26 April, 2024


British Monarchy Must Apologize On 70th Year Of Independence For Colonizing Sri Lanka

By Pitasanna Shanmugathas and Chamindra Weerawardhana

A nation which colonizes, a civilization which justifies colonisation, and therefore force, is already a sick civilization, a civilization that is morally diseased, that irresistibly, progressing from one consequence to another, one repudiation to another, calls for its Hitler, I mean its punishment.” ~ Aimé Césaire, Discourse on Colonialism, 1955

In Sri Lanka, unlike the Portuguese and Dutch who were, respectively, the first and second Western colonial occupiers, the British succeeded in conquering the entire island, and for the longest period than any other power, from 1796 to 1948. Unlike India, Sri Lanka gained Dominion Status within the Commonwealth [which is largely interpreted as ‘independence’] in a relatively peaceful manner. However, this peaceful transition, in many ways, soon turned out to be the calm before the storm. It is not only the successive Sinhalese nationalist governments who are to be blamed for the ethnic conflict. Most significantly, the British were largely responsible for sowing the seeds of lasting ethno-national contention.

The necessity of an Apology

The politics of reparations for past atrocities form a priority area in managing relations between oppressors and the oppressed. Colonisation is a phenomenon based on a logic of exploitation, of looting, of claiming other people’s lands, bodies, waterways and natural resources as one’s own. To reiterate a universal truth, there is nothing positive or constructive in any form of coercive colonisation, or, for that matter, on-going neo-colonial domination.

In the sphere of global governance, what Stephanie Wolf describes as a ‘redress and reparation movement’ is fast becoming an essential element of national as well as international policy formulation. Reparation politics are on the forefront of discussions on large-scale atrocities in the West, such as the Holocaust. In the territory of Turtle Island that we know as Canada, a much-needed discourse on reparations, apologies and redress is taking shape, albeit at a relatively slow pace. The Indigenous communities of these territories faced [and in many aspects, continue to face] high levels of violence, torture, murder, deprivation and systemic discrimination. Apologies, compensation and reparations for atrocities such as the system of ‘Indian Residential Schools’, to give but one example, are very much an ongoing process.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of Sri Lanka securing Dominion Status within the Commonwealth. Ceylon was the first Crown Colony outside the ‘Old Commonwealth’ [white settler-colonial places such as Canada, Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand] to obtain Dominion Status. The paradoxes and contradictions inherent in the socio-political life of post-1948 Sri Lanka are such that we refer to the day on which we were given Dominion Status [with the British monarch continuing to be our head of state] as our ‘Independence Day’. In terms of national sovereignty, it would be more justifiable to consider the 22nd of May, the day on which the Constitution of the First Republic was promulgated in 1972, as Sri Lanka’s ‘Independence Day’, if not ‘National Day’. The 1972 Constitution marked the most poignant expression of ethnic outbidding that came to being as the primary consequence of the British-induced constitution-making and institution-building experiment in Sri Lanka. It was a truly majoritarian constitution that shamelessly shunned minority rights. Not even the namesake minority safeguard in the Soulbury Constitution, namely its Section 29, was spared. In this sense, 22 May 1972 marks the ultimate entrenchment of ‘divide and rule’ tactics on our colonised soil and mindsets. Having that day as National Day would give us more food for thought annually, on the importance of national unity, reconciliation and building solidarities across the diverse mosaic that is the Sri Lankan people.

Most importantly, discussions on ‘independence’, ‘national sovereignty’, and ‘self-government’ in Sri Lanka are totally devoid of any focus whatsoever on the adverse effects of colonialism. We seldom collectively reflect upon the fact that the impact of colonial rule is continuously felt to the present-day and beyond. The consequences of three centuries of Western colonisation, especially the 150 years of British colonisation, are very much of ‘contemporary’ relevance. Colonial mindsets, colonial hangovers, colonially induced stereotypes wield an extremely powerful influence in all aspects of public life as well as in the personal spheres of many of our fellow citizens.

In this article, we contend that the British government and the British monarchy must apologize for its colonisation of Sri Lanka, for their decisive role in raising ethnic tensions that eventually led to a long civil war, and continuing politics of ethno-national antagonism. The apology should be made, preferably, by the British monarch or by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister or the monarch, in their apology to the people of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, must explicitly mention the role that they played as colonisers in provoking ethnic tensions in Sri Lanka.

Most notably, Britain must apologize for its disregard towards minority leaders of Sri Lanka, whose repeated pleas for adequate minority safeguards were largely ignored in British constitutional experiments.

If the British, in their apology, take responsibility for their role in aggravating ethnic tensions, it can provide a much-needed starting point towards inter-ethnic reconciliation in Sri Lanka. It will be helpful in publicly coming to terms with the fact that Britain’s colonial policies were significantly responsible for setting up the institutions which paved the way for ethnic outbidding in the post-independence era. By way of reparations, Britain could, for example, provide funding directed towards building new homes for Sri Lankans at the lower echelons of the social ladder [especially of ethnic minority communities] displaced by the thirty-year war, while providing assistance to the Government of Sri Lanka in restoring infrastructure in the war affected North and East. However, the reality is that no financial payment is sufficient as reparations for the misery and bloodshed caused by the persistent effects of Britain’s colonial policies in Sri Lanka.

The fact that colonisation in any shape or form is deeply problematic, that it is a process of control and repression, does not require any reiteration here. As we shall highlight below, the evolution of constitutionalism and governance in Sri Lanka is directly intertwined with the oppressive legacy of British colonisation. We cannot talk about constitution-making, law making, or even the ‘mace’ in the Parliament of Sri Lanka without referring to Britain and British rule of the island. Over the years, Sri Lankans as a people have somewhat failed to adequately take stock of the destructive legacy of colonisation, and what it did to the socio-political fabric of the land. Instead, Sri Lankans of all ethnicities and faith traditions, especially those of the socioeconomic and political elite, have been perpetuating colonial structures of oppression that the British introduced, in some cases overtly and in many others covertly, in the guise of conforming to practices of democratic governance.

In the section that follows, we shall engage in a very brief discussion of some aspects of the constitutional and political decision-making-related errors made by the British in the early decades of the last century, which have had a lasting adverse impact on ethno-national politics in Sri Lanka. This discussion is by no means extensive, nor does it encompass a fully comprehensive discussion of constitutionalism, which would be beyond the remit of this article. This article also does not touch upon the multitude of socio-economic, culturally genocidal and highly exploitative aspects of colonisation that imperatively call for an apology. Instead, the objective here is to provide an überblick of the deeply problematic nature of Eurocentric constitutional experimentation on a non-Western socio-political and cultural context. This salient reality alone warrants an abject and unambiguous apology from the colonising power.

Constitutional blunders: a continuing quagmire

After the Cameron-Colebrook reforms of 1833, the British transferred political power to Sri Lanka [then Ceylon] in two main stages: in 1931 via the Donoughmore Commission, and in 1948 via the Soulbury Commission. These two stages of Western constitutional reform were central to setting up the framework for ethno-nationally motivated discrimination against minority communities by successive Sinhala-Buddhist-dominated governments.

A system of ‘communal representation’ was in place from 1915 to 1931, with a certain number of seats assigned to English-speaking elite Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Burghers, etc. In 1931, Donoughmore reforms abolished communal representation. This strengthened the hands of the political class of the majority Sinhalese community. The Donoughmore Commission created Executive Committees, where the local population had a considerable role in administration (except in reserved prerogatives such as finance and defence). It extended the franchise and allowed elections based on universal suffrage. Upon abolishing communal representation in executive councils, the Donoughmore Commission turned out to be a failure with respect to the fact that it did not suggest any alternative such as a workable form of federalism to contain communalism and ensure adequate political representation of the minority communities.

To recapitulate a well-known fact, prior to 1931, the Tamil minority were overrepresented in the civil service commensurate to population statistics. Under British rule, Professor Neil DeVotta reports that “the Tamil population held 33% of civil service jobs, 40% of judicial service jobs and 31% of university students, figures that are much higher than their representative share.” The post-Donoughmore constitutional landscape was conducive to what came to be known as ‘Sinhalisation’, which involved more opportunities in the state sector to Sinhalese people. Under British rule, the Tamil minority had a significant economic advantage over the Sinhalese majority, significantly due to educational opportunities in the northern part of the country, where the first Christian mission schools – a core element of physical, social, linguistic, cultural and psychological colonisation – were established. Tamils who had undergone missionary education had more access to “clientelistic networks” set up by the British than the average Sinhalese person. The abolition of communal representation by the British marked the beginning of a gradual process that would significantly threaten to reverse the economic and societal privilege held by Tamils.

Ensuring more opportunities for Tamils in the Civil Service under British rule was not intended at empowering Tamil people. It is also naive to assume the oft-repeated claim that Tamils, especially those from northern Sri Lanka, were better workers than the Sinhalese [or Tamils elsewhere]. The bottom line of this policy was none other than the usual ‘divide and rule’ tactics upon which the entire monstrosity known as the British Empire was built. This is why it is perfectly justifiable to claim that British policies of favouritism towards one group of people over another [in this case one ethno-national group over others] were instrumental in sowing the seeds of long-lasting ethnonational tension and antagonism.

The Donoughmore Saga

The Donoughmore Report was, by and large, exemplary of the way in which the British acted throughout all of its colonies. They imposed policies with a blatant disregard to genuinely incorporate the views of local stakeholders. The report’s condemnation of communal representation on the one hand, and avoidance of adequately addressing the concerns of minority groups on the other, happened to be crucial in bringing repressed ethno-national tensions to the surface.

The Donoughmore dispensation created a situation in which divisive and toxic ethnonational concerns became the primary preoccupation of local leaders. Many Sinhalese politicians, for example, were upset that franchise had been extended to Indian plantation workers [who were force-migrated to Sri Lanka as indentured labourers under British rule] almost on the same terms as the indigenous population. Sinhalese politicians were concerned that an extension of franchise to Indian plantation workers would increase the influence of the European planters, the employers and profiteers of indentured Indian labour. Furthermore, Sinhalese politicians feared that the Indians would henceforth undermine Sinhalese interests in plantation districts where the Indians were by then dominant in terms of demographics. In post-1948 Sri Lanka, Sinhalese politicians took action based on these fears and prejudices, by enacting the Ceylon Citizenship Act of 1948 which made Indian plantation workers stateless. In sum, this Act created two types of citizenship: citizenship by descent and citizenship by registration. In both cases, substantive documentary evidence was required from applicants. However, most Indian Tamil workers were illiterate and very few actually had documentary proof. This requirement of documentary evidence, such as registration of birth, is indicative of how the anglicised Sri Lankan elite had come to consider features of European social organisation as the status quo. Over 700,000 Indian Tamils were thus rejected citizenship, making them stateless.

Minority leaders such as Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, on behalf of Tamils, and T.B. Jayah, on behalf of Muslims, made pleas to the British that the Donoughmore Commission is unacceptable to the interests of their respective communities. The implementation of the Donoughmore reforms effectively removed the “weightage for the minorities to compensate for the numerical superiority of the Sinhalese” and left the nation devoid of any adequate checks and balances to prevent discriminatory majoritarian policies from being enacted by Sinhalese-majority governments. Although the Donoughmore constitution did introduce welfare provisions, a rarity for an exploitative British colony, these provisions are unimpressive considering a backdrop in which adequate political representation among the pluralistic communities was not established in any reasonable measure.

On a par with regional and global developments of the day, Sri Lankan leaders involved in campaigns for self-government began calling for enhanced constitutional provisions by the early/mid 1940s. Subsequently, the British concocted the Soulbury Commission in 1945. The Soulbury Commission Report introduced a model of Westminster-style bicameral government. Once again, the minority protections it offered were far from adequate.

Soulbury Sequence: deeper into the abyss of ethnic outbidding

The Soulbury Report contained a clause which later became Section 29 (2) in the 1946 Constitution, prohibiting any legislation “infringing on religious freedom or discrimination against persons of any community or religion.” It also stipulated that a two-thirds majority was required for any changes in the constitution or any piece of legislation aimed at discriminating against a racial or religious minority. Nevertheless, these minority safeguards were inadequate, in that they did not, in any reasonable measure, correspond to the demands put forth by the Ceylon Tamil and Ceylon Indian leadership. In February of 1944, for example, GG Ponnambalam of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, voiced a proposal before the Soulbury commissioners that called for balanced representation known as “fifty-fifty” which advocated for an equal proportion of seats between the majority and minority communities.

Despite such pleas, the British ruled that minority communities already constituted “a large and powerful enough block” to counter any extremist legislation. The Soulbury Report ensured that the Governor-General would exercise his discretion on any bill that evoked serious opposition by any racial or religious community and that, in his opinion, was likely to involve oppression or serious injustice to any such community.

Campaigns for self-rule in Sri Lanka, if not anticolonial struggles, were very different from such struggles across the Palk Straits. Unlike India, Sri Lanka lacked a cohesive mass-based national movement. Instead, mobilization for self-rule took place in the form of what has been described as “fragmentary associations”. Subsequently, ‘most political parties [like the United National Party] were formed in anticipation of the 1947 elections.’ In fact, as asserted by constitutionalist Sir Ivor Jennings himself, “the constitution which Sri Lanka had until 1947 was designed to suit a legislature without parties and therefore actively discouraged them.” The British were confident that a political system drafted to conform to Western interests, a system that, according to them, “worked well for centuries in Britain” can be applied to Sri Lanka’s pluralistic society, and that loyal, anglicized Sinhala elites can be trusted to protect minority rights. Speaking of the Soulbury Constitution, SWRD Bandaranaike (who eventually deployed ethnonational politics to make his way to Premiership in 1956), echoed these sentiments, asserting:

“There was no fight for that freedom which involved a fight for principles, policies and programmes which could not be carried out unless that freedom was obtained. No. It just came overnight. We just woke up one day and were told, you are a dominion now.”

Persistent blunders: the reason for the call for a formal apology

In 1948, Sri Lanka gained Dominion status, which was hitherto the exclusive reserve of Old Commonwealth possessions such as Canada and Australia. The Dominion State had to bear the brunt of problematic British policies implemented prior to 1948. The model in place was one that was easily conducive to triggering ethno-national tensions. Very soon, politicians from all ethno-national backgrounds came to terms with a reality that applies to Sri Lankan politics to this very day – that arousing ethno-national antagonisms among the masses is a sure strategy to access and reinforce political power. The entire political saga of the Dominion State, of the Republic of Sri Lanka and of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, has been marked by this inclination to steer, rather than contain, ethnonational tensions. The roots of this political culture of spewing division among the masses lie in the constitutional experiments and fatal political miscalculations of the British. The consequences and ramifications of these problematic policies continue to be felt to this very day, and they will shape the political landscape of Sri Lanka for many more decades to come.

Hence the present call for a formal apology from the British Crown and the British Government, to the Government and the people of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. It is a first step in developing a discourse on reparations, and in recognising the sheer magnitude of colonial atrocities and their present-day ramifications, both of which are some seven decades overdue.

Late, is indeed better than never.

*Pitasanna Shanmugathas is a human rights activist and Director/Lead Curator of the social media group, Stop Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka and Chamindra Weerawardhana PhD (@fremancourt) is a gender justice activist and political analyst.

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Latest comments

  • 11

    This foreign boot-licker government disgraced the nation by inviting British Royals to celebrate our 70th Independence.

    • 6

      It was ol’ Mahinda Rajpakse who handed out the invitation when he visited the neo-imperialist, neo-colonialist, capitalist-roader of an Oxford Union. Sad, he couldn’t hang on to power for the celebrations.

      Someone gave him bad advice to go calling at icons of English imperialist decadence and lesser-race subjugation. Doesn’t look too good for his image as the great guardian of Sinhala-Buddhist cultural purity.

      Well, there’s always the next time. ………… Better luck next time!

    • 16

      Hey Fake (Smart) Patriots,
      Take a deep breath everyone. This is 2018. Not 1796, 1815 or 1948. Not even 22nd of May 1972. SL has moved on YOU BLOODY IDIOTS!. Brits have moved on. NEWS! The world has moved on. Except you stagnated FAKE PATRIOTIC LUNATICS. Today’s GB is not a colonial power. Rather a partner on the global stage for SL. A special friend given our tested history. Given countless emigrated Sri Lankan Brits. Given our trade links. Cultural and sporting links. Quit whining endlessly about things that cannot be reversed. YOU FOOLS! History is there to learn from. Not to be bitter forever. Prince Edward is not responsible for what his Great, Great Grandpa did. Get that into your tiny brain. YOU FAKE (SMART) PATRIOTS!. Focus on the future. Like Singapore or Hong Kong. Learn from the utterly successful BRITS. Afterall they are an Island too. See where they are compared to us so-called “PATHETIC PROUD SRI LANKANS”. Brits are still a world power. Punching way above their weight. With big boys like Russia, China, USA. While SL is sliding in to hell, with a bunch of BLOODY FOOLS like you. While SL’s politicians and citizens gang-rape her on daily basis. You are complaining about the Windsor Family. Prince Edward is not the enemy. YOU ARE STUPID FAKE PATRIOTS.
      Happy Independence Day to one and all.
      PS: BTW, Teach your kids ENGLISH well. Really well. I am sure you do already. Then, turn around and whine about some EDWARD from the UK. Whom are you fooling?

      • 2

        Ben, that’s what’s called a lot of home truths without any sugar coating.

    • 5

      ALZHEIMER Champo,
      Remember who was bending over backward to host the Commonwealth summit in Colombo in 2013? Remember Namal Baby and Bond Scam Nivard Cabral who were splashing our money in millions to win the right to host Commonwealth Games in SL in 2018. But, miserably failed. Thank God we saved billions.
      You need to seek treatment for ALZHEIMER right now Champo!

      • 1

        Hey anencephalic Burt Hurling
        Learn the difference between celebrating a country’s independence from invaders and hosting a summit of an intergovernmental organization. My answer to your comment is totally based on your ability to understand the difference.
        First with Portuguese, then with the Dutch and thirdly, our ancestors fought for independence since 1803 when the British invaded Kandyan Kingdom. Our ancestors laid their lives to save our country from invaders. Who would invite the very invaders to celebrate our independence?

    • 3

      Dear Shanmugathas and Weerawardhana,

      Thanks for the article.

      Yes, the Para-British must apologise for the mess they left behind for the Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils, Para-Muslims and other Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, illegally occupied by the Paras. Besides apologizing to the Paras in Lanka, the Para-British have a host of other apologies, Middle East, Egypt, Afghanistan, India, Africa, Americas and Australia, and a few others.

      Yes, the Para-British made serious errors, by introducing Westminster style democracy to the Paras in Lanka, whose average IQ is 79, compared to 100 for the Para-British. It is like giving a razor to a bunch of monkeys, Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamil monkeys, who have been slashing themselves for the past 70 years.

      What about the apologies from Para-Portuguese, Para-Ditch, Para-Tamils, Para-Malabars, Para-Sinhala, Para-Bengalis, Para-Binharis who all am illegally by illegal boats, hora-oru, kalla-thonis, to the pristine land of Native Veddah Aethho? This is the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, claimed by them walking between 30,000 and 8,000 years ago, and all the subsequent illegal arrivals are ALL Paras,Paradeshis, foreigners.

      The APOLOGY REQUEST must be sent to ALL PARAS, and now that the Para-British have left, ALL the other PARAS must be requested to get back to THEIR PARA HOMELANDS, ESPECIALLY INDIA, BHARAT, DAMBA-DIVA or other PARA HOMELAND.

      Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.


      in Journal of Human Genetics59(1) · November 2013


      Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

      • 1

        “Yes, the Para-British made serious errors, by introducing Westminster style democracy to the Paras in Lanka, whose average IQ is 79, compared to 100 for the Para-British. It is like giving a razor to a bunch of monkeys, Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamil monkeys, who have been slashing themselves for the past 70 years.

        Good one Amare

    • 4

      I have read through the remarks hereunder and come to the following conclusions.

      1. We are bitter and unforgiving about our history. We suffer from a huge complex. We are unable to rise above our pettiness.

      2.We are unable to see anything good left behind by the British with which we have excelled and even won world recognition.

      3. We still use their damned language to revile and curse them in these very columns.

      4 We are a petty, self conceited, small minded bunch of people who are unable to rise above those terrible imposters to take our place with the rest of the world on equal terms.

      5. We just read too much into regrettable details of the past long gone and pay too little attention to significant , crippling , damaging and endemic aspects of our social fabric such as prejudice, racism, corruption, dishonesty, deceit and the practice of selective justice among a host of other ills of which we shall still bemoan of, a 100 years from now. In short, we just aren’t capable of rising above ourselves.

    • 3

      So was Rajafucksa who invited Prince Charles and his princess for CHOGM 2013. Remember?

    • 1

      Still better than inviting Salman Khan from North India

  • 14

    When entire focus of looking back is our goal, the thrust of forward movement gets blurred. Revengeful attitude of writer does not take into account the consequences of our own actions since 1948 of bringing in an ethnic war of tremendous proportions. If seed is sown, we must uproot and not lop off fruit and branches only. The wickedness in the human heart called karma must be removed and then all can live in peace and harmony and progress this beautiful island nation of ours, without more blood shed, immorality, occultic demonic worship. Truth, righteousness, justice always overcome.

  • 20

    Sri Lankan leaders should apologize to the British for making a right royal mess of the nation they were betting on. They preferred to keep Ceylon separately and administer and govern it separately from the Shit-hole India and its coolies for reason. It had a passport that was widely respected around the world until the 1980s. Where Indians needed Visas, we Ceylonese did not for a very long time. The Sinhala leaders should apologize for ruining the island.

    • 4

      Kittu Pani,

      Well at least it is our country that we have ruined. Not some one else place which we have become a mere state.

      • 7


        “Well at least it is our country that we have ruined.”

        Well it is a great achievement.
        The people should be encourage to celebrate our only ability, self destruction.
        Similar to New Years day, the government should be forced to declare a day of self destruction.

      • 3

        “Well at least it is our country that we have ruined”.

        That is not all what said in the OISL report that is about your Genocide Crime, as you did. You need to face the ICC for what you did, without dogging by inviting British Royals or paying for Lord Nesby’s untrue revelation. I hope you will face it.

        • 0


          Why should Sri Lanka face it when US nor Britain or India would do the same. BTW why do you still live with us Sinhalese if we were mass murderers. Why don’t you go to India as we are not letting our claim to Jaffna.

          • 1

            You shameless hide yourself but accusing Britain and US of genocide. That is because your lack confidences of sure nature that no one in ICC waiting to hear what you have written down on Jaffanahistory.com. Stand up in in ICC court yourself. Make US and Britain also to stand there, if you have evidences, beyond yourjaffnahistory.com. But Tamils’ job is having you made to stand in ICC; don’t ask us why we are letting US and Britain escape. That’s because your accusation of Britain and US has nothing to do with the Tamils’ Genocide. Only you carried out Tamils genocide and you have to stand in ICC. We are not interested in what US and Britain did and to whom, at least at this time of our history. We are interested in only making you stand in ICC. You were so happy When America and Britain supported to sink LTTE ships and enable you to carry out genocide crime. Now seems to worried and hoping to hide behind China by donating lands to China.

            Further, there is no part in any country’s law that say ” I Am not going to face judge for my crimes because Paul and Peter have escaped” .

            You carried out genocide hoping getting Tamils out Tamil Eelam and occupying their land. You could not fulfill it. We know that you will keep telling us to go to India, but you will not vacate Tamil Eelam. But we have no idea to leave Tamil Eelam and go to India. You will have to leave Tamil Eelam as soon as the ICC finish it works. Once that is over, we will start to work brining UN Peacekeepers to Tamil Eelam to make sure the Rapist army getting out of there.

  • 9

    On our 70th year of independence, they are coming to manipulate our electoral voting system yet again.

    • 3

      Stuff it Fernando! Bloody fools in the government invited them.

      • 0

        That goes without saying isn’t it, Spring Koha!

  • 5

    Shame-based Yahapalanaya government is up for another. They have invited Prince Edward to celebrate our 70th Anniversary of Independence from the British!!!
    Are you nuts Yahapalanaya?
    Why should we invite colonial masters themselves who invaded our country, robbed our wealth, destroyed temples, forcibly converted our people to their religion and massacred our ancestors, to celebrate our independence?
    If you dare, demand them to return the stolen wealth, valuable artifacts, gold and silver coins, jewellery, gems and pearls, books and ola leaf manuscripts they took in fleet of ships to their country and now displaying in their museums. They became wealthy by robbing their colonies.
    Above all, if you dare, tell the British government to investigate colonial war crimes and atrocities first, before preaching the world. They can “celebrate the genocide” of their Governor Robert Brownrigg, the Butcher of Wellassa, who annihilated entire villages in the Uva-Wellassa province which was the most prosperous region at the time and who slaughtered every man, woman and child in the entire Uva-Wellassa province. Even after 203 years, Sri Lanka couldn’t still recover from the devastation and the havoc they created. British government has no right demand Sri Lanka to probe war crimes when they themselves committed gruesome war crimes in their former colonies.
    Yahapalanaya government should be ashamed to invite British royals to celebrate our independence who only reminds us of the atrocities committed by the British. This is a government like no other!!!

    • 3

      Well done Champa.

      What is it with our leaders constantly inviting the old white master to join in our ‘celebrations’. Everybody has been at it. Sirima, Chandrika, JR. Premadasa, Rajapaksa and now Sirisena. We should have left the ‘Commonwealth’ a long time ago. Any Sri Lankan who takes British Citizenship should be declared ‘persona non grata’ and denied dual-citizenship. WE should outlaw the widespread use of English too. Our immigration people should change the ‘departure card’ for Sri Lankans that they ask to be filled in English Capital letters. What an insult to us Sri Lankans! Best is if our people can ignore Britain and the British.

      • 2

        Spring Koha

        Well you got a few points there.
        Aren’t we going to punish the Brits by boycotting imports and banning exports? What are we awaiting for, future government of JVP to start the process?

        What do you have to say about the Chinese whose Admiral Cheng He arrested Kotte king Vira Alakeshvara and took him all the way to China?

        Would ramona grandma therese fernando take drastic action against the invaders from India, including people from Odisha, South India and Sultanate of Delhi ?

        • 0

          Native Vedda,

          They did not come with powerful computer algorithms to gerrymander and screw our electoral voting system for the better of Ranil! We better get the Russians ASAP, to help us counter these British.

          • 0

            ramona grandma therese fernando.

            Do you still believe this island is being ruled by Brits?
            You need to check your reality.

    • 2

      Well, they have to invite British Royalty, when The Queen of Britain is also the Queen of Sri Lanka!
      Correct me if I am wrong!

  • 4

    Now the west is bankrupt. their religious ideology is outdated and no one believes. So, the middle class, educated trying to be elite needs employment. So, this garbage in – Garbage out article. The business is selling human rights, LGBTQ rights which have changed to gender justice. social media is included because hard copy media is outdated going out of business. Political analysis which support special interest groups that funds these crappy businesses. Why LGBTQ became Gender justice, is it because Elen Degenerus like many are quitting and becoming heterosexual. How about Justice for Sexual weirdos ?. Western human rights bussiness is against the christian ideology on which the western society is built on. Almighty Creator says everyone humans, animals and plants are his creations. so that they are his (cannot be her) obedient subjects. these people come and destroy the western ideology.
    What is after if the British apologized. Next part of the business begins ?. CAMERON came to India and apologized and said, if British give all the stolen artifacts of India, Britian would go bankrupt. Because, they show stolen items to tourists and earn a buck. It is the migrants with colonial mindset who keep the British economy alive. Long ago, the Europe went for precious metal such as gold and Silver. Even before that, romans etc., had gone for Cinnamon which was of the highest value. So, they during their entire history plundered other countries and lived on that fortunes. Even to date they are doing it. Neoliberalism, anti Terrorism, Human rights, NGO activists are those products. It was arabs and many other nations who did bartering businesses. Now it is the west. Some how what do you say, Take the rights away from the majorities of those countries. Eg. Sinhala – buddhists. You did not give it to Tamils, Catholics etc.,

  • 8

    Excellent article. Shows us just how misplaced this country’s priorities are and how immature we are as a society. We’re facing a probable sovereign default in two years, and effectively have a defeated dictator proxy-running the country, but the most important thing on the conservatives’ mind is this bull excrement.

  • 4

    In other news. Wimalaratna thera has been hospitalized after a elephant attack. Next ulapana sumangala thera sillysena’s mud man has been struck by lightning last night and had been flown to Singapore’s mount elizabeth hospital.

    • 1

      and more…..

      Mr Thilakarathne of the Department of Government Information has asked for a staff reporter/photographer to attend an event to be held tomorrow afternoon at Temple Trees when H R H Prince Edward will present awards at the ‘DUCK of Edinburgh’s International Award Presentation Ceremony’.

    • 2

      Bellanwila Wimalratna Thero should not have stolen an innocent elephant calf from lush green jungles of Myanmar to be kept at his tiny temple. Most likely the calf was ripped off from its mother or even by killing the mother elephant. Utter cruelty against innocent wild animals. Animal abuse has no place in Buddhism. A temple is no place for such a majestic tusker. The attack on the monk was very likely due to terrible abuse in captivity. The tusker must have snapped. Elephant abuse is a terrible insult to Buddhism. Sorry to say Wimalarathna Thero openly defended this horrible practice.

  • 5

    The Tamil Diaspora living in UK, USA, Australia, Europe, and Middles East should be held accountable for financing the separatist war that killed thousands of Sinhalese and Tamils, and destroyed billions of dollars worth of property.A future Sri Lanka Govt should seek and obtain a mandate from the people to pursue an agenda that will bring those people to book.
    This business of apology from the British Crown is just a furphy from separatist racists.

    • 7


      Can you tell us who financed the assasination oF SWRD B in 1959? Can you tell us who financed 1958, 1977, 1983 massacres of innocent Tamils and destroyed billions worth of properties? Can you tell us who financed 1970 armed terrorists which killed 10,000 innocent Sinhalese? Can you tell who financed 1989 armed terrorists which massacred 60,000 innocent Sinhalese? Can you tell who financed the massacre of over 40,000 Tamil in 2009?

      • 0

        If you take the trouble to read the many editions of theBanda Aasasination the killing was organised and financed by Buddharakkita who was convicted for it. If there were Tamils killed in the years you mention, the blame should go to Chelvanayagam,Ponnambalam et al who unreasonably provoked the Sinhalese and the Tamils trespassing on Traditional Sinhalese homelands in the south had to pay the penalty.40 000 Tamils we’re not massacred in 2009. That was a deliberate LIE manufactured by you Tamils especially those among the so called Diaspora actively aided by BBCs Channel 4 and the Norwegians. Wake up from your dope induced slumber you Dravidian.

        • 0

          Wake up from your dope induced slumber Percy
          you SInhala Buddhist Dravidian.
          Get your facts right first.
          The BBC has nothing to do with Channel 4 or the Norwegians.

          • 0


            You sometime forget important assumptions about Sinhala/Buddhists fascists. According to them they have constantly been the victims for nearly 2500 years. They are the victims of Demela Elara, Pandyas, Cholas, Mahas, Portuguese, Dutch, the Brits, Muslims, Indians and up country hardworking people, Tamils, Tamil caste system, Ponna, Chelva, Amir, VP, Hindia, Diaspora, CV Wigneshwaran, ………………………. They genuinely suffer from bottled up anger of colonial rule. They are periodically forced to unleash their colonial anger on the minorities.
            The Sinhala/Buddhist fascists also suffer from paranoia, jealousy, …………………rage, nepotism, racism, bigotry, theocracy, ***** envy, ……………….. So you see they are the real victims.

    • 7

      The Tamil diaspora is a product of Sinhala violence, racism and targeted and consistent war against Tamils since independence of then Ceylon and now Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka. .

      The British Govt is partly the culprit. They dismantled the Tamil Kingdom and merged the country in to one for ease of administration as one country.

      Mind you it was some intellectual Tamils who helped the hand over of power of the merged Ceylon during independence.

      The Oxford educated SWRD who at the time cant even speak a word of Sinhala laid the path to 30 years of civil war and 70 years of economic, social and religious and cultural destruction and what more 70 years of racism. Racism is still simmering in Sr Lanka.

      Thanks to SWRD that at the 70th Year of independence the real power is in the hands of the men in yellow robes.

      Even Good governance is unable to take the power back to the Parliament.This is the curse of Sri Lanka.

      So you can blame collectively all.

      • 6

        How ironic, SWRD Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Banda, godson of a Bristish Governor gave us Sinhala Only and set us on the path to self destruct.

        We are indeed an ungrateful lot, constantly carping at the Old White Mastah for the Tea and Rubber estates, building the roads and railways, teaching us English and Cricket and encouraging us to give up alfresco shitting.

        There must be bettter things to get on with.

        • 0

          Spring Koha

          You missed scotch whisky, liqueur, beer, coat, suit and tie, modern amude, lipstick, skirt blouse, sanitary towel, bread butter and jam, Radio, …… Sewing Machine, bicycle, medicine, .. soap, shampoo, ….. folk and spoon, biscuits, cakes and cookies, pudding, ….

          • 0

            And what about action of the Labia Majora with or without thala thel. You uncivilised
            Demalas don’t know what. Iam talking about. Ask your wives.! What bloody cookies and puddings for you thosai eating plebeians.

      • 5

        You are correct Rajash if any one is going to be compensated or deserve an apology it will have to be the Tamils both from the Sinhalese and British. Contrary to what the Sinhalese claim the British always favoured the Sinhalese and only used the Tamils . The Sri Lankan Tamils for their diligence , intelligence and hard work and the Indian Tamil lower castes for their hard work. If they had favoured the Tamils, they would not have destroyed the local indigenous Tamil language in Kerala which was the actual Malayalama written in the Tamil script and banned its usage and print and then forcibly introduce the highly Sanskritised Grantha language written in the Tulu based script as the language of Kerala and called it Malyalama and forced it on the entire population of Kerala 90% of whom were still speaking Tamil in around 1830s . In Sri Lanka they merged the Tamil areas that had always been separate land from the Sinhalese lands down south even during the Portuguese and Dutch era , with the Sinhalese lands down south to create a new colony called Ceylon in 1833, making Colombo the Capital and only developing the Sinhalese south and neglecting the Tamil lands. In 1948 when the left , they handed the entire island only to the Sinhalese on a platter despite Tamil protests for adequate safeguards for the island’s Tamil speakers( including the Tamil Muslims) . They had no right to do so . Did they ask the Tamil people. They should have created a federal setup or divided the land as they found. Because of the British arrogance the ancient Eelam Tamil nation in the island with a history of 2300 years or more ,are now facing genocide and our in grave danger of losing their lands identity language and culture at the hands of Sinhalese Buddhist fascists, Just like the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

    • 7

      First pay compensations for killing Tamils, looting, their properties from 1956 to 1983.
      There was no LTTE and Tamils diaspora during the 50s, 60s,70s
      It is you, your father, grandfathers and Buddhist Ayotullahs created all mess got it?
      If it is for you blood for others tomato juice eh?
      Now Sinhalese are preparing to live under Chinese he he he.

      • 0

        Before paying any compensation to trespassers. People who have illegally occupied traditional Sinhalese homelands should be evicted, by force if necessary. They should pay compensation to the Sinhalese and give an unconditional apology for trespassing, for living off the resources of the Sinhalese people, and for being parasites in general.
        Every government function should commence with an acknowledgment of the rightful owners of the land viz the Sinhala people. Every independence day celebration should have a compulsory requirement of an apology from Tamils to the Sinhalese people for trespassing on their lands. OK?

    • 5

      And who created the Tamil Diaspora? Not the British nor the Indians but the Sinhalese , all Sinhalese led governments with their racist anti Tamil stance from the time of independence that resulted in a genocide large scale ethnic cleansing of Tamil and Sinhalese racists like you , who make up the majority of the so called Sinhalese population in the island and largely descended low caste Indian Tamils who were imported into the island as indentured and slave labour by the Portuguese and the Dutch. The Tamil population in the island was around 26%=28% at the time of independence and within 60 years of independence reduced to 16% . 1/3 of the ancient historic Tamil lands now stolen by the Sinhalese by large scale Sinhalese colonisation and ethnic cleansing of Tamils from the 1950s and is still continuing. In the east the Tamil and the Tamilised Veddah Hindus who were the outright majority have now been reduced to a 40% minority in their own land. The east is ancient Tamil land its ancient history is Tamil and was always ruled by Tamil chiefs At times the southern parts of the east came under the loose control of the Tamil -Sinhalese kings of Kandy but this does not negate the ancient Tamil claim to the east. Even the ancient Buddhist ruins in the east and north ate Tamil not Sinhalese as now falesely claimed. In 1948 the Sinhalese were only around 4% of the east and less than 1% in the north .

    • 0

      @Percy, The Israeli Zionist mass mind control has taken a toll on the psychology of the mass population of the world looks like. Some who think they know many things, have got everything wrong due to the Jewish media Mafia misinformation going on for the last 250 years and the Zionist invented modern education system and its indoctrination feeding the people with lies and deception making truth the lies and the lies the truth. Coming to the point of WHO CREATED THE PROBLEM that created the separatist struggle that created all the other multiplying problems that which took the lives of thousands of innocent Tax Paying peasants who knew nothing about the thing which was played behind their backs. The Government narrative portrayed the other as the enemy, which must be and can be challenged easily if the expert who knows about the Zionist NWO project do some intellectual and mind opening exploration and explanation to the mass population on how the NWO is connected to Sri-lankan part and its role played in the destruction of the local communities to achieve the Zionist goal of depopulation programme. Please watch : THE DEPOPULATION AGENDA FOR NEW WORLD ORDER (https://youtu.be-1T-62uxbMBM)

  • 6

    The Independence Day this year has a special significance. 200 years ago British carried out one of the worst kind of atrocities against Sinhala freedom fighters. They killed all able bodied men, burnt down paddy fields, burnt paddy people had in their houses, cut down all fruit bearing trees, dumped dead bodies in wells so as to deny drinking water. So, I cannot understand why these idiots invited a descendant from those colonial parasites to the Independence Day celebrations. There are some Sinhala donkeys who say ‘We did not have to shed a single drop of blood to gain independence’. They have forgotten the blood shed by thousands of Sinhalese who fought against British rule. I hope someone will remember to pay gratitude to heroes like Kahawatte Hamuduruwo, Kudapola Hamuduruwo, Keppetipola, Madugalle, Kobbekaduwa, Puran Appu, Butawe Raala and condemn the Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese who collaborated with ‘Para Suddas’.

    • 2

      and more…..

      Mr Thilakarathne of the Department of Government Information has asked for a staff reporter/photographer to attend an event to be held tomorrow afternoon at Temple Trees when H R H Prince Edward will present awards at the ‘DUCK of Edinburgh’s International Award Presentation Ceremony’.

      Mr T: surely a grad of the Manworkontherabijja English School.

    • 3

      Well done Eagle Eye…….and while we are at it let us not forget the more recent heroes too……

      Cyril Mathew and his merry men (July 1983)
      Vijitha Rohana (who bravely attacked Rajiv G)
      Gnanasara (our saffron ranaviru now appearing at a mosque near you)

      …there are many others too.

      • 1

        Spring Koha

        You have missed living legends, Dr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa (DSc), DIG Udugambola, Major General Kamal Gunaratne, WWV, RWP, RSP, USP, ndc, psc, ……………… Shavendra Silva, Jagath Dias, Jagath Jayasuriya, Wimal Weerawansa, …………………………..

        • 0

          Native Vedda

          How careless of me. Ofcourse our very modern Major General Gunaratne who was tutored by the legendary FM Sarath Ponnaseka our First Ranaviru who smartly keeps half the family in the US as an insurance policy.

    • 1

      Eagle Eye
      Why does Sri Lanka still call the Queen of England, The Queen of Sri Lanka?

  • 9

    Shouldn’t our monarchs apologize to the people for keeping them in feudal shackles for nearly two thousand years .
    The country was so weak and backward that a Kallathoni ( a small south indian businessman !) was able to become our King.

    When the European ships came here they saw a very weak and poor country which was no match to them .They were just like our present day leaders. Full of show and gas, but little substance.

  • 2

    Tamils now blaming Brits for things they didn’t have done when they were in charge of this island. Tamils should at least be great full for the British for the over representation they have received under the British rule. Or else who would in their right mind grant 50% political power for a minority which didn’t even accounted for no more than 20% of the then population.

    • 1

      Yes racist lying Karawa of recent low caste Indian Tamil immigrant origin, now beating the anti Tamil drum.

      • 0

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma,

        Why can’t a Tamil talk about misgivings of the rest of Sinhalese Tamils? Are you getting a chill down your spine now?

      • 0

        Shenali is a Sinhalised descendant of Tamil Nadu low caste carpenter kallathoni

    • 2

      Actually, they asked for 50% for ALL the minorities together, not just the Tamils, and 50% for the Sinhalese.

      • 0


        Tamils were the dominant minority back in the day amounting to 20% or so of the population the rest wouldn’t have exceed further 10%. So why the hell then they asked for 50% representation? Besides that what does Tamils has got to do with the rest of the minority communities? Were Tamils their god father?

    • 1

      English English English. The best language to be murdered.

      GRATEFUL as in thankful.
      Great full does not mean anything.

      You need us the English to come back and teach you folks the lingua franca of the Internet.

    • 0


      It seems you think more about the Tamils than Tamils themselves.
      Are they grateful to you?

  • 1

    Mr. Sambandan, Why you declined the invitation to attend the Independence Day celebration? Did the colonial parasite refused to come to Yapanaya and pay homage to the descendants of the guys who licked the ass of white masters? Are Demala people disappointed that those colonial parasites did not give you people a separate state or at least 50:50 when Demala people were only 12%. What a pity!

  • 3

    Britsih introduced democracy is a total failure in Asia & Africa
    Look at Taiwan, South Korea for many years these countries were under military rule even people are not allowed to travel overseas. .. Singapore is another example here elections are eyewash …a country need firm hands to develop and implement rules.

    In Nigeria, thanks to British military is monopolized by Muslims a minority even today…another example of divide and rule.

    The last king of this country was imported from today’s Andhra Pradesh in India to satisfy the colonized Telugu ,Hindus Manawadus who have colonized in Kandy when this was a jungle

    • 1


      we are lucky, I suppose, considering that we have not practised democracy in this sunny island for many years now.

    • 1

      The last king of Kandy whose actual name was Kunnuchchami Naicken, was not an import of Andhra but from Tamil Nadu, where he and his family were deported by the British when the Kandayan Kingdom fell. He was deported to Salem in Tamil Nadu, where he and his family lived died and were buried. His direct descendants still live there. The last kings of Kandy were Tamil speaking Naickers from Madurai and Thanvur in Tamil Nadu and not from Andhra. It is true the Naickers are part of the Hindu Vijayanagar empire that captured most of what is modern Tamil Nadu by the 14Th century after chasing away the Muslim Delhi Sultanate of Allahudin Kilchi ( Padmavati movie fame) who ransacked the Madurai Meenachchi temple and many other Hindu temples in Tamil Nadu and carried back immense wealth from Tamil Nadu to Delhi. He also forced many Hindu Tamils to convert to Islam. This was the fall of the Pandian empire that was already declining., The Telugu origin Hindu Naickers/Kappus ( Vijayanagara empire) chased them away from most of the South and ruled Tamil Nadu. The Kandyan kings who were taking Pandian Tamil princesses for brides , just switched on to these Naickers who took their place. However by the time they arrived in Sri Lanka as kings , these Naickers in Tamil Nadu were fully Tamilised and their mother tongue was Tamil and if they spoke Telugu it was not very good . They more or less considered themselves Tamil and not Telugu.

  • 2

    I qoute “Most notably, British must apologise for it’s disregard minority leaders of Sri Lanka…”
    what an under statement.

    The British owes an apology to the Tamils.!!Not to the spineless Tamil political leaders at the time of and since the independence.

    The British had an opportunity to make amends with the Tamils during the civil war.They failed yet again

  • 3

    The fellas that have written this article have not lived through the 1940s and the first two-third of the 50s. With no personal experience of the era they could write any crap using their figments of imagination. For your information it was the Tamil administrators, managers, engineers and technical experts that were occupying the lions share of influential jobs in the government and private sector, not only in Colombo or provincial capitals but also in the Sinhala and Muslim heartlands in the rural Sri Lanka, down to grass root level. If anything British quite literally left most of their administration in the hands of Tamils, Burghers, Malays (Jaas). And over the many decades before the independence, these ethnic groups were used by British to control and lord over the Sinhala majority fearing their rebellion, giving those doing the British work excessive privileges and perks. Anyone over age-70 know this and need not elaborating. Bandaranayaka’s popular rising with the support of bhikkus organized under Sinhala Jaatika Sangamaya was in fact to balance this injustice perpetrated by the British on Sinhala people. Yes it has lead to ethnic strife since then, all fighting for a greater share, privileges, favourable treatment, land, for joining up with Tamil Nadu etc: all sorts of excuses. I have seen it all, lived through the peace to strife transition, experienced it. It is the sort of infighting that goes on even within every family in Sri Lanka and elsewhere in the world, when their parents alive or dead, to get hold of power over the siblings or to get a greater share of what is left behind by their late parents. It is human nature. There are always more than one party to a fight, so no one is pure and innocent.

    • 1


      “For your information it was the Tamil administrators, managers, engineers and technical experts that were occupying the lions share of influential jobs in the government and private sector, not only in Colombo or provincial capitals but also in the Sinhala and Muslim heartlands in the rural Sri Lanka, down to grass root level. “

      Let us have evidence for the above before we buy another of your lie/myth.

      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
      – Joseph Goebbels

      • 1

        What does a fake vedda know about evidence. Go and find it yourself you lazy bone. Do your own research or go back in time and live at those times. Stop trying to be a mahadenamutta here, because you are not.

        • 1


          “What does a fake vedda know about evidence.”

          The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will P**s You Off
          -Gloria Steinem

          “Go and find it yourself you lazy bone. Do your own research or go back in time and live at those times.”

          It was your responsibility to substantiate your claim, by providing evidence.
          It is my job to verify it. Imagine

          “The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
          ― George Carlin

        • 1

          Thrishu this is because your feudal elite and politicians , like the Senanayakes, Bandaranaickes, Kottalawellas Ratwattes, De Sarams, Jayawardenes, Wickremesinghes largely Christian or pseudo Buddhist, even the Rajapakeses, who betrayed the Hambantota Karawa leaders to the British ,and their relatives were so busy being lackeys and sucking up to their British colonial masters and doing what they say and were receiving ample rewards for this. Thousands of acres of land and other rewards. Therefore they had to keep the Sinhalese masses dumb and uneducated wallowing in their poverty , to work as feudal serfs in the thousands of acres of land , that was bequeathed to them by their British masters for being faithful lackeys. They recruited the village Buddhist monks to indoctrinate the Sinhalese peasants about the great Mahavamsa myth and not to gain western education, as it was evil and against Buddhist values. Only the largely Catholic Karawa and some other Sinhalese living along the western coast took advantage of this western education and did well . Got good positions in government and also did well in commerce. The rest of the Sinhalese wallowed in poverty and backwardness for the great benefit of their feudal lords who later became their leaders and politicians and continued their feudal plundering ways and looted the country and also used racism as a mix to bring it to its current pathetic mess. The Tamils did not have large feudal landlords and politicians urging them to be backward and spurn western education, therefore they avidly took up to western education and did well. It is you , who has to use your brains and research , instead of being a frog in the well and still only listening to Banna and Mahavamsa fairy tales about evil Tamils.

      • 0

        Yes Native mate just like some of the Tamils and Tamil Diaspora is doing, they have mastered the Goebbels technique, much better than Mangala or Rajitha, I totally agree with you.

        • 0


          “Yes Native mate just like some of the Tamils and Tamil Diaspora is doing, they have mastered the Goebbels technique, much better than Mangala or Rajitha, I totally agree with you.”

          Tamil Diaspora is a recent phenomenon. Actually it started with Mahanama and improvised by Aryan Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala, Banda refined it for Pancha Maha Balavegaya, ……………………….., Dayan believes he has mastered the art, thrishu is trying his best.

          So you have no problem with Ponna, Chelva, Amirthalingam, …… VP.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 2

      More fairy tales and claims of victimhood by Sinhalese racists to justify their racism . The German Nazis also stated the same thing about the Jews and other people to justify their genocide. Please provide proof of all these lies and fairy tales. The Sinhalese love to play the victim to hide their inadequacies and racism. They are majority with a minority complex that is dangerous. The British never prevented or discouraged the Sinhalese from obtaining higher education or jobs. Other then the Sinhalese from the western coast, Sinhalese from the other areas did not want to. They were too lazy as they lived in the more fertile areas of the island and it was easy to survive. The Tamils came from the more arid parts , therefore avidly took up western education as means to survive. Also the Brtish had to compensate the Tamils for merging their lands with the Sinhalese lands and making them from a 100% majority in their lands to a minority in the newly created colony. In fact the British opened far more schools in the Sinhalese south than in the Tamil areas. Most of the schools opened in the Tamil areas were by American missionaries and by Hindu organisations. If the British had favoured the Tamils, the Tamils will not be in this position. They used the Tamils but always favoured the Sinhalese.

  • 1

    I agree with the thoughts of these two writers on their claim that the British Monarchy should apologize to the entire nation of their occupation of Ceylon (or Sri Lanka) for over a 150 years.

    Not only did they loot us out of our exports, they stole our pride and patriotism as a nation, and also left the definitive foot marks of ethnic conflict within what was a cohabitant society, when they finally left our shores in 1948.

    The British has never committed to be inclusive initiatives in any of our development programs since the so called “independence” we received in 1948.

    Back to the topic, I see absolutely no reason to invite Edward and Sofie for any Independence Celebration, IF we ever want to call such an event an “Independence Celebration”.

    They are the people who took away our independence, and how and what is the justification to go back in time, and invite the same aristocrats to celebrate our so called independence.

  • 7

    While travelling overseas when people ask where you come from on hearing from Ceylon they greet you with great cordiality. Now when you tell them you are from Srilanka they look at you with disgust.

    So that is what “Independence” means. If any goodwill remains, thanks are due to British.

    • 1

      Yeah Ceylon known for tea. Sri Lanka known for LTTE terrorists!

      • 0

        thrishu ~ “………..Ceylon known for tea……”.
        The name is tarnished by some who import low quality tea and re-export the rubbish. They have political connections.
        SL is on the UN radar for human rights violations. It is now among the top ten countries for money laundering.

      • 1

        All for genocidal Sinhalese Buddhist racist fascists like you and Sinhalese governments that committed genocide and war crimes on the Tamils. Most people are not that dumb, they know that the LTTE is a result of state sponsored Sinhalese racist and genocidal policies, that was supported by Sinhalese Buddhist fascists like you , who still unfortunately make the vast majority of the present day Sinhalese , who are steeped in the Mahavmasa myth. Sinhalese Buddhist racism and fascism is the root cause of all the problems not the Brits not India not China nor anyone but the Sinhalese will never admit to this and will blame everyone else for the mess they caused. Brits ruled Malaysia, India, Singapore, the Caribbean and see how these counties have progressed. Only former Brtisih colonies like Porkistan , Myanmar Sri Lanke ETC that are engaged in racial religious and tribal politics have regressed and then blame the entire world for the mess they creataed

  • 1

    what is there to apologise when we continue with their judicial , medical and parliamentary systems systems to date

  • 2

    British rule has done more damage to the Tamils than to the Sinhalese. When they gave the so called freedom to Ceylon they should have left Ceylon after having ensured the status quo is maintained for the Tamils as at the time they captured Ceylon. Instead the Colonial masters for the Tamils Changed from Britishers to the Sinhalese.Apologies dose not make sense. Instead remedies must be introduced to see that equality prevails.It appears that that the Sinhalese harmed themselves more than the Britishers.There were no scams like the Bond scam etc.. If not for the Britishers there would not have been TEA /RUBBER estates and the roads linking them from Colombo and elsewhere.. Of course after the Britshers left the estates in a sorry state. Srilanka had two EYES when Britishers left- the Sinhala Eye and the Tamil eye . Both together had a good vision. But the Sinhala politicians saw to it that the Tamil Eye develop induced Cataract. Thus the Srilanka’s vision failed miserably.

    • 1

      Anaga the Sinhalese will never admit to anything , they ruined everything from the time of independence with their racist fascist policies. The British gave everything to them in 1948 and nothing to the Tamils not even safeguards for their language identity and land that they had merged with the Sinhalese lands down south to form a new colony called Ceylon in 1833. What about the Indian origin estate Tamils whom they forcibly recruited and brought to central Ceylon to work as slaves in the tea and rubber estates? The British grew rich on their hard work but treated them atrociously and did not even provide any safeguards for them when they left, so that the racist Sinhalese could immediately make them stateless and even treat them worse. If not the for British and other European colonials the Sinhalese will still ruled by Tamil kings and royalty and upper classes from India. They should be thankful to the British for saving them , instead they blame them for their mistakes , It is the Tamils who should curse the British for what is happening to them and Britain has still not remedied this mess that they created for the Tamils and left. May be the Sinhalese leaders actually realise the British did them a favour and that is why they always constantly invite the British royalty to show their gratitude. There were not Sinhalese heroes, most of them were lackeys of the white colonial masters. This is why the British gave everything to them and nothing to the Tamils not even our land.

  • 0

    We have been celebrating so called independence for 70 years without clear knowledge of who or what necessitated it.

    It has been habitual without considerable importance.

    @ least now we’re having a logical look @ it.

    On that day of Feb. 1948, ordinary Sri Lankans must have heaved a sigh of relief thinking @ least they left us..
    But for elites, majority of them were made elite by the very colonial masters; surely had been a doomsday.
    So it’s for that elite, it’s still important to celebrate; with the very people @ the top who left us after sucking life blood.

    We have to change it but alas, we’re still handicapped, as they left making us economically handicapped & divided.

  • 3

    70 years later Sri Lanka invites the unheard of, mediocre 3rd son of the Queen to be the Guest of honour. Bloody interesting. He is not even a real heir to the throne. No one hears of him. Now the gamaraala Sirisena will bow to him and try to impress this Prince with his Son’s english and his kussi amma wife will bow too. This is a way to be seen with western white royalty. It is a disease that the people from former colonies have for their white masters. Pining for the days of efficient administration and non-political civil service and efficient services like the CGR and Postal service. Now it is all gone to pieces. Yet we desparately try to impress clapped out British Royalty. Edward WHO? No one speaks of him. Last time CBK brought Charlese. Tiger facist tamils bombed the temple of the tooth in Kandy ; so they could not have the parade there. Charles was visibly bored and CBK as usual came late for her own event. What a farce. Now this bloke. At least invite Prince Henry who has bravely served in their military. Better would have been PM of China or President of S.Korea or a regional head.

    • 0

      Meaning no disrespect to the Royal visitors, Sri Lanka should have politely demurred unless a couple higher in the Royal line-up (Prince Charles, William, the Duke of Kent for instance) came. Clearly the British Govt does not hold the Yahapaalanya crowd in much esteem. Ranil’s cousin in London Amari W as HC apparently does not have sufficient clout with the May Govt to get someone higher. The Whitehall wallahs in London know whom to send where in the wider interest of Her Majesty’s interests. Don’t blame the Brit side. The yakkos have failed – as usual. But for God’s sake, don’t insult the young visitors by asking for an apology.


    • 0

      ….last time CBK brought Charles for the 50th Anniv. the welcome ceremony at the airport turned to high farce. Some pariah dog knocked some equipment and caused a fire in the tent. What a right hoo-ha. I was there! I am sure Charles still talks about it.

      Anyway, our Sri Lankan leaders have this bloody thing about inviting one of our old white masters. To impress? Who?

      Why should we have to invite anybody? British? Chinese? Japanese?
      What for? Cannot we party on our own?

      The quicker we learn to keep them all at arms length the better.

      Otherwise in a few years they will be asking US to pay compensation for all the Sri Lankans we have unloaded on them. Can you believe it there are more Sri Lankans living in the west than there were old colonials in 150 years in Sri Lanka. Strange but true!

  • 0

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  • 1

    Hong Kong & Singapore followed Britain to the very letter.

    They are the only two countries, most successful in the world today.

  • 6

    Sri lankans ( former Ceylonese ) are a nation of ungrateful people. Yes ! they are and they will be.
    What is wrong in inviting a member of the British Royalty to the nations 70th independence celebrations.
    The strange part will be to see members of Royalty among members of a corrupt and underdeveloped nation.
    You Sri lankans need to come to your blighted senses that what you are today is because of colonization and if not for it you all would still be in make be land. Underdeveloped, undernourished, uneducated, etc etc.

    It was the British who gave you people tea, built your railroads, taught you cricket, built your infrastructure, schools, saved you from Japanese invasion in ww2, left you with a country that was running perfectly with £3 million in your central bank in 1948 and a lot more.
    What have you people done since then.????????????????????????????????? buggerall.
    For 70 years you have all voted for corruption, lethargy, cheating, robbing, murders, wars, etc you name and the devil will say it. For 70 years you have been governed by Satanic people because the above mentioned is all satan’s qualifications and now your qualifications. Yes ! very true.

    The good people have all left your country and the remnants are all shit rogues. yes ! shit rogues who will stoop down to stealing a bucket of shit if possible.
    This is not a nice thing to say but in the future Sri lankans will become a ugly society mainly because of their ugly attitudes and may almighty God prevent it from happening.
    May your next 71st independence celebrations bring you prosperity and progress. Good luck.

    ” God bless HM Queen Elizabeth, her family & nation.”

    For goodness sake open your damned shitty brains and make your country for time is still there and not lost. Bless the goodness of the past and those who gave it to you and cultivate a bit of gratitude.

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    Redda and Baniyama Sira ,as Malinda called, apparently boasted that Eddy’s Mom took the Royal Glove off to shake Sira’s hand.
    Wonder whether the Queen planted a Royal kiss on Sira’s Missus.
    That is how much adoration our new King Baniyan Sira has for the Pommy Royals.
    In light of Sira’s affection for the Royals , do you think the White’s Slave Dr Ranil will ever even think of an Apology from the Queen, let alone ask for one…

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    History of mankind is full of colonisation. This demand for apology has become fashionable.
    Sorry Pitasanna and Chamindra. The Aime Ceasire quote does not apply.
    In our case should Portuguese and Dutch apologise to Tamils and Sinhalese separately and Britain to Lankans?
    Australia has shown contrition for the way Aborigines were treated. Has this made any difference?
    How much do we own up for the effects of our own actions?

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      This article is an exercise in futility. The apology must come from the Sinhalese to the Tamils for their colonisation since 1947.

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    Bravo, Chaminda Weerawardhana and Pitasanna Shanmugadas, for this joint intellectual intervention which presents a progressive, reasoned, balanced critique of British colonialism, and should be a role model for our educated youth…though sadly, I rather doubt it will be.

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      Hello DJ, Why is your ‘Bravo’ to Chaminda Weerawardhana and Pitasanna Shanmugadas when the write-up is from Pitasanna ShanmugaTHas and ChamindRa Weerawardhana?

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        Surely you should know by now that does not read when he writes a comment.
        Worse he does not know what he writes.

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      It was a process in history. It was inevitable. Many think we must
      thank our stars the British were our Colonisers. Let us be grateful
      to what they left for us. What will be our fate if the Rajapakses
      were to continue to rule us. They played merry hell only in a few years and emptied our nearly- bankrupt treasury.

      By the way, where are those great Sinhala patriotic heroes when the Rajapakses mortgaged parts of the Motherland to the Chinese. They
      played havoc in 1987, with Mara in the lead, destroying electric lines,
      trains, buses etc., and bringing the country to halt – merely for the 13th Amendment. Today they are campaigning like men possessed – for Provincial power. Where is the Sinhala national outrage. Where is Shame – Rushdie’s Lajja. Where were our Mahanayakes when the Rajapakses changed the Constitution to give them a virtual run for life. At least VP had conviction. With a small army, he gave hell for 30 years and died honorably – with his entire family. But the lesson is
      quickly forgotten. Oh! the Sinhalese – and their short memories.

      R. Varathan

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    Sri Lanka and Vietnam: Both are Buddhist countries. Sri Lanka was under the British about 200 years back and got independence in 1948. Vietnam fought a heroic war against the US about 50 years back and won against tremendous odds and unbelievable fire power. The country was carpet bombed and Napalm was used to defoliate its forests. Now Vietnam has forgiven all that and is having good relations with the US. Investment is flooding in and trade is increasing. Vietnam, a country that was far behind us has now surged far ahead of us.

    Buddha preached Nahi Verena Verani but our Buddhists do not want to forgive and forget – ever. While paying lip service to Dhamma they tread exactly the opposite path to what Buddha recommended. It is true that the British colonialists did tremendous damage to Sri Lanka. But that is all in the past and nothing can be achieved by dwelling with hatred on those things now. To be fair, we must think about the good things that the British have done for SL. Victoria dam, the largest and technically the most sophisticated dam in Sri Lanka, was an outright gift of the British. It stands today as a monument to the friendship between the two countries.

    No wonder our Tamil brethren consider it impossible to have reconciliation with us. The Sinhalese never forget nor forgive. Looking at these hateful comments and the article that prompted them, I am ashamed to be a Sinhalese.

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    Pitasanna Shanmugathas is known to write against Tamils, technically mixing with half-truths.
    He has not talked about China forcefully taking Colombo Pong Cing or Hangbangtota, but only talking about European accepting what Don Juan and Ehelepola voluntarily handed over to Europeans. Ehelepola, fought on the side of British Whites, Captured the Tamil King, Handed over to Foreigners by his own hand.
    Pitasanna just repeating the circulating myths that Tamil had an advantage of Missionary teaching. Pitasanna is not ready to talk about of at least a five powerful pure Hindu schools outdoing the every leading Missionary School in the North, in the time in question. They all were Hindu Philanthropists’ deeds. Right after freedom, in the 1950s, there was no school anywhere near Jaffna Hindu or Skanda, both were on Hindu names. On employment side, in Malaysia & Singapore, Ceylon Tamils had established their record. Still in Singapore, though only a tiny percentage like 1%, the Ceylon Tamils’ professionalism was praised even by Lee Kwan Yew (A Malaysian Chinese by race – not an English White) in his book. If you check the record, who went to there that time was almost all uneducated, but got their education there (Like the present day Tamil diaspora). There was no Ceylon University exporting Tamils to those countries. Is this the British Divide and rule? Pitasanna though touched that subject, but was not willing to explain why, Portuguese, Dutch and British brought that many numbers of Tamils from TN, who had nothing to do with the Missionary teaching, but did only menial jobs? It is only naive attempt of covering up that the Tamils are dependable workers in whether it is processional area or skilled, or unskilled.

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