21 January, 2025


Bar Association Condemns Killing Suspects Under Police Custody

The Standing Committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka on Rule of Law has today condemned the brutal killing of a suspect who was under police custody.

Gota -Secretary MODIssuing a statement the BASL said; The Standing Committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka on Rule of Law views with alarm the brutal killing of a suspect who was under police custody at Ududumbara.  This is the most recent of a series of incidents where suspects in police custody regarding the commission of serious criminal offences has been murdered without recourse to the law.  In a civilized society state custody is said to be the safest custody but it is regrettable that in our country the rule of law has reached a situation where state custody has become the most dangerous custody.  It is unthinkable that our law enforcement authorities and those responsible for administration of justice has up-to-date not even raised this as a serious issue.  The government has to be accountable for the loss of life of any person in police custody which amounts to state custody.  The government cannot forsake its responsibility for the safety of persons in its custody.

“While we condemn these illegal and inhuman actions we call upon those responsible for the administration of justice to intervene to see that rule of law prevails and that our country does not enter into an era where jungle law prevails.”

Latest comments

  • 12

    Regrettably,the Bar Association has NOT called for a full judicial inquiry into the killing.
    Also,into the “no verdict” situation of the inquiry held by a “commission” into the shooting deaths of 27 prisoners at Welikada prison.
    Is the association under threat by Gota’s goons?

    • 11

      Mahinda and Gotabaya Rajapaksa specialize is committing crimes and GETTING RID OF THE EVIDENCE – including those who were subcontracted to kill by the regime and its cronies…

      Impunity is the name of the Jarapassa game!

      • 6

        Isn’t it Silly Lanka where the Bar association says?:

        “While we condemn these illegal and inhuman actions we call upon those responsible for the administration of justice to intervene to see that rule of law prevails and that our country does not enter into an era where jungle law prevails.”

        What is the point in issuing such statements now? You guys watched lawlessness develop slowly over 66 years and did nothing.

        Now it’s too late guys, the train has left the station, yes it is a run away train: Wait till it crashes, and then do something this time.

        Heil Maharaja-paiya the Great!

    • 5


      RE: Bar Association Condemns Killing Suspects Under Police Custody

      Bar Association should issue Fatwa and Criminal indictments for Killing Suspects Under Police Custody, against the senior Police officers in Charge of Such police stations.

      Name the Police officers and the police stations. Make it public.

  • 10

    Why won’t the Bar Association file a case against the Police on behalf of the family of the killed person?

    What is the point in just condemning the police action?

    • 11


      Exactly. These statements are nothing, but paper rockets. Useless.

      They must take action in Sri Lanka’s court system. However corrupt they might be.

      Sri Lanka Police is the biggest organized crime group in the country.

      They display an utter disregard and disrespect for both the letter and spirit of law. How can such an Institution protect citizens.

      Police Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana should remove his pants next time. Before making a statement about how a supect was shot by the Police while he was trying to escape. By hurling a Grenade.

      Both idiotic and laughable.


      • 5

        According to Sinhalese culture, this type of acts by the police is considered “heroism” and Ajith Rohana with pants or no pants is a “patriot”.

        • 1

          Let me correct you spark. Its not Sinhala or Tamil or Timbuktu culture. Its Mara culture supported by 2/3 majority including Doggie-Devananda, Karuna, Mustapa, Azwar, Vasu, Vitharana, John, Johnny so on.
          Karu J, Gen SF, Dr Bahu, Anura Kumara are not Tamils!

          If you love your people please drop that hatred. To me you also looks like another Gota Supporter. NO difference I see between yours and Fukushima comment.

      • 1

        BASL made the Soup,
        Now they have to Drink it,
        But unfortunately, The BASL dragged us, the people of Jarapassa’s Wonderland, also into this Sxxt Pit.

  • 4

    Any reason why Gota’s picture is on this article. He is Sec of Defense not the IGP unless the Bar Association considers Sri Lanka a Police State because in a Police state the police does not take over the state but the Politicians take over the Police.

  • 11

    Well, when the whole country is a criminal enterprise what do you expect.

    When the police is a tool of the state, when the judiciary is stacked by ingratiates, when the compliant military is ever ready to pounce on the slightest dissent, when the media have been made pliant by gifts, when criminal elements subservient to the regime are stacked up to administer the provinces, the use of saffron robed thugs are used to foment racial hatred, what really do you expect. Extra judicial killings are nothing for such a monolithic monstrosity.

    Say what you wish to say, Sri Lanka now is a criminal enterprise, run by a mafia family.

    • 6

      This mafia family has been elected by an equally criminal majority of citizens, who still support them. If one watched the Dansala’s in Colombo this Wesak, one would be ashamed to watch Sinhalese Buddhists who can afford paying for food partaking in the meals distributed in these Dansala’s. The act of a Dansala is one where food is disbursed towards humanity (generally towards the poorest of the poor, invalids etc…) and inorder to gain the blessings of such an act, however what we see is just the opposite. How about loads of boys on bicycles, vans and open air trucks singing baila and cat calling girls on the road…is this also in the spirit of Buddhism, however we are quick to arrest, harass and deport a genuine practicing Buddhist who had a tattoo of Lord Buddha on her arm. Therefore, Sri Lanka and specifically the Sinhalese have become a shameless race beyond any return, thanks to themselves and their equally prone leaders.

  • 5

    This type of execution by the Police has become quite common. Usually it occurs in the early hours of the morning where a suspect is take to look for hidden fire arms. Suspect then tries to throw a grenade and is shot dead by the law enforcers.

    It is so common that it is taken for granted and the Ministries of Defence and Justice dont think it to be an issue. The Judiciary do not take any note of such incidents suo moto as in India or other countries.

    All this simply adds to the charges of abuse of human rights against the govt and the general state of lawlessness within th country. Does anyone care?

  • 1

    This is a situation where the police have no faith in the judiciary and take matters into their hands. It is what happens in a lawless basket case of a country. The bar association is merely a remnant of good governance left standing. It too will eventually breakdown as when the elections to appoint its office bearers is manipulated. Until it too collapses be happy it is making some noise over this issue.

  • 1

    Will this Bar Association send a couple of gun Lawyers to defend the other three?.

    And put in a fundamental rights violation petition demanding damages for the deceased.

    Their President would be a good pick.But it has to be pro bono work I guess….

    • 6


      How many free laptops have you now obtained from Temple Trees for your services? All at tax payers expenses.

      Why do you need so many laptops anyway? Are you selling them in the Black Market?


      • 2

        Sunamisekera has been given different kind of “laptops” for his personal use!

      • 4

        Car permits are the side income for politicians, laptops like table droppings are the side income Sumane type. These guys are so cheap they are actually insulting the are of corruption.

  • 0

    Regardless of the unintended consequences,the citizens of this country like it. You see even the not well informed journalists in the media give their tacit support wittingly or not.

    If the people have the will the govt has no option but to abide by it.

    What to do people are not aware or not bothered about the Rule of Law. The majority always prefer to enjoy superiority over others and this is the way that is practiced under this type of opinion makerfriendly democracy. various Pressure groups that operate under nationalist authority and who can muster votes for the government want their wish and will prevail.

    Whatever said in the Police Ordinance now adays the Police seem to be awaiting for orders to take action. Otherwise there prime duty is to safeguard the interest of the wrong doers when it come to an issue with “have not”. People like it, the police like it, the perpetrators want it, the majority will vote then only.

    So what is the wrong in the government act according to the will of the people. Majoritarianism is also Democracy, isn’t it

  • 3

    What is the Minister of Justice, Rauf Hakeem doing? Sleeping?

    • 1

      His demeanour is almost comparable to that of Formel 1 WORLD champian Michael Schumacher. Hakeem is made sleep from the day 01 of his tenure as the minister of Justice. Asked why he would not just tell few words as if he has no rights. No interviews given either to media. Saddest situation is that the bugger cant pulse the people inner voice.
      If Hakeem was honest as a minister, as a representative for their community, he could have achieved a lot taming murderous Rajapakshe. Unfortuantley, he thought to survive his family above anything else – he could be seen as one another bone licking Azwer. Azwer would not be able to hurt even if he you put him on heated metal that is shortly before getting bound.
      That is about the muslim leaders of the day, but I still believe there should be powerful ones hidden in the country. There should also be Atuhlathmudalies, Gamani disanayakes among the UNP fractions – that could help the party to a dyanamic manner.

  • 2

    This type of police killings only started after Gotha became the Secretary of Defense. He has to answer for these killings. I think its better to wait until there is a regime change and change in the President, then there should be a public inquiry to bring Gotha and his stooges out in the open and punish them for all the atrocities they commit.

  • 4

    Sri Lanka’s Greatest War Criminal (Gotabaya) is a US Citizen: It’s Time to Hold Him Accountable – http://justsecurity.org/2014/05/19/sri-lanka-gotabaya-us-citizen-war-crimes-accountability/

    • 0


      Long list to process before his turn my friend. Pre. Eisenhower, Douglas Macarthur, +++++ Pres. Bush Snr + Junr., PM Blair, Pre.Obama, Stalin, PM Rajiv Ghandhi the list goes on. Thank Gotabaya Rajapaksa for reducing the list by 650 people. If not, process would be lot longer. Thank you.

  • 2

    Now that Gotabaya Rajapakse is acknowledeg as the boss of the defence establishment I have as a humble citizen a small request to him. Today at about 10.30 vehicle was driving pass Bishops College. The no was U. Ha ( for army in sinhala) 16093.
    Because of the Wesak decorations there was a huge traffic block and the vehicles were bumper to bumper. But all the drivers understood the problem and waited patiently for the police to clear the block. All drivers conducted themselves very well except the driver of army car 16093 who was horning in a most rude way right along. The vcehicles in front of him or either side could not move at all. I think the guy thought because he wore the uniform of a army drivrer all the vehicles had to move out for him to move. The only other passenger in his vehicle at the time a young boy who was grinning with the others in an impudent way. He looked like a servant in an army bungalow. It does no good for the army reputation when its drivers behave in this manner in the heart of the city.
    Please find out who the driver is and ask him why he drives in that rude and ugly manner.

    • 1

      Manjula F,
      No civilian dares to prevent an army vehicle from overtaking even for safety reasons,and no civilion dares to overtake an army vehicle.
      The civilian’s vehicle is overtaken,blocked and the driver threatened and even assaulted.

      • 0

        Not true. I have overtaken so many army vehicles. I have seen many other drivers do the same.

  • 2

    Sri Lanka’s greatest war criminal happens to be a US citizen. The time has come for him to be dealt with. Bensen

  • 1

    Here is a challenge for the BASL but do they have the backbone to take
    it up? Isnt there a Volunteer Unit in the BASL to step forward in
    matters of public interest? Of course, white-vanning possibilities will
    force domestic pressure on any Lawyer not to volunteer – this is the
    state of justice in silly lanka.

  • 1

    CT,please don’t put this image of gota.The next door small girl ran out screaming when she peeped into my computer,yelling the goblins have come to eat her or something like that.This is the second time this has happened and i reported it to you earlier,but you still persist putting a homicidal looking image and scaring the daylights even of adults let alone children,whom we should protect not scare and scar for life.

    Surely you can find a nice photo of him on his honeymoon or something.It is not necessary to put recent photos just before the mullaivaikal massacres or something.This seems to be pure propaganda.

    • 0

      pls write such childish comments on montessori sites, not here.

      • 1

        How about the photo on montessori school books.Kids,if you don’t behave the goblin will come in the night.

  • 0

    What was the Bar association doing all these years!!Even now it is better late than never!! Every one in Sri Lanka concerned about EVIL taking over the country should act together fast irrespective of caste, ethnicity or religion.

  • 0

    Do you think a right “royal” rouge can provide good leadership to the bar association?

  • 0

    This man Gota is Premadasa’s avatar! He does what ever he does well. He beautifies Colombo. Very tastefully. Othe helped in the war if nothing else choosing the right man for the job and yes men with out brains for the Other two commanders. He kills.
    Of course Premadasa may not have made stupid statements like Gota. They can kill any one they wish. We saw how Preme went. Karma makes the world go round . Do bad and no god would want to help.

  • 0

    Gota has a lot of similarities to Premadasa. Both had a knack for getting things done. Gota helped in finishing the war, if nothing else getting the right man for the job,and two yes men with no grey matter for the other tow positions.beautification of Colombo has been tastefully done, inspite of the Basil Gal. And of course they both KILL. We saw what happened to one the other has no escape from any god.

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