2 May, 2024


Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s Mouth Shuts When It Should Open & Opens When It Should Shut

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“To learn to speak up when you are expected to do so and be silent when uncalled is a simple commonsense art that comes naturally to ordinary folk. Persons in dignified positions of society are measured by the people along a scale of following this rule.”

High Office

Our Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith holds the highest office in the Catholic Church in our country. By virtue of his position, he holds a direct link to the Holy Sea at Rome. I get the instinct that this gentleman isn’t conscious of his eminent position and doesn’t bear the required dignity of being its incumbent. 

The Silence

Along with other similar religious dignitaries,  the broad civil community in our country looks up to persons of his eminence to give leadership in voicing opinion, warning, and advice during times of national crisis. However, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith didn’t see any reason to open up, as all others did, when the President of our country put the island into a total mess by violating the constitution once and twice and three times; appointing a rogue government and sending the legitimate Prime Minister home. Even previous to this, our Cardinal never uttered a word on almost every tragic occasion. Sarath Nanda Silva has been a better boy. On the other hand, recently, we see the Cardinal butting in and needlessly attacking Western countries for interfering in Lankan matters. God knows why he did that at this point in time.

‘Western Power Intervention’

The Cardinal’s speech at a book launch for Revd Banagala is out circulating in video all over the world. Listeners are bemused and I am amused. The Cardinal gets nasty social media comments and this should not happen. Naturally, would this happen when he humbugs about Western power intervention at a mere book launch totally unrelated to the subject of the book. How did Western conspiracy to divide our country come in at this moment in time? There isn’t any such issue at all in public discourse right now.  Only Wimal Weerawansa can talk off the tangent as our Cardinal did that evening in Colombo. As indicated above therefore, Malcolm’s  intervention was over a  non-event. Malcolm Ranjith did have in the past many a desperately needed moment to intervene, which he avoided in silence. To save him discomfort I will not enumerate them.


Malcolm Ranjith has uttered untruths  at the launch. He stated that Buddhism is like a big tree and that his religion and other religions are harmoniously coexisting on the branches. This is an utter untruth and even a school kid knows that.  Christian evangelists are being charged by Buddhists over alleged attempts to convert. Some Buddhist extremists  have burned down such churches sparing the devotees inside. Bodu Bala Sana and the Ravana Balaya, spurred allegedly by Pohottu guys, have pounced on Muslim mosques many a time and burnt them down. In the Kandy District Muslim villages and towons were torched just last year. Is that the perfect co-existence you talk of  (Lassanata ekamuthuwen  jeewathwenawa) Cardinal?

Isn’t that a lie also with reference to broader inter-community relations? If the different people in Sri Lanka live so harmoniously eating mangoes from the same tree why did the thirty -year war take place-destroying the whole economy and destroying so many lives and billions  worth of property?

In fact, the critical problem in our country is that its  different peoples cannot regard themselves as one. Extreme Sinhala nationalists think that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country and that other groups have to live in sufferance of that ‘reality;’ one stupid guy in London called Wimal argued that “minorities are our visitors.”

‘Buddhism Superior’

Malcolm Ranjith stated at this point that more than any other religion Buddhism teaches us to live in harmony. He has let down Jesus Christ here by a relative comparison, which is  both unnecessary and false. Isn’t he acting demeaningly here to gain popularity points before a dominantly Buddhist audience? Isn’t that cheap? Should the highest dignitary of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka behave so cheaply? Furthermore, isn’t he also underestimating the intelligence of his audience who can smell instantly that the Cardinal was trying to pull their legs?

Human Rights

As far as I know the only situation where Western powers are intervening  is  on the subject of alleged war-time HR violations. Doesn’t the Cardinal understand that HR violations are an accepted provocation for international intervention? He cannot be ignorant of that as it is pretty much a common experience today.

Hence, the Cardinal was humbugging when he said sometime ago that there is nothing called HR to fuzz about. If a future BBS-type government puts the Cardinal on a burning stake due to his Christianity should he not resort to international intervention over  a serious HR violation? Would he, then, tell any Western power to keep off and let him live harmoniously on the mango tree? Or allow him to hang smiling and stoically on the burning stake?

Golden Rule

To learn to speak up when you are expected to do so and be silent when uncalled is a simple comonsense art that comes naturally to ordinary folk. Persons in dignified positions of society are measured by the people along a scale of following this rule.

I am afraid, I can give the Cardinal just 5 plus on a scale of ten.

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  • 8

    I read some where that Ranjit has asked the foreign countries no to interfere/intervene. At the outset it must be said that both Buddhism and Catholicism are both imported from else where. Buddhism from nearer home and Catholicism from little further away. My contention is both are not real religions. They were ‘preached’ into action. In the recent past Catholicism had/has its share of sexual misconduct world over and Buddhism its murderous misconduct in Srilanaka and Burma. Catholics were able to hide their misconduct as it took place secretly eclipsed by churches for years, until it bust out recently altogether like the Kilinochhi Iranaimadu tank,. Misconduct of Buddhism is more open as it centres round murder and mayhem which cannot have been covered by the robes due to flow of blood. Hindus on the other hand are having a fight among themselves over the entry of women into Iyappan Temple in Kerala I understand that our Mahinda as president and wife a catholic? visited this temple. At what age I am not sure.. Both men and women are are Created by God it is claimed. Why then is this discrimination. Lord Shivas wives continue to be in the temples without any discrimination’ perhaps along with Saraswathi and luxmi. I cannot understand as to why Rangit referred to Buddhism as a mere tree when it should have been referred to it as a sacred bo-tree. I wonder whether Ranjit will allow a bo-tree to be planted in his church in the interest of Unity between Gods/Religions. and whether the Panasla will allow Mother Mary to take shelter at least in an emergency? Of course Hindu Gods are safe in Pansalas, although they are not in their Hindu abodes (Temples) during riots.

  • 1

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  • 6

    1962 i eave dropped the conversation between Bishop Emilianuspillaib brother Eminant Father Peter Pillai who founded Aquinas Academy and my priest Father Xavier. Then I was a altar boy.
    1962 sacrosanctum concilium vatican II was held in Rome with over 3000 bishops, cardinals, and other Christian hierarchy. They decided to celebrate mass in vernacular languages. All over the world started to pray in local languages and replaced the Latin. The Bishop Emilianus was discussing with Father Francis Xavier about the Vatican decision because he was liturgical coordinator in Jaffna diocese. Archbishop Thomas Cooray who defied the Vatican II and told the Bishop Emilianus pillai since Singalese is the official language we all should pray in Singalese . Then Bishop Emilianus Pillai told the Racist Cardinal Cooray since we don’t know singalese and we will continue in Latin and send a telegram to South Indian Bishops. They infuriated by the Cardinal order and send a Telegram to Propange Fide which deal with other countries. Then The pope send a telegram to Cardinal Cooray to obey the Vatican II and let us to pray in Tamil. Then Bishop Emilianus pillai send Father Francis Xavier to Thindivanam India which was a hub for the Tamil liturgical services where they were translating Tamil rites into Tamil. When father Xavier returned we had the first Tamil Mass in Atchuvely Sri Lanka. All people were confused because they were praying in Latin without knowing the language. We all Tamils should be proud of Bishop Emilianus pillai. I speak Spanish, Italian, portughese and i learned Latin too when I was in the seminary in Rome and I attended mass in these languages but I love attend Tamil mass because it is my childhood language.

    • 3

      In Hindu temples too priests( exclusively Brahmins) until very recently uses Sanskrit to contact the Hindu Gods. The devotees don’t understand the language. That goes for lord Muruga too. He is considered an exclusive Tamil God but helps others too if properly addressed.. Unfortunately since the take over of kathirkamam ( Katragama) by the Sinhalese Buddhists. Lord Muruga is addressed in Sinhala only which he doesn’t understand. Perhaps, that is why there are so many problems in Srilanka yet to be solved.

    • 1

      Vijekumar ,

      “All people were confused because they were praying in Latin without knowing the language. We all Tamils should be proud of Bishop Emilianus pillai. I speak Spanish, Italian, portughese and i learned Latin too when I was in the seminary in Rome and I attended mass in these languages but I love attend Tamil mass because it is my childhood language.”

      Thanks. Interesting history. The Old Testament and the Torah were written in Hebrew, the New Testament was written in Greek, the Roman Catholic Church ( The Catholic Cult) , because it was an outgrowth of the Romans, made it in Latin, until it was “allowed” to have the services in the Local Languages. For the Muslims, it is Arabic.

      Why was it that the Language skills of the Abrahamic God is limited., per interpretation of the Rabbis, Priests and Ulama?

      So it took, almost 2,000 years for the God of the Catholic Cult, to learn the local languages. There are claims that Jesus spoke Aramaic. Did the Catholic Cult prevent services in Aramaic as well? Just curious.

      Why did it take 2,000 years for the Catholic Cult, headed by the Popes, to make these changes? Politics? They had something to hide? The Pope was not Infallible? Who made the Pope Infallible on the First Place? Not Martin Luther.


      a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. “the cult of St. Olaf”

      a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
      “a network of Satan-worshiping cults”

      a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
      “a cult of personality surrounding the leaders”

  • 12

    I must say I support Rev. Cardinal’s comments specially that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country and we all have to live under its shade. The author of this article is entitled to have his opinion but the Catholics of Sri Lanka will listen to our Cardinal.

    • 19

      Premalal, that is your opinion. Catholics do not listen to Cardinal as he is bias, and highly political for reasons known to him.

    • 0

      Ferdinando? How are all your close relatives from the fishing villages form southern Tamil Nadu? Now recently Sinhalised South Indian origin communities beating the anti Tamil Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist drum. Just like this cardinal

  • 6

    The writer has yet again provoked a scurrilous attack on a religious dignitary . “Walauwwe Hamu” , chipped in with her two cents worth for good measure .

  • 15

    As a Catholic agree 100% with the contents of this article. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is politically biased and at times utters things against the teachings of the Catholic Church. A couple of months ago while delivering a sermon at a Church Feadt he started attacking the Western Countries for advocating Human Rights values to our country, but he either has firgotten or try to forget that UN declared the World’s Human Rights day in recognition of Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero who spoke about Social Injustice and violation of Human Rights in El Salvadore. Cardinal is going behind our former President for personal gains. During MR’s period as president he even got Diplomatic Postings for his Niece and Brother in Law.

    • 11

      How dare CARDINAL MRanjitha betray the christs in the country this way ? :
      What goes wrong with lankens of this sort – even if they are not teenagers ?
      You Mr Fernando too was biased with your analysis – and earned much of disrespect lately.
      You too are not reborn – but then say yes to the honorary doctorates awarded by CU also you had been one of the committiee member right? How dare you guys to forget all at once – not foreseeing the impact of anything you do ? . AT LEAST those candidates should come with basic PG degrees (them to be qualified for doctor title holders ). . But breaking all the rules, you guys supported the murderous siblings.
      I think lanken SINHALAYA genetics – does contain corrupted GENEs or favourable mutations that express only corruption nature.

      • 5

        Sam Fernando,

        “How dare CARDINAL MRanjitha betray the christs in the country this way ? :”

        The Cardinal is now representing and is an agent of Satan, just like Sirisena is now an agent of Mahinda, and do not represent the people who elected him. Mahinda, the Cardinal, Sirisena and Satan have a very good working relationship. That is why the Cardinal kept quiet on the illegal and unconstitutional Sirisena-Mahinda Junta coup, unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court.

      • 0

        What Genes do you have Uncle Sam? Portuguese? Since your name says that! Have fun with your genetical adventure by trying to humiliate others, but get it boomerangs to himself!


        • 1

          When the wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger. -Mao Tse Tung

          Who cares about Sam’s genes?

  • 3

    This SOB should be defrocked and cast to live with the swine. A bloody disgrace and with scoundrels like this cardinal naturally we catholics no longer have any faith in the church and see arseholes like this cardinal the cause for not practising the religion. This crook lives in comfort , has no brain, is a sycophant of the Rajapakse group, a bloody racist, a liar and has lost the complete respect of catholics in the country. The foul mouthed, idiotic brainless twit must be kicked out and I for one will be writing to the Pope and the Vatican to get this scumbag removed and sent to hell.

  • 0

    Basics of LANKEN religious leaders/representatives:
    There are mainly few groups in this country today:
    1. Cultured group
    They would behave in compliace with all the norms as stated in the book. Many of them would not tend to support politicians and their abusive acts regardless of what ever being offered to them
    Those who expect to be cultured, civilized and exemplary – they behave almost ones in developed countries: They respect law and order and the cultural norms the way it is written in books.
    This group is unfortunately subjected to extint in SRILANKA. I thought our buddhist monks in 80ties still behaved repsecting these norms, but today, once they are invited to hold speeches, they sound to please the predatory politicians they way even worst to lay people.
    2. Pseudo Cultured group
    Today many would fall easily on the tricks being played by anyone and often become pray of predatory politicians. Politicians abuse those monks by offering ABUSING statefunds (Wimal Weerawanse, Mahinda Rajaakshe, Gotabaya Rajapakshes have been doing it regardless of people s anger). They just forget their titles, respect, dignity, and everything once they are being offered with the unepxected. Uduwee Dhamma lank.ara, Iththakandhe thero, Gunanandha were among the many that have always been working with Rajaapkshe men, but these MONKS never respect NORMs WHEN they are asked to respec them.
    They simply DONT give a damn about the religious status so long their expectations are fulfilled by those corrupted politicians.
    Unfortunately this group is rapidly growing almost everywhere across country. Rajapakshes reap the harvest, since people are made to believe how RELIGIOUS Rajapakshe have become.
    They just forget their status easily. Be it in Malwathu chapter monks or any other senior monks belonging to high level temples. They dont concentrate themselves on the country’s and people s problems, but react as sloths in AMAZONA.
    All these were not overlooked in the country, in recent political crisis. These religious leaders are becoming a curse to the nation.

  • 8

    Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith represents a far bigger international community (1.2 billion) than the so-called international community that talks down to Sri Lanka! He is one of a mere handful of Asian Cardinals, and among the youngest in the College of Cardinals which elects the Pope. He has worked with and was promoted by three outstanding Popes: John Paul II, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.

    Having worked with the Ambassadors of the Holy See (the Vatican) who are almost always Archbishops, in three capitals (Geneva, Paris, Moscow) and two UN posts ( UNHRC and UNESCO) , I know the enormous respect they have for Cardinal Ranjith, who is regarded in Vatican circles as something of a relatively youthful/youngish prodigy.

    • 5

      Malcolm Ranjith, Asgiriya bufoon, twin brothers.They can scerew themsleves for all that I care.SAMANALAYA

    • 2

      dayan, perform fellatio with this Malcolm

    • 4

      Thank you Shyamon.
      This idiot does not know what he is talking about.

    • 3

      Well at least there is one supporter for this idiot of a cardinal .A Prodigy ? my foot.He is nothing but a disgrace for the church hiding behind a crimson robe.If he ever has been promoted by so many Popes as claimed by DJ then it proves the point that Popes are not infallible at all.
      Earlier the Vatican decides to sent this Cardinal to retirement is the best thing that could happen to Catholic church in Sri Lanka in particular .

    • 3

      Well the cardinal has at least DJ in support.But to call him a prodigy !!! That is laughing matter.He is nothing but a misfit hiding under crimson robes.if he has been promoted by respective popes as claimed by DJ then we have a serious issue on infallibility of Popes.Earlier the Vatican decides to send him on retirement ,Catholics in Sri Lanka would be happier.

    • 4

      You may have worked with Ambassadors, held two UN Posts due to political influence, met several Archbishops but you and Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith are hardcore Sinhalese without commonsense and failed to demand for an international independent investigation of human rights abuses and war crimes as Sinhalese are the oppressors and denied Justice to Tamils.

      However you boast of your credentials, achievements, high connections with corrupt leaders, you failed in democratic duties and responsibilities in applying Rule of Law and Justice equally to all. World is monitoring Sinhala Buddhist racist illegal occupation of Tamils’ lands, denial of Justice, Equality and Rule of Law, army occupation of Tamils’ lands and forced colonization, army personnel running businesses and growing vegetables in Tamils’ lands and deny Tamils from their usual activities but it is not for long as Tamil Diaspora and NGOs are continue to demand for accountability and Justice.

      We demand for Accountability and Justice through international investigation with foreign Judges as no confidence in Sinhala Government or it’s Judges/Judicial system that have been failing for over seven decades,.

  • 5

    Cardinal seems to be not content with the recognition among the christians and catholics. Seeks cheap popularity among the sinhalese specially BAYYOS or rather hypocritic socalled patriots

  • 6

    Cardinal is on the righ track, way to go Holly Father. God Bless.

  • 7

    Our Cardinal is not political. He loves this country. Our Cardinal is unitary force not a division. Buddhists like me respect him becuause he teaches Catholics to respect Buddhism. This is the right way forward. I think Shyamon got loose rmarbles in head to criticise such a brilliant person.

  • 5

    Dr Dayan Jayatilleka should know by now that his capacity for impartial assessment is flawed; that his expressed opinions are seen as constructed on what is appropriate for his personal advancement; and that his credibility is low. He is an unabashed opportunist and perennial pretender. He is a man found out.

  • 6

    I think Shyamon Jayasinghe is mad

  • 6

    SJ. great article. Cardinal has opened his mouth again and the sewage pits are overflowing. How on earth did the vatican give this scoundrel this appointment. The stench emanating from his mouth is worse than that escaping from his anal orifice. Brainless, mindless, vile, ugly, depraved and stupid statements only reinforce the view held by the more educated and literate catholics that this ape of a cardinal is a rajapakse mole bent on pursuading catholics to convert to buddhism or become atheists. The cardinal is so concerned about the welfare of the poor that he only travels in luxury cars, has a summer palace in ranna to enjoy you know what not been seen by prying eyes. The statements made on international engagement in sri lanka are taken straight from the instructions he gets from his close association with the rajapskse deplorables. He certainly is not short of luxurious living his excessive weight and ugly demeanour reminding one of the Borgia regime of perverted popes. I would like this demented emissary of the pope to reveal to the public how much money the church has donated to those in need. Poor gullible people are being taken for a ride, something he has learned so well from his erstwhile rajafuksha masters.

  • 8

    Jayasinghe ,

    You are very true. Cardinal’s speech is out of relevance and utterly nonsense. He blame foreign countries but he forgot main religions are not originated in our country. Political systems are not locally invented. There were times that foreigners directly invade us. But most of the time we let foreigners to interfere our problems. After independence followings are not created by foreigners.
    1.Make singhala language official
    2. JVP Uprising
    3.Executive presidency and express open economy
    4.North East civil war
    5.Indian Army
    6.Expel the incumbent prime minister and prorogue the parliament.
    7.Wasting the wealth of the country and taking loans from foreign countries.
    8 Women go to middle east countries

    These are very few examples. Anyhow this cardinal looks not pious. I have no authority to judge ,but what I see he is not worthy enough to hold the priesthood. Christian priest is a servant.I do not see any features of servant in him. How much he spend for his car and other facilities is highly questionable. He made irrelevant comment on politics. As a priest he can not criticise foreign country in such ruthless way. How many countries help us today. The most unholy expression he made before is “ratifying the capital punishment”.Which is christian totally against.What kind of Christ like features you can find in him. Nobody can follow his real life. He forgot all the basics.
    He is not a real role model of Jesus Christ. Do not just listen to me you all can investigate him.

  • 7

    This hypocrite is not even worthy to be a junior priest. Its high time he disrobed and joined Mahinda’s SLPP as that is where his heart and career should be.

    This man Malcolm Ranjith is one of the reasons Catholics in Sri Lanka are leaving the church in droves.
    Its high time the Pope takes action on this rogue Cardinal who is disgracing Christianity.
    If he feels he has ” found the light” he should disrobe and be a monk.

  • 2

    I could see this ‘so called’ cardinal’s problem. He himself is a shameless product of foreign interference and invasion. That is why he is a Catholic in the first place! He would have been a Buddhist if not for this foreign interference and invasion. The solution is if he really means what he says with his tip of his tongue he should denounce his religion and take on to a truly indigenous religion of this land. Otherwise he is merely a political goon gaining mileage from his fancy dress.

  • 3

    Can you expect from a man from the back streets of Modera (Col 15) to act as a gentleman and leader.
    As the saying goes ” you can take a pariah dog to a dog show but it can never win”.
    THE Catholics should send a mass petition to the pope and if no action is taken contact CNN BBC Al Jazira and other news channels to expose this scum bag pretending to be head of Catholics in Sri Lanka. Let him give up his luxurious lifestyle and pomp and go back to Modera.

  • 3

    This rubbish coming from the demented, 80 odd year old senile mind should not attract serious analysis or comment.

    The man was a bush Catholic who entered post-1956 Peradeniya from the backwoods of Kuliyapitya/Kurunegala area, and has not been able to shed his uncivilised hide. Balls carrying for R. Premadasa might get one promotions in the Sri Lankan bureaucracy but never civisation.

    The man needs to be pitied in his last days.

  • 5

    It is sad Cardinal Malcolm is bringing disgrace to the Catholic Church. It is an insult to say that Christian faith rests on the Buddhist tree. What kind of idiotic theology that is. Each religion is unique and no religion is greater than the other. The greatness of a religion can be seen by the way it’s adherents practice the faith. When Cardinal accuses western countries, he should have the guts to name them. Is Italy is also one of the Western countries that interfere in Sri Lanka? Cardinal is known to be a supporter of Mahinda. That is the reason for making this kind of stupid statements. He kept his mouth shut when our disgraceful President played havoc with the constitution and made mockery of parliamentary democracy, while all other Christian leaders spoke against President’s cunning tactics.

  • 0

    Yes DJ, thank you. We know, you and this fraud together were sipping wine and smoking those Cubans cigars . Anything new buddy???? SHUT THE F—- UP.

  • 2

    This man always talks about human right violations but never talks about human right violations of his master RW from 1986 to 1989. Please read book in this link how UNP and JVP according to reports of human rights organisations killed 67,652 innocent lives.


  • 1

    Most of comments supporting Cardinal seem to be removed by the moderators.

  • 2

    [Edited out] The scumbag is so close to the fukshas that he will sell the church to this crooked group if he can get some benefits from them. Catholics all over Sri Lanka must band together now and send a petition to the pope to get rid of this scoundrel. He is a traitor to his religion and to God. You will never see the likes of a scumbag like him who does things purely for personal benefit. I would strongly request catholics to stay true to their religion and not go close to this contaminated rat especially young boys who may catch a fatal disease from this moron. I have decided to day that I will no longer ever visit a church until this demon is cast aside.[Edited out]

  • 2

    I am shamed to know all about Cardinal Malcolm.Although I am a good Catholic hailed from Jaffna and studied at St,Patrick’s College a leading institution. My prayers and wish that Holly Pope should expel these dirty leader’s from his office. Also must exposé at least to Srilankan Catholic through the church.This will guide the society to live pease and harmony and the will of Jesus Chriest.

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