“But what then is Capital punishment but the most premeditated of murders…?” ~ Albert Camus
The Friday Forum wishes to express its horror and disgust that the President has signed the death warrants of four prisoners. To date the names of these prisoners have not been made known to the public, nor the offences for which they have been convicted.
The Constitution implicitly provides for the imposition of capital punishment in Article 13 (4), and courts do impose this punishment on convicted offenders under the relevant laws. However, death sentences have not been carried out since 1976 when the last execution took place. It has been recognized that it violates the right to life, there is a grave danger of miscarriages of justice, and it has never been proved to have a special deterrent effect on crime as opposed to other forms of punishment. Rather, it is the ultimate example of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment.
There are currently over 1000 convicted prisoners on death row in prisons and it has always been accepted that the punishment will not be carried out. While ideally, the provision for capital punishment should be removed from the Constitution and the statute books, at least this status quo was acceptable in our society. The death penalty is nothing less than institutionalized murder and the initiatives of the President to revive it were understandably met with strong objections.
The death penalty has no place in a society which is home to four of the major religions in the world, all of which teach compassion and respect for human life. We are on the brink of violating Sri Lanka’s obligations to international human rights standards that Sri Lanka has endorsed. We will have to face the consequences, not least, shame and disgrace in the eyes of the world.
It is indeed ironic that a President who campaigned on the slogan of a “Maithri Palanaya” (merciful governance) should now single handedly take our country back to a dark age by this retrogressive step. We call on the President to immediately rescind these orders of execution and also call on the Legislature to take measures to abolish capital punishment in Sri Lanka without further delay.
Prof. Camena Guneratne and Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy
On behalf of:
Mr. Pulasthi Hewamanna, Bishop Duleep de Chickera, Mr. Tissa Jayatilaka, Prof. Gameela Samarasinghe, Ms. Manouri Muttetuwegama, Ms. Suriya Wickremasinghe, Ms. Shanthi Dias, Prof. Arjuna Aluwihare, Mr. S.C.C. Elankovan, Mr. Daneshan Casie Chetty, Mr. Chandra Jayaratne, Prof. Savitri Goonesekere, Rev. Dr. Jayasiri Peiris, Dr. Geedreck Usvatte-aratchi, Mr. Priyantha Gamage, Mr. Faiz Ur-Rahman, Mr. Prashan de Visser, Mr. Dhammapala Wijayanandana and Dr. Devanesan Nesiah.
Raj-UK / June 28, 2019
As President of SL, you have vast powers but you don’t have the divine power to take a life. If you are a true Buddhist & pledge to uphold the five precepts at all the Buddhist ceremonies & temples you attend, which I am sure you do, you should know that one precept is about abstaining from killing a living being. So you are a bloody hypocrite or plain stupid & ignorant, just going through the motions, pretending to be a great Buddhist.
Even if an alleged criminal is guilty (as decided by a court of law), you don’t have the moral right to sign the death warrant. You are not god to take that decision.
Manel Fonseka / June 28, 2019
Now why has CT called itself the author of a statement by Friday Forum?
Venn / June 28, 2019
Not only is the death penalty abhorrent, it is also completely useless. The USA has the death penalty in many states and yet violent crime is endemic. If Sirisena wants to have the death penalty he should hang the first convict himself.
Ajith / June 28, 2019
He may planning to sign the death penalty to Ranil, Mahinda & Gota in order to get free from presidential post
Douglas / June 28, 2019
Friday Forum: Before anything else, could you please check on whom this “Death Penalty” has been imposed. First thing First. Why the courts are given the power to impose the Death Penalty? If you object to that, then there will not arise your “CRY”.. Instead , why not ask that power to impose the “Death Penalty” be replaced with “Life Imprisonment”. How do you reconcile the situation with your call and demand for let the “Judiciary” be “Independent” and “Equal” to everyone compared with this call not to “Implement” the Court decisions? If the Courts have the “Authority” and “Power” to impose the “Death Penalty” ; equally the Courts have that same power to see that the “Punishments” given are “Executed”. If not there is no need to have the Judiciary and the courts. You seemed to be getting the wrong end of the stick all the time in all public matters.
K.Pillai / June 28, 2019
Do we need Albert Camus to tell us that Capital punishment is premeditated murder?
The sentence “Hung by the neck till dead” speaks for itself.
Electric shocks are repeatedly administered till the person tied down to the chair is dead.
Lethal injections are administered till the person tied to the bed is dead.
Beheadings are now spectator spectacles.
The arbitrary thumbs up or down on Gladiators
Crucifying, stoning to death. The list goes on and on.
On occasions innocent persons are lawfully killed.
The above are some lawful state killings but not so lawful are the practice of pushing prisoners off helicopters, US Police shooting the victim for ‘resisting’ arrest, fake encounters, death squads, assassination, WhiteVan disappearances and the like.
Friday Forum has not said one word about the lawful and the not-so-lawful killings.
Why this Rip Van Winkle wakeup on the heels of the ‘tragedy’ that was 2019 Lankan Easter Sunday?
Mallaiyuran / June 28, 2019
Malinda filed a writ and have postpone the hanging. At CoA he claims that punishment is human right violation. Let’s hope this time he wins the case.
K.Pillai / June 28, 2019
Friday Forum points out that {“The death penalty has no place in a society which is home to four of the major religions in the world,….”}
Death penalty violates human rights. Period….period.
Friday Forum adds {“We will have to face the consequences, not least, shame and disgrace in the eyes of the world”}
We, layLankans, are confident that GoSL is doing everything possible and will succeed in containing the ‘Lankan IS Caliphate dream’.
What about the shaming of Tripitaka Buddhism by the BBS-Buddhist sect?
BBS is led by Gnanasara Thero known for anti-Muslim vitriolic, eschewal of Buddhism101, uncivil behaviour, vandalising the ‘Laws of the Land’ and so on.
Lankan Elites line up to catch HIS glimpse.
‘Justice for All’ advocates say that he fits the commonly accepted portraiture of ‘Terrorist’.
Friday Forum please get off your august seats and look urgently whether or not Gnanasara is a threat to our desire to reconcile.
Good Sense / June 28, 2019
Friday Forum (FF) was sleeping all the time. His Axcellency Sillysena, when he was only the candidate for the Prasidency, said that those who deal with drugs and ethanol deserve the maximum punishment, reflecting his pleasure in seeing or hearing people dangling in a noose. So FF should have at least in very early stages, taken steps to introduce the important right to life while the 19th amendment was being discussed. FF has forgotten that the start of the chain was Sillysena seeking Cabinet Approval for the execution of certain offenders. Ranil and others supported it. So why must FF target Sillysena only? Even the likes of Deepika Udagama talks against the Capital Punishment directing it at Maru Sira but no mention “Wickckamasingham” (as some put it). RW is not bothered about this and people allow him to go scot free. If RW wants to talk of GSP+ from Europe then he and his boys should have said “NO” in the Cabinet it self when the matter first came up.
Pieris / June 28, 2019
When he was swapped to power he was accepted and embraced by the wider world as another Mandala or Luther King for his enlighten ways. When he started to sleep with dogs and swains all the ticks in them got into all over him, it made him to change his ways, and the greed for power got the better of him. He tried every tricks under the sun to hang on to power but failed miserably. The days are fast approaching for him to fade away, and no any other rope to hang on but only what left for him is the hang man’a rope to stay in the limelight.
Hamlet / June 29, 2019
Has Sirisena Chosen Four Muslim men?
D.Nimal / June 29, 2019
I totally an opposed Capital punishment by that MS has been approved against norms of ours 2600 years of civilization of Sri lanka.We are not that Western ideologies or Western civilization who killed People by WAR footing of Politics,that even after Capital punishments by rule of Law?
Our outlook of reading of Human Kind are differences from that line of think-tanks Western and Islamic Wabbiaism of Saudi civilization?
We denied GUN rule that KILLED by JVP, LTTE+TNA and Islam of Muslim Congress and other Muslim organizations that way of Terrorist politics are against of Democratic society of Lanka.We are too condemned Capital punishment approved by President of D S R of Sri lanka.
Native Vedda / June 29, 2019
“I totally an opposed Capital punishment”
What did you do to stop extrajudicial killings by the armed forces and the police in 1971, between 1987 and 1991, and over 30 years?
You have a lot to account for.
soma / June 29, 2019
Civilization level 1:
No captial punishment – European countries, Australia
Civilization level 2:
Capital punishment only for murder – USA, India
Civilization level 3:
Capital punishment for offences other than murder such as drugs and corruption – China, Singapore, Sri Lanka
Civilization level 4:
Capital punishment for change of religion – Islamic countries.
JD / June 29, 2019
Civilization level 1:
No captial punishment – European countries, Australia
They kill people only in wars and terrorism for resources such as oil, mineral e.g.Gadhaafi and Libya..
JD / June 29, 2019
PRESIDEN T MAITHRIPALA SIRISENA is fighting the Political aspect of the LTTE War. Fight it. It is the same opposition.
Wizaran / June 29, 2019
To the Friday Forum and all the rest of the rocket scientists, if you believe the whole country is so smart, but its only the President Srisena is out of bounds and lacks some intelligence, why not remove the capital punishment from the constitution? How does it make any sense by keeping the capital punishment in the law and not using it? why not remove it? Blame it on others! Blame Srisena! Blame the Tamils!! Blame the Muslims!!!
JD / June 29, 2019
Dadah is death (Malaysia). They check Maithripala sirisena’s courage, determination, initiative and fight to death mentality.
IT is LTTE war all over.
D.Nimal / July 2, 2019
Comment by Native Veddha
Why not only that talk of extrajudicially killed of 1971 April and by UNP 1988/89/90 of under the “name JVP’ that insurrection has been killed to 70,000 to 80,000 youth of Sri lankan.
There was not a single issue that rise by UN Human Rights the that “champions ” of Western Democracies; by the way that UK, USA, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Norway and other of EC nation has that not that rise any issues out of that any part of that every nook and corner of Globe?
Why was that so-called “World of Democracies” kept silent on the issue of extrajudicial killing at all levels in 1988/89/90 ?
Because of UNP was/is online that Pro- Western outfits of that advocated by Neoliberalist of Pro-USA political outfits.
By and large which that range of leaders of UNPand their success – of Messrs of HE of JRJ & R.Premadasa, Hon.Gamine Dissanayake ,Lalith Athulathmudali and Dr Ranil Wickramasinghe’s that his close comrade of arms that Ranjan Wijeratne were accountability of such massacre of responsibility 1988/89/90 during 1977 to 1994 by “rule of Dhramist” law and its governance!
Out that range of political leaders of that living of arch reactionary of their success of Wickramasinghe of R.. are still remain in UNP one and Leader. But UNP won power political gain and lay only mandate won by that Gamaralage Maithripala Sirisena in 2015 Jan 8th .
Extrajudicially killed and kidnapped are key policies of UNP and USA in world-wide since after End of 2nd world War 1945.
Look at current old world-order so many that extra judiciary killing in US, UK, Norway, Germany New Zealand and other Western nation. But matter of crucial issues of Human Kind and Human Rights of People of Globe are that kept silent by USA leader of so-called “Democracy” of world champion.
Pon Kulendiren / July 2, 2019
What are the other form of punishment other than Capital punishment possible for Gang rape, Murder, Serial Killer, Planned Murder and Drug offense Th death convicts are having usual life inside the prison without fear at Taxpayer money a poor hard worker who respects the law is living in poverty outside the prison In India where Buddha was born Capital punishment is carried out The gang rapers and killers of Tamil Student Krishanthi is having a happy life watching TV inside the prison There are many child murders in Sri Lanka is not practicing the preaching of Buddha as such do not take cover under Buddhism yo abolish Capital punishment