17 February, 2025


BBS Threatens A Repeat Aluthgama

By Hilmy Ahamed

Hilmy Ahamed

Hilmy Ahamed

I have been accused by many in comments to my articles that I continue to write about the pogrom in Aluthgama and Muslims while the Tamils have had to undergo state terrorism during the 30 year ethnic conflict. For them, the two deaths and billions worth of damage is minor compared to the death of over 200,000 people and trillions worth of damage during the long drawn ethnic violence against the Tamil population. While none can justify another, it is important that we as a nation learn to deal with our differences and live as a strong Sri Lankan community, celebrating our religious and cultural diversity. No one, not even Buddhist monks should be allowed to act with impunity and to cause violence or take the law in to their own hands.

Sri Lanka has seen in recent history thugs in saffron robes who don’t respect the laws of the land, and who act with impunity, leaving a trail of destruction, not only material but also destroying good relations between communities. Successive governments continue to either encourage, or at least, look away while these so called priests engage in hate and violence. There is an urgent need to reach out to the moderate Buddhists who do not subscribe to this saffron violence. The majority of peace loving Buddhists in this country should act to stem religious hate and violence and ensure that law and order prevail, since Sri Lanka is a nation that prides in its rich cultural traditions and Buddhist values.

Just two years after the violence that caused death and destruction to Muslim lives, businesses and property worth billions of rupees in Aluthgama and Beruwela, the Bodu Bala Sena’s call in Mahiyangana on the 21st of June 2016 for a repeat of Aluthgama is a dangerous threat to peace for all Sri Lankans. This time, the threat from Ven. Gnanasara and the Bodu Bala Sena is not targeted just at the Muslims, but also at the Police and Judiciary. He demands that the Police and Judiciary release two youth who were arrested for intimidating businesses to close their shops to protest against a previous incident involving an intoxicated Muslim youth who had pulled down a Buddhist flag. He and his supporters around him threaten that failure to comply with their demand would force them to take the law in to their own hands and get the youth released with mob violence. Ven. Gnanasara clearly states that this could be the next phase to the violence in Aluthgama. The threat of repeating Aluthgama is tantamount to admission of responsibility for the pogrom of Aluthgama on the 15th of June in 2014.

The Bodu Bala Sena has restarted its hate campaign against the Muslims after a lapse of about year and a half since the electoral defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2015. The BBS continues to bundle various incidents and issues including an internal rift between teachers, old boys and the Principal of Madeena Muslim Maha Vidyalaya, in Madawala Kandy. Some parents and old boys of the school had thrown rotten eggs at the Muslim Principal of the school where a Sinhala teacher had sided with the school head. This incident has been portrayed as a communal rift between the Sinhala and Muslim teachers when the Principal himself is a Muslim and the Sinhala teacher had sided with him. The local police had intervened and warned all parties to refrain from any form of violence, and the matter was resolved. Yet, Ven. Gnanasara and the Bodu Bala Sena are presenting this as an assault on a Sinhala teacher, while the target of the old boys and parents had been the Muslim Principal.

Buddhist extremists led by some monks had also prevented the establishment of a Muslim primary school in Dambawinna, Welimada. The Welimada Muslim Maha Vidyalaya, located in the heart of Welimada town had to expand due to the growing educational needs of the local Tamil and Muslim population. The school decided to shift its junior section to a separate location with the approval of the Ministry of Education and the Government had allocated the land in Dambawinna. A ceremony was organized to lay the foundation stone for the new building by the Uva Province Chief Minister Sammara Sampath Dassanayake, but a small group of Buddhist extremists led by a few young monks prevented it. They protested, stating that this area was allocated for government offices, which led to unnecessary tension in the area between the two communities. Chief Minister of the area confirmed that the Education Ministry had allocated the land for the school.

The Bodu Bala Sena, recently accused the two sons of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Namal and Yoshitha to have caused the defeat of the Rajapaksa presidency. The sudden blaming of the Rajapaksas is interesting and is seen as an attempt at shifting BBS allegiance to the Maithri-Ranil administration, especially when the joint opposition is at the Government with its rhetoric of government failures. How much of the BBS bait, the Maithri-Ranil government will swallow is yet to be seen.

The continued hate of extremists against minority communities is a major threat to peace and development in the country. The Geneva resolutions and the support of the international community towards lasting peace in Sri Lanka should not be undermined. The Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), who continued to support the Sri Lankan State against the various resolutions brought by the West and the USA should not be alienated. The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka has been demanding a special commission of inquiry to the hate campaign against the Muslims and evangelical Christians and punish as appropriate the perpetrators. It has had no response from the Government since January 2015. It has also continued to maintain that anyone breaking the law should be taken to task within the framework of the law, and that vigilante groups shouldn’t be the ones who take the law into their own hands, which will demean the Police and the Judiciary and cause a breakdown in law and order.

It is time that we as a nation came together to meet the development challenges of our nation and help usher in an era of peace and prosperity. Towards this, every citizen will have to make his or her own contribution. The peace loving citizens should ensure that extremism in any form or from any religion should be eliminated.

Latest comments

  • 6

    There will be a continuing genocidal violence against muslims, by the non-muslims.
    As we worship only Allah, where as the buddhist worship stones,and phycopathic monks.
    be prepared, the day is coming,

    • 14

      It is ignorant, savage extremists like you who ask for the type of treatment you are complaining of.

      The writer here keeps referring to Buddhist monks as “thugs in saffron robes”. This ignorant, meat eating Hajji should know tht he is insulting the practitioners and defenders of the most enlightened religion in the world, Buddhism.

      There is a special place in hell for you, not the place with 72 virgins!

      • 16

        Irrational Racist, please do read Hilmi’s write up properly. He is referring to Buddhism in high esteem and referring to some thugs who adorn the robe. If you think that Muslims are going to take it lying, you are mistaken.

        • 17

          “If you think that Muslims are going to take it lying, you are mistaken. “
          we heard the tamils say that and more.

          The time limit for obama hussain and his pussies is coming to a glourious close.
          Then watch the fun when nations get wiped off the map.
          Trump, Xi, Putin troika put 21st century in front of the poverty of crusade religion that has swept the world.

          • 4

            Tatcher, there is always ISIS to deal with your Donald pump and putting it inn.

            • 12

              When the nuke hits the pigs there wont be even a grunt at the pyramids.
              Your blood brothers Bengal is waiting to be christened before the water rises.

              • 1

                Tarched roof, dont think only the west have nukes, Iran, Pakistan and probably Indonesia in the Muslim world are also in the Nuke world

                • 6

                  “”Tarched roof, dont think only the west have nukes,””

                  There are no palm trees in the west to be thatched on the beach.

                  Nuke is our invention before we removed your chains in pity with WW2.
                  Formerly recluce Japan that bombed Russia from their aircraft carriers is very aware of what is strength and ingenuity to a crude nuke of islamist. Like NK sloth to have is stupidity because it does not fill the plate for his people and China, Russia, Saudi Iran all know that – Oil $45 from $155 now pump your ass out lebbe and Russia too- you must balance your local budgets or you are dead man to your people.

                  When systems are jammed by space plane the russian nuke launchers don’t run.
                  you without western technology are `sticks and stones` fit for recycle.

                  you heard of microwave? If 40 years ago we could screen images on the shores without physical screens. What is mecca? 4 walls ? Foe!

                  Be Careful a microwave chars without use of gas chamber. Too much poverty causes innumerable disease eg religion the rich nations don’t dabble in religion. See Saudi its religious prison and ISIS?
                  Just because you saw WWW a UK invention its not sufficient as world view information. Here we put knowledge to use creatively.

                  ” Iran, Pakistan and probably Indonesia in the Muslim “

                  General Musharraf when he lost at Pakistan and Bin larden at large he begged for refuge at London (£ 1 million per month for his security- and he spilled the beans to where how the nukes are hidden) 2 years close to Edgware Road mosque. In the history of the world the muslim with sub civilized ideas have not defeated the west.You populate and make regions poor to survive.

                  When we don’t need the pope you may vanish.

            • 7

              According to this article, Muslims were saints and did not do anything. This Buddhist monk has threatned innocent muslims without any reason.

              So, the christians and muslims bash this buddhist monk.

              • 5

                jim softy

                “According to this article, Muslims were saints and did not do anything.”

                As far as you are concerned all saffron clad thugs are saints and are incapable of inciting violence, including Buddharakkitha Thero, and Somarama Thero.

      • 9

        Bloody Rationale,

        We dont need to wait for 72 virgins in heaven, we have enough of your women willing to undress for the good looking Thambi’s

        • 7

          Karim Joseph

          “we have enough of your women willing to undress for the good looking Thambi’s”

          You are not one of them, are you?

          Please let us know the total number of these Thambies for there is potentially a huge market for them in Afghanistan.

          • 1

            I became one because it offered me the best choices here and hereafter

            • 1

              Cannibal! Big Brother Is Watching before you get whisked off for rendition – a new collaboration of CIA/TID at HSZ SL>

      • 10

        Yo! Rational….

        The most Enlightened religion in the world, Buddhism???? When was this????

        Is it that so, that so many murders were committed by the monks???

        Buddhism is nothing but an extension of the Jewish Kabbalah and Talmud that worship the one eyed Anti-Christ that is appear before long. The Buddha statue in one posture showing the signs of 666 with its index finger and the thumb touched with the other fingers left open. That’s the 666 sign of the devil.

        Its also called the Okay sign that was introduced by the devil worshiping Freemasons into the human discourse.

        The cow and bull worship, plus the snake worship, monkey worship etc., are all coming from sumerian, babylonian culture. Its the Talmudic gods that the Khazarians whom they call as Israelis, who are actually non-semitic criminal race who have hijacked Judaism to steal world’s wealth.

        The Mahawangsa fake stories connecting a woman and a lion cohabiting and giving birth to a race is the most dumb theory still venerated by the scumbags who call themselves as “Enlightened ones”. Apply all the scientific theory on this one and you will find not light but a dark smoke emanating from a debunked philosophy.

        The New Age religion (as in the Buddhism) promotes a figure to appear in the near future, a massiah, an Avatar by the name Sanat Kumara – The coming of the anti-christ…Dajjal (Th Evil master who call himself as the GOD). Sanat and Satan have the same letters. Its the Lucifer (The Enlightened One), so the Illuminati (the criminals) is backing this theory.

        Islamic Terrorism is a new phenomena launched by the Zionists to destroy Islam from within. BBS is the Buddhist version of that same CIA/Mossad covert operation to destroy the dumb thinking Buddhist you call as “Enlightened ones”.

        ISIS, Al Qaeda, BBS, JHU, Wirathu, BJP/RSS are all Terror groups funded by the very same Jews whom you have thought to be your dear friends to destroy everyone from within. They are all mind controlled slaves chosen to further the agenda of the evil Jews-The New World Order.

        Just look the colossal debt that the racist SL state has accumulated by borrowing from the Jewish IMF & World Bank…. 44.5 Billion Dollars. All those borrowing was most due to the RACIST WAR between the two racist elements LTTE and the entirety of the Buddhist Sinhala Only freaks. Now, the same freaks are vying for the Muslim bashing and Christian bashing violence.

        So, the next conflict can be created. The Jews of US/UK/EU will fund the SL state and also the opposing groups at the same time as what they did with Tamils who are living in the Europe and sending funds to the war of the race.

        Already, the Jews are pumping their vast Vaccination program to further dumbing of the entire population and also to cause harm to their health thereby making the state to import massive loads of Jewish owned/manufactured Pharmaceuticals sold as Medicines. Bill Gates has already poisoned thousands of babies around the world in the Asian and African countries including Sri Lanka with their Vaccines/Poisons to cause many harm/crippling them and death to babies in large numbers.

        So, the Zionists are training their undercover groups in the likes of BBS/JHU/Rajapakses/Ravana/Sinhala Ravaya scum groups to divert the attention of the public to focus on a non existent threat by sighting Muslims and Christians.

        A few more years will prove the real picture of the US/UK evil plans when they plunge the entire world in their next WAR to annihilate the rest of the non-Jewish world population.

        The US bombed Japan during the WW2. There was no need to bomb the two cities with full of civilians innocent of any crimes after the signing of the agreement to surrender by the Japanese forces. Yet they bombed. The Atomic program was a Jewish invention. The US senate and govt., is still run by the JEWS. Oppenheimer (Atomic weapon inventor) was a Jew and the guys who planned the bombing were all JEWS. But, the BUDDHIST anger is always kept on the Muslims. HOW AMAZING IS THAT…

        The Vietnam was another CIA/Mossad program to annihilate as much non-Jews as possible. They used the most cruel weapons to destroy the 100% Buddhist population of that land. Muhammad Ali defended the Vietnam people. Yet, the Muslims are the danger////How Amazing.

        Now, let me ask you the same thing that you are proudly uttering foolishly…. Is the Buddhism the only enlightened religion in the world? Then where is your enlightenment?

      • 7

        Rational, are you proud to be a Buddhist who would worship a priest like Gnanasara. Hilmy has reiterated that Buddhism is a noble religion and that thugs liek Gnanasara who are wearing robes for their personal benefit and the cause for concern. Be Rationale, Rational

      • 5


        “The writer here keeps referring to Buddhist monks as “thugs in saffron robes”. “

        Is there a better alternative title other than calling them saffron clad thugs?

        Maybe there is, please let us know.

      • 3

        1. Control your hate output.
        2. Buddhism is a philosophy and not a religion and it is not enlightened in the world.
        3. There are good monks and bad ones and the bad are thugs disgracing the saffron robe.
        4. There is no place with 72 virgins and if there is then it must be for sex maniacs.
        5. Hell is not for you to judge, its left for God to decide.
        6. Ignorance, Yes ! you have already shown your’s.

      • 1

        dont spit hatred. i hope and we hope you behave like an enlightened person

    • 6

      Fighting bigotry with counter-bigotry. Nice.

      When Islamic extremists bomb innocents, it’s “Not all muslims are like this, stop saying we’re all to blame!”. When Gnaanasaara runs around, somehow that logic no longer applies and all non-muslims on the island are to blame.

      You are a living, breathing example of utter hypocrisy when it comes to this new fad of claiming victimhood that’s sweeping the planet.

    • 12

      The days of the white van and Gota are gone. Let Gnanasara or any other try their racism now and see what happens to their backsides. We Muslims want to live and develop this nation of ours. We have no other place to go, and we will not die like rats. We will defend ourselves and protect our dear and loving neighbour Buddhists. There is absolutely no space for Gnanasaras in Buddhism. They are all in the payroll of Norway. The man who is funding them locally has a tea estate and luxury bungalow in Kithulgala. The Norwegian government paid for it, and he has kept it as a Harem. There are many local and foreign women he keeps there. Gnansara is a frequent visitor there, but everytime he goes there, he disrobes and goes in T-shirt and trousers. There is a Muslim also helping them. He gets paid by Norway.

    • 12

      Don’t be silly Jehan. You can’t generalize. We do have some crazy Muslims too. That doesn’t mean all Muslims or all Buddhists or any other group of people are all violent. There will always be a few rotten eggs.

    • 5

      That’s why they are not being penalised by the existing law for their open terrorism openly declared 1000 times in the full publicity.

      Sirisena is not a saint. He was part of the main cogs in the Mahinda’s Sinhala Only murder machine (the mass murder machine which existing for the last 65 years right throughout many pogrom that were perpetrated by the Zionist West backed Sinhala elites).

      Have you ever wondered why the Criminal Monk ELLEY GUNAWANGSA, the criminal who initiated the 1983 pogrom that costed 1000 of innocent lives and millions of worth properties belonging to the peaceful Tamils during that time.

      Gnanasara pig is openly saying that he is the one who perpetrated the pogrom against the Muslims in Aluthgama. YET, no action being taken to book this bastard. Instead, SIRISENA is protecting the gangs that Stole the national wealth, killed innocent people and did all foul things, Mahinda, Gota, Basil and their minions BBS, Sinhala Ravaya, Ravana Balaya…etc.

      If anyone has the slightest mind to believe that SIRISENA is the rescue for the entire humanity that lives in this piece of land they live called Sri Lanka….JUST FORGET IT!

      The system the Evil British installed is designed to fault on many lines. That’s why they pumped money and technical support to keep the Sri Lankan/Ceylon system alive. The Zionists can manipulate the entire country through these SINHALA BUDDHIST Political scumbags who are fed with the EVIL ANAGARIKA teachings on how to destroy the minority groups.

      So, there will be eternal conflicts happening in the land among the racil, religious, party politics groups forever. Then they can bribe the scumbag pig headed leaders who become the so called PRESIDENT or the PRIME MINISTER and their minion politicians who have come from criminal backgrounds, who are actual thugs and thieves.

      Just tell me who is the decent leader who became the head to run the country after independence…? All came from ANAGARIKA EVIL MINDSET fixed on their political philosophy to caused somekind of mayhem that can trigger a huge conflict and cost thousands of death.

      That’s the evil design that the Jews of the West planned and still functioning on a larger scale.

      All the racist group that came with the anti-minority garbage were first invited by the Israeli state and they went on fake “technical training on agriculture” or some other fake missions. The actual mission is to prepare and train these groups on how to destroy the peace of communities by way of pogroms caused unprovoked but provoked by the infamous monks and Buddhist groups (as designed and funded by the US/UK secret operatives)

      This evil design cannot be defeated. A world war which is now planned by the Zionists and their Jewish masters is the one that will destroy the British installed so called “Democratic Parliamentary” systems that is prevalent in the entire world. The war that the Jews are going to create is not to destroy the presently functioning systems of the world, but to destroy the entire world of the GOYIMS/Non Jews to implement their evil rule via NEW WORLD ORDER.

      The BREXIT (The exit of the Britain from the EU) is part of that plan. When the Jews messes up the entire world’s financial market through these criminal plots, the SRI LANKAN state which has borrowed money from the Jewish (IMF/WORLD BANK) to the tune of 44.5 Billions, including the loot by the Mahinda gangs, will fall. That’s the day the good human beings will win when the Sri Lankan state falls and dies.

      The Zionists are looking for pure natural drinking water resource in the world. Sri Lanka is an ideal place to be captured and to be used in the future for the benefit of the Evil Zionist Forces that will be in World War 3 for the supply of Fresh Water supply.

      Thats why they the Jews/Israel are creeping into the Sri Lankan society with many projects and fake technical support programs. The Sinhala Only muck heads have no brains to smell these historical criminals who destroyed many civilizations right throughout the history of mankind, and whom were chased out by many world powers in the history for being criminals.

      Its a great news that the evil Sri Lankan state will surely be destroyed by the very same evil elements who are destroying the country from within ( as they’ve been trained and planned to do).

      Banda, JR, Sirimavo, Chandrika, Premadasa, DB Wijetunga, Mahinda, Sirisena are all having some kind of racist thinking and have actually launched and perpetrated pogroms against minorities on a continuous and unending wave for many many years up until today.

      IF SIRISENA cannot arrest BBS dogs and put behind bars…Just consider that Sirisena is protecting them for the future operations. The Zionist will be at a helping level any moment that these groups are being booked for their crimes by any chance.

    • 6

      Worshiping unseen god is the most foolish thing.

      If non-Muslims continue genocidal violence against Muslims, why can’t your Allah stop it? Why can’t almighty Allah change the minds of non Muslims?

      Stop your bloody nonsense.

      If you’re not afraid of unseen Allah Learn Buddhism and understand the reality of life.

      Insulting others will do nothing good for you.

      • 5


        “If you’re not afraid of unseen Allah Learn Buddhism and understand the reality of life.”

        Good point, however when did you start in this vocation of converting others into Sinhala/Buddhism? Now we know how the Kallthonies from South India were being converted to Sinhala/Buddhism and the most vociferous anti minorities in this island. Thanks for explaining the process of conversion.

        You typed learn “Buddhism and understand the reality of life.”

        Have you?

        From whom?

        Name one Buddhist teacher in this island, leave alone Buddhists.

        “Insulting others will do nothing good for you.”

        More insult is needed where it is due.

        • 3


          I wonder what on earth made you think I intend to convert people into sinhala/Buddhisjm.

          See there’re people throughout the world learn Buddhism.

          All of them don’t claim to be Buddhists.

          Some may lose their interest in their previous beliefs; depending on their intelligence.

          “Have you?” (understood reality)


          “From whom?”

          From many Buddhists and non-Buddhists.

          “More insult is ….”

          Insults boomarang to people like you.

          • 3


            “I wonder what on earth made you think I intend to convert people into sinhala/Buddhisjm.”

            You typed earlier:

            “If you’re not afraid of unseen Allah Learn Buddhism and understand the reality of life.”

            “See there’re people throughout the world learn Buddhism. All of them don’t claim to be Buddhists.”

            In this island many learn Sinhala/Buddhism, yet they claimed to be Buddhists.

            “Some may lose their interest in their previous beliefs; depending on their intelligence.”

            That is because they don’t value humanism, secularism, …….

            Learning printed books by heart don’t make them human, but turn them into religious bigots.

            ““Have you?” (understood reality) Yes “From whom?” From many Buddhists and non-Buddhists.”

            I meant Buddhism not Sinhala/Buddhism.

            “Insults boomarang to people like you.”

            I have survived Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sinhala/Buddhists, Tamil Saivaite, Arab Islam, Latin Christians, …. hence what else could insult me more?

            Please throw some effective insult at me I assure you it won’t hurt me.

            • 2


              “In this island many learn Sinhala/Buddhism yet they claim to be Buddhists.”

              There’s only Buddhism, nothing called Sinhala Buddhism but I know that term is used to look down on majority population in this island.

              However I accept your view, viz there’re people (may be majority) claim to be Buddhists but they aren’t and there’re non Buddhists but they’re Buddhists in their attitudes.

              “That’s because they don’t value humanism”

              That depends on the way you consider humanism.

              I think most important religion for the people should humanism, why should human capacity be sacrificed for promoting religions. In that sense I support secularism.

              “Learning printed books ……… into religious bigots”

              I agree.

              “Please throw some effective insult …… I assure you it won’t hurt me”

              That’s because you’re a Buddhist, may be unacknowledged.

      • 2

        Yo SR,
        The even more stupidity is to believe that the Buddha attained NIRVANA….the reality is that no one has seen it nor can anyone show a physical proof of it.

        ITS ALL A BELIEF SYSTEM and you cannot apply a REALITY check on it.

        And you are asking another dumb question as to why ALLAH cannot stop it???

        Allah has changed the minds of the good hearted ones. The evil ones are damned to the hell. How long can anyone do evil??? As long as he lives/the short span of life in this world…Like Mahinda Rajapakse, BBS Gnaney, and other scumbags of Ravana Balakaya and Sinhala Ravaya…

        Nobody is given the chance to live forever. All he or she can do is dance until the death visits him or her.

        • 1

          Desert storm

          “The even more stupidity is ………. Can anyone show a physical proof of it”

          As far as you feel/think that nirvana isn’t a reality and nobody has achieved such thing and it’s just a belief you can maintain that idea.

          There’s nobody to force you to accept it and it’s not a sin to have that idea.

          People, the genuine followers of Buddhism are faithful to the doctrine not because he attained nirvana, but the logical presentation of his doctrine.

          That’s why many non-Buddhists; intelligent Christians, Muslims and Hindus learn and interested in meditation; to enhance mind power.

          Be watchful if your wife/son/daughter is more intelligent than you, she/he might go for meditation without your knowledge and permission.

          I have an idea that there might be a few attained that status somewhere in this world but it’s not important for me to know and it may not be important to them to make a show.

          “Allah has changed the minds of good hearted ones”

          Why should anybody change the minds of good hearted ones?

          But your argument is right. We can see Allah has changed the minds of good hearted people to commit many atrocities on women and non followers .
          They are no more good hearted people, alas.

          They are evil hearted, may be people like you.

    • 4

      For Heaven’s sake stop comparing the virtues of religions because they are all set on scholarly based beliefs and bunkum anyway. Worshipping only Allah does not make you superior to another, worshipping stones. More importantly, the atrocities committed by ISIS, Al Qaida and the doctrines of Wahabbism has made Islam synonymous with terrorism and innocent people when identified as Muslims, suffer the consequences in the streets, planes, buses and trains all over the world.

    • 1

      Jehan – Please note that the Tamils are also non Muslims and they live
      side by side in the Eastern province, sharing the same language. Suggest you make a correction to your comment.

  • 21

    BBS OR ANY OTHER movement has no right to threaten anyone.

    If BBS remains unchanged, authorities should take legal action against them. I have no doubt, President and PM would not stay as had been prior to 8th Jan 2015.

    • 1

      The BBS fellows should be in jail for life for the deaths that happened in Aluthgama. The fact that no one gives enough of a s**t to talk about this is sad, and undermines this narrative of “we care for minority rights! these accusations of state-sanctioned violence is all kumanthrana!” that our patriots have constructed to hide behind.

    • 9

      You like most have many things to hide and are afraid.
      If anyone feels threatened he must report to police not fabricate.
      but to tell the people what politicians don’t, is anyones or BBS.
      Just like UKIP done it in getting the referendum.

      politicians sandwich the truth with lies.
      They never mean well but dream of how much they can make.

      Is islam a violent religion??

      some things are definitely going on.

      are the muslims anywhere in the world coming forward to stop beheadings, random shooting of tourist?

      Religion should be taboo in public interest.
      religion prospers when there is poverty and there the politicians find easy pickings of emotionally charged idiots.

      • 0

        Alfred, the Muslims have complained to the the Police, and Police commission. They have asked for a commission of inquiry against the hate campaign, but to no avail. Here is thelast letter sent on the 23rd of June 2016

        June 23rd 2016

        The Inspector General of Police
        Police Head quarters
        Colombo 1

        Dear Sir.

        Re: Continued Hate Speech and Threat of Violence by the Bodu Bala Sena

        Please see enclosed herewith a DVD containing a speech made by Ven. Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero in Mahiyangana on the 21st of June 2016. He is threatening a repeat of the Aluthgama violence against the Muslim community. He is also threatening the police; the contents are self explanatory in the enclosed video.

        As you are aware, two years ago on the 15th of June 2014, Ven. Gnanasara Threo incited the people of Kalutara district to cause violence, death and destruction to the Muslims of Aluthgama and Beruwela. The rioting caused the death of two persons, destroyed house and property and inflicted damages to businesses worth billions of rupees. The repeated calls by the Muslim community for a commission of inquiry and punish the perpetrators have fallen on deaf ears. Two years on, Ven. Gnanasara Thero is proudly claiming that he will repeat Aluthgama in Mahiyangana.

        The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka calls upon you sir, to immediately initiate an inquiry against the said threat and take necessary police action against this provocation to violence. We also once again call upon you, sir to conduct an inquiry against the Aluthgama riots against the Muslims and take necessary police action against the perpetrators. Ven. Gnanasara is proudly claiming responsibility for the violence in Aluthgama. There is also ample video evidence to his provocation on the 15th of June 2014.

        I thank you for your immediate attention and necessary action.
        Yours sincerely

        N M Ameen
        Muslim Council of Sri Lanka

        • 4

          Hilmy Ahamed ,
          Nice one.
          In situations like this the police are the best judge even in the UK.
          If you feel threatened does not mean you are being threatened.
          If you feel you have to move forward then by all means submit a complaint to police complaints commissioner and back it up with your MP raising the matter at parliament. Harassment is a serious criminal offence. Using loudspeakers 120 dB is also harassment. Imagine 8000 people living in hong kong and 6000 in singapore.Sri Lanka 332 density. Problem is poverty so the quarrels and religion mixes which needs balance for ambience. Lanka is not ideal so you need their neighbourhood protection- like mafia art to even get back hallal by charming them- they are not bad but need help.

          Don’t keep to the streets if you are non violent. Be sensible like the Brits and resolve it democratically- that is intelligent living because you can’t evade or run away.being businessmen this should be easy.

          • 1

            Alfred, you are a white ass kissing 3rd class citizen in UK and you talk about the british virtues. Shame on you, you 3rd class immigrant ass kisser

            • 6

              “”Alfred, you are a white ass kissing 3rd class citizen in UK and you talk about the british virtues. Shame on you, you 3rd class immigrant ass kisser “”

              That is the exact posture of `islam kissing white infidel poo` for its food.- poor bas**rds.
              the pakistani lefty mayor a bus drivers son admits that if not for english opportunity his relatives at pakistan would be hungry.- from sweat shop to pseudo power like a puppet until the trump and boris are back.

              its all part of pirates game when we have to play the filth of religious muck churning in a pigsty.

              for us blood is thicker than water as for any citizen and your idea like for most SL’s is from slavery to refugee in the west.
              keep chewing the idiot 3rd world bin.

    • 2

      Law is there, was there and will be there to protect anybody from any form of threat.

      It’s the duty of all, not to be a threat for others.

      Be sure that you’re not a threat or a headache for others.

      Then no need to make special effort for protection.

      Seeking legal protection when required is your duty.

      • 4


        “Law is there, was there and will be there to protect anybody from any form of threat. It’s the duty of all, not to be a threat for others.”

        Oh, I see, are you sure?

        “Be sure that you’re not a threat or a headache for others.”

        Was Lasantha a threat to anyone?

        Was Jaffna Library a threat to anyone?

        Were the innocent people and their properties in this island a threat to anyone in 1958, 1960, 1977, 1983, …… ?

        Are you saying all these riots, … took place because they were a threat to others?

        Practicing Pranayamam is thought to prevent selective amnesia and going ga ga.

        “Seeking legal protection when required is your duty.”

        When required the perpetrators are being protected against the victims.

    • 3

      Samuel Jayaweera

      “BBS OR ANY OTHER movement has no right to threaten anyone. If BBS remains unchanged, authorities should take legal action against them. I have no doubt, President and PM would not stay as had been prior to 8th Jan 2015.”

      It is the Responsibility of the State to protect All its citizens, not just Sinhala Buddhists.

      It not more chaos and more riots.

      Is the state keeping law and order and safeguarding property and life?

      • 0

        Mr Amarasri
        Thank you four words of wisdom.
        CIA Vatican and NGOs will, with your support, look after this blessed island.

        • 2

          don Juan Dharmapala,

          It was the Portuguese King and Colonizers who looked after your ancestor don Juan Dharmapala, ans sacrificed his subjects to the Portuguese.

  • 14

    To put it simply you are playing the distasteful religious card as if muslims are not hand in glove with the sinhala buddhist in government as ministers from 1948.
    You can’t be rational with religion that beheads, maimes, stones in 21st century.
    Will you stop ISIS infiltration to lanaka? No not even the muslim trolls.
    Someone with the b”””s has to stop it. So they are doing it the best way they know. The Tamils did not point fingers at Tamils and suffered the fate. Same with Sinhala JVP then.
    You are enjoying 20% but are really 10% and that too immigrants unlike Sinhala or tamil ethnic which are first principals.
    Why don’t you go off to Bangladesh with sharia law like the citizenship issue in the early stages with Indians Pakistanis etc.?

  • 5

    Why is this idiot allowed to stir up communal tensions once again?

  • 4

    All these started when a Muslim youth from a Muslim village destroyed Buddhist flags that had been hung for Vesak.

    And last month, a muslim school in Kandy banned girls attending sports pointing at the dangerous path Muslims are taking.

    Partial reporting.

    • 3

      Yes, it is true that a Muslim youth who was drunk had burnt a Buddhist flag, but it was the Muslims who caught him and handed him over to the police. He and his friends were remanded, so why are they attacking all the Muslims when they did the right thing by handing the miscreants to the Police

    • 1

      Softie, what is your problem if we want to keep our girls decent and not expose their pussies to everyone. See what has happened to your women, they want 3/4 all the time

      • 1



        You think that when girls take part in games they are indecent.

        Where did/do you have your education?

        Then why is it decent for boys to take part in games?

        Have you ever seen their pussies when they’re playing?
        What a dirty fellow you’re to peep into dressing rooms.

        We know Muslim girls are backward in sports and social events due to the foolishness and cruelty of Muslim men.

        It’s you the Muslim men, the most indecent in the world as you violate women’s rights.

        We are sad that somebody or something has misled you.

        Use your brain man, be a human being. don’t be a slave of anybody’s teachings.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

      • 0

        The harem and eunuchs come from islamic faith that the kings and mullas are loving it. So how many times are you going to marry 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

        world record holder is a one legged muslim man at UAE and he has 100 wives as seen on Utube and interviewed by BBC.

  • 6

    Hilmi Ahmed:

    You proves that you are also another Muslims liar who lies to promote your religion.

    YOu don’t tell what muslims did during buddhist festival time.

  • 7

    Hilmy always calls the Buddhist Monks Saffron Clad thugs..Is it a fair comment?.

    Desecrating old Buddhist temple sites, settling muslims in them , building Mosques in every part of the Island and curry favouring with the West are common practices now ,among the Muslim Politicians who have joined the Govt.

    They have made their business empires and became the highest Percapita Income segment in the Nation solely though the help of the poor Sinhala Buddhist population who are the great majority of the Nation.

    Still people like Hilmy keep attacking poor Sinhala Buddhists, their Monks and the Religion at every twist and turn.

    What is his agenda?..

    Is he an appendage of the Yahapalana Govt in their campaign to neutralize the Sinhala Buddhist Opposition to the terrible state the Nation has been forced in to, by Batalanada Ranil and Bodhi Sira?.

    • 3

      Sumane, are you proud of our monks like Gnanasara????//////

  • 1

    Muslims will file action in court soon against the BBS statement in Mahiyangana/ This time, Gnansara will have to be locked up because he admits to the aluthgama massacre and is threatening again. A police complaint would be made today, and we can have this brute arrested. I am sure the moderate Buddhists will have a sigh of relief.

  • 2

    Hilmy, you don’t have to apologize for stating the facts. People like Gandasara and the animals from Sihala Ravaya and Ravana are the ones who are doing so much damage to our country. We should be grateful to the Muslims for not internationalising this Gnanasara campaign. The Tamils exactly the opposite and that is why we have had to pay such a heavy price internationally.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 1

    The new IGP is not a Anura Senanayake. He will take action and cut off the racists balls

  • 1

    Can we please have a more detailed account of the incident at Mahiyanganaya , and what led to it ?

    • 0

      Nosey porker, please look at the video, it gives the story. Two people were arrested for pasting anti-muslim posters and Gnanasara himi is blasting the police and judiciary and threatens that he will repeat Aluthgama if the two are not released. He even threatens that he will take 50 BBS fellows and forcibly their release

      • 14

        “” Two people were arrested for pasting anti-muslim posters “”

        we see anti hindu and anti christian posters in the Uk and India but no one is arrested. If so then for graffiti.

        you folk are fundamentalist of the 21st century gawing on the wealth of others.

        • 1

          Maha Budu Jhonnie Walker,

          They were not arrested by the Muslims but by the police, produced in court and the judiciary who remanded them. So, why the fuck do you want to involve Muslims in it

          • 6

            “” So, why the fuck do you want to involve Muslims in it “”

            Ha ha , tippu two you become vambattu – fatwa.
            Mecca has only 4 walls can we shift it elsewhere since the oil is drying out??
            Hitler loves you. See how easy its become for syrians.

            • 1

              I became one because it offered me the best choices here and hereafter

            • 2

              Maha Budu Jhonnie Walker,

              Dont forget, Velupillai Praba made our country much worse than syria. We were not sure whether our children would return home when they left for school. Couples didnt travel together because atleast one wanted to survive for the sake of children. This was at the hands of a low level smuggler – Praba. Imagine what would be your fate if the people in Syria came here. You wouldn’t even have your balls left (if you have one)

              • 0

                [Edited out]

              • 5

                “Imagine what would be your fate if the people in Syria came here. You wouldn’t even have your balls left (if you have one) “”

                like CT you can have white babies and Germany will pay for refugees.- exile.
                “This was at the hands of a low level smuggler – Praba. “
                He belongs to your long line of culture.- tamil speaking demala and sinhala speaking demala.

  • 3

    Hilmy Ahamed,

    I understand your concern for the minorities in Sri Lanka.

    You also say”…while the Tamils have had to undergo state terrorism during the 30 year ethnic conflict…” Tamils also underwent many more discriminatory acts and pogroms after independence for several decades before the war erupted.

    Sinhalese politicians beginning in Independence didn’t think impartially towards all communities – they favored the Sinhala Buddhists against the others and pampered the Buddhist monks with extremist views.

    Sri Lankan state equals Sinhala Buddhist supremacist thinking, because most of the decisions of the state are taken by ‘them’ without much respect for the views of Tamils or Muslims. Even constitutions were enacted against the protest of Tamils.

    This mentality of the Sinhala people has not changed much even in the present government which came to power with the help of the minorities.

    Sri Lankan state was able to win the war simply because all the super powers and several more countries helped them while the Tamils’ were handicapped without much support internationally. Sinhalese think they won the war, but the reality is that 23 countries won the war for Sri Lanka – as Mahinda said after the war was over.

    I don’t know how long it will take to change supremacist mind set of the Sinhalese.

  • 8

    It is time for muslims to go to their homeland Saudi Arabia.

    • 4

      and Jimmy, you too could go to your home land in Culcatta, India

      • 4

        Fazeel Hussain

        “and Jimmy, you too could go to your home land in Culcatta, India”

        jim softy’s ancestors came from South India, therefore it is only reasonable to send him back to Tamil Nadu.

        Well, it is really up to him.

  • 1

    let them try again and see what happens.The days when they have government patronage is over and maithri the real bhuddhist that he is will have nothing to do with these buggers who follow the opposite of what Lord Bhuddha has taught.

  • 3

    Oh my gosh… so the drunken thug or a ‘punk monk with a gun’ raises his bald head again…

    Dear President, Prime Minister and the IGP – please nip this in the bud immediately!!! Firstly, this ‘punk monks’ gun should be taken away and he should be charged…

    The BBS – Bogus Brown Shits headed by a “Punk Monk with a Gun”

  • 6

    Hilmy, why do you persist in addressing this scum as “venerable”, when he is just the opposite?

    If this maniac was charged, jailed and out on bail, doesn’t his recent behaviour warrant his being jailed again? Or are there no conditions to him being granted bail??

    Hopefully some lawyer like Nagananda could process this through legal means and get this dangerous bastard put away for a lonnng time.

  • 9

    “The peace loving citizens should ensure that extremism in any form or from any religion should be eliminated”

    An excellent aphorism, but how pragmatic is it ?

    What criteria does society use to define the term ‘extremism’ objectively and in a manner acceptable to all ethnic and religious groups ? A member of the Buddhist Clergy delivering a vitriolic public speech against the Muslim Community would be considered as an act of ‘extremism’ by the Muslims, while the Buddhists may describe it as a ‘defensive’ act. In much the same way, while the growing tendency among Muslim females to wear the Black Abhaya would be seen by the Muslim Community as a reflection of the increasing piety among it’s females, this same phenomenon could cause alarm among the Buddhists who interpret it as the spread of ‘Saudi extremism’ among a rapidly-growing Muslim minority.

    In both cases, one single act is perceived differently by two religious groups.

    How do we then eliminate such acts of ‘extremism’ ?

    For starters, we should amend the above aphorism to read as follows:

    “The peace loving citizens should ensure that PERCEIVED extremism in any form or from any religion should be eliminated”

  • 5

    Lankan Muslims are notorious for selfishness individually and as a group. The Lankan Muslim politicians look after themselves first, then their community and it stops there.

    Over the 14 June 2014 Aluthgama anti-Muslim pogrom, the leaders did not publicly protest. There were Muslim ministers in the Mahinda Rajapaksa cabinet. They could have resigned but they did not.

    When the government changed on 08 January 2015, the Muslim MPs changed sides and are holding ministerial positions. The Muslim MPs get the Hilmi Ahamed ilk to write something. Compare the Muslim MPs with others. Rights and wrongs apart Wimal Weerawansa has a say off and on!

    The recent BBS/Gnanasaro threat is serious. Will a Muslim Minister go to the police and lay an official complaint? This will not happen. You cannot have the cake and eat it Hilmy.

    Hilmy moans about the two deaths (Muslim) and billions lost during the 14 June 2014 Aluthgama riots. There were four deaths Hilmy. When the riots spilt into next door Wellipona, a Sinhalese worker was brutally assaulted and an unarmed guard was killed. The guard‘s genital did not have the telltale trim – his name was K. Sivalingam. To Hilmy a non-Muslim does not count.

    • 2

      Pillai, you are forgetting that your lot, the TNA are bigger suckers than the Muslim MPs. You are also forgetting that over 64 SLFP MPs crossed over after the defeat of Rajapaksa in 2015. So, a matter of 4 Muslims crossing over after elections is nothing. Faiser, Rishard, Hakeem etc. crossed before January 8th but all our Sinhala fuckers crossed over after Sirisena won, so Who is the hypocritic?

      • 3

        Susantha Ratnayake

        You have come to a certain definitive idea about people of this island I assume it is based on a particular study.

        I would be grateful if you could let me have a copy of your comparative study of hypocrites, suckers and f*****s, analysed into the respective race and their rank covering the period from 1948 to date.

      • 2

        Ahamed Susantha Ratnayake!

        In Which Srilankan government SLMC did not take part? They are here or there! They also took part in the Corrupted Rajapaksa Government. The muslims who supported SLMC which is part of Rajapaksa Government do not have any moral rights to criticise Rajapaksa Government!

        Didn’t SLMC support 18th Amendment?

  • 1

    Thanks to Hilmy Ahmed for his article which brings out important facts that ought to be in the public realm. I find it very interesting that the BBS leader made his announcement about the renewed BBS campaign on June 21. Strange coincidence with the Geneva meeting at the same time. Earlier also there was the same coincidence. I pointed that out and requested the then Government to get the BBS to stop the campaign until after the Geneva meeting was over. What is the significance of the repeated coincidence?
    The BBS rantings should be taken seriously at this time when both the Sinhalese and the Tamil racists want to make the Muslims the scapegoats for Sri Lanka’s many ills’ – IH

    • 13

      Every time I read Izeth Hussain, I always think Bodu Bala Sena’s Ven. Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thero is 100% right. The Tamils (especially Hindus) should support the Buddhist monks who are exposing the hidden agenda of these hat flippers. These Izeth Hussain kind of hat flippers have a hidden agenda to take the Business & trade of the country into their hands in order to manipulate the economy, they have a hidden plan to educate all their kind to the highest in business, law, medicine, etc. and plant their people in all important places and positions, and their main agenda is to multiply (breed like rabbits) in order to become the majority in the future. They do not like to see the two old races in Sri Lanka (Sinhalese & Tamils) becoming together. If the government implements all what Izeth Hussain is suggesting, the Sinhalese and Tamils will always be at conflict leaving these hat flippers to make hay. We have seen, during the last 30 years of Sinhala-Tamil war, how these fellows have taken advantage of the situation to progress in their hidden agenda. It is good that both Sinhalese and Tamils have realized the facts.

      • 4

        Don’t forget in the east these Muslim immigrants who came there as refugees seeking asylum , have joined hands with the very same Sinhalese extremists, against whom they make complaints in the south to marginalise and ethnically cleanse the real indigenous population of the east. The Tamil and the Tamilised Veddah Hindus,so that they can steal the east for their immigrant population. Arrive as refugees begging for asylum and them steal the land and homes of the very same people who gave you asylum.
        These same Sinhalese Buddhist extremist are good when they can use them to steal and loot from the Tamils but bad when they attack them

    • 7

      “What is the significance of the repeated coincidence?”

      Void between the ears.!

      How fortunate for Islamist that the people they administer don’t think.-

      “Sinhalese and the Tamil racists want to make the Muslims the scapegoats for Sri Lanka’s many ills’ – IH 2”

      psychological wars based on a humourless dream.

      • 1

        MARA – initiated port city kicks off after so much attack against it during the presidential and general elections and before that by My3-Ranil combo. Mattala air port and Hambantota harbour are going to be strengthened and are not going o be white elephants anymore .More Express ways and fly overs are coming up to ease congestions and travel time while taxes have sky rocketed to discourage vehicle imports ! Welikada has become dual purpose ,a resting place and a hospital for some special accused ! The much ridiculed China is our new life saviour ! At this rate , how rationale is it not to expect the kinds of BBS and Sinhala Ravaya to join hands with our progressive forces ?? UNLESS A BILL TO RESTRICT EXTREMIST RELIGIOUS FORCES TO THEIR TERRITORIES IS INTRODUCED , THEIR ANTICS ARE NOT GOING TO STOP.

    • 3

      An imbecile racist calling others racists, what a joker.
      Izeth hussein type of people are responsible for Gnanasaras of today.
      Hate speech makers should be jailed Fair! what about hate speech writers then Izeth will be behind bad for a long time. Hoping that will happen soon.

    • 2

      An imbecile racist calling others racists, what a joker.
      Izeth hussein type of people are responsible for Gnanasaras of today.
      Hate speech makers should be jailed Fair! what about hate speech writers then Izeth will be behind bad for a long time. Hoping that will happen soon.Will the SL police take action, they were very quick arresting rwo youths for posting anti-muslim posters But silent over the racist articles by Izeth Hussein what a justice system.

    • 4

      This lazy one is dreaming that before he end his wine bottle of the night the Sinhala-Tamil Pogrom is going to flare up.

      But what Hilmy so far has done with this “Cat on the wall” article, not nice to Sinhalese nor nasty to Muslim thugs, are setting up the Sinhalese Friends in CT. Most of them have written in Muslim name to create a real Sinhala-Muslim riots. Hismy has to correct his double game should target only one type of Sinhalese. Write to the one who accepts criticism. Then they take it and try to change others. Or write to the one respond to nice words. They then try to change others. But you double game has even attracted Izeth. That is not healthy at all. More and more Sinhalese are going to write in Muslim names to provoke a Muslim-Sinhalese riots(there was never a Muslim-Sinhalese pogroms.) That type of exaggeration is going to annoy the middle path ones. From the time of Independence many Sinhalese were nice to Muslims. This is how I heard when I returned to Colombo after 1983. The Sinhalese boys and girls were trying to isolate them from all what happened. So they wanted to talk some different subjects. What said were many time the foolish Sinhala thugs were break opening the Tamils, houses, but did not loot, yet allowed the Muslims to loot them. That nice the even the Sinhala thugs to Muslims. Hilmy may want to use it or spoil it. He keep dreaming the 55 Muslims OIC nations going to come and protect him. But he is being a baby to not know they all are double corrupted than the Old King’s regime. When Saudi wanted to stone a Lankawe woman, it was America who helped to have the woman released. None these rogue nations came forward to help Lankawe. Even though America is dodgy still one can count on it, but not on the OICs. Even if One day Hekkem start to talk for Muslims, OICs will never.

      S.J.V.Took decision to ask for separate state only after Badijudeen Mohamed brought Standardization to please Sinhalese. Azhar asked Mano Ganesan to have done Sunnath if he wants to talked about Thambulla Mosque. After Sinhalese have put Nazeer Ahmed on the CM seat of East, against Tamils, what did he to the Sinhala Governor? When the situation is like that, who the heck want to pay attention to this ultimate foot linking fools?

      Hilmy is not asking justice from Sinhalese. He is just setting up Sinhalese on Muslims. That is what the commenting names here suggest.

  • 6

    Muslims expansionism is threatening peace here. our monks duty is to deal with it. government is not doing anything stop it as Muslims are their voter base. but sinhalese have to preserve their heritages to their next generations.can not allow Muslims to destroy them.they have been doing this for last number of years. kuragala, muhudu maha vihara is the classical examples. now they trying hard to destroy Buddhist heritages in kandy and katharagama as well. as you Muslims consist only eight percent of population but have more than six thousand mosque built here but seventy two percent population have only around eight thousand temples even Tamil Hindus have only less than thousand Hindu kovils. that indicates Muslims hidden agenda. recently Muslims were agitating in katharagama that there is no god but Allah. that means they threatening Hindus and Buddhists not to worship their deities in kataragama. they do all that under the cover of minority rights. as you know wherever Islam goes, destructions and killings are the order of the day. Muslims want same thing here as well. as such our slogan should that killing a Muslim is big step forward for world peace.

    • 5

      Muslims are trying their best to bully buddhists and Tamils.

      IF the govt is not taking action, people should take things into their hands.

    • 0

      Ranjith, your monks are not suppose to support the Sinhala expansionism dusing their dick. So, bad news for you. It is the 3/4 fellows who are doing it and unfortunately, when your women taste it, they fall at their feet and convert. So, get your fellows trained by Muslims to do it properly if you want to stop Muslim expansionism

  • 9

    Muslims insult all other religion five times a day announcing over the loud speakers there is no god but Allah. but seek respect and tolerance from others.is it possible if you want respect and tolerance you have to earn it by respecting others. in first sura short prayer request favours only for believers for non believers fire hell. where is universal brotherhood.egoism get treatment it deserve.venerable gnanasara is right, if police do not act impartially due to favours or money from wealthy businessmen. general public have to take law in to their hand. it is natural.this sinhalese Buddhist country. Muslims should alter their primitive garbage to suit culture of the society that existed for centuries. otherwise they have to leave here for one of their land where their culture exist.in east you can see date trees planted on streets but that is not unique to lanka. unique three is tamarind. what do they expect. make cities look like Arabic cities in order their almighty to favour them with seventy odd virgins what a pity.

  • 6

    Hilmi Ahmed is pissed off because a monk has talked action. When people get into action it becomes violence.

    But, HIlmi Ahmed does not talk about muslims engaging in violence against buddhist temples and buddhist events at Mahiyangana, Kataragama and in Aluthgama. Those are just three incidents.

    Just think, if proper publicity is given in Sri lanka about muslim violence against buddhist events and buddhist temples, how would buddhists feel.

  • 5

    why Muslims do not follow the Buddhist legal system in the country? They should not be given chances to marry three four times, though they are womanizes.

  • 6

    Hilmi and all the Muslims who believe in something no one has ever seen or heard (Allah) except MuhaMAD, remember all these years Buddhism was protected by the monks fighting against terrorist Muslims who has destroyed Buddhism in at lease 30 countries around the world. Don’t forget Muslims in the name of Allah has killed and burnt over 5000 Buddhist monks at Nalanda University in India. Do you remember that? Allah was asleep or has directed to carry out these crimes I suppose otherwise why not stopped murdering innocent people for no reason?. If we don’t stand up to these Muslim thugs there will be no Buddhism in Sri Lanka.
    Hilmi why talk about Buddhist monks who are trying to protect Buddhism from Muslim thugs and not talk even Aluthgama where Muslim thugs who assaulted a Buddhist monk first that started the whole thing? Hilmi and other Muslims I challenge you guys to go to Babile Road in Gampola and see how Allah has allowed Mullahs to built a Mosque completely illegally over the public road where Sinhalese Buddhists have to walk under. Who are those Mullahs? They are bloody terrorists supported by Allah. What are you going to do about it you Muslim thugs. Hilmi why don’t you write about that and other crimes by Muslim Mullahs. Those Mullahs will be getting more than 72 virgin devils when they go to Hell to meet MuhaMad who is suffering for all his crimes committed including rape of a 6 year old Aisha. Why is that Islam and the Muslims have become the most HATED religion in the world Hilmi? Can you explain that or is that what Allah wants like he didn’t stop MuhaMAD when he killed and raped. If you want the numbers I can send them to you as I have a Koran. I am just repeating what is in Koran.

    • 1


      Did anyone see Buddha 3000 yrs ago ? He was supposed to be born
      in Nepal but today , are you able to find the place where he is
      said to be brought up ? Do you know that only ten percent of
      Nepalese are Buddhists ? Why is that Indians are not Buddhists ?
      I have no problem with any of these religions but I do have a
      problem with those who use their religious ID to quench the
      thirst of racism ! Understand that Muslims are not saints and
      they too are vulnerable to the by products of democracy and
      especially the democracy in the hands of learners who never
      finish learning ! History knows there was a man called Mohamed
      because it is just 1400 yrs old compared to 3000 yrs . It is
      easier to recollect 1400 yrs than double that where writing
      was still opaque . So, why waste your time insulting something
      venerated by others ? Don’t try to disprove Allah , instead
      put your full weight to prove your side . Still better , learn
      to live with the inevitable reality .

      • 3

        There is no Allah.

        Even underneath the rock that you worship, Is Lord Buddha’s Steps. So, what what you are worshiping is buddha’s steps.

        Just Understand this. Mohomad’s teachings if you allow to tinvestigations it can not hold. Just see for 1400 years, how much carnage, destruction, may hem that teaching has created in the world.

        On the other hand, buddha’s teachings about 2700 years old. It never resulted violence.

        • 3

          Jimmy, the softie, you are forgetting the massacre of 200,000 Tamils (Hindu’s – You Buddha’s religion) and you still talk about Muslim carnage. Get real and hard – Softie

          • 1

            Fazlul, who killed 200,000 Tamils not Buddhists but Sri Lankan army that includes Sinhalese Buddhists/Christians, Tamils Hindus and Christians and also Muslim Police/Army/Navy and Air force. No religion is involved and one of my friends was the Major in the army and he is Muslim who was at the front risking his life fro people like you and me. Who massacred the Muslims in North including the ones praying to GOD inside the Mosque. DO you know how many innocent people US has killed in 7 countries around the world which has nothing to do with them? You should be thankful today those forces for having a peaceful life in Sri Lanka not try to blame them. Don’t be ungrateful because of your religion. Think before you say Fazlul other you are making yourself a fool in front of millions.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

        • 0


          Why Buddhism is not the religion where Buddha was born is my
          question and quite opposite is the case where Mohamed was
          born ! Venerable Jimsofty , no rush , take your time . And
          remember , nobody cares if there’s an Allah or no for you !
          Oh yes ,Hiroshima and Nagasaki was bombed by the Arabs and
          then millions of men were killed in world war II by the
          Arab forces , what a destruction ,how much carnage and
          mayhem ? And the peaceful Buddhist Japan was all over Asia
          teaching peaceful non-violence Buddhism with guns and bombs!
          Jim , I love to learn more of history from you man !
          What an intelligent creature !

      • 0

        [Edited out]

  • 5

    “Sri Lanka has seen in recent history thugs in saffron robes who don’t respect the laws of the land, and who act with impunity, leaving a trail of destruction, not only material but also destroying good relations between communities”

    This fellow Hilmy is a Muslim Extremist, He keeps on attacking our religion Buddhism and keep on disputing our history. This fellow has gone too far many times throwing racial slur at Noble Sinhala people and Buddhism mainly due to his ignorance and new gotten freedom. He has got guts to live in our country and throw crap at us. What do you think who you are? You are nothing but a scum bag of a Guest worker we welcome in the past. Hey Hilmy, can we even dream of throwing slur at your religion and Mullahs in Islamic country such as Saudi, UAE, and Kuwait. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country, if you think it is not say openly, we will take it back.
    Do you understand we, the Buddhist every morning worship “Triple Gem” that includes Lord Buddha, His Doctrine (Dhamma, Teachings) and Sangha (Yes the monks wearing Saffron Robes)For us, it is not possible to separate these three Noble and Sacred Entities in our prayers. Even so called Buddhist political leaders look away or ignore insults to our religion as a mean to obtain political support from the Muslim chauvinist Politicians such as Hakeem and entire gang of Muslim Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers. That is why you have become so cheeky to throw slur at our sacred Buddhism. Let me remind you or perhaps educate you what type of atrocities the Muslims have inflicted on other people, especially Buddhists. Your weapons of choice of spreading the religion have been Murder, Gang Rape, Arson, Abductions, Destructions of Buddhist Religious places, Burning Buddhist monks alive and Burning Buddhist Scripts. You ignorant scum bag, Evidences are still available in places such as Nalanda in North India, Gandhara (Present day Peshawar), Taxila in Pakistan and Borobudur Java Indonesia, Chitagong, Bangla Desh. If you have any decency, integrity or honour just tell me I will arrange for you to learn about destruction and mass scale atrocities committed by your Muslim forefathers on Buddhists.

    Finally, let me conclude Rev. Gnanasara does not want to wait until you Muslims burn our temples, gang rape our women, burn our Buddhist monks alive, burn our Buddhist script and compel Sinhala Buddhists to renounce their religion. Should we wait until you are ready to do what you did to “Nalanda in North India, Gandhara (Present day Peshawar), Taxila in Pakistan and Borobudur Java Indonesia, Chitagong, Bangla Desh” . Every word of insult you direct at Buddhism makes thousand Buddhist youth to join the organization sworn to preserve and protect “Sri Lanka-Sinhala-Buddhism” linkage. You will not succeed in your attempt to dislodge the above noble linkage, because, Lord Buddha entrusted Sinhala people of Sri Lanka with the task of preserving Buddhism until the arrival of Maithri Buddha. Hilmy, at least have courage to learn Koran properly. We believe in Ahimsa and Buddhist doctrine and welcome you fellows to live with us share our food and water and live among us without dreaming of “SCREWING” (I believe you understand this word as it conveys the message appropriately) us.

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    As a Buddhist the comments made by some of our Muslim brothers or sisters if any are most hurtful to bear.The comments and counter comments are indicative of lack of mutual respect between the communities and more alarmingly trust.Saying nasty things about others to satisfy your passion and anger is the most foolish thing one can do.It is most easy hiding behind a nick-name in an electronic setting like this to pour out hatred but not in real life.So one has to deal with issues in a realistic way as good human beings do that is respectfully and constructively where the goal is fruitful in preference to chaos.What one is forced to read in this column is absolutely shameful and belies the lowest level of decency in any community.Having said that we must address the cause for the comments namely the actions of a horrible person donning a piece of yellow cloth as an excuse to cause grievous hurt to another section of our community. Is our duty that we must support the actions of this Criminal who calls himself a Monk or to speak in support of another group of people in our community who have a different way of life which they are absolutely free to chose and our in fear of their safety.As the majority community the sad thing about us Sinhalese is that we do not have the guts to stand up for the truth when we have to.Under no circumstances should a single Sinhala person support any person like Gnanissara. This column is ample testimony for it that is that Gnanissaras actions only breed more hatred.What right has he to promote hatred in our country for cheap political gain.What we need is healing and understanding that both communities have a duty to respect and uphold the rights of the other whilst living side by side in harmony.This can only occur through respectful dialogue not filthy abuse.Did not the Buddha say that “Hatred is not appeased by hatred but by loving kindness alone” and go on to emphasize the point that it is no ordinary law “But the Universal Law” .I have no knowledge of what the Holy Prophet Mohammed has taught but I have no doubt he has said the same that is to conquer hatred through Love. There is no other way.Just look at what is happening in the middle -east and what happened for 30 years in our own country.Do we need a second innings.

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      Dear Sunil.

      Thank you for your comment. It is really sickening to see the kind of hate that is spewed by many, hiding behind an electronic viel. The purpose of my writing is to reach out to the majority of the peace loving Buddhists like you to intervene and stop this kind of racism from a man in robes. I am fully aware of the kindness of the Buddhists because most of my close and dear friends are non muslims. The mutual respect we have for each other is testimony of our friendship. Let us try and promote that understanding amongst the majority of us. I as Muslim commit to living in peace with all beings, irrespective of race, religion, caste or creed. Once again, I thank you for your kind intervention.

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        Hilmy Ahamed
        You say the purpose of you writing this article is to appeal to the peace loving buddhist to intervene and stop this kind of racism from a man in robes. It is a very good intention and from the comments you would have observed there is a fair number of buddhists condemning the monk.Can I ask you could you as a muslim intervene and stop Izeth Hussein to desist from writing racially abusive articles of srilankan tamils. [Edited out] Hussein has written so many such articles in CT I haven’t seen a single comment of criticism from you. How do you expect others to do something that you are not prepared to do. Practice what you preach is what ALLah said.
        Allah U Akbar

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        Hilmi Ahmed:

        You were not honest enough to discuss a problem as it is. YOU were discussing one side of the problem.

        Why don’t you be honest and say that muslims are very dishonest always with the people of other religions and you people are ruthless and lie to defend your religion.

        Here too, you did not discuss a word how Muslims try to over power buddhists and instead talked about Aluthgama, Mahinyangana etc., etc.,

        Just s a human being first be honest and try to live with others and not cheating others.

        Every muslim including Izeth Hussein is very dishonest when they discuss muslim issues.

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        Hilmy Ahmed;

        Whom are you trying to dupe this time? I hope you will answer my question at the end.
        you have said;
        ” It is really sickening to see the kind of hate that is spewed by many, hiding behind an electronic viel”
        Look who is talking about hiding behind electronic veil, it appears suddenly “you got butterflies in the stomach”. I studied your recent compilations of garbage designed to whip anti Sinhala-Buddhist sentiments among Muslims in Sri Lanka. As a result of your instigations, some your Muslim brethren wrote unspeakable filthy words about Lord Buddha. I strongly believe they will be met with appropriate punishments of our Lord in this life (ALLAHU AKBAR). Last month you wrote derogatory comments about our (SINHALA) original roots, culture and traditions. We the noble Sinhala Buddhists were very hurt about your demeaning comments. This month you wrote another piece to denigrate our religion Buddhism.
        Royal decree inscribed on a stone (we call them SEL LIPI) on how to sell prepared food in the open market by street vendors can be found in Badulla Museum.If you have time visit Badulla to learn something about us. Hilmy do you know what does that mean, it was written before your religion Islam was founded by Prophet Mohammed (May peace be upon him) and do you know the decree was issued by King Dutu Gemunu, you always ridiculed. For your information King Dutu Gemunu started his campaign to get rid of the occupier ELARA of northern kingdom from Mahiyanganaya. Mahiyanganaya was visited by Lord Buddha and is very sacred city for SINHALA-BUDDHISTS. It is a very minute drop of our history for your information and by the way it appears that certain Muslims squatters have gone to desecrate our sacred land in Mahiyanganaya by setting up their dwellings. That is the root cause of Ven. Gnanasara’s outburst. Let me ask you, would Saudi Arabia allow any Non-Muslim to enter Mecca or any other revered Islamic places in Saudi. For us few important Buddhist sacred places are Mahiyanganaya, Kelaniya, Seruwawila, Kandy, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, NaGadeepa, Muthiyanganaya, Siri Pada, Deegavapiya, Tissa maharamayama, Mihintale. Remember these are not tourist resorts and places for animal slaughter. These places and the surrounding areas must be strictly out of bounds for Muslim squatters. It is no harm, Ven. Gnanasara is campaigning to keep your Muslim squatters away from our revered places. The government must impose this ban officially and follow the SAUDI MODEL.
        Until you wrote garbage, denigrating stories about saffron robes many occasions, I never paid attention to Ven. Gnanasara or any other protest movements in Sri Lanka. You are awakening SILENT SINHALA BUDDHISTS , Thank you.
        However, it will be great if you have guts to answer my question again; “would you acknowledge SRI LANKA IS A BUDDHIST COUNTRY”. Answer is simple “YES” or “NO”. What is it going to be?

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        Hilmi, before you talk about peace loving Buddhists find out peace loving Muslims in Sri Lanka and ask them to live peacefully with the majority Sinhalese Buddhists/Christians. When you do that there will be no BBS or any other threats from Sinhalese. If you have the guts go and see at Babile Raod Gampola what your Mullahs done building illegally a Allah’s mosque so that the Sinhalese have to walk under the bloody Muslim demons feet. What are you going to do? Before you try to correct others get your house in order. Don’t expect Sinhalese to be quite for too long if you carry on all these injustices to Sinhalese. Our ancestors made the mistake of being hospitable to Muslims and allowed them to settle in Sri Lanka. Send me your email address I will post the photos of that Allah’s mosque. Do you honestly call Islam a religion, I call it terrorist breeding ground. Muslims only aim is to destroy Sinhalese with Buddhism which is the greatest threat and also the Christians. The same way Muhamad has destroyed Judaism from Arabia by killing thousands of men and boys and taking the girls and women for their use. Isn’t it very similar to what they are doing in Iraq and Syria by ISIS? You can’t blame them for following their leader MuhaMAD the mass murderer and Paedophile. First get those bloody Muslims to respect and except all other religions and races for their believes and practices and then we all can live HAPPILY EVER AFTER like we used to do. Three of my childhood friends are Malay and Javian and they are ashamed of what Muslims are doing in the name of Allah. You can reach the Muslims to do it first because you have started this war. If you don’t we Sinhalese will not surrender remember that. Lets see how honest you are and what you talk about. If you do that I will join hand with you to bring peace between us as soon as Muslims stop this Terrorist mentality. You guys started it and you initiate by stopping that.

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        Mr Hilmy Ahmed
        You say ” The purpose of my writing is to reach out to the majority of the peace loving Buddhists to intervene and stop this kind of racism from a man in robes.
        I as Muslim commit to living in peace with all beings, irrespective of race, religion, caste or creed.”
        That is excellent.
        But have you ever voiced against a muslim racist?
        I have never seen a comment against Racially abusive articles by your extremely muslim racist bigot [Edited out]
        One law for muslim racist and another for the rest?
        Allah never said anything like that.

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      Ballahs at its best ..

      Anyways, no doubt yours is the majority in home country.. but iwth the time, you should change your attitudes allowing others too live in peace.

      Civilization has just started in that part of the world – much more left to be introduced. Gradually changes will become tangible to every households.

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    This type of person lives on exposure. If his madness is ignored he will disappear from the scene.If he is prosecuted he will attempt and some others will attempt to make him a hero.His ego was pricked at Homagama.What the govt should do is to ignore him and prevent any eruption as at Aluthgama.You cannot expect much from the spineless Mahanayakes, in this case the man at Asgiriya. This govt is providing enough and more space for such people to exist by their foolish day to day policies.They seems to be antagonizing the electorate that voted with them. Many of the things they have done should have waited for a better day viz, the paddy issue,asbastos and Glyphosate issues,the statements on the policy on liquor and cigarettes. The paddy production should have been encouraged and used as a basis for the production alcoholic fuels for transport. They were sent there to rule the country and provide a satisfactory economy, that is the last thing they are doing.

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