17 September, 2024


Can Political Liberation Movements Be Called Fascists?

By Amirthanayagam Nixon

Amirthanayagam Nixon

Fascism is an ideology. There is no room for peace. The basic idea of ​​fascism is that the people should do what the king commands. The doctrine of fascism must never be followed by governments recognized by the United Nations (UN). But movements fighting for political emancipation cannot be called fascists. It is very wrong for some to define liberation movements as fascists only because they kill dissenters.

If the youths of other races take up arms and fight against the oppression and anti-democratic activities of a government centered on one race, they should be called a liberation movement. But the recognized governments label those liberation movements as fascists and terrorists.

After the liberation movements have received the democratic recognition of political authority, it is possible to predict whether they are a fascist movement or a democratic movement based on the future activities of those movements.

Liberation movements cannot be characterized as fascism when armed struggles are ongoing and permanent political solutions are not available.

Democracy cannot be expected from a liberation movement fighting against a democratic government. Also, movements that carry out armed struggle against racially oppressive governments under the guise of democracy cannot be called fascist.

In this situation, is it correct that the Sri Lankan government and some English-speaking Tamils, who are said to be progressive, call the LTTE movement, which fought for the Elam Tamils in Sri Lanka, a fascist movement?

What is the reason for these progressive Tamils ​​who know English to call the LTTE fascists when the Tamils ​​living in the north-east lost their existence in the last fourteen years after the LTTE was destroyed in May 2009? In the post-2009 environment, land grabbing continues in the North-East. Buddhistization and Sinhalese settlements are also present. What is the politics behind calling LTTE fascist in this situation?

What is the purpose of this renewed discussion of fascism in recent times?

Alternative thinkers may sometimes justify their actions by pointing out the mistakes made by the structure of the ‘Sri Lankan government’. But none of the alternative thinkers has ever honestly said where justice failed and by whom. But it is only the LTTE that these Tamil alternative thinkers easily call “fascists”

Even the report published by the United Nations Panel of Experts in 2010 on the final war, comparatively shows where justice has failed in Sri Lanka. But the expert panel report did not label the LTTE as fascists.

Therefore, those born in Tamil society who call themselves alternative thinkers and intellectuals can define the LTTE as ‘fascist’ on what basis?

There are many definitions of “opinion” and “alternative opinion”. But such harmful ideas as vulgarizing and polluting the justification for the political liberation of a race cannot be defined as alternative ideas.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to try to attribute the LTTE as ‘fascists’ by focusing on the single cause of “murder” and “oppression” on the one hand and argument.

Conversations that progress from one to the other can be interpreted as an exchange of ideas. An alternative is to seek correction or reform, especially on the affected side. It also means thinking from another angle.

Blocking such alternative ideas would be considered an act against freedom of expression. But hear the alternative opinion or alternative thinking of those who speak against the LTTE justifies the unitary State of Sri Lanka.

But from 1958 to May 2009, before the Tamil ethnic extermination and armed struggle by the Sri Lankan government, why did not these Tamil alternative thinkers bravely open their mouths about the violence that took place in 1981, when the Jaffna library, Eelannadu press offices, and commercial centers were set on fire.

There are not two types of murders, “good murder” and “bad murder”. Murder is murder whoever commits it.

But the alternative thinkers attribute the killing here to what the LTTE did. The killings of Tamils ​​by the Sri Lankan Army are justified in the tone that all killings are good. 

Fascism has often been misinterpreted in different contexts at different times.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) organization in India has strongly supported the ideology of fascism. In 1931, the RSS thought that fascism was the right policy to realize the dream of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ i.e. Hindutva (meaning “Hinduness”) in India.

As Mussolini had done in Italy, the RSS aimed to create a dictatorship in India, disenfranchise the people, prepare Hindus for military training, and evict the Muslims living in India. The organization openly supported fascism.

One of the founders of the RSS, ‘Moonje’ had visited Italy in 1931 and visited all the fascist colleges and military colleges run by Mussolini there.

“It’s a great structure. A great way to prepare people. It should be set up in India as well,” says Marzia Casolari, an Italian researcher who wrote three notes in the attendance registers of the colleges.

Marzio Casalori published a research book titled “Ambiguous Relationship between Indian Nationalism and Nazi-Fascism” in the year 2000, examining the foreign relations of Hindutva organizations in India.

A review of this book was published on January 22, 2000, in the English weekly Economic and Political Weekly.

Here we should look not only at Nazism-fascism but also at the ideology of Zionism. Zionism – The religion of the Jewish state of Israel, which the Jews illegally seized from the Palestinians.

The term “Zionism” was coined in 1855 by a Vietnamese Jew named Nathan Birnbaum. 

What is happening now in the IsraeliPalestinian war? Israel says war means war. Western and European countries like the US and Canada, which support Israel, say there is no room for peace talks with the Hamas movement.

So can this mean that these countries are dealing with fascism in the Palestinian issue?

The question arises as to whether the fascism that alternative thinkers accuse is the same as the fascism that existed in Italy. Many people who use the term fascists do not have an adequate explanation for it.

Instead, the term fascism and fascists are used to compare Italian fascism and Nazism in Germany.

Cardiff University Professor Kevin Passmore, who wrote the book “Fascism: “A Very Short Introduction”, points out that fascism and Nazism are two different ideologies.

Racism and anti-Semitism were central to Nazi ideology. But fascism in Italy was not so definable. So he explains that just because there is racism in the activities of a liberation movement, they cannot be labeled as fascists.

Kevin Passmore also argues that in Italian Fascism corporatism was politically mixed. He also explains that people are classified as working together based on their abilities. It can therefore be clearly said that the term “fascist” is often used as a convenient term to express condemnation of liberation movements against a backdrop of this lack of understanding.

RSS in India some political parties do not call themselves fascist even though they agree with many of the ideas of fascism. This is because all the anti-fascist alternatives argue that fascism is comparable to Nazism.

The world is still debating what the precise definition of fascism is. So we cannot conclude that political liberation movements are fascist just by evaluating the killing of dissenters. If so, then it must mean that fascists exist within modern government structures as well.

So in the last fourteen years after 2009, without any political solution, Tamils ​​have been facing great hardships. Traditional lands are being usurped. In this situation, there are many doubts as to whose interests the Tamil alternative thinkers are working for by saying “LTTE are fascists”.

*Amirthanayagam Nixon worked as a journalist for ten years at the Virakesari newspaper published in Colombo. Currently working as a freelance journalist and political columnist. It is also worth noting that he is a media lecturer

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  • 22

    Mr. Dixon, why look that far. Right here we have hypocrites parading as righteous Lankans , who think it’s insensitive of Tamils to talk about their pain and suffering. They seem to take pride (showing off ) in advocating for victims around the world , except their own.

  • 17

    Well done Nixon.

    What would the Tamil Alternative Thinkers, specially Lawyer Swasthika Arullingam who said in a meeting held in Colombo recently that LTTE are fascists, say to the following:

    Red Terror by Cheka in Russia that was justified by the Russian leaders at that time. Cheka arrested tortured and killed anybody who tried to destroy the communist state. Lenin introduced war communism and confiscated all of the peasants food supplies by force. He said that though it is not a real communism but just a “ necessary evil “ required by wartime circumstances. Stalin adopted policies of war communism in several places.

    Lenin said “ in certain conditions class struggle assumes the form of armed conflict and civil war., there are times when the interests of proletariat call for ruthless extermination of its enemies in open armed clashes”.

    Kuruchev has said “ Stalin killed thousands of communists……..His rule was was one of torture and oppression”.

    Recall the suppression of Kronstadt rebellion of 1922.

    Recall the deaths during long March under Mao in China.

    Who was called the “ butcher of La Cabana “ ? It was Che Guevara of Cuba.

    I could site many more incidents later if necessary. For the time being let these tamil alternatives say whether these leaders fall under the category of fascists or not according to their yardstick.

    • 10

      roynthan, thanks for the information. Let , pseudo intellectuals pseudo comrades, now pseudo global human rights activists (who thinks Tamil lives do not matter) respond.

  • 13

    You rightly say that “RSS in India (some political parties) do not call themselves fascist even though they agree with many of the ideas of fascism.” .It is unfortunate that in the Sri Lankan political lexicon terrorism, fascism, extremism, fanaticism and even ethno-religious racism and etc. are used conveniently by the academic and the intelligentsia of the majoritarian political camp to suit their political harangue. SL’s constitution itself is blatanltly demotic.((demos= people, crowd or mob)
    Little do “they” realize this truth, they have no qualms on using the sacrosanct political term “democracy” interchangeably with Buddhocracy, or Majoritarian numerocracy where only head count matters. It is for this reason that since February 4, 1948, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) remains a Demotic State as opposed to a Democratic State where majoritarian race lays claim to the assertion that they are more equal than other indigenous citizens.

  • 4

    Claiming to be a liberation movement cannot be a license to act like fascists but not called fascist.
    The border separating any form of narrow nationalism and fascism is very narrow and can be blurred.
    “It is very wrong for some to define liberation movements as fascists only because they kill dissenters.”
    Can killing any dissenter be permitted if someone or a group is accepted to be a liberation force?
    Such political intolerance is a salient feature of fascism. Anti-democracy and suppression of criticism are other important features. I have recognized many fascistic features in the LTTE, but stopped short of calling it fascist because it hadn’t gone the whole hog. Historically, fascists are anti-left.and aligned to big capital. There is plenty more that fit with the LTTE portfolio.
    But can one deny the right of victims to call the LTTE fascist?
    In fact the LTTE has killed more Tamils (civilians mostly) than Sinhalese soldiers.
    At the same time the state has conducted itself in fascistic ways on many occasions but stopped short of the fascist cap.
    What matters is not a label, but attitude on key matters.
    Can we defend the crimes of the LTTE in the name of ‘liberation’?

    • 12

      Per your comment, you have given the impression that it has been credibly tallied up and accounted who killed who and how many were killed by each party during the conflict.

      Were the missing persons’ count for the duration of the conflict concluded and the parties responsible for those disappearances identified?

      Were the sources of quantitative conclusion declared in your comment here vetted by credible experts/organizations and received wide acceptance of international government agencies which do such estimations based on their intelligence and credible evidence gathering?

      Please do cite your credible references; need not cite the primary sources of data from which those credible references drew the conclusion and have reliably corroborated your statement that “In fact the LTTE has killed more Tamils (civilians mostly) than Sinhalese soldiers”.

      • 0

        I will correct myself:
        “In fact the LTTE has murdered more Tamils (civilians alone) than Sinhalese including soldiers”
        That excludes war deaths.

        • 6

          How often have you made this asinine error?

          Where’s the reference to the source(s)?

          If you are going to cite unvetted guesstimation of Rajan Hoole’s authorings, listen up;
          (1) Don’t parade around as facts unvetted data lacking independent assessment and acceptance. It is simply DISINFORMATION to do so.
          (2) When a range of 8,000-20,000 is given as an estimate of fratricide, it’s clearly a guesstimate and not a scientific estimate. This range can be interpreted as 14,000 with a +/- 43% margin of error. Who would want to even assess such a guesstimate for credence?

        • 3

          If You have reliable information about not only murdered people but also abduction by Sinhala military, Sinhalese thugs , LTTE, Karuna and Pilliyan group, PLOTE, TELO, EPRLF, EPDP, JVP, Muslim para military since 1948 etc.
          We all know you are anti-Tamils.

    • 11

      In fact LTTE killed more Tamil civilians than Sinhalese soldiers. Really ????? Could you provide facts or figures ???

      • 0

        You may check with UTHR(J) reports, as you would believe them.

        • 0

          “Rajan Hoole, a human rights activist claims that various dissident sources allege that the number of Tamil dissenters and prisoners from rival armed groups clandestinely killed by the LTTE in detention or otherwise ranges from 8,000 – 20,000”
          Source: Hoole, Rajan (2001). “Tamils & The Political Culture Of Auto-Genocide –XII: A Monstrosity”. Sri Lanka: The arrogance of power : myths, decadence & murder. University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna). ISBN 978-9559447047.

          • 4

            Rajan Hoole in his article “Sri Lanka: Ethnic Strife, Fratricide, and the Peace vs. Human Rights Dilemma” (Journal of Human Rights Practice, Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2009, Pages 120–139) stated the following:
            “An issue that was very close to us then was the LTTE’s mass detention and execution of dissidents. Through the early 1990s we documented corroborating information from lists of its detainees initially displayed in the Jaffna LTTE public relations office, and from escapees and ex-detainees who had spoken to LTTE guards involved in torture and mass executions. To the best of our knowledge, the number was above 3000. Our attempts to interest others ran foul of moves to appease the LTTE.”
            “Western agencies generally thought we were exaggerating and our word was of little use unless some westerner felt motivated to assess the evidence.”

            No doubt LTTE committed fratricide. But we should not be parading around as facts unvetted data lacking independent peer assessment and acceptance. It is simply DISINFORMATION to do so.

            When you give a range of 8,000-20,000 as an estimate of fratricide, it’s clearly a guesstimate and not a scientific estimate. This range can be interpreted as 14,000 with a +/- 43% margin of error. Who would want to even assess such a guesstimate for credence?

            SJ, you were a university professor, right? What the heck did you profess?

          • 4

            Rajan Hoole in his article “Sri Lanka: Ethnic Strife, Fratricide, and the Peace vs. Human Rights Dilemma” (Journal_of_Human_Rights_Practice, Vol.1/Iss.1, Mar-2009, Pages:120–139) stated;
            “An issue that was very close to us then was the LTTE’s mass detention and execution of dissidents. Through the early 1990s we documented corroborating information from lists of its detainees initially displayed in the Jaffna LTTE public relations office, and from escapees and ex-detainees who had spoken to LTTE guards involved in torture and mass executions. To the best of our knowledge, the number was above 3000. Our attempts to interest others ran foul of moves to appease the LTTE.”
            “Western agencies generally thought we were exaggerating and our word was of little use unless some westerner felt motivated to assess the evidence.”

            Undoubtedly LTTE committed fratricide. But we should not be parading around as facts unvetted data lacking independent assessment and acceptance. It’s simply DISINFORMATION to do so.

            When a range of 8,000-20,000 is given as an estimate of fratricide, it’s clearly a guesstimate, not a scientific estimate. This range can be interpreted as 14,000 with a +/- 43% margin of error. Who’d want to assess such a guesstimate for credence?

      • 5

        This won’t be the first time a retired Sri Lankan university professor or a Sri Lankan with a doctorate degree to engage in outrageous DISINFORMATION. They use their educational clout to their advantage in deliberate dissemination of false information and propaganda.

    • 7

      Can we defend the crimes of the LTTE in the name of liberation?
      As long as Sri Lanka state is not called as facists, no one has the right to call LTTE as fascists or terrorists. I am sure the author is very clearly argued that very well. Sri Lanka had a history of Terrorism since 1948. Those who were part and partial of Sri Lankan state can be called fascists and terrorists.

      • 4

        When Sri Lanka’s army bombarded hospitals, schools, temples, and civilians from the air it was nationalism. Still, when LTTE fighting for the Tamils’ rights attacked the army from lorries, push cycles, Motorcycles, and Bullock Carts it was called terrorism.

      • 0

        There are no conditions to call a fascist a fascist.
        You can call a donkey a donkey regardless of whether you call or not another a donkey.

      • 0

        “Can we defend the crimes of the LTTE in the name of liberation?”
        You can if you wish.
        But then you have admitted that they have committed the crimes.

  • 1

    In this situation, there are many doubts as to whose interests the Tamil alternative thinkers are working for by saying “LTTE are fascists”.
    Please no subtle labeling!
    At the end of the day, we want our land back with minimum human loss, minimum property loss, minimum peace and tranquility loss for any soul involved in this struggle or avoiding these Hullabaloo. We want to travel on a path already adorned and admired by all other freedom lovers. We understand that we are going to be strict and stern. But we do not want it to be savage. While our guns blow for liberty, no call of death for compassion and grace. We want to establish truth and re-erect the right; but we do not want to destroy humanity. We don’t want a thorn to remove another thorn; We want thought to walk the thought. We don’t want victims, but we want victory. We don’t want to leave behind the 50 thousand years when we deviated from all other lives on earth and established a humane society. Yet in our new path, we want to embrace all other stakeholders of the earth more closely than we were ever before. Let us name our freedom fight title as Tolerance, not Severance. Our fight is for a peaceful future. Yet we don’t want to be pesky with anybody in our way.

  • 0

    A story told about our greatest Hindu Philosopher, Adi Sankara. During one of the days he was conceiving, contemplating & composing his Advaita Chitanta, this high caste Brahmin noticed a Pariah coming in his path opposing him. He shouted “stop! How dare you come into my path; “you” get lost right away”. The man on the opposite, respectfully asked, “Me” means what, Sir? If my body is the one that has to be removed or my soul has to leave this place?” Sangara for a second saw his whole fortress he built for years crumbling down by a stupid question of a layman, apparently reluctant to follow Varnachariya discipline. Let us ponder within ourselves who a Tamil is and what the Tamil Eelam is for? I hate the talk of faultless purities. I am composed of only blood and flesh, so I too am at fault and proper or right and wrong. I don’t like somebody insisting on reserving elevated holiness for themselves in this struggle. It Is disappointing to see a parrot while trying to escape to a kite, consciously falling victim to a cat. Don’t rob Peter to give to Paul. Does here our mates are ending their freedom fight in their self-created, own class of caste systems and untouchability. What an intolerance and unacceptability.

  • 0

    I am in a faraway land. I do not get a full chance to browse through the local newspapers and media every day; or my straightforward acceptance is, I cannot segregate people, based on their ideologies, with my incomplete & deficient knowledge. I cannot clean or pollute things that are already there any more or any less than they are now. But I am always free and ready to rumble & roll with anybody in sharing my thoughts and blights and be im-purified by theirs, too. So, neither if I had read some news of someone involved in one incident may give me grounds to question the mentality or the conduct of the one. How long and wide is the job of our fight for freedom? Could we afford to hit a sole tree and be disillusioned as conquered the forest? Could we let our congenital chaff heroism blind us & make us celebrate our blindness with firecrackers and kiribath and be content only by refusing us the chance of hearing from an opponent. Watch the sad end of the events on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_IEFNn8Ll4 . What a shame is this video and what an insult to the higher educational institutions by that decision expressed there!

  • 1

    How unbelievable it is that we have lost our hard-earned Matriculation from all our past experiences and lessons but become so immature. What is the exact message about our freedom fight we are sending here for somebody whom we just happened to believe that they don’t want to be obedient to our way of thoughts. If you have turned your light off, does it make you feel comfortable that the black elephant in your closed room is exorcized to vanish? How many ways are you convinced that your matriculation could enable you to acquaint yourself with an opponent and attract the one to your little philosophy? Just one – violent radicalism?
    As an organization that fought for Tamils freedom for over 30 years, determining the correctness of labeling LTTE as a fascist movement shouldn’t be that harder to determine. But does that involve intellectual debates or violent deprivation of the chance to express opinions for others? The LTTE administration was not elected by any masses. LTTE was known to punish criminals tying to light posts, at the start of its struggles. That time it right away eliminated anybody suspected of working with the government. None of these are any elements to evaluate LTTE’s faith in on democratic governance of the Tamil masses; these issues don’t give guidance to comment on LTTE’s political policies.

  • 0

    Other than these, LTTE had maintained excellent discipline in every other aspect. Towards the later years, LTTE delivered justice through professionally trained individuals, instead of it coming from top heads of the administration. It nominated TNA as their political representative to deal with the political issue at Ceylon Parliament. Even before TNA, LTTE had employed Mr. Balasingam as their political adviser. Balasingam was known for his moderation in his ideologies. We know, at this time, it was American consultants who trained the Sinhala Rapist Army on the humanitarian issue in the battle field. The Rapist Army tactically agreed to undergo these training only to get aid and free arms and then used only the arms obtained but brushed off the training received. LTTE, which was guarded by self-discipline, was only accused of holding Tamils refugees as their protections, but Sinhala Buddhist Rapist Army stood accused of genocide, with all its world re-known training. As the author correctly argues, LTTE’s political philosophies cannot be determined by looking at one incident or another in one dimension.

  • 0

    Though there should not be difficulties in understanding the LTTE’s political Philosophies, but how much it is important to Tamils to be engaged in that alone to enhance the sophistication of their struggles is different subjects that need to be analyzed in various platforms. But by shutting the chance of an opponent expressing their opinion, who do you establish that the LTTE was not a fascist organization. Are they willing to give any space in these quarrels for the international community as observers or more importantly, as prospective judges? Will an army prefer to win a battle, but by that causing the war to go lost? This is what was described: “one went to take a bath and came back with only dirt spread.” Even if this effort establishes that the LTTE was not fascist, aren’t these new groups of activists demonstrating that they are no one else but fascists?

  • 0

    Tamils in their first 30 years followed the Gandhian path. Then they were in an armed struggle for 30 years. Now in Diplomatic agitation, involving the international community. These are natural, biological and logical growth of a society which is deprived of its means of a free and happy life. LTTE had brought the armed struggle to end even before the government completely annihilated all its members by White Flag Murders and other incidents like Isai Piriya, Balachandran like cases. In other words, armed struggle is a stage where Tamils have grown out. So, Tamils have a responsibility to take the freedom fight from where LTTE stopped through the new phase, “Diplomatic agitation”. The armed struggle and the Tamils have passed. There is no need to go back to that era. Same thing we did during the armed struggle, too. We concentrated on armed struggle that time; we did not give importance to Parliamentary negotiation. So, there is no need for us to adopt any techniques or methods of that time. A very important part is that we need not develop suspicions of those who are not ready to verbally parrot our slogans and rush to label them as traitors. Even if there is any traitor nature in those who are accused by us, we are not in a life-threatening situation unlike we were in during the armed struggle.

  • 1

    Why does one kill a snake that is known for not killing anyone with its fangs? Anybody can support our ways or oppose our ways, but we respond to them by freedom of exchanging our ideas. Our ears are open to anybody’s suggestions. We can’t afford to follow the path in our third and most mature stage of the freedom fight, the gentleman in the video is preaching: “i.e. “If you have accidentally come across an opponent of the freedom struggle, just run away, even without turning back, don’t be willing to face the opponents and address his or her concern.”
    They say in Tamil, “in the forum of dumbs, the blah blah windbag is a pundit”!
    Here are some of the questions the author raises, but only after shutting up the mouth of the person who is the only one qualified to answer these:
    What is the politics behind calling LTTE fascist in this situation?……………..
    What is the purpose of this renewed discussion of fascism in recent times?…………..
    But none of the alternative thinkers has ever honestly said where justice failed and by whom. But it is only the LTTE that these Tamil alternative thinkers easily call “fascists”……………..
    Therefore, those born in Tamil society who call themselves alternative thinkers and intellectuals can define the LTTE as ‘fascist’ on what basis?…………………….

  • 1

    Is there by any chance, the author, by posing these questions here, is illusion that he has won his debate with the lady he differs with? There are a lot of questions! But because there is a substantial defect in the process of the way questions are asked, one may cast doubts on the questioner’s interest in receiving the answers.
    1). The first thing the author should do now is advocate to UOJ that the lost chance of that lady answering these questions must be restored so that he can raise these questions from her. Then must seek ways to bring these questions to the lady, at the UOJ stage. Only she can answer these questions and anybody in CT attempting to replace her is highly improper.
    2). Alternatively, the lady can come to CT and answer these questions, but I do not know if she has ways to come to know that there are some questions regarding her canceled speech that are sitting in CT. Whichever method the author chooses to get answers for his question from the person involved in the question, one thing can be assured that CT readers will be thrilled to follow the debate, and in all possible occasions, would personally contribute to that.

  • 1

    It looks like some unbelievers are trying to excessively extract meaning here from one person’s speeches. There are many times, in the south, some Tamils wanted the Unitary government to continue. Those can be easily identified that they are both based on societal interest and based on personal interests. But that cannot prevent them expressing their opinion. Still, we should never undermine the particular person’s right to be a guest speaker in UOJ. Irrelevant of her opinion, irrelevant of her race, irrelevant of her nationality, but as long as she has capacity to make an intelligent speech to a university student, she must be allowed to deliver that speech and the students must be willing to uplift their capacity listen to it and respond to that by their intelligence, instead of showing unsubstantiated fear of somebody blaming them of something and blocking the social events with awkward, uncivilized, hatred. Earlier, someone else too did speak like that in UOJ. Now it is her priority and privilege. She deserves it & earned it by having expressed opinions provoking questions from ones like the author. She too went to some higher educational institutions. She earned some degrees. She perfectly fits into the category of people who can make speeches at a university. She was convicted at a court of law or ruled not to be in touch with educational organizations.

  • 1

    Beyond that, the outsiders trying to label her as a government party agent or traitor, only to keep her out of university is not appropriate. She called LTTE fascists. If this is creating a situation of few ex- rebels losing any of their rights or peace, then a group of lawyers can get together and challenge whoever is denying the ex-rebels’ right based on her speech and prosecute her to withdraw that statement. In a situation where her speech has gone only as news making rhetoric, but not generating any harm to any person, then someone finding reasons to deprive her right to appear on public stages is excess.
    When on harmless quarrel within other contributors, here in CT all refer to the other one being a “traitor”. Traitor is too big a word for use in CT and almost on all occasions, it was only redundant use. The traitor is a person who holds secret, privileged information of a person or an entity he/she attached to and willfully leaks it to the enemy to be exploited. The information is material, and it reveals some true facts of a party who depends on the traitor for its protection & confidentiality. Further the traitor materially benefits from that unfaithful-immoral activity.

  • 2

    We can never argue or demand a fellow contributor has to leave CT, because she or he is a traitor. On the inverse side, designating a person as a traitor without evidence is more improper than calling one a fascist. Making somebody feel that one is a traitor, refusing that one to have due status within us and making or making one feel down as an outrace is an unbelievable insult. Rather the statesmanship of the media is enlightening the masses on civility, humanity. Forwardness etc. We who all are eager to get involved in media activity are obligated to fulfill these media ethics. That is not about walking one’s hasty, narrow opinions on the narrow paths on which they feel protected and comfortable. I wrote here many times about Kanathsan’s words to repeat one of them: “those parents who praise their children unduly are feeding them only with sleep medicine, but those appropriately criticizing their children are feeding their children with disease curing medicines”.

  • 1

    Why is the Tamil Media backing away from its duty, but sneakily letting the blame hang on Junior students? I notice the pagetamil.com keeps reporting this issue as it is, but TamilWin.com dishonestly prints opinionated news. TamilWin.com did not report the Teachers Union’ first report, but released a video of some rude incidents, which forced the teachers’ Union to change their opinion. It sounds like TamilWin is too proud of its misleading and downfall achieved by that action. I wish these shallow media would stop their war of demanding Tamil Eelam from fellow Tamils, instead of doing that with the government. I have heard many times that TamilWin is a government agency, but now it appears TamilWin is trying to blemish somebody else as a traitor. TamilWin is not in the business of planting gardens, but apparently only in plucking them off. The media must take the responsibility to clarify to students, UOJ administration and the lay masses the proper thing in dealing with a lady’s chance of making her speech at UOJ and students giving corporation & giving due respect by attending the lecture.

  • 1

    They could have challenged the claim at the meeting, but they dared not.
    It only goes to show that the ones who blocked the event were incapable of defending the LTTE against the charge that it was/is a fascist organization.
    Rather pathetic!

  • 5


    Would you recollect the violent behaviour including killings by red guards under your leader Mao in China in 1960s. The killings of professionals and university teachers were part of their revolution. If you were in jaffna campus or nearby you might have noticed the difference, that our university students were polite and peaceful in their protests. They didn’t have time to listen to the lies of occasional travellers from down south to north. They got far better work to do. You must thank the students for their good behaviour.

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