The Ministry of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs authorised the functioning of the ‘new’ mosque premises that was attacked last night in a letter dated as recently as 8 August 2013, the Colombo Telegraph learns.
Despite attempts by violent mobs led by Buddhist monks who attacked the prayer centre during sunset prayers last evening to claim the three storey structure on Swarna Chaithya Road in Grandpass was an unauthorised building, a letter from the Ministry claims that it had permitted the functioning of the mosque at its new premises at NO 158 after the old Molawatte mosque on No 166 of the same road had been acquired by order of the UDA.
The letter signed by the Secretary to the Ministry of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs M.K. Dissanayake explicitly says that following the UDA takeover, the mosque situated at 166 Swarna Chaithya Road is permitted to continue its functions at the new premises at No. 158 of the same road.
Meanwhile following a meeting held at the Ministry this afternoon that got repeatedly heated, the Government has decided to revoke the UDA order and return the old Molawatte mosque located at 166 Swarna Chaithya Road back to Muslim devotees. It was decided at the meeting that the Bo Tree on the premises would be removed and the mosque be granted permission to expand.
In attendance at the meeting were Muslim Ministers A.H.M. Fowzie, Rishard Bathurdeen and Deputy Minister Faizer Mustapha, while Justice Minister and SLMC Leader Rauff Hakeem also dropped in. The Sri Lanka Muslim Council and members of the clergy and residents from Grandpass also attended the meeting. JHU Members Minister Ranawaka and Udaya Gammanpila and Minister Dinesh Gunawardane were also present at the meeting. The Inspector General of Police N.K. Illangakoon and Senior DIG Western Province Anura Senanayake also attended.
Grandpass is reportedly calm after angry mobs on both sides decided to accept the compromise. Clashes re-erupted a short while ago as police attempted to allow 3 p.m. prayer to go ahead at the attacked mosque. At least 12 people have been injured in the clashes since Saturday.
Safa / August 11, 2013
Grandpass is an area with a Muslim majority and they need places of worship to practice their religous obligations. In this backdrop it is highly offensive that a group belonging to another religon try to control and dictate terms to muslims. We would like to give them a clear message – ‘Hands of our religon and places of worship’. We do not inferfere in yours so please leave us to ourselves.
Even after a letter has been issued by the ministry these thugs and vandals choose to attack mosques and muslims. Strangely the Police simply look on and have not arrested even one of the perpetrators. Thus the Police must take the full responsibility for this state of affairs. A few timely arrests would have prevented all this violence and hatred.
mike / August 12, 2013
You can’t arrest the perpetrators of this violence, namely, Hitlerpaksha, his moronic brother GOATA and VENEREAL Gandasara Thera and Company??
John / August 12, 2013
Permission for “Relocation”, if so how come you keep 02 LOCATIONS ? One should be closed down. On the other hand letter dated 08th August 2013 only 02 days before this incident.
Keeping 02 Muslim Mosques to prop up SLFP newcomer to Central Colombo Faizer ? That turned out to be disaster to Faizer ? seen on TV meeting Monk of Buddhist temple, seeking religious tolerance ?
What ever it is Muslim politicos, here & there & even in Eastern Province, make hitherto Muslim friendly Lanka a hell for innocent Muslims, to get few more votes for their respective political parties, added to that Muslim civilians alienate themselves wearing Arabic Cloths, sporting beards & women wearing Black dresses do the rest.
Slowly but surely, Sri Lanka would be a hell for Muslims & One day they would weep, weep & weep only.
Muslims yet unborn great grand children would only curse today’s so called Muslim political /religious /civilian leaders.
Safa / August 12, 2013
‘Make hitherto Muslim friendly Lanka a hell for innocent Muslims’-Poppycock and Bullshit. What friendship is this where our places of worship and businesses are attacked? Dont you worry about muslims and future generations unborn. Save your crocodile tears for yourself and your ilk.
I am no muslim / August 11, 2013
Sri Lanka should follow rules that Singapore follow to enforce mixed ethnicity in all areas so as to have harmony different races.
aratai / August 12, 2013
From No.158 to No.166 and back to No.158.
8 is lucky number for MaRa.
So, he will get both sides votes with this moves back and forth.
gonbella / August 12, 2013
The Muslims must be killed, their property plundered and their women raped and the proceeds of the plunder will be made available for monks in the form of Dana and contributions to build temples and great big statues of Buddha. The wealth that was plundered by the murderous Sinhala Buddhist thugs during ‘Black July’ is today adorning Budhist temples and buying food and saffron robes for the monks. After all the monks have taught the wrongdoers, the more they contribute to the temples and the monks the more merit they will gain to wash away their sins.
The message of hatred and violence against the Muslims have been sown. They will soon reap the bloody harvest. Gnanasaraya and MARA will have their secret meetings and revel on the bloodlust that all Sinhala Buddhists have this penchant for. The blood of the hapless Muslims will be what will soon fill their red wine glasses and they will sing’ ” Loke Uthum Rata Lankawai, Lankawai, Siri Lankawai’.
samith / August 12, 2013
dear, gonbella
u r not even have guts tell ur true name,.,, check with ur mom u may born to a muslim guy, ur innocent father doesn’t know that. and u too… ur mom slept with muslim
Jim softy / August 12, 2013
This is simply the Muslims system all over the world.
they always use the country’s system to spread the religion. Once they have the upper hand, they destroy the other religions and stop activities of other religions as well the activities of minor muslim sects.
Examples are all over the world.
Ricardo / August 12, 2013
Exactly… but see the way these muslims talking.. looks like they are very innocent people what the hell hahahaha.
Suranee / August 12, 2013
“It was decided at the meeting that the Bo Tree on the premises would be removed ” Are you people insane? May all those agree to this insane decision be punished for eternity.
Point of View / August 12, 2013
For cutting a tree ?
What punishment would you wish for murderers, rapists, extortionist ?
When did Buddha ask to protect all Bo trees. He only sat under a Bo tree !
maali / August 12, 2013
Most of the Bo trees ( not the one in Anuradapura) came from the shit of the crows and other birds.
mike / August 12, 2013
He only SHAT under a BO Tree ??
Ricardo / August 12, 2013
There was a buddhist temple attacked in Jaffna.. NO ONE KNOWS THAT .. NO ONE TALK ABOUT.. :)
Gerard / August 12, 2013
Yeah it was probably attacked because it was built there by the army on ethnic cleansing and colonization orders…please you attack their Uthayan offices and spy on every conjugation in Tamil houses, what else do you expect? You drop off Tamils from a camp in the middle of the jungle with no deeds and any shelter and drove off…what do you expect? You interrogate and harass political activists in the North…what do you expect? Certainly the war affected youth and their frustration will explode in such ugly manner!
Lankan Firdy / August 12, 2013
What about the Bo tree that down Jayasinghe road Kirlaponne that was chopped down to build a ‘palace’ for some very highly connected people of Gota.
Armchair / August 12, 2013
Exactly. Balu Bala Senas and Dilantha Pithanages and Ravanas Balayas will not respond to this…they are not for a peaceful Buddhist country, but a piece for them in the Hitlerpaksa rule.
Maghribi / August 12, 2013
Hope sense and sensibility prevails. We can build and repair the damages to a structure, however can we find solace in our hearts to the psychological injuries caused to the House of Allah.
Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto Us ye will be returned. (The Noble Quran 21:35)
patriot / August 12, 2013
This authorization letter or the so called permit is dated 8th Aug 2013. But building the mosque had been completed long before that date. That means the building work of the mosque must have begun without a permit. It is obvious that, issuance of the said letter was done in hush hush and a rash manner. Why do we say that?
Local Buddhists say the work on this building which is located on Swarna Chaitya Road had been started in 2010 not as a mosque but as a warehouse. When monks and local Buddhists realized the purported warehouse is a mosque, they not only objected to it but also have made many written complaints at the local police station.
With political push by Muslim politicians, building the mosque was completed about one and a half months back. And the Wahhabi backed ACJU had prepared to open the mosque which had been disguised as a warehouse. But there was no permit to use the building as a mosque even at that date.
Annoyed for being conned, local Buddhists backed by Sinhala Buddhist organizations protested strongly to the opening of the unauthorized mosque. When the police at Grandpass summoned both parties they have jointly agreed to close building until a legal remedy is found.
However, considering the on going Ramadan festival of Muslims, the Buddhist party is said to have agreed with Muslims for them to use the warehouse building for prayers until the 10th of August. In fact, a written agreement had been signed by both parties in front of police personnel with a senior officer signing as a witness. And police guard had been provided to the temporary mosque to maintain peace and order in the area.
When two parties sign an agreement, both parties are expected to adhere to its terms. Buddhists who signed the agreement didn’t know that Muslim scholars teach Muslims to be truthful to each other but need not be truthful with non believers. Buddhist should know that Koran 2:225 says, “Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts” The context of this remark is marriage but when you read the Koran verse 16:106 that says, there are circumstances that can ‘compel’ a Muslim to tell a lie it is obvious that Muslims cannot be trusted on agreements. Events that followed the said agreement is a good example for this maxim.
Then, strange events started to take place behind the backs of the Buddhist party that signed the agreement. Putting their differences aside, Muslim politicians started to work hard to organize a grand sting operation. As a result, the so-called permit sprang up from the Buddha Sasana and religious affairs ministry like a rabbit from a magician’s hat. I wonder whether the Prime Minister who is in charge of that ministry too is a party to this latest conspiracy by Muslims against Sinhala Buddhists.
Anyway, On the agreed date for the closure of the mosque, ie Aug 10th, the police called on the relevant Moulavi and asked him to close mosque as otherwise it would be difficult to prevail peace. It is said, the moulavi had then produced the afore mentioned permit and asserted to police that mosque need not be closed for they now have a permit. In effect the agreement has become irrelevant.
When the temple received the so-called ‘permit letter’ in the evening, monks rang the temple bells and congregated dayakaya and informed them of the latest situation. And the people said to have decided to demolish the mosque en masse at that time. It was during that mayhem several civilians and police had been injured. But there were no deaths or even serious injuries.
We have read that Muslim jihadis have killed several hundreds of Muslims of opposing sects all over the world during this Ramadan. Imagine the numbers that must have been maimed at those blasts. But for BBC, Al Jazeera and etc none of it mattered but interested news for them till yesterday has been our dispute that had only few minor injuries but none killed. So is for CT.
Anyway, when the situation got boisterous an official from permit issuing ministry came to the seen and withdrew the permit people started to dispersed and calm started to prevail.
In the end, all parties agreed that Muslims should revert to their old mosque located along the same road for praying. And that’s the truth.
Now that the hullabaloo is amicably settled, we can expect that BBC and their partners are not happy. lets see who and who are disappointed here.
karunathilaka / August 12, 2013
Mr/Ms Patriot
Assume whatever you right are correct about the background of the history of this mosque as we don’t know, who gave the authority to area monks to give / reject the permission to build a mosque, as per the constitution each and every person has his/her right to observe their religion in this country, if there is anything wrong in constructing any religious places let concern party to approach Judicial system..In which the pure nationalist believes.
Violent is not the teaching of any religion and your quote from muslim Koran is nonsense, don’t mislead the people by lies… Islam jurisprudence is comprehensive which has to be understood in full contest, from any judicial system if you take an idle phrase it may mislead…this is common sense.
mahela / August 13, 2013
If Buddhist Monks can build Pansalas,Dharma salawas, Viharas, Buddha statutes in North/ East and other parts of the country, surely other religions have the same freedom and right under constitution to build their Mosques, Kovils, temples and churches.
Equal to all or none for all. There cannot be Racism under Democracy or change name to Pariah Banana Republic.
Suranee / August 12, 2013
“Buddhists who signed the agreement didn’t know that Muslim scholars teach Muslims to be truthful to each other but need not be truthful with non believers.” Well its about time they knew it. I don’t know when our people will ever learn.
Tell me Patriot, why are these monsters being allowed to cut the Bo Tree? When Lord Buddha’s statues were being blown up everyone made a huge commotion about it even though it was happening in the land of the radical Islam lunatics. But when its happening in our own soil it seems no one wants to stop it. These people go to Mecca to kiss a stone which represents I don’t know what but they have the audacity to demand a Bo Tree which is sacred in Buddhism to be removed and call it just a tree.
I am no cad / August 12, 2013
The truth my dear patriot is elusive. You may try to white wash racism and intolerance by passing the buck. Oh its these Muslims who are responsible, you cry. Sadly in the modern world your false pretenses don’t have legs. If you want evidence, there are enough pictures of raving and ranting mobs trying to bring down a place of worship.
You guys are a akin to goons led by goon monks, lawless heartless and shameless.
Here’s the Muslim side of the story. The UDA acquired the land on which the old mosque stood. Muslims then converted the present building as a make shift place for prayer. Buddhists objected. The Muslims said they would go back to the old Mosque. The UDA and the Buddhists objected. So they went back to the prayer center until after Ramdhan as a temporary solution.
Of course racists didn’t like this arrangement. So attack they did, for the whole world to judge. You fool no one Patriot, Alias Lester
Gerard / August 12, 2013
Who is this “Patriot”..shooting poisoned arrows? The permits, letters took their own cool time as usual with the ministries..please do not spit because there is more to it than your long writ.
Len / August 12, 2013
No outrage from the radical or moderate Muslim Nations.But a carton from a Western country about Islam every one know what will be the outcome.
Muliyawaikkal / August 12, 2013
Looks like Fathimas are begging for Isaipiriya’s fate.
Bad, bad. Not good.
patriot / August 12, 2013
I am not a journalist. But it is true that I have written the story from my prospective. And I am a Sinhala Buddhist. However, event that I wrote as had taken place are not one sided for it is nothing but the truth.
Don’t be daft karunathilaka. Monks hadn’t assumed authority to give or reject permission to build a mosque or any other building. But people in area can oppose or agree to building plans. And monks are also residents there.
Somehow Muslims have agreed to drop the use of warehouse as a mosque in the end. Muslims have decided to go back to their old mosque for their prayers. And we are at where we were a few years back. Muslims started the problem and they have solved it. No problem now.
And the Buddhists for their part have agreed for the municipality to remove the ‘kaka’ Bo tree from the old mosque premises that no one has been venerating. Another problem solved. As you know, we do not venerate kaka bo trees. And that’s an answer for Suranee.
But I have noticed Al Jazeera is still broadcasting that a mosque had been vandalized by Sinhala Buddhists.
Suranee / August 13, 2013
“As you know, we do not venerate kaka bo trees.” Then why were the Buddhist monks chanting pirith when the tree was being cut?
I am no muslim / August 18, 2013
I suppose, it’s all in the mind, Suranee. Remember, Buddha told us to think ourselves and come to logical conclusions. After all he didn’t tell us what and what not to worship.
Karunathilaka / August 13, 2013
It’s an excellent example that we Sri Lankans are matured to sit and solve our problems in diplomatic and democratical way, rather than promoting violent and vandalism, these are common for any community each and every citizen of this country has a freedom to observe his/her religion.
Same time if something happened in which they don’t like they should approach the legal system of the country to encounter. Government spend lots of its efforts to run the legal systems in the country by the expenses for police, DS, AGA office, Army, Court….etc. Their duty is to maintain the law and order, our leaders and preachers should promote on this way not stoning and thugarism…
Why muslims started to make a new mosque, they were refused the permission to expand the old mosque instead MC authorities advice to change the location. However once again this is the country for all Sri Lankans we have peaceful means to solve our issue rather than spreading lies and vandalism..
ADJP / August 13, 2013
Now you call it the Noble Quran – once more copying the Christian description of the Holy Bible. Once again, the usual coterie of Islamic lunatics are screaming “Islam is the most peaceful and compassionate religion of love and brotherhood. Have you ever wondered why Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism waste their time 24×7 giving Certificates to their own religion. It is not necessary – because they are religions based on Love, Tolernace to other religions and views and also Brotherhood. Islam is not. It is a religion of blood, the sword, revenge and curses. Even today the stone age feature of killing by stoning is given honour in the annual pilgrimage in Makkah.
Who are these idiots trying to fool? From the beginning till today Islam continues to be a religion of hatred, revenge and blood – the only so-called religion to honour these beastly qualities. Look at the current record of this religion and their “peaceful believers”
– On Eid night’s prayers last week 11 Muslims in Quetta, Pakistan were slaughtered and 27 others bad mangled beyond help by a suice Muslim suicide bomber simply because those whom he killed belonged to another
section of believes – in Islam itself.
– On the same day 40 were killed instantly many hundreds maimed for life in Mosques, markets and Cafes in Baghdad. In the month of Eid alone over 700 Muslims were killed in Iraq by other Muslims although the killer/s personally had no quarrel with those that died and wounded. Some “religion of peace and love”
These are only to examples. Not a day passes without Islamics harming those of other faiths – even theirs – every day in almost every Muslim country in the world. How can such a religion be considered peaceful?
Now many Muslim readers in these pages call their Allah to curse Sri Lanka and harm the Sinhalese. No God worth his name will answer a call to cause damage to others. Instead what Muslims must ask their Allah is to change their own ways not to wish ill and conspire to harm the other religions within the societies they live in. That will be more like a peaceful religion.
Suranee / August 13, 2013
“Now many Muslim readers in these pages call their Allah to curse Sri Lanka and harm the Sinhalese.” The Muslims, the ones who supported the cutting of the sacred Bo Tree are the ones who are cursed and will be for eternity.
“Instead what Muslims must ask their Allah is to change their own ways not to wish ill and conspire to harm the other religions within the societies they live in.” They will never ask that from their Allah for it is one of their commandments to smite the infidel.
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
Point of View / August 13, 2013
By any chance are you sexually inactive ? Get some help. It will relax you.
Oh, speak to the men in your neighbourhood – the ones who keep staring at you all the time. Your issues with them will be sorted out ones they understand your predicament.
Suranee / August 13, 2013
Point of View,
Typical answer from an irate Moslem.
It’s a good thing I came back 2 decades ago so I could educate my race of the dangers your race poses to the whole of humanity.
Point of View / August 13, 2013
I don’t think Muslims are irate !
They are not insulting other religions, communities ! They are not reacting to the antics of Bebadu Balu Senawa. You know who is an insult to the religion and their community.
So, you know who is irate :)
Suranee / August 14, 2013
Point of View,
Lies,lies and more lies. Your religion has taught you well to lie to the non-Muslims at any cost to cover up Islam.
“They are not insulting other religions, communities !” That’s what you think but we all know the truth. You people are really sly especially the ones who live in neighborhoods and have a great time harassing and intimidating women – non-Muslim women. Some day justice will be served for us women.
AYMAN / August 17, 2013
M.SIVANANTHAN / August 16, 2013
How can the Buddha sasana ministry give permission to use a building under the UDA to convert and use as a Mosque?
UDA must give the permission and not the ministry of Buddha Sasana!