For this cost could buy many. Why just one ?
What she going to do with all this money?
Kamala/October 26, 2012
Good stuff! Virginity is such an outdated concept!
Time for Sri Lankan girls to show some guts and do the same as this Bold Brazilian lass — put their virginity up for sale.
Men have ruled and fucked up Lanka for so long, even as women are kept down and asked to focus on protecting themselves, their virginity and sexuality while men fuck around..
Time this show ended and women stopped protecting their virginity and took over the political arena!
F.L. Waiting/October 25, 2012
She must have read somewhere… that a $ucker is born every minute!
She is planning to build houses for poor in Brazil out of that money. It’s for charity and her way of doing it.
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dicky Bird / October 25, 2012
Sorry !!!!!!!!! No takers.
For this cost could buy many. Why just one ?
What she going to do with all this money?
Kamala / October 26, 2012
Good stuff! Virginity is such an outdated concept!
Time for Sri Lankan girls to show some guts and do the same as this Bold Brazilian lass — put their virginity up for sale.
Men have ruled and fucked up Lanka for so long, even as women are kept down and asked to focus on protecting themselves, their virginity and sexuality while men fuck around..
Time this show ended and women stopped protecting their virginity and took over the political arena!
F.L. Waiting / October 25, 2012
She must have read somewhere… that a $ucker is born every minute!
Hello Dolly / October 25, 2012
She is planning to build houses for poor in Brazil out of that money. It’s for charity and her way of doing it.