15 February, 2025


Video: BBS Gnanasara Back In Action, Promises To Repeat Aluthgama Mayhem

As Sri Lanka marked the second anniversary of the Aluthgama carnage, Bodu Bala Sena’s Galagoda Atte Gnanasara has threatened to repeat the Aluthgama mayhem in Mahiyanganaya if the government and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) fail to take steps to ensure that the police in that area work without partiality.

Addressing a Satyagraha mid this week (21st), to protest against the arrest of two youth from the area, Gnanasara told the IGP to take action against the senior police officers in the area, as they are not working in accordance to the wishes of the Buddhist clergy. “If you can’t handle them, tell us, we will take care of them. We only need about 50 people to take care of them, and we are not scared to go behind bars,” he said.

Gnanasara added that the Buddhist community was losing patience as the Muslim community was continuing to work in a manner to penalize them, and testing the Buddhist community’s patience. “First they threw rotten eggs at our teachers in Madawala, and then they tried to build a mosque which was taller than the height of the Dalada Maligawa,” he said.

He accused the Mahiyanganaya police officers of siding with the minority community and instead penalizing the Buddhists. “Even the Buddhists can’t demonstrate, because action is taken against them by the police for voicing their disapproval. There is no democracy or yahapalanaya in the country,” he said.

Gnanasara added that if the Buddhist continued to be penalized and if action was not taken by the IGP to address the issue, then the BBS will show its power to the country by getting everyone in Mahiyanganaya to shut down the entire area.

He added that if they don’t receive a favourable response from the IGP and the government, the BBS will not think twice to commence ‘phase 2 of the Aluthgama’ mayhem.

Latest comments

  • 29

    The BBS is the fruits of what the late Mohamed Ashroff sowed by forming the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), a party built on religious and communal lines.

    Up until then our country did not have political parties based on religion, ethnicity, caste or creed. The formation of the SLMC segregated the Muslims, especially the Sri Lankan Moors and propped them up within a secular society as a different kind of species.

    This coupled with the spread of the Saudi Wahabi doctrine has made the Muslims easy targets for radical Buddhists who are only adding fuel to the fire that the late Mohamed Ashroff ignited.

    A point to note which would be very relevant to the present context and an eye opener for all those who preach religious radicalism would be the way the late Mohamed Ashroff went to meet his Creator, — skinless and Barbecued.

    • 45

      There are apologists even for murder but no one has a right to kill a community, its worshipping places and businesses just because of some flimsy excuses.

      Anti-Muslim riots of 1915 and anti-Tamil riots of 1956, 1965, 1977, 1988 and so on can also be condoned in the same way.

      The real questions are: are we civilised enough and do we really follow Lord Buddha’s teachings or just use Buddhism to claim superiority over other communities? We must look at other multi-ethnic and multi-religious communities in other countries and learn to tolerate the views of others. The BBS is an insult to Buddhism, the country and humanity. Those try to blame others for the murderous conduct of a party that claims to follow Buddhism must be ashamed of themselves.

    • 44

      AshyD gone ashtray

      “The BBS is the fruits of what the late Mohamed Ashroff sowed by forming the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), a party built on religious and communal lines.”

      What was the purpose and consequences of forming “Sinhala Maha Sabha” (1937) and later the election campaign which emphasised “Pancha Maha Balavegaya”

      Do you remember what the public racist Anagarika Dharmapala (the homeless one preached to the masses in his Sinhala/Buddhist discourses?

      These saffron clad thugs should be taught and sentenced (life) to doing “samajasevaya” minus politics.

      • 6

        Native Veddha,

        The formation of the “Sinhala Maha Sabha” and SWRD”s “Pancha Maha Balawegaya”, did not segregate a minority from a majority, the latter only brought SWRD to power overnight the fruits of which too we are reaping today.

        The SLMC did and is doing more damage to the minority Muslim Moors, especially to those from the Eastern Province, who are radically inclined than what both the above did to the country as a whole.

        The road to religious and ethnic disharmony was paved by the late Mohamed Ashroff,for his petty political benefits the BBS is only walking on it.

        The “Sinhala only” rhetoric fermented by SWRD is a direct consequence to our young mothers trudging to the corrupt Middle Eastern countries to work as slaves in their households, undergoing immense hardships and letting their children be exploited by unscrupulous individuals over here.

        Just for a moment, I beg readers to think, if we had retained the high standards of the English language prevalent at the time, used it alongside our own languages and rich culture, we would have had a common language to interact with each other, if so today Sri Lanka would indeed be “The Miracle of Asia”.

        • 5


          Ashroff formed his party just as DS,Banda and GG formed
          theirs and the only difference is its time of birth.
          All of them are laymen and fit to do politics for their
          respective communities. The subject we are now talking
          about is , whether a man who has undertaken a
          uniformed responsibility could be allowed to go against
          it and do the job of a racist politician ? Is he a
          venerable monk or a menace to the general public ?
          Yahapalanaya can not have it both ways . Stop him or
          live with him !

        • 8

          After making some seemingly cogent statements you reveal where you are REALLY coming from when you say,

          “The “Sinhala only” rhetoric fermented by SWRD is a direct consequence to our young mothers trudging to the corrupt Middle Eastern countries to work as slaves in their households, undergoing immense hardships and letting their children be exploited by unscrupulous individuals over here.”

          This is unmitigated nonsense parading as some species of historical fact and is deserving, at best, of deposit in the closest trash can.

          • 1

            Emil van der Poorten,

            If you are the one and same person, we read writing on various subjects, I am disappointed.

            You have completely missed the point, hence I would like to elaborate.
            Our young mothers are going to the Middle East as slaves because of their complete lack of knowledge in the English language, whilst their other compatriots able to work in an English environment do better jobs in the same countries.

            If SWRD & Sirima had retained the English medium, scrapped the other two mediums of study – (Sinhala & Tamil), our country would have produced employable youth, which is not the case today.

            The universities are in turmoil, which is nothing but sheer frustration as they know, that when they pass out, their future would still be as bleak as it is.
            Children with a knowledge of English, even some of those without a proper working knowledge in Sinhala are taking up the lucrative jobs in the private sector.
            SWRD’s Sinhala Only kept the youth under forced subjugation, whilst on the other hand SWRD’s own grandchildren are not in this country but enjoying the fruits of an English education and upbringing.
            This is what is sad.

    • 27

      You Dumbo,
      The entire Sri Lankan state is on religious bigotry. It was Banda who started the religious bigotry and then up until now it follows the same with many mayhem caused under the name of Buddhism.

      Anagarika was the most oldest racist in the modern era to dumb the buddhist minds and set them on a single line thinking of racism that which is still prevalent into the 21st century.

      Gnanasara is blaming the Muslim community while the same should be applied to his race after so many mass murders committed and NEVER tried them in a court of law for their crimes.

      Gnanasara must tell the country as to what type of training that he took with the CIA/Mossad when he visited his benefactors in the US/Israel. The truth will surface very soon once the Zionist connection is exposed.

      Gnanasara’s contract is to keep the racist fire burning as long as the country is eternally plunged into chaos with yet another conflict.

      The Sinhala media is heavily backed and funded by the Zionist system with hidden connections to keep the Islamophobia alive in their news items.

      The state, Media, Private and religious Sinhala only system is hell bent on destroying the country from within.

      Gnanasara is yet to identify the real cause that the Sinhala and the other population in the country is plagued with The Kidney diseases, Heart, Diabetes, Hyper Tension..etc. The factual cause being the VACCINES that is dumped by the very same powers that are backing the BBS/Mahinda/JHU/Skin head groups…and BBS cannot tell truth on this.

      One reason is, Gnanasara is an uneducated thug and he even does not know how the entire Sri Lankan population is duped by the US/UK Zionists.

      Sirisena must act now….Or he must openly declare that he is protecting these pigs. So, that they all have one bloody Sinhala Only agenda.

      • 3

        Hey Desert storm Dont be a Ideot .Sorry you are a Ideot
        You sounds like a wahabi to me. Ideot go fight in Syriya
        or Iraq with your Wahabi Snakbars. Fool you should undersatand
        you have Whole of midleeast (Desert) to settledown if u want
        Sinhala people only have Srilanka You dumbo

        • 7

          RIP ENGLISH Golan.

        • 1

          [Edited out]

    • 13


      You are saying Bullshit, the typical made up arguments by the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”, who claim to be Buddhists. Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” are no different than the Wahhabi- Salafis, and their clones such as ISIS, who claim to be “Muslims”, and then go and kill other Muslims who do not follow their Ideology,by calling them infidels, especially Shia, Sufi and Ahmedia Muslims.

      There were many “riots:” against the Muslims well before 1981. We all know about the Sinhala “Buddhist” anti-Tamil Riots.SLMC was started in the East because of Tamil politics.

      The fact is that the BBS is the fruit of what Mahawansa has been preaching, as per the Mad Monk Mahanama, saying that, Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, belonged to the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”, who are actually Paras from India, from the South and East of India, who illegally occupied the Land, by coming by Illegal boats, Hora Oru, Kala-Thonis, just like the other Paras, the Para-Tamils.

      The Mahawansa myths are fed to Sinhala “Buddhists” from a very young age. Even the so-called Professor Ediriweera Sarathchandra, popularized the Play, “Sinhabahu” that helped further polarize among the Para-Sinhala the populace.

      Furthermore, the so-called Mahawansa, is an Insult to the Buddha.

      Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha! By Sharmini Serasinghe

      Caution- The following is more suitable for the broad-minded and the wise. Others are kindly advised to pass!


      The so-called Sinhala, are Para-Sinhala. Its varieties, Sinhala “Bukhhhism” is Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”. It is Not the Buddhism Buddha Taught Why is it that there are Hardly any Tamil Buddhists and Hatred toward the Tamils? Because of Para- Sinhala “Buddhism”, is not Buddhism, it is Racism.

      The Para-Sinhala are Paras. just like the Para-Tamils, whom the Para-Sinhala Hate. Support is given below from the Para-genes.

      Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.

      Journal of Human Genetics (2014) 59, 28–36; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112; published online 7 November 2013


      Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

      The Vedda Tribe


      • 5

        You are one of the lowest grade Muslims, Buddhists and Sinhala people will never descend to your gutter.

        • 4


          The Truth hurts. The truth busts myths. What you have been brainwashed from a very young age, is crumbling, in light of the advance in science and reason.

          The Catholic Church burned Giardano Bruno and Incarcerated Galileo, because they came up with evidence closet to the truth than the Church was preaching.

          Same wit Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” and who like to call the Tamils “Para-Demala” when they themselves are Paras, based on evidence.

          Same with the the Wahhabi-Salafis. They cal the others Infidels, just like the Sinhala-Buddhists call the others Paras.

          Question: Are the Para-Sinhala Buddhists any more “Civilized” than the Infidel, Iblis, Satan, Devil Following Wahhabi-Salafis, who want to kill others? Look at the action of ISIS and who funded them? Wahhabi saudi Arabia and it’s Wahhabi clones.

          Who is funding BBS? Para-Sinhala Buddhists? Norway? Israel? Christian fundamentalist West?

          Has it ever occurred to you that Norway, Israel, Christian fundamentalist West are using the ignorant Sinhala Buddhists to achieve their agenda?

          Have you hears the expression “Sinhalaya Modaya, Kavum Kanna Yodaya” ?May be Norway, Israel, Christian fundamentalist West knows something.

          The Various Norwegian Agencies That Supported BBS Personnel
          July 3, 2013 |


          By Rajiva Wijesinha –

          Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha MP

          When I wrote some weeks back about the supposed Norwegian involvement with the Bodhu Bala Sena, I had not seen the clarification which the Norwegian Embassy had put on its website about the allegations. Having read it, I am more than ever convinced that the Norwegian government and its embassy have not behaved badly, but also that they, and also the Sri Lankan government, must go more carefully into the matter and check on what exactly has been going on. If they can do this together, so much the better, though I fear that neither side will have the correct skills and attitudes to ensure fruitful and productive cooperation.

      • 2

        [Edited out]

      • 0

        Origin of darvadian and sinhala races still not established as per latest reports. as such sinhalese from north and south India is a myth see below chart.

        Caucasoid race:

        Negroid race:
        African Negro

        Dravida & Sinhalese
        Mongoloid race:
        North Mongol
        Chinese & Indochinese
        Japanese & Korean

        if you want to see our ancestors go to north madagasker meet tribes called helu.. ours is a mixer of Caucasoid and negroid. genetic affinity alone can not determine origin.skull pattern too is needed.N equal something is not absolute formula. it should be equal to N plus one as well to become absolute one.like mahawansa pool. you are N equal plus pool. not looking for N plus one equalities.

        • 2


          There is no such thing as Dravidian/Aryan race.

          Aryan and Dravidian are supposed to be linguistic families, and not races.

          “if you want to see our ancestors go to north madagasker meet tribes called helu…”

          Please feel free to visit your ancestors there and stay there don’t come back.


          • 0

            you go to India and stay there your original place not spreading myths here .Caucasoid is one race, negroid and Mongoloid are other two. Aryans categorized as Caucasoid race but darvadians and sinhala category is not established as yet.what a pity. your Indian myth collapsed completely.my deepest sympathies Dear Friend.

      • 0

        Origin of darvadian and sinhala races still not established as per latest reports. as such sinhalese from north and south India is a myth see below chart.

        Caucasoid race:

        Negroid race:
        African Negro

        Dravida & Sinhalese
        Mongoloid race:
        North Mongol
        Chinese & Indochinese
        Japanese & Korean

        if you want to see our ancestors go to north madagasker meet tribes called helu.. ours is a mixer of Caucasoid and negroid. genetic affinity alone can not determine origin.skull pattern too is needed.N equal something is not absolute formula. it should be equal to N plus one as well to become absolute one.like mahawansa myth pool. you are N equal myth pool. not looking for N plus one equalities.

    • 19

      BBS and other radical movements were given birth inthe MR rule. His indifference towards law and order allow them to raise the head. Or his brother was there to do the job for MR and their political surivival. This is very unfair …. Journos please wake up and stand by the people of this country that want current goverment to go forward and strenghthen the powers of people. You can achieve them law and orders are placed above everything…. devious politics being played by Mahinda Rajapakshe should be stopped.
      There are no muslims, tamils or others, but we are all srilankens, we all should be treated with the same spoon. No space again for any kind of new form of devisions in this country. …. ALL right thinking should see it right, that Rajakashes work with Buddhist monks abusing them further but for their poitical greediness. Rajakashes are the most abusive men on srilanken soil.

      • 10

        Samson Gunasekara

        “BBS and other radical movements were given birth inthe MR rule.”

        Please bear with me for I am not that educated.

        Why do you assume BBS is a radical movement.

        My Elders are of the opinion that BBS is an organisation full of bigoted self-hating reactionaries and see an element of fascism in its ideology.

        Could you tell the difference between radicals and reactionaries.

      • 2

        You are a Muslim extremist, whom are you trying dupe with the name “Samson Amanasekera”

    • 15

      Dear IGP,

      Recently a senior member of the STF, threatened the media and you took prompt action. As far as I know making a threat to harm someone physically or economically like what happened in Aluthgama 2 years ago is a punishable offense. What action do you propose on taking? This man continuously disturbs the peace and makes it unsafe for communities to live in. Just because he drapes an orange piece of cloth does it give him immunity from the law of the land. Besides if he is a true Budhist he won’t behave like this. Aren’t people like the BBS distorting true Budhist teachings ? Isn’t this punishable for spreading false teachings of revered religion. We the public are fed-up of the continuous inaction by this government and the administration. What are you going to do about this ??

      • 14

        I salute you and Silvas that always help people undrestanding the need of hour. Collectiveness can succeed everything. These men BBS or the like violent groups must be crushed by their neck not allowing them to do the job as had been the case under Meeharaka Rajaakshe. We have no doubt, current regime is capable of doing that in a fair manner. BBS violent man in robes deservers to go years long jail sessions if his does not seem to be tamed by prevailing laws. Laws should be equally to all thee pretending pseduo monks they are the ones who made it bigger over the years.

        • 1

          [Edited out]

      • 4

        Pot Shot,

        That IGP donkey is a lose and do not expect him to do anything correct or rational. That bugger is sick with publicity mania. What he did to that STF officer is totally wrong. In fact IGP has sided with the drug mafia and IGP’s conduct as well as the media who attacked that STF officer are very questionable. They must surely be on the pay roll of drug traffickers. Lanka Enews has posted the whole story and the whole video this STF officer made and if you listen to what that STF officer said you will understand the level of these kalananni media terrorists and the corruptible and unprofessional level of the police.

    • 2

      Whilst I disagree strongly with the tasteless comment about the manner of the late Mr Ashroff,s death,the rest of the comments hold good for the Muslim peoples to take note of.In the old days when politics was less mean and complex the Muslim politicians held sway in all major parties holding very important portfolios which enabled them to serve their own community as well as the country at large and command the respect of the people.We must condemn absolutely this dumb criminal Gnanissara who is by no means a Buddhist, with notice to him that if he tries his pranks again charges of mass murder and if convicted the Gallows are there to welcome him and those rogues who are promoting him.
      No doubt the path that Mr Ashroff beat down for the Muslims has led them to wilderness ad isolation.In a non-Muslim world where Muslims are looked increasingly upon as a source threat and treated with suspicion they certainly have made themselves a bigger target due to segregating themselves from the general citizenry. The Tamils have paid the biggest price for the same mistake Unfortunately the Muslims do not have a Jaffna to retreat to as they have by and large chosen to live and raise family among other communities s and wisely so.So their strength will lie with their leadership who will advocate a nationalistic political doctrine in preference to the Wahabi. No matter what it is the Governments sacred duty to protect every citizen from Criminals like Gnanissara.We saw the outcome of the Idiotic President Jayawardena,s mistake in 1983 when he tried to use thuggery to deal with an inter communal problem when our Tamil brothers and sisters were attacked.We paid with 30 years of bloodshed and political stagnation.Both parties lost as is the usual outcome.

    • 4

      What are these authorities doing ? In a murder, the killer fearlessly says, that he was the killer- the very same manner the kind of public statements being made by Burusara proves that he and his et al were behind the ALuthgama disaster.

      alone the when he threatens to repeat the kind of riots LIKE the one created in Aluthgama – there he confesses to have been the perpetrator to have done that…. that alone is sufficient Police to arrest him or not ???????????????????????????????????????

    • 1


      What about ethnic tamil parties formed before that? We Muslims DO NOT ridicule other religions. Wrong is wrong. Don’t search for excuses and justifications for Gnanasara’s barbaric talks. Islamic religion is not only praying at mosques. Way of life prescribed by the religion is compulsory on them. Just because Gnanasara shouts muslim women are not going to wear short gowns. In Islam women are precious and must be protected. Muslims will sacrifice their lives for their religious code even if others shout however much.

    • 0

      You are one of the racists and condoning the filth and injustice. As people with intelligence, be in the side of justice and right, just what our religion teach and expect the follows to do.

  • 31

    What this [Edited out] is scheming to stage is an incident where he goes to a Muslim or Tamil area and start a big fight and since there are no dog armies of Gota any more now the Muslims or Tamils will attack the saffron clad monkies kitchen and mouse. When the Sinhalese in the South see that their monks are being attacked by the Tambiyas the racial schemers hiding under MARA will cause a commotion in the Sough and the thugs and saffron army in the Sough will begin attacking the minorities in the South. They are going to engulf the country in racial flames and wars. They are going to use this platform as a base for the “reincarnation of a new leadership” which scheme is at the moment underway courtesy Sirasa Media rag. They will promote Gota as the new leader and MR will be the shadow leader. The bond scam, VAT protests, Malabe protests, civil activists discontent and various strikes going around the country are parts of a calculated conspiracy aimed at destabilizing the government and overthrowing the government. The answer to all these problems is very simple: arrest the leaders and organizers behind these conspiracy and put them in jail indefinitely.

    • 19

      Spot on Silva. Has anybody watched last week seerasa satan program.The program was one sided to tarnish ranil.Seerasa agenda to bring back baya gota and gonsara balu sena.

      • 5

        Julampitiya Amare,

        Not only our present observations, Sirasa is engaged in an even bigger conspiracy against the government. They travel to far away locations where ignorant, uneducated people with various grievances and incite in them a strong hate towards the government convincing them that the government and politicians are not doing anything for them contrary to what was promised on election platform. The pigs of Sirasa team plant in the minds of these idiotic people to attack the politicians with broomsticks, brick bats etc. when they come for election campaigns the next time becuase after they were elected they have “not given them any thing”. The Sirasa media rag make them believe that no sooner the governments come to power they must dole out these mutts with everything from rations, houses, roads, jobs etc.! What Sirasa is doing is very anti-democratic, conspiratorial, terroristic and amounts to revolt against the elected government in contravention of media ethics. The government must arrest these media terrorists and also cancel their media license. The Sirasa is engage in a coup against the government to bring the Rajapakshas back! The Sirasa schemed and implemented this conspiracy first by showing land slides, then Salawa fire, then they went around the country showing some shortcomings of people and now they are in the second stage invading the minds of rural uneducated and poverty-stricken people who were traditionally and basically affiliated to SLFP mindset but with the riddance of MARA were beginning to see the world in a different perspective and changing their political affiliation. What Sirasa does is crime against free will planting ill feeling against an elected government in contravention of professional media ethics. Simultaneously they are carrying this bandwagon of “nayakathwaye punaruppaththiya” meaning “reincarnation of the leadership”. And who is going to reincarnate? MARA, GOTA? They first mouthed this conspiracy piece using Gomin Dayasiri that about to die stuttering clownish fucker who has sucked up to MARA his whole life, then came than old and expired cook Pubilis Silva and today an expired journalist who was very active in TV programmes during MARA era but then lost his way becuase I think he was involved or used in a racket of Danduwam Mudalali type deposit scam (I got his name now! he is Edvin Ariyadasa) I am sure Sirasa will use at some point that matimol monk Battaramulle Seelarathana who is used to throw out a few broken words with a few buckets of saliva!

        • 4

          You are right.

          Why does Sirasa do that job today not inthe days of Maharaja ?

          Sirasa was also there at the time, Mahinda Meeharaka ran amok in this country. Today, to show that there are more people in the country who are beyond poverty lines… they do that programm… to go to gamata… anyways, that Asoka or someone o fSirala always call the nation as ” midincome earning folk” my gosh… that is paradoxial.

          • 4

            Samuel Jayaweera,

            Not only that, Sirasa was the only channel that telecasted the Salawa Ammo Explosion 24/7, why? Because they had before-hand knowledge about the crime and they were ready even before the explosion goes off! Can you all guess why are there so many protest campaigns, strikes, allegations against the government, its institutions and officers (Bond issue), so many inflated public media stunts, highlighting of various social issues and problems etc. using the baaldi mouths of former regime, Sirasa, Hiru, Derana, Divaina, JVP, unions, civil activists etc.? One of the prerequisites of a successful coup against a running government is that there must be constant discontent, dissatisfaction, anger and hate towards the existing government becuase in the eyes and minds of the people they must think that the government is inefficient, impotent, corrupt, going from bad to worse, even worse than the one they replaced etc. It is this discontent and anger that Sirasa et al are creating in the collective consciousness of the masses. Some of the civil activists may in fact not know that they have been used in this project. Many of the players and activists in these protest campaigns do not have a clue about the grand scale coup that runs underneath their feet. Whey the village idiots promise they will hit the politician with broomstick the next time they see them it indicates that the coup is materializing because all these factors and angers are going to be mobilized in the grand scheme and final assault of “bring back MARA” (nayakathwaye punaruppaththiya! The Sirasa wesigeputhala of whom could never even utter the name “Rajapaksha” during the bygone wanachara decade but instead emitted “Gnaaw, gnaaw” like a cat has now assumed the proportions of the perfect professional and number one media channel! Whaat a fuckingly perverted irony of fate on the part of the people who underwent the damndest of humiliation on the hands of these media baldi katas during the wanachara decade! There should not be an inkling of doubt as to the authenticity of my observations because where is the media secretary of MARA working now? That Baudula Jayasekara is sleeping with Kili fucker of Sirasa! If the people of this country are ever to be correctly informed, educated, become sane and normal and come out of the darkness and shadow of fake piety, deceit, vanity and become respectable and intelligent citizens all these Sirasa, Hiru, Derana, Divaina etc. media vassals of former wanachara rajaa must be closed and their licenses recalled. If they are to continue however, they must be strictly controlled by a teethed body of oversight.

  • 21

    Maithri and Ranil better wake the fuck up if they have even a modicum of intelligence and throw this shithead back in jail.

    Isn’t this a violation of the conditions of his being released on bail?

    The BBS should be banned for their thuggery and instigating racial unrest, not to mention giving Sri Lanka Buddhism a rotten reputation.

    Or doesn’t anyone in power care????

    • 12

      This time, we have to hang this BBS man by his balls as no bail out can work.

      He is the most abusive and aggressive man in robes with higher potential of attacking own poeple. Here the religion must not play a role at all, we are all srilankens under proper legal system today than had been prior to 8th Jan 2015.

      We the right respecting …. dignified under the current rulers must stand against BBS or any other culprits so vehemently not giving any space them to react.

      Please President and PM, never allow BBS to add their thoughts again. MR et al are behind these men. Please IGP, be careful…. and screen these men in robes, ballage wade buruwa baraganne nethiwa,, they the BBS men should allow police to do the job if anyone would feel that law and order is sufficiently not in action. Jayawewa…

  • 12

    Yes, yes, his handlers – Gota, Mara, Basil & gang- activating their minions to destabilize the country and government, starting with electricity black outs, ammo dump fire, all the other demos around the country.

    President, PM and government wake up and take action, before they ruin and destroy the country. To get into power they would resort to any tricks under the sun, they are least bothered about the consequences but what they want is to get back to power to rob the country and people for good.

    • 6

      It was a greater mistake of law and order men to leave Basil et al through bail out. He is absolutlly no citizen that deserves to be free by now. Please check what he has gathered.. what the current govt has done so far is much less in terms of saferguarding the justice.
      Alone the manner he abused the funds for contributions of his kind wanting to change the poor mind sets is no acceptable by any democratice mechanisms. Please you authorities, put this man in jail, until all the allegations levelled at him being fully investigated that way only we can learn those most abusive men of the lanken soil a good lession. That way, we cant protect the nation for sure.
      Deviousness of their kind can only harm this nation. We cant afford to be torn for a better future. These men, that make every effort to live their fantasies should find its end else, we will have a greater problem that block the econmic development of the country.

  • 8

    I have travelled to many countries around the world and the one striking thing I notice is how much Buddhism is revered. When I tell them I am from Sri Lanka, they assume I am a Buddhist and I am elated. Sadly, the mindset of the clerics like Gnanasara Thera poisons a beautiful religion. There has to be a Buddhist hierarchy that can disrobe this maniac and let the police arrest him for inciting racial violence. We seem to have learnt nothing from a 26 year conflict just ended. Conflicts benefit no one and sooner or later, everyone loses. Given the past record of Gnanasara Thera, there may be a dark corner he had profited in his scores of illegal activities and he is going for a repeat.

    • 5

      This is the reason why it was imperative to introduce code of ethics in terms behaviour as a monk if he is part of Sanga community. But that wasy rejected by all powerful forces in the country. I think it is high time rulers to go against BBS lead or the like ones disguised their real nature. Like deadly viruses can destroy a nation, Ghanasara and the like lanken buddhist image. Still no too late, if all forces would converge to stand against him and the like fractions.

      As you say, entire world praises buddhist philosphy that majority of srilanken are blessed with.. but the few mad ones such BBS rabid monk Ghansara – is making every effort to kill lanken buddhism… as he is doing so, … those who dont take due actions against him and fractions also should be accoutable for the mess… President Sirisena .. PM Rani should react today itself… May srilanka be blessed with buddha.

      • 3


        “This is the reason why it was imperative to introduce code of ethics in terms behaviour as a monk if he is part of Sanga community. But that wasy rejected by all powerful forces in the country.”

        As you said one of the very first things the present government did was to prepare a draft legislation declaring a code of ethics for the monks and Buddhist institutions. But what did these saffron buffalos did to it? They completely thwarted that effort! It is these so called Mahanayakes who destroy Buddhism! These Mahanayake wesigeputhala and other Buddhist saffron clown fuckers like Gnanasara, Uduwe, Gawarawaye Sihala Rawaye & Bodubalaye kariyotika, Dayaratne, Ittapanaya, Nurses lata puka dena eka, ara Mahindayata puka dena mala miniyak wage sivura ange othagena inna eka etc. must be kicked out from monkhood after pouring liquified tar on their bald heads!

        • 3

          I am fully in agreement with you. These men hidden behind red robes further abusing DANA from the poor are the threat to lanka. These are not real buddhists. Lanken buddhism has long been abused by those men. Either they should enter lay life or be away from taking the laws to their hands shoudl be what should happen right now.

        • 0

          Thank you Silva. I always respect your thoughts.

      • 0


        can you find any Buddhists temple alone the coastal line more than hundred and fifty years old. why porthuguese dutch and british destroyed them. buddhists monks woth yellow robs fought with them some time in duel with weapons to restore them on ruins.monks mastered sinhalese martial arts like angam to protect Buddhists heritages from invaders. just like Chinese monks mastered kunfu to preserve Buddhism monasteries from Muslims. when bathiar approached nalanda chief monks was meditating when he woke up Muslims killed him and killed entire monk community there. burnt nalanda. latter killed all monks and nuns in bihar and kashmir forced converted people at sword. that is history.as such monks mastering martial arts is not new thing it is an age old practice in our society. when our forces were sort of man power to wage war against terrorism monks you mentioned as savages went around the country and persuaded youth to join forces. nobody gone with them to villages I have not seen any so called intellectual who talked like heroes traveling with them . I myself sacrifice only son I had for just cause.

        • 3


          ” when our forces were sort of man power to wage war against terrorism monks you mentioned as savages went around the country and persuaded youth to join forces. “

          When did the Sinhala/Buddhist saffron clad-istas start indulging in human sacrifice? Was it considered to be offering to gods?

          Indeed it is amazing Sinhala/Buddhism.

          • 1

            that is to safe guard mother land.mother land is the god of everybody believe it or not.yes our monks did scarified their lives in order to secure mother land for future generations. that is why we are here criticizing them otherwise we might have been part of tamilnadu speaking Tamil.same as adndama Islanders

        • 0

          That is the politics of the country failed to do the due.

          In Germany – as a grand nation of 83 millions – they also have turks as guest workers and living here since late fourties. They are mosques being built going through the density of muslims living in the country, since it shold be part of their culture to allow them to continue their religious affairs a country that respect other relgions too.

          So, coming to lanken issues, those selfish political leaders came to power only thougths of their political stablities, … Mahinda Rajaakshe et al even today behaves so thogh in folks denial- but that almost destroyed this country like throwing kabalen lipata again and again.

          I think – even today we are no late if we could introduce those folks a famliy planning screenign thoese families, but these should be common to tother folks too.. that way, they can find sustainable solutiosn to the problems of the day.

          Just like fierce dogs trained by aparthied era – to train and abuse them the way Gotabaya has been upto abusing BBS – is what we have to avoid by all means.

        • 0

          You guys want buddhists to start an another war-but this time it is goine be a religious war…

          shame on you guys… we suffered 30 or more years .. we killed and got killed… name of Buddha be away from hatred agendas against fellow lankens be them Muslims Hindu or others.

        • 0

          Ranjith, what a waste of all those young Sinhala men died during the Eelam war. The government should have deployed all these martial art monks to the battle field.

  • 6

    First and foremost the Buddhism practiced by the Sinhalese is an insult to the true preaching’s of Lord Buddha. The Sinhalese are converts to Buddhism thanks to Sangamitra Thera from India. Buddhism is not about planting Buddha Statues in every street corner, by the side of dirty drains, next to meat/fish markets and alcohol shops or close to other locations of other religious worship creating disassociation and a nuisance. Buddhism is not about planting Buddha Statues by three wheeler drivers and administration of the same by such low caste principled yakko type fellows. Buddhism is not about blasting pirith on loudspeakers desecrating the silence of the environment. The statue of Lord Buddha is not a Christmas tree for an ignorant shameless population of Sinhalese to decorate with sparkling colorful lights to gain attraction. Buddhism is not a pedestal for a group of Mahanayake theros to create divisional politics and caste based nikayas such as the Siam, Malwatte, Asgiriya that play and pander with the dirty politics and racist policies of Sinhalese political leaders such as SWRD Bandaranayake and very recently Mahinda Rajapakse. Buddhism is not about these Mahanayake Theras to keep conveniently silent when thousands of Tamils were being murdered on the basis of patriotism and heroism in riots of 1915, 1956, 1958, 1977, 1983 and finally State genocide of 2009 by Sinhalese and only make an issue that Lord Buddha’s photographs need to be banned from being published in Newspapers because fish and meat or alcohol can be wrapped in the those same newspapers. Buddhism is not about banning meat and alchohol and even theatres on Poya days while Sinhalese are seen ganging up at supermarkets and shops the day before filling their larders with meat and alcohol. When Rev. Sangamitra Thera converted these uncivilized Sinhalese to Buddhism, little did he realize that these monkeys would one day abuse and use this religion as a tool for criminalizing society and manipulate the same for religious intolerance and racism. It is sad that India, being the true land of Lord Buddha and having the most exemplary Buddhists of the world fails to make a statement of the level of abuse and shameless indiscipline that is perpetrated by the Sinhalese in the name of Buddhism in Sri Lanka bringing untold shame on this great son of India Lord Buddha.
    Therefore, Sinhalese are just a shameless race that lives on stating that they are Buddhists to show the world that they are civilized but actually otherwise. The UN reports and the new UNHRC resolution show ample proof of this.
    This punk Gnanasara is just another extension of the manner that the Sinhalese are using this great religion for their ulterior uncivilized purpose.

    • 6


      Dear, you read out my heart aloud!!! I am awestruck that somebody else too has my genes!!!

  • 6

    Lot of Racial Slur has been directed to the Noble Sinhala people; the founders of our motherland. What a sad situation our great nation has come to witness. Oh Lord, please forgive the Children and grand children of our Guest Workers. They do not understand even remotely their own community will reap the benefits of what they are sowing; mostly blatant fabricated verbal attacks, very hurtful and demeaning on NOBLE SINHALA people. We have realized that the children and grand children of our guest workers have started to “Bite the Hand that Fed them”. “One word of these insults” directed against Sinhala people will draw “one thousand Sinhala Youth” to organizations that have taken the responsibility to preserve the existence of Sri Lanka-Sinhala-Buddhism linkage.
    My earnest hope is that the Muslims will stop their provocative acts before Noble Sinhala people reach “No point of return” of their patience. You must understand our, heritage, our culture, our motherland, our declared nationality (Sinhala) and our religion Buddhism, all were founded more than thousand five hundred years before Islam. Those ignorant Muslims must realize even Prophet Mohammed (May peace be upon him) predicted the arrival of “Maithri Buddha”. It is written in Koran (Quran). Go and study Koran first before opening your filthy mouths.

  • 4

    Almost all or most religions you get the holy order after training and education. Even Hinduism the person is part of a family lives a normal life but in Buddhism children without any knowledge or consent is dumped into the temple there is no way of knowing whether the child is a bastard born by accident and rejected even by the mother. They get abused and now we see the result.

    This Moron is not the only monk in Sri Lanka that acts this way. Some one should pick a few of these monks and study their family background and how they ended-up in temples disgracing one of worlds oldest and peaceful religions.

  • 2

    Maithri and ranil should take action soon as possible, this thug has to be stopped.. Another war might errupt and this time its gonna be real bad.. Someone is trying to ignite the fuel.. Come bring the hate speech act and implement it as soon as possible. Wake up now! MR and his clans trying to come back to life

  • 10

    Where are those Sinhala and Muslim communities I grew up with?

    No patriotic Sri Lankan would ever try to jeopardise the hard won peace. I would like to recall the peace and harmony every countryman enjoyed prior to the unfortunate bloodshed due to a misled few.

    My family was the sole Muslim family that lived down Nagahawatta Road in Maharagama, in the mid-sixties, before I came to the Gulf on an assignment. The ten years of highly pleasant and enjoyable life I spent there still remains the best part of my life. Although our original plan was to return to our homeland on completion of the contract, one thing led to another, and finally I got involved in establishing a business organization with a local here. I cannot believe that I have now spent 41 years in the Gulf. My very recent visits to my motherland and the latest news items I frequently read in the newspapers from my homeland make me wonder: ‘Where are the Sinhala and Muslim communities, I grew up with?’ However, the comforting factor is that the silent majority of the entire population is prepared to forego anything for the sake of peace and harmony, for generations to come.

    Then being the only Muslim family among the solely Sinhala residents on Nagahawatta Road, it made us to receive much more attention and care from the neighbors, which I am sure, we wouldn’t have got in an environment with our own community. The local Buddhist temple was just hundred meters away from our house and the chief priest was a frequent visitor to my residence equaling my visits to the temple in return. Once we were involved in a project in installing a water-pump to the temple. I am proud to say that I got enormous support from my Buddhist friends in my work place, where I worked then. I cannot imagine how grateful the chief priest was about the little thing I could do for him in the successful installation of that pump. He chose the project I handled as a main topic in every ‘pinkama’ that followed thereafter.

    Although there were three other houses with refrigerators on the same road, most of the poor neighbors chose our house to store their home made fruit salads for any ‘Dana’ for the priests. It was something extraordinary to see how our house gets filled with sweets on the Sinhala New Year day, in addition to lunch and dinner delivered by the immediate neighbors. We would reciprocate this good friendly gesture on our both Eid days, namely Ramadan and Haj. The extraordinarily friendly atmosphere prevailed then really touched my heart. They, I repeat, were the best years of our life.

    On one instance my mother-in-law noticed that someone has plucked two young coconuts from our ‘kundera’ tree. As everyone knows these trees are dwarf and even a child could have easily reached the bunch of coconuts. The good old lady confided this to the next door neighbor, who straight away passed the message to the chief priest. Incidentally, the priest is from Kumbalgamuwa –Weligama, which is my birth place too. He could not bear this up and had told the next door neighbor that it was an insult to all of us and we had to find the culprits. He sent people around and caught the two boys who were in their early teens. He ordered their parents to take the children to me and apologize to me. The following day the parents visited me with the boys. After serving them refreshment I told the parents to take them home because it was really an embarrassment for me to have them apologizing to me for two young coconuts. The parents said, ‘Loku Hamuduruwo’ will not spare us, if we don’t give him a satisfactory answer.’ I assured them that I would tell the chief priest that they had visited my home and I had pardoned them.

    I am simply bewildered now with what I am reading frequently in local newspapers about the situation in some areas. I vividly remember my school days in a Sinhala school, at Sri Sumangala Vidyalaya in Weligama, where I was the only Muslim student and I was not treated differently for being so. On the other hand, I got the best of attention from my fellow students and as well as the teachers. My best of friends still are those who grew up with me in school. Then, I remember my working life in Colombo, where the communal identity was never an issue at any time and we enjoyed being together to the maximum.

    I urge the leaders of both communities to study in depth what really has gone wrong. I also urge the government to help the two communities restore their good relations.

    I am yearning to see the Sinhala and Muslim communities, I knew, during my school days, during my working life and most importantly the years I spent at Nagahawatta Road in Maharagama.

    May sanity prevail, for our children, grandchildren and generations to come, to enjoy the same friendly relations we enjoyed! Long live Sri Lanka and amity among all communities!

    • 2

      Thank you S.H.Moulana as I too have similar experience. In my various writings over the years, I held up the multi-ethnic communities living in relative harmony in a tiny island as a shining example of how communities should live. Sadly, people like Gnanasara Thera prop up occasionally with a mindset that is anathema to graceful community living and find ways to divide. Even more corrupt are the politicians who sponsor them in the belief that it get them votes.

  • 2

    Gnassara thera has violated the bail conditions of his release. Also, it is fresh in our mind how he broke in to the court in session to threaten lady complainant. If Yahapalaya is to survive, communal harmony prevail, this thug be given due process of justice. Send a open warrant, put him behind bars with no option for bail. If any Srilankan has to learn co-existence read SHM long essay on his early days in Maharagama and his association with local temple. I enjoyed reading all of it and am sure so you will! It’s time to shed petty politics and work towards building mother Lanka as SRILANKAN and not on ethnic lines. Mr. President Sirisena. Over to you to make a bold statement NOW.

    • 2


      I agree with you. And it must be read by all Muslims too. What SHM has written is the epitome of what RW and yahapalanaya concept are trying to achieve. It is the responsibility of all communities, religious leaders, social activists and government officers to achieve that objective becuase the future of this country rests solely on the peace that reconciliation brings. Having said that remanding baaldi kata again might perhaps open up another kind of opportunity for the Rajapaksha coup becuase why did they all swarmed on the court when Eknaligoda case was underway knowing fully well that they can be arrested and put in jail? Getting jailed too is one of their strategies to incite social unrest and creating a base for more and more anger in the society highlighting the illusion that this government is ill treating the Sanga (monks). RW as the leader of the government has to take into consideration various aspects of a problem before doing anything about it because a single issue has a multitude of implications and if the wrong move is made there could be a series of damages and breached flood gates for the conspirators to advance. Sometimes it would be a good idea to allow the enemy to attack as much as possible for him because in the final analysis everybody may have watched how the trouble makers has self-consumed himself and sprawled on the ground defeated. This method is one of the strategies of war and fighting RW is employing to full advantage and in fact which Mohammed Ali too employed to great advantage (in his most important fight where he made history as the greatest of boxers of all time this is the tactic he used). RW is a master strategist of politics now and the aspirant can learn many things from what he does or does not do these days. In fact what does RW try to convey to the society? That as citizens we have an individual and collective responsibility to be focused on really more important matters than these petty conspiracies of Rajapakshas! Just ignore them and allow the law enforcement authorities to do their job right! In a few years they will be ugly history buried en masse with Rajapaksha thieves and clowns!

      • 3

        it is the rulers that have not sent them to jail yet.

        It isthe greater mistake of the current govt.

        See, alone the bugger s son Yoshita shoudl long have been sent to the jail… why did they bail out him ?

        Why the current DUO behave as if they have no genitals at all ?

        Sure, Meeharaka Rajaakshe ran amok… but the successive govt has to go against them and give a fair verdict.

        Why Basil buruwas is set free ? Why ?

        Why not Basil Buruwas Wife and the daugher are not arrested yet ?

        Why why why.. thousands of questions remain with unanswwered …

        why you guys further support the current regime ?

  • 1


    I concur with your expanded vision. I stayed away from highlighting who were the actors behind the scene. But Jarapaksa & cohorts use agents to do dirty work. Certainly law enforcement agencies should act without political influence. That is hallmark of good governance.

    • 2

      But the problem, why as a ruling govt fails to teach them a lession yet ?

      If few of themw ere sent to jail could silence Meeharaka Rajakashe to some extent. That way, they could send the message across the nation gravity of harm being made by MR regime is not estimable. Finally grassing stupid folks that further back Meeharaka Rajaakshes should gradually turn their mind sets allowing clean political will to do the job/tangible changes in this country

  • 1

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Best place for this so called monk is the jail

  • 0

    Lord Buddha’s sacred teachings are implemented by priests in yellow robes,the majority
    of them are honorable human beings ! Unfortunately one S.O.B has appeared
    from nowhere and wants to be in the limelight.

    Here is one meaningful solution for this never-ending menace:
    Ban Buddhist Monks from politics….remind them that their legitimate place is the Temple, from where they can eat and eat as much as they want, get fatter and fatter, look like F….g pigs and spread the teachings of Lord Buddha.
    The next thing …stop this so called “DANA” and feed the poor and needy.

    If you beggars in Sri-Lanka, cannot check this Bastard/Thug from the BBS,
    we can ask our next US president Donald Trump to take care of Gnanasara, or still better, send the F…g A..H.. to us here in USA.

    • 2

      Anil Wijeyatileke

      “Lord Buddha’s sacred teachings are implemented by priests in yellow robes,the majority of them are honorable human beings !”

      It appears the opposite is true, only a few monks are honourable, adhere to their vocation and believe in humanity.

      Gnasara is not the exception but the norm. He is loud therefore people notice him.

      ” Ban Buddhist Monks from politics….remind them that their legitimate place is the Temple,”

      Then of course you must start your banning from the Maha Nayaka Theras of Maha Sangha to the novices.

      When you are ready let me know, I will be right behind you.

  • 1

    It will be very interesting if the RTI law can be applied to find who funds BBS. The fully paid for mission to Norway for the BBS vanguard (blackguards really)and the subsequent funding arrangement by a shadowy foreign organisation will throw more light into the activities of this terror organisation. Where did the money come from to build the gleaming multi story BBS HQ in Colombo? Where did the funding come from for the many shiny Mercedes vehicles that the BBS high command is seen travelling in.

    • 2

      RTI law can be made useful to force each and everyone of current parliament to declare their assets and the credibility of their earnings during the last few years.
      Here for sure, all those became millionaires within overnight with the knowledge of Mahinda Rajapakshe – have to make clear how they turn from PUSH BICYCLE owner level to WEALTHY men and women:

      If RTI cant be useful to clear this – long awaiting issue- for what purpose to have it got passed in the current parliament ?

  • 0

    Dont wary. Gnasara can do nothing. he is just trying to come back as a hero. he is already jailed and out on bail. No one has given him authority to act upon Buddhists. He is just another show man.

  • 0

    Keeping silent on Aluthgama massacre by Gnanasara thug became as a victory and role model to repeat.

    Where is the attorney general? How long he will sleep and destroy the peace in the country?

  • 0

    Now war is over. peace is restored but so called intellectuals those were under the bads or table when mobs exploded in Colombo, suicide bombers get themselves blown up killing innocent talked like heroes and criticize generals who very successfully orchestrated on various issues.war is war not foot ball game or cricket match . killing and destruction is the order of the day. in war like this intelligence services of both sides play very vital roles. as such white van red van is not an issues. if needed you have to utilize them.for maximum advantages.likewise Aluthgama incident was triggered by activities of Islamic extremism. Anyway it was a good thing for the country. with the rise of ISIS Islamic extremists inspired by isis activities planing for same sort of brutalities here. but aluthgame incident remind them that sinhalese Buddhists are not sleeping and equal to task.muslims are traders they are looking for trading oppotunities. best places are sacred sites of Buddhists and Hindus. they gathered in large numbers in those places in seasons business are very good.but when muslims go there to those places they need their religious worshipping places to be built those places as well. no issue but without harming others rituals and traditions they can continue their activities but that is not the case. in kataragame it is amazing to see Buddhists and Hindu religious coexistence.. Hinduism accept animal sacrifices but in kataragama both side release animals that were meant to killed. what a successful religious negotiation.but Muslims do entirely opposite they killed cattle in their famous brutal halal rituals in side sacred sites. and disturbed others religious activities.these kind of incidents every where arouse anger of Buddhist and Hindus. Islam is not a religion that can be coexisted with traditions of other religions practiced here. Indian religions is not in conformity with religions generated in middle east. government and officials should be aware of it and make arrangements to avoid confrontations. building religious places side by side doest make sense. you con not make friendship it is an illusion. Although you are Buddhists who mummer may all living being get healthier wealthier, you can not sleep with venomous snacks or mad dogs.As such if this letter writer lived in kotte era he might have written letter to king saying that yapa or earl grand father of veediya bandara of halawatha who killed all the Muslims soldier before stepping on to our shore when they tried to invade lanka under direction of Delhi sultanate to punished or be headed.

  • 1

    In this Ramadan, it isn’t about BBS, if you have a brain just our brothers also should think where we are today. We do everything against our own Sinhala brothers and create unnecessary situations. I know our brothers may not like my view but I know how and what our attitude. If we behave good there is no chance to BBS. It is we promote them in our bad deeds.

  • 0

    He has broken his bail conditions.That fiasco was unplanned, This is well planned.What they want is for the govt to get him arrested. If the govt ignores him, he will fade away.

    The Govt must use it’s machinery to protect the minorities be it religious or racial.

    When Vijaya came here he seduced Kuveni and then killed all her people.Viajaya’s clan did not have any women among them. They could not sodomise all the time.So what did they do, imported some prostitutes and destitutes from India.We the Sinhala, the Tamils are from that stock.Remember the Muslims and the Portugese did not bring their women here. They got married to the locally available talent.

    Ignore the joker but protect the minorities.

  • 1

    The so-called leaders of this country keep their eyes closed when some hooligan rouses the masses to go an attack a minority community. Once the damage is done, all of them rush to the site and seek publicity by handing over a few thousand rupees to the affected and promising heaven and earth to rebuild their lives.

    We have seen this from 1983 riots until the recent floods. None of the promises were ever fulfilled totally.

    Unfortunately, these ruling rogues have another four years to face another election, so not much will happen to stop these racist monks now. Nor will the IGP take any steps to be branded as an ENEMY OF THE SINHALA BUDDHIST.

    So, we shall seek divine power to prevail upon such people to mete out the exact CORRECTIVE action on these polluters of harmony and peace.

    • 0


      How long do you think this “divine power” will take to free
      Palestinians from the clutches of Israel ? Why did the
      “divine power” allow Iraq and Afghanistan to be invaded and
      the Arab spring to fade away ? What’s this divine power
      doing when Syria is in flame ? You know what Azmi ? You need

  • 2

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    A monk’s prayer repeated daily all over the world is:

    “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    where there is sadness, joy.

    O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love…”

    Compare. The expected mindset could not be different in Budhism for those committed to becoming arahats or to the “monks” of Hinduism or Islam or Judaism..etc.,?

    Where have we all gone wrong? Time to analyze that also in CT. Why are we becoming ever drawn to these anti-Budhas and turning right-about from the Arahant whose colossal statues remind us of non-violence at every junction?

    Sadly the set of people quick to respond in permanently recorded words to CT articles every time betray their violent instincts, and sound uneducated in Buddhism, the religion forcibly instituted as Sri Lanka’s state religion upon all its citizens. Their bickering brings dishonor to that very religion. Propagation of their dark view points through CT is polluting and de-morphing the minds of the younger readers. The good ones run away or turn their faces away and are silent.

    Editor Sir, thank you for your excellent work on truth seeking by CT. But it is also up to you to ask for and include quality articles on peace-making and conflict resolution and good citizenship to educate the minds of the citizens side by side to these type of articles. It must possibly also be an aim of journalism?

    The National Education Commission’s book writers are not of the required quality to rise to the occasion in forming educated minds or an educated culture in Sri Lanka or even in their speeches at the NEC meetings and are eroding our standards at every revision of the school text books.Alternative sources of education in citizenship and even religion is needed for our young.

  • 0

    Mohomed Ilham = a very good try ,, but too bad , you are a bad actor .

    pants down !

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