18 September, 2024


“Be A Hitler’: The Dark Matrix That Can Destroy Sri Lanka

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

“If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

I was more alarmed by what I saw and heard on TV news last evening than by anything I have seen or heard in the Sri Lankan media throughout my life. What I saw and heard was the most dangerous and morally debased public statement, i.e. a statement made in public and concerning public, not private affairs, I have ever heard uttered in this country. It would be the most dangerous public statement that could be uttered in any country in the world.

While it was on TV news on two channels, I need to reproduce fairly, what happened. This is how Lanka C news, a website sympathetic to the occasion, filed the story on June 20th with a slightly embellished title.

“Become a Hitler, even establish a military rule and build the country, request the Prelates of the three Chapters, of Gotabhaya”. The story reads:

‘The Anunayaka of the Asgiriya Chapter, Ven Vedaruvey Upali thero said that he requests former Defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to even resort to becoming a Hitler and run a military rule and build the country. He said this at the religious ceremony and alms giving held on the 69th birthday of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa at his residence in Mirihana.

A group of Bhikkhus representing the Three Chapters, attended the occasion. Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Chamal Rajapaksa, Basil Rajapaksa—[thus] all the Rajapaksa brothers—attended the occasion. In addition, most of the group of Sixteen who left the government were also present.’ (Lankac news, June 20th 2018)

Meanwhile a website hostile to the Rajapaksas carried this report with a more accurate caption, less unfair to the Three Chapters: ‘ “If They Call You A Hitler, Then Be A Hitler And Build This Country,” Asgiriya Anunayaka Thero Tells Gotabaya.’

The story runs as follows:

Ven. Vendaruwe Upali Thero, the Anunayaka of the Asgiriya Chapter delivering an anusasana on the occasion of an almsgiving marking the 69th birthday of Gotabaya Rajapaksa said that he should opt for military rule if this is what is necessary to build the country.

Ven Upali, noting that Gotabaya is referred to as a Hitler, suggested that if that is the case he should be one and build the nation.

‘What we need is a leadership that has the blessings of Mahinda Rajapaksa and is linked with Buddhism, the Buddhist Order and the Sinhalese. We can see that the law has completely broken down. We need a leader who shows fidelity to the doctrine (dahami naayakayek),’ Ven Upali also said.” (Colombo Telegraph June 20th, 2018)

Let me be very clear. I am NOT saying that Gotabhaya Rajapaksa shares these views or will adhere to this sage counsel. (I didn’t know that Gotabhaya was called a Hitler, and I think it is quite unfair). I am also pretty sure that Mahinda Rajapaksa and almost every politician i.e. elected representative of the people, in that room privately rejected those views and were alarmed by them. 

However, it is also the case that one would have expected any religious leader to say to anyone who is called “a Hitler”, that he must be doing something wrong even unintentionally and should ask the person concerned to change his ways so completely that those who called him that would be convinced of the contrary.  Religious leaders are supposed to be moral and ethical guides if nothing else! How the need for a “dahami naayakayakek” – a righteous leader—could be congruent with the injunction ‘if they call you a Hitler, just go for it!” Suffice to say that the advice given by the Ven Anunaahimi to Gotabhaya Rajapaksa was the exact opposite of what the Bhikkhu said to Emperor Ashoka!

What I am saying is that a dreadful moral rot has set in, in our society and that rot does not only come from the ruling neoliberal elite. In response to its Weimarian decadence you now have the infinitely more repulsive and dangerous open endorsement of Hitler and advocacy of military rule—meaning Fascism. Some may argue that not every military rule is fascist, but the venerable monk was certainly not talking of the Portuguese military revolutionaries of 1974 or of Hugo Chavez. When he mentions Hitler and military rule in the same breath, he’s talking about fascist dictatorship.

Hitler is the worst, most evil leader in recorded history; certainly in modern times. His model of rule and the historical experience of fascism is regarded by every decent society and human being as the epitome of Political Evil. That is one universal truth that is shared across the globe and across the decades, from the USA through Russia to China; from Norway to Cuba.

Even from a crass utilitarian point of view it just doesn’t compute. You can’t build a country by ‘even’ being like Hitler. After a brief upswing Hitler succeeded in causing the utter destruction of Germany, followed by liberating invasion by many armies, a period of Occupation and partition into two states. It is the worst period in the history of Germany. So a commendation to ‘even be like Hitler’ and ‘build the country’ is an oxymoron.

In certain societies there is a revival of fascism and neo-Nazism, but these are not in the political mainstream. No one can commend Hitler as a permissible model in an audience of mainstream society and mainstream political leaders, especially an audience from which the next President of Sri Lanka (any one of three brothers) is likely to emerge. But that is what happened here.

What this tells us is about Sri Lankan society and this current moment in the contemporary history of Sri Lanka. There is a dark force which is gathering. It is not created by Gotabhaya Rajapaksa but is seeking to demonically possess him and thereby dominate this island. In that sense too, he is no Hitler. But what is happening is akin to Germany in the 1930s. Already at the Shangri-La convention, the equivalent of the Krupps and the Thyssens gathered, as the infamous conclave of industrialists in Germany in 1930s when it abandoned its snobbish class prejudices and embraced a petty bourgeois Alt-Right movement. The movie ‘The Sound of Music’, based on a true story, shows how fascism infects the young petty bourgeoisie and how some of the old elite, epitomized by Captain Von Trapp, had the courage to resist.

Now, militant elements of the Buddhist clergy have stepped up their decades-long advocacy that democracy be dispensed with and a strong leader should be installed. They first said this to, and about, Sarath Fonseka in 2009-2010. This is a recipe for Theocratic Fascism or rather, Theocratic-Militarist Fascism, which will wreak still greater havoc in a multiethnic, multilingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural society such as ours. 

Meanwhile retired military brass are increasingly the spokespersons of the emerging bloc. Leading ideologues of the gathering bloc (from which I exclude Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Joint Opposition-Pohottuwa) are posting Netanyahu videos with the comment, “this is the type of country we should be” and complaining that “we should have this kind of leader but we don’t”.

These are symptoms of a social sickness. Connect the dots and you know what’s coming. The problem is not Gotabhaya, nor is he the source. But a Dark Matrix is evolving, originating in the dark underside of the Sinhala Buddhist culture and psyche, and he is going to be trapped in it as in a sticky web. The ‘dark side of the Force’ is trying to make him a Darth Vader. The ideology is already out there. 

If Mahinda nominates Gotabhaya as the candidate, he will surely win and things will get much better in Sri Lanka for a while, perhaps even quite while in some important respects. None of this prevents me from putting down on the record, as somebody who supports him critically, the misgivings I have, in the spirit of balance and constructive criticism and in the hope of course correction. Not to do so would go against my intellectual conscience, my vocation as a public intellectual, my training as a Political Scientist as well as my experience as a diplomat.

What belongs in the lunatic fringe in any civilized society is now becoming the mainstream. Unless this is stopped, it is not going to end well. It can be stopped by many means, but time is running out. Any aspirant presidential candidate has to be rescued, even wrenched from this matrix. It can be done, but instead the Dark Matrix is mentally infiltrating and psychologically dominating the mainstream opposition.

The surest option to stop this March of the Dark Forces would be for the Parliament to revisit and modify the 19th amendment so as to enable Mahinda to contest the Presidency.

Another option is for Mahinda take the direction that Vasudeva is indicating: to select his elder brother Chamal as the candidate. It is a low risk option.

On the part of the UNP, it must surely make Sajith the candidate if it is not to be buried alive. But the UNP elite prefers defeat to the reappearance of another Premadasa.

The Tamils can de-escalate their political pressure so as not to help the Alt-right cause more than they have already done. 

The Muslims have to be mindful of the uncritical saffron surge in solidarity with Ven. Galagodaatte Gnanasara; a mobilization whose discourse seems to indicate that the Buddhist clergy should be above the law and the Constitution.

Finally, the Left. Throughout the world, it is the Left, not the liberals, that has been the driving force of the fight against fascism. This is true from the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s right up to the young, college educated Antifa activists in the USA today who are fighting the combination of the neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and the Confederates who congregate on the fringes of the Alt-Right which is the ex-Tea Party Movement constituency of President Trump.

What of the Sri Lankan Left, by which I mean primarily the JVP and FSP, in whatever order of prominence? The danger of far right, military backed dictatorship that Wijeweera saw in the late 1960s, warned against and prepared for, did not come to pass at that moment, but perhaps he was prophetic and it will come to pass now, decades after.   

Given the lessons of world history, not only of classic fascism but also of military dictatorships and theocratic fascist regimes, all I can say is that if the JVP and FSP do not unite now, they will be forced to unite under the roofs of prisons and torture centers, later. If they do not construct a common political and ideological space today, they will share a common space in common graves, later. If the JVP’s present leadership is the obstacle to a united front with the FSP, that leadership must change so as to facilitate unity. It is an existential imperative; a matter of sheer survival. 

Many of these things can be done at the same time, to contain the rise of Hitlerite fascism. Any one of these can be done. But I’m not sure any of them will. Political society is paralyzed by the fascist ideologues as potential victims are paralyzed by a swaying cobra.

If the Hitler-military rule model comes to pass even in the slightest, the Sinhalese and the Sinhala Buddhists will not reach the zenith of their strength as some think. It will not be a Great Rise; a great display of strength. Democracy and social welfare was among our greatest strengths and best served the preservation of our civilizational heritage in the modern era. Instead, the Hitler worship will give Sinhala Buddhism, the Sinhala Buddhists and the Sinhalese in general such a bad name and reputation globally, as well as in the annals of world history, that they will be condemned to a great downfall. 

The Sinhala Buddhist state with a ‘Hitler and military rule’ may survive for a while, but it will not retain the island as a whole. Our state, our country, will be shrunk by rebellion and external intervention; we shall lose part of this island, before sanity is restored in the heartland.  Unless we pre-empt this nightmare scenario by regaining our sanity first. Right now.

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Latest comments

  • 16

    This fellow Dayan only months away praised Gota as the man who can lead this country. DJ even attributed vision to Gota. Now that the job is close, he is turning a new leaf.
    When can we ever trust a man like Dayan Jayatilleka?

    • 11

      It is not Dayan’s fault, is it?
      Who would support a future military dictator or a Hitler if he has a choice?
      According to some people, Gotabhaya’s only suitability to govern the country is his ability to easily convert to a dictator!!!!!!

      • 3

        Dayans and the other so called self proclaimed “Intellectuals or Inter-electuals” have no other jobs but helping and rendering his services to the Evil Govigama Elites to keep them on the continuity of dominating the ruling power of the 70+ years gang raped mother Lanka. His whole article is a white wash operation of the Govi Criminal Gota absolving and giving him a clean chit from all the thefts and the mass murders committed by avoidance. Gota, as everybody knows, is a Satanic possessed Evil personality stupidly brave enough to dig his own grave by aligning to the Israeli agenda an being an agent of the implementation of the Anti Islamic covert operations which is being carried out throughout the South East Asia region involving India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka at present. This is Pre- WW3 war preparation exercise arrangements
        involving close working relationship, links and contacts established with the Anti Muslim CIA/Mossad/RAW coordinated groups such as RSS/BJP from India, Ma Ba Tha/ 969/ Junta from Myanmar, JHU/BBS/SLFP/UNP/SLPP/MEP/and all other Sinhala Buddhist Organisations in the building of massive Anti Islamic awareness programs, organized pogroms and assault programs, demonizing efforts which are underway are the MAJOR SIGNS which nobody can deny, and no one in the Sinhalese camps ever deny. Bringing Gota to the top seat will be a Crown in above described, well coordinated Racist groups in the Joint Operation of TARGETTING PAKISTAN to fulfill the Israeli Agenda.

      • 1

        Part2, …… Targeting PAKISTAN is a long-term ambition of the Anti Islamic Zionist campaign….David Ben Gurion (the racist Israeli Prime Minister) have reported of saying the following dangerous words…..”It is essential for us to crush PAKISTAN by all disguise and means” printed in the Jewish Chronicles newspaper published in 09/08/1967. The present day Govigama Mass deception involving the ruling Elite families of Senanayakes, Bandaranayakes, Jayawardenes, Rajapakses, Wijewardenes, Sirisenas, Gunawardenes, Don Carolis, Gunesinghes, Wijetunges, Dissanayakes etc, etc working tirelessly with socio, religious, cultural and economic activity to project Muslims as the Number One enemy that must be dealt with viciously and with an utmost urgency destroying their livelihoods as the first level of this evil scheme. Arson attacks on their businesses and homes with scorch to earth policies of the Govigama MAFIA will later on follow with Wirarthu type massive killing spree.

        • 1

          Part 3………The criminal GOVIGAMA Mafia Ruling Elites must have been having intelligence report about the general public’s displeasure about having unsuccessful, corrupt, violence prone Govigama rule for the last seven decades in continuity and the true intelluctuals and the people who believes in a progressive plural society have begun considering to find a way for Govigama Elite Free govenance to rescue this country. So, the Govi Elites would have thought to pre-empt and kill this idea which is catching in the minds of the populace like a wild fire and which can be DEADLY to the Govi Hegemony, leaving them with no other option but to field one them, and this time being GOTA to impose a fully FASCIST NAZI type of governance through which they can destroy any opponent who will be dared to challenge their control. This will also, allow the young Govi criminal members to grow with the system and until they reach a right age to take over the reigns from the older guard. Dayan is a big time gate keeper to this evil lot sacrificing his dirty Jewish blood and sweat for the goal of establishing such governance.

    • 11

      Dear All,
      Mr Wimal Weerawansa believes that this is an international coup by the Leaders of Europe, USA, & India to inflict a lasting damage to Mr Gotabhaya Rajapakse’s campaign to become the next President of Sri Lanka!!!

      He believes that the Ven. Annunayake may have been bribed by the international community!!

      Mr Weerawansa should start a hunger strike against this interference by the international community!!

      • 13

        An Observer

        “Mr Weerawansa should start a hunger strike against this interference by the international community!!”

        I will sponsor Maliban Lemon Puff biscuits from start to the end. It “won’t cost me much”.

      • 3

        An Observer
        Do you expect a reply? No, right?
        There is another side of the speech.
        It could be a pre-arranged speech went awry which marked a lasting damage if not disqualifying Gotabhaya from being the next President, not that he had a chance.
        Then again, it shows that people are not ready to accept a man for the sake of his last name which is Rajapaksa.

        • 0

          I will sponsor the Viagra while Wimal is away from home fasting on Lemon Puff.

      • 0

        But he can eat Big Mc & Coca Cola during the hunger strike because they make him hangry.

      • 0

        Hunger strike with Hamburgers under the pillow as some fellows did ten years ago!

        • 1

          lal loo

          Perhaps your grand son would have made you pay for his Nintendo Classic by being a fake Sathyagrahi.

          As usual you must have read some headline grabbing fake news which pleases you the most.

          Here is the end of the story which you might have chosen to avoid:

          Tamil hunger striker wins damages over burger claims
          A Tamil refugee hunger striker has accepted £77,500 in damages over newspaper reports he secretly ate burgers during his protest.

          It would do you good if you try to learn …………………
          I hope to see you repeating the same fake news in ten years time.

    • 5

      Sewwandi Munaweera:
      I trust you realise the error of your ways in having EVER trusted Dayan Jayatilleke!

  • 7

    “I didn’t know that Gotabhaya was called a Hitler, and I think it is quite unfair)”

    okay okay dayan,lets not split hairs over this.If you think calling him hitler was unfair we will in future call him stalin or pol pot whichever you prefer.One of these three should be suitable for him because he shares their views that human life is an expendable thing in the achievement of results.

  • 4

    instead of the word results,goals should be the word i meant.All 3 did not achieve their goals.

  • 5

    “If Mahinda nominates Gotabhaya as the candidate, he will surely win “

    eh,how can he win dayan with 40% of the votes.Do you mean with an alliance with sirisena?Will sirisena be the president and gota the PM.No way that sirisena is going to demote himself to be PM.

  • 5

    dayan,mahinda is not interested in nominating gota,chamal or basil.he is only interested in namal.

    He has to wait till 2015 for that to happen.Will he risk chamal or gota getting the job before that?

    • 0

      should be “wait till 2025” not 2015 i mentioned.

  • 0

    I think you need to understand the article. Perhaps your mental faculties do not permit you comprehend the in its true perspective. Pity! Read the article again and grasp the essence of it.

  • 2

    Thero played his gimmick game here again. He wrote one essay and posted somewhere else. He modified that in CT, to include the Hitler story into that, with a hope of dishing out the “First Opinion” for the shake of that name. So in his last essay, he started with Podi Ayathollash speech but was analyzing why North is only terrorist nationalists but the South is Idealistic globalists. When, this prior JVP terrorist, was notified by his bosses that the modification he did in CT was not elegant, he then completely rewrote this essay. Here he is attempting to cover and hide his first essay’s content.

    There are many things going around in Lankawe. We may not just even mention all them. Just a few: Mangala’s Puli banning of 2016 is extended by Yahapalanaya to include more Tamils’ names. This is the Team (Yahapalanaya) America and Sampanthar brought to power to reconcile Tamil & Sinhalese. Cabinet approved bill for Reparation under Transitional Justice says anybody all who are government declares as participated in the war- i.e. LTTE terrorist in Yahapalanaya’s wording -will not be allowed participate in reparation for Transitional Justice. Government has ordered If missing member families take the missing members’ name out of country, the family will be identified and punished. A number of 80 Local Media and Social Media are identified as antigovernment sites and will be punished as government’s enemies. 4000 military families will be colonized in the Asian Development Bank Funded development area in Iranai Madu, Kilinochchi. America quits UNHRC while in the one before previous essay Thero had suggested that Lankawe too would quit UNHRC. Chris Smith, the American Congress‘s Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights , Chairman, has harshly criticized Lankawe on Human right violation not doing anything to fix the problems.

    Though those all heading are very interesting, we want to comment on the two, which are Thero using to comment.

    • 2

      Mallaiyuran, please learn to keep thing simple and short. Why can’t you ever express your opinion in a few lines?

  • 1

    So let us see what Thero said on Hitler story and American withdrawal.
    A Buddhist Prelate accepts Old Brother Prince is like Hitler so he wants him to bring Army government & Hitler rule to Lankawe :
    Old Royals are accused of have stolen $18B. Old Royals accused of have killed 150,000 Tamils refugees at the last five months of war. They used Chemical, Thermobaric and Gas bombs, which prevented in wars. They are accused of Suriyarachi, Fernandopulle Kathirgamar Pararajasingham, Ravi……………. and many other well-known leaders’ murders. But these facts are not very known with in Sinhala Buddhists. But the popular ones within them are White Vans, Lasantha like Media men & Thajudeen like enemies’ murders, Katunayake riots, and Weliweriya murders. The corruptions like Avant Garde, MiG are known by Sinhala Buddhist too. But, whatever is known to Sinhala Buddhists is suspected to be staged by Old Brother Prince. They sense him as a Hitler so prefer him to come to power. Lankawe does not have an Ambassador for USA, UK, Russia and other South American countries.
    The Appe Aanduwa style of ruling is: Government borrowed for $8.5Bfrom China and 75% GDP going to that debt service. Government projects are world’s biggest White Elephants and Lotus towers. Lankawe is importing $3.5B and exporting $250 million to and from China. But it is almost the opposite with America. Last December (2017) Ranil broke up USA’s GSP+, in favor of China’s Loans & import trade.

    In additions to government records, Rapists Army created 150,000 deaths in five months. So it is well known what the Army did; what the army is doing and what the Army will be doing. But in their talks that is not a concern for either Thero or Podi ayatollah. It is in this environment Thero says Old Brother is not Hitler so he doesn’t want the Prince as president. The other man saying the Prince is a Hitler so he wants Prince as the president.

  • 1

    Old Brother Prince’s style of talk and his resolve to have always to do things in his ways has made Colombo Media to frequently describe him as Hitler. His acolytes have not attempted to deny this man’s pet is human flesh eating sharks.

    What we have to understand here is Podi Ayatollah did not tell “that he is calling Old Brother Prince as Hitler” but was saying others are calling him as so. Thero might stand off as Old Brother Prince is Gandhi and the war he fought was with zero casualties, but the Podi Ayatollah is thinking others are not feeling so. Thero who feels the pulse of Diplomatic community turned the 2009 war as Zero Casualty war. But the other party of the Ruling class, the Ayatollahs, wants it to be metaphor with Hitler’s Victory over Jews. From 1948, Sinhala Community wants Hitler like leaders to rule over the minority while government is using Aappa Diplomacy to lie to IN and UNHRC that Rapist Army & Sinhala Buddhists’ pogroms killed only Zero Tamils.
    American withdrawal from UNHRC while there is talk of Lankawe withdrawing too
    America supported Lankawe in 2009 war with a condition that Lankawe will bring an end to minority’s problems. But after the war, America saw that they were cheated on that promise and then America took Lankawe to UNHRC. The equation here is America felt it was cheated and it took an action suitable for it’s that time policies. America took action for the Lankawe killing is the point we need to look at, not what means it used and if it is very effective. That is part can answer what will America do on Lankawe’s war crimes after it withdraw from UNHRC. Further we need to know that America is not quitting the world’s politics, but quitting from an organization, which America fells, is contributing negatively to the progress.

  • 0

    Let’s look Nikki Vs Ranil: Nikki said that there is a bunch human right violators’, sitting in UNHRC with equal status of America, with their rhetoric, framing America is doing human right violation in Israel so they want America and Israel punished, to use this as an escape route for them. When American ambassador met Ranil on Jerusalem Embassy, Ranil eloquently surpassed America, but hiding the 2009 war and its struggle in UNHRC.

    Nikki clearly explained that America is leaving UNHRC because Ranil like hypocrites sitting in UNHRC and if questioned of their atrocities threating to leave and reducing the UNHRC a worthless body to waste money and time. Israel is a model country in Democracy. It’s even providing humanistic employments to Palestinians. But it is occupying part of Palestine because its security concern. Ceylon Tamil were one of the most advanced & peaceful societies in the world, under British rule. Their crime rate was the lowest in the country in the record keeping of police until the 1970s. The Tamils employed by Aanduwa, selected for their traitorous deeds are completely different from British rulers employed Tamils, selected by merits. Lankawe employed Tamils like Kathirgamar, Thuraiappah, Thiyagarajah, Karuna, Dougie, Swamynathan and Mahendran to label Tamils as the terrorist race and then used this for the Chemical bombs usage.

    America taught Lankawe Military on the human right while in war. When Lankawe failed America took Lankawe to UNHRC. But Lankawe is sitting in UNHRC equal to America and Ranil is plotting against America and Israel. America is getting out of UNHRC because one reason is the conduct of Lankawe. Hopefully America will come back by other means stronger and fix the problems in UNHRC i.e. hypocrites preachers like Lankawe ruling UNHRC. American ambassador has said America quitting from UNHRC only, but not from the UNHRC resolution under which Lankawe obligated itself to world an inquiry into the war crime it committed. That is why Thero cheating predictions are not standing in the American withdrawal from UNHRC.

  • 1


    I take it that you are an upcountry Tamil (those who came to work on the plantations)

    Mallaiyuran, it is upcountry people who ask for Malayanaadu

    Don’t smoke hashish too much

    • 3

      Mrs Udubaddewa

      Upcountry is known as Malayadesa in Sinhala.

    • 3

      Mrs Udubaddewa,

      “(those who came to work on the plantations)”

      What is the difference, anyway? You came to peel the cinnamon. I came to pluck the tender shoots.

      Is it the kettel or the pot?

      • 0

        I always thought you are also one of them like my mate NV.
        And Mr Pirahaparan didn’t recruit any Liberation Fighters from the Tender Shoot Pickers…
        So what is in there for you blokes?… .

  • 3

    Today is the 77th anniversary of that pig ugly evil monster genius devil incarnate’s biggest military mistake.

    “Operation Barbarossa” to enslave slavic people and to destroy the USSR(Russia). was launched on June 22nd, 1941. He killed over 23million people of the Soviet Union in addition to slaughtering millions of Jews, Gay people, Roma, mentally ill people throughout his war of Conquests and Lebensraum for his “superior white Aryan race”….

    NEVER FORGET; and how that there are fucktards in the US who deny it, and embrace Nazism and want to celebrate it and are called “Nice guys” by the President is beyond me. Even Melanie Trump falls into the “Sub-Human” category the Nazis had for Slavic people. DO NOT FORGET. How on earth can anyone praise such a vile man like Hitler?

    • 0


      please dont disrupt mallaiyurans hashish please.The thread is lost when you poke in.

    • 2

      Mano Ratwatte

      Remember Sri Lankan armed forces under the leadership of Dr Gota had managed to win a 30 year war against the most indomitable terrorists in the world without a shot being fired, nor a single person had been killed.

      According to Michael Wolfgang Laurence Morris (many in this forum have the highest regard for him) there was no casualty though the war continued for well over 30 years.

  • 0

    We here, many times, proposed that the only way to fix Lankawe’s Sinhala Buddhists is a Sinhala Thirunavukkarasar taking Avatar in Lankawe. The Tamil Pious man (sage) wiped out the violent religions by nonviolence Satyagraha in India and brought honest Bhatti Margam to India. But the Satan Worshipper, the Podi Ayatollah is proposing for a Hitler Avatar. He probably wants to play the role of Hanuman with the fire ball on the tail, i.e. burning down Lankawe.
    Podi Ayatollah does know Old Brother Prince cannot become EP. The problems is well known. He was the one in list top of 42 War Crime Criminals, in abandoned OISL list. America wants this Manuel Noriega II punished. He did this crime under his US citizenship. While one is in US citizenship, US does not recognize another citizen status (other than Israeli?) This means, on the view of Uncle Sam, one of its citizens was involved in War Crime that took place in another country. America doesn’t agree 100% with Universal Jurisdiction. But, it has its own way of its citizen criminals doing crimes and finding hell shelters in other places to escape and other citizens doing crimes and finding its land as hell shelter. It also can be interpreted that Old Brother Prince committed Matala Hospital murders in JVP time and escaped to America to hide. So the Podi Ayatollah, well aware of US’s position on Old Brother Prince, but to challenge it, proposing making Old Brother Prince a the EP. In other words, Podi Ayatollah is proposing to kick and open the door if it is not opening (US citizenship abrogation).

    • 0

      Brother Prince is not proposing to kick and open the door. He even formulated and economic development plan friendlier to US than China. It could be another trick to fool Uncle Sam, but… the plan is there.(Thero is opposing that plan because it violated Castro communism) So, he didn’t put the words into the mouth of the sycophancy, Hitler worshipping, Podi Ayatollah.

      Lankawe Aappa diplomats like Thero is spilt in two ways, in this chaos situation. 1).Thero doesn’t want to recognize America’s grounds to discipline one of its citizens, because that would become in favor for his enemies, the Tamils. These guys were behind Condoleezza Rice for years to have LTTE banned in Europe and SLMM removed from Lankawe. Further, while they laughed Pirapaharan appointed Old King as the EP, Lankaweyans broke coconuts in Paththini Devales to bless President Trump to win election. Things went bad because Ranil had an extremely successful 2017, became very arrogant and to celebrate that, he kicked on the back of Atul Keshap when he tried to talk about America moving Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. 2). As they were in the diplomatic community, they knows to predict Uncle Sam’s behavior too. So, that is striking a hidden fear in their hearts too. That is the reason Thero this time unsuccessfully tried this time a “Koolukkum Padi Kanchikkum Paddi” essay, which is exclusively Jehan PhD’s territory.

  • 2

    Dayan is alarmed by the awakening of a Sinhala facist beast. But he fed this beast with his Sinhala language communications warning the ‘heartland’ about the foreign plot to deliver a liberal democracy. Sow what you reap Dayan.

    • 2

      The beast is going to eat him first for betraying the Rajapaksas.

  • 1

    Remember Prince Harry once wore SS Guard uniform to a party. Quickly the royal PR got into action and explained it away as ‘youthful exuberance’ – known locally as ‘boys will be boys’.
    “If They Call You A Hitler, Then Be A Hitler And Build This Country, ”Asgiriya Anunayaka Thero Tells Gotabaya.’
    He wants a new Benz. MS will give the toy all right. Win-win.
    Asgiriya Anunayaka Thero is human and not enlightened – not yet.
    Dayan Jayatilleka awarded himself the contract (without tender) to pull the MR-team out of this mess. To protect himself Dayan calls Hitler an evil and creates this ‘dark matrix’ to confuse us. Then he follows the Dayan-line. He describes Gota as a vegan and ……………wait for it…….Tamils and Muslims as the non-vegits.
    He talks Weimar, Hugo Chavaz, Netenyahu, Sound of Music, Darth Vader and ends with the ‘fat-lady-song’ as to what Tamils and Muslims must do, UNP, the Vasu chinthanaya etc.
    You are wasting our time – not yours. We are waiting for an unequivocal statement from Gota denouncing the sordid episode.

  • 4

    well done mahanayaka you said it. Now people have come to realise even dayan fellow is realising. The best option for MR is to say he is going to nominate someone outside and nominate Dinesh (a good for nothing fellow) and maje sure 100% loss and make the Gamaralah the president and MR becomes PM, Anyway gamaralah does not have a backbone whether he is president or PM or just an MP he will not matter.

  • 3

    we need basil R. he is the man for the hour. Ultimately he will come out. Gota with his military men may end up in grave.

  • 5

    Me Dayan, during the early stages of the war, I was asked to address a Tamil gathering in London. This was a time when the LTTE were considered undefeatable, even by our friend in Singapore. I told the Tamils that this time the LTTE will be defeated. They laughed. I even wrote in the daily News that the LTTE will be defeated and they all laughed and said they can never be defeated. I explained to the Tamils as to why the LTTE will be defeated. I said that the mirror image of the LTTE and Prabakaran on the Sinhalese side had come to power in Colombo for the first time. I have met Tamil doctors in London who wanted all Sinhalese killed. I have met Sinhalese doctors from Australia who wanted all Tamils killed. There is no difference between the Tamils and the Sinhalese. The same fascism that you saw with the Tamils in the form of the LTTE exists in Sinhala society. Gotabaya represents a Sinhala version of the LTTE mindset. Without it, the LTTE could not be defeated. He is, like Fonseka, a war time leader. They are not democrats and will undermine democracy and freedoms we enjoy. Sinhalese marginalising democratic politicians and championing Gota as their thecia Thalaivar, is like the Tamils, marginalising their democratic politicians and championing their thecia Thalaivar Pirapaharan. The saviour of the nation. Both are built on the foundations of facism. Hitler ? Yes. This is a man who bussed Tamils out of Colombo.

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      Only difference that most Sinhalese do not realise or want to acknowledge is that The fascist LTTE was born because of state sponsored Sinhalese racist fascism that started from the time of independence, targeting the Tamils denying them everything. Education, employment, language rights and large scale theft of Tamil land using the resources of the state. When all other methods of obtaining their rights failed ( democratic ) and Tamil politicians either failed or were not able to obtain justice for the Tamils, due to Sinhalese racism and intransigence , the Tamils were forced to support the LTTE, that was very successful at the beginning but then lost its way and became fascist and left the Tamil people in a deeper rut than in what they were before. However there is no excuse for Sinhalese Buddhist fascism. It is pure and plain racism and opportunism, that is deliberately created by selfish, crooked, corrupt Sinhalese politicians for their benefit only. From the time of independence to now. It created all the problems in the country before leading to the 30year war and will in the future lead to a catastrophe. Lets admit the truth. The Sinhalese are largely a people suffering from insecurity and a minority complex, that is deliberately fueled by their Buddhist clergy and politicians with Mahavamsa myths. The Mahavamsa is not all myth, there is a lot of history too but you should learn to distinguish the difference. It is mainly the Buddhist history of the southern part of the country and not the entire island. Just like English history is not the history of entire Britain nor the history of Scotland or Wales. Similarly Mahavamsa is not the history of Tamil the north or east but largely the Sinhalese areas . You can see the Pandian Tamils from whom the Sinhalese aristocracy and royalty arose are not outsiders or invaders but the indigenous Tamils and the Cholas are outsiders and invaders respectively.

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      Dushy Ranetunge

      The reason as to why the Sinhala/Buddhist state was able to finish off LTTE was that by early 2005 Hindians had already made up their mind to completely remove LTTE as a non state actor and bring the conflict to an end.

      Until 2005 the Hindian stated position was that there was no military solution to the conflict. Since 2005 the Hindians were muted on the outcome of the war while stepping up non lethal support to the state.

      Dr Mahinda and Dr Gota were grateful to Hindians.
      Sinhala/Buddhists should be grateful to VP for winning the war for Dr Mahinda and Dr Gota.

      • 1

        Indians/Americans/Pakistan/Israeli/Chinese contributions were contributory factors. The LTTE were defeated because the army was expanded to massive numbers and the field flooded to such an extent that the LTTE did not have the numbers to fight in all fronts. The Sinhalese side also disregarded the loss to human life. just like the LTTE and stopped releasing numbers of military dead and glorified their worriers, just like the LTTE. The Sinhalese used the same tactics as the Tamils. This was formulated by Gen Janaka Perera who wrote it as his thesis when he was following a course at the Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS) in the UK for an year. Sarath Fonseka followed him a few years later to the RCDS and saw what Janaka had written, his master plan to defeat the LTTE. It later became Fonseka’s master plan. On Christmas even 2005 a few weeks after Mahinda had come to power and Fonseka had become army commander, my family was entertained by him at his official residence and he told me his master plan to defeat the LTTE, to clear the East and hand it to Karuna etc.

        • 2

          Dushy Ranetunge

          Please note though Donald Ramsfeld is unpopular among liberals he said something interesting:

          There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.
          – Donald Rumsfeld

          The point being the so called international community had already been persuaded to authorise/agree to the whole sale slaughter of people of Vanni region by Hindians in August 2008 as long as the LTTE was completely annihilated at the end of the war.

          Remember this is what Hindians did in the Golden Temple albeit in a relatively small scale.

          Gen Janaka Perera was involved in 1971, actively in 1987-1990, and later.
          Therefore he was also part of the permanent state with record of serious human right violation and war crimes.

          Once the Hindians and rest of the International Community had convinced themselves the need to expect collateral damages at colossal scale it does not matter who, how, where, when …………..people are being killed. It is part of the cleaning up process in South Asia. Numbers and lives do not matter.

          The question is how did we manage to arrive at this situation where this country continues to sacrifice human lives, and help crooks and mass murderers to go scott free.

          It is not about Sinhala vs Tamil.
          Its about how a small minority managed to take control of absolute power and enjoy impunity since early 1950s.

          Please think about why we are speeding up to hit the bottom.

    • 4


      Your friend in Singapore has been a champion of Gota. He probably was at the Viyath Maga function at Shangri La, and contributed themes to GR’s speech, if he did not write it himself.

      When people ask him about the field of his undergraduate education, he is usually silent; it seems he didn’t have a Bachelor’s degree; I think because he assisted JRJ, with some book research, the latter appointed him to some positions at places like the IFR in Hantana and allowed him to establish connections with intelligence agencies.

      He used such positions and connections as a substitute for a Bachelor’s to reach the US and UK for graduate studies on “terrorism.” When 9/11 happened in the US, he rose to prominence because the people in the US didn’t know much about Al Qaeda, and his book came in handy. That led to his position in Singapore.

      But he just keeps talking about ‘stability’ and ‘national security,’ without much substance. Sarath de Alwis in his writings brings out the fact that any child can say ‘the center of gravity’ of ‘power’ is shifting to the Indian Ocean, a theme that your friend has given to GR.

    • 0

      I said that the mirror image of the LTTE and Prabakaran on the Sinhalese side had come to power in Colombo for the first time.

      Do you know the location of where the Human flesh eating Shark Aquarium stood in Kilinochchi. Is the Indian training Sinhala Pirapaharan took was in Californian Gas Stations? Is that made you compare the Sinhala Pirapaharan with Tamil Pirapaharan as soon as ascended to throne? Did you obtain you doctorate from Sumanadasa Abeygunawardena? Is that in horoscope reading or doctorate in deception writing?

      No wonder Tamil doctors would have certainly laughed at an imbecile proposing when ANC leader Mandela was released from prisons that imbecile one describing it as Hitler coming out of prisons.

  • 1

    Become a Hitler, even establish a military rule and build the country

    I am also pretty sure that Mahinda Rajapaksa and almost every politician i.e. elected representative of the people, in that room privately rejected those views and were alarmed by them.

    All the 16 minister can comment why they are behind the Become a Hitler, establish a military rule and build the country.
    Why is there no other any other leaders names to mention who build the nation without violence?

  • 2

    “What I am saying is that a dreadful moral rot has set in, in our society and that rot does not only come from the ruling neoliberal elite. “

    Really, Dayan????

    But you were (and are?) up to your eyeballs in this rot when Rajapakse was at the helm, and still hold a major brief for him. Or not???

    What gives with the double-speak?

  • 1

    The nineteen thirties/forties vintage Ceylonese were thirsty for independence. They disliked British and because Hitler was against the imperialists, the people had a soft corner for Hitler. In fact some daring independence fighters were referred to as Hitler so and so. Daring smugglers were called Hitler so and so. Needless to say that they were quite ignorant as to what Hitler was up to.
    The Ven. Vendaruwe Upali Thero, the Anunayaka of the Asgiriya Chapter probably said the words attributed quite innocently. It shows his limited knowledge of the world. It is unfair to take his words literally.
    Having said that what needs to be done? Of course GR must front up and accept that the words were ill chosen and completely disassociate himself. This requires courage and character. GR has not grown out of the glorious 2006-2014.
    The proxy apologist Dayan Jayatilleka must offer this sort of advice to GR but instead the man is unashamedly currying favour

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      Not only a few Ceylonese, but thousands of Bosnian Muslims joined the foreign legions of the Waffen SS. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem himself met with Hitler to form plans to cleanse Jerusalem of any Zionist elements. The leader of the Indian nationalist movement, Subhash Chandra Bose, also met Hitler. Clearly Hitler had a lot of influence, more than any Sri Lankan politician will likely have. So it is spurious to compare the latter to Hitler, especially when Sri Lanka has such poor manufacturing capability. The manufacturing capability of the Germans extended WW2 by several years.

  • 0

    I doubt Anunayaka who uttered this nonsense has any idea what Hitler represents or who Hitler was just as the lose application of the word “genocide” and “fascism” by many on Colombo Telegraph, all these terms used lackadaisically belittle the horror of the original term. Shall we move on now, Dr. DJ included? I am sure the latter had to make his position known for future reference, Okay that is done, shall we move on?

    • 1


      “I doubt Anunayaka who uttered this nonsense has any idea what Hitler represents or who Hitler was just as the lose application of the word “genocide” and “fascism” by many on Colombo Telegraph,”

      If you have seen one mass murderer you have seen all.
      Its a matter of knowing the colour of the Aryan, white or black.

  • 0

    Understand DJ’s apprehensions……..But in Sinhala Buddhist psyche it is now well entrenched that they are facing an existential threat from number of dark forces that DJ does not discuss in this article (because that is not the thrust of his article). Sinhala Buddhists are turning towards who ever who could provide protection to them at this very point. They cannot be blamed for it. Blame should go to those who embraced separatists and their project in order to establish a local version of a defeatist Weimar republic in 2015.

  • 0

    Lord Buddha safe guarded the Sinhala politicians up to 1956.Bandaranayake tried to control lord Buddha via Hamudrus. And the result today is chaos.

  • 0

    I know these Rajapaksa’s well enough, to know that this move by a monk endorsing Gota in the image of Hitler is a serious gimmick to build Gota’s image a clinical leader.
    Most Sri Lankans are oblivious to the kind of stigma attached to Hitler. For us Hitler is simply an image of a strong man. So Gota tried to pull a fast one by being branded a Hitler by a monk because those who know Gota know him to be a Hitler anyway so he tried to gain advantage cheaply.
    However the gimmick flopped. It backfired on their faces as the Hitler brand didn’t gain traction. Please don’t underestimate how low these Rajapaksas are ready to sink. They will do anything and everything to get political milage.
    But let me assure you of one thing, they are not intellectual in their ways. They may have strong instincts and have a relentless nature, but they are not smart. Remember they needed SF to win the war.
    Then Gota used BBS to gain cheap political milage and lost out woefully. So they are just crude at best, it’s just that our Sinhalease are Modaya’s so some of the stupidest gimmicks catch on. If not Rajapaksa’s wouldn’t have a chance in hell to even smell power again.

  • 0

    Dayan, well done for pointing out the ridiculousness of any proposition that equates leadership with Hitler. Sri Lanka is a vibrant democracy and only its vibrant (liberal) policies and practices will secure its future. Simple minds look for clarity and simplicity and often walk blindly into a pit–behind a pied piper! Lets all come together to secure our democratic future by guarding it and celebrating it.

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