When these people are prepared to consider Federalism, why an outright racist like you trying to condemn federalism. Did the British tell the Sinhalese in 1931 that they are not fit for self rule and in 1948 they are not fit for independance. Please know that Tamils are not only fit to practice devolution, but also to rule the country. Please hang your head in shame.
Amarasiri / May 11, 2016
Izeth Hussain –
Q. Are Our Tamils Fit For Devolution?
A. No!
Q. Why?
1. Bi-modal Tamil IQ Distribution
The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan
Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions
2. Vellahala Trinity = Hinduism + Castism + Racism
Violent Vellahlas Despised & Oppressed The Tamils
PROUDMAN / May 7, 2016
who are you to say tamils have no right for devolution. Let the people decide. You stop creating unnecessary communal tension in the country for your ego. [Edited out]
PROUDMAN / May 7, 2016
Who are you to say tamils have no right for devolution. Let the people decide. You stop creating unnecessary communal tension in the country for your ego. Just because CT is giving you a platform for pouring out your vile cancerous vomit please think of the people in the country and SHUT UP.[Edited out]
PROUDMAN / May 7, 2016
[Edited out]
Native Vedda / May 7, 2016
“[Edited out]”
Tanks for keeping it brief.
Can you be more briefer?
PROUDMAN / May 7, 2016
Native Vedda
I did not keep it short.
Its your CT editor who supports racist articles
Emanuel / May 8, 2016
“Its your CT editor who supports racist articles “
Ladies Man Dudley gave many citizenships to Pakistani belly dancing.
Nabobs learnt it from Nawabs to run harems- the burka is the cover.
I suppose IH is also from that stock- the reason some of them are the rich society of Colombo whom I know.
They do cover `DT cases`So CT likes to cover the father of nation’s son.-so their simple agenda talk of the living.
PROUDMAN / May 7, 2016
Do you mean briefer????
Native Vedda / May 7, 2016
Maithripala Sirisena, Ranil Wickremesinghe, R Sampanthan, C. V. Vigneswaran, Sinnathurai Thavarajah, Anura Kumara Dissanayaka, ……………………
” I will not add anything to the facts presented here as they speak eloquently enough to establish the point that those Tamils in the North have no moral right, none whatever, to devolution.”
Izeth Hussain the young man of yesteryears has diagnosed and pronounced that Tamils are void of any moral right to Devolution. Since this is another revelation from god himself through this pious sane man the position of CM C V Vigneswaran, opposition leader Sinnathurai Thavarajah and other members of NPC have now become untenable.
Please resign your positions and hand over the reign to MR, Wimal, Dayan, Dinesh, Namal, Duminda, Basil, …….
IH and HLD M will be appointed as the chief auditors of caste consciousness as revealed to IH by God himself.
IH is doing a fantastic job. I appreciate his constant struggle to maintain sanity in this forum and equality among the Tamils.
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”
― Akira Kurosawa
Ravi-Telugu / May 7, 2016
[IH is doing a fantastic job. I appreciate his constant struggle to maintain sanity in this forum and equality among the Tamils. ]
IH is doing a lunatic job. I will thwart his constant struggle to maintain his congenital insanity in this forum and inequality among the Tamils.
His malafide motto is diversity in Unity. will Imp-hobgoblin succeed in his mean attempt?. Never.
rise when we fall.
Rajash / May 7, 2016
Hello CT readers’
please caste your votes.
thumbs up if Izeth’s articles on his so called Tamil castesim is load of rubbish compared to Mahindapal’s article
thumbs down if Mahindapal’s articles on his so called Tamil castesim & racism is load of rubbish compared to Izeth’s
let the voting begin
Hamlet / May 7, 2016
How about my Colombo Tamil Classmates of the 50s, who used to call Jaffna Tamils, “JTs”, as if they were Non Persons?
My Vote is ‘Caste’!
timbuttu / May 7, 2016
” “JTs”, as if they were Non Persons?”
Colombo Tamil Classmates: Who were these Colombo Tamils?? Indian Converts like the Cabrals, Perumals, Vaz, – they all landed up at Kochikade like the Farsi, Bora etc.
Badiudin Mahmud permited only them and muslims to study in the English medium. That was the downfall of 80% Sinhalese, 10% Tamils.
How many tip cuts does Ranil have to run a revolution whereby he belches farts and enslaves the people.
Rajash / May 7, 2016
I know your Colombo Tamil class mates of the 50s’. During the 1959 race riots they all ran to Jaffna. Thanks to the Sinhala racist, they opened the eyes of the Colombo Tamils to become patriotic and lay the seeds for the Tami liberation movements
Native Vedda / May 7, 2016
Did Tamils in London vote for Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan?
If I go by Izeth Hussain’s revelations I would conclude Sadiq Khan didn’t receive a single Tamil vote in the recently concluded mayoral elections.
Do you agree with me?
Was there a mass Tamil defection to Tories from their natural party Labour? Or they simply didn’t vote for “Muslim” Sadiq?
Please give us a detailed analysis of Tamil voting behaviour in this election and prove prophet IH is right all along.
Rajash / May 7, 2016
what was on offer?
a Jew and a Muslim.
The Jewish state has been advising the successive Sinhala Govts how to exterminate the Tamils, the idea of pushing drugs and alcohol at the school gates in the NE, I understand is on the advise of the Jewish state.
On the other hand Pakistan provided unlimited supply if arms to Mahinda during the last final war.
So I am not sure whether “Izeth’s imaginary racism” played in any part on the way Sri Lankan Tamils voted.
I abstained from voting. As I did not endorse any of the candidates.
unfortunately I don’t have any statistical data on hand.
I am sure we can look forward to an analysis from Izeth on CT praising the “Muslim” Mayor and how great Islam is and that it was Allah’s wish etc etc
SO watch this space Native
Amarasiri / May 7, 2016
“Hello CT readers’ please caste your votes.”
The Story Of Two Graphs drawn by A Tamil Man: By Mahesan Niranjan
Onion Prices and Tamil IQ Distributions.
Rajash / May 7, 2016
Come on CT readers …..only 13 vote so far.
Unfortunately there is no “neutral” option. so you have to make up your mind.
Siva Sankaran Sarma- / May 7, 2016
One is no better than the other.- Both are Same neutral don’t vote!
Karikalan Saravanan / May 7, 2016
[edited out]
Hamlet / May 7, 2016
“Are Our Tamils Fit For Devolution?”
Izeth Hussein:-
Are the Sri Lankans Ready to Govern Themselves?
Kumar R. / May 7, 2016
Precisely the point — you hit the nail on the head!
The more fundamental question is “Is Sri Lanka fit for Democracy?”
It was in 1948, just as any other – but thought it politically advantageous to become selfishly racists, and thus fashioned the majoritarian thinking, starting with Banda. And it (the political contingent) has never looked back!
True democracy first – that is the one and only sure-fire way to cure all other ills. Just red-herringing won’t cut it.
Untouchable / May 7, 2016
“True democracy first-that is the one and only sure-fire way to cure all other ills”
If democracy is going to cure all the ills, India should be a heaven by now but India is still a cesspit. China, no democracy but basic needs of all the people are fulfilled. Democracy is not going to solve the problems in Sri Lanka because we have a lot of unruly, undisciplined rascals who can be tamed only at gun point.
Sri Lanka is a divided nation. British rule is responsible for that to a great extent. Tamil is a race that is highly divided and discrimination is rampant among Tamils. Tamils should get their house in order before talking about discrimination by others.
Simply because most of the Muslims in the Eastern Province speak Tamil, Tamil politicians are keen to put them into their basket to push for Federalism. I do not think this is going to work. India was divided because of religion although Hindus and Muslims in India speak the same language. Main difference is in the script. Give them a Federal state and the next thing that we will able to hear is Hindu Muslim clashes.
Kumar R. / May 7, 2016
If you think India is a democracy, you have a lot to learn. India is often described as the “worst excuse for a democracy ever”.
Ceylon was a true democracy up to mid-fifties, with the State not discriminating in education, job opportunities, regional development and support.
And then Banda invented a “block vote” strategy – that has only increasingly rewarded the politicians over time and now entrenched as the majoritarian mind.
Politicians have no incentive to change that mind-set, as extremism(racism, separatism, whatever) has proved again and again as the single most effective strategy for vote-getting.
Nothing else matters – as we have seen. Despite the colossal swindling of the country Rajapaksa’s remain dear in the hearts of a massive segment in the south. Despite the tragic destruction of a whole community, VP remains venerated by a significant segment in the North, not just the Diaspora.
Extremism rules the day – politicians have no incentive to dampen that. Politicians created that monster-mindset – and now no politician can swim against it and survive!
Sengodan. M / May 7, 2016
Izeth Hussein,
I suggest that you should instead of writing rubbish about Tamil caste ism concentrate on uplifting the Muslim women, preaching to them to give up their burkas and to demand equal rights with their male counter parts!
Such action may yield some positive results.
Sengodan. M
Ibn Batuta / May 7, 2016
Equal rights for men and women is a myth of the West. No truth in it. There is no such thing as equal rights for men and women as there are both created differently, and bestowed with their own rights. Each have their own rights which must be recognized, respected and conform to, in order that they both succeed as partners in responsibility of bringing up a successful family. In depth study of Islam reveals what you know mot. Don’t get fooled and repeat these western mantrams. They want children rights, animal rights, prisoner’s rights, rights, rights, rights where no wrong could ever happen, and learn from their mistakes the hard way. Children get confiscated from parents in Norway, over something the children disclosed in school, and they think they are the smartest and forward thinking people living in the world.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2016
Ibn Batuta
“Equal rights for men and women is a myth of the West. No truth in it. There is no such thing as equal rights for men and women as there are both created differently, and bestowed with their own rights.”
Ibn Batuta would say wouldn’t he?
Do you know how many wives and concubines during his life time?
“In depth study of Islam reveals what you know mot.”
Talaq is the best form of painless convenient cost effective divorce arrangement for men.
ken robert / May 9, 2016
this is what is said about the wifes of that Islamic age of Ibn Battuta
Nothing else is said about his wives, which often enter and then vanish from his story. As historian Ross Dunn writes, “In the Islamic society of that age, a man’s intimate family relations were regarded as no one’s business but his own, and married Muslim women, at least in the Arabic-speaking lands, lived out their lives largely in seclusion.” [Dunn, p. 39]
on a side note this flipping Google spell checker does not want me to write the plural noun “wifes”.
Native Vedda / May 10, 2016
ken robert
Are you aware of the papers above?
My friend the old codger promised to send both within the next few days.
Amarasiri / May 8, 2016
Ibn Batuta
1. “Equal rights for men and women is a myth of the West. No truth in it. There is no such thing as equal rights for men and women as there are both created differently, and bestowed with their own rights.”
Do you mean evolved differently?
The Lion and the Tiger evolved differently from its prey, the deer, the buffaloes etc.
So, the rights are predator rights and prey rights. However, within a species they do not prey on each other, generally. Evolution has made women small, and subservient to men.
Only civilization and humanism is trying best to give equal rights to women, in their “own” way, but generally partially.
2. “Children get confiscated from parents in Norway, over something the children disclosed in school, and they think they are the smartest and forward thinking people living in the world.”
Why, Norway will not let Children to be brainwashed and to give underage girls in marriage without the Child’s consent for Child rape?
Kavi Sunderam / May 7, 2016
Mr. Hussein< if I remember right claimed with notiecable pride that he was a student Prof.Ludowyke.Though Ludo was professor of english and an exemplary teacher he later on
If I remember rightly,Mr.Husseun. claimed in a earlier essay. that with great deal of pride,that he was a student of Prof.Ludowyke.Ludo was a Professor of English and an exemplary teacher.ut he also wrote a couple of books on Sri Lankan history with a very scrupulous attention to facts, figures and relevant data eliciting the envy of even professional historians.
Mr.Hussein should take Ludowyke as a model and pay attention to not only facts and figures but also to logical argument — though such things don't seem to matter to many commentators in these columns– and learn to question unsubstantiated claims.
For example he says that 65% of the Tamils are of low caste and are being oppressed by the Vellalas.Did he get this info from a caste census that no one else has heard of?Even a moment's reflection, before penning a hysterical denunciation of the Tamils, should reveal that if the Vellalas were in a minority surely they wouldn't be winning all the parliamentary seats all the time– except once.The fact of the matter is that due various patterns of migration over the centuries the caste system among the Tamils — as among the Sinhalese — is an inverted pyramid with the high status caste at the top.
Further many Jaffna castes and not "inferior" in any way.It is a brave man who will tell a Karaiyara man that he is low caste!
And so on and so forth
shankar / May 7, 2016
“Then came Prime Minister Modi’s visit with its Hindutva affirmation of solidarity with the Sri Lankan Hindus and encouragement to ask for a federal solution.”
can you elaborate a bit more on that important statement of yours.It seems that you are trying to make a connection between modi’s visit and the NPC resolution calling for federalism.What evidence is there that just because modi visited the north he has encouraged federalism?Also what evidence is there that just because he visited the north he is affirming hindutva solidarity.Recently samantha power visited the north.Does that mean that she is affirming the US solidarity with the tamil people too?
Izeth hussain / May 7, 2016
Shankar – please see the articles I wrote on the Modi visit. Easy to access through CT archives. My weekly articles appeared on Saturdays. – IH
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 8, 2016
Dear Shankar,
Tamil people have been demanding federalism since 1948 when Federal party was formed. So the federal proposal put forward by the NPC is nothing new. This idiot is trying to link NPC demand for federalism to Modi’s visit to deliberately distort facts and create mischief. What Mr. Modi advised Tamils is that, to work with the Srilanka government on the basis of co-operative federalism. This has nothing to do with Hindutwa which this racist is trying to frame against NPC proposal. I have been telling that this rascal Izeth is acting as an agent of the Pakistan Intelligence agency which is well known for Islamic terrorism worldwide, to create a rift between Tamils and Muslims at a time when the present government has promised the international community that they will settle the Tamil demand for autonomy in a fair manner.
Burning Issue / May 8, 2016
Dr GS,
I agree with you completely. IH is dangerous and he should not succeed. The TNA is working with the national government and is endeavouring a viable solution. This is why we see so many articles appearing on these forums to scuttle the prospect. The Tamils must convince the Sinhala public that we are not for separation. To this end, we must be prepared to ditch the terms such as self determination and federalism but ensuring that a suitable constitutional settlement is gained. I think that the TNA hierarchy is more than capable of handling this delicate situation.
Funlover / May 7, 2016
[Edited out]
Agnos / May 7, 2016
The more fitting headline should perhaps be, “Is Mr. Hussain fit to comment on Northern Tamil affairs?”
Hussain is a Colombo-centered Muslim man nearing 90, who probably never visited the North and talked to Northern Tamils.
A cursory glance shows references to some EPDP politician. Everyone with any political sense in SL knows that EPDP was a party of thugs and criminals whose existence had to do with their status as hired goons to terrorize the Northern population by the GoSL, in the latter’s war against the LTTE, and they were nothing more than that.
What is more, racists like HLD Mahindapala, in their desire to demonize Tamils on account of casteism, refer to EPDP Devananda’s uncle, the trade unionist K.C.Nithiananda, as one of a great number of successful “Vellalas” who dominated many spheres of life in Colombo.
It shows two things about Hussain:
1. His stark ignorance of Tamil society and its internal dynamics.
2. His willingness to gobble up the monkey poop that HLDM throws on Tamils despite the fact the same monkey has thrown its poop against Hussain himself.
Burning Issue / May 7, 2016
In prelude to this attack on the Tamil aspiration, IH published many articles. His first action was to separate the Sri Lankans into two groups: Tamils in one group and the all the rest in the other group. He very cleverly managed this; he used the Tamil casteism to drive home the message that the Tamils are more racists. He concentrated on this topic by publishing series of articles. Once he set the platform in terms of them and us in line with the two groups, he is in a position to attack them collectively! His objective has been from the outset to pulverise the Tamil aspiration of federal solution.
He cannot do this on the basis of history nor can he justify democratically; hence, he chose an insidious path to destroy the Tamils as a people.
I say this again, the Sinhala will turn on the Muslims; it is not a question of if but when! When this happens, I am sure Tamils will show mercy on the Muslims. The Tamils must not be provoked by this scheming and nasty individual!
SJ / May 7, 2016
HLDM, IH and their likes write to provoke. They will say anything to offend Tamils. CT is not their only platform. (They have their Tamil counterparts too.)
Reasoned argument of any kind does not help. I tried saying this some weeks ago.
People are wasting precious time responding to such intentionally provocative stuff.
Have you barked back at a dog? Reasoned with a drunken man? You may have had better luck with them.
Pistachio / May 8, 2016
[Edited out]
Backlash / May 13, 2016
I wish to add to comments made by SJ. Both IH/HLDM are “has beens” who write provocatively against Tamils for the sake of publicity and to keep their names in the minds of readers. As to the truculent Izeth Hussain he appears to have been disciplined. That is just as well in the wider interests of his community. The man who threatened, day in and day out, to “whack” and “punish” those critical of his writings is advised to keep his trap shut. He should have known it was coming – sooner than later.
I repeat what I have written earlier. Both men are capable of writing to advance the cause of peace, unity and reconciliation
without distorting history or giving vent to their inherent racial prejudices. It is time they gave, as John Lennnon eloquently said “give peace a chance”
Kavi Sunderam / May 11, 2016
Re Devanandan: Very delicately put! Congratualtions
KOW / May 7, 2016
The British government of the day said the same thing to Gandhi during the India’s independent struggle. You can hear the reply of Gandhi in the “Gandhi” movie.
lal / May 7, 2016
“Are our Tamils fit for devolution?” is more than a irrelevant and silly proposition. There is fitness test for governing in any democracy. The same question of fitness or suitability as president is now being asked in The U.S.A concerning Donald Trump and, in the UK with regard to Corbyn as a possible PM. They both are entitled to have a go. There are very many capable Tamils in Sri Lanka who are capable of becoming the President, PM of Sri Lanka as a whole but the question whether there is going to be devolution if any is the primary question that needs to be asked and, then to what degree. It is best for Sri Lanka to remain a unitary state, that said the constitution should guarantee that no community whether they be the minority or otherwise be discriminated against. Each community should be free to enhance and practice their religion.There should be statutory bodies with muscle to prosecute and punish those who discriminate on those grounds. The call for federalism or separation are nothing more that platforms adopted by racist and devious politicians to manipulate for the creation of safe electorates for themselves and which, have not benefited Tamils but, have brought about untold misery for many.
Burning Issue / May 7, 2016
It is the Kandians who mooted federalism first. Asking for federalism is a democratic right. It was the undemocratioc acts of the majority that caused the upheaval in SL. Basically, the Sinhala are not capable of treating all communities equal because, they have been mentally blamished with mahavamsa doctrine. The Sinhala fear anything that is not Sinhala and this is the reality.
There two languages and the Sinhala are not accepting this. You cannot force the Sinhala language on to the Tamil speaking people. There is lot the Sinhala need to do to demonstrate their sincerity like making SL secular and communicating with Tamil speaking regions in Tamil. This is the start!
Federalism is a democratic concept to decentralise power and there is nothing to be scared about.
sach / May 7, 2016
This year for the first time a Muslim was elected as the mayor of London. In SL, since 1930s we have had tamil and muslim mayors numbering 13.
There is no country like SL that treats minority giving priviledges
Native Vedda / May 7, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooo stupid II
“There is no country like SL that treats minority giving priviledges”
Is it a privilege or birth right?
How do you explain as to why minorities have never been elected to the top offices of Prime minister or President?
The last armed forces chief from minority community retired in 1959. Since then there was none. Is there a reason for not recruiting and promoting minorities for armed forces?
Why do you remain stupid?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 8, 2016
He was not elected mayor of London because he was a Muslim, but as a candidate of Labour party. Majority of those who voted for him are whites and non-muslims. By the way he is member of all party parliamentary group for Tamils.
sach / May 9, 2016
Any asian would joing that all party thing for tamils, it is votes
PROUDMAN / May 8, 2016
Sadiq Khan,s father emigrated to England in 1968. Sadiq was born in london in 1970. Under this condition would you accept him as eligible had that happened in srilanka
Hexar / May 7, 2016
Burning Issue, I have seen some studies from the Center for Policy Alternatives and other organizations. I believe they indicate a majority of Sinhalese people would like devolution and are ok with Tamil and Sinhalese being official languages (although a sizeable minority of them are against it). As a Sinhalese person myself (albeit one who lives in the USA and who was born and lived outside of Sri Lanka), I want the Tamil language to be respected in the public sphere and also want the Tamils to be more autonomous and I would like to see more constitutional safeguards protecting the minorities and more efforts to ensure state institutions reflect the diversity of every province of Sri Lanka. I think the biggest fault of the majority people isn’t necessarily that they haven’t taken action (in the post-independence riots, countless Sinhalese people risked their lives to save Tamils), but that they are completely clueless about the suffering the Tamils have endured. I would like to see Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka listen more to the stories of those in the diaspora and those in the northeast who were terrorized by the government.
trunket / May 7, 2016
So you live in the USA? Then you may be aware of the difference in Race and Ethnic?
Everything is fine except the adjective is missing.
`ethnic minorities` and `ethnic majority` then you hit the nail on the head-
Do not forget most who call themselves Sinhalese are have done it for convenience- nothing wrong because they studied in the english medium and second was sinhala and the Hegelian Eggheads made life difficult for everyone.
Who do you think owned Karava Kattu/Kurudu Watta/Cinnamon Gardens??
Backlash / May 9, 2016
Good to hear from decent and enlightened Sinhalese like Hexar – free of prejudice and racial/religious rancour. Even the more activist and extremist Sinhalese – including politicised Buddhist priests, high and low – are beginning to accept if Sri Lanka is to realise its real economic potential the Tamil Question has to be settled – soon. The fragile Yahapaalanaya administration is proceeding on this path – although some roadblocks continue to be engaged.
sach / May 9, 2016
As a sinhalese you have to learn a lot about this question. I also began like you…lol
KA Sumanasekera / May 7, 2016
Are our Tamils ready for Devolution?
Vellala Wigenwaran, theM of the NPC thinks his people are more than ready
That is why he is demanding from their PM Batalanda Ranil, for full Devolution.
But he only asks for half Devolution for the Dalits in the Estates, according his submission.
I think you should have posed the question whether “Are they ready for Evolution?..
trunket / May 7, 2016
KA Sumanasekera ,
“But he only asks for half Devolution for the Dalits in the Estates, according his submission.”
If you believe that we all evolved from animal being. It is `Human Dignity` that makes us different from being brutish like the animal our ancestors were.
(am I pouring water on a robber ducky politicians back)
one ethnic calling the other ethnic racist!! Whey Hey!!
NO politician is EVER…EVER well-meaning. That includes you Sumane malli!!
Right Now at the British Library :Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died days apart, 400 years ago, each of them a giant in his own language and literary tradition. But a difference in the scale of quatercentenary celebrations in their respective countries and around the world is leading some fans of the author of Don Quixote to cry foul.
Read (synopsis is on wiki) Don Quixote La Mancha `stain`- He tried to change the way people behaved and got beaten at every corner.
This is true even today- How did you enjoy Bada Udin Mamu standardisation of education??
Tamils had to get over 90% (Colombo, Jaffna) to enter engineering university, while the Sinhalese and muslims needed just a first class 60% and over- how have you folk fared in life??
How has India fared after awarding 30% of seats to SC/ST in every aspect of life.- it went down the sewer.
It takes more than politics but Generations to change by hard work, (I know of a Don bosco Brother who caned a boy and taught him lovingly maths; only he scored 100%, Slapped a SL muslim butchers kid and taught him maths today he is a chartered accountant- we can’t do that here in the EU )
Its called locked Energy and has to be released. Or do what you like the most as we in the west do best.
To Be Or Not To Be- runs in the mind of every Japanese I meet.
(god helps those who help themselves; but may we dammed if we have to achieve greatness through fraud)
Beneath the armor of skin,bone,mind,ethnic, you colors are amazingly the same.
Bittara/Pani/Milk Appa is neither Sinhala nor Tamil. I think putting Bittara/Pani/Milk on anything and calling it Sinhalese or Tamil is an insult to the Dutch.
Where does your kavun, Kokkis Idiappa come from? Only bath guli and pol is yours from nature.
The Brits do not have much cusine to boast about so they borrow.
Recently the Curry from India. The mild British curry(yet hot stuff)
When Elizabethan England needed pirates to protect the Empire she was able to produce enough pirates to meet the situation and glorified them. In every period England was able to fight the right war, against the right enemy, with the right ally, on the right side, at the right time, and call it by a wrong name. England did not do it by logic, did they? They did it by their tentacles.
KA Sumanasekera / May 8, 2016
Hey Trunket,
You seem to be a switched on guy for a change.
I enjoyed reading it.
I am not sure about those dudes, but even Jesus , Or Buddha or Mohammed couldn’t change the animal bit in humans.
It is is a fact across all ethnics around world wide.
But the living standards have modified it to a large extent as you see in your new environment.
That is what I want to see in my Eelaam..
Dalits at least having the ability to buy their basics which the elite have taken for granted.
And then we can focus on human rights..
Not use human rights to f*** up the living standards of the Dalits even further as the Yahapalanaya is doing right now.
Stay a few days in Colombo and then go to deep South and even North to see what I am on about.
It is like the difference you notice when you take the Underground to Up Town and Down Town in New York.
Although you don’t see skin and bones unlike in the future Federal Republic of Mahavamsa land.
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
“I think you should have posed the question whether “Are they ready for Evolution?..”
Oh they have moved one step ahead, else they wouldn’t be able to work in tough working conditions when you refused to consider even as an employment.
You know sloth is considered the laziest animal. Your Dalits must be closely related to sloth than a lion.
KA Sumanasekera / May 8, 2016
Dear Native,
After reading Trunket’s comment I am disappointed to see this.
I work smart not hard.
That is why I derive my living expenses from Blue Chip Company dividends.
But Calling our Dalits lazy is a low blow.
If not for the hard working Dalits , your Vellala mates would have been still having bumpy rides from Omanthai, all the way to Alimankada in their luxury coaches, going over Pirahaparan’s Pot Holes..
And the street chicks would have been still doing a roaring trade at the Jaffna Rail station, after your mates removed the sleepers and rail tracks to build bunkers for barber Selvam and the Boss Pirahaparan.
Ungrateful souls you lot are..
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
“I work smart not hard.”
This is one of the odious management clichés that has been promoted by lazy management Gurus. Clichés don’t produce goods or services but hard work do.
“But Calling our Dalits lazy is a low blow.”
If so why aren’t they working in Tea/Rubber estates? Why did your colonial masters bring bonded labour from your beloved ancestral land south India?
“If not for the hard working Dalits”
If not for the hard working Tamil speaking workers in upcountry, there won’t be an economy as we know it.
By the way you thing Dalits are hard working whereas you profess smart working. What a hypocrite you are. (I am sorry, you were, you are and you will be).
“after your mates removed the sleepers and rail tracks to build bunkers for barber Selvam and the Boss Pirahaparan.”
After being encouraged by Kesselwatte man.
Did you have your hair cut by Selvam?
” Boss Pirahaparan”
We know you are a secret admirer of VP as you know describe him as “Karava Revolutionary Velupillai Prabhakaran the founder leader of the LTTE”.
Do you contribute to karavanet?
Sam / May 7, 2016
The more he writes, the more he proves and exposes his stupidity!
An anti Tamil position to the core!! He is quoting the other more ignorant “Professor Laksiri Fernando.” This is certainly an entertainment by both the clowns!!!
Ravi-Telugu / May 7, 2016
[Are Our Tamils Fit For Devolution?]
when did it becomes our Tamil. according to Sonis, it should be those Tamil.
whatever, traitors need not bother about Tamils (Hindu, Muslim, Christians and of course Buddhist (Tamils).
Ravi-Telugu / May 7, 2016
[But the moment the LTTE was eliminated, caste discrimination raised its ugly head again. I will not add anything to the facts presented here as they speak eloquently enough to establish the point that those Tamils in the North have no moral right, none whatever, to devolution.]
Devolution of Power is successful in India and affected caste Victims (I don’t want to use the word low) are well settled in Educaton, Indian Government Employment.
You Soni and Tuan Modayas behind Sinhala lunatics are responsible for the alleged caste discrimination raised its ugly head again.
Indian Government is doing its best Job to take of the such victims. if any such victims are attacked in india esp Tamil Nadu, majority of (upper)caste Hindus agitate the lunatic acts of few (upper) caste donkeys. E.g. Udumalaippettai killing.
In Sri Lanka also, surely Vellalas will in due course act in favour of non Vellalas as in Indian Tamils and teach you soni and Tuan modayas a suitable lesson.
Tayoli your intention is nothing but to ensure diversity in unity. Go to hell.
sach / May 9, 2016
Are you a Telugu living in TN or in Andhra?
soma / May 7, 2016
The question does arise.
No one knows who is asking for devolution.
Is it Tamils, Tamil Nation or Tamil speaking people?
Does it include those who practise Islam as their religion and those working in the plantation sector?
As far as I am concerned Tamils are those who speak Tamil language.
I am at a lost to think of a suitable devolution model which covers at least 90 % of them.
I am agreeable for a separate political unit for North and East provided all Tamil speaking people are accomodated there.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2016
“I am agreeable for a separate political unit for North and East provided all Tamil speaking people are accomodated there.”
Leave it to the Tamils to deal with it, displacement is not knew to them and they have dealt with it since 1948.
You may have to start planning for the evacuation of Sinhala/Buddhists from where they are not welcome.
Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists can stay and prosper wherever they live (habitat).
You may have to decide where your herds want to relocate, South India, North Korea, Bihar, …… China, ….. or seek asylum in the West.
soma / May 8, 2016
“Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists can stay and prosper wherever they live (habitat)”
This is precisely what I am promoting too.
What I cannot stomach is this ” North AND East are for us and rest is for ALL of us” attitude. Which I refer to as ‘Holiday Resort Model’
Either it is one unitary state or two states, one for ALl Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion or date of arrival and the other for Sinhalese.
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
“What I cannot stomach is this ” North AND East are for us and rest is for ALL of us” attitude. Which I refer to as ‘Holiday Resort Model’”
Where did you get this information, probably during one of your regular paranoia induced panic attacks.
The country belongs to my people and Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, … are only the leaseholders, renewable at request and on their good behaviour. The island never belonged any of the stupid bums listed above.
“This is precisely what I am promoting too.”
Not really. Your intentions are as bad as Country Farce’s, based on his 80:20 stupid law.
If you detest the idea of a united federal state of this island, you have variety of options. One is going back to your ancestral homeland in South India.
Burning Issue / May 7, 2016
You do really sound churlish indeed! The Tamil people have overwhelmingly mandated the TNA to act on their behalf. I am sure you respect democracy and diversity.
It is obvious that your objection to federalism is not based on rational thinking but contingent on your unfounded fear of India! This is the real reason behind your objection to the Tamil aspirations. I think you need to deal with your insecurity objectively and do not put obstacles for democratic progress.
You also need to come to terms with the reality that the Sinhala politicians are democratically weak and unscrupulous in their quest for power. The Tamils cannot put their security on the hands of a few good Sinhala; the Tamils must secure a irrevocable constitional security in the form federalism. Such solution should be made inalterable without the consensus of the regional people.
The Tamil speaking people or the Sinhala speaking people can chose to live wherever they like but a solution on the basis of N&E must be realised. Both Scotland and Wales were granted extensive power devolution in a civilised manner. The proportion of both the Scotts and Walsh people living in the mainland Britain is far grater than the proportion of the Tamils in the south. Hence, your reasoning does not warrant credibility!
soma / May 8, 2016
“The Tamil people have overwhelmingly mandated the TNA to act on their behalf. “
Tamil people?
Only Hindi and Christian Tamils in the North. The very same Tamil people even voted for Sarath Fonseka when TNA asked them to.
TNA vote base is smaller that that of JVP which means more people opted for communism than for separatism.
Burning Issue / May 8, 2016
Please stick to the point! Tamils have mandated the TNA to act on their behalf; this you need to respect. No one has said anything about separation; why are you get hung up on this word? Federal governance is democratic and just and your blamished mindset is completely clouded to see straight!
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
“TNA vote base is smaller that that of JVP which means more people opted for communism than for separatism.”
I hate to agree with you.
The people opted for a niche Sinhala/Buddhist racist party which masked itself in dated Marxist jargon.
Ravi-Telugu / May 7, 2016
[My argument is based on what has been revealed recently (Island of April 29) by Murugesu Chandrakumar, former MP and Deputy Chairman of Committees in Parliament, who recently quit the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) of which he had been a founder member. He has declared that social injustice is evident in the discrimination against the non-Vellala depressed castes in almost all fields including education, employment, agricultural extension, and other fields providing opportunities for economic mobility. According to Chandrakumar the depressed castes comprise 65 per cent of the Northern Province’s population of 1.5 million.]
What are you talking?
So according to you, even those 1.5. million should not be benefited by devolution of power merely on the ground of caste issues.
what a cruel intention.
Ravi-Telugu / May 7, 2016
[Are Our Tamils Fit For Devolution?]
one should write an article “Are Our sonis Fit For Evolution?
tatcher / May 8, 2016
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tatcher / May 8, 2016
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cholan / May 7, 2016
Each and every Thoppy in this cursed land ..learned A..B..C..D about politics and how to speak on stage from Tamil Federal Party …till they sold themselves to Sinhala Parties for money
After all these so called Muslims here are converted TAMIL HINDUS …
This joker has no right to tell or discuss what Tamils want….
Spring Koha / May 7, 2016
HLD and Izeth and different sides of the same coin.
They write for catharsis, otherwise they will only wander about the house annoying the other occupants with their incessant demands for service and attention.
Both are self-appointed ‘specialists’ on things they know a little about.
We should not take them seriously, and on no account take what they say as authoritative; there is ample recommended reading on the subjects they write about by people who are qualified.
They are useful for a bit of light entertainment.
tatcher / May 7, 2016
“”They are useful for a bit of light entertainment. “”
looney coons are better da!!
All This and Rabbit Stew (1941)
wascally waaacist !!!
Stanislaus / May 7, 2016
Spring Koha: Catharsis? I am sure you are right.Some of these Tamil bashers seem to be writing to relieve their own emotional and marital problems.Indeed there is a touch of hysteria in the very tone of their comments as well a willful indifference to facts and reason. It is a pity that the rich medium of the internet is being used by the likes of Hussein and LDM to attend to their emotional problems as well as perhaps the boredom of old age.
They should try some other medium:chess or carrom perhaps, or even take a mistress(a non-Vellala one) and try their luck
tatcher / May 7, 2016
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tatcher / May 7, 2016
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dayal / May 7, 2016
we do not need more hussians. izath is enough to expand whatever division already there between muslims and tamils. IH should concentrate more on several divisions existing among muslims who are at each others throtes in west asia.caste is there but SL tamils are not fighting on those lines unlike muslims. it is better for IH to look after his people. he will create another beruwala /aluthgama very soon by giving new points to podubalaya.
Rajash / May 7, 2016
Zac Godsmith screwed up his apparent Bollywood knowledge. I heard he is now off to Bollywood for an acting career.
He shoud have listened to his sister and brought down Imran Khan to canvas for him
tatcher / May 7, 2016
[Edited out]
Lanka Watch / May 8, 2016
Mr. Izeth Hussain is writing about caste related racism practised by
Tamils and Sinhalese without physically visiting the areas where high caste Sinhalese & Tamils, predominantly live and find out what is going on now. His writing is purely based on past history.Caste related
racism was encouraged during the colonial era by the colonial masters, specially the British, in order to make administration of the country
easier for them by using their cunning policy of divide and rule and given higher position to high caste people to control the lower ranks who were from low castes.
This was practised not only in Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon but where ever,they set foot on countries during the 2nd WW.They followed this policy to ensure that people do not,unite, together and demand freedom or collective agreements in their work places.With the grant of independence,caste based racism started vanishing as selection of Government servants in the Govt. service were done on merits (Then) and not based on some one’s caste and in some instances, high caste govt. servants had to work under low caste divisional heads. The Christian missionaries too played an important part in helping the
low class people, some of them were called untouchables to compete with the high caste in Jobs and higher education. Marriages of course took place within the same caste but that did not cause any problems to the community,and the same thing happened among the Sinhala people, where the Kandyan Singhalese felt that they were from a higher caste than the low country Singhalese and marriages between the two sect. were limited but high profile marriages have taken place between the Kandyans & low country Singhalese, unlike among the Tamils, where only very few mixed marriages took place during the pre independence
period but this concept of high caste ruling over the low cast among
Tamils almost vanished during the war and the credit goes to Ltte,as they punished those who talked about caste and their Chief spokesman at one time during the war was from the barber caste while VP came from the high caste.
Wonder why Mr.Izeth Hussain does not write about his onw community’s weaknesses. Will the “Sinhala’ Marrikar,from Kandy, Matale or Colombo, who speak Sinhala outside their homes to hood wink the Singhalese that they are on their side and speak their mother, tongue, Tamil in their kitchens, marry Muslim girls from rural East, who dress like a Tamil, speak like a Tamil and behave like a Tamil and what they do differently
is that they love their religion and pray five times a day, in the midst of the Tamils.
jim softy / May 8, 2016
[Edited out]
Native Vedda / May 8, 2016
jim softy dimwit
“[Edited out]”
Thanks for keeping it brief.
Can you keep it briefer?
PROUDMAN / May 9, 2016
Glad you are learnnig fast
Mathy / May 8, 2016
[Edited out]If the NPC did not spend all the money it received from the central then he concludes that Tamils are not fit for devolution. Caste is there among the Tamils, Sinhalese as well as Muslims. This has been coming down for several centuries. However, look what is going on among the Muslims? They are killing each other in the name of Allah the Great for sectarian reasons. The Sunnis and mercilessly slaughtering the Shias and vice versa in the name of Allah. At least there is no real fighting between different castes. It is only discrimination among people of the same faith. What is Hussain explanation for the sectarian fighting going on in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, and Syria between the majority Sunnis and minority Shias in the name of both Allah and Prophet Mohamed?
SJ / May 8, 2016
“What is Hussain explanation for the sectarian fighting going on in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, and Syria between the majority Sunnis and minority Shias in the name of both Allah and Prophet Mohamed?”
Much the same as between Mahayana and Heenayana, between Saiva and Vaishnava and between Catholic and Protestant between Tamil and Kannadiga between Tamil and Malayali, betweeen Nadar and Pallar and between Vanniyar and Parayar.
I think that caste is an issue, regardless of mischief makes poking fun at Tamils, Tamils of the North have to address outstanding issues.
Thanga / May 8, 2016
This writer is trying to fish in troubled waters. He is magnifying the caste factor among Thamils to undermine the demand by the Thamils for autonomy not division.
He is dishing out lies and damn lies claiming the NPC returned 83% of the budget allocation for 2015. The truth is just the opposite. The NPC spent 83% of the budget.
The population of NP is not 1.5 million, it is just a million (1,058,762). If 60% of the population is depressed class how come there is only one depressed class member in the NPC? How come Chandrakumar himself lost the election? How come Douglas Denananda won the election despite he belonging to a non-vellala caste?
In fact many of us do not know who is who. In the last parliamentary election one of the ITAK candidate lost the elections by just 364 votes. Only a few days ago I learnt that he belonged to the so-called depressed class.
The demand by the Thamil people for autonomy/power sharing (not devolution) is not based on caste, creed, and poor/rich factors. It is based on common language, culture, historical habitat and collective consciousness that they constitute a nation/people.
Prior to the arrival of the Portuguese Traders in 1505, there were Three Kingdoms in this Island. The Kotte kingdom in the southwest was mainly ruled by the Sinhala kings. By 1547, the Portuguese took control of this kingdom. The Tamil kingdom occupied the northeast area of the Island with its capital in Jaffna. It also had its chieftains in Vanni. The upcountry kingdom had its capital in Kandy and was called the Kandyan kingdom; it had been ruled by the Sinhala kings and by South Indian Tamil chieftains (1739-1815). The western territory (Mannar) of the Tamil Kingdom was captured by the Portuguese in 1619. There have been several uprising by the Jaffna Tamils who resisted the capture of the Jaffna kingdom until 1621. Prior to 1621, for nearly 200 years or so, the Jaffna kingdom had remained the single most powerful kingdom in Ceylon. The Dutch invaded and ousted the Portuguese in 1658. The British invaded in 1796.
The first British secretary Col.Hugh Cleghorn in his minutes (1799) wrote that “this island is inhabited by two very different nations from a very ancient period has divided the Island between them. They differ entirely in their religions, language and manners.”The British also had a protracted struggle to capture the Kandyan kingdom. They fought a war from1803 to 1815. The Vanni chieftain was also brought under British control in 1815. Tax was collected separately from all these old kingdoms until 1833. The plantation Tamils were brought in from south India when the Kandyans refused to work on the coffee plantations for the British in the 1840’s.
The root cause of the current ethnic problem in modern political history begins with the unification of the Three Kingdoms by British in 1833:-
The unification of all three kingdoms of the island was carried out by 1833. This unification was then carried out by the Captain Colebrook & Cameron Commission. The commission was asked to look into administrative reforms to implement the social, economic and political policies of the British Empire. Island of Ceylon was accepted, after unification, as a British colony in 1833. This unification broke the traditional local conventions. Since they were the colonial masters, the British were able to over-rule all local traditions and conventions. This is how the unitary state emerged in Ceylon after 1833 with newly drawn up territorial boundaries by the British colonial masters. All successive governments of Sri Lanka have claimed this as their own sovereignty and territorial boundaries. The Sinhalese are adamant that the Tamils have no claim even on their ancestral lands as their homeland.
Sinhala Buddhist nationalism was aroused by Anakarika Dharmapala (1869 to 1923) with hatred against Non-Buddhist minorities like Muslims/Christians based on the Mahavamsa chronicle of the 6th Century AD.
The Tamils failed to arouse Tamil nationalism to the same extent as the Sinhalese, even though Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam lit the flame for the Tamil nationalism in the 1920’s due to the betrayal of the Sinhala leaders.
If the argument that Thamils are not entitled for devolution/autonomy because of the caste factor, then for the same reason both the Sinhalese and Thamils would have been disqualified to attain independence from British in 1948 because both the Sinhalese and Thamils practised discrimination based on caste! In fact there was intense caste rivalry between the goigama and karava Sinhalese.
Izeth Hussain should grow up and leave matters what is to Caesar and leave what is to god and not mix both!
shan / May 9, 2016
A wife is abused for a long time she wants a divorce as she is been mistreated continuously how can one ask if she is capable of managing herself…simple as that get it?