18 February, 2025


Cabinet Reshuffle: UNP In Minor Tweaks, UPFA No-Show

The much touted cabinet reshuffle proved to be an anticlimax with just a few changes being effected and these only with respect to UNP members. Accordingly only six ministers, two state ministers and a deputy minister were sworn in before President Maithripala Sirisena at the President’s office today.

Apparently the other UNP ministers will retain their portfolios while the fate of the UPFA ministers will remain unknown for a further two weeks, which is when President Sirisena said relevant decisions will be made.

President Sirisena also struck an ominous note speaking at the swearing in ceremony, hinting that there could be changes in the subjects gazetted under each ministry, according to a release issued by the Presidential Media Unit.

However, while portfolios held by the UPFA members are intact and will be so for at least a further two weeks, there was only a minor ‘shuffle’ of portfolios, the key change being Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe taking ‘Law and Order’ under his wing, a subject formerly held by staunch loyalist Sagala Ratnayaka.

Critics observe that these changes are insignificant and even cosmetic, in particular Wickremesinghe taking over Law and Order. It is widely held that Ratnayaka was anyway doing Wickremesinghe’s bidding when he, Ratnayaka, was Minister of Law and Order, and that it was Wickremesinghe who was responsible for the foot-dragging on the enforcement of the law in several high-profile cases including that of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Ratnayaka had earlier wanted to be relieved of the ‘Law and Order’ subject while Sarath Fonseka expressed readiness to take it up. Ratnayaka retains the Southern Development portfolio while also getting the Youth Affairs Ministry. Fonseka has not featured in the reshuffle.

The overall ‘reshuffle’ therefore is a far cry from the complete overhaul talked of in political circles after Prime Minister Wickremesinghe vowed to take bold steps in view of the humiliating defeat of the UNP as well as its coalition partner, the SLFP at the local government elections.

Meanwhile the subjects assigned to Kabir Hashim and Lakshman Kiriella have been switched. Accordingly Hashim takes over Higher Education and Highways while Kiriella becomes Minister of State Enterprises and Kandy Development.

In other changes, Harin Fernando gets the Foreign Employment portfolio in addition to Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure, while Ravindra Samaraweera has Sustainable Development and Wildlife. Piyasena Gamage was sworn in as the State Minister for Youth Affairs and Southern Development, while Ajith P Perera was made State Minister for Prisons and Rehabilitation. Harsh De Silva, the third State Minister to be sworn in got the subjects National Policy and Economic Affairs.

J.C. Alawathuwala was made the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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  • 14

    WOW….Dr Ranil got the Law & Order….
    Now he has official control of both his appointees Pujitha and Mahesh…
    Interpol doesn’t have to worry about trying to deliver that Red Card.
    Does he have the Prison boss under him too, because Aloysious and Palisena need help with Medical treatment..
    Although the JVP Prince is a good buddy of Dr Ranil , the few naive voters who follow the Prince need to worry, in case the masses become impatient about the plundering by the Yahapalana UNP.

    • 3

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere

      “WOW….Dr Ranil got the Law & Order…”
      Perhaps on the advice of JO, DR Mahinda Rajapaksa (LLD + 3X PhD), clan, …………………

      “Does he have the Prison boss under him too, because Aloysious and Palisena need help with Medical treatment..”

      Having him as the minister of Law and order is like anticipatory bail, Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa, Yoshitha, Namal, Lalith Weeratunga, Anusha Palpita, ………………… and many more have benefited from the Prime minister and thousands of war criminals and crooks are anticipated to benefit from his office. Have you noticed none of the murderers and fraudsters are worried about their future because they have guardian angel in the second highest office of the land?

      If you are in trouble please approach prime minister’s office including passport forgery, sil redda fraud, murder cases, financial fraud, …………………. Ranil will find a way to bail you out. There is a process, admit yourself to the prison hospital immediately after your arrest, then to an expensive hospital, ………….. then you will be free on bail. Whenever you get photo opportunity raise both hands in handcuff above your head and symbolically wave to the camera, …… then when you are released make a prepared statement blaming the government in general and protest your innocence. You will rarely see the courts again.

  • 15

    We see here Yahapalanya in a state of paralysis and terminally ill. More than the illness they are scared to death by the imminent return of the Rajapakses which the country is clamouring for. Mahinda is the de facto President while Sirisena does not wash his hands ever since the Queen shook it without the glove! All those pandankarayas in the judiciary who acted extra judicially should be dealt with severely for corrupting the course of justice. Gihan Kulatunge and Dilrukshi Dias better get their bags ready before serious action is taken against them.Fortunately better times are ahead for Sri Lanka.

  • 15

    So the great big cabinet reshuffle that was going to solve the country’ s problems has happened! The lion laboured and delivered a mouse.RW is treating his supporterswith contempt and they deserve it. RW is a living political fraud, and those who back him have taken leave of their senses. Of course the bulk of. UNP support come from Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, and people of doubtful parentage. They blindly support him not because of their belief in him but they hate the Sinhala Buddhists and they think RW is the one to destoy the Sinhala Buddhists. They are right, but what they did not know is thatRWwill destroy the country as well. Give him two more years and he will do that.

  • 15

    Ouch….. So the mountain laboured and produced a mouse!!
    How wonderful.

    Welcome pathetic Sri Lanka to another eternity with the Rajapakse-s at the helm starting from 2020 or sooner!!!

    What a bunch of miserable wankers…. enough said.

  • 15

    sirisena wants to get rid of ranil.This is his way of doing it by putting him in the hot seat and roasting him.Inquiries has to be made by CT as to who torpedoed sarath fonseka from law and order portfolio.

    • 3

      It was MS, who else??

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  • 1

    Viraj Kariyawasam said that nothing mentioned in this article was discussed. He actually felt what a wastage of time attending that meeting. Ranil was talking everything except the important things. For example talked about price control but not the availability of food items.

  • 3

    President has not appointed Sarath Fonseka as Minister of Law and Order. President Sirisena has once again proved that he has no back bone especially to fight against Mahinda Rajapakse. Although Sirisena is the President the feeling in the country is that Mahinda Rajapakse is the President, especially after the local government election. Sirisena has surrendered to the Puppeteer Mahinda and has become a slave of the SLFP Mahinda surrogates who are now acting as Maithree SLFP MPs. Shameful act and a let down of the people who appointed Maithree as the President. He has also put a noose around Ranil by offering him the Law and Order Ministry whereby he can continue to blame Ranil for his own failures to deliver the promise he gave to the people. If President Sirisena was a strong person he would have appointed Sarath Fonseka as the Minister of Law and Order. Do we need such a President, do those who voted to make him the President deserve such a weak President? Sirisena has done another “Appa Act” by not appointing or changing any SLFP Cabinet positions. Does this mean he wants to put the entire blame of his Government on the UNP? Is he so weak as not to accept his failures? Still there is time, he can appoint Sarath Fonseka as the Minister of Law and Order. Will he do it?

  • 1

    1st came UNP reshuffle & to take some time for SLFP.

    What’s the meaning?

    Lack of co-operation/coordination/fragile relationship & finally instable country?

  • 2

    Sarath Fonseka losy it because he started making statements about the “Law & Order” portfolio before its was given to him…SF was mentioned as a tactical game plan….

  • 1

    Ah, is that IG with PM?
    What’s the reason for law & order duo to be here?

    Together to do that?
    Bending the law as required?

    • 2

      Interesting to see IGP salivating at the sight of his master. Is he a police-balla on his hind legs waiting for his ball?

  • 0

    After Badiuddin Mahmud, now Kabir Hashim is the Higher education Minister. When Hakeem was “Law College Minister” Sinhala Students were climbing the rooftop. 72 Muslim students went to Law college.

    They Both (Ranil and New King) have extensive Secret Solution, not just for Tamils but for all Lankaweyans.

  • 2

    With PM taking for himself the Law and Order the entire Rajapaksa family with their cohort will sing “Hossanna” to their redeemer and the President too will enjoy a deep sigh of relief. Can any one please give a word of consolation to the vast majority of citizens who brought the two leaders to their present positions? Will he or she could say PM has taken the responsibility himself to give solace to the grieving families whose family members , parents ,husbands and children have been murdered. People are aware of the role played by the previous Minister for Law and Order in these investigations. Will the PM do justice to the Dead and their grieving families by doing his bounden duty by the people who gave him the power. I apologise for my comments if I am making a wrong impression or a misconception. I am constrained and compelled to make these observations vis a vis the previous attitudes and conduct of the two leaders on matters pertaining to Law and order. The people do not wish or expect the politicians to play hide and seek and use their discretion on matters pertaining to Law and Justice.It should not only be done but must be seen being done. Our Governments past and present have degenerated to the very base . The conduct and behaviour of politicians in the Parliament and in public places show ample evidence. Chanting slogans like
    ” Loken Uthum Rata Lanka wy” and “Nirmala Buddhism and three other great Religions are in Our country will not take us any where.
    “Democracy can be exercised only to the extent allowed by Law” One cannot take cover under Yahapalana concept, this holds good for the politicians as well.

  • 0

    Poor Ponny…. Yahapalana suckers seem gutted by the selfishness of Dr Rani to take over the Law & Order.
    Ponny promised to Hang Rajapaksa in Temparory Gallows in Galle Face.
    So the UN and Diaspora Heavies lead by Suren Surendran can watch the executions from the Luxury Ball Room in Shagrila Roof Top.
    Accompanied by their mate Mangi of course.
    What a Show it could have been..
    The Yahapalana suckers and Dr Ranil’s UNP Torch Bearers must have been salivating at least to sit on the Green and watch it.while eating Pine Apple with Salt and Chilli.
    All that have gone out of the Window.
    Now the question is will Dr Ranil re open Batalanada ?.
    We know .even without the Law & Order Gig , Dr Ranil tipped off the Army Intelligence Corps hiding place to Mr Piraharan.
    Wonder what Dr Ranil will do if our Pohottu supporters run out od patience…

  • 2

    Ranil responsible for law and jutice? Ajith responsible for Prisons? Hahahaha…………… a well planned recipe for bailing out all the criminals involved in the mega billion bond robbery, including these two ministers. Are you sure you have sufficient time in 2-years to white wash your crimes and those of your acolytes. MR also must be overjoyed that his friend is in charge so that he too is safe for 2-years. People what “karume” (fate) you have committed to be born in this land run by these cursed gand of criminals.

  • 1

    All the Tamils still reeling under the ignominious defeat of the LTTE and of their god Prabakaran were praying that RW will give them the satisfaction of seeing the Rajapakses defeated. Together with the gamarala And the treachery of Sobithaya who got his just desserts and is rotting away somewhere.,they got into power. However the facade of lies they built about the Rajapakses could not be sustained even after over 3 years in power. At long last some of the Sinhala modayas have realised that they have been taken for a long ride, and that it was a ruse for RW to get into power and rob, rob, rob.The Tamils however are still spreading these falsehoods but they don’t have the numbers to prevent a. Rajapakse victory. The Tamils will be dead meat before long.

  • 2

    Daily Mirror says that RW will hold the Law and Order portfolio for only one week! These buggers can’t even manage a reshuffle properly. Obviously there have been dissatisfaction within Yahapalana over RW and they have reversed the decision.
    Chaos, indecisiveness, and inefficiency are the hallmarks of this stupid government. After bleeding the Central Bank dry they now display their pathetic incompetence. God save Sri Lanka.

  • 4

    Once everything is preplanned, invoices paid, who cares about people’s mandate & votes? While I have no idea who can put this land on a right direction, I can say that MY3 / RW are not the ones for sure.

  • 0

    Expected a FART from MS, but what people got was SHIT.

  • 1

    Now it comes out that Ranil is just keeping the Law and Order seat warm until Wel Vidane Fonie returns from America with the pay off money to do the real reshuffle. Anyone with a brain can see how quickly the US embassy decided to issue a visa to Fonie (after refusing for years) after the mini election results. Wait till he returns to see more drama. The SLFP will break and Sira and Berty’s son will have to be refugees under UNP umbrella. They might even arrest a Rajapaksa or two. That is when shit will hit the roof, creating public protests. Frustrated Fonie looking for revenge from people for not voting for him will use guns. Interesting times ahead for democracy with US guidance. LOL.

  • 1

    UNP wants to appoint Sarath Fonseka as the Minister of Law and Order to put the blame on the President and discredit him.
    Surprisingly, Mahinda/Hotu Phottuwa/JO all are silent over this proposal of SF. That reveals the motive of the two parties against the President. I hope the President won’t fall for their trap. As someone from the general public, I am very happy for President’s timely move to stop Ranil’s another dirty trick. I loath hostile politics and political witch-hunt.

    • 0


      Mahinda/Hotu Phottuwa/JO all are silent Tamils too.

      Wait for some time, Diaspora Tamil will come and give you hand against Ponny.

      1). Ponny had/have his Presidential Ambition.
      2). Ponny is a person Originally accused in war crime in parallel with Old King and New King, not just a acomplish.
      3). Ponny is a mastermind in using PTA against Tamils.
      4). PTA is not abolished, in order to support Rapist Army.
      5). Resolution 2013 of UNHRC allows Lanakwe Goverment to investigate Terrorist committing war crime. (Don’t blame for the double superlative of “Terrorist-War crime”. That is how the Appe Aandudwa says it)
      6). Sooner or latter, up to Sampanthar, who supported Ponny’s presidential election will be eating Kurakkan Kazhi, not in the Army Hospital Hotel – But is the real prison)

      That time, when diaspora Tamils re-raise their flag against Ponny and PTA, they will be with you. Until that Ponny is a good candidate to sue Old King, not New King.

  • 5

    Have we all forgotten about the special courts that were to be appointed???

  • 0

    It looks like the US and India know more about whats going on in SL politics than our President. SF’s US visit is very interesting…

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