I’m a retired public servant who worked under Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratnga. The article which you find below was written 9 years ago, a small part of the large diary that I have maintained. Now that Chandrika B. has decided to reengage in politics, I am thinking of writing an article, suitably edited against libel laws.
The former President Chndrika Kumaratunge, has merged again into the spotlight as the king maker, in seeking the appointing the Common candidate of the opposition. In this process she has assured, it seem to Ranil Wickremesinghe, that she will manipulate and instigate the cross over 60 Ministers and M.Ps from the governing coalition. Her recent movers are a culmination of manoeuvres she hatched since she gave up the Presidency. It is no secret that she was never a well-wisher of Mhinda Rajapaksa, if it is only due to the tenacity of MR that he got the nomination, against her will.
There are certain ethics and rules of conduct, which governs the behavior of a President, who has finished two terms in office. Although there are no constitutional provisions for a President’s conduct, after their term of office, there has developed a tradition, that Presidents spend their retirement engaged in social service, writing their memoirs or being engaged in business activities. In the United States, former Presidents are endowed by law with a fund to retain their documents and memoirs. Former Presidents do not criticize the incumbent President and is always available for advice and discussion. Similar traditions prevail in other democracies. In Sri Lanka, this tradition was maintained by J.R. Jayewardene after his two terms. He had invested his money to form a Jayewardene Center with a well equipped library, which provides a place for conferences and meetings. President Premadasa died of a suicide bomb attack, and may not have give attention to his political legacy, however there exists a Premadasa Center, and a good biography has been written by Bradman Weerakoon, and his loyalists, I believe his family and his supporters maintain the center.
However, Chandrika Kumaratunga, has not followed these natural customary laws of probity and good practice. Chandrika Kumaratunge, acts and behaves as if the Sri Lanka Freedom Party is her private property.
She once told me that SWRD Bandaranaike, would point to her as and “there goes the future Prime Minister”. Thus the SLFP was her fiefdom and the party her serfs!
It is clear that from the time of the ascendancy of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, she has been engaged in vituperative gossip and slander against the current President. For example, it is a well known fact that in her visits to New Delhi, she was extremely critical of the current President, much to the embarrassment of officials in the Indian External Affairs Ministry.. Her vitriolic verbal attacks are not fit to be put on paper. In the United States, through her friendship with the Clinton family, countless were the same vituperative language against the sitting President. She was highly critical of the manner in which the President handled the war.
It is my view that whilst she is not interested in contesting for the Presidency, that she will be a spoiler factor, in the election, believing that she can draw significant votes away from the President. It is as a result of transgression against the ethics of a retired President, that I have decided to share my diary records with the general public. I have however deleted all relationships dealing with her on other personal matters.
The Chandrika Presidency
This article was done with some reluctance but I feel that it is a matter of public duty that I bring the facts known to me and to the public for a wider discussion on the immunities granted to Executive Presidents. The former President has left office with lot of question marks regarding her financial propriety and her rapacious greed for possessions and privilege for which the tax payer had to bear the burden.
The controversies which surround the former President are many. It is no a secret that as the President she gave lukewarm support to Mahinda Rajapaksa. Her comments on the contesting President were always derogatory. Anura Bandaranaike made press statements and public comments that the SLFP cannot do without the Bandaranaike family. Chandrika was informing the diplomatic community that Mahinda could never win and took every opportunity in public platforms to praise Ranil Wickremesinghe’s Cease Fire Agreement and attack the JVP and the JHU. It was only in the last few days that she was informed that Mahinda was likely to win. It was too late for her to turn gear.
During several of her farewell speeches she made a point of saying that her hands were clean and there was no blood in her hands. Often she would remind the public that she would never lie and that is what her parents had thought her. She was also in the habit of extolling her virtues. An examination of her career shows that it was often tragic comic and she now ends her career in tragic circumstances. Not even one supporter was there to receive her when she went to reside in her ancestral home!
A controversy which has emerged is the Cabinet decision to provide her with one and a half acres of prime land near the Parliamentary complex. The hasty manner in which this cabinet paper was presented and the fact that it contravenes Constitutional procedures was not taken into account. Surely the Secretary of the cabinet is required to seek council from the Attorney General and others to see weather a cabinet paper contravenes the law. It certainly contravenes custom and law pertaining to the privileges of an ex President.
Alongside this murky wheeler dealing regarding the land matter, a new cabinet paper was presented by the Prime Minister which provided the ex-President with perks and privileges which no other President in the past has enjoyed. The Chief Justice, in his comments on the appropriations bill suggested that the privileges given to her far exceeds the sum total of the privileges of all the judges of the Supreme Court! It is likely that petitions will be placed in the Courts calling for a stay order on this matter. These petitions will argue that the privileges provided to her contravene the Constitutions.
The former President has never declared her assets which is compulsory. It is therefore necessary that for the sake of accountability and transparency that she is compelled to declare her assets. Sri Lanka has encouraged a culture of impunity. All governments have not acted on numerous cases of bribery and corruption. The Bribery Commission has been politicized and its capacity to investigate is severely inhibited.
Chandrika assumed her rise to power once her bid to form a political party with her husband failed. Then she decided to enter the SLFP after her husband’s assassination and outmanoeuvred her brother and eventually drover her brother into the UNP. She also ruthlessly outmanoeuvred her mother.
I will not go into the disgraceful manner in which she dealt with Vijaya Kumaratunga‘s legacy. His loyal supporters confided in me that all the photographs, cossets of his music and other belongings were all destroyed or is now missing.
Other Features Of The Presidency
Chandrika also introduced some unique habits and features in her conduct as the President. Some of these features which led to mismanagement and inefficiency are as follows.
Her Inability to keep to punctuality is legendary. Punctuality is the essence of a good manager. The complaints and voices of frustration were countless. Sometimes she kept people waiting for more than 4 hours. Nobody escaped her sanctimony. Vice Chancellors, Ministers, officials, foreign visitors, Ambassadors and even the British Royalty suffered this humiliation. Due to her lack of good time management Cabinet meetings were always delayed, with no clear agenda, and where meetings were dominated by the meanderings of the President. It certainly was not the discipline which should have been shown by the Chief Executive of the country. If it was a private company she would have been sacked for her indiscipline.
The Presidents tendency for long monologues on any subject was the talk of the town. She would start with one point and then meander to other issues and finally come back to the original much to the exasperation of foreign and national visitors. She would bore her foreign and national guests to tears.
Another weakness which the President displayed was her tendency to lie at every turn. In many speeches she used to state that she has never lied in her entire life. But the public was fed with so many promises which she was never was able to keep. One of the promises she made was that she would not dissolve Parliament before the end of the Wicremesinghe term of office. Another was that she would abolish the Executive Presidency. The question of her qualifications was also another matter of controversy. She had made false statements regarding her qualifications. She never obtained her PhD, never studied at the Sorbonne, and her C.V. is full of false statements. To my knowledge she received a diploma from a Institute in Paris.
Another feature of her lack of management skills was her tendency to micro manages the administration of government. She would at will undermine her Ministers by bypassing them and speaking directly with officials under him and was lavish in her criticisms of her Ministers. Another weakness that she had was to criticize her close colleagues mercilessly with others. Nobody in the cabinet escaped her approbation.
With regards to the peace process she lacked professionalism. The lack of focus and experience was obvious. As her key facilitators, to negotiate with the LTTE, she picked several of her cronies to resume talks with the LTTE. Out of the 4 only the former government agent for Jaffna Lionel Fernando demonstrated professionalism. The other three, an architect, a banker and her secretary were illiterate with regards the history of the peace process. There conduct during the talks was a point of ridicule by those taking part from the LTTE side. For more elucidation of this point I would refer to Anton Balasingham’s “ The Politicis of Duplicity”, where he recounts how the LTTE leader and others watched the proceedings through a hidden video camera, where their knowledge of the conflict was embarrassing.
As the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, her conduct of the so called war for peace was a disaster and brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy. Speak to any of the retired Generals and their complaints about her. Although she prided herself as a military strategist she did not understand military doctrine and strategy. She relied heavily on her Uncle as the Deputy Minister of Defence whose political objects went against the advice provided by the Generals. The Jayasikuru military campaign had little to do with military strategy but was undertaken for political objectives. This adventure was a military disaster! Her Uncle, once assured me, that the LTTE had only 3000 combatants was contrary to all the data which was available. Further, deadlines were continuously postponed as to when the LTTE would be weakened so that talks would be resumed. Although she complained about the corruption of her Generals, in public her procurement policy was a disaster. Equipment which was purchased was often not up to standard. It is interesting that when her Uncles bank account was raided by the Wickremesinghe government they found over Rs. 50 million bonds stacked in a bank vault. She did nothing to investigate her Uncles misdemeanors. So much for honesty and transparency! This sheer unprofessional conduct and corruption led to the death of many of our soldiers and led to many military defeats. It should be noted that 12 individuals were named by the authorities with regards to excessive funds being held in bank vaults. Wickremesinghe only allowed for the investigation of two individuals, Anurddha Ratwatte and the former Air fore commander. Wickremesighe did not want the other vaults investigated including the bank vaults of Chandrika!
Further allegations abound with regards to her dealings with tender procedures and procumbent. Often her cronies i.e. Ronnie Peiris, Harry Jayawardene, Rajan Britto, and several others were provided with lucrative contracts. Some of those which are well known to the public are the Emirates deal, the PNO deal, the deals regarding railways. An investigation is absolutely necessary since proper procedures regarding tender procedures were overruled. An example of the riches which accrued to these cronies is the current wealth of the son of Balapatabendi, who was a close confidant and secretary to the President.
Another feature that requires investigation is political killings of opponents. S.B. Dissanayake has publicly stated how the President had wanted critical journalists to be assassinated. The killing of the editor of a newspaper is still to be investigated. The assassination of Kumar Ponnambalam is disturbing in that the investigation was hushed up and evidence points to the involvement of the PSD. Her notorious and infamous security arm (PSD) is said be responsible for much of these killings. Victor Ivan, in his book has revealed with extraordinary acumen her reign of corruption and terror.
The President of the country cannot have immunity against crimes against humanity. She should be held responsible under the law. The Bribery Commissioner should be requested to impose a stay order until her assets are declared and is able to answer the allegations regarding her possession of large sums of ill gained money and property. I sincerely hope that our learned lawyers, the Bar Association, the Centre for Policy Alternatives and others seeking a just and free society will be seized with this matter.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 27, 2014
No wonder the TNA Leader Vellala Sambandan said as late as yesterday, that he is not decided yet on whom to back..
And he has to consult the Tamil Intelligentsia..
Wonder whether the Tamil Intelligentsia read this article?…
srilal / November 27, 2014
Premachandra Salgado ,
how much is your deal worth ? though you thought it would be exciting to publish these earth shattering , latest revaluations , none seems to be new , in fact we all know much juicer info than this old boring stuff , thanks to late Lasantha Wickramatunga and Victor Ivan , almost every thing had been covered , basically you are trying to give us an old news paper to read , this is no good , try some thing new !
Spring Koha / November 27, 2014
So true! Actually, Premachandra Salgado is being very coy. Maybe his old loyalty is holding him back. CBK, to put it simply. was a bloody disaster for the country. She was NOT Presidential material, her representation of SL in international fora was an embarrassment at the best of times, and by her tenure she delayed resolution of the increasingly rampant LTTE. Her continuing involvement in current political affairs is both reprehensible, devious and downright mischievous.
Many in the country may want a change from MR and his rampant regime, but I fear that what we might be facing is a ‘from the frying pan into the fire situation’ if we fall for the current machinations of the ‘opposition’.
Swin / November 28, 2014
We remember how the past CBK. think about Hw you ruled Chowra Rajina and how Ranil acted. It is a shame. We look at the hole scenario and decide that the country comes first. Save Sri Lanka for the future generations. Vote for MR
Dodo / November 27, 2014
CT Editors I am surprise that you publish this slander.
It is Mahinda Jarapassa whose corrupt, UNEDUCATED and criminal family – brothers, sons, nephews, nieces, in-laws have – turned the SLFP into their private property and family business TODAY! Not CBK! She is in any case EDUCATED and still a LOT BETTER than the Jarapassa lot.
CBK’s children are doctors and professionals and no one in her family in in politics.
Rather, the SLFP is owned and operated by the Jarapassa family so this idiot, Salgado should talk about the CURRENT REALITY of Jarapassa family ownership of the SLFP, rather than what he thinks are CBK’s dreams.
No double CBK will want to rescue the party from these corrupt murderers who have taken it over!
mechanic / November 27, 2014
Hay Dodo, We have no qualm for you singing hosanna to the bandit queen. But learn to listen to others who come up with the facts about the thief who increasingly looks like a demon.
Vandapoo / November 27, 2014
Aren’t the Dodos extinct?
This kind of input proves it!
Spring Koha / November 27, 2014
“”……children are doctors and professionals….”” educated in a foreign country because our education system was not good enough for them, and domiciled in a foreign country, and working hard to support a foreign economy.
Don Stanley / November 27, 2014
CBK now needs to go on the offensive and run a PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGN to educate moda Sinhala VOTERS. She needs to talk an every TV channel about how Jarpassa and his brothers and sons have turned SLFP into Jarapassa family property.
The SLFP must be rescued from the corrupt and criminal Mahidna Jarapassa family (brothers, sons, in law) that have hi-jacked the SLFP to create a DICTATOSHIP in order to rule and loot the country.
CBK must take her case to the VOTERS of the country and SPEAK DIRECTLY and strongly and EDUCATE the Sinhala Modayas on the true state of the SLFP and corruption of governance under Mahinda Jarapassa’s family dictatorship.
Mahinda Jarapssa is today using the pictures of Sirimavo and SWRD to cover up the Jarapassa take over of the SLFP having character ASSASSINATED their daughter. CBK must point this out to the voters.
Silva / November 27, 2014
The Curse of the Executive – the so called “wonder of Asia” (A MUST READ)
By Dr C.M. Silva
Lankans were relieved and thrilled to get rid of the LTTE in ’09 and had enormous expectations of progress and good governance. The credit of this should obviously go to the Rajapaksa government as well as all those who fought on the battle front. With 2/3rd’s parliamentary majority which may have been
achieved by buying over corrupt opposition politicians, still gave total power to do good to Lanka, but unfortunately this power has been used to get more power, breaking all norms of decent standards and governance.
Every aspect of governance was abysmal. The war and national hero Sarath Fonseka was punished in a dubious manner using all government manipulations in a despicable manner sending him to prison to take a personal vendetta against him. This occurred while govt. is providing luxuries to the terrorist leader KP. Fourteen charges were brought against the chief justice against all norms of justice to chase her getting universal condemnation across the commonwealth. 1000 page document was read, interpreted, digested and decision given overnight, unheard in legal channels with forcing mostly uneducated MP’s to sign a blank document. A murderer would have had more rights than our chief justice in defending herself. The executive was bulldozing all, just to achieve simply their objectives. When the government continued to ignore many mega crooks in their ranks, they framed CJ with dubious charges.
It is true that the country has improved in many aspects. This was naturally expected with the end of the war and most would have happened under any government. North East rehabilitation, tourism expansion, road network (despite the enormous cost), walking/recreational areas, beautification of Colombo are welcome developments.
Despite the end of the war which wasted unavoidable billions, the rampant plundering of the country multiplied simply filling the pockets of politicos. The purpose of governance appeared to make its party ministers and MP’s billionaires while the country was bleeding. State debt rose to Rs.1 trillion. 55 state institutions which had a profit of Rs.32.3 billion in 2005 caused a loss of Rs.107 billion despite over 100 ministerial posts. Total foreign debt which was Rs.3589 billion up to 2009 due to the 30 year war and over 60 years of post-independence development was doubled to Rs.6791 billion in mere 3 years by 2012. Mega white elephants just to satisfy the ego of the governing clan was pumped in to Hambantota. Harbour rock blasting Rs.9 billion, Tele-Cinema Park Rs.2 billion, cricket stadium Rs.700 million decimating SL cricket were some of them. The biggest disaster the Mattala airport cost Rs.39.6 billion and even a fool would have known that it is pure stupidity but no one questioned the judgement of the executive. It recorded a laughable 40 passengers by April ’13 and it is said that the beetle seller was earning more than the airport. Still no questions asked of this debacle and no one guilty. Thankfully Lanka was spared at least Rs.500 billion cost of staging the commonwealth games just because presidential family members pushed for it ignoring every basic element of intelligence in staging such event. The games bid costing Rs.784 million simply went down the drain, with no inquiry. President’s expenses for a year is Rs.8.6 billion which is more than the British queen. President’s pool of vehicles alone cost Rs.5.1 billion while vehicles for ministers cost Rs.6 billion. Opposition politicians have claimed that Lanka has been plundered Rs.870 billion from 2005-2009 due to corruption.
Jumbo cabinet of over 100 is costing Rs.2.6 billion almost every govt. department losing money. The ministers were profiteering also by selling their tax free car permits earning more millions to them. Rs.17 Billion was lost due to oil hedging fiasco. President’s UN trips which had invitations for only a handful but over 100 of presidential henchmen and for their limousines cost Rs.1.4 billion but interestingly the president says ‘everyone should be accountable when spending public money’. IIFA event costs were Rs.1.4 billion and president’s inauguration cost another 1 billion. COPE has reported Rs.300 billion fraud in govt. institutions. The roads building has directly filled the pockets of all decision makers who continued to take mega loans which the poor will have to pay over centuries. How come when Kottawa to Galle road cost Rs.900 million/km while Kadawatha to Kerawalapitiya was costing a whopping Rs.7500 million/km? Yes, with inflation the costs can go up may be by 5-10% but not over 800%. Never in Lanka such plundering has occurred but the govt. gave only Rs.333 for displaced families due to rain in Colombo. Maharagama cancer institute had said they do not have 20 essential medications and Colombo hospitals have said they do not have chemicals to do basic tests. If half the cost of presidential trip to UN summit could be saved, it would have provided enough money for cancer patients in Lanka for drugs for next 20 years.
The question is why not a single inquiry or investigation has not occurred for any of the mega blunders? When the core of the govt. is involved in all these how can they investigate themselves? Ex-president Mrs. Chandrika Bandaranayake said the obvious that politics is a mega business and 80% of politicians are simply crooks. No wonder therefore they ‘invest’ multi millions some going up to 300 million during elections simply to get elected by hook or by crook to ‘serve the poor’ because they know that they could
earn 10-100 times more. Sadly the voters still continue to vote for crooks who have biggest ‘cut outs’ not knowing that they are the biggest sharks stealing their money.
Law and order of the country is almost non-existent. It is strongly suspected that white van disappearances were politically motivated as when ordinary citizens caught some of them, they were released on directions of defence ministry. Most high profile murders, robberies, crimes, thuggery are directly connected to government politicians either centrally or in the provincial administration. This gives an indication of the calibre of the current politicians promoted by the government and its leadership. Even if ever justice occurred, it is because of foreign pressure as is the case of Tangalle tourist murder. Interestingly most of them are closely connected to the ruling family including Julampitiya Amare who killed 2 JVP supporters. Rather than protecting the law, even AG’s office dismissed 3 cases against prominent politicians against all norms of procedure. More than 100 politicos and provincial councillors have been implicated in crimes and more than 50 local government politicians are involved in drug trafficking. This includes 8 ministers, 5 deputy ministers, 5 parliamentarians, 12 provincial councillors, 40 mayors and members of the provincial councillors. The biggest heroin detection was released via the prime minister’s office making mockery of law and order. The policemen who did their duty by raiding a brothel of a govt. henchman were transferred soon after this as punishment. Another policemen who charged a deputy minister for speeding not only was assaulted but ultimately was forced to leave the police. The law enforcement who eliminated the LTTE have been unable to catch a single culprit for the murder of 27 journalists including Lasantha Wickrematunge. This confirms one thing which is, the government is directly responsible – criminals, Judge, Jury are all the same hence
‘unable to find culprits’. In many instances the influence of politicians on local police means no one is arrested even with well documented assaults on ordinary public. The futuristic city of Hambantota, the lord mayor is a gun carrying thug, again close to the ruling family. These are their standards the highest in government and no wonder today the biggest criminals are in the government itself. 2/3rd’s of Parliament MP’s do not have even Advance Level qualifications while over ½ do not have even basic O/L qualifications. They are not suitable even for labourer’s jobs but most are ministers running, ruining and plundering the country. No wonder all govt. departments are running at mega losses. Turning a blind eye to all these is the furthest you would expect from a true statesman. The president’s scant respect to the law of the land was obvious when a journalist who had a well-known arrest warrant was photographed with the president openly.
Internationally, sadly the president is so unpopular and finds it difficult to visit many western countries apart for UN meetings. UN inquiry, commonwealth head of state meetings were absolute disasters due to many bungled issues including dismissal of ex CJ.
The judgement of the president should give direction and leadership to the country. If this judgement says that a man who ties another man to a tree in addition to many despicable acts/incidents should be made the Minister of Public Relations, is it simply right to ask if this sort of judgement could even be suitable to run a mental asylum!
The executive presidency has become a curse of the land with executive powers bulldozing all decent norms of governance to benefit a few and family. Every aspect of good governance is non-existent and has been detrimental to the country, when in fact the country was in ideal position to exploit the benefits of peace.
Country needs a decent, responsible, credible and open statesman. Countries’ laws must not be the law of the jungle, wealth should not be family wealth, power should be with the Parliament and its people, judgements should be based on the law of the land and not the law of the few, professionalism of the police should be restored and elections should be on a level playing field, mega corruption should not bleed Lanka and above all Lanka deserves a decent standard of governance.
Voters- over to you!
Dr. C.M. Silva
srilal / November 27, 2014
wow , well done Dr !
William Sacks / November 27, 2014
Thank you Dr. Silva. Well said sir. You know the history of this country more than many. Is there anyone who could translate this into Sinhala and give the best publicity possible?
Lasantha / November 27, 2014
Well said Dr. Silva.
Hope CT and it’s readers will make a note of your comment.
Wonder why Victor Ivan forgot to publish his “Chaura Raja” publication taking your points into consideration.
Also, before we had one or two branches of a tree which is rotten but now we have jungles upon jungles full of rotten trees.
The amount of losses Sri Lankan Air (16 Billion rupees) in 2014 would have taken all those passengers FREE OF CHARGE to their destinations.
How could you run an Airline with a Grade 10 Failed ex.planter as the Chairman simply because he is a relative of Maharaja. Who is paying for all these losses. At least under Emirates, Sri Lankan Air was making substantial profits every year. But now it’s a disaster.
This is only the tip of the ice burg. We need answers.
Over to you my friend Victor Ivan. It’s time to pull all the files out.
Sunil Mohan / November 27, 2014
Premachandra salgado over to you also
Sunil Mohan / November 27, 2014
Please translate this into other two languages , and distribute in hard copy prior to the new year
Peace Lover / November 27, 2014
and in the meantime K A Sumanasekera gets ready for his next posting but his mind is blank hence let me help him,buddy use key words like such as Vellala CM,Diasporians,TNA proxies,Ranil,a dollar a day,Dalits,erection,happy ending,dosh,posh,Vellalas,our way of life,TGTE,sira,how cool is that!,majority inhabitants,keselwatte kid,MP Abraham,Ranil etc
gosh…..i have helped K A Sumanasekera to write his next piece of crap ;-)
Roy / November 27, 2014
You must be milking the Rajapakses after milking the above cow.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 27, 2014
CT is very cruel .. Isn’t it?.
Fair enough, the ex President didn’t abide by the protocol and behaviour of fellow exes in the West and US in particular.
But we, as good human beings have to respect our ex Leaders even the ones who were up to scratch.
I mean when publishing their family portraits at least.
Specially when the Intelligentsia in Srilanka have been handed over lock stock and barrel by their Leader, to this ex President to lead them to Liberation, Freedom , Peace, Harmony and Prosperity which have been lacking in the 21 Century since the ex President let them .
shankar / November 27, 2014
yes,when she is in that mood i woudn’t like to go and ask her whether she could kindly make me a cup of tea.
probably i would come out of her house looking like i have gone through the washing machine.
Rajash / November 27, 2014
K.A. You refer to this piece “The assassination of Kumar Ponnambalam is disturbing in that the investigation was hushed up and evidence points to the involvement of the PSD.”
You are absolutely right. The Tamil intelligentsia is fully aware that all the prominent politicians Gamini Dissanayke, Athulthmudali, Premadas, Thiruchelvam , kadirgamar , johnpulle, maheswaran etc etc all were murdered either by the govt of the day or their Sinhala political enemies
Peace Lover / November 27, 2014
Dont take K A Sumanasekera seriously,he writes utter crap and his writing style gives our daily dose of laughter!
In fact if the Govt says Black is white then white it shall as per K A Sumanasekera as he is a paid coolie in CT
Ram / November 27, 2014
After reading the above, lots of people who looked upto CBK would have the scales falling off their eyelids. ‘Chaura Ragina’ was not comprehensive enough.
Agnos / November 27, 2014
While the details of what you say is mostly true, your timing and your lack of a sense of proportion of what CBK did against the large number of brazen murders, thuggery and the insufferable (even by the standards of Sinhalese extremists, as the JHU dissent shows) family banditry of the Rajapaksa regime, is astonishing.
Given the quality of the politicians available in SL, and that the voters keep electing such politicians, moral judgments in Sri Lanka can only be relative. It is a matter of deciding who is far worse in relative terms.
While you are calling on people to review CBK’s transgressions–which have all been in the public domain, and if the MR regime had enough evidence, and if they were better than her in that realm, they would certainly have used that against her–you say nothing about the stupendous evil that is the Rajapaksa regime. That shows you are probably a clear Rajapaksa apologist.
It is amsuing that you bring up the US presidency into this, as if what you have in SL were a mature democracy and the population was educated enough and largely focused on rational self-interest in voting.
Muni / November 27, 2014
Therefore we should vote for Mahinda. Is that the argument.
William Sacks / November 27, 2014
I must confess that I was never an admirer of Mrs. Kumaranatunga. I remember in 1994 I argued with a very close friend who wrote to me portraying her as a very charismatic leader. Also, I do not think there was anything happened during her presidency we could remember. (Still I think we had the freedom of press, otherwise Victor Ivan would not have been living today. Imagine writing “Chaura Raja” today).
Anyway, we accept all her faults, but can we criticize her for what she has done and doing today? Forget that she is a former president, but she is still a Srilankan citizen. Can anyone look other side for what is happening now. Mrs. K has done her part and she was in a better position to do that. We must do our part to end this tyranny now!
I listened to Mr. Sirisena’s speech given at “Sirikotha” today, in fact I felt we have found a proper gentleman to take us out of this rot. Anyone should be better than this familial, corrupt, uncivilized, undemocratic rule. I think MS is a decent, uncorrupted (may be less) person whom we can trust more than anyone else in the frame at the moment.
GoatGota / November 27, 2014
Half an acre ? is that it? Are you joking Salgado? She seems like a saint in comparison to the current lot. “British Royalty suffered this humiliation”? Wow is there anyone else who deserve a bit of humiliation than the British Royalty? That was great to know she did that. Btw did you write about the day she nearly lost her life or lost an eye? I bet your pen ran out of ink that day? Now I suggest you use that diary for something useful like selling it to wrap kadala. All you’re trying is to sling mud at a stateswoman who could have lived in peace and comfort for the rest of her life following ‘protocol’ instead she stepped in to counter the unfair balance in power and starting to become a rabid cancer breaking down all other institutions that remained like the judiciary, the parliament, the racial and ethnic harmony. We all know that no one is perfect, but there is perfection and then there is utter destruction. People will decide if they want to continue with the latter. I surely don’t.
Wera / November 27, 2014
This hatched piece is disgusting and intended to discredit the opposition while pretending to care a fig leaf about corruption. That all governments in the recent past beginning with prime minister Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s bindu mathie episode the the JR years followed by the Premamdasa years and on to the CBK era DOES NOT JUSTIFY the depth and the monumental breadth to which corruption has been carried out by the present regime. TO make such a putrid attempt to sling mud at CBK even though she may not be an angle is not worth the paper these allegations are written on. Also the totally corrupt judiciary made a judgement against CBK and we are supposed to care about this? How silly. Any legal matter where the former president is involved in including the private affairs of the Bandaranaike family is DICTATED from TEMPLE TREES in manner intended to seek REVENGE and collectively punish the entire family. That is a more relevant matter to consider in this situation.
nimal / November 27, 2014
I think Salgado is not telling truth. I cannot remember Salgado who worked for Chandrika so closely. Could you pleaser say what capacity you worked? As Sirilal said all what you have written is not new.
shankar / November 27, 2014
and sumane,this one also might one day run the country as the military strongman.Even now he is the defacto president isn’t he.Do you think he might slaughter mahinda and his entire family if they ever crossed swords with him?Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter seems saintly in comparision.
which one do you prefer the sleeping beauty here or hannibal.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 27, 2014
CBK’s PSD Boss is on Prison rations at present ,,says my Elders..
May be our Jack of All Trades, Native Vadda can bring us up to speed on that …
Jim softy / November 27, 2014
This looks like a paid advertisement.
This Salgado has got some money to write the article.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 27, 2014
I thought Ms Chandrika , only wanted a 40 perch dirt patch in Cinnamon Gardens,,
This Salgado dude now tells us that she wanted , sorry in fact transferred one and a half acres of our Govt land on the shores of Diyawanna Oya..in her name.
May be our last King Rajasingham didn’t leave anything for her or her ex hubby’s families, in his last will while enjoying British hospitality in London…
If Ms Chandrika’s ex Servant becomes the President , alliance partner Sambandan and CM Vigneswaran wouldn’t have any problems transferring Govt land to Vellalas both local and overseas.
On a separate note, Ms Chandrika’s ex Servant CC’s brother was called Rice Mafia by the UNP in parliament .
Now the CC has become the Boss of all the Opposition combined,
And the brother has already started screwing the dalits.
It is to put pressure on the Dalits to vote for Sira .
The Brother is hoarding the local rice stock to force the prices up, and starve the inhabitants gradually going towads the Election.
So that Ranil, Sira, Anura , Champaka, Venerable Rathna and even Keselwatta Kid can get on stage and blame Rajapaksa for starving the poor dalits.
So much for the Good Governance,, and it is only the start.
By the way the Rice Mafia Boss has an appropriae name too . He is apparently Dudley Sirisena,,
Probabaly he was already in the UNP…
Mohamed / November 27, 2014
This is old stuff we all know and for which we hate CBK. Is there any difference between the former and the incumbent except for the punctuality. The citizens require much more than broken promises both from the past, incumbent and in the future as well and lame excuses not fulfillment of the promises. It is unfortunate bickering by vested parties prevent RW from emerging and bring in somewhat of a clean governance. Lets give the benefit of the doubt and give one final chance to the major promise vis abolishing EP and entrusting Governance to a capable person
punchisingho / November 27, 2014
Why did you wait so long to write about Chandrika?
How much were you paid by Mahinda?
Are you in Mahinda’s propaganda unit?
It is known that Chandrika and Mahinda are not friends.
When did this begin?
Do you remember the day Chandrika who came from London joined ‘Pada Yathra’
while it was on its way to Katharagama?
Do you remember the filthy words Mahinda used to insult Chandrika when she joined Pada yathra?
That is the day they began to hate each other as far as I know.
Chandrika believed devolution was the answer to the war while Mahinda believed war was the answer.
Hence there can be no reconciliation between the two.
You are a Mahinda man.That is why you have suddenly begun to attack her.
Mark my word.
These are the last days of Mahinda’s era.
Eira Nisama / November 27, 2014
Why are you pulling these decade or more old stories? What is your point here? I am very confused. You are sounding like some one who got paid a lot from an enemy of her.
Tsunami / November 27, 2014
This is an article written on the instructions of Mahinda’s henchmen. They expected Chandrika to contest.
Minister Mahinda Amaraweera himself said the UPFA people have plundered the country.
Salgado! Why didn’t you write how billions have been earned by Mahinda’s henchmen?
If you are a brave man write about it now. Otherwise you are just a coward and a paid writer.
And where the hell did you work under Chandrika?
thondamannar / November 27, 2014
Who is the better THIEF……… Its coming to a crunch to prove.
That is the reason the Western hidden agenda contracted the job to CBK @ Chaura Ragina, to upstage Mahinda.
If not what is the use of CBK a spent force in politics and sell by date expired in Sri Lanka?
Being the THIEF she would have collected bags full $$$$ frrom some party who has vested interest in SL as a Mobilisation Fee to carry out this operation.
Being a notorious THIEF, she cunningly out sourced the job to that unsuspecting Aiyo Siripala who is now forced to act like the jews to crucify MR.
Sirisena was roped in as she could not come forward due to her tarnished past.
being a contest between a Lady THIEF and a Gentleman THIEF. Poor Sirisena is getting sandwiched in the middle similar to that of the ELEPHANT & MONKEY tale.
Poor Sira !!!!! and a damn good shake up for Mahinda………..
Lady Thief will retire to UK with the mobilisation stash later. Good income for an Out Sourcing job,
Pity Ranil and the UNP. They are relegated to be poster pasting boys, stage erecters, bunting decorators ect., if the UNP’ers protest to do so as the JVP has pulled out, it will be left for the JHU boys and TNA Sampanthan/Premachandra boys & for Rayappu and the Clergy to shoulder these duties for which $$$ will have to come from SURENDIRAN & GTF who are waiting to take MR to the gallows.
Gallows boy MR has a fight on his hand due to his & his ethanol/Kasippu/Kudu cronies arrogance whom he is suffocated with.
Pearl Thevanayagam / November 27, 2014
CBK is the only President whose tenure had no killings of media personnel. She sent killers of Krishanty Kumarsamy to a trial-at- bar and sentenced them to prison. She is arrogant to a fault but her honesty is without question. She did study at Sorbonne although it is not known whether she completed her degree.She is also not a schemer or manipulator.
Pradeep / November 27, 2014
Premachandra Salgado,
Let’s see who the bigger thief.
Pres.Rajapakse broke all the records when he robbed poor peoples Tsunami donated money in 2004 and gave LTTE VP 700 million rupees in 2005 just before Presidential elections. Nobody will ever break that record.It is like Murali’s 800 test wickets.
You need one thief to catch another thief and now we see that happening when the presidential elections get closer.
Why don’t Premachandra Salgado publish his book on “Chaura Maharaja and his Accomplishments”. This will be a good seller. Please think.
Lasantha / November 27, 2014
Pres. Rajapakse says he has a cabinet full of old files to clear. Can you please help him.
May be you will come across many interesting items like 40 Million Rupee Diamond studded Gold Rolex watches, two and half lakh rupee Louis vuitton shoes or five laks rupee Ray ban sunglasses etc,etc.
Please start digging those files or simply ask from those macow parrots at President’s house.
SFO49er / November 28, 2014
P Salgado – These are Old revelations, so shut the fuck up!!!!!! Your 15 minuets of fame is over go back to your meds.