20 February, 2025


Gota’s Banning Gazette Contains List Of 16 Tamil Diaspora Orgs And 424 Individuals

Sri Lankan government domestically designated 16 Tamil diaspora organisations including non existing LTTE and 424 persons under the paragraph 4(2) of the United Nations Regulations No. 1 of 2012. We publish below the “Extraordinary Gazette” notification by the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and Sri Lanka’s President’s brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa;

To read the Gazette in English click  here

To read in Sinhala click here

To read in Tamil click here



Latest comments

  • 23

    Lord Gota>Lord Mahinda> Lord Buddha.

    Buddhist Fundamentalism needs Blood.
    There is a scarcity of Blood.
    Blood sucking Buddhist nation is our primary Goal.

    • 13


      What has the publication of invisible hands behind bloody mayhem & terror in Sri Lanka for 30 long years got to do with Buddhism?

      Did you find your name in their too?

      Finally, proper work by Ministry of Defence in Sri Lanka. Well done! Intelligence is the way to go.

      Please call in ambassadors from both UK & Canada to Colombo to explain themselves. And to get educated.


      PS: A special thank you too our friend Castro.

      • 17

        Ben Hurling

        “Finally, proper work by Ministry of Defence in Sri Lanka. Well done! Intelligence is the way to go.”

        How many of the named persons are still alive?

        It appears that these names and places of birth or residence have been picked up from daily news papers.

        The real tigers now work for Ministry of Defence and directly answerable to Gota. Former LTTE Intelligence chief Pottu Amman must be sharing Gota’s bed.

        In order to extent their rule and survive the ruling clan and cronies needs perceived enemies within and without the country.

        Gota has a car to sell, without engine, wheel, body, chassis, gear box, ……. Would you like to buy it? Its a good deal. You should buy it. Tell us the price of the car once the deal has been done.

        • 4

          Dear Native
          U always confusing me…tell me really Gotha gay…Pottu must be a lolly bob lover…

        • 7


          I would not buy anything from Gota. No. Not even a used car.

          I truly hope the published list is the result of painstaking intelligence work by Sri Lanka. Credible and verified to the best of Sri Lanka’s ability.

          The larger point is SL should be skilled, strategic, targeted, professional & relentless in its battle against LTTE die-ass-pora.

          Those who funded the LTTE must be named, shamed and punished. We owe it to the victims. It is called “accountability”.


          • 1

            Benn Hurling

            “I truly hope the published list is the result of painstaking intelligence work by Sri Lanka.”

            It appears you have already made up your mind to buy non existent car from Gota.

            No one in their right mind works painstakingly in this country. There is no reward nor any punishment for them to work, let alone work harder.

            To me this new list looks like almost similar to the one which was up loaded on one of those Sinaha/Buddhist nutters’ website.

          • 1

            I agree to u accountability is for Both LTTE and SL Govt
            Diaspora should realize what happen to the money they gave to LTTE for this war. They should have directed LTTE in to right path
            And also Govt for killing innocents civilian in the final war.
            Killing of innocents is not tolerable by any one
            Investigating war crime is a must for all innocent civilian in SL
            Could be sinhaleas, Tamil or mulims
            There is only evil SL and good SL
            I want a peaceful SL for my kids………………
            For that all have to know what we did wrong and miss in the process

        • 1

          Native Veddah,

          “The real tigers now work for Ministry of Defence and directly answerable to Gota. Former LTTE Intelligence chief Pottu Amman must be sharing Gota’s bed.”

          Is thui an advertisement for recruiting the former LTTE and Tamil Tiger Terrorists?

          So when the join the family, the Mafia, they stop being Terrorists? That is precisely what happened to German Nazis after WW2. Those who joined the West became Capitalists. Those who joined the Soviets became Communists.

          Are they Atheists? If not, they can Join the Saudis. They can be terrorists, but not Atheists, and the Saudis will accept them, like the Wahhabi terrorists.

        • 5

          Isn’t this Mahinda Rajapakse Joker who first paid LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran 800 million Rupees, and asking him to not allow Nothern and Eastern Tamil people to vote in 2005 Presidential elections……

          Here’s proof in the internet.



          Therefore how come this Joker ban GTF now.

          MR, Basil and Gota should be investigated by International Criminal court for Bribing VP and Money Laundering using Emil Kantha as a Broker.

          What a set of Clowns ruling our country…..Jokers opened Pandora Box in Joker’s paradise.

          • 5


            It was said that our benevolent neighbour forked over/financed/subsidised/gifted the large sum.

            Whoever financed such a large amount should face the music for money laundering, aiding and abetting LTTE in its terrorist activities and illegally buying favours from them.

        • 0

          “intelligence is the way to go” Native do the have that stuff ?

      • 7

        Dear Ben Hurling,

        I am sure you like to include all those voices raised against criminals who are responsible for the blood shed in this nation since 1958. It is the Buddhist Monk who took the lead by assassinating a prime Sinhalese minister. The whole world understand how Buddhist Fundamentalism is behind the atrocities committed in this island. The list of organizations you included now are existing for long and what is the necessity to ban them now. Obvious reason is UNHRC resolution which categorically specified an international impartial investigation. I am sure you are one of those who will be investigated. Give you special thanks to uncle GOTA.

      • 9

        Now who will provide the names of those who killed, Sivaraam, Raviraj, Maheswaran, PARARAJASINHAM, Kumar Ponnampalam, Kathirgamar, Lasantha, etc. who burnt the library and those who went around with voters list and killed, raped, burnt, robbed. Those who are responsible for the several thousands of murders have to published. It is time a list is compiled from 1956 on wards for all the Tamils killings!!!

    • 3


      Lord Gota>Lord Mahinda> Lord Basil….who first paid LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran 800 million Rupees, and asking him to not allow Nothern and Eastern Tamil people to vote in 2005 Presidential elections……

      Here’s proof in the internet.



      Therefore how come this Joker ban GTF now.

      MR, Basil and Gota should be investigated by International Criminal court for Bribing VP and Money Laundering using Emil Kantha as a Broker.

      What a set of Clowns ruling our country…..Jokers opened Pandora Box in Joker’s paradise.

    • 2


      “Blood sucking Buddhist nation is our primary Goal.”

      Are you sure?

      I thought it was child monks and sex for the senior monks. That seems to have been the goal in Tibet before the Chinese came to reform.

      Here is the data and the links.

      Buddhism The Great — Part 1


      Buddhism The Great — Part 2


    • 0

      Ajith (Aka Sajith P)

      You better make the following correction when it comes bllod sucking:

      Sun Goat Podian Preba>>>All Gods and Loads

      When is comes to the ultimate Blood sucker- Nobody can beat your Peelum hero Podian Preba and he is above all.

  • 8

    Hi Girl !!! Whats your name? Lets have yours gazetted as well.

    Do not blame Gota….. Blame Castro for leaving behind a treasure trove of materials….
    Gota is still turning the volumes of pages.

    Diasspora barks little realising the wealth of information in Gota’s hands………………….
    These are war treasures.

    There are two guys from Thondamanaru engaged in translation of these documents full time for the D/Ministry………

    • 3

      in fact it’s not difficult to compile a list like this.
      every time you go to Sri Lanka; copy of the passport is taken by the immigartion and other details are obtained from customs/imigration forms as they do in USA where finger prints as well as imgae of the pupil of your eyes are also taken.

      But what I dont understand is the logic behind publishing the list of names and addresses of the individuals.

      If one wanted to know where his missing son/brother/mother and protest in front of UN or Sri Lankan consulate or in Jaffna it’s his human right.

      Simply Gazeeting that he is a terrorist and then publishing his name and addreess and telephone number etc is illegal and a crime and an act of terrorism.

      I am sure there must be an legal ground to challege this.

      But then again we are delaing with a regime who have gone mad and all they see is Tiger.

      Tiger Tiger every where no Tiger to catch

      • 6

        The reason behind this publication is to move forward towards Banning TNA. They feel that democracy is working against them because the feeling of Tamils within Sri Lanka and outside Sri Lanka is the same and go in hand in hand regarding political aspirations and war crimes.

        • 3

          if SL gov wants to ban TNA there is enough evidence to do so. they openly went against the constitution of SL by sending that woman to Geneva who referred to Elaam in her speech, which revealed to the world their hidden agenda of separatism.

        • 1

          Whatever the reason behind this ill-considered move, doubtless the Labour of Love of KP and friends, the final result will be even unconnected Tamils from the diaspora, coming in increasing numbers on holiday and for other legitimate reason helping our tourist incomes, will think twice of visiting. Their fear is they will now be held by the Police, Immigration and the Army on false pretexts. “Big bucks” will be made and innocents held. This was a big source of “income” – that made millionaires out of officials in all three services named here in the past 3 decades – is common knowledge.

          This suspect and unfortunate move, believed to have been made on the personal whimsies and anti-Tamil prejudices of Gota in retaliation to the failure in Geneva, will further distance the Tamils and complicate whatever small gains GoSL made in the reconciliation effort so far. India and the world community should use their influences on this mad man not to complicate moves already afoot towards unity.


      • 1


        “Simply Gazeeting that he is a terrorist and then publishing his name and addreess and telephone number etc is illegal and a crime and an act of terrorism.”

        It depends on whose definition of Terrorism you use.

        1. Goat Rajapaksas Definition. A Tamil who ….. please complete the sentence…..

        2. Saudi Arabian King’s Definition . You have to be an Atheist.

        3. The Catholic Church’s Definition. You have to be heretic. etc.

        4. George Bush’s definition.

        5. Monk Mahanama Buddhist Definition. ( Do not accept or believe the Imagination of Monk Mahanama, An insult to Buddha).

        6. Add your list here….

        Here is what is understood as Terrorism…


        There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the definition of the term terrorism.[1][2] Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions. Moreover, governments have been reluctant to formulate an agreed upon, legally binding definition. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term is politically and emotionally charged.[3]

        Angus Martyn in a briefing paper for the Australian Parliament has stated that “The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination.”[4] These divergences have made it impossible to conclude a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism that incorporates a single, all-encompassing, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism.[5]

        • 2

          Is tTamils for Obama on the list.
          If so is Baraack Obama’s name on the list for getting financail aid from Tamils.

    • 3

      she gave her permission to publish ther photo.
      fly a kite is the message

  • 3

    Telephone directory listing

  • 3

    Hey dieass pora keep on spewing hate. Your name will be on the list next .don’t even think about coming to SL, works just fine for us

  • 5

    Why are most of these Tamils not in Tamil Nadu (the closest to the North and ancestral homeland) but in Europe, Australia and Canada? Are they really victims of discrimination?

    • 6

      ha ha so you took the time to go through the list?
      looking for any lost friends?

    • 8

      The same reason Gota and Basil went to America and the same reason you are in N America as well LOL
      Shouldn’t all of you have gone to Bihar or wherever Vijaya came from LOL

      • 5


        “Shouldn’t all of you have gone to Bihar or wherever Vijaya came from LOL”

        I beg to differ.

        Those Sinhala speaking Demelas,

        Navin, Ravi Perera, Sarojini, sach, chuti, Banda, Nuisance,Thondamannar, Abhaya, Hela, noel-jones, JimSofty, Goraka, Thrishu, mechanic, Ram, ………….. should go back to their motherland, South India.

        • 0

          noel-jones????? looks like some colonial sperm slipped through the net with this one.

        • 0

          Native Veddah,

          “Those Sinhala speaking Demelas, Navin, Ravi Perera, Sarojini, sach, chuti, Banda, Nuisance,Thondamannar, Abhaya, Hela, noel-jones, JimSofty, Goraka, Thrishu, mechanic, Ram, ………….. should go back to their motherland, South India. :

          Thanks for identifying and Grouping the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils. The Para-Sinhala calls them Para-Demala, I understand.

          The Para-Sinhala, or Para-Demala are all lost in the Monk Mahanama Imaginations, Delusions and lies, that is an insult to Buddha.

          Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!


          By Sharmini Serasinghe – Caution- The following is more suitable for the broad-minded and the wise. Others are kindly advised to pass!

          Wonder if ours might have been a wiser, and a more ‘humane’ society, had our ‘ancient’ history, been based on Aesop’s Fables, instead of the Mahavamsa. For if not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese may not have been endowed, with the reputation, of “Sinhalaya Modaya (The Sinhalese are Fools)”!

      • 4

        So – for economic gain, then, and not “bleeing genoshite” as publicly advertised? Good to know, from the horse’s mouth :D

        • 4

          @sivasankaran sarma, yes you are correct. It is flowing from a horse’s mouth to a donkey’s ears, which is yours

    • 4

      How naive you are Eusense?
      Most that left country during war days were made economic asylum in Europe, america, Canada, Australia, scandinavian countries.
      As you are not born yesterday, you should be well aware of the facts related to poor INDIA. Could India offer the same as the mentioned countries in terms of asylum ?

      I know alone in Germany there over 80 000 tamil refugees
      The numbers in UK, Scandinavian countries, canada, Australia are each more than 100 000, it is said nearly 1 mio srilankens (tamils) living in those countries.

      And I have also met sinahalese that abused the chance for finding a green pasture for them. So have lankens muslims too.
      This is not common to srilanka, but many of the devleoping nations today. But asylum laws have been amended as not many refugees are allowed to get permanent residency in Europe today.

      Actually even afro americans that live under poverty in the US could also abuse european asylum laws.

  • 4

    Now Tamils have a good reason to get refugee status claims accepted in western countries……just get on the list.


  • 6

    How many of you keyboard warriors found your names on this list? :D

    • 5

      The surprise omissions are in fact Karuna, KP and Douglas….or are they already under house arrest and drugged to behave like pet dogs?

      • 1

        Do not compare with dogs. Dogs are obedient and never betray it’s master.


  • 8

    Excellent, this was long overdue. No more holidays to Sri Lanka for terrorist supporters :D

    • 4

      You Pinhead, Spell your stage name properly as ‘Sharma’
      Sarma sounds like your bappa’s (Hambantota Gorilla) Sarama.

      ‘No more holidays to Sri Lanka for terrorist supporters’

      Same would apply to Malabari Mahendran in a few months time.
      No more testicle check up in the U.S.
      Kotapayya also will rot in fear.

      • 1

        Are you howling because you had to cancel that bargain package tour you had booked? LOL :D

        • 2

          I arnt a ‘D ass pora’ fella.
          I dont have nothing to cancel because I
          can travel in and out anytime fro and to
          my homeland.

          I am not howling nor barking, but i hate the
          stupid tactics of this regime. Pathetically childish
          the brothers are. Sri Lanka sadly being ruled by
          some semi lunatic sibling thugs from one family.

          Do you honestly think that these goons are doing
          something good to this country Mr. Sarama?


          By the way me not a BBS Buddhist but an original, in case you have any doubts.

    • 6

      “|”No more holidays to Sri Lanka for terrorist supporters :D”|”

      4th world of kudu mervins et al at PM’s office!!
      and muslims christians living like rats?

      I like Madonna and Venice in a gondola and SL dolts cannot have it.


      TRO=Time Run Out! Ha ha Ho ho!!


      • 1

        Did mommy forget to put your meds in your doggy bowl again Javi? :D

        • 1

          “your doggy bowl again Javi?”

          Knock knock.

          Who is there? I can smell you from here` Phew`|

          femme fatale! must be giving kalulansi-sandals war criminal nightmares. No?? mini cooper with the dead no more.

          • 1

            Yep, looks like I was right on the money :D
            It pains me to see an animal suffer like this :D

  • 9

    ¬Gooo`ta Goo bayaa!

    He did not list Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and Indian State of Tamil Nadu`|

    Ha ha! 。◕‿◕。

  • 2

    question to CT – list given only in English and Tamil – so is CT mainly catering to tamil speakers ? just asking.

  • 4

    It is to the credit of GSL that it is acting with considerable restraint as there are many more who ought to be banned.

  • 2

    interesting to note most of them born in 1960-1970s – will SL be free of this curse once these people reach their 60s (in 20yrs or so) I wonder or have they already passed on the baton to the next generation ? SL Gov shld worry more about radicalized next generation, this aging lot must be more worried about their retirement!

  • 3

    Feel very sorry for the country. People are going to cancel their Sri Lankan Visit. Future other tourist destination such as Mexico, Cuba, etc, will be benefited due to the Defence Ministries foolishness. Also GOSL can not beg more funds from western countries keeping the tiger alive.

    • 2

      I don’t think so. It is rumoured that Mattala Airport is to be renamed “Mattala Rajapassa Zoological Gardens of Sri Lanka” to attract tourists!!

  • 3

    Gota has forgotten Obama, Banki Moon and Pillai. He should have got some advise from Modawanse and Champunel before printing this list.

  • 3

    How come 17 Million so called “Lions” allow a “Pig eating Shit Gobi” and a non stop “Laughing Clown Alibaba” to dictate terms on them.

    The ever smiling Alibaba Clown giving away bribery certificates to the thieves to steal more…….taking endless photo shoots.


    Endless Ministers in the country more than it’s population.

    Either there’s something wrong with so called Lions or Lions are mere Donkeys.

    We will see who is correct in near future.

    Sri Lanka taken over by Villege crocodile “Famiy of Pig eating shit Clowns”

  • 1

    Something has been censored on that foto.

    That woman had something on her mouth like a microphone, etc. that has been censored.

    Blood drenched tiger flag is the best. True Hindu style.

  • 2

    State oppression of the JVP beginning from late sixtees (UNP Govt) and continued by the Srimavo UF Govt. caused the April 1971 situation. Suppression of the Rights of the Tamil people caused the birth of the LTTE and the tragic consequences. After the end of the war in May 2009 the state began to suppress opposition in the South and it continues. Use of extremist Buddhist groups to attack other religious groups is provoking such groups to become militant. Now banning of Tamil groups increasing the bad feeling among Tamil. From one war to another; it is the State that creates conflicts. Is that the fate of Sri Lanka?

  • 2

    It is strange that MR’s name was not included when he was supporting the world’s worst terrorist leader Gaddaffi and Mubarak and now Iran. There was a photo of MR’s son with Gaddaffi – if that is so MR’s son also should be declared as a person having link with the terrorist leader. How about some Muslim politicians having links with Al-Jihad, etc. One Muslim Minister was having his office close to US Embassy and the activities of that Ministry was well known in monitoring the US Embassy. Why has MR failed to include that Muslim Minister?
    BBS should also be in the list.
    Chamal Rajapakse who relative is engaged in illegal import of formalin for distilling Kasippu should also be included in the list. There are some more illegal activities carried out MR’s siblings and party men.
    It should be a long list.

  • 0

    No wonder Tamils are WITHOUT a nation!

    No one accepts Tamills as a nation. They just live in other peoples’ nations.

    • 0

      How about Lankastan – Tamil will be the official language isn’t it with reasonable usage of Sinhalese.

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