As a peace prize winner myself, I am nominating Manning for this honor for his work to help end the Iraq War and other conflicts.
Peace is more than simply the absence of war; it is the active creation of something better. Alfred Nobel recognized this when he created alongside those for chemistry, literature, medicine and physics, an annual prize for outstanding contributions in peace. Nobel’s foresight is a reminder to us all that peace must be created, maintained, and advanced, and it is indeed possible for one individual to have an extraordinary impact. For this year’s prize, I have chosen to nominate US Army Pfc Bradley Manning, for I can think of no one more deserving. His incredible disclosure of secret documents to Wikileaks helped end the Iraq War, and may have helped prevent further conflicts elsewhere.
Read more in the Guardian
*Mairead Corrigan-Maguire founded the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed the Community of Peace People) and won the 1976 Nobel peace prize
JimSofty / June 30, 2013
How about, Julian Asange. He was arrested first for not using condoms or having consensual sex with a stranger woman ?
Fazeel / July 1, 2013
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, all deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. The world would be a worse place without them.
Dodo / July 1, 2013
Absolutely! I second this. These folk need to be recognized for their courage and service for the greater good of humankind at great personal cost to themselves.. They are true cosmopolitans who are citizens of the world than of petty, jealous and squabbling nation-states.
Asange, Manning, and Snowdon are men of courage and vision who have dared to challenge the great American INSECURITY JUGGERNAUT that the USA has spawned with ever since 9/11 and the War on Terror, which has resulted in the militarization of the world at great cost to human well being and socio-economic growth and justice the world over.
The world is following the WRONG ‘DEVELOPMENT” path of extreme militarization and securitization to protect a highly INEQUITABLE and UNJUST world economic system by peddling war..
Rajpassas regime in Sri Lanka has benefited hugely form this American inspired culture of hyper militarization and surveillance.
Militarization and surveillance has reached a TIPPING POINT and today is the greatest cause of INSECURITIZATION and inequality as vast funds are spent on “security” at the expense of investment in REAL human development – particularly health and education.
abhaya / July 1, 2013
and you should stop smoking pot
JimSofty / July 1, 2013
Nobel Peace prize showed that it is just money earned by royalties for Dynamite production. that is why Obama got it and not many others who did something good to world will not get it.
How many traitors who were hanged centuries ago became the heroes later ?
len / July 2, 2013
This time I agree.
JimSofty / July 1, 2013
both Bradley Manning and Snowmen are Robin hood type of peoples.
len / July 2, 2013
One of the reasons for Manning’s action at the time was attributed to internal turmoil he was suffering because of his homosexuality and the strict rules governing the US defence policy at that time nor confirm or deny rule in sexual orientation according to his defence Lawyer.So now it seems gender orientation is a good enough excuse for a defence.I wrongly believed Homosexual Lesbians or by Bisexuals were fighting to have equal status in every way under the same law and to be treated same as heterosexuals I guess I was wrong.
gonbella / July 4, 2013
Hehe, makes me smile. Henry Kissinger – the chief architect of mega deaths in Vietnam and Palestine also was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Please pull my other leg also.