2 May, 2024


Brahmins Demand A Debate On Debt

By Sarath de Alwis

Sarath de Alwis

“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.” ~ Adam Smith

“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” ~ John Maynard Keynes

“When the sufferers learn to think, then the thinkers will learn to suffer.” ~ Karl Marx

“Incur debt but consume ghee” is an ancient piece of Brahmin wisdom in Vedic literature. It explains the caption of this essay.

It is showdown time. The next election, Presidential or Parliamentary will be a ‘head-to-head’ encounter between the ‘dominant’ and the ‘dominated.’

Despite polls and engineered parades, the dismantling of the hegemony of the dominant class is not a certainty. Since hope is not optimism, I would say that it is a near certainty.

The Bastille will be breached. If not totally, substantially. 2024 is the year when people of Sri Lanka will prove Heraclitus right. “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man. 

The ‘dominant’ includes the elite, the establishment, the privileged and most critically the crony class of the rich.

The ‘dominated’ are the masses, the not so privileged, the underprivileged, the poor and the forgotten.

The ‘Economic Council ‘of the SJB has challenged the ‘Economic Council’ of the NPP for a serious exchange of views on their respective readings of our nation’s predicament and how each side plans to overcome sovereign default.

The credentials of the SJB trio are widely known. They exemplify the ‘establishment’. Most importantly, all three held political office under President Ranil Wickremesinghe who is now directing negotiations with our Commercial creditors – chaps who bought our ‘International Sovereign Bonds.

Lest we forget most of these ISBs were issued under the ‘Yahapalanaya’ time 2015 – 2019 when all three gentlemen of the SJB’s economic council served as Ministers of State.

Of the NPP’s economic council only one could claim a readily identifiable public persona. As chairman of the Parliamentary Committee that investigated and exposed the ‘Bond Scandal’ of January 2015 he earned the admiration of ordinary people who for the first time discovered the bonds that bind the powerful and the greedy. The other two are obscure academics and are not practiced speechmakers.

Of the SJB trio, two are Royalists and one attended both Royal and Trinity.

The NPP trio are most unlikely to have attended such ‘Pukka-Sahib’ public schools or possess the elan to do a ‘Baila Jig’ with the US ambassador. But as Professor Anil Jayantha of the NPP points out Economics is not rocketing science.

NPP’s economists would be more worldly. They will know that the poor would prefer to have their children properly educated. Since they cook only once a day they may not want refrigerators. The poor don’t need air conditioners. They prefer the shade of a giant tree and may not want it chopped down.

But as Dr. Harsha de Silva pointed out at a recent press conference the country should know what the two sides stand for. When I say two sides I mean two sides. The haves and the have-nots.

The political sophistry to seek a distinction between Ranil’s UNP and Sajith’s SJB when there is no difference between their respective approaches to restructuring our commercial debt escapes my limited intellectual capacity.

May be I too am a ‘Yakko’ or a  ‘Godaya” type to have got seduced in my youth  by the abundant humanity in Karl Marx’s  writings – his  essential discovery of the exploitative and self-destructive nature of capitalism.

Karl Marx was a great philosopher and a historian. He was fallible. He was wrong in some of his theories. But he was right on one simple diktat. Pure pursuit of self-interest would lead to anarchy. He did not foresee a Lenin attempting to try out his theories in the primitive agrarian society of Russia. That said despite Stalinist distortions central planning put a sputnik in to orbit before the Americans. By the way, NASA was funded by American taxpayers’ money. The research on developing the ‘internet’ was also funded the Research Agencies of the US Defense Department. There is something to be said about central planning.      

Instead of mocking Karl Marx, Dr. Harsha de Silva must look up what President Xi Jing Peng told the last Communist Party Congress of China.

“We commemorate Marx in order to pay tribute to the greatest thinker in the history of mankind,” Xi told the 19th Congress.

Analyzing Chinse version of revised Marxist manifesto is not the purpose of this essay. So, I shall not digress.

Let us hope that the two economic policy teams of Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake will soon get down to a serious public discussion.

Who can tell? Who can predict what the future holds?

If rescuing the economy of the land is the prime goal and not appeasing odious commercial lenders no matter at what cost, the two sides may arrive at a broad consensus to reclaim.

A. our collective sanity.

B. restructure our debts in a manner that avoids the whirlpool of more and more debt.

The SJB economic wizards should be familiar with the seminal study of financial folly of sovereign nations for the past eight centuries by Carmen M Reinhart and Keneth S. Rogoff published in 2011.

It is aptly titled ‘This Time is Different’. That is the mind set of every defaulting sovereign. Somehow, we will be different. Somehow, we will get it right and will be on our way to growth and glory. History tells us different. Reinhart and Rogoff in the best empirical investigation of financial crises say that no sovereign defaulter has escaped serial default.

“Lightning may never strike twice in the same place, but the same cannot be said of sovereign default. Throughout history governments have demonstrated that “serial default” is the rule, not the exception. Argentina has famously defaulted on five occasions since its birth in the 1820s.”

I am not an economist. Therefore, I shall avoid treading further in to disputed territory. But I must inform the readers of this missive what these two resected academics stress strongly. “…Large scale debt buildups pose risks because they make an economy vulnerable to crisis of confidence, particularly when debt is short term and needs to be refinanced. Debt fueled booms all too often provide false affirmation of a government’s policies, a financial institutions’ s ability to make outsized profits, or a country’s standard of living. Most of these booms end badly.”     

This is a subject for experts better informed, more pragmatic, and disciplined. I shall therefore desist from venturing further.

That said, the naïve, the gullible and the chattering class that reposes faith in the messianic pundit and chosen medicine man of the Rajapaksa tribe to guide us towards a  sanguine recovery just round the corner are no better than Alice in Wonderland. When I listen to the brash promise for a developed Sri Lanka in 2048, I think of Alice’s Wonderland. “Imagination is the only weapon with reality.”   

ISBs constitute the most complex and heaviest of portion of our debt burden.

A near 70 percent of this ISBs were issued during the period 2015 – 2019 under the ‘Yahapalana’ government.

There is a cruel irony in this mad theatre. Sri Lanka entered the International Capital Market in 2007. The story of how we did what we did is described in a paper ‘Sri Lanka Steps into the International Capital Markets by Assistant Governor C.J.P. Siriwardena in the CBSL’s commemorative 60th Anniversary Commemorative Volume.

For the benefit of those interested in our economic history he records “the main opposition political party opposed the sovereign bond issue strongly with a threat that they would not honour under their government, obligations arising from the bond issue.”

The Sunday Times of August 2007 reported that the UNP had written to three foreign banks informing them that a future UNP government would not honour the repayment of the proposed US $ 500 million bond to be taken by the Government, Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe declared.

He said by the time we pay back the loan in another decade; the amount would be as high as $ 850 million or Rs. 12,000 million making the nation a debtor for 10 long years to HSBC.

In 2015 the new government did not repudiate the ISB debts. Instead, it floated yet another ISB issue for US$650,000,000 due in 2025.

The government specified the use of proceeds. “The Government will use the net proceeds from the issue of the Bonds (estimated to be US$648,067,737 after deduction of underwriting commission and fees as well as estimated expenses) to fund ongoing and/or new development projects of the Government.”

Now whenever, we ask the SJB’s economic experts why they raised such huge ISB loans, the standard response is that they had to roll over Rajapaksa folly.

It is a classic exemplification of the maxim suppress truth to suggest a falsehood ‘Suppresio Veri – Suggestio Falsi .

In the CBSL annual report for 2015 under External Sector Policies and Developments 5.11.2 there is a curious disclosure couched in convoluted jargon.

“Meanwhile, the Central Bank intervened in the domestic foreign exchange market as a net supplier throughout the year. Accordingly, the Central Bank supplied US dollars 3,429 million to the market, while absorbing US dollars 179 million, resulting in a supply of US dollars 3,250 million, on a net basis, during the year.“

During the Yahapalanaya years 2015 – 2019 the Central Bank regularly intervened to stabilize the Rupee by supplying Dollars to the market while floating ISBs. Borrowing Dollars in international capital markets at 7 percent annual interest while supplying Dollars to peg the Rupee is anything but economics.

The NPP economists should ask their SJB counterparts to explain the rationale of borrowing in the international capital markets to defend the Rupee which despite all efforts soared from Rs. 131 to the dollar in 2015 to around Rs. 180 to the dollar in 2019.

A young motor enthusiast tells me that during Years 2017 and 2018, the country imported the highest number of Land Rover Range Vogue SUVs to the country. I don’t know what they are but on inquiry I was told that they were the preferred chariots of our modern-day Caesars of filthy lucre. No doubt those owners of such exotic chariots would want continuity of vulgar Bourgeoisie opulence no matter the price.      

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  • 16

    Sarath, if only, I had read your article , I would have avoided writing a comment , elsewhere questioning did any Lankan warn of potential financial meltdown , bankruptcy, dysfunctionality and failures. The Sunday Times of 2007 reported , ??? I’m surprised it took us this many years to hit the bottom. SHAM , all the way.

    • 14

      Answer is an admixture of Capitalism for the rich and Marxism for the poor. Capitalism alone will make rich richer and poor poorer widening the social gap. Marxism alone will limit market forces strangulating the economy. Poor should be looked after regarding health, education, housing, food and dress. Rich should be made happy to enjoy luxuries in life. Srilanka is essentially an agricultural economy, and thus farmers will have to be looked after with subsidies in fertilizer and guaranteed price for their produce. There is something radically wrong in the present system where poor farmers are committing suicide unable to pay back the loans and middle men are flying in helicopters. I am sure if Jaffna farmers are given their place, with their hard work they will feed the nation. Unfortunately under Sinhala governments, this will not happen with need to import food. Allow Tamils to prosper and they will lift up the country like what Chinese did to Malaysia.

      • 17

        “I am sure if Jaffna farmers are given their place, with their hard work they will feed the nation.”

        That is true!

        I’ve seen it with my own eyes. ……. They were growing upcountry vegetables in arid hot climate in small plots and courtyards ……. even soon after the end of the war.

        If ye have problems facing the truth due to ethnic/racial issues ……. you’ll have to wait for pure Sinhala-Buddhist vegetables for a long time …….

        • 9

          ““I am sure if Jaffna farmers are given their place, with their hard work they will feed the nation.”
          You mean the 2500 year old agricultural system will have to be scrapped? Or will it be leased out to Jaffna farmers?
          What will the present occupants do?

        • 5

          nimal fernando

          “I’ve seen it with my own eyes. ……. They were growing upcountry vegetables in arid hot climate in small plots and courtyards ……. even soon after the end of the war.”

          Please refer to Anuradhapura story of a young farmer:
          Young farmer successfully cultivates Nuwara Eliya cabbage in dry zone

          This story was published only yesterday.

          If given level playing field every farmer irrespective of their region could try their best feeding the nation without much import, only if you you remove the heavy load they have been carrying all these years such as the political class, saffronistas, state functionaries, racists, market mafias, ….. ….

          Think about this Modi is going to develop farms on the Southern pole of the moon where Indians scientists have discovered water. If he could, so could our famers only if we stop thinking our neighbour China would help us with food especially free rice ……. and protecting sovereignty (whatever that maybe).

          • 0


            This is an area Lankans needs to think more about. Subsistence vs. mechanised agriculture. Scientific methods can be used, like in Japan, to increase productivity of small-scale farms.

            The advantages of mechanised agriculture can be observed in North America where a large number of the population was freed to engage in other activities. While in South America subsistence farming binds people to the land and keep them poor.

  • 17

    We are condemned to be a debtor nation for years to come unless some new government has the guts to challenge the validity of these debts and refuse payment. Only the NPP will have the guts to do that. Mahathir Mohammed turned inwards, refused IMF loans and brought Malaysia out of the Asian economic crisis. In Sri Lanka, this will not be done simply because the elite classes that profit from the existing system will ensure that their privileges are kept. They are regrouping now. We can see it take place. CBK, the Bandit Queen, is back on the prowl. GL Pieris is joining with Sajith. Ranil will play a role in the regrouping. The yellow brigade will be roped in at the appropriate time. The foreign interests will play their part. Witness how the World Bank issues statements that the country is on the way to recovery which would be spoilt if a change is made, forestalling the possibility of the NPP. We will be back to the same place, a neoliberal, Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka, the paradise island for the rich playboys and girls.

    • 5

      Dear Cicero,
      From Jaffna
      (or so I think!) you have said this.
      For six months now, AKD has been predicting that just before the election, all other forces will coalesce to defeat the NPP. I then thought that he was getting rather paranoid, but now it sounds a real threat.
      This is Wiggy’s article:
      I have just submitted some links there to two Jaffna AKD meetings yesterday. I wanted to check on forthcoming meetings in The Peninsula, and had a fifteen minute chat with Pelawatte. I forgot to ask; instead I discussed the possibility of a Teachers’ Convention in Badulla, and much else. It will be easy enough for you to inquire.
      The NPP is everywhere! This yesterday:
      And this is live, NOW! Will listen later.
      That’s with Tilvin Silva; should lay to rest the theory that the NPP is dependent on just one man, but then critics will start on a doctrinaire “old guard” who will who will derail the “progressives.” The same fellows will also say that the NPP doesn’t have people with “experience”.
      “Douglas” has been countering some of them.
      From Bandarawela

    • 4

      “the two sides may arrive at a broad consensus to reclaim.
      A. our collective sanity.
      B. restructure our debts in a manner that avoids the whirlpool of more and more debt.”
      Getting into debt is a national characteristic. One’s vehicle or TV must be better than the neighbour’s . Utility or cost isn’t a factor. Indians come here and admire “our” fancy highways .
      But they don’t know it’s borrowed money.
      Coming to the matter of a “debt whirlpool”, I don’t believe ANY party has a real solution. We are locked into an international system. Let’s say the NPP tries to renegotiate the debt, and the creditors refuse. If the NPP then refuses to pay:
      1. It will be seen as a default. We lose credibility, and nobody will accept our LC’s. Cash up front will be demanded for imports. If we don’t have enough cash, it will have to be rationed, and there will be shortages of everything from fuel to onions.
      2. If the creditors are willing to negotiate, we might get a couple of years more to pay back.

      • 3

        2. If the creditors are willing to negotiate, we might get a couple of years more to pay back.
        But the IMF will insist on stringent conditions that will make life difficult for the people.
        The people will grumble, making life difficult for the NPP.
        3. If the NPP decides to buck the system (System Change) and go it alone, all imports will have to be limited. Fuel, rice, LPG, sugar, onions, potatoes , etc will have to be strictly rationed. Only the tourism industry will be allowed to import goods for tourists. Everyone else will travel by bus. Even buses will eventually deteriorate for lack of spares. It is possible that trailers fitted with seats, pulled by tractors, will be popular as transport, because tractors will be imported for agriculture.
        4. If we go along with IMF conditions, life will indeed be very tough, at least till 2048 (🤣), but self-discipline is a good thing to learn, isn’t it?

  • 2

    SdeA, I read in your article that Karl Marx was a great philosopher and historian, but could not stand the testing of it by Lenin. Xi too pays a tribute to the greatest thinker in the history of mankind. It is all against capitalism. But to see Karl Marx later hiding and running in wealthy European countries and finally being allowed to live in London, the capitalist democratic city where Marx had the freedom he was chasing after all his life. But finally he had very poor living, being born a jew in Germany but writing (D.Capita) associated with the socialist movement in the British Museum. Sadly, he lost his faith and his dream was a communist revolution, but died in 1883 and was buried at Highgate cemetery in north London, later added to by wife, daughter and grandchildren. His remains were vandalised several times and the grave moved adding a monument. It became a pilgrimage site for China and Cuba. Sri Lanka elections, dominant or dominated?

  • 13

    I am yet to see a person from the majority race accept the FACT that the ECONOMY of the country is at the rock bottom because of the people from the majority of the country fully concentrating their goal on how to bring down the minorities educationally economically as well as in numbers by deporting the up country Tamils and by committing genocidal activities.
    Still they haven’t learnt that divided we stand we will FALL & fall again

    • 0

      Naman ,

      Have you ever seen , in a family of three or more members , both
      males and females , not all of them are interested in a better life ?
      We have a bulk of them in our country and they are the majority .
      And for them , Fall & Fall Again is a Gamble . They are the Curse
      to those who want a better life .

  • 7

    I am delighted to hear about this NEW TREND of Public Debate among the candidates who are contesting for the Presidency. These types of debates normally take place in the Western World and those certainly give the voters a grand opportunity to know from the “Horses Mouth” (1) How they propose to plan the future (2) Do they know the actual problems facing the country (3) To assess their capacity to tackle the problems (4) What type of LEADERSHIP they could provide for a Team and (5) How genuine are they in the execution of plans.

    In short, this could also lead to a CHANGE in the POLITICAL CULTURE that we want.

    So let this debate be made public and it must necessarily be among the candidates and NOT between SECONDARY GROUPS of supporters. We want the LEADERS to talk – period.

    • 4

      I hope that public debate among the candidates for presidential election happens in the country by independent media (TV) with the common problems that faced by the country and how they intend to solve the problems. However, so far we only knew that AKD from NPP and Sajith from SJB are the candidates. Still we do not know about SLPP or UNP. Tamil political parties have not decided yet. It should happen when Election Commission confirmed the nomination for presidential election. Each candidate should tell how they want to solve the 75 year Ethnic problem, how the country fallen into bankruptcy and how they plan to solve the economic problem.

      • 1

        Ajith: Thanks for your input. This debate must be with all the candidates whose nominations have been accepted, but certainly not among TWO candidates (Sajith & Anura) as called for by the Political Gurus of SJB. This debate must be accommodated by the National TV (Rupavahini) and it must be aired by all other TV channels.

        The subjects must be (1) the Economy (2) Political situation and its future (3) Law and Order (4) Social changes (education, health etc). There must be a well-rounded MODERATOR to conduct the debate who can discipline the candidates in their delivery and behavior. Just a few of my thoughts.

    • 2

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  • 1

    CBK appears to be getting some winding. When the protesters were standing in the rain and shine, she was not illuminated by anybody. Now she is enlightened so she filed for an injunction against the White Flag murderer. That man failed to wake up when India was telling him that “You guys are plotting a Jihadi war”. But he went ahead anyway and plotted the war. Now he is telling “India did it”. Isn’t it the nursery level where the kids break slate pencils, and then go and complain to the teacher that the helped child pick up the broken piece from the floor has broken his pencil? Because that child is still holding the other half in his hand, the cunning have had punished the nice one and taken the victory story to the Modayas at home, to get the applause i.e. “Our government never failed to protect our people ‘ there too. White Flag Murderer did not want to mind India because he successfully used Evil cooperation to foil the Kanthalai Sugar Factory bribe case, which too was tipped by India. There are so many fake democratic counties hanging on the sari of Langkang, but only, it was India, who directly complained to Appe (though it was only to Evil Emperor, the emperor of Impunity) Aanduwa about the crimes which were taking place on Langkang’ soil.

  • 2

    Both stories were published media over media and printed paper over paper. But there is nobody to prosecute these crimes because the main reason is Evil blocked Chandrika’s attempt to ratify the Rome Accord. There are about one million cases pending in courts. These animals are other people money sucking politicians gang no 2. Ranjan went to prison for the fault of talking about the corruption of these “Porukki ” courts. Now, before CBK files for injunction the courts have released the verdict. We would have welcomed White Flag Murderer unseated, if it was done by the Protestors- 2022, or even by CBK, at another time. Why CBK is doing this at this time is not any NASA or ISRO scientists’ question. She wants to join Evil only to take care of her old partners & the current Enemies, NPPyers.
    Langkang Sinhala Buddhists will not be able to breathe air through any hole, because there is always someone standing ready with sand & cement to close any air leaking holes.
    (If the NPP wins the election, it will be a phenomenal incident like Lord Buddha flying back to Langkang.)
    Jaya Wava for Modayas, and their crooked politicians.

  • 9

    “Incur debt but consume ghee”— I had serious doubt about its Vedic origin and checked.
    This is what I found:
    Follow these words from Charvaka Philosophy: Rinam Kritva, Ghritam Pibet – “As long as you are live, enjoy your life, incur debt & eat ghee, once the body is burnt, it won’t come back.”
    Charvaka was one of the five major philosophical systems that evolved much after the Vedas. Being a materialist view of the world, it was denied a place in the Brahminical Hindu schools of thought.
    This is not the first time that the author has been reckless with his citations.

  • 7

    “He did not foresee a Lenin attempting to try out his theories in the primitive agrarian society of Russia.”
    Sorry SdeA, it was Mao that did that. It was not quite a primitive agrarian society either. Remember, it was an empire with a navy. Take a peek at Joseph Needham’s work on science and industry in China0
    Russia was industrialized at the time of the Russian revolution that was carried out by the working class, and Russia, Lenin said, was the weakest link in the imperialist chain.
    I think some serious reading by the author will help both him and readers.

    • 2

      Hello SJ,
      If you listen carefully you will hear a low rumbling noise (not tinnitus) coming from the direction of North London. It is Karl Marx turning in his grave in Highgate (yes I have been there), Vladimir Ilyich is still lying embalmed and Lev Davidovich is too far away in Mexico. I have read Wealth of Nations, Capital (with difficulty), What is to be Done and The History of the Russian Revolution – has the Author?
      Now if the NPP had these three as their Economic Council, I might listen.
      As an outsider (previously) looking in, no amount of Economic theories could explain why Sri Lanka was and still is on its knees. To me its simple theft. The Sri Lankan Political Class and their Business cohorts stole all the money (or used it for hopeless Infrastructure Projects) provided by Chinese and Western Banks as loans etc and the Government used up all the Foreign Currency to prop up the Rupee putting themselves in Bankruptcy and Default. Not being an Economist, this is probably a simplistic explanation, but, hopefully the new generation of Sri Lankan Economists will come up with a better explanation and suitable remedies.
      Best regards

      • 5

        My comments were on the superficiality of the author’s observarions.
        Marx, Lenin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Amilcar Cabral have long to go before losing relevance .
        The insights provided by Marx on capitalism and its crises became so relevant during the crises of the past two decades that Marx became important reading to the class that he challenged.
        Those who learn from their contributions understand imperialist globalization and its crisis best, and those who only see formulae in them get nowhere.
        The paradox is that capitalist China and Russia are posing a bigger threat to US imperialism than the socialist USSR and China that it had contributed to bring down.
        Sri Lanka, although it may hurt our egos to hear so, is a negligible term in the global economic and political equations.

      • 3

        LankaScot – Yes. Theft was and still is part of the problem. I am no Economist either but there’s a book written by one Dr. W. A. Wijewardena, who writes a regular weekly column to CT as well, who is an ex- deputy governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, titled “A Child’s guide to Ranilnomics, Cryptos and Currency Boards”. In which, in its third and the last part, named Currency Boards, he explains a much more deeper systemic problem we have had since the inception of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in 1950. Worth a read if you want to understand what the country has been plagued with. But you could also adapt a more scientific explanation like Kuveni’s Curse instead.

        • 1

          ” more scientific explanation like Kuveni’s Curse instead.”

          I guess it is time for Ruchira to start campaigning to make the Langkang constitution a scientific one. America has in its constitution for its people that the Church and Government are two unrelated entities. But when Tamils’ rights came America supported Tamils taking stand-behind the lower-level Buddhist monks, to spread the Himalaya Declaration. Rationality behind this: if you irritate Sinhala Buddhists, who are already anti-Americans, will not allow the Appe Aanduwa to pull out of China. America thinks Sinhala Buddhist would never become Scientific, giving up their religion which preaches about Queveni’s curses and Karma. So, America retiring that Tamils who already lost at base-bottom by the luck of having lived next to Sinhala Buddhists, can take the onus of Sinhala Buddhism, but the Americans who are leading, they should have fully free secularism. If it is easy for Americans, it is not just for Ruchira, but any or all Sinhala Buddhists can easily forget about other sufferers but preach the scientific in-depth of the Sinhala Buddhism. That is opportunistically observing and illuminating only, nothing to follow.

          If anybody in Langkang wishes to live with scientific followers, the only way of achieving this is making Appe Aanduwa an Atheistic constitution based.
          You don’t want to deny Karma and thus Sinhala Buddhist constitution, but just want to deny the Queveni Curse? Jayawewa!

  • 0

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  • 3

    I have always enquired about the NPP economic recovery strategy & their sources of funding, therefore, I am looking forward to this debate. I hope all serious political parties throwing in their hat at the next election will also participate & hopefully, the voter will be able to weed out the jokers.
    Of course, an eloquent speaker will talk convincingly, therefore, all promises & objectives should be within a specified time frame, all expenditure costed & the sources of funding revealed Statements, such as, ‘we will invite FDI’ or ‘re-negotiate with donors’ are too vague, instead, I would like to see a mature debate on the groundwork & the infrastructure available for investors & donors. If this is going to be a case who shots the loudest with irrelevant fact, it’s going to be another ‘reality show’ for just entertainment viewing. I am sure

    • 3

      Apologies, my comments were accidently posted before I could complete the sentence. Also, a spelling error, Should be ‘shout the loudest’, not shot. Anyway, to continue….

      I am sure the NPP with its perceived intellectual membership & SJB veterans on the subject would provide a lively & constructive debate but I have my doubts with the rest of the political parties being able to contribute effectively, so. I trust the organisers will ensure a serious debate & not a reality show, purely for entertainment.

      • 0

        Raj-UK: Can anyone CONFIRM “Sources of Funding” at a debate, without knowing it on a firm basis? Who will PROVIDE funds without knowing who or what political party is going to win?

        Another matter you want: “re-negotiated with debtors” to be revealed. Can anyone do that? You are aware (I hope) that such negotiations are going on in the UK with the parties concerned on the guidelines of IMF. Can even the present Government of Ranil W answer your quarries? I doubt. You would agree that a PLAN of ACTION can be stated and it is left to the voter to ASSESS, who is capable and what plan would likely be successful.

      • 2

        If there is a debate, the debate should be in English it should be translated by a Profession Indipendent Tamil and Professional Independent Sinhala. I understand that Daily Main media has invited Ranil, Anura and Sajith. I don’t know whether Ranil has finalised or not to stand as a common or SLPP or UNP candidate. This highlights Ranil is afraid to face the people. All those who are in his government are opportunistic politicians who are still members of Parliament of SLPP or SJB. For example, Tamil MPs who are with him Douglas Devananda is a terrorist who trained in Palestine, Pi;;aiyan who was a LTTE terrorist, Viyalenthiran who turned into TNA or SLFP. Most of the Muslim MPs are now with Sajith and SLPP. He is now using his Presidential Power under the influence of USA. What is the answer he has if you ask what actions you have taken against those who are involved with corruption or murders?

        • 1

          “If there is a debate, the debate should be in English it should be translated by a Profession Indipendent Tamil and Professional Independent Sinhala.”
          Is English the sole official language of the country?
          Any of the three translated into the other two should be all right.
          The language that a speaker is most comfortable in is important.

    • 7

      Dear Raj-UK,

      There’s only one way that Sajith can win that debate!
      He may turn up (armed with his Thesaurus) and say that since they are now the prospective Presidents, AND since the President must be able to use English in International Fora, the debate must be in English.
      Well, when Sajith uses English, I for one can’t understand what Mr Malaprop is saying!
      Don’t worry; Anura will know how to overcome such strategies. Quite seriously, the guy has an enviably high IQ.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 2


        SP has his old man’s gift of public speaking in Sinhala & should have no objection for the debate to be in Sinhala. In fact, the debate should be broadcasted in SInhala so that a broader section of the vote base will benefit in making an educated decision who to vote for on the basis of the respective objectives & strategy. As you have pointed out, any irrelevant content should be clamped down by the moderator. I trust the participants are aware that we all know the past, therefore, no point blaming or crying about spilt milk but to come up with a strategy to get out of the mess we are in ASAP.

  • 4

    “Now whenever, we ask the SJB’s economic experts why they raised such huge ISB loans, the standard response is that they had to roll over Rajapaksa folly.”

    It is actually a very legitimate response. There was no other way to pay the China loans other than to let spy ships into Lankan waters thereby incurring the wrath of the Western powers in all kinds of insidious ways before a bomb was dropped on our heads (still only ¼ of the loans would have been paid back that way). The ISB’s were an alternate form of capitalism from the Rajapaksa ones that looked very savvy and Royal-like with the likes of Harsha and Ranil taking about it like big shots. It the end it was gross loan upon gross loan.

    So, what do we see with these ISB’s upon China-loans. We see a hurry flurry of all kinds of money-laundering, smuggling, gambling, crypto, buying up of failing Western enterprise with Lankan money…all awaiting the eventual boom…in the meantime most of it is lost in the Western enterprise.

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      Now those Barrhaven murders could have been just that: A warning from the Mafia Mob of what happens to money-launders, crypto scammers, pocketeers….after all, it was a whole large young family who migrated to Canada with private schools and business start-ups (couldn’t have been cheap). And they were reveling in their Karma! I mean, if the Easter Bombing was done with no conscience, who cares about the life of a young man. Plenty of alternate versions put out in the government-controlled press; the glaring obvious quietly put to rest.

      Now JVP-NPP will do the necessary: Tax The Rich! Our debt will be erased the day they take over. No, they won’t prosecute them 1917 Russian style. They will be asked nicely to pay their taxes and allowed to subsist their ancestral property. Only a Buddhist country can do this well in modern times. And we have the support of US for this.

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    I hope AKD as the next Leader of the country will have Gnana S as one of his Presidential Advisers.
    The Country will be on the RIGHT track to a peaceful and prosperous one.

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