17 February, 2025


Basil Wants To Capture BASL

Colombo Telegraph learns that the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), the main constituent party of the Rajapaksa government, is anxious to take the control of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL). This decision was taken at a meeting held on Friday June 7 at 7.00 pm at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. A meeting of the SLFP’s Lawyers Association had been convened by Minister Basil Rajapaksa with the participation of 130 lawyers including Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva. The meeting was followed by a gala dinner at the Ministry premises itself, Colombo Telegraph learns.

At the meeting following matters were discussed:

1) Minister Basil Rajapksa observed that the SLFP lawyers have lost control of the Bar and the BASL due to impeachment and that steps should be taken to re-take the BASL at the earliest opportunity.

2) Mrs. Anoma Gunatilake (wife of Retired DIG Jayantha Wickramaratne, a member of the Bribery Commission and against whom two investigations are pending in the commission itself) said that the BASL is now working as an anti Government organisation and all necessary steps must be taken to change this order of affairs.

3) Mr. Remadious (a lawyer practicing in Jaffna and who recently sought the SLFP ticket to contest the Northern Provincial Council election after defecting from the TNA), a new addition to the SLFP lawyers Association, said that Miss Abhimanasinghem (senior most lawyer and Zonal Vice President  of Jaffna) is acting arbitrarily in Jaffna and that ‘it is desirable to deal with her’.

4) Minister Basil Rajapaksa said that there is no threat internally and the threat is only external and therefore the Bar should not pose a threat to the Government.

5) Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said that all panels of lawyers (who are given Government cases to appear) will now be changed and the new lists will comprise only of the members of the present SLFP Lawyers Association.

6) It was also observed that some of the lawyers previously with the Association and who had on occasion come to Temple Trees for discussions have now joined other political parties.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Black coat putsch in the making.

    • 0

      I am sure that one day when the Rajapaksas’ go to Hell, they will try to capture power from there as well, and the devil might have to seek political asylum in Silly Lanka… :)

  • 0

    May be Basil can give the contract to
    DIG Vaas Gunawardena.

    It may cost a lot, but on the other hand, the lawyers are cheaper than Millionaire Businessmen


  • 0

    The desire to have everyone in their pockets is overwhelming. It is sad to see that there are some educated people who are prepared to dance to the tune of such imbeciles. No doubt the regime would like to have an association of half wits so that they can rule the roost without any criticism or inconvenience. The fat toad who wants to suck up to the SLFP lawyers must think that everyone is hard up for govt baksheesh. Buy everyone by giving them gala dinners? How cheap can they get?

    • 0

      … the price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men ….. plato

  • 0

    This man is a control freak. He must be prevented from having undue influence over the BASL. Sooner the better.

  • 0

    Is this the so called democracy of this regime?

  • 0

    A good plan of attack. Now the people gaze at TVs for casualty figures loosely called ‘the score’. So what is the score? Nil as at now.

  • 0

    Bravo Praba bravo, u gone. F****d tamils, not only tamils Sinhala veerayas as well. As long as Sinhala veerayas live in defeat of ltte syndrome, srilanka will pay more….enjoy…

  • 0

    Ex Cop US citizen trying to control BASL. What a fat hope?

    • 0

      wonder how he acquired his US citizenship.. either filing a bogus Asylum application or INVESTING more than US $ 500,000…. either way, he doesn’t deserve a US citizenship…

  • 0

    Lawyers in Sri Lanka are conservative or radical. SLFP is neither conservative nor radical. Conservatism and Radicalism are a way of life and are kinds of ideology. There are UNP, TNA, JVP, LSSP, CPSL,JHU and Liberal Party lawyers. Most of the time they vote at BASL election for candidates who have excelled in the profession. We have many competent lawyers in the profession who are not “President Counsels”. If a SLFP lawyer is in high regard lawyers will vote for him shedding party affiliations. Take Mr H.L de Silva, PC, I don’t know whether he was a member of SLFP but he was the lawyer for SLFP at constitutional matters. if he contested for BASL presidency every would have voted him.
    Nobody can capture power in the BASL as it is in a Death Donation Society or in Cooperative Society election. Present SLFP lawyers who are holding various posts and enjoying perks of the government are basically those who are vulnerable in the profession. I don’t think they are a force to be recognized within the profession.

  • 0

    for how many years ? next election all the brothers will be on the road

  • 0

    This guy reminds me of the character of the bungling (chief) ‘inspector Dreyfuss’in the Pink Panther movies. Pathetically, the whole government parliamentarians and its ‘aye sir ‘ public servants are bending over back to carry out the idiotic whims and fancies of these family cronies…… ironically,the ‘inspector closeau’ who can put some end to this mockery is fast asleep with his katos’ somewhere neat ‘Athun kotte’

  • 0

    “This man is a control freak. He must be prevented from having undue influence over the BASL.”

    Watch out he is going to be the next President of SL before Namal.

  • 0

    Sir Basil, always doing his works correctly… and get good decision in correct place…as a minister of economic. we all are should support to our leaders to buildup country…its a common responsibility for all us….

    • 0


      I found a typo in your comment

      “we all are should support to our leaders to buildup country”

      It should read as follows:

      All of us should support our leaders to buildup their family fortunes at the expense of the country.

      • 0

        Native Vedda

        Your correction helped Nirosha’s comment, but… there is no such English verb as “buildup.”

        • 0

          Bamboozled not

          Copy and paste let me down. I will be careful next time relying on my vocabulary.

          Thanks for your observation.

      • 0

        What did you mean by the ‘our leaders’??? i think its should be UNP partners or JVP partners… not for the government….isn’t it ??? they have so many experiences for that..’that’ mean build up their family fortunes at the expense of the country.

    • 0


  • 0

    you are right Minister Basil Rajapaksa because there is no threat internally and the threat is only external and therefore the Bar should not pose a threat to the Government.

    • 0

      Sounds to be one of their 600 relatives ?

  • 0

    Not only is he a control freak he is also the most uneducated of the four moron brothers. Not even GCE O’Level. It was the elder brother that was in the police. This one once worked for the UNP. He He He.

  • 0

    every types of subjects want to the society but peoples wants to know how to manage them.it will be a trend the type of acceptable.every thing is depend on our thinking.go ahead sir.

  • 0


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