17 September, 2024


Cheap Politics Of TNA Parliamentarian Premachandran

By Rajasingham Jayadevan

Rajasingham Jayadevan

Rajasingham Jayadevan

I experienced a very serious illegal land grabbing endeavour by a group of Tamils on my visit to Jaffna on 6 December 2013. This is part of much wider land fraud perpetuated by the Tamil criminals in the north.

One has to experience the scandalous culture practiced widespread by Tamils against the fellow Tamils to understand the seriousness of the fraud that has become endemic in the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka. This appalling criminality is the product of the three decades old war that has made the very Tamils face the wretched conditions in a disproportionate scale in the hands of the fellow Tamils in the decaying socio-economic climate. It is time for the Tamils to articulate a way forward to overcome these criminality without conditioning the failures of the government to suppress our own ignominy.

The calculated land grabbing experience took place just a stone throw away from the Northern Provincial Council office in Kaithady in Thenmaradchi. Over 80 acres of land illegally grabbed were planned to be criminally transferred to poor innocent Tamil peasants by the unscrupulous predators without any remorse or fear of the law.

Our family home is located in the estate where my mother and brother were killed by the Indian Peace Keeping Force in 1987.

On the 7th December early in the morning, my brother Dr Narendran was approached by several victims providing information about the land fraud claimed to be performed by an unknown local Tamil Housing Association in Kaithady. The desperate victims  converged in the estate to deal with the chaotic situation created by the unscrupulous land grabbers.

What transpired was, the said housing association had illegally placed notice boards/posters  claiming ownership of the lands in the estate. They had meetings with prospective buyers of the plots of lands and some of them had even paid deposits in cash. The criminals had sold or allocated the estate in small plots taking deposits from Rs 10,000 to Rs 35,000 per plot.

The land grabbers also engaged bulldozers to clear the lands, but could not proceed much due to pressures building up in the estate.

The criminals were so convincing that they even possessed copies of the deeds in bundles to show that they were entrusted by the owners to dispose the properties. When repeatedly questioned whether they hold power of attorneys to sell the properties, they had no answers.

In the gathering of the victims attended by the army and the land grabbers on 7th December, the predators  argued that they have done nothing wrong and even went to the extent of threatening the victims for discussing in front of the army. The criminals portrayed a Tamil nationalist profile and demanded that the issue must not be discussed in the presence of the army and that no one should speak in Sinhalese.

They took exception when some victims spoke in Sinhala language. One of the predator too communicated in Sinhala language to sidetrack the issues and to appease the soldiers. They claimed in Tamil that no one should speak to the army that has raped and murdered our innocent Tamil women. One went to the extent of describing the gory killings by the army and them mutilating the private parts of the Tamil women raped and killed by them. One softy in the group was claiming that they are doing a laudable service by distributing the unused lands of the Tamils living overseas.

When the situation was turning against the agitated land grabbers, they quickly ran away from the scene. One of them threatened a local council member present of dire consequences for his involvement.

The army was clear in their engagement and said they were unable to directly involve in the issue as it is a police matter. However, they promised to discuss the matter with the police stationed at Kaithaddy. They also asked the victims to complain to the police and they spoke to OIC to help the victims.

I too was present when the victims attended the police station. The first meeting was sheer frustration as the police was not keen to entertain any complains saying that they have already entered a complaint from the land grabbers claiming their due authority to deal with the properties were threatened by some individuals. This clearly indicated pre-emption by the thieves and whether they had the backing of some police officers cannot be discounted. In the meeting, one Tamil police officer refused to entertain the complaint from the victims saying that it is a civil matter and requested them to proceed through legal process.

A Tamil Sergeant at the police station was very helpful and at the third meeting held three days after said they have received several complaints from the buyers of the plots and will now go ahead and arrest the criminals.

I felt sad for those who paid the deposits for the illegal purchase. One family with high hopes visited the land on the 7th December and were shocked to hear they had been deceived. Another spent Rs11,000 to tidy the land that he had agreed to purchase. Another elderly couple were keen to purchase, but had their doubts about the way the sale was promoted. A 78 year old father of a land owner living overseas travelled by public transport to deal with the situation.

On 10th December, the police arrested two members (one female)  of the gang and they were later remanded in custody. I also came to know another had been arrested subsequently. Remaining members are absconding and according to information, the police had raided the property of the agent of the group and have taken away posters and building materials held by her.

The victims were regularly meeting and some said their effort to deal with the issue through the Jaffna GA’s office was not successful. The GA and an AGA told them that their hands were tight and directed them to take civil proceedings in the Court.

When the victims were campaigning for a resolution through the police with the help of the army, the Jaffna based Uthayan newspaper published an headline news on 8th December claiming that TNA parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran had resolved the land dispute with the help of the Jaffna GA. This news was later published word to word in other Tamil newspapers including the Colombo based Veerakesari.

The victims who spearheaded the campaign were aghast such claim of credit was made by Suresh Premachandran MP. His claim distorted the facts and caused serious concerns for the victims. The Uthayan did not make any effort to verify the accuracy of the news they filed and said to be written by Suresh Premachandran MP. Neither Suresh Premachandran spoke to those involved in the campaign to arrest the problem.

It at all any credit is given, it must be first for the stand taken by the victims and significant part of the credit must go to the genuine police officers and the sympathetic army officials. Suresh Premachandran has played a very inward  selfish and cheap self elongating game to become a hero at a stroke.

One dejected land owner said in disgust, ‘instead of Premachandran taking undue credit, he should have praised the courage of the victims and made a wider appeal to the others to follow their example to fight for justice’.

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  • 0


    The Tilte of your Article Instead of “Cheap Plitics by TNA” should have been CHEAP POLITICS BY JAYADEAVN for the following reasons.

    With your track record at Ealing Sivan Temple you neither have the Moral Standing nor the Honesty to Criticise the TNA for what they are trying to do and that is wrest control of the Land Grab of Tamil Land by the GOSL.
    What you have uttered above only helps the Sinhalese Agenda under Mahintha.

    This is your brief history at Ealing Sivan Temple.

    1) You were accused of Financial Impropriety at Ealing Temple from which you were not cleared in a Court of Law. So you stand accused.
    2) You were then Invited by LTTE supremo at the time and your experience at the hands of LTTE when you were forced to drink rat infested water left you with a feeling of bitternes from which you havent recovered. You then went on an anti LTTE propaganda.

    Now you have embraked on another false propagand against TNA which is not surprising. But if you are a Democrat you must accept peoples ( Eelam Tamils ) verdict and if you want win your argument put it to the people of Eelam and not beat the drum from here.

    What you are saying amounts exonerating the GOSL from any Land Grab and put the blame on Criminal Tamil elements which is against the weight of evidence .
    Your above finding has two implications 1) There is no Law and Order and these so called Criminal elements operate freely. 2) The Citizens have no redress.

    But let me put it to you.

    1) The reality is there is Land Grab on a massive Scale by the GOSL and in the absence of any power at the disposal of TNA it cannot be reversed.
    2) Even if there are some Tamil Criminal Elements the Land Grab by them is on a very small scale and isolated and it can be reversed in a Court of Law.

    If you have any decency left in you retract your Misleading Statement and apologise.

    You are an Eddapan

    • 0

      I think it should be “Cheap Publicity Seeking by Jeyadeavn”
      what the fxxk he knows about politics.

    • 0

      You back boneless Ettapan- the Grieving Soul

      You have released whole heap of crap and it is not worthy of responding.

      Please limit your arguments to the issues raised in the write up without harping with nonsensical creative stories. This is the disparaging behaviour of persons like you who knows only to engage in arguments unrelated and idiotic.

      Please feel free to bring me before the British Court to make your Ettapan cloak removed.

      Be patient, I have taken another rant like you to the British Court and let the British Court provide the justice.

      • 0

        Mr Jeyadevan,

        Can you please evaluate yourself whether you kept the subject with related issue (land issue). You went Jaffna for a wedding and you should have kept yourself to that event. Your behavior clearly identifies your motives and the crude mentality. Why didn’t you go to the lands grabbed by military in the Valigamam North and asked the military to stop demolishing schools, kovils, and houses belongs to the people.

        • 0


          My brother was in my house and he had no need to go in search of issues. The events unfolded around him.
          Further, the question asked from the website you have referred to was from one Ajit from UK. Was it you?

          I cannot understand why you and others are going out of the way to white wash and confound this issue. I had raised the issue of two new Sinhala villages- Namalpura and Agbopura – being created in Vavuniya South around the time of the NPC elections. I had also raised my voice against the government driven land grab in Valikammam North. I have also raised on several occasions referred to the land fraud being perpetrated in the north by Tamils- politicians, lawyers, Kachcheri staff and land grabbers. Where is the imbalance in our stance?

          Re: Eekathuswarar Temple in London, some of the commentators who are referring to it have conveniently ignored the fact that my brother was imprisoned for 60 odd days in the Vanni by the LTTE in order to grab the temple. He was released through the intervention of the British government and the temple was restored to the legitimate management committee by the British courts. That incident was one of the sordid side shows staged by the LTTE .

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

          • 0


            I have also on several occasions referred to the land fraud—-.


          • 0

            The answer is Yes. It is always better to get the views from the relevant people than one sided story. Suresh Premachandran clarified his involvement in that interview. When the motive of this publicity was clearly to blame Suresh Premachandran and TNA and praise Sinhala army the readers should find the truth. If you and your brother should have stopped with the fraud and those who are involved with the fraud then there is no necessity to so much of confusion and contradiction.
            It is much appreciated that you have raised issues with land grabbing fraud by various individuals including Tamil politicians, lawyers, kachcheri staff and the government. I don’t know whether you purposely omitted military. The land grabbing is a historical issue in addition to corruption throughout the country. We know several cases of land grabbing even within family members. Even to get your hard earned salary you have to bribe a clerical staff, you have to pay bribe for a policeman even if you hold a valid licence to drive, you can get a driving licence even without driving a car, do you know how many criminals are living around with the aid of army, police and politicians. You should have a balance and don’t do selective approach towards people you have grudges over personal matters.

            I don’t know about your brothers temple business.

            • 0


              Isn’t the army an arm of the government? Can the army take over land unless it is sanctioned by the government?


              • 0

                It appears that that the army can take over lands or destroy schools, temples even without the knowledge of the Government. For example, Gotapaya can order to grab a land or destroy houses when President orders not to grab land or destroy houses.

      • 0


        I am sure you are an intelligent individual and you can separate the Cat from the Pigeons. There are two issues here and you are confusing them either through Ignorance or Deliberately to suit your Agenda and I suspect it is the latter for reasons I have already highlighted.
        1) The Land Grab by GOSL with ulterior motive. You as an Individual fought for Tamil rights until you fell out with LTTE ( you were a bed fellow)for reasons which we all know and you are trying to muddy the water and that is the reason why I attached the Label EDDAPAN which no doubt has hurt you . I am quite happy to see you take it through the British Courts to clear your name and I reserve judgment.
        2) Criminal elements trying to take advantage of the break down in Law and order or lack of it. So don’t confuse the two and I am not prepared to accept your assertion that the Army and the Police are somehow interested in Upholding Law and Order or Tamil rights.
        Even the CJ was impeached without due process with callous disregard for Civilised standards and where does that leave the innocent and helpless Tamils.
        It might give you feeling of Satisfaction from TNA bashing and I am not prepared to accept your claim to moral high ground.

        What ever your personal difficulties of the past you cannot betray the Tamil Cause and I am not prepared to play politics with Tamil lives any more for personal satisfaction.

        • 0

          Back boneless Grieving Soul now writing under another cover Kali.

          Reveal your name and your where-about and I will provide you with my solicitors details for you to appear as a witness on your wild character assassination campaign. You are no different to pompous I am suing in the British court.

          Let us argue issues on a equal turfs without (you likes) taking advantage by harping nonsense with hate mind and abusing the facility provided by the CT to sit on moral high grounds to make all kinds of weird and rabid comments.

          • 0

            You must seperate personal grievance from public interest and if you thrust yourself in to public life as you have done you owe a duty to the people you serve. I didnt know you are taking the matter through the courts and from that it is obvious that it is a serious matter. If that was the case then there is bound to be speculation as in this case and I think you have brought this on your self by indulging in this Land Grab business before you were cleared of all the accusations. YOU SHOULD HAVE REFRAINED FROM PUTTING YOUR NAME for the attack which was bound to happen especially when you try to compromise the Tamil Interst which is paramount.
            The Land Grab by GOSL is a World away from what you referred in your article and the Legal remedy avaialble are totally diffent and the consequences are far more serious and damaging to those affected.
            Whatever the personal difficulties which might sometimes be hurtful after your long years of fighting for the Tamil cause you cannot play pikitics with Tamil lives any more after 64 long years of suffering when we have an end in sight. Your intevention in mocking the TNA only plays in to the enemies hands and I am not prepared to put my interest first before that of my people. Every day that passes is agnoy prolonged. I am sorry but we must speak with one voice and I will not compromise on that. I am not hiding behind another name but I was endorsing what was written by the other commentator but used a first person expression inadvertently after a night of drinking ( Christmas Party) and being in a highly intoxicated state.

    • 0

      “You are an Eddapan”. Grieving soul,i think ettappans are those who forced tamils to vacate their homes and used them as human shields and killed them when they tried to escape.I saw a photo of a guy and his grown up son in the garden of a fairly comfortable looking house,each with one leg missing.They were forced to leave their homes by the LTTE and used as human shields and finally after all the runaround came back to their house again minus their legs.isn’t that ettappan’s work betraying your own people?Also look at the war with india.Was it for the benefit of the tamil people or was it for selfish interests?isn’t that an ettappan at work.So don’t just bandy around the word ettappan frivolously because it is meant for people who have betrayed the tamil people and as a result put them into a worse off situation than before.That category does not fit the rajasingham brothers but it does fit prabaharan and his henchmen who used the tamil people for a power grab for their caste and betrayed them when they knew it will not succeed.So open your eyes and see whether tamils are better off or worse off due to certain people,then you will find the real ettappans in our history.Today it is not easy to find the ettappans because they wear a mask because unlike the real one in kattabommans time the present ones are much smarter and don’t go around openly doing things that betray the tamil people.Only yardstick to unearth them is as i told you look at their actions and see whether tamils are better off or worse off due to it.Actions speak louder than words and one deed is worth more than a thousand words.The mask will come off ultimately.

      • 0

        and also grievin soul,don’t forget the 700 million rupees got from mahinda to stop the tamil people voting at the presidential election.If taking money from the enemy is not an ettappan then what is?So use the word on the correct people instead of using it to bully small people.

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    Shankar you Sinkalam,

    As usual you are talking rubbish and you are way off target and that is not surprising.

    • 0

      kali you LTTE,good to know that you quote”not prepared to play politics with Tamil lives any more for personal satisfaction.”unquote.The word “any more” is very revealing showing you are admitting in the past that you had played politics with tamil lives for personal satisfaction.People losing legs,people losing lives,people losing children are not rubbish as you claim my comment is.Can you give them back what they lost?After all you are dhakshina kali symbol of death and destruction,but can you also bring back into life what you died due to you playing politics with tamils lives.When swami vivekananda went to new york a businessman was showing him a machine and boasting how when you put cattle into it all the different parts such as rump,shoulder,leg,entrails etc will get separated and come out through different outlets.The swami asked him when you put those back through the outlets will live cattle come out the other end.So kali good to know that you have stopped now playing politics with tamil lives,but what about the past.Please give back the legs,arms,children.Please,please,please,i beg of you,no point in money,please give back the children we lost.After all why can’t dhakshina kali become mahakali again.

      • 0

        Shankar you Sinkalam ,

        Unlike you hiding behind a Tamil Name I am prepared to say yes I am not prepared to play politics with Tamil lives any more even if hurts me personally.

        Let me tell you you Moron ” NO MORE TAMIL BLOOD” . But If BJP doesnt win the election and the Iron Lady has no say I will accept we as a Race are finished and you lot have won.

  • 0

    “we as a Race are finished”.The tamil race will get bigger and bigger in tamilnadu.Now it is 72 million.One day it will be 100 million.Do you consider the tamils in srilanka as a separate race from those in tamilnadu?If you do then that is your problem in trying to carve out a new race that does not exist.There is only one tamil race in the world and it will never be finished though tamils in various parts of the world may get assimilated as the centuries progress,the tamils in tamilnadu will be intact to continue the race so why are you so worried about the tamil race getting extinct because it never will.Those who have left tamilnadu to other parts of the world and even those who have left tamilnadu and settled in other parts of india,their future generations will little by little inevitably get assimilated with the larger population around them,but still the tamil race will continue in tamilnadu.So why worry about our race becoming extinct.It never will.

  • 0


    You really are a Moron and an uneducated idiot. It is a waste of time arguing with you as you have demonstrated above.

    • 0

      typical LTTE.Will never tolerate others views and will bludgeon them into submission or kill them.Main reason for going down in nanthikadal.Now the remnants such as you are clutching at straws such as modi and jaya.Don’t you still get it,they will not trust you an inch after your past behaviour.They will certainly try to save the tamil race and hindu religion from being forcibly assimilated and will try to give the tamils the same federal system as in india to safeguard their race and religion in srilanka,but they will never let you come to power.Did you not notice that none of the LTTE were made ministers in the northern PC administration even with ananthi getting 87000 votes.That is because of India you fool.So look up in the sky for modi and jaya to save your smelly arse and put you back on the throne.They will certainly do as much as they can for the tamils but not for the semi educated fat headed ettappans among them such as you.

  • 0

    kali you LTTE,why don’t you read rajan hoole’s role of the IPKF and its sequel at the top of this blog and see how the srilankan army was struggling with the IPKF until your ettappan attacked them.After that read what happened to the tamils in trincomalee and batticaloa including children and how they disappeared.So now you want modi and jeya to again send indian troops do you,after the way you attacked them and thanked them for saving your arse in the vadamarachi operation.Dream on,dream on about tamilnadu army coming to save ettappans like you who attacked them,while they were defending themselves from the attacks from the sinhala army in which their soldier gorakhan was killed.

  • 0

    Sorry it took few days for me for get the actual story.

    This two brothers went to Navatkuli for a family wedding.

    Since they arrived there they were looking for an issue in which they can have some millage.

    There they were telling everyone including to those who attended the wedding, how they went againt the LTTE bravely. Also they told that they are the only one who thought lessons to Douglas Devananda.

    These two requested the attendees of the wedding to bring any delicate or short comings to their attention before they leave.

    As there were no response from the people except about Singhla settlement in the same Navatkuli, to which they turned a blind eye, they went volunteerly and met the people who were facing the problem what they have mentioned here..

    Those who went with these two brothers to the Police and met the Army were really shocked , the way they introduced themselves.

    We were the only one who took action againt the LTTE, before you soldiers destroy them here.

    This will give an idea to the readers how these two does mean work and glorify them.

    Their worry was that why UTHAYAN newspaper never mentined about them instead of Suresh Premachandra.

    This is their issue to which many have wasted their golden time and energy.

    Better luck next time to the Tamil Leadership – Two selfish brothers

    • 0

      What a perverted and twisted imagination!

      It is amusing that I have much to learn about the depths to which Tamil society has been weighted down by similar characters . The price we have paid for tolerating lies, exaggerations and criminality in the name of the so-,called liberations struggle. This has indeed left a deep wound that refuses to heal. At almost 70 years age, I do not think I will live long enough to see this horrible wound heal. Unless this wound heals, we will not regain our ‘ Class’ as a people.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      • 0

        Pnathan, you say that it took few days for you to get the actual story.Are you from Navatkulli?

        As neutral readers, one can consider that if Pnathan comment is a twisted imagination, we can consider Jayadevan’s account in the CT also as twisted imagination?

        We heard from some reliable source that you both brothers were in Navatkuli for one of your brothers son’s wedding. Is that also imagination?

  • 0

    Shankar yoo Sinkalam,

    Dont tell me about the role of the IPKF when they replaced Sri Lankan army and carried on the killing which prompted Prabakaran to attack IPKF. When the IPKF arrived the Sri Lankan army was banished. I can give a list of unjustified killings of innocent Tamils by IPKF. The Mardras regiment used to warn the LTTE of the intended search and destroy operations by the Northern Regiment who were responsible for all the unjustified killings . I dont need Hooles account as I have my own account from the battele field and I can teach Hoole a thing or two.
    Your level of Ignorance shows through when I say TNA are coming which you take literally. My friend for your information when BJP take over the Iron Lady will be a formidable force and the Sri Lankan problem whether you like it or not can be resolved with a Phone Call. The reason why India which has total Jurisdiction over Sri Lanka is dilly dallying is because of the get rich quick attitude of the Corrupt Indian Politicians like Shiv Shakar Menon , Krishna and the rest including Loony Swami who comes in October to collect his pay Cheque.
    MR has a lot of money to throw away and India has the Luxory of pulling the Plug any time and for your information who do you think forced MR to hold the elections. There are many things you dont know and I intend to write a Book on the birth of Eelam through the back door so why dont you wait and you can give a copy to Hoole.

  • 0

    The Eelappatheeswarar Temple Issue

    Tigers go to court over Eelappatheeswarar Temple

    Jayadevan and the LTTE

    Pretty sordid stuff.

  • 0

    Some excerpts from previous links

    The family members of Jeyadevan were Tamil nationalists in Jaffna itself. His father Rajasingham was a well -known writer. Their house in Temple road, Nallur “Kanthan Karunai” was a tiger base in the eighties. Thefamily moved to Navatkuli where Jeyadevan’s mother and a younger brother were shot by the Indian Army.His elder brother Dr. Narendran went public with what happened and in an open letter and provided full details of that atrocity. It is said that Jeyadevan became a full fledged tiger supporter after that tragedy.

    Relations between Balasingham and Jeyadevan soured as the latter being a “Vanangaamudi” (unbowed head) refused to be a sycophant of Bala “Annai”. It is also well – known that Balasingham wants to be the
    solitary “moon” reflecting the “Sun” Pirapakarans lustre and ruthlessly cuts down any potential rival cut down to suze. Another problem was that the scrupulously honest Jeyadevan was having friction with AC Shanthan the LTTE man in charge of finances in London. Balasingham and Shanthan however got on famously.

    • 0

      The corrections and ancillary facts relating to the above quote are:
      1. Our home in Nallur was not ‘ Kanthan Karunai’.
      2. Our home in Nallur was not a Tiger base in the eighties either. We moved to Navatkuli in 1982.
      3. The brother who was killed in Navatkuli was older than Jayadevan. The land mine planted by the LTTE in the vicinity targeting the IPKF, precipitated these murders.
      4. Although Jayadevan had contacts with the LTTE in London, he was not a full fledged supporter. As he / we by nature are quite individualistic ( Vanangaamudi ?), he maintained both his independence and distance from the LTTE. He however did much to get Balasingham out of the Vanni and bring about a ceasefire through the British Foreign Office.

      The facts in this quote are correct.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

      • 0

        A correction:

        The other facts in this quote —–.


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    It looks there is a lot of unknowns and mysteries surrounded with the politics of RN & KN. I wondered Why RN writes like this. You will expect a balanced approach to the national problem from a neutral point from an educated peace loving person and you act only on the common interest rather than personal interest. You don’t take the opportunities to take revenge against a community to what happened to you. The 60 year old liberation struggle by Tamils against oppressive regime had gone through various dynamic turns and twists and there are number of losers and winners. The power struggle and opportunism played by few individuals are the common factors that are the barriers to the liberation of the people. A kind advise to those who are involved in the public service, please don’t go into the public service if you are not prepared to sacrifice your personal interest for the common purpose. For example, we all agree that we have to get rid of fraudsters or corrupted people. If you have helped in that process, it is good. The people you helped will always remember you and thank you for your service. Don’t take advantage of making this issue to promote your publicity. It is the responsibility of the people who are benefited from your service and the local media that was in the scene should bring the truth.

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    It is you who are trying to distort the picture and insinuate motives. At no instance have I or my brother claimed credit regarding the incident at Navatkuli. There was no reason to claim credit and of course no need either. My name was mentioned incidentally in my brother’s blog, because the victims of both types of the scam appeared at my house, the only one that has been reconstructed after the war and is occupied in the heart of the area under discussion.

    I have been writing about the Tamil issue in Sri Lanka for a very long time and had the opportunity to see, hear and discuss about post-war issues. I have also been at the centre of many tragedies that unfolded since I was a 12 year old.

    There is no power struggle or opportunism involved in anything I do. I am not interested in power and do not have anything to gain personally. I tell what I see as truth and will insist on telling it as accurately as possible. Further, as I have emphasised on many occasions I want a united Sri Lanka, where the Tamils are equal citizens and can live with safety, dignity, distinct identity and prosperity. I am not definitely riding the Eelam bandwagon. I am also of the firm opinion that the Tamils have been harmed by the government of a Sri Lanka, Tamil politicians, Tamil militants, the LTTE and the likes of the EPDP.

    If we are to recover and progress we have to be honest in accepting what is right and decry what is wrong. We have to also demand better from those who come forward to lead us.


    • 1

      Dear Dr.Narendran,
      I am not distorting the picture and insinuate your motives. The article was written by your brother and you are the one who responded to most of the comments and queries raised by commentators on behalf of him. You agree that he had connections with LTTE and his involvement in various things (Anton Balasingham, Foreign office, Temple etc). You are well aware that there are unnecessary things incorporated in his article. I know you are trying to take the burden on your shoulder for his actions.

      Most of the people had many tragedies and different experiences in the past 60 years of ethnic based politics of Sri Lanka. Some of us are lucky to survive the natural and unnatural man made disasters happened in this Nation.

      Every one is entitled to have their own opinion based on their way of looking at the problem in Sri Lanka. I do not agree with you about your opinion about the united Sri Lanka. The concept of United Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was introduced six decades before and the outcome was disaster. It is not about united, unitary or Eelam concept, it is about trust, honesty, rule of law, and equality. The unitary system was a disaster, united concept was a disaster,So what is next?

      It is true you can find a solution even with unitary system if the constitution ensures equality and the rule of law is implemented according to the constitution. Unfortunately, the politics in Sri Lanka deviated far away from the norm. If you are not treated equally what is wrong with the separation?

      You may put the blame and point the fingers on selected others but I don’t want to do that because I am not qualified enough to blame others. Am I able to point at a person or institution or organisation that is perfect or better than others? No.
      However, in my opinion there is more responsibility for any government to behave honestly, humanly and equally. Similarly, there is more responsibility on religious organizations to behave peacefully and harmoniously.

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    Dear Ajit,

    I think your response is a reasonable basis to conclude this dialogue. Ultimately, our goals are the same, although we may seek different paths and even disagree on the paths. Our experiences, exposure and backgrounds dictate how we respond to the same issue and the type of solutions we seek. I thank you for participating in this dialogue in a civilised manner.


  • 0

    Thank you Dr. RN

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