15 January, 2025


At Next UNHRC Session Muslim Countries Will Have To Protect Mosques And Religious Freedom, Not The GSL – Kabir Hashim

By Colombo Telegraph –

Kabir Hashim

“Whether the government has so soon forgotten about the Moulavis who had rallied Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and other Muslim countries against the UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka. At the next UNHRC session, they will have to be there to protect mosques and religious freedom, not the government” UNP MP Kabir Hashim said.

The present regime has seriously violated the brotherhood between the Sinhalese and the Muslims as well as the Islamic religious freedom, charged UNP MP Kabir Hashim further said.

Speaking to the media in Colombo yesterday (Apr. 20), he alleged that mobs had driven away devotees and destroyed a mosque at Dambulla, despite the president, ministers and the police chief being informed about the threats to the religious place.

Police and the Army looked on as the mosque was demolished, charged the Kegalle district MP. Noting that the Islamic religious place in Dambulla was built way back in 1963, he noted that had it been an illegal construction, the matter should have been dealt with in accordance with the law.

MP Hashim asked whether the government has so soon forgotten about the Moulavis who had rallied Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and other Muslim countries against the UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka.

At the next UNHRC session, they will have to be there to protect mosques and religious freedom, not the government, he said. He urged the government to conduct an impartial and extensive investigation into the destruction of the mosque in Dambulla and to ensure religious freedom.


Latest comments

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    Then they will fill the list of traitors..

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    Is there a link between GoSL ministers stirring-up anti-Indian sentiments after the Geneva defeat and the increasing attacks on Christian churches and Muslim mosques. Why does the GoSL allow these things to happen? Why does the Buddhist sangha not discipline its monks who indulge in violence? And is the government in cahoots with the sangha in a deliberate rabble-rousing and stirring-up of xenophobia? Is the intention to distract the public from the hardships of a mounting economic crisis? These are all questions that intelligent folk should be asking themselves. There is something very rotten in all of this.

  • 0

    Budhists,Hindus,Muslims and the Christians of Srilanka all have two faces.One in public and the other in private.They are forced to interact with each other amicably due to many circumstantial and selfish necessities,but in private they prefer to be in their own world
    of racism which can easily be set on fire.Deep inside they are allergic
    to each other.Well,definitely there was a time this trend was easy
    manageable but with the open market economy,jealousy too swept into its dwellings at a very comfortable rate.Wrong politics use anything
    and anybody to come to power and knowingly but indirectly they let loose racism when and where necessary for survival.

  • 0

    Mr. Hashim, I don’t know what type of effect does your reaction on this issue reflect in the Middle East but I have come to know some of the critics/bloggers (regardless of the ethnicity) have already ignited several threads that reaches many Arab Palaces. I personally trust that implications will take affect in the near future.

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    I have a court case where a a traditional sect of Muslims destroyed a newly built mosque by a new sect of Muslims. This is at Pannala in the Katugampola electorate in the Kurunegala ,district.

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      Kamal,dont’you know that,this type of incidents, we call them”mandaley
      kachal.” Don’t try to confuse this with “jathi baydha.”

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      these two sects are at each other in other parts of the country as well. Two politically powerful countries are jostling for a place in the Islamic world. Though not as divergent as Mahayana and Theravada , these two sects disagree on the interpretation of the Muslim way of life

  • 0

    This Religious issue has been taken too far by the humans in societies that are insecure. The Humans pray on the devine, believing the Almighty as all powerful. Between the Almighty and the people there stands Mullas Priests call them whatever, through whom the people are supposed to interact with the Almighty. It is no secret that these intermediaries are the biggest Humbugs and least pious. If there is any truth in the Almighty as all powerful why can not the people who are more pious interact direct with the Almighty? Why is the Almighty fighting shy of his own flock, whom he could identify better, as the ones who are most deserving compared to the crooks of intermediaries who sell the Almighty to the people. Is it that the Almighty too is bribed by the intermediaries?

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      According to the teachings of Islam, there is no need for an intercessor or a mediator in between a believer and his Creator, Allah Almighty (God). In short, for whatever the requirement which are lawful, a believer can directly communicate with Allah and request Him to fulfill them. Prayers are surely to be answered, provided the believer sticks to Allah’s commands by doing the lawful things and abstaining from unlawful activities which are ordained in the Holy Qura’n and practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

      Holy Quran teaches us that whatever the calamities befalls on the sea or the shore, are due to the things that the hands of the men have carried out. Holy Quran further teaches us to seek the help of Allah in times of calamities, with patience and prayers. Holy Quran teaches us “Allah is with those who are patient”, “Patience is beautiful”, thus emphasizing the importance of patience in times of calamities. So let us have faith in our Creator and the Sustainer, be patient and turn towards Him for help to overcome the present unpleasant situation which is affecting our motherland locally and internationally.

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    MP Hashim is trying to get political mileage from an unfortunate incident.It is unfortunate because had the local government authority which authorized the construction been more sensible this whole situation could have been avoided.

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    Do anything Leagally don’t think you can do illegal acts and escape, People who bow down for Money Era is over, We protect our Motherland. Thouse who came for business can do there businss,There are limitations for every thing.We know who hates us.

  • 0

    hey hansan,those who came to do business, came without anybody’s visa
    and stayed back because your ladies prefered them over you.May be you
    better do some investigations about bananas.I advise you to get back to some serious studies to find out that the Game of notes has just
    started.We also know that nobody else hates you better than you do it yourself.I don’t have to go by names to prove how many public officials have been nabbed for taking money to hide the law under carpet.Grow up man.Ask for help if you need.

  • 0

    already muslims have abused to revolt each others by united nation and us ,wait for next unhrc session HAKEEM you will face more sunni,sia troubles and mosques do camp by un peace keepers.

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