7 December, 2024


BBS To Rescue Anti-Muslim Unqualified Janadipathi Balika Vidyalaya Principal

The Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary  Galagoda Atte Gnananasara yesterday defended the actions of Nayana Thakshila Perera who earlier forced two Muslim students to remove their attire which was in accordance with Education Ministry Circulars and Supreme Court orders, and ordered them to worship her.

GnanasaraEarlier the Graded Principal’s Union General Secretary S. U Kariyawasam also charged that the Principal at the centre of the accusations was a Political appointee and was not fit to serve in a Grade I school.

Perera, is a Grade III qualified Principal and has only functioned as a deputy Principal for two years.

The BBS secretary ignoring the fact that Perera had forced the students to worship her, and was also an unqualified politically appointed Principal addressed a Press Conference yesterday and said the the Muslim ministers were harassing the Principal.

“When principals punish such students, Muslim Ministers and Governors intervene and harass principals whose duty is to maintain discipline in schools. That’s exactly what happened to the Principal of the Janadhipathi College who asked two female Muslim students to remove their attire,” he charged.

The Colombo Telegraph learns that the Principal had during a meeting with the General Secretary on Tuesday briefed him on the issue after which yesterdays media briefing was held.

Many observers point out that the intervention by the BBS in the matter is an indication that the Principal was discriminatory in her actions.

The Colombo Telegraph learns that the student who was forced to worship the principal is still suffering from the trauma and has not attended school since the date of the incident.

Related posts;

School Principal Ignores Governor’s Orders; Bans Punjabi And Makes Students Worship

Latest comments

  • 28

    Muslims should not expect Justice to be served in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. They should seek Divine intervention instead. This kind of behaviour should open the eyes of all peace loving people around the world. We should share this aggression with the rest of the world.

    • 15

      Serves the Muslimes right for lifting up their arse high for the Sinhala regime. Thumbs up

      • 6

        Even POO (Point of Order) Asswar is also a strong supporter of Gandasara!

        • 17

          I think the unqualified principal Nayana Perera should strip this unqualified lorry driver Gnanassara and see what gives him the balls to say and do such outrageous things.

        • 4

          Not POO but he is certainly GOO Aswer.

      • 4

        Sad but true.

    • 7


      “The Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary Galagoda Atte Gnananasara yesterday defended the actions of Nayana Thakshila Perera who earlier forced two Muslim students to remove their attire which was in accordance with Education Ministry Circulars and Supreme Court orders, and ordered them to worship her”

      “Religion is the Opium of the masses” said “Prophet” Karl Marx. and he was Jewish, like the Prophets of the Old testament.Here we have Buddhist Myths clashing with Islam , myths , aided and abetted by Wahhabi and Monk Mahanama “Buddhists”.

      1. The Muslims should make a stand here, and state their case. While the clothing is an school uniform issue, messed up by the Wahhabi tribal customs., worshiping the principal is completely uncalled for.

      2. Go through the democratic process. Get the facts. He said, She said is unfair for both the Principal and the Students. Based on the outcome of the investigation, if the Sate does not do what is needed, issue a Fatwa, Ruling on your own, and cleverly say what transgressions wee committed.

      Keep out out the Wahhabi in the Fatwa council, as they follow the Devil, just like the Sinhala Monks Mahaama “Buddhists” who follow the Mara, and not Buddhism.

      This is an opportunity to expose the corrupted Monk Mahanama “Buddhism” and Wahhabi Tribal “Islam:”as opposed to the original scriptures.

      Native Vedda, what is your opinion on this blood mess by the Paras, the Para-Sinhala and Para-Muslims, in your native Lands. Need to call the Myth holders before the Tribal Council, and ship them to South India, all the Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamil and Para-Muslims where they came from.

      DeJa Vu…. Religion is the Opium of the Masses Karl Marx.

      • 0

        I have expected Amaraya to lead the jihad pack with a mahawamsa badge on his forehead and a mahanama skull on his arse by now. Bloody covered is still writing the same comment to instigate a gullible fool with an express ticket Allah’s heaven to f**k the whores there.

        • 3

          I am no muslim Mahanama “Buddhist”

          There is No difference between the Wahhabi and the monk Mahanama “Buddhists.”

          That is precisely why one needs an egalitarian society, with separation of Church, Temple, Mosque and State, to stay away from Myths of Rebirth and After-life.

          1. Both are myth followers.

          2. Karl Marx was correct. He included ‘Buddhism”, in addition to the other religions.

          3. This is why precisely Thomas Jefferson wanted separation of church and State for USA. France and Turkey followed.

          Now the country have to deal with all these crazies, and the politicians have a hay day using these crazies.

          1. The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, Printed 1795, before Monk Mahanama Buddhism and Wahhabism raised their ugly heads.

          2. God Delusion by by Richard Dawkins. and see what he says about Hinduism and Buddhism, in addition to the other religions.

          The Native Veddah Land is being used by Paras- to Validate, Karl Marx, Thomas Paine and Richard Dawkins.

          DeJa Vu… Have seen it before…

          • 0

            White bum sucker, Amaraya is blind to the way ‘egalitarian society’ work in the epitome of democracy, England. Queen Elizabeth is the head of the country and the head of the Church of England. Do we need to talk more?

            When Richard Dawkins asked Mehdi Hasan whether he believes Muhammad went to heaven on a winged horse in ‘head to head’ several weeks back, Mehdi Hasan answered “as a matter of fact, I do”. All indications are Amaraya also aim to get where Muhammad is through jihad.

            It’s lie that Amaraya pretend to have read ‘Age of Reason’. He just cut and paste phrases from here and there in the web. If you actually read ‘Age of Reason’, tell me which page in it say “I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of…. Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all.”

            Amaraya doesn’t know that Buddhism doesn’t believe in the Creator God. Bugger thinks Mahawamsa is Buddhism. Stupid bugger.

            • 1

              “Queen Elizabeth is the head of the country and the head of the Church of England.”

              Politicians come and go but the culture is retained by Her Majesty- that is the practical function of HOS and CE.

              Hitler never bombed a church! the Japanese did with the assistance of Mahawamse Buddhist.
              The Islamist have always destroyed temples churches and used the same stone to build the mosque.

              Mahawamse Buddhist follow the Islamist in destruction- gameyata magic like pigshit in new found glory of Power.

              Franco retained the Church.

              The Belgium issue which is almost similar to Lanka has been solved thanks to the King.

              That is what European Kings and Queens are there for and whats more they are all related.

              You are just another fuckdumbass yellow robed skunk.

        • 5

          I am no muslim aka Jim Softy and other Avtars,

          Can you stick to one tag?

          Keep your myths to yourself. Address the issues, come up with facts. check your DNA.

          Other wise come up with the data, just like Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler Did. Amarasiri comes up with citations, references and goof reasons. Read the age of Reason by Thomas Paine. for your education. That was sprinted din 1795.

          If you believe in Rebirth myths, then in your next life you will be reborn as Wahhabi.

        • 6

          I am no muslim (Sinhala mahanam Buddist), mechanic, Jim Softy, Noel Jones etc.

          Why don’t you use one tag. Just pick one, anything , and stick to it. Did Buddha ask you to use different tags? Or was it Monk Mahanama?

          What is happening to you. Are you getting rebirth every time you put on a post? It is not in the Tipitaka.

          You are a shame to Buddhism.

          Give up your Monk Mahanama Sinhala “Buddhist” racism. Become an Egalitarian., Buddha was all Right with it.

          What did they teach you at Daham Pasela? Buddhism or racism?

          Looks like it is hard for a Sinhala Monk Mahanama “Buddhist” to take another Sinhala, who has studies other religions as well, criticize them, because they do not follow the true enlightened Buddhist teachings. They want all Sinhala to accept all what monk Mahanama says.

          Buddha did not accept all, what the Brahmin a and Hindus said. Why should Amrasiri or any other accept any other viewpoint unless it was proven.

          Just grow up. Read your Dhammapada. See what it says. Then read other s scriptures.

          Then read The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine.

      • 4


        Atheist Joke #1

        Q: What is so ironic about Atheists?
        A: They’re always talking about God.

        • 1

          Kutti Machan

          Amarasiri is Agnostic and Egalitarian. Waiting for others to clarify. Unfortunately, they are not clarifying, just keep beating about the bush.

          1. So, Agnostics keep asking Atheists, show proof, there is no God or Gods. ( They show Empty Space and say thee is no-after life and no-rebirth)

          2. So, Agnostics keep asking those who profess in a God or Gods,, show proof, there is no God or Gods. ( Then they show scriptures, mountains, the Sun (God) and the Moon (God) , and man-made statues. In fact the Sun and Moon were Gods at one time, and still is for for many, as it gives us life. Without the Sun we are gone, kaput)

    • 0

      Tell us Maghribi, where in the world do Muslims get justice where they are the minority and have a just rule where they are the majority.

  • 19

    Principal of JathyAgamWadi Vadhahala is now confirmed to be unqualified racist and supporter of BBS. She has also being associated with the political mayor of kotte. High time she is removed a qualified unbiased educationist appointed.

  • 22

    In one side the government is harping that there is no discrimination against minorities, there is complete freedom to all and says in international forums that they prosecute any one who is involved in discrimination against minorities.

    On the other hand basic fundamental rights of minorities are broken. Asking the students to worship the Princi Pal shows that the Princi pal does not have the basic knowledge of her students faith.

    Repeated failure by the government to book the people who broke the law has given green light to all chauvinist elements to enforce their own views when it come to religion.

    Today we are getting hammered from all direction due to our own actions.
    We are digging our own grave and letting our ass kicked by any Tom, Dick and Harry.

    compared to another politically appointed “Princi Pal” was reason for a subjecting a student to such humiliation which resulted in student committing suicide this is nothing.

    What we are failing to realize is that it’s not only the minority the whole nation is suffering due to the failed policies of this government.

    The day the majority community will shed the superiority complex we can bring change in our Island.

    • 20

      The majority has elected rulers who are silent to all atrocities committed by the SinHellists (BBS/JHU/SR/BR) who following the foot steps of Zionists. Failure to prosecute the offenders in several occasions by the authorities is a clear sign and a repeated message to the world. Dua for Unity as one Ummah is the only solution.

      • 0

        Do you know how Muslims brotherhood went about restricting the rights of the minorities like Coptic Christians who has a longer history than Muslims but form 7% of the population in Egypt. The new constitution drafted by former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood party and other Islamist groups has placed entire country under strict Sharia Law. With the new constitution in force, Morsi government compelled all non-Muslims to abide by Sharia law. I suppose I need to go into detail on how Mullah interpret the Sharia law Mr.Maghribi.

        In Saudi, every woman is forced to cover themselves fully. Saudis even ban non-Muslims driving along the road to Mecca. Non-Muslims cannot touch the soil in Mecca. Leave that out, they are not allowed to keep a Buddhist or Hindu or any other idol even for personal veneration. Muslims argue such restrictions do not violate Human Rights because Saudi is 100% Muslim country and Muslims have to follow the country’s religious code. No moderate or egalitarian Muslim talk about the rights of the millions of invited guest workers. They are considered and treated as breading robots.

        But we see hoards of 9% Muslims here who follow the same religion and same values have gone crazy for not respecting the rights of their women to dress in their billa costume and move freely inside our Buddhist schools. They consider it is their religious rights. This is sheer humbug and blackmail by Muslims.

        Our constitution allows a lot of rights to minorities. Sri Lanka Muslims never compare their rights in Sri Lanka to the rights of non-Muslims in Muslim majority countries. So they never know their humbug. SinHellists (BBS/JHU/SR/BR) have to learn from the Zionists and teach the Muslims the thing they enjoy hear but they do not give to minorities where they are the majority.

        • 7

          Banda, why do you try to distract talking about Saudi Arabia instead of discussing about Sri Lankan Muslims?

          It’s like blaming Sri Lankan Buddhists for the killing of Rohingya Muslims.

          Get back to the subject, man. You don’t blame your next door neighbor because your child is ugly.

          • 0

            I picked Egypt as an example to show Sri Lanka Muslims how Muslim majority in Egypt harass the religions of the minority through democracy. In Sri Lanka we did the opposite. Our constitution protect the religious rights of the minorities. Muslims use those rights and conspired to force hallal on us.

            I mentioned Saudi Arabia because thats where all Muslims go to hujji and to learn Islam and to get their religious aspirations. I wanted to show readers if things are wrong and bad where they teach Muslim values we cannot expect fair play from their followers here.

            • 3

              Banda the mahawamse sinhala buddhist robe,

              You have never travelled to Saudi Arabia the US Aramco city where the 50k American forces are registered.

              Go enter the oil city (of course you need special permission)then you know what i mean.Quite a few non muslim Lankans have worked there as orderlies for contractors.

              The Americans have a way of life and they will retain it as much as the king of Saudi is their puppet.

              Gooo’ta is trying to emulate SA king but he is of bestiality breed like Gaddafi or Saddam.

        • 1

          `In Saudi, every woman is forced to cover themselves fully. Saudis even ba
          Muslims argue such restrictions do not violate Human Rights because Saudi is 100% Muslim country`

          You are the classic Bullshitosis!

          At ARAMCO CITY its all american life with bikini babes too and if not the king will will not exist leave alone the tip cuts.

        • 3


          In Egypt, the US (Ultra Satans) overthrew a peoples elected government because they cannot practice their Satanic Rights.

          The Kingdom of Saudi practices a tribal custom under the guise of Sharia .

          You are like a person running after the arsonist while leaving the house on fire.

          • 1

            Mostly, its Muslims countries that are being set on fire by the Great Satan. Our houses are yet to set on fire by the dirty bugger.

            • 2


              “Our houses are yet to set on fire by the dirty bugger.”

              Not so fast, didn’t USA’s involvement brought in Hindians to set this island on fire until both decided to put out the fire in 2009?

            • 3


              The Ultra Satans are a bunch of thugs after the natural resources. Thieves steal from every where and Sri Lanka is no exception until they find something valuable. They have got your leaders by their balls thus all those who elect them as well. The gullible majority with the blessings of your current leaders will leave the next few generations in poverty while your big neighbour watch with awe.

      • 0


        “Dua for Unity as one Ummah is the only solution”

        Go and tell that to the Wahhabis and Salafis.

        Their Ideology is not egalitarian. Their Compatriots in Myths are are the Sinhala Monk Mahanama Buddhists, the curse of Lanka, the native Land of the egalitarian Veddah.

        This is why you need separation of Church and State.

        Read The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, published 1795.

        By the way, I am no muslim., JimSofty and mechanic are the same tag, the shills of the State and is a Monk Mahanama “Buddhist”.

        They believe Buddha parachuted to Mount Samanala Kanda, ‘Adams Peak ” from the Giant Flying Bird Machine, The “Dandu Monera Yantraya.”

        • 2

          After reading a bit of science here and there, this moronic un-learned bugger Amaraya thinks science has the answer for everything.

    • 0

      If anyone wants to have a basic knowledge of that student’s (Muslim) faith type thereligionofpeace.com and read at least some of the articles there.

  • 13

    Best would be put the rest of amunitions from the civil into this man´s mouth and set him in peace. There is no other means to tame this kind of criminals in sanga contumes.

    • 8

      This sounded to be very cruel, but my anger did not allow me to leave any light comments in that regard. I went up looking at the bugger´s behaviour again, it is like we are compelled to do so WITHIN Rajapakshe administration.

      HOwe can people bear their torments in this way. Hatred by nature shold be made controlleble if not by thoughts by medicine. Repsonible authorities stay mum thise buggers do what they think is right.

      Innocient people regardless of race reglions should have to find their own justice – thi sis the patehtic situation in our demo -c razy land

    • 8

      No doubt criminals in Guantanabo have much in common with Gota´s BBS monk GAG (Ghanasara).
      This man seem to be suffering from behavioural syndrome of very unknown kind. This can be a great threat to lanken society.

  • 13


    • 5

      These are seen small issues for locals.

      But yesterday – I met two interntioanl journalists that are very interested in the views added to this forum.

      They are connected to Geneva sessions too.

      This is the reality that our ones are aware of.

      Internet exchanges are seen by non-srilanken journalists too. They QUESTION me why the govt seems to have no genuine interest towards rule of law and order issues.

      • 5

        This is the reality that our PEOPLE are not aware of

        • 2


          Very easy to answer your question.
          This is the exact situation that Rajapakses are lookin in order to stay in power.

          It is the same old “Divide and rule” that British followed, that MR practices now.

          MR wants more thugs to do more harm to the country so they will seek his protection. In order to give protection to thugs, MR seek their help to stay in power…..eternally while murdering the opposition.

          Only a Foreign Intervention could rescue our country from Gadaffi Rajapakse’s clutches.


    • 6

      Dont worry, many known to me working on that matter are well informed.

      I have passed them some addresses to get more source about the lanken realities. I am born lanken but living on the west for the last two decades. Mine has nothing to do with lanken ethnic problems, but moved to Europe after the Uni s were closed for us in late 80ties.

      Peace loving people should work together to remove the man in power by any means. Then only we can even think of breath in well.

      It has reached to the levels that EVEN any former supporters could disgree with MR administration today. Yesterday i heard on the lanken TV, that Rajapakshe have been continnuing his projects without calling any tenders. No tenders there, much more millions to billions could be abused by their handful of men. Some JVP pc candidates even brought a lenghty list of high abuses made to the people.

  • 8

    This man is very ugly, his heart is full of hatred is shows in his face !

    • 7

      You may be right – he looks very IRC or rude like. Normally monks in general look gentle. May also be the monk may have gone through a brutal kindheit (childhood) where nothning else than hate mongering was taught to him. Meaning not that parents are always guilty of their children´s future behaviours, but most like that are reported to have miserable childhoods – paediatric psychology proves this – so these are facts.

      • 4

        May be some do so – just to heal headache, changing the pillow..
        so, his profile proves that he should definitely be a criminal with higher criminal energies but pretending to be a hearted buddhist monks. ALl his deeds convince that he is not buddhist monk, nor can he be a buddhist. Hate is not the bassis of buddhism. Even enemies are forgiven. Repeated slogans based on bitte hatred seem to be the root cause of his rise. The lay man who is in the scene to have been supporting this monk´s unfair rise is not exemplary becasue the majority in our society- regardless of being buddhist (thoguh many are born buddhists) believe hate mongering can only bring us to a darkened era rather than flourishing our future.
        Anyway, what is not explainable is – forces, defence units that brutallly anhiliated LTTE terror out of country stay calm and quiet looking at all the unfairness giving a message that they are helpless. Latter should be connected with their passion towards this division of the society on this, becase they are ruling men that are responsible to save the nation from any other form of new terrors like that of BBS.

    • 6

      … and Gandasara’s mouth is like a cess pit!

  • 6


  • 8

    If Galagoda is offended by the attire the Muslim children wore to the school, then I also have the right to say that the attire worn by this stupid Galagoda also offends me. At least the Muslim children cover their entire body, unlike this Galagoda who shows half his hairy ugly smelling body wearing the sivuru. Should be strip him naked or should we put a Burka over his sivuru?

  • 4

    One of the aims and objectives of education in Sri Lanka is to foster national harmony through education. This principal, by forcing two Muslim girls to remove their head scarfs, has has taken a step against that noble objective.
    I dare say these ugly happenings will continue because Muslim leaders(political and civil) are cowards and opportunists.They are scared to take bold decisions simply because they do not want to lose Ministerial jobs, positions in government institutes , contracts and businesses.

    • 4

      No Punchi@,
      their cowardice can easily be explainable if you read today´s news papers.

      It said that Mervin challenged/provoked Hakeem saying that his future consequences can be like that of Prabakaran.

      What happened to Praba ? They intentionally or unintentionally killed him in the tail end of the war.

  • 4

    Over to K A Sumansekera the champion kooli for BBS and their likes to give his ‘esteemed’ comments (not!) on this issue

  • 1

    Most stupids comment here do not have any idea about dress code in SL schools. The dress code in a muslim school maybe different. I don’t have idea about it.

    These schools built not only by government funds but also enormous Sinhala buddhists financial and other contributions. Minorities must keep it in their mind and must thank to Sinhala Buddhists to allow their [minorities] children to attend these schools. Just because minorities living close to these schools and without finding thier own ethnic schools, these students allowed to attend to these schools. But in these schools majority students are sinhala buddhist students. So when school principal allows only two students two dressed in a seperate way,that create dissent among students and it’s a reason for to seclude these few students in the school.

    This problem must solve within the school by parents and the Principal. Because politically bankrupt politicians like Asaad Sally and the rest only knows to scream to get a political mileage out of every minor incident like this, they must understand that because of their stupidness, these few muslim students finally suffer or have to stay home. Suppose all the other students complain that we cannot study with these few students or they try to bully these few muslim students. What’s the result. Assad Sally may say that OK I’m going to Geneva and meet Pillay and complain her. What’s happening at the end, their parents have to find a new school for them. Then who suffers finally?

    • 5


      I think you have partly gone off the track.

      You say GOSL fund and build all these schools. Where does the GOSL gets the money…….

      It is we tax payers money that GOSL build these schools from.

      Do you think Pres. Rajapakse build these schools from his own pocket, or from his Grand mother’s money…..or from Buddhist BBS money….

      You are sadly mistaken.

      It is mostly ours and Private sector Tax money that GOSL use to build and operate schools in Sri Lanka.

      More over it is the Private sector enterprises that contribute most taxes to GOSL including minority muslim owned businesses, as all the state owned enterprises are running at billions of rupees in losses.

      Also GOSL’s highest foreign exchange (60%) comes from ME workers which are from Muslim cointries.

      Therefore you cannot say that Sinhala Buddhist Rajapakse GOSL government buiding Sinhala Buddhist schools and accommodate muslim students as a gesture, but actually we Tax payers including Sinhala, Tamils and Muslims who fund money for those schools and all other Govt. projects.

      Only dumb ass Villege Sinhala Modayas who are been duped by Rajapakses and Racist Sinhala BBS cannot understand this simple operation as to how the country is run and govern.

      Therefore all the citizens have a right to go and study anywhere they want, and it is the Govt’s duty to fulfill those needs of all citizens irrespective their religion and race.

      Also all democratic countries in the West allow Muslim students to wear their Muslim dress to Schools. If so why not Democratic Sri Lanka follow same as West.

      If you have brains, you should know that all these problems started after Rajapakses came into power, and there’s areason for it.They love to fish in trouble waters, and this is exactly what they do.Making each other fight while he Zip Cognac at Araliya Gaha Walawuwwa.

      Finally I will say to you that what happened to SWRD Bandaranaike or even to VP could happen to Rajapakse clan. They are in catch 22, between deep blue sea and Hague and anytime these communal trouble could boomerang on them.

      Rajapakses will have to reap what they sow and they should know about it.

      Await to see more drama unleashing in the coming weeks. Good Luck.

      • 0

        Jayantha, I did not say Government only built these schools. I said not only government but parents,other religious organisations, common people also contribute immensly to built these schools.

      • 1

        If 70% of the population is Sinhala Buddhist then theirs is the 70% of all funding.

        You talk as if Muslim countries are doling out money for holiday campers. Man, our poor people work hard there to earn their money. Oil rich Arabs have to be grateful for they are getting their menial work done for summa. Wait and see, we shall not send house maids there in a few years time.

        I remember you guys were questioning about tourist arrivals few months back. A few years back you guys claimed Sri Lanka is a failed state and even invited R2P buggers. You’re silent on those things now. Today your pet subject has become human rights, war crimes and Hague. Have pipe dreams and be contended.

        • 3


          “Man, our poor people work hard there to earn their money.”

          Why aren’t the poor people working in this island? Why do they have to go to these medieval middle east kingdoms?

          “Oil rich Arabs have to be grateful for they are getting their menial work done for summa.”

          So you are running a charity providing effectively a free labour for the Oil rich Arabs to benefit? What a generous people you are. I envy you.

          “Wait and see, we shall not send house maids there in a few years time.”

          At last Sinhala/Buddhist men have decided to work and earn their living. Finally the daughters safe.

          Good news for a change.

  • 5

    To get straight to the point not in Sri Lanka not anywhere in the world a Uniform of any Education institution can be allowed to be dressed up representing different ethnic groups- it will end up like a fancy dress ball , this I would say without any reservation ,but in no way that gives the right for this educationist to behave like ruthless sadist , which is exactly what she has proved to be -a sadist .

    If she had any standard in her what she should have done is instead of terrorizing two little girls , she should have sent a note to the parents and asking them to meet her and then taken action in a civilized manner ,if it was not permitted by the School and is also a law passed by the education ministry which the School is under ,then she she should have dealt with it in a manner within the rules stipulated .

    The action goes beyond doubt to show that this person has abused her authority and behaved in a way that clearly Show a person depicting mental illness to continue to employ her in the same position could be extremely dangerous ,there is no doubt she is mentally very ill and needs urgent mental health diagnosis.

    Meanwhile Muslims must get it into the mush heads for once for heaven sake without making an ass of themselves , you can not accept a Institution that is none Muslim ,which takes pride and encourages the females to expose as maximum of their bodies ,let it be in Schools , Social gatherings , in the presence of male relatives , why even in religious places of worship to allow only your girls to cover up.

    So please go and drag by the neck rogues like Azwar ? Wimal’s Poodle, and the Bombay looking Calcutta going akruranain in the government and ask them to provide Muslim schools for your girls to be able to attend with the attire of your choice.

    And finally I really want to know who is in control of this Country ?

    What is Our Excellency’s role in This country for real? with all sincerity I ask ? no ridicule meant..

    Is he under pressure and threat , that we suddenly see day by day people of no authority taking control of the country and doing and saying what they want?

    Are Mr.Gotabaya an ordinary civil servant and a Monk with a bad reputation of disgracing the Sanga and caught drunk and using vulgarities in control ?

    If This kind of attitude of BBS Monk continues I assure all we will soon see bloodbath in this country like Myanmar , we really need to see if the president can disrobe this fellow .

    This BBS Monk should be the last person besides the members of The JHU that the President should consider taking around as a chaperone, why is The President doing this? why is he giving this maniac so-much prominence ,are these fellows JHU & BBS black mailing the government ?

    Are The rest of our seasoned Sinhalese senior SLF members spineless?


    • 0


      You’re talking about a coming up ‘bloodbath in this country like Myanmar’. Don’t you know that different Muslim sects have already started it. Aims of BBS, SR, RB and etc is to prevent such Muslim bloodbath spread to other communities.

      Pity, you haven’t you read an Asian Mirror report on the latest fight by Muslims against fellow Muslims not on personal matters but for the interpretation of the word of Allah (Koran).

      Report says; “A tense situation occurred in Kuchchaveli, Trincomalee this evening (4th March 2014) when two Muslim groups clashed over an assault on a priest. Police said in protest of the assault, one Muslim group, had attacked other’ mosque in the area and set fire on a tent that was beside the mosque. They had also pelted stones at the place of worship. A senior Police officer, speaking to ‘Asian Mirror’ said Police and the Army immediately intervened and brought the situation under control. Security has been beefed up in the area.”

      I must say this is the norm among Muslims not just in Sri Lanka but the world over today. I can give you vivid examples where extremist Wahhabi Muslims had killed the Sufi moderates in Sri Lanka and the dates if any you readers want to know them.

      But not a single Muslim has been killed as a result of religious protests or meetings or lecture or harangue by Sinhala Buddhists for the last fifty years. It was Wahhabi and Salafi Muslims who has been destroying their own mosques, assaulting fellow Allah believers, burning houses belong to different Muslim sect and even killing fellow Muslims who reject Wahhabism.

      Tamil tigers have also killed hundreds of Muslims while they were praying inside mosques in Kathankudy but never once Sinhala Buddhists had done any such crime. True, Sinhala Buddhists have protested against anti-democratic activities of Muslims and particularly their organizing arm, the ACJU. And what’s wrong with that?

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    @@@@@@@@- Maveeran
    March 13, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Serves the Muslimes right for lifting up their arse high for the Sinhala regime. Thumbs up


    Maveeran and with all means you can continue to lift yours to some old sudas , make sure to use some veat frequently and wash with anti bactreial soap you Terrorist .

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    Well known story that Chrysler CEO was fired from FORD.

    So, it is grade two or no grade is OK if they can do the work.

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    Now put your tongue out please. Hmmmm! Just as i suspected,you have foot in the mouth disease.I had another patient like you with the same disease,an ex general,don’t want to give the name,patient confidentiality etc.After a stint in welikada he seems to be cured.

    Now what to do with you?Can’t send to welikada for treatment because you are a monk i presume.How about a kick upstairs where you will be given a wonderful position like some of our old SLFP members,Lots of perks but no powers?You know ratnasiri,Dimu former PM,present PM,you know them no?You don’t want that treatment?why?You have to exercise your vocal chords to the maximum everyday otherwise you go mad. Hmmm!Must be hereditary genes.Many of my patients have the same problem.If they can’t shout they go mad.At least they have a spouse to shout at.Do you like animals?Dogs?No.Well,we can’t continue like this because you are spreading the disease rapidly.let me look at my medical journal.Tongue.Where is tongue. Ah,there it is.Even a small partial amputation of the tongue can cause severe difficulties such as speech impairments ……….

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    I do hope and pray Ven Gnanasara Thero gives up reading Muslims Koran. I fear as many others, if he continues to read he may also end up embracing Islam

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    This is a response only to those who seek to learn the concept of sects in Islam.

    Those who follow the true Message of Islam are known as MUSLIMS. Wahhabi, Sufi, Shia and some others are misnomers. In the Islamic history Wahhabi, Sufi, Shia and some others were mere Schools of Thought. All these Schools of Thought had only a perspective or an interpretation according to their understanding. Long after the Death of these Scholars; the followers created their own version with their political masters. Some of these groups have strayed away completely from the Core Values of Islam. While some others who identify themselves by any other than Muslim, will be representing these political entities and their leaders interest to control wealth and power. Some of these leaders will tie up with the Devil. Muslims have a specific purpose in Life on earth. Most of them know it and pursue to the best of their ability.

    The basic message of Islam is the same message of all the previous prophets (peace be upon all of them) worship God alone and avoid worshipping anything besides Him, whether it is a person, place or thing, directly or indirectly. This basic principle of Monotheism is contained in the opening chapter of the Noble Quran, known as Surah al-Fathiha, verse 4: “You alone we worship and from You alone we do seek help.” In (The Noble Quran 4:37), Allah also said: “Worship Allah and do not associate partners with Him.” The last Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: Anyone who says: ‘There is no god worthy of worship except Allah’ and dies holding that belief sincerely will be eventually granted paradise.

    Every practising Muslims knows and follows the Noble Quran and the authentic sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and as for Imam Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab, those who inject periodic poison to the minds of the readers by ‘labeling’ Muslims as Wahhabis / Tableeqis or whatever. Any group who steps out of Islam’s fundamental or core values cannot be called Muslims. Sects are formed and divided along the lines of Nationalism and Political ideologies. The ignorant; just blame Wahhabi without knowing the Islamic scholar Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab’s contribution to Islamic principles. Those who follow the explanations of these Islamic scholar’s are ‘Just Muslims’. One of the beauties of Islam is the diverse groups who follow the methodology of their chosen Imams. Every Imam / Scholar takes on a specific fundamental or core value as a theme to strive for perfection. Example the Sufi Imams on Zikr (remembrance), Tawheedi on Shirk (associating partners) Tableeqi on Dawah (preaching), All these groups may have faults, built in ignorance or some even might take it to the extremes, however who are we to judge them other than the One who created us.

    Link to a Wahhabi


    And lo! this your religion is one religion and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me. (The Noble Quran 22:52) But they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each sect rejoicing in its tenets. (The Noble Quran 22:53) So leave them in their error till a time. (The Noble Quran 22:54)

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      Mr. Meghribi,
      If you leave the context, the verbose and the jargon which you guys always use to get out of the difficulties, I can show you that the Koran says different things at different times. I can also show even pbuh Muhammad had done contradictory things at different times during his life time to suit situation. God fearing Islamist may not want to notice this anomaly. But others can read about them all over the web.

      In my opinion, it is the emphasis and the interpretation of the verses in Koran and writing in Sunna that lead to the division of Islam into sects. For instant, Wahhabis hate idols whereas Sufis worship them. Now that the last prophet pbuh Muhammad had gone to Allah’s heaven on a winged horse, there will not be another prophet to read Allah’s word for us to know which Mullah, I mean Wahhabi or Sufi is correct.

      You wrote, “The basic message of Islam is the same message of all the previous prophets ….” If that is so, how come Jews, Christians and Muslims were on loggerhead at each other throughout their history? How come Jews, Christians and Muslims continue to kill each other for the sake of their religion? How come different sects of Muslims kill each other for their religion? How come Sunni majority countries brand Ahammadiyya followers as none Muslims?

      Pious Christians believe their Bible is the word of the God. So does all Muslims believe Koran is also the word of the God. But the God clearly incite Muslims through his Koran to kill the Christians and Jews. All good Muslims repeat such Koran passages at least five times a day. Needless to say, that kind of ramming is more than enough to spin anyone to be a fundamentalist and a jihadi.

      No wonder, the original monotheist, Jews and their progeny Christians say Muhammad is not a prophet and Allah is not their Yahweh. It is absurd then Maghribi trying to indoctrinate us to believe previous prophets’ message is the same as the basic message of Islam.

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        A twisted mind takes and extracts information from twisted sources. The message of Islam is applied as explained by the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) during his life time.

        We are all capable of showing nasty verses in holy books if they are taken out of context. To understand the context we should know the period, the circumstances prevailed at the time of revelation.

        We have volumes of work explained, unfortunately most are in Arabic. Context is the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc. Without context, we remain blind to the truth.

        One of the definition of a ‘hypocrite’ in the Islamic Shariah is those who take the word of Allah out of context or misinterpret it. One should examine and investigate before falling gullible into a Propaganda. As you say Wahhabi’s (misnomer) hates Idols and Sufi’s (misnomer) loves Idols. A Muslim takes his obedience from Allah on the validity of worshipping idols.

        The Noble Quran must be read with the understanding of the time, place and the conditions prevailed at the time of revelation of a verse. All verse of the Noble Quran have been challenged by non Muslim scholars of various faiths and they have been refuted many times over during the last 1400 years.

        God’s message is one, however people differ in opinion and perception. People will always differ and there are differences of opinion in one family. Islam is a complete way of life which enriches those who practice as prescribed by one who created us.

        O mankind! Lo! We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. (The Noble Quran 49:13) Volumes of literature is written on this verse alone.

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    And where are our so called Muslim leaders ? Their silence on the atrocities committed to the muslims is deafening. And now this Paisa fellow is blaming another muslim cabinet minister for having leaked info about communal incidents to Navi Pillay. Paisa is only interested in making more paisa for himself and his family. So, he is compromising the community interests for a bigger cabinet position for himself. with scum like these, the Muslims need no enemies from outside.

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    [Edited out]

  • 3

    The Subject matter is about peanuts and the monkeys go mad ..

    The racist can not see the word Islam or Muslim -they go mad , they completely loose their sanity and divert completely from the subject and the incident and the location where it happened.

    without being consistent and keep the argument on the very subject and around the very subject and the country which caused the situation , they go all over the world like monkeys gone mad running to and fro from trees.

    And aiyo <Banda -please leave it out I seen the crap you write, please just remain a Banda — you can not change your mindset even if you tried .eat your bulath & stay in game goda where you belong .

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    buddhism is the most stupid religion without any logic ,fake 100% ,a myth fabricated by ashoka to cover his cruelties.It is also a very depressing cult ,it is buddhist monks who indulge in ganja to get over their depression and guilt of abusing little boys ,they are pedophiles with love to my beloved reverend
    Fathima Fukushima

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    Royal-Thomian…. Trouble for everyone else? | A Young Lankan …
    Mar 12, 2010 – Sri Lanka’s oldest and arguably most popular big match, the Battle of the Blues between Royal College and St. Thomas’s College, is currently under way. Tomorrow will be the third and final day of the famed test encounter. … Most of the truckers were current students, not old boys, so they must have cut …

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    [Edited out]
    by Joel Adamson – in 43 Google+ circles
    Jul 29, 2013 – I’ve even seen self-identification on cars: recently (not in Boulder, in … People fond of Theravada Buddhism will often charge Mahayana and … we all do things does drive us mad and to behaving like [Edited out]. … just me) are anxious and depressed and what we can do about it. ….. Join 242 other followers.

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