10 February, 2025


British Spies Organised Execution Of Patrice Lumumba

British spies admitted helping to organise the detention and execution of the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the 1960s, a peer has claimed, the Telegraph reports.

Baroness (Daphne) Park of Monmouth, who was the senior MI6 officer in the African country at the time, said she had “organised it”, according to the Labour peer Lord Lea. Independence leader Patrice Lumumba was arrested, tortured and executed just months after becoming the first democratically elected prime minister of the DRC in 1960.

Read more in the Telegraph

British spies admitted helping to organise the detention and execution of Patrice Lumumba the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the 1960s, a peer has claimed. Photo: AP


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  • 0

    I can’t believe Brits have the nerve to go around the world demanding accountability from others.

    Not a single British war crime has been porperly punished in their recent past. And they have committed many crimes all over the globe.

    • 0


      Don’t be surprised mate.

      British, USA and their blind followers’ are always right. The rest of the world is always wrong. Therefore no war crimes are required against Britsh and otheres countries.

  • 0

    And the almighty UNHR is silent when it comes to their “dirty Linen” being exposed in public !

  • 0

    At least Baronness Park had the courage to admit to this crime whatever punishment may follow.
    I am still to hear of anyone in Sri Lanka admitting to any of the genocidal crimes since independence.
    In fact even the most obvious burning of the Jaffna Library is now being disclaimed!

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