By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“We asked for water tanks; they sent army tanks” –A woman resident of Weliveriya[i] (BBC – 3.8.2013)
They had every reason to feel confident and safe, to expect consideration and justice.
They were almost exclusively Sinhalese and predominantly Buddhist. They would have supported the military wholeheartedly (quite a few would have kith/kin in uniform) and rejoiced in the defeat of the LTTE. Many would have done the victory-tour, eating shellfish inJaffna, worshipping at Nagadeepa, laying flowers at the monument to their war heroes and inspecting Vellupillai Pirapaharan’s bunker. Most would have voted for the Rajapaksas, believing that their present was safe and their future assured in the ‘caring’ hands of the Tiger-vanquishers.
When they realised that the water from their familiar wells had turned toxic, they would have believed that ‘their government’ will succour and protect them. After all, they were not asking for devolution or land/police powers. They wanted free pipe-borne water – a just request given that they were not responsible for releasing pollutants into the waterways. They also wanted the closure of the factory believed to be responsible for contaminating their groundwater.
They did not understand that the Rajapaksas, who waste billions on themselves, turn extremely miserly when it comes to addressing the ordinary problems of little people. And they did not know that the controversial factory belonged to a the premier economic-avatar of the Rajapaksas.
They did not realise that their demand for clean water would transform them from patriots to anti-patriots, from members of the Volk to stooges of the Tamil Diaspora and NGO-lovers.
Why should they, mostly Sinhalese, predominantly Buddhist, Rajapaksa supporters, making an unexceptionable request, peacefully, with Buddhist monks at the helm?
Perhaps, like those ordinary Germans, they blamed insensitive/corrupt functionaries for their plight. Perhaps they thought that once President Mahinda or Minister Basil gets to know, all will be well.
When the army replaced the police, they would have been relieved. This was the army they loved, the army they did bodhi pujas and blood donation campaigns for, the Sinhala army of the Sinhala people.
So, minutes before all hell broke loose, a demonstrator shouted, “We are not the LTTE”. The officer-in-charge promptly responded, “That is why we are even talking”[ii].
But the army did not come to talk. They came dressed for battle, carrying weapons of war. Their appearance and demeanour sent an unmistakably sinister message, but the demonstrators were too mired in myopia to get it. Believing in the hype about ‘Api wenuwen api’, they obviously never thought that ‘Our (Sinhala) Boys’ would be ordered by ‘Our (Sinhala) Government’ to shoot at ‘Us’, the Sinhala people.
They were tragically wrong.
The military shot into the unarmed crowd, without using any other, non/less lethal, crowd-controlling measure. There were no water cannons, tear gas or even rubber bullets. Live bullets were the patriotic army’s first resort against the patriotic Sinhala crowd led by patriotic Buddhist monks[iii], asking for safe water.
Subsequently, for some hours, Weliweriya became occupied territory, a la North. An unofficial curfew was imposed; people were forced to stay indoors and the injured could not obtain treatment. Power was disconnected and house-to-house searches conducted. The army reportedly shot at and assaulted people sheltering inside a church.
“They attacked barbarically, brutally…. There is a rule of war, not just in Sri Lankabut in the world, hospitals, temples, churches and schools cannot be bombed or invaded. The other thing is when a man comes forward with arms raised you cannot shoot”, says a resident[iv]. In this indignant, perplexed soliloquy of a Sinhala man, one can hear the dawning realisation that, perhaps, perhaps, the ‘Humanitarian Operation’ was not quite humanitarian.
Before they fried into the crowd, the army herded media personnel into a vehicle (some were assaulted) and shot at the street lights plunging the area into darkness.
The aim was to combine indiscriminate use of fire-power with zero-coverage, a la Fourth Eelam War.
Fortunately, for now, the terror-tactics are not working. The media gave maximum coverage; people spoke out; Ranil Wickremesinghe and other Opposition parliamentarians visited the area. The people of Weliweriya, because they are Sinhalese living in close vicinity toColombo, were not abandoned.
So, not even marginally as horrendous as the North, but an omen, nevertheless, of times ahead.
A Rajapaksa Monopoly
SWRD Bandaranaike “nationalised the buses and communalised the nation”[v], wrote A Sivanandan. The Rajapaksas are combining monopoly-capitalism with blood and faith nationalism.
The controversial factory at Weliweriya is owned by the Hayleys; Dhammika Perera has a near 50% control over the Hayleys[vi]. Mr. Perera also owns a large chunk of Sri Lanka’s private sector economy. His Vallibel Group controls “nearly a tenth of listed firms… 28 out of 280”[vii]. He is involved in every sector of the economy, from tiles to tourism, from plantations to banking (he is the Chairman of the Sampath Bank); “he also owns stakes in unlisted companies in power generation and gaming”[viii].
Mr. Perera wears another hat; he was appointed the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Transport in 2011. There is a clear conflict of interest in a business magnate on an acquisition-spree functioning as a senior bureaucrat.
That is Rajapaksa Sri Lanka.
The Rajapaksas own the state; and they are set to acquire a monopoly-control over the private-sector economy through dummy entrepreneurs.
Sri Lankawill thus become a fully-owned Rajapaksa concern, politically and economically.
When the people of Weliveriya demanded the closure of a Hayleys-owned factory, they took on a Rajapaksa-avatar. Plus Gampaha is the fief of Basil Rajapaksa. The Weliveriya protest thus became a challenge to Rajapaksa political and economic power.
No crime is that criminal in Rajapaksa Sri Lanka.
The people of Weliveriya, and, through them all Lankan people, had to be taught a lesson in obedience.
The Rajapaksas will now redouble their efforts to shore up the Muslim bogey so that Sinhala-Buddhist South will be too busy worrying about Sharia or Halal to care about the poison in their water; or prices, lousy educational/health standards, crime, abuse or injustice.
The officer-in-charge of the ‘Humanitarian Operation’ in Weliveriya said that the army fired a few shots in the air, after the demonstrators threw homemade bombs and shot with a T56 gun. In that manifestly apocryphal tale, the echo of other lies (‘zero-civilian casualties’ et al) could be heard.
Neither the North nor the South will know any real peace or development, so long as the Rajapaksas are in power and the military is embroiled in civilian affairs. And until the Sinhala masses realise that the Rajapaksas are as bad for Sinhala-Buddhists as Vellupillai Pirapaharan was for Tamils, and that the military is not a national force but a Rajapaksa tool, the country will deteriorate and the South, including Hambantota, will experience other Weliveriyas.
A resident of Weliweriya said, “If they treated us like this for engaging in a demonstration one can imagine the situation in the North. We thought they did something big by finishing the war in our country. Now it looks as if they just killed innocent people[ix]”.
Is the worm opening its eyes and seeing the world for what it is?
[i] http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/multimedia/2013/08/130802_weliweriya_audio.shtml
[ii] Daily Mirror – 2.8.2013
[iii] http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/multimedia/2013/08/130802_weliweriya_video.shtml
[iv] Ibid
[v] When Memory Dies
[vi] http://www.sundaytimes.lk/130526/business-times/dhammika-has-near-50-stake-in-hayleys-45655.html
[vii] http://www.lankabusinessonline.com/news/Sri_Lankas_Dhammika_Perera_extends_business_empire/1710402931
[viii] Ibid
[ix] http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/multimedia/2013/08/130802_weliweriya_audio.shtml
Peter / August 4, 2013
Brilliant – as usual!
Leelage Nangi / August 4, 2013
Increasing majority of the island would RATHER want to see MR^s face becoming similar to the appearances of the poor victimized on the picture. These are people who should be treated well. These poor people protested knowing and respecting their democratic rights to do so, but ended up with unexpected fates. Videos revealed hundreds were beaten and got injured by the assaults of the brutal forces with their lovely ones watching them helplessly. All these pictures cause fears among the foreign communities that have already confirmed themselves in taking part in CW summit in SL this year.
Would the IC at all allow brutal Rajapakses to hold the summit on this murderous island ?
Would they CW member fellows want one of the their member -Srilanka to continue with this kind of crime friendly culture ? Are these not against commonwealth human rights standards ? Why is it against pigi island but not against SRILANKA – CURRENTLY ruley by scum of the nation.
poota / August 4, 2013
Mahen / August 4, 2013
You remind me of Martin Niemoller!
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Vasu / August 5, 2013
When I heard this news I had the similar playback. Guns does not know the ethnical and ethical differnces. Mullivaikal was a beginning of the disaster.
Mahen / August 4, 2013
In case you have no clue,
Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller (14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a German anti-Nazi theologian[1] and Lutheran pastor.
Lankan / August 4, 2013
Poota, people like you are the reason why Sri Lanka is a Paraya state. One day when the army attacks and kills your family for no fault of theirs you will understand. Sri Lankan army is a barbaric army and this has now been proven to the entire world. You can vote for Rajapakse government at the Provincial council elections. Do you understand why provincial councils are asking for police powers now? May be you do not have the capability to understand that much or else you would not have made the comment you made.
poota / August 4, 2013
Ranjan Udawtte / August 4, 2013
Tis is what happens when a ministry fellow incharge for Diffence also involved in Urban development !!! Shabash Enjoy the life along with the great “BIG FAMILY”
Bandara - Mahanuwara / August 8, 2013
The Army has no alternative when an unruly crowd block the main road and fire and throw stones at the Army. We salute our RANAWIRU.
Aney Apochchi! / August 4, 2013
Yet another hard-hitting expose of a violent and corrupt bunch of hoodlums, in and out of uniform.
We now can wait for more of the “Poota” brand of paid lackeys to heap abuse on Sri Lanka’s bravest and most skilled journalist!
Thiru / August 4, 2013
Dear Tisaranee Gunasekara,
The Sinhala youth asked for justice and fair play in education and jobs, but they(the state)said these are commies and came down hard on them – killed them in the thousands, raped them – aided and abetted by the guardian angels of democracy from abroad. Mass graves of the disappeared innocent souls found, but they don’t want to bring justice to those disappeared young victims.
Then they came again and again, and yet again for Tamils all over Sri Lanka, we kept silent, and we thought they are Tamils anyway. We quietly benefited from the booties as Tamils lost lives, Tamil women raped, and they fled abroad in droves leaving the paradise for us.
Then they came for the Tamils of North-East asking for rights, we helped them thinking they were fighting the Tiger terrorists. They fooled us and the world, and committed genocide of Tamils, and thereby won the war. We thought everything is over and Sri Lanka is all ours.
They burn the press and make the truth-sayers to disappear for ever. They hate the foreign news media as they are LTTE sponsored – so they claim.
They have bought and retained law makers, who would say; aye aye sir, and collect their fat perks and cash and enjoy life.
Now they came for us the Sinhala Buddhists, because they thought these lot need be straightened too!
All we asked for is to restore back our clean water from the wells, which we and our forefathers cherished for centuries. They came with battle tanks, instead of the water tanks we asked for.
They beat us with poles, and shot as in the back we ran for cover in terror. We ran into the sanctuary of a church – they pursued us inside and assaulted us more. They smashed the cameras of reporters and assaulted them so the attacks on innocents can be hushed.
Then they parade our streets with battle tanks as we mourn, as if it’s another victory celebrations!
This is similar to what happened to the Jews, gays, political opponents, communists, disabled, elderly, Poles, prisoners, children and DISSIDENT GERMANS too in Nazi Germany.
History repeats they say because human psychology remains the same. I am sure Hitler has taken a reincarnation in Sri Lanka. Only the names are different and the actors are different: actions are very familiar.
What a cursed state we inherited with leaders with crooked minds leading us all down the precipice. Can somebody make them get enlightened to follow Buddha’s path?
Anura / August 4, 2013
How long you have to keep saying the same msg to these (adjective is omitted) Sinhalese? Can they hear? Can they see?
Most of these tree worshiping Sinhalese Buddhists have very thick filters in between their ears and conscious brain, and also between eyes and conscious brain. Even if you try to show the truth through these simple incidents, most of these msg get filtered before going to their conscious brain.. (those filters have ample of bacteria containing aberrated versions patriotism, foreign conspiracy theories, etc..)
R family has seen new signs of longevity. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe has another win and going for 33 years. With NamalR, R family can go 50 more years.. I bet NamalR and some others will do courtesy visit to Zimbabwe soon.
Thiru / August 4, 2013
The take-away from the “Weliveriya attack” is this:
Stand up for justice and fair-play; whether it be for the Tamils,
Muslims, Christians, Burghers, foreigners, Sinhalese, women
or anybody else for that matter.
Once the armed forces are used to killing Tamils with impunity, it is a matter of time before they set upon Muslims, Sinhalese or anybody else. Once they get used to raping Tamil women at will, soon they can prey on Sinhala women too if they can get away with. They grab Tamil people’s land with impunity – so they will with Sinhala people’s land.
It’s either justice for all, or justice for none eventually – that is the principle in operation here. Hence the need for impartiality in law and it’s enforcement.
If the majority of the people of Sri Lanka stood for justice for all from 1948, we won’t be in a situation we are in now. We would have elected fair-minded leaders to power. We had several fair-minded leaders (NM, Colvin, etc) whom the majority discarded by the way side. Even now there may be a few, a dwindling number though.
So long as people fall prey to power hungry demagogues there is no salvation for Sri Lanka.
Let good sense and justice prevail in peoples’ minds rather than emotions.
Lapatiya / August 4, 2013
People ask Jobs, Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi Close Factories and Gave us a “Magampura Rajapaksha Port” now being used as a Swimming Pool.
People ask to Reduce the essential Items, Darmadveepa Chakrawarthi increase the Tax and gave us a “Mahinda Rajapaksha Mattala International Airport” now being used as a “Ambalama”
People ask to give concessions for kerosene Oil for Fishing, 3 Singhaladeeshawara thuma took Halawatha Anthony’s Life.
Artists ask to protect film Industry, “Nihathamani Nayakathuma” close the theaters and gave Artists a “Nelum Pokunu”
People ask Democracy, “Palapurudu Nayakathuma” buying Opposition Politicians for money and destroying Democracy.
People ask to reduce electricity charges, “Sanwedee Nayakathuma” use magic and playing “Seeni Ukkung” part and Organize Night Car races.
People ask Independent Judiciary, ” Gami Suwanada Adunana” Nayakathuma chased the CJ Dr. B Illegally and appoint an International Liar as CJ.
Journalists ask Media Freedom, “Reporters Friend” giving Media Personal only breakfast at Public expenses at Raja Wasala and send CID after other Media Personnel who doesn’t eat “Aappa” “and “Lunumiris” with him.
People ask Independent Commissions, “Palapurudu Nayaka thuma” took over to appoint Independent commissions lifting his white Sarong up to his neck showing his back to General Public.
Student ask their rights on Free education, “Keerthi Sri 3 Singhaladeeshwara thuma” close Universities and appoint a Thug as Higher education Minister and gave education to a “Tusion Master” who cannot arrange even a 5th grade question paper.
Children ask to reduce Milk and Milk Powder, “Jaathiye Aadambaraka Thattha promote Casino and support for Whole Sale Drug Dealers and take Child Rapists and murderers to Parliament.
People ask Suitable Drinking Water, “Jathiye Aadambarakara Baappa” gave Bullets instead Water and Donate People’s Hard earned Tax Money to Uganda’s Water Requirements.
People ask to reduce Food prices, “Madamulana Chakrawarthi” give us
People ask god’s help to protect our “Rana Viruwo” to kill people in the north. our Rana Viruwo has completed the “Humanitarian” operation in the north with “0” civilian causality and started second part of “Humanitarian” Operation in the south. Probably this Humanitarian operation also will end up with “-0” civilian causality.
Maha Rana Viruwage Aascharye Maarai meda?
Matilda Ellepola / August 4, 2013
and the ‘Adambarakara Thathaa’ have killed a 17yrs old schoolboy for the crime of going to fetch his mother who is the single parent from work and was just in the wrong place when the Rajapaksha junta fired at him.
What is the plight of this boy and the rocket Rohitha who may drink Perrier imported from the Alps of France!
We need a Lankan spring and unfortunately thousands of Akilas have to pay the price for that. is the worth ? yes it is..
bo / August 4, 2013
The body of a son of a poor Sinhala mother is being taken to its final resting place in Weliweriya. Son of an arrogan, show off and boasting President havinga nice time declaring opening a mexican restaurant in Colombo. What a sense of prioritiesof these pretentious blood on the hands family wearing a blood soaked satakya round their neck.
Muliyawaikkal / August 4, 2013
Water is stolen from Sinhala areas like Weliweriya, Kelaniya, Labugama, Ambathalay and pumped to Tamil areas in Colombo city.
This is the root cause of the problem.
Stop this ROBBERY before people pollute the water for all.
kali / August 8, 2013
There is more water pumped back from Tamil Eelam in Colombo but this time the water has been sprayed with a Chemical ( MULLI PISS ) to get rid of the contamination so that the people of Weliweriya, Kelaniya, Labugama can drink the water free of contamination
This supply should be enough to last their life time
silva / August 4, 2013
very good article. little bit dramatized which is required for stimulate brains of Sinhalese donkeys (including me) like us. This county can be built only by racial harmony and it is not a personal property of uneducated Rajapakse
Uthungan / August 4, 2013
“….the Rajapakses are bad for the Sinhala Buddhists as Velupillai Pirabakaran was for the Tamils…”
A perfectly pithy analysis.
The worm has opened only one eye,but how long will it take for the other to open?
Sumith / August 4, 2013
This man and the people bearing the fruits for electing Mervin, Paba and goons to parliament. You saw what you seed.
See what this politician is saying…
srilal / August 4, 2013
Absolutely, don’t forget to add our very own Basil, Sarana G et al for that impressive list.
No doubt all the victims (injured & deceased) and their immediate family members must have voted for the above colorful characters.
Give it another two weeks, except the victims every one will forget this tragedy and will focus on the next stage managed drama.
Katmai / August 4, 2013
“They had every reason to feel confident and safe, to expect consideration and justice.” because they were Sinhalese-Buddhist? Think about what it means. Now, is it not natural justice, divine intervention, karma or what ever the hell you want to call it, for a people who think and feel that way to face what they did in Weliveriya? Is it an occasion for the rest of the people to celebrate now that the Sinhala-Buddhists are finally recognizing the devil they’ve been nurturing?
Don’t give me the BS that the Sinhala-Buddhists didn’t know how Tamils in the North were being treated. As has been mentioned, most of these people had their kith and kin in the military and they very often relate stories about their brutal dealings with Tamils. The Sinhala-Buddhists were cheering them on then. They experience one night in Weliveriya and they are all sympathetic towards the Tamils now? Oh, please… give me a break.
No one who writes under their own name, even Tisaranee, may point this out but let it be known that the Buddhist Monks who were spearheading the protest scurried back to the temple just before the shooting began. And they claim they have no knowledge of what took place after that. The Catholic priest and nuns were trying to protect the people and were themselves brutalized by the army. That is a fact that I suspect will never be highlighted in the media.
Next time you step into the streets for a protest make sure you keep an eye on Elara’s Elephant.
Wickramasiri / August 4, 2013
Rajapaksas are poor managers and they have no capacity to learn from the blunders they make. Using the army was a big mistake. They saw the protesting crowd as the enemy and a legitimate target to kill. The frightening thing is that the war mentality and the aggression amongst the soldiers has not abated. This is a serious lapse of the army high command and it is important to immediately put the soldiers through a programme to detoxify the psyche. The threatening words spoken by the soldier to the nun who was protecting innocent people showed a state of paranoia. The army has to be told what their limits are.
If not I can foresee tens of thousands of people rising against the army in the future leading to a great catastrophe.
Thiru / August 4, 2013
Once the human mind is stretched it won’t go back to its original dimensions. – A famous saying.
The Sri Lankan military mind is stretched to killing innocent Tamils by the tens of thousands and committing genocide.
The only way to prevent further massacres of any community is to disband the present one and build new, ethical military and police forces.
This is why police powers to the North will help set a new clean start to policing probably under a retired justice as an exemplar.
Thiru / August 4, 2013
Correction: The Sri Lankan military mind is stretched to killing innocent Sinhalese and Tamils by the tens of thousands, and committing genocide of Tamils.
Mahasohon / August 4, 2013
Weliweriya is in the heart of Buddhist Sinhala citizens of the country. The shooting of these people by the Army under the orders of a repressive government (executed by its Defence Secretary) should draw Bodu Bala Sena’s attention, if they claim that they are representing the rights of sinhala Buddhists. It is time all these monks take to the street and show solidarity with the people demanding right for clean well wate, as they have traditioanlly used this method of obtaining drinking water for centuries. If BBS does not respond, and stands around impotent, then it substantiate the argument that BBS is nothing more than another activist organ of the Defence Secretary.
Point of View / August 4, 2013
BBS thugs do not have the balls to confront the Army or the Government !
Their thuggery is only towards the minority.
Leelage Nangi / August 4, 2013
That alone shows that BBS are not capable of representing the nation. Their principles are to destroy peace and harmony of the country for no good reasons. Rulers should have to focus on the leadership of BBS closely, in the days to come will be hard for bbs fanatics.
Kalu Malli / August 5, 2013
Yeap, they were hibernating in their saffron robes during the 30 year war…
Point of View / August 5, 2013
Hiding in the temple toilet with their tails hidden between their legs :)
Kalu Malli / August 5, 2013
Or else abusing little abiththayas ….
Psharmindra Samuel / August 5, 2013
Postwar 2009,Katunayake,Chilaw,Derniyagala,Weliveriya, Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow
“Violence begets Violence”, “Those who take to the sword, die by it”, “What goes up must come around”— these are synonyms said by grate wise people. Ever since the North –East war ended in 2009,one of the blatant allegations against the SL Government and its security forces was that Thousands of innocent people died in this conflict and nobody has taken responsibility or neither brought anyone to account.
If a Nation is guilty in killing its own people innocently in any given conflict and does not make account for it, it only relies on its stubborn brutality and never learns it’s lessons the given way or even the hard way, only brutality in its wisdom continues, what we experienced with the bullets of Police, Thugs and Security forces, in Katunayake,Chilaw,Daraniyagala and now Weliveriya for unarmed citizens protesting for their rights for better wages, help for the Fisheries industry, sanity in their villagers to prevail from ongoing thugery or for un-contaminated water, lies, is in blind eyes and deaf ears of Authorities. If this is the way that authorities in the government behave, then we are not far from a country of sheer anarchy and chaos that builds up to a regime that governs with repression and oppression.
It is wise for President Rajapakse and His Government to turn around now and Build up a Nation that lives Reconciled to one another, be it Authority and Subjects, Rich or Poor, Superior Race or inferior, Majority or minority, Whatever Religion One may belong to, it is still opportune time to work for True Reconciliation, Justice and Peace.
Real Peace loving citizens and religious leaders are waiting with a right hand of fellowship stretched out with love, please do accept it gladly.
Karunaivel - Ranjithkumar / August 5, 2013
It’s so socking and poor peasant community as request for there basic living rights turns into this big massacre. This shows that Government does not have bigger economic vision to see the future of Sri Lanka.May God bless lanka.
K.A Sumana sekera / August 5, 2013
If this sad incident is a Sinhala Buddhist battle against the Govt and the Srilankan Army, why on earth would Ranil take his buddy John to look after the welfare of the victims?.
Doesn’t Ranil have any Sinhala Buddhist members close to him who care about their Sinhala Buddhist supporters among the inhabitants?
It is a pity that Ms T doesn’t listen to BBC Sinhala service.
Otherwise she could have heard the Reverend Father pleading with the “outsiders” to butt out and allow the local inhabitants to sort their problems by themselves.
Human / August 5, 2013
Oh for the love of god please write with facts and numbers. The anti Rajapaksa’s rhetoric is getting quite weak though the available data is quite strong. Re write this and bring in something about the tsunami funds he re routed.
Antany Peter / August 8, 2013
Foreign Minister G L Peiris says that nothing will affect GHOGM, He says WHAT HAS HAPPENED IS PART AND PARCEL OF LIFE.
The Foreign Minister is saying that shooting unarmed civilians is part and parcel of life in Sri Lanka. I am extremely disappointed to hear this from him. His words are hard to believe than those uneducated soldiers’ actions. He is dancing according to the fools’ music, instead of directing the fools to a right path according to his knowledge. He is letting down his people. He is betraying his mother and his motherland.
Spring Koha / August 8, 2013
Gamini Lakshman Peiris is indeed a disappointment and a disgrace, and this was before his latest puerile utterances on the Weliveriya debacle. As a front man for a desperate government that has lost its way and now demands complete subservience from ALL of its people, GL is the monkey that will dance to any tune that will satisfy the organ grinding brothers. The greatest service that this man(?) can offer his beleagured people is resignation and retirement.
kali / August 8, 2013
The answer to your question lies in the following.
Sinhabahu or (“Lion-arms”), was the son of a Vanga princess and a lion. He killed his father and became king of Vanga. His son Vijaya would emigrate to Lanka and become the progenitor of the Sinhala people