16 January, 2025


Asgiri Prelate Calls For Stoning Of Muslims – But Remains Immune To ICCPR Act Violations

One of Sri Lanka’s highest Buddhist authority figures – Asigiri Chapter Prelate Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana has called for the stoning of Muslims and urged Sinhala Buddhists to refrain from frequenting Muslim-owned shops and consuming food offered by Muslims. For such blatant vitriol against Muslims, fanning the growing unfounded paranoias about the Muslims – he remains untouched; no charges have yet been brought against the Asigiri Chief prelate for violating the ICCPR Act.

In an anti-Muslim speech delivered on Sunday in the presence of UNP MP Mayantha Dissanayake, Gnanarathana thera makes a shameful display of hate towards Muslims – spewing words that completely violate the very non-violent principles Buddhism stands for.

“Mayantha here was talking earlier about how Muslims shouldn’t be sidelined… But even I will say now, don’t go to these Muslim owned shops, dont’ consume the food they offer,” the Asgiri Chief prelate said while adding, “The Muslims don’t love us [Sinhalese]…”

He goes on to state that it is a well known fact that Muslims have poisoned ‘our people’ [Sinhalese] and that they have been plotting to destroy ‘our people’. The thera says therefore it is of paramount importance that Buddhists protect themselves.

Further egging on the growing Islamophobia, this monk representing one of the highest orders of the Buddha Shasana in Sri Lanka, also implies he believes the younger generation will be infertile due to frequenting Muslim owned eateries.

He also speaks of the sterilization rumours – adds fuel to the fire. He speaks of a Doctor from Matale who destroyed hundreds and thousands of ‘our children’. The thera is most likely referring to Dr. Shafi from Kurunegala who now appears to have been falsely accused of sterilizing Sinhala women.

The thera says such ‘traitors’ must not be left in peace.

“I overheard some Upaasaka Ammas here speaking of how these doctors must be stoned to death. . . I will not say it should happen, but that is what should happen…If one of our people committed such crimes against them [Muslims], we would have been sliced to death…” he goes on spewing further hate on Muslims.

The Chief prelate also revealed his true agenda – the reason behind why he so vehemently spewed vitriol against Muslims – his campaign for the Rajapaksas at the upcoming Presidential polls.

With no announcement made so far about the candidate or the specific election dates, Sri Gnanarathana thera seems to have already declared the winner.

“I heard this very auspicious news, that Chamal Rajapaksa will be the future President of this country… I had not heard this before but was overjoyed to hear it…I invite Mayantha too, crossover and help rebuild and save this country,” he added. (By Purnima Ranawaka)

Latest comments

  • 29

    This bugger the crook in saffron, the wolf in sheep’s skin should be arrested and disrobed by the Sangha if they claim they are the guardians of Buddha!

    • 13


      These Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist “ Monks have been following the Mara, Devil, Satan, for their own self-interest.

      They are presiding over s temple containing a canine tooth, and the grass eating populace, mean IQ 79, have been prostrating to these Mara monks.

      A Land like no other, where the idiots prostrate to other idiots, called a Para-Sinhala”Buddhist “ monk country.

      • 1

        I don’t suppose it will be any use to wait breathlessly for a statement on the matter from a well-known Cardinal. One requires a spine to lead, but the Catholics have a supine hamuduruwo in a red robe.

  • 24

    This land has not been not stepped in or blessed by Lord Buddha. Buddhist doctrine adopted in Sri Lanka is skewed and need to be re visited. Hatred to the core has crept into Buddhism due to SWRD and JRJ leadership. This is mainly due to fear of losing Buddhist identity. Except for few of these monks, most have never been constructive. As long these putrid monks are allowed into politics, Sri Lanka will be in the wilderness for long decades to come.

    • 15

      No wonder the Buddha decided not to set foot in the cursed country – in spite of what the mahavansa states

    • 4


      The grass eating mean IQ 79 masses prostrating in front of these imbecile monks.

      As a first step, the grass eaters should stop prostrating in front of them.

      As a second step, stop giving them Dana, offerings. They need to lose some weight.

      Third step, stop offering boys. Let them jerk.

  • 13

    Meanwhile …. 11 year old dies of hunger in Hambanthotha (

    You lying hypocrite morons talking about abortions and sterilization are blind to these happening all over the country on a daily basis? Already you’ve broken 3 of the Panchasila …
    – Pranatipata vermani sikka padam samadiyami (Meaning no killing of living being.) Where were you for this 11 year old kid?
    – Musa vada vermani sikkapadam samadiyami (Meaning no lying) All your talk is about allegations.
    – Suramerayamajja thana vermmani sikkapadam samadiyami (Meaning no consumption of toxicating drinks. ) You’re clearly drunk with power and the bribes of corrupt politicians and their golden gifts.

    You will get your just deserts one way or another. Karma is a bitch!

    Buddha says on rationality/reasoning:

    Do not believe in traditions merely because they have been handed down for many generations and in many places; do not believe in anything because it is rumoured and spoken of by many; do not believe because the written statements of some old sage is produced; do not believe in what you have fancied, thinking that because it is extraordinary, it must have been implanted by a deva or a wonderful being. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
    -Kalama Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya

    Accordingly Buddhism requires nothing to be accepted on trust without enquiry.

    Our robed hypocrites are doing a great job protecting Buddha’s philosophy… NOT!


  • 4

    I see that Manel Fonseka and others are jumping into condemn me again. To them I am the problem. Not the vile, barbaric ideology masquerading as a religion called Islam. How small are their minds and how pathetic is their way of thinking.

    The peaceful regular Buddhism is not the way of life that works when radical Jihadi fanatics attack you, massacre you and lay siege to your home and declare desire to completely subjugate you. I hail the monks who have realized this and have started advising the Buddhists that they should rise and defend themselves with weapons and everything they have. That is the call of the time and all Kaffirs of Lanka, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and pagan should join in the fight to totally annihilate the Moslem monster.

    • 3

      Anihilate thyself Sir.

    • 5

      Jay Chambers,

      You are only a paid coolie to post hatred, even clicking on dislike is not worth it, forget reading long lines of stupidity. Ask your masters why they want to wrack this beautiful poor country time and time again with communal violences that erupt time to time. Is there a valid reason behind these communal violences? Does one community want to completely wipe out the other through these attempts? No, because it is not going to happen. Do these violences move the voter base here & there? Of course, yes. So it is obvious that the country is going backward day by day with its people suffering just because few politicians are greedy for power to swindle the poor tax payers.

      People like you work as coolies as long as the masters throw you a bone, with no principles. I also doubt if you are a Sri Lankan who never wants to show the world that it is a failed undeveloped country of hatred, racists people by trying to provoke people to fight each other and stop other developments to progress with the modern world.

    • 1

      Jay Chambers,

      After annihilating the Muslim Wahhabi monster, the Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhists will go after the Hindu Tamils and Hindu Christians again, and then go after the Sinhala Christians.

      None of these Paras belong in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.They all should get back to their Para homelands.

  • 5

    How can big respoctive monk can speak like this
    What is proof they have
    As muslim we eat unknown Muslim shop as time with Sinhala friends
    That we will effect
    You are very wrong
    Kindly remove from askiriya post

  • 16

    This guy has a brain smaller than a crock, a monk with a right mind will never say things like this, this guy has to be sent to the mental hospital, what is this idiot trying to do here, once again to spread hatred and create another blood bath. I am not going to ask where is law because it doesn’t exist in Srilanka.

    • 3


      This was trained as a Sinhala Buddhist monk. Are the other monks trained the same way? What does the monk training do? Follow Buddha or Mara?

      This is Sinhala Buddhism in a nutshell. Ask any Tamil. Why did VP and LTTE attack the monks. They identified the problem correctly .

  • 13

    It is an irony that this man calling himself a Chief is uttering such venom and total lies. Buddam is truth, knowledge and learning and wisdom. Does this man possess any of these qualities that Buddha wanted? he is just lying. Muslims are poisoning, making sinhalese sterile, oh deiyane what a lie and what a curse? This liar must be struck by a lightening for his evilness. He wants blood and he is blood thirsty. Cant this man think, read and learn of what is happening around instead of listening to gossip and rumor? What kind of clergy he is and worst still a Maha Nayake? he is really a Maha Liar. Then how can these people check other rowdy clergies? These guys will ruin Buddhism.

  • 10

    Straight out of Tipitaka:
    “Should any bhikkhu intentionally deprive a human being of life, or search for an assassin for him, or praise the advantages of death, or incite him to die (saying,): “My good man, what use is this evil, miserable life to you? Death would be better for you than life,” or with such an idea in mind, such a purpose in mind, should in various ways praise the advantages of death or incite him to die, he also is defeated and no longer in affiliation.”
    I dont think he’s qualified to be a monk

    • 1


      The monk is following MaRa-ism, Mara-ism sometimes called Sinhala “Buddhism “” incorrectly to fool people, with low mean IQ of 79.

      The monks are the curse of the land. Do the Buddhist imbeciles know that. Sri Lanka needs a Kamal Ataturk, to put the monks in their place, like what he did to the Ulama in Turkey, about 100 years ago.

  • 15

    Let me get this straight. A senior Monk like this guy says something in public which is not in accordance with Lord Buddha’s teachings. Isn’t there a committee consisting of senior prelates of that chapter , this chapter take action. If so why are they keeping quite.? In a school, the principal has every right to sack a student if found guilty of any offence not in accordance to school principles. I am a Josephian (in the 60’s) and when I was in the 10th standard, a boy from a very wealthy family, hit the master when he was punished by the master for doing something wrong. The Rector Fr.Peter Pillai immediately sacked him from school. Didn’t give a damn to the boy’s parents position. There are many so called men in saffron robes who are bringing Buddhism to a very low grade. Why are the Buddhist people and the senior clergy who are holding high post silent. What are these so called Buddhist politicians doing. Is Sri-lanka the only country getting the blessings of the clergy and their advice before implementing anything.
    Do you find any hindu priest, catholic priest or for that matter any imam getting involved in politics. Prince Siddhartha gave up his princely hood and became a monk, whereas the monks of today from Sri Lanka, want to become like Prince Siddhartha and to enjoy the princely life. Lord Buddha walked everywhere, where as, the senior clergy travel in luxury cars. Sri Lankans have a Hobson’s choice when it comes to politics. Select the best devil out of other devils to run the country.

  • 8

    Shelton, but these Buddhist gahanies can go and wash ME toilets according to this moron. These are guys who don’t know what they are talking. This is religion where no thinking, no questioning and no wisdom but just listen. This moron is just lying without knowing the outcome. Most of his offerings at pansala too come from ME labour force. He is an illiterate fool.

  • 1

    I read your articles regulary and respect your opinion but theheadline here is false according to your report. The prelate may have expressed an opinion which is likely to raise interracial disputes but he has specifically said he will not say what some “Upasaka Ammas” said meaning Muslims should be stoned to death even though if such an act was committed by a Buddhist against Mulims (probably in an Islamic State) the Buddhist would be stoned to death.

    I believe you should take action to modify the headline of your article and the Prelate should also desist from making such comments which are likely to disrupt peaceful interracial relations.

    • 2

      The problem is, the prelate agrees with stoning and killing of Dr. Shaffi, without giving him a dog’s chance – just because of the extremist Buddhists “think” that Shaffi has done a crime.

  • 10

    Well said RFernando. This liar has to be re-robed and stoned to death for creating violence and hatred in the country. I am sure this guy is being paid by someone or some group. Senile naki thero if you are man, then call all the cleaners fro. ME. Refuse petrol. No exports to Muslim countries. Can you stand by any of the accusations that you have made. You just cannot be a clergy. Wear a sarama and go to keselwatte. What a low grade man he is. You are an anti Buddhist.

  • 12

    I don’t see any difference between Warakagoda, Zaharan and Prabakaran. All are ruthless terrorists but Waraka is fully protected by the banana republic and immune to all forms of racism.

    • 3

      Exactly. I am ashamed to be a buddhist.!!!!! If Buddha were alive today, he would leave the sasana himself.

  • 7

    Lets chase the buddhist workers from middle east, and sanction oil at below market prices to sri lanka. all the monks can give employment to these people. Lets see what these idiots do. a monk who is unemployed gives advice to a employed person is what buddhism is. if you want advice on plumbing ask a plumber. if you want advice on family, ask a father with children. not a monk looking at a tree. nothing will come out of it. these frustrated cases, need to live life. not to shun life.

  • 8

    How quickly hate speech spreads in SL. If only counter news could get around as fast. Yesterday or the day before, Economy Next carried a report of the investigations into the top cop who began the vilifying of Dr Shafi, but neither the Daily Mirror, D News nor Island have carried it so far. Can anyone who reads the Sinhala press tell me if it is there?
    Has it been on radio or tv news?


    Is hate speech illegal or not in Sri Lanka? If it is, how can those who persistently employ it on this site, calling for blood, time & time again, get away with it? Hate mongers should not be able to plead the right to freedom of speech…of hate speech.
    One contributor to this site seems to have inherited some ancestral hatred, tho his target is not Jews. And let him not say “all Germans were not Nazis/fascists/anti-semitic”… for then we would answer, neither are all Muslims fanatics, extremists, etc., etc.

    This German descendant says he has been visiting SL since the 1970s. I wonder what he does there, on what basis he gets his visas? Perhaps I shouldnt go so far as to suspect him of being a Zionist agent, but he certainly does some work for them. Maybe his next holiday will be in Trump Summit (or is it Heights?). Or somewhere down south in SL..in MR territory.

    • 3

      You are great, Manel.

    • 5

      A sincere thank you. EVERYONE needs to stand up and be counted against racism. There is no “intellectual” justification for discrimination of any kind.

    • 2

      ICCPR selective. The Yellow fellows are exempt from hate speech. Sri Lanka a country like no other. The worst vermin we need to eradicate, next to the politician.
      Take a leaf from Hong Kong. They protested en masse, over 1 million, the extradition law to Mainland China. China is now threatened, mute.. Howszat?

  • 5

    The private media buggers – Madarajah, Derana, Hiru etc are deaf to these banas. Damn disgrace for internationally publicizing bias news and putting more fire creating unemployment closing down the tourism sector.

  • 9

    This Asgiri Thera should be Stoned to death. These parasites must be annihilated

    • 3

      Good idea. Let’s do it. .

  • 5


    Do you see clergymen of other religions getting involved in day to day matters of people anywhere in the country or for that matter anywhere in the world

    Only in Sri Lanka the Buddhist clergy and saffron clad thugs are everywhere leading mobs, making false issues, processions, fasting etc etc, you on the tv, it’s all about saffron clads.

    Who is blind? You or me, the problem with your kind is that not only you are blind conveniently, but everyone one you just lie as it’s a virtue which brings good karma

  • 3

    as a hindu i am shocked by the statement by the ‘respected prelate’. i think we are going to confront a drastic catastrophi very soon. modern state is totally devoid of ecclesiastical influence. we are going back to pre-historical times. can you listen to the priests and take the country to the 21st century knowledge economy. then hindus have to listen to samiyars and nallai adhinam or kambavarithi to carry on with their politics.

  • 4

    These free eating monsters have nothing worthwhile to contribute to any society.make these arseholes work for their livelihood so that they understands the realities of life.Stop filling these free begging bowls so that their brains open up, otherwise they dd weight only and brain degenerates

  • 2

    Catholics greatly appreciate the wise words of the Buddhist prelate about Islam. islam is not just a problem – it is an aberration .

    • 2

      Who are you Leslie K???? An ignoramus!!!! Not Christian.
      Islam and Christianity closely related. Originated in Palestine and Middle East. Jesus Christ is a prophet in The Koran. Names similar Mariam / Mary. Isaiah/ Ijas Abraham/ Ibrahim Adam/Adam Issac/ Ishaq /Ismail Jesus/ Yesua. Elijah/ Ilyas Solomon / Sulayman.
      I can go on. It is the uneducated who make disparaging remarks about any religion.

  • 3

    This bastard in robes is a disgrace to the Buddhist clergy. Who ever who cast their votes including the public servants undoubtedly must be regretting their decisions. I have no reservations regarding his birth. He definitely comes from a bastard family., who could not find three meals a the day. Today no right thinking honorable families do not give their children to Sasana, as it is a deplorable cesspit.

  • 3

    I am simply ashamed to be a buddhist!!!!!!

    I knew we as a nation is in trouble but did not think that we are in this much trouble. When a Head priest thinks like this, what chance we have as a nation? I certainly would ask my son, who is abroad to never to return to this country.

  • 3

    This idiot should be removed from his Mahanayake post.

  • 2

    This evil and barbaric chief monk is immune from the applicability of ICCPR Act because he is Not a non Buddhist rekigious preacher.

  • 1

    [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 2

    This racist saffron-robed pig should be stripped and strapped to a chair with a hole at the base and rapid rhythmic tapping with a foot ruler should be carried out till he witnesses all the stars in the heaven.

  • 2

    He is unbecoming a mahanayake, unbecoming a priest, unbecoming a Buddhist, and becoming a Barbarian.

  • 3

    Buggers are selling Buddhism so cheap, Very soon you will see a monk who will claim he is Lord Buddha reborn.

  • 3

    This is same like the statement made by Ven. Wendaruwe Upali Thero calling a Hitler to rule Sri Lanka.
    Who wrote this script?
    There are ways to say things. But not like this.
    Buddhism is a non-violent religion and a great philosophy.
    Under any circumstances, we should not forget that.
    Sinhalese have a right to defend their race and their country from terrorists and internal and external enemies. There is no argument about that.
    Our Sinhalese Buddhist kings had to constantly fight and perish enemies to protect our motherland. If they didn’t, not a single Sinhalese would have survived.
    However, the role of Buddhist priests are different.
    If some Upaasakammas said that Muslims should be stoned, it is not right.
    How could you call them Upaasakammas if their minds are full of malice?
    They are an insult to the word Upasaka, the meaning of which is lay devotees of Lord Buddha!!!!!!!

    On a separate matter, what chances are there for Chamal Rajapaksa to become the next President? A 10% chance.

    • 3


      “Buddhism is a non-violent religion and a great philosophy.”

      However this is Sinhala/Buddhism and nonviolence does not apply as they Sinhala/Buddhists are thought to follow one of their cardinal rule, “Sunday Sil Monday Kill”. That is what you have been practicing.

      “Sinhalese have a right to defend their race and their country from terrorists and internal and external enemies.”

      Of course Sinhalese have the right to defend their country and people from Sinhala/Buddhist fascists and foreign invaders. It was the LTTE which defended this island from invaders. It was VP who defended this island from both internal and external enemies.

      “How could you call them Upaasakammas if their minds are full of malice?”

      How dare you insult the Mahanayakes? You are a traitor to the Sinhala/Buddhist race. By the way what is race?

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