17 January, 2025


Behind The Mawanella Bigotry

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Who were the bigots who broke Buddha statues in Mawanella and in other places? There are only two possible answers to this question. Either, they were a bunch of urban hoodlums seeking sadistic pleasure from destroying religious icons, or handpicked hirelings obliging their paymaster(s), who have sinister motives. Let the authorities sort out the right answer. However, behind all condemnations of this dastardly act and resolve to repair the damage lies a greater and fundamental issue that needs addressing. Authorities can catch and punish A, B and C for committing this despicable, but there is nothing to prevent X, Y and Z emerging from dark corners at another time and from another place to repeat the same. The question is, what sort of a mindset that is driving these larrikins to do what they did and behave to create inter-religious convulsion?    

To start with, the hands that did the damage in Mawanella are the same hands that destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan, Yezidis places of worship in shrinking ISIS Caliphate, Coptic churches in Egypt, Shia shrines in Iraq and Pakistan, Babri Masjid in India and mosques in Myanmar and Sarajevo and so on. Such evil hands are there in every religion and every culture. No religion is free of a bloody past. What is common in all these destructions however, is the mindset that directs these hands and governs their actions, and which refuses to accept that truth has multiple avenues for realisation and that no single avenue has a monopoly over it. 

Such a mindset, described as mytho-historical by the great Algerian scholar Mohammed Arkoun, and which has now frozen into the ruling orthodoxy, has a long history in the world of Islam. It was born and nurtured in response to another mindset that believed in multiple routes to reach the ultimate Reality. The latter was one grounded in human reason and critical thinking but moulded by mystical spirituality.  It was that mindset which produced the glorious civilization of Islam in 9th and 10th centuries with its ‘cosmopolitan worldliness’, and passed its legacy on to European Enlightenment, centuries later. It was that mindset that produced the convivencia in Muslim Spain where mosques, churches and synagogues with their respective worshipers intermingled and cross fertilized to produce an ‘ornament of the world’, as captioned by Maria Rosa Menocal.  Lately, it was the same mindset that also governed the Moghul Empire under Akbar whose durbar was an assembly of poets, scholars, jurists and other super stars from Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Christians, Jews and Muslims. Wasn’t it Emperor Akbar who gifted land to build the Golden Sikh temple in Amritsar, and was it not a Muslim Pir of Lahore who laid the foundation for that temple in 1589? 

What this rationalist-humanist-mystical mindset gave to the world and humanity at large was love, tolerance, peace and a cosmopolitan outlook. That mindset condemned religious fanaticism, sectarianism and inter-religious wars. Let me provide just three gems from an ocean of pearls produced by this mindset. The first comes from Abu al-Ala’ al-Ma’arri (973-1057), the Syrian born blind poet and greatest moralist of all time, who sums up his thought on clerical scholasticism in the following quatrain: 

Hanifs are tumbling, Christians all astray,

Jews wildered, Magians far on error’s way,

We mortals are composed of two great schools: 

Enlightened knaves or else religious fools.

Here is the second gem from the greatest Muslim mystic and Andalusian scholar Muhammad ibn Arabi (1165-1240) whose love of all faiths was boundless:

O Marvel,

A garden among the flames

My heart can take on any form,

A meadow for gazelles

A cloister for monks,

For the idols, sacred ground,

Ka’ba for the circling pilgrim

The tables for the Torah

The scrolls of the Quran.

I profess the religion of love;

Wherever its caravan turns along the way,

That is the belief,

The faith I keep. 

The third is a story from another master, Farid-ud-Din Attar (1145-1221) from Nishapur in today’s Iran. This is from his mystical tale, The Conference of Birds (as translated by Fatemeh Keshavarz, in Jasmine and Stars, 2007):

“One night Gabriel was near God’s chamber.  The archangel heard the Lord responding to someone “yes, yes”. “I wonder who is calling Him,” Gabriel thought. He paid a quick visit to the earth and inspected the lands and the seas but could not find anyone calling unto God. As he returned to God’s abode, the Almighty was still responding to the anonymous caller. Gabriel decided he had not looked carefully enough. He turned around and made yet another effort to find the worshiper whose prayers were heard by God. He looked in all the usual places of worship around the world one more time. Since the second search was equally unsuccessful, Gabriel went to God and asked if the Lord would kindly provide directions to the pious individual’s whereabouts.  God told him to go to a certain obscure temple in Anatolia and look inside. Gabriel did so, and sure enough found a man prostrating himself in front of an idol. He was praying on an object he had carved with his own hands. The angel rushed back to God and said, “I don’t understand. This man is not praying to You! He is talking to his idol. Why are you answering him?” God’s reply to Gabriel is not an answer but a lesson. He said, “Just because this man does not know the right way to me, it does not mean that I – who know better – should not find my way to him.” Every bigot should memorise this story.

With the rise of orthodoxy after the 12th century that rationalist-humanist-mystic mindset, which was a fountain of love, tolerance and rational thought met with condemnation, branded as heresy and was suppressed with political backing. It marked a counter revolution in Islam. Since then, religious orthodoxy of different shades of conservatism began its unchallenged supremacy over the minds and acts of Muslims, and claimed monopoly over truth. This is the mytho-historic mindset referred to earlier. It is this mindset that is creating havoc among communities that live in plural polities. And, it is this mindset that is also being manipulated by hungry power seekers. When such mindsets prevail in other religions also we have the classic recipe for a clash of fundamentalisms. How do we avoid this clash is the greatest challenge humanity faces today. Sri Lanka, given its current political climate, cannot be an exception. 

The nation and its governors should move beyond post-act condemnation and look for measures of prevention. There need to be short and long run measures in this regard. In the short run, communities can be vigilant, identify individuals or groups that are prone to create religious disturbance and inform the authorities promptly. Law of the land must be enforced with full force on such elements without fear or favour. However, there is a need for long term measures to create inter-religious understanding and inter-faith tolerance. In this regard education in schools and religious institutions must be the primary focus of government authorities. In imparting religious knowledge to youngsters, the attitude of “ours is the best and all others are false”, must be avoided.  The idea is to develop a mindset that believes that all religions lead to the same destination and that the ultimate Reality will be the final judge. Respect for each other’s religion and participating in each other’s religious festivals and functions are sure ways of promoting a healthy and robust social pluralism in Sri Lanka. Let our pundits, pastors, prelates and priests ponder over these suggestions.        

Latest comments

  • 20

    “No religion is free of a bloody past.”
    Christians and Muslims have more blood in their hands compared with people belong to other religions. Christians and Muslims killed millions to spread their religions whereas Buddhists have not used such violent means to spread their religion. Buddhists have been the main victims of Muslim onslaught to spread their religion in Asia.

    • 25

      Eagle Eye,

      Please correct me, I thought that Buddhism is not a religion, but a spiritual tradition?

      As a true Buddhist who adheres to Buddha’s teachings, shouldn’t you think that nothing is fixed or permanent and the change is always a possibility? And then Gautama Buddha predicted your type of people centuries before “the mistaken belief that things can last is a chief cause of suffering”

      “Christians and Muslims killed millions to spread their religions whereas Buddhists have not used such violent means to spread their religion” – Can’t disagree on this, but remember, “You too are doing the killings under the pretext of safe-guarding Buddhism”

      • 19

        Mohamed You are right; “I thought that Buddhism is not a Religion…”

        “Religion is the Belief in and Worship of a Superhuman Controlling Power, especially a Personal God or Gods.”

        The Buddha’s Dhamma is not a Religion, except that Sinhala/Buddhists have made it One!
        It is the Lazy Way of getting Someone Else, e.g. a God, to do all the Hard Work!

        • 17


          “The Buddha’s Dhamma is not a Religion, except that Sinhala/Buddhists have made it One!”

          This one reason as to why we should liberate Buddha’s teaching from Sinhala/Buddhists and Sinhalese and Buddhists from Sinhala/Buddhism.
          I have been working on it.

          • 6

            Native Vedda; “I have been working on it.”
            How can you change a Mindset that looks for the easy Way Out? A Mindset that has come to Believe in the Power of Trees and Statues, and Chanting in a Certain Way without understanding the Context of the Words?
            I am Interested!

            • 1

              I think you are enlighten with the power of a stone Linger.

              • 2

                Sorry Latha,
                I am a Sinhalese and a Buddhist! A Buddhist who is trying the Hard way to follow the Buddha’s Teaching – the Dhamma!

          • 2

            —-I have been working on it.—-


          • 12

            Stupid Vedda,
            Please don’t insult the Vedda People by calling yourself “Native Vedda” which you are most definitely not. You are just a Tamil racist, retired old codger living in Toronto, topping up your fake refugee pension by cleaning the toilets at Tim Hortons and the Union train station. Just a good for nothing layabout.
            Please don’t worry about liberating Buddha’s teaching from Sinhala Buddhists etc. Sinhalese Buddhists were a very peaceful and hard working lot under the positive influence of the Buddhas teaching. That is what inspired the agriculture in the dry zone, without rivers, which sustained the Anuradhapura civilisation. Because the Anuradhapura civilisation was successful it attracted the unwanted attentions of your violent Tamil ancestors who plundered it for 1300 years finally wiping it out about AD 1000. Raja Raja did the dastard deed. We minded our business and got on with our reasonably enlightened lives. It was these atrocities and more committed by your ancestors that are the root cause of the problem. Hope this information helps in your above said efforts.
            When the Portuguese Catholic Christians (1505) were persecuting us all (yes your ancestors as well as mine; remember Sangili (not Wimal) and his sons who were murdered by the good Catholics Christians, funny why so many Tamils became Catholics after persecution!!) they gave special persecution to our Muslims. (because the Muslims had persecuted the Catholics in Spain and Portugal, hope you know where Spain and Portugal are! Never know with an ignoramus like you!),
            our over compassionate Sinhala Buddhist kings gave them the Muslims refuge in Kandy and EP. That is how so many Muslims came to live in Kandy and the surrounding areas including Mawanella, Kegalla, Matale, Akurana, Gamplola.

            • 4

              Good Student,
              You gave a good answer to this racist Tamil. He is a person boiling with hate. He shows his low mindset in every comment e make.

              • 7

                Good Student and Latha

                Native V does not live in Toronto for sure. No Timmies for him. But, for God’s sake, give him his due. He is well read, knowledgeable, packs humour into his retorts and keeps these pages lively. Why are you shy to admit in the earlier centuries this island was ruled by many a Tamil King from South India. Lajjada?


                • 0

                  History can’t be changed. In the earliest past few South Indian invaders captured the power in the island even a Javaka Prince. Later on Portuguese, Dutch & English. I have no offence with Vedda. He seems knowledgeable,

              • 1


                “You gave a good answer to this racist Tamil.”

                Of course Good Student with very bad education is incompetent in every sense of the word. The purpose of his typing is to insult me he has miserably failed. If he wanted to educate me and others he also failed as you see same old irrelevant stories being recycled again. He has nothing to new to say or type, and stuck to the pointless rant which he has always parrotted of which he has no knowledge.
                I suppose you must be sitting on his head hence he must have misplaced his brain where it should be. Perhaps he needs a good cleaner and looking for one.

                By the way were your ancestors Latvian Aryans probably related to Hitler or from Lata land in Vanga Sinhapura (present day Bangladesh)?

            • 3

              Correction the King of Kandy requested the Tamil Vannimai chiefs of the eastern province , whom he had loose control to give refuge to Muslims along the western coast , who were fleeing Portuguese persecution , as the Sinhalese did not want more of them anymore and had started to attack the. They obliged and settled them largely in the deep south of the east . They also gave many of them , local Tamil Hindu Mukkuva women in marriage, to start a family, as many of the Muslims fleeing were young men. This is the reason the eastern Muslims followed the eastern Tamil Matrilineal Mukkuva customs and the Kudi system. Stop distorting history. “Funny how many Tamils became Catholics” . Yes so did lots of Sinhalese including the King of Kotte, who unlike the Tamils of the Jaffna kingdom who valiantly fought against Portuguese and their forced conversions , surrendered to the Portuguese without a fight and converted to Catholicism , and as a reward , he was married to a Portuguese prostitute named Donna Catherina. Remember her or have conveniently forgotten her? Remember how Sinhalese lascars fought for their Portuguese masters against the Tamils of the Jaffna kingdom who refused to surrender?

              • 6

                Siva Sankaran Sharma,
                Balls! King Senerath was the king for whole country. He did not have to request any Demala bugger to settle people in any part of the country. He ordered.
                In Yapanaya, Demalu did not fight against Parangi bastards. It was the Sinhala army sent by King Senerath who fought against Parangi.
                You are a fake historian who is carrying forward the project started by racist Chelvanayakam to distort the history of Sinhale.

                • 4

                  King Senrath was never the king of the whole country lying Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist racist. May be only in your retarded mind that is full of Mahavamsa and Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist fairy tales from Lanka Lies. Demalu! You bloody racist Sinhalese retard. Mind your bloody language racist moron. All you can post is lies and abuse. Most of you Sinhalese are descended from Demalu and that too from largely low caste Indian Demalu who were imported as slaves and indentures labour from South India by the Portuguese and the Dutch. You most probably like that Shenal/Shenali is definitely descended from one of them. The rest largely from Indian Tamil invaders and immigrants from ancient to medieval times. Sinhalese DNA is 70% Indian Tamil. Sinhalese army fought the Portuguese don’t make me laugh. The Sinhalese lascars fought for the Portuguese against the Tamil Jaffna kingdom. You Sinhalese have been traitors from ancient to modern times. Your corrupt leaders kings and politicians have been inviting foreigners into to the country and ultimately to rule from ancient to modern times

                • 3

                  contd: . During ancient times, the so called Sinhalese monarchs used to invite their Pandian Tamil close relatives and kinsmen to invade the county to settle differences, as who or which brother will rule like Kasyappa and Mugalan. They used to invite the Pandian king, as the Pandian king was their grandfather/ uncle/brother in law / or first cousin. The so called Sinhalese king and his Pandian relatives all jabbering to each other in Tamil and not in your barbaric Sinhalese that still was not well developed. Later after surrendering to the Portuguese they were fighting for them against the Tamils. Then the Sinhalese invited the Dutch thinking they will chase the Portuguese. Yes they did and they ended up ruling, then the British and they did same and the so called Sinhalese aristocracy helped the British to capture the kingdom of Kandy as the King was Tamil. Then the Sinhalese upper classes were kow towing to the British, this is why the British gave the whole country to them. Now Sinhalese leaders and politicians are inviting China. India, Russian, USA and pledging and mortgaging the country to them, as they infight and want to rule. 99% of your leaders from ancient to now, calling themselves actual Sinhalese have never been Sinhalese at all but all South Indian imports or descendants of South Indian imports, whose loyalty and religion changes as per time. No wonder the country in a mess with idiots like you.

                  • 1

                    Historians believe Pandians are Aryans settled in South India. That’s why Sri Lankan kings who identified themselves as Ariyans had marriages with them. Later on Pandians used Tamil. Last king of SL is not Tamil but Telugu.

                • 1

                  Eagle Eye,
                  Why argue about History? History has always been One-Sided, written according to the Point of View of the Historian!
                  As someone said ‘History is Bunk’

            • 4

              contd: The Portuguese forcibly converted the entire population under their rule not just the Tamils but the Sinhalese too. If you did not convert you were killed or tortured. They destroyed over 550 Hindu temples in the north and east and used the bricks to build churches and forts. Many Tamils fled to the Vanni or to South India to escape this conversion and or pretended to convert but secretly practised their Hindu faith. It is only the coastal Fishermen who largely converted, however in the interior and most of the upper castes did not convert or pretended to convert but practised their Hindu faith in secret. Only when the Portuguese and Dutch left they openly started to practise their Saivite faith. This is why Catholics still belong to the coastal fishing castes/communities, as they bore the brunt of these forced conversions. Do not distort history to suit you Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist agenda.

              • 4

                Siva Sankaran Sharma,
                Sinhalayo have their own traditions and culture and a unique language. The so called ‘Sri Lankan Tamils’ who were known as ‘Malabaris’ until such time a Demala guy in the Census Department put the label ‘Sri Lankan Tamils’ when British barbarians ruled this country do not have anything of their own. Whatever Demalu in Sri Lanka have (language, food habits, customs etc.) are things that they brought from Hindusthan. That speaks for your origin.

            • 7

              Stupid Student:

              If a Racist and a F.c.i.g idiot like you can call yourself a good student why cant Native call himself Veddah

            • 4

              Good Student with very bad education

              “Please don’t insult the Vedda People by calling yourself “Native Vedda” which you are most definitely not.”

              With your bad education, stupid racist mind and lack of exposure to real world, that there are lot of things you find it difficult to learn, grasp and assimilate.
              Known unknowns are things I know you don’t know hence no amount of explaining will make you intelligent enough to know what you don’t know.

              “You are just a Tamil racist, retired old codger living in Toronto, topping up your fake refugee pension by cleaning the toilets at Tim “

              Don’t you fools have any other sophisticated ways of insulting a person other than “cleaning the toilets” while you send your women folks to clean Arab toilets. What a Sinhala/Buddhist Hypo you are. Even if I cleaned Canadian toilets either full time or part time why should it bother you? What’s wrong with cleaning toilets you stupid bigot?

              Lets not deal with your version of history for yours is not mine therefore shove it wherever you see any holes.

              ” That is how so many Muslims came to live in Kandy and the surrounding areas including Mawanella, Kegalla, Matale, Akurana, Gamplola.”

              How did so many mutant Sinhala/Buddhist noisy fascists come to occupy this land? Go check your DNA, you south Indian converted racists.

          • 3

            Native Vedda,

            Well good luck with that.

            P.S Why don’t you try to save Muslims from their own death cult?

            • 6


              Unlike your people’s death wish they do not die for stupid reason in this island. They haven’t committed mass suicides like yours in 1971, 1987/1991, over 30 years, …

              Either you kill “others” or commit suicide. When do you think “your” people are going to be ready for the next slaughter and/or mass suicide?

              • 1

                Absolutely Native, let’s save these local poor brainless peasants first. Just an hour ago I heard a son killing his 74 years old father for his 2 perch land. Either they are ‘billy boys’ or butchers. Lack of civilization and sophistication – They need help

          • 3

            Native Vedda,

            “I have been working on it.”

            For 2,500 years?

            How much more time do you need? Monk Mahanama of Mahawamsa Fame/Notoriety claims that the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, will be Dharma Deepaya, Faith Island, for 5,000 years. You have 2,500 more years to go, unless you accelerate your work.

            Do you want to consult the French as to how they managed the French Revolution?

        • 5

          Hamlet dear, You have a very poor understanding of Religion. Your thinking is primitive. No Superhuman is involved; no controlling ever takes place.

          • 1

            Yes, ‘Religion is the Opium of the Masses’!

      • 0

        Mohomad what you are saying: All over the world during your entire history you are destroying Statues, Mohommad Or allah doe snot have statues or painting of any kind. So, you want your unemployed Wahabis or mosques to run burserk in the world. I think people getting rid of Muslims ia fair game.

      • 1


        “Please correct me, I thought that Buddhism is not a religion, but a spiritual tradition?”

        Lord Bhuddha did discuss after life.he also discussed the 31 realms of existence that one can be reborn after death.For example if you behave like an animal you will be born as an animal(2nd realm of existence,first one being hell)

        Also if you read his first and most famous discourse of all,the dhammacakkappavattana sutta,which is in pali,but english translation available,(but you should read the exact word to word translation which is difficult to understand but better than fabrications)you will notice references to supernatural beings and other realms.eg-in pali- pavattite ca pana bhagavata dhamma cakke(and when the bhagava had set in motion the wheel of dhamma)Bhumma Deva saddam anussavesum(the devas of the earth proclaimed aloud)

        Devas are non human beings who have god like characteristics.There are bhumma deva(devas of the earth)in pali names catumaharajika devas,tavatimsa devas,yama devas,tusita devas,nimmavarati devas,paranimmitavasavatti devas,brahmakayika.

        when the bhumma(earth)devas proclaimed “at varanasi,in the deer grove at isipatana,the baghava has set in motion the supreme wheel of dhamma,which cannot be stopped by samanas or brahmins,devas,maras,brahma or anyone in the world,the catumaharajika devas hear the cry of the devas of the earth and proclaimed “at varanasi,in the deer grove at isipatana,the baghava has set in motion the supreme wheel of dhamma,which cannot be stopped by samanas or brahmins,devas,maras,brahma or anyone in the world,”.

        so higher level devas hear the cry of the lower level devas and proclaims the same.

        ps.The saddam mentioned here is not your saddam hussein.so don’t start saying that islam only started bhuddhism or something like that

      • 1


        What we have in Sri Lanka is a Buddhism as a religion.

        Buddha expect no one to adhere to his beliefs. Any Buddhist can either adhere to Buddha’s teaching or abstain from them. Buddhism does not punish any one for doing that. Why should religion need to punish people for not adhering to it’s beliefs? Are we still having the Nomad mentality?

        “but remember, “You too are doing the killings under the pretext of safe-guarding Buddhism”

        You just gave yourself away Mr. Mohammad. You imply here that you too can kill for your religion. But remember. If you start fighting the Kafirs will retaliate and will not stop until Islam is eradicated from the Sri Lankan soil. So, tell your friends to refrain from taking the extremist path. It will not end well for you people.

        • 4


          Islam is not a tradition, it is a religion, yes it punishes its followers. And it does not stop Islam from spreading.

          Since your mindset is full of killing others or committing suicide as another commenter said, you thought I talk about killing others. Even if I too can kill, I would rather focus putting that energy to make someone live better regardless of their religion

          Please do not threaten eradicating Islam which has seen, challenged and won enemies like true giants and much, much more stronger and bigger and stand here as 2nd largest religion, and who are you to eradicate Islam, a stupid, tiny dependent Lilliputian??

          You should be focusing on developing country’s economic situation, and not focus on creating another ethnic clash like a street lowlife. If someone pays you to do this, let us know so we can arrange to pay you triple or more to work towards peaceful and stronger country which is good for all of us, including you and your generations. And we can bring home our Sri Lankan women working for Arabs as slave maids and add some dignity to everyone’s lives.

          Don’t be a stupid racist.

        • 4


          “Buddha expect no one to adhere to his beliefs. Any Buddhist can either adhere to Buddha’s teaching or abstain from them. Buddhism does not punish any one for doing that. “

          Most well informed readers in this forum and elsewhere know enough about Buddhism as the Awakened one taught. There is no question about pristine Buddhism.

          The confusion arises when people claim to be something other than Buddhists. What is Sinhala/Buddhism or who are the Sinhala/Buddhists?
          Is Sinhala/Buddhism purer than Buddhism?

          Don’t bother if you haven’t got any idea.

    • 9

      Dr. Amir Ali,

      Thanks for a well written article. As you say, this bigotry started with the hegemony of the Ulama to control the Muslim mindset. The battle with the Islamic Philosophers (lovers of wisdom) by the Ulama came to an apex with Al-Ghazali, with his Incoharence of the Philosophers, and he was the savior of the Ulama, until Ibn Rushd, aka Averroes, came up with the Incoharence of the incoherence, around 1180 or so, along with many other works, which made the Ulama go berserk. The result was the use of political pressure on the rulers to ban and burn all philosophy books.

      Al Ghazali was shown to be in error 17 out of 20 points by Rushd.

      Now those bigots want to burn , damage or destroy, statues, mosques, temples , churches etc. and it is not restricted to only Muslims, but Buddhists and Hindus participate as well.

      Karl Marx said “Religion is the opium of the masses”. Was he a Prophet or a Philosopher?

    • 5

      E E.
      Buddhism is a PHILOSOPHY” Is’nt it? but practiced as a religion ? for political purposes!

      • 3


        Why do you care? Do you like to convert to Buddhism? It will do good for you here and also in your after life. (Cannot guarantee 72 Hoories though)

        • 3

          I care not; just stating a fact. Carry on with you “Religion” and do good.

        • 1

          It is time that you learn some Tamil language or any other Indian language soonest possible. Shenal to Shenathy looks good too.

  • 19

    The God should live in your mind and heart not in statues. We all know Daladha Maligawa was attacked by LTTE and it was under the leadership of former LTTE eastern leader Colonel Karuna Amman. The attack on Daladha Maligawa was not because LTTE did not like Lord Buddha or his teachings. IT was because the LTTE believed that the racism and the attacks on Tamils were planned or supported by the Buddhist clergys or Monks or leadership. Even today Mahinda Rajapakse’s anti Tamil campaign starts from Buddhist Temples. This does not mean Mahinda loves Buddhism or Buddha’s teachings. He knows that using the Buddha will get more votes to him and he can be in power.
    What important is that religion should not interfere in politics and politics should not mis use the Religion. For example, religious places should not allow politicians.

    • 14

      Please go to youtube and check how Vatican involves in politics. In Germany, there is ‘Christian Party’. Part of tax payers money go to that party.
      “This does not mean Mahinda loves Buddhism or Buddha’s teachings.”
      Did Mahinda tell you this?

    • 2


      So your are saying that LTTE was stupid enough to believe that Buddhist clergy meets regularly at Dalada Maligawa to plot on racist attacks against innocent Tamil people?

      No wonder they also believe they were the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka as well.

      • 5

        They used to but now they visit you home to plot. They also love all the fairy tales that you and your fellow racist morons post on Lanka Lies

  • 5

    Dr. Ameer Ali,
    You said, “Let the authorities sort out the right answer”. Rest of your article goes on the basis of guesswork.
    If you are retired in AU, why not come down to join the SLMC?

    • 1

      You mean the rat race in SL?
      Good idea only if you are interested in making a lot of money; i.e. politics in good old SL.

  • 5

    It is the second one ..
    Do not worry God is with us ..
    They did not learn a lesson from the past history ..
    Sri Lanka is suffering from its economic crisis because this mentality….
    SL is for some Buddhist extremists ..
    All others should not belong to this island..
    That mind set of racism is still with people …what is why we all suffer

  • 2

    Mr. Amir Ali,
    Don’t you think that, as a community, your people have miserably failed to discipline these criminals and hooligans? They all (8 of them) have a middle name ‘Mohamad’ and I suppose they are all misguided Musulmans. However, they are 8 in total and some of them are members of the same family and from the same area!
    When the LTTE was on a rampage, the current TNA members supported the gang and approved its criminal acts unconditionally. Do you think your community would commit the same blunder step by step and eventually end up where the TNA is today? Are you honest in writing this article or are you in damage control by suggesting a pretended separation between you and them?
    I’m curious because that’s how today’s so-called international ‘democracies’ work.They condemn openly but aid and abet on the sly!

  • 0

    It is Quran’s interpretatios. You come and blame everybody except thr correct place or the Muslims who follow that Teachings.

  • 4

    Dear Dr Ameer Ali,

    You write better than most Muslims (most write gibberish especially the ACJU) and you are to be praised for your efforts at modernising and reforming Islam and Sri Lankan Islam in particular.

    However your are avoiding the crucial issues of high birth rate of the Muslims and the economic religious cartels of Muslims. The high birth rate has made Muslim countries in to beggar nations (eg Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Somalia and so on).

    Please remember Moghuls were Islamic thugs and rapists who plundered India destroying the Hindus, Jains and the Buddhsits. The extraordinary Buddhist University of Nalanda was destroyed by Baktiar Kilji; thousands of Buddhist monks beheaded, libraries burnt, statues destroyed, medical schools destroyed. You silence on these matters is deafening!!!

    Are you a hypocrite underneath dressed up as a scholar?

    • 2

      Good Student,

      “The high birth rate has made Muslim countries in to beggar nations (eg Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Somalia and so on)”

      Those countries (except Somalia) with higher birth-rate are doing much better than SL where those countries often help SL either economically or by other means. For a sample, Sri Lankan army wouldn’t still know how to better pilot a fighter jet, if not for Pakistan’s help during war time.

      Why SL is poorer than some in your list? A country’s status is determined not by birth-rate, but by birth-rate of idiots (“modayas”).

      • 3

        M. Sajjad,

        “Why SL is poorer than some in your list? A country’s status is determined not by birth-rate, but by birth-rate of idiots (“modayas”).

        You got this right. Idiots (“modayas”). have low IQ’s. The IQ mean of Sri Lanka is 79.

        Too many Idiots (“modayas”) certainly do not help.

        Now the Muslims of Sri Lanka are lead by the ACJU Idiots (“modayas”). They believe that the Earth was spread out like a carpet, the Sun sets in the murky waters, goes under Allah’s throne, and that Aisha was 6 when she was married to the Prophet, when there is evidence, that she was between 7 and 21..

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    Ghazali started as a rationalist, became a Sufi and then compromised with orthodoxy. His tuhfatul falasifa, kimiyaye sa’adat and ihya are three milestones that mark his life changes. Keep up your reading. Your thoughts and comments are welcome.

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      Yes It is all described in his autobiography, and he bridged the gap between the orthodoxy and the mystics( Sufis), said that the Sufis had it righter, because Sufis loved God by the heart, and this is making the current Wahhabi-Salafis and their clones, go berserk

      Al-Ghazali rescued the Orthodoxy from the philosophers, in the mu’tazilites vs ash’arites debate, as Ghazali was an Asharite, and that is where he gained prominence with the Orthodoxy, because he elevated Revelation above Reason and Demonstration, Observations and Data So, the Orthodoxy has a huge problem with the Theory of Evolution, and perhaps against the earth rotating on its own axis and going around the Sun

      So, even though Ibn Rushd showed Ghazali to be incorrect in 17 of the 20 points, and had other works such as On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy, and Faith and Reason in Islam, where he claimed that the Ulama are not the People of knowledge, only Philosophers are, further antagonized the Ulama So the Ulama used political pressure on the ruler to punish Rushd, and got the Philosophy books banned and burned Sounds familiar? Galileo and the Heliocentric model?

      This is the same in religion (Ulama, Monks, Priests) and politics
      Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour


      A final reason offered was Ibn Rushd’s book The Incoherence of the Incoherence, in which he responded to the fallacies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali’s The Incoherence of Philosophers. He did this despite knowing Ghazali was the master of the Almohad dynasty who were in power, and believed the earth was located between the horns of a bull.

      Mansur also ordered that all parts of the kingdom should warn against philosophy, and philosophical books be burnt except for those dealing with medicine, mathematics and astronomy.

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    It is not possible to say that Buddhism in Myanmar and in SL aren’t violent. Rohinga Muslims in Burma are at the receiving end of the Buddhists and from time to time IT HAPPENS to the Tamils/Muslims and Christians in SL. The perpetrators are NOT dealt with and the problem continues. The Financing of the thugs who create religious and racial violence are the Sinhala Politicians of both sides. Who financed the BBS? WHY DOES IT STILL EXIST?
    The corrupt politicians seems to be wearing lots of threads around their wrists and precious stone rings on their fingers. They believe in Astrology/Palmistry etc etc in order to steal more wealth from our National Coffers. God save Mother Lanka.

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      “Rohinga Muslims in Burma are at the receiving end of the Buddhists and from time to time IT HAPPENS to the Tamils/Muslims and Christians in SL.”
      In Sri Lanka, all ethnic and religious riots were reactions to anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhists acts of Demalu (Hindu and Muslim). When these Kallathonis threaten Sinhalayo, do you expect them to keep om chanting ‘Paanathipaatha Weramani Sikkapadam Samadiyami’ or ‘Karaneeya Metta Sutta’.
      In Burma, Rohinga Muslims were attacked by thugs hired by See Eye A.

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      Naman, The common feeling among many Buddhists and Hindus is that if you keep quiet allowing religious invasions to happen without any resistance the weak nations will be converted to Islam or wiped out in no time. You know very well what happened to Nalanda University in India at the turn of the 1st millennium. Nobody resisted and the Muslim terrorists and rapists who invaded India like barbarians destroyed it and beheaded all Buddhist monks. When Hindus take up arms against Muslims in India today even the Central government can not control them. Why? Their hatred towards your ancestors is well displayed at these riots. However, have you learnt a lesson from the past? Apparently not!
      Just see, a few years ago, what happened to Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan? The whole world kept quiet and the Taliban terrorists used dynamite and plastic explosives with multi-barrel gun fire and rocket-propelled grenades to destroy this universal heritage. They did not know that these invaluable Buddha statues were built by their own forefathers even before Allah appeared on earth.
      Do you think other gods were fine with this terror act. I think all gods got together and punished Taliban and the US too. Why US? because the US was the only country that could have prevented it. However, they did not and a few years later Islamic terror groups appeared through twin towers destroying over 3000 Americans. Then the US woke up and realized terrorism is terrorism whether it happens in Afghanistan, India, Miyanmar, Sri Lanka or the US.

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    There you go again, Ameer Ali, letting your imagination run riot. Why not wait for the CID to complete the investigation and establish whether the attacks on the statues were carried out by some crazed individuals or planned by some misguided religious or political groups?

    Lets hope and pray that the CID investigations are thorough and impartial and completed with utmost urgency.

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    Let the authorities sort out the right answer. However, behind all condemnations of this dastardly act and resolve to repair the damage lies a greater and fundamental issue that needs addressing.

    *** Are you living in a dream World. This is Sinhala Lanka.
    The killers of thousands of Innocent Tamils are still at large and given State of the Art Protection by MS and also RW. The killer of Thajudin was still playing Rugby until God decided to punish him and put him ot of action forever.
    Thousands of skeltons ( of the missing sons) have been unearthed burried by MR and he sheds crocodile tears for the Flood Victims of Mannar .
    Let nature take its course.

    Prepare for Elections because SOVEREIGNTY is about to be lost

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    Shiva Shankar Sharma,

    Sinhalese king never request from any Kallathonies, plunderers, smugglers or captured during invasions in Batticalo to allow Muslims to settle over there to escape Portuguese and in fact he ordered to provide logistics to them to settle. All tamil claims homeland, elam and the way they have come to Sri Lanka are full of lies as same as your comments. Anyway, you can live in your fantasy world for ever.

    As far as the toic o this discussion is concerned, we would like to see a single comment yet on the damage done Buddha statues from dogs of Western Embassies who were willingly involved in other internal problems of Sri Lanka.

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