President’s Counsel Romesh De Silva told the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka on Wednesday (21) that there was no constitutional bar to the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka being a foreign national, as he strove to make a case for the Government of President Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa to allow Beijing to “govern” the Colombo Port City.
Making a three hour submission before a five judge bench of the Supreme Court, led by the Chief Justice, De Silva PC said that even the Chief Justice himself and the other judges can be non-Sri Lankans. Counsel for the Secretary to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa added that foreign nationals can also be appointed to independent (state) institutions except the UDA because the UDA Act expressly contains a bar.
The assertion comes after years of agitation against the involvement of foreign judges by the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna and the ‘Joint Opposition’, in respect of a judicial mechanism to prosecute alleged war crimes and other human rights abuses on the basis that foreign nationals sitting in judicial positions was a violation of the country’s sovereignty and constitution.
Moving a resolution of Parliament in June 2017, then Chief Opposition Whip and current Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said that the UN “continues to recommend the established of a “hybrid court”, including foreign “judges, defense lawyers, prosecutors and investigators”, despite such a court being in violation of the constitution of this country.”
In countless other public communications, the pro-Rajapaksa Joint Opposition has adopted a similar position.
But on Wednesday, the submissions in Sri Lanka’s Highest Court by Counsel for the President’s Secretary no less, proved what the SLPP detractors have always maintained – that there was no article in the constitution that would stand breached if foreign judges played a role in a judicial mechanism in the country.
“When you need to eat, even the water-monitor (kabaragoya) becomes the iguana (thalagoya)” social media users mocked the Government baldly after De Silva’s submissions were made public.
Assertions by the lawyer for Dr Jayasundara proved how much political capital Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government is willing to expend to appease Beijing’s desires for the reclaimed city by the sea. Recent international media reports indicated hesitancy on the part of the Chinese Government to provide a USD 500 million lifeline to Colombo’s debt-ridden Government after multiple international rating agencies downgraded Sri Lanka’s sovereign debt rating. Negotiations on the USD 500 million loan had been stalling for a year, until President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s administration promised Beijing two things.
Firstly, that it would end all talk of renegotiating the Hambantota port long-lease with China Merchant Ports, a key Gotabaya Rajapaksa campaign pledge.
Secondly, that the Government would do everything in its power to “fast-track” the Port City Commission Bill and incorporate all the concessions Beijing was demanding.
De Silva PC who has a history of making explosive statements in court to defend the Rajapaksa regime and its officials also served in the capacity of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s personal lawyer in a flurry of legal cases he was facing after the Mahinda Rajapaksa presidency ended in 2015.
He said it was ironic that petitioners against the port city bill were claiming Sri LAnka would become a Chinese colony if the bill was enacted while standing in a court complex constructed by China and gifted to the island.
“What is the problem if China Governs the Port City” asked De Silva incredulously. “We are slaves to Britain, but China is our friend.” He said: “It is something Sri Lankans can be happy about to a certain extent.
De Silva was representing Presidential Secretary P.B. Jayasundera, who was appearing as an intervening petitioner in the spate of challenges filed against the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Bill. De Silva said that because members of the Port City Economic Commission are appointed by the President, therefore it does not violate the constitution in any manner”.
Romesh De Silva’s arguments in court coincided with a merchant ship bound for China docking in the Hambantota Port on Tuesday (20) night. The Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council sent out an alert that the vessel contained uranium stocks to be used in nuclear power plants. Radioactive material cannot enter Sri Lanka without special approval, the Council said. The vessel not only failed to declare it was carrying uranium, initially Sri Lanka naval personnel were not permitted to carry out an inspection.
The incident set off geo-political alarm bells in the Indian Ocean and medical experts and lawyers warned that the Chinese Radioactive Ship issue in the midst of the consideration of the Bill was ironic and a grave warning of what could happen in the future.
“Today we were able to send the ship away, though it should never have come here in the first place. If the ship comes to the Port City the Commission may allow it to come there, they may even direct the Atomic Energy Authority to grant approval, and they will be forced to grant that approval. This is what happens when laws are drafted by amateurs, and in a bid to satisfy vested interests. The Bill should be withdrawn by the government, and drafted afresh, after considering the views of multiple experts – scientists, environmentalists, tax experts, constitutional experts, national security experts etc,” a concerned environmentalist told Colombo Telegraph.
Remarkably, the Government Medical Officers Association which inserted itself into a raging debate regarding the Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) grant proposal is yet to even make a statement regarding the radioactive material that docked in a Sri Lankan port without the necessary approvals. “What this damning silence from the usual suspects shows is that all those protests were carefully choreographed dramas by Rajapaksa appendages, who are also quite possibly pawns of Beijing’s manipulations,” a medical expert told Colombo Telegraph.
The Port City Bill has irked a cross section of society, including ultra-nationalist Buddhist monks who have challenged the draft legislation in the Supreme Court. The Bill provides for the establishment of a Commission consisting of 5-7 persons appointed at the President’s sole discretion, and these persons do not need to be Sri Lankan citizens. The Commission will govern the Port City.
The Commission would be vested with the power to exempt Port City investors from specified laws including Inland Revenue, VAT, Excise, Customs, Betting and Gaming Levy, Exchange Control and Casino Business Regulation.
The draft law blatantly discriminates against Sri Lankan citizens by preventing them from using foreign currency deposits in local banks to be used for investment in the Port City. Foreign investment may only be raised outside Sri Lanka, under the proposed law. Furthermore, citizens who make retail purchases within the Port City may be charged duty in respect of those goods on their departure from the Port City – as if they were leaving a foreign country and making a customs declaration.
The Parliament of Sri Lanka will have no oversight over finances of the Port City of Colombo and the governing Commission’s accounts will not need to be audited by the Auditor General of Sri Lanka.
Anti-corruption activists have called the Port City bill a recipe for creating a tax-haven for black money and a money laundering hub.
Appearing for Minister G.L. Peiris, President’s Counsel Gamini Marapana on Wednesday tabled a report in Court by PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC) dated February 2020. Based on the report, Marapana said, the Government of Sri Lanka stood to earn USD 800 million annually in tax revenue from the Colombo Port City.
However, Colombo Telegraph learns that not only was the PWC commissioned by China Harbour Engineering, the company that built and operates the Port City, but the PWC findings were based on an old version of the bill, which imposed taxes on foreign investors. In its current avatar, the Port City will earn GoSL almost no revenue in taxation from companies that will invest in the land mass.
The PWC report submitted to Court also raised questions about why the Government did not commission its own report on the financial viability of the Port City, and why a cabinet minister instead chose to rely in court on a report commissioned by the same company that would benefit from the Government’s sweeping legislation and tax breaks.
Based on the current version of the Port City bill, parties with vested interests on the Port City Commission who will not be answerable to parliament, will be granted the power to provide tax holidays to companies operating within the Port City.
In a separate development, a cabinet sub committee comprising Udaya Gammanpila and others have claimed that the current draft of the bill which was tabled in Parliament, was never seen by the Cabinet Sub Committee. The claim raises serious questions about who drafted the bill that was eventually sent to Parliament.
Ajith / April 22, 2021
It now clears that none of the patriots of this island understand what is Sri Lanka constitution? what is sovereignty of Sri Lanka?
Is the country owned by Rajapaksa family or the people of this island?
old codger / April 22, 2021
This is great! So, it will be OK for all high positions to be held by foreigners.
This is what I have always been saying. For 72 years, we locals have successfully run the country into the ground. So, let the foreigners have a chance to run the country. Let’s have foreign policemen, railwaymen, doctors, engineers, tree- climbers. Only the Minister of Buddhasasana need be local, but all the monks must be foreign. I am sure there are plenty of unemployed Tibetan monks.
nimal fernando / April 22, 2021
Can I ask a simple question? ……… How is all this going to benifit the country?
nimal fernando / April 23, 2021
What I meant was, ……… what all the Rajapakses are doing now is going to help the country?
I’m all for foreigners too ……. as long as they are qualified and experienced ……… that by definition excludes 95% of the Lankan expatriates. :))
We expelled the colonials and now we are trying to go live in their countries by hook or by crook ……. ask how Gota got to America :))
Dunno about you guys …… but if I’m abused it doesn’t matter to me if I’m abused by the colonials or by my own Singhalese: if I’m abused, I’m abused …… that’s what matters.
I don’t get any special pleasure if I’m abused by my own kind .
Most independence struggles are …… getting rid of the colonials and handing over the abusing to one’s own kind.
That’s a kind of masochism I don’t much care for: not my cup of tea ……… but it seems there’s at least 6.9 million who can’t have enough ………….
Mahila / April 22, 2021
N Perera, Ref your “She must do her duty in the English Language as per the USA law”.
I do not fully agree with you. I am certain that she can do her duty, it in Spanish instead of English, if she so desires.
If you need Chinese Yuan to buffer your exchange rate or better export to Kenya/Malawi as a gift in a plane load declared as ‘Printed Material’, you could well make your governing language in SL as Chinese and use a translation to make the sovereign people to understand. “Chinese only and Sinhala also (night time)”, instead of Sinhala Only and Tamil also (Night time) as alluded to Maithripala Senanayake in the Pun and Thrust during the Parliamentary debate in 1966 by Prime Minister (1965 to 1970) Dudley Senanayake. absolutely valid stand. No doubt, there seems to be sanity in thinking
N. Perera / April 22, 2021
The Country belongs to 74.9% Sinhalese Aryans, 100 years back it was 85% Sinhalese Aryans. Up to now, Sri Lanka Tamils 11.2%, Sri Lanka Moors 9.2%, Indian Tamil Nadu Tamils 4.2%, others including Burghers 0.5%. As per the world factbook, CIA and Wikipedia gave these figures.
old codger / April 22, 2021
Wow!!!?? You can read???
Ari / April 22, 2021
We have a very high 74.9% of incapable lot, then!
Sinhala_Man / April 22, 2021
Idiot N. Perera ,
I don’t know which section of Wikipedia you looked at. I’m looking at this:
The most recent statistics given are these:
2011 Census
Sinhalese Sri Lankan Tamils Sri Lankan Moors Ind Tamils
15,250,081 2,269,266 1,892,638 839,504
74.90% 11.15% 9.30% 4.12%
And the figures for a hundred years before that:
1911 Census
Sinhalese SL Tamils SL Moors Ind.Tamils
2,715,500 528,000 233,900 531,000
66.13% 12.86% 5.70% 12.93%
I had difficulty transferring data in the Wikipedia tables into this box. Please, readers, click and go into Wikipedia. Upon submission, there could be further distortions.
There are smaller categories as well: Malays, Burghers, Others, and Total Population. There also are notes.
The Sinhalese Language is often misleadingly described as “Indo-Aryan”. I have studied more Linguistics than you have, Perera.
Some people (like Hitler) are wont to talk about ethnicities. I assert that we Sinhalese are essentially Dravidian. Perera, your fellow racist who was responsible for getting our Sinhalese people to think of Aryan make-up was Anagarika Dharmapala.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111 444V) aka “Sinhala_Man”
Tamil from the north / April 23, 2021
N. Perehera, clever boy. Quite astute, you figured out the CIA factbook and Wiki!!! For sometime I thought you are dumb as a bat.
old codger / April 23, 2021
Please don’t use big words like “astute” on poor N Perera. Do you want to give him headaches?
Tamil from the north / April 23, 2021
Humble / April 23, 2021
The Country belongs to 74.9% Sinhalese Aryans
At the rate things are going the country will belong to china.
Question is, are they aryans too?
Blabla / April 23, 2021
Why this fact was hidden or not declared in 1948? If so Tamils would have thought like Ali Jinnah.
Thiha / April 23, 2021
Aryans? Hahaha Based on a fairytale in a book of tall stories and utter rubbish. Has it never occured to you that this land was once connected to the Indian mainland? Or that this land bridge went under water roughly 12,000 years ago Or that there would have been people living on this side who came from that side who happend just happend to be non Aryan? To whom did the Buddha preach on the four occasions he visited the island long before the book of tall stories was written? Have you not heard of the fact that inspite of attempts to burn, destroy the history prior to the arrival of your favorite Aryans there as ancient records chronicling a long line of Kings and a civilized society that thrived way back into antiquity. A rag tag band of out casts who arrived and terrorised the local population does not give you the right to call all Sri Lankans decendents of these scoundrels. It is in fact an insult to the intelligence of Sri Lankans to keep banging on you racist know nothing moron.
Pandi Kutti / April 24, 2021
From his Portuguese origin surname it is obvious that he is not Aryan or Viking but descended from one of these low caste/untouchable Indian Thamizh indentured or slave labour who were imported into the island during the Portuguese and Dutch era and settled along the Southern and western coasts to do menial work or work as slaves in the huge southern spice estates. Their descendants now make up half the present day Chingkallams. What about the all the millions of South Indian Thamizh immigrants and invaders who settled in the South of the island from ancient to medieval times and also became Chingkallams or the local Dravidian Yakka who largely converted to Buddhism and became Chingkallams too. We still are not sure from which part of India, this rag tag band of outcastes arrived and how Aryan there were too. Aryan my giddy aunt.
Pandi Kutti / April 24, 2021
Yes rotten pear. The chinky looking Rajapakses are very Aryan He he. Looks like they arrived from some part of Malaysia or Indonesia. We all know where the Pandaranayakams, Senainayakams, Thambi Mudaliar Jayawardene( very common name in Kerala) and the Ravathais now calling themselves Ratwatte and other Kandyan Radala originated . From then Thamzh South India We also know from where you and the so called Chingkalla Karaiyar, Salakammam , Thuravam, Paraiyar( Berewa) Hunu( Chunambu) and many other castes who now make up the majority of the Chingkallams originated from. Thamizh Nadu and then Thamizh Cheralam( Kerala) . Chingkalla Aryan my foot. Now even Colombo Chetties and Paravans and the recently Thamizh Negombo/Chilaw/Puttlalam Chingkallams are Aryan. In Sri Lanka any one who speaks Chingkallam are Aryan and anyone who professes Islam is an Arab/Moor, when more than 90% of these people originated from Dravidian Thamizh South India.
GATAM / April 22, 2021
Patriots think different to 2009 losers.
If 2009 losers think anything is bad for SL, by definition it is good for SL.
If 2009 losers think anything is good for SL, by definition it is bad for SL.
This holds true always!
punchinilame / April 22, 2021
Ajith – at the end Wimal-Gampila & Co. will accept Nandasena`s nominee as B a s i l, the Chairman of Nandasena`s newest Commission. Cheers to our Patriots.
This is the event that is causing his arrival in Parliament?
Mahila / April 22, 2021
Ajith, “Is the country owned by Rajapaksa family or the people of this island?”
No. to say it briefly, It is owned by Chinese, as it has been mortgaged to Chinese by Deed of Bond of conditional transfer at end of term, that is nor Revocable, by SL
leelagemalli / April 23, 2021
Sensitive Readers,
We must not be surprised. At the time, POLONNARUWE donkey abused his powers as no others by creating that 52-day FAKE govt making an U-TURN and appointing PATTAPAL HORA of the nation aka Mahinda Rajapakshe as the premier, we questioned ourselves… if we the sinhalayas are shameless, we could not believe our eyes.. but it happened… today, the bugger sirisena is sitting with them… …. I was very ashamed on that day, than any times before, because late Rev. Sobitha THERO and his movment never expected POLONNARUWA man to that low level… : but it happened…this is srilanka… where HUMAN BEINGs behave like dogs… donkeys.. and cows… . and people did not understand that humanitarian debacle yet today… they dont even make efforts to understand it either…
Now President’s ( alleged high criminal’s) Counsel Romesh De Silva to have told to the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka- that even a foreigner could become CJ … the kind of biased statements should come from the kind of stupid men… would the chinese ever think that way ?
…. all these sinhala men have something in common – that SINHALA genes. They dont care about a future for their youth… but just live the moment… so long they could focus on their selfish gains.. . I too have my sinhala genes, but I dont belong to the same catergory.
chiv / April 22, 2021
If CJ can be a foreigner, why on earth did government and people retaliate to Geneva suggesting foreign experts/ judges looking into war crimes. SJ, being unofficial card holder of politburo of Chinese communist party and seems to know it all , will be my first choice. Bar Council may be soon mandated to learn Mandarin. Waiting for GMOA, to respond. (soon Chinese doctors may replace you in government sector). To be honest, those doctors may do a decent job using Tele – Medicine platforms. If doctors in India can report on Radiology reports of U.S patients why not Chinese ???
N. Perera / April 22, 2021
Vice President of USA is a Foreigner, Indian National but she is just Puppet of whites of America. Even. The USA senate controlling the white USA. Vice President was Governor of California. Is she did miracles to the USA? She can do miracles for the white USA? Her mother tongue is Tamil Language. She must do her duty in the English Language as per the USA law
Nathan / April 22, 2021
N. Perera,
USA Vice President was Governor of California? When was that?
Fact check: Kamala Harris was once Attorney General of California.
Ari / April 22, 2021
By extension N Perera must be a Portuguese national or an Aryan from Kalinga like EE!
Sinhala_Man / April 23, 2021
N. Perera,.
I’ve read lots about Kamala Harris at the time we were waiting for the doom of Trump’s challenges. I’m now relying on memory.
Her maternal grandparents were from Tanjavur District, Tamil Nadu State, near where the Kaveri River enters the Bay of Bengal. Much further South than Chennai, and quite close to Velivettithurai. It would be nice to think of her as having learnt some Tamil, but I doubt it. Like me, she would know the word “Vannakam”.
I’m sure that from childhood on she would have learnt about India, especially the South. I’m sure that she’d know more about Sri Lanka than the average American. I’ll be very proud of her if she ever becomes POTUS.
Her Jamaican father also I read about:
He’s a man who appears to be too serious. I’ve heard him speak; I’ve heard Kamala speak of him, as a good man, although she finds him difficult to relate to. He didn’t turn up for the Biden-Harris inauguration. Sad. But not a man who wants to be “seen”.
Go to Portugal; Perera, you wouldn’t understand people of the calibre that are referred to above.
Humble / April 23, 2021
By extension N Perera must be a Portuguese national or an Aryan from Kalinga like EE!
He is a member of the ‘superior aryan race’ regardless!
Sinhala_Man / April 23, 2021
And later, a senator from California, Nathan.
Sinhala_Man / April 23, 2021
Kamala was replaced in the Senate by Alex Padilla. I wonder if you saw the wonderful “belly laugh” from Kamala.
This is 9 minutes (well, you can stop after two!) and although there is a shorter video I think that it would be good for us to listen to all that is said here.
Many of us were brought to cheer the“brave” cowboys against the “treacherous Red Indians”, but later we were persuaded to hate all Americans. It is good for us to digest what is said here about the “inclusivity”, “diversity”, etc, that are spoken of here. It is true: “possible only in America.”
However, to sober us, let us also think of how (after the conviction of Derek Chauvin for killing George Floyd), there have been other blacks killed.
Perera and Gota should not try to claim that they are Aryans; they will everywhere be classified as blacks.
umberto / April 25, 2021
hello Nathan
As far as N.Perera is concerned whether Governor or Attorney General it is the same. Unfortunately that is level of EDUCATION.
Tamil from the north / April 22, 2021
N. Perehera –
Kamala Harris was born in the USA. Idiot, stop making up stuff in that tiny mind of yours.
Raj-UK / April 22, 2021
N. Perera
US VP was born in the USA to migrant parents, just as Trump’s father & mother who were born to German & Scottish parents respectively but isn’t Trump a ‘patriotic’? Anybody born in a particular country is a citizen of that country. Why discriminate her because of her Indian roots? Puppet or not, she was elected. Don’t we have puppets in SL?
Native Vedda / April 22, 2021
N. Pererass
“Vice President of USA is a Foreigner, “
Aiyoooooooooooooo Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
If Sri Lanka born war criminals could become American citizen and become Sri Lankan President why a US born professionally educated person couldn’t be an American?
If a Black American born in USA could command US armed forces and send them all over world to fight for USA, why couldn’t Kamala be an American vice president and do whatever the constitution permits her to do?
“Her mother tongue is Tamil Language. She must do her duty in the English Language as per the USA law”
Do you think Biden is expected to do his duty in Gaeilge?
What is wrong with you lot?
chiv / April 22, 2021
Naive Perera, Vice President of U.S is born and raised in U.S
and hence a U.S U.S citizen, VP and eligible to stand election for president. Where as your President ??? You mean to say you are Indian because your great grand parents came from there to Lanka.
Mahila / April 22, 2021
N Perera, Ref your “She must do her duty in the English Language as per the USA law”. I do not fully agree with you. I am certain that she can do her duty, it in Spanish instead of English, if she so desires.
Ashan / April 22, 2021
To your ignorant comment, she is NOT a foreigner. She was born in the US to immigrant parents, there is a difference. She was NOT the Governor of California, she was Attorney General, and then a Senator. Try to research first before making lame comments.
umberto / April 25, 2021
hello Nathan
As far as N.Perera is concerned whether Governor or Attorney General it is the same. Unfortunately that is level of EDUCATION.
leelagemalli / April 23, 2021
N.Perera @
But you the very same BPs (B****Puthas) made it a big issue, at the time, CBG was a srilanekn born but a singaporian citizen.. remember Perera ?
Today, Rajapakseh let your mothers be raped on day light, but you guys stay as if you are irreversably hallonzinated….. ????
Paul / April 22, 2021
Why not make the President a foreigner too and be done with it all. Just a minute, he IS a foreigner isn’t he?
Ashan / April 22, 2021
Where are those marauding mobs and Buddhist nationalists, who have made the lives of the minority a living hell sometimes by saying the country is for Sinhala Buddhists only, and no Muslim, Tamil, or Christian, has a right to any piece of it, and they should leave? BUDDHISTS have given away pieces of our country to greedy foreigners, not Muslims, Tamils, or Christians. Shouldn’t they be outraged, that now part of this country will be governed by the Chinese? The Sinhalese will have to bow down to them in our own country. Where are those Sinha Le and radical Buddhist groups that flaunted this country is for them only? Where are those extremists Buddhist monks who spread hate about the minority? They should all be up in arms about this. The Rajapaksa’s are going to allow an untrustworthy nation with a record of human rights abuses, put their large foot here, and they are not going to take that foot back from this country. More to come folks, the Rajapaksa’s don’t do something for nothing…..
GATAM / April 22, 2021
Winners think different to losers.
China is SL’s friend to counter India and Indians in SL. All patriotic SLs welcome China for the same reason you hate China. Understand?
Humble / April 23, 2021
Winners think different to losers.
After all the patriotic talk by sinhala rulers, they sell off their nation to the chinese!
Sinhalese are the losers and chinese are the winners.
So ironically you are right lol
Rajash / April 22, 2021
“No Problem If China Governs Port City: “
The problem is that there is no other option. Rajapasa Govt have mortgaged not just Port City but the entire country against the heavy borrowing from China.
The Chinese Defence Minister is visiting to take over the defence affairs of the port city
The Chinese nuclear shop slipping in to Hambantota Harbour is not an accident but pre planned….
Sri Lanka is now a Chinese Colony
Paul / April 22, 2021
‘Rajapasa Govt have mortgaged not just Port City but the entire country against the heavy borrowing from China.’
There’s no shortage of exaggeration in the media. Only 10% of Government debt is owed to China. Guess to whom the other 90% is owed.
Rajash / April 22, 2021
Paul – only 10% of Government debt is owed to China. Guess to whom the other 90% is owed.
Exactly my point only 10% Govt debt is to China and and they have to mortgage Port City and Hambantota harbour for 99 years to China.
Paul -“Guess to whom other 90% is owed…”
who ever other 90% is owed they are not asking for 99 year lease of piece of Sri Lanka?
Buddhist1 / April 22, 2021
Voters must remember this when Namal Rajapakse contests to be PM or President in the future.
Rajash / April 22, 2021
Buddhist1 “Voters must remember this when Namal Rajapakse contests to be PM or President in the future.”
you are very optimistic.
Do you think Chinese will let Sri Lankans/non Chinese to govern the country in the future?
GATAM / April 22, 2021
Then Namal will win the next presidential election.
You see SL patriots love China and hate India for the same reasons you hate China and love India.
Rajash / April 23, 2021
GATAM “Then Namal will win the next presidential election.”
There wont be another presidential election in Sri Lanka.
Instead there will be a provincial council election for the Sri Lankan province of China.
The Chinese Defence Minister is visiting Sri Lanka next week to discuss annexing Sri Lanka as a province of China.
Namal Baby is taking lessons in Chinese language to please his masters to conduct government meetings in Chinese
Ashan / April 22, 2021
Unfortunately the voters have poor memories. That is why they voted to have this lot back again.
Mahila / April 22, 2021
Buddhist 1,
You mean that, “If That ever happens”.
Hope springs eternal in the Human Heart. Hope is one and reality is another. Time will tell.
Champa / April 23, 2021
This is PC Romesh de Silva, who is the same crooked lawyer who is entrusted with drafting a new constitution for Sri Lanka!
Foreign judges, oh yeah!
I think very soon we will have to welcome foreign judges, foreign lawyers and foreign adjudicators.
This crooked lawyer is telling Sri Lankan citizens that they cannot go against China while enjoying China’s various unsolicited gifts to Sri Lanka.
He further asks if he and his clients are willing to be slaves of China, why cannot other Sri Lankans do the same. He should know that he can speak only on his and his clients` behalf. He has no right to suggest terms to other Sri Lankans.
His remarks confirm that China’s recent US$ 500 million loan to Sri Lanka is also a pawn to get the Port City Bill passed.
It is common sense that China cannot operate from their artificial island without a sea route. Therefore, it is not just the Port City, but it is the adjoining sea, too.
I wonder how low can these lawyers stoop for a few million rupees.
Mahila / April 23, 2021
Buddhist 1, your comment, “Voters must remember this when Namal Rajapaksa contests to be PM or President”, is indeed quite welcome and timely.
Provided that happens within the next fortnight only. Unfortunately, after that time slot, since Insomnia and Senile Decay is rampant and prevalent, in the general voter background in Resplendent SL for this to become a reality thereafter.
deepthi silva / April 22, 2021
Romesh de Silva is a dual citizen !
Mahila / April 23, 2021
Birds of the feather stick together – Unknown Author or cannot remember.
GATAM / April 22, 2021
SL must allow China to build military bases in Colombo, Trinco and Jaffna.
Simon / April 22, 2021
P.C. Ramesh De Silva: You are a “Par-Excellence” brilliant lawyer who “Serve” the “Client” to uphold and maintain the “Unwavering” standards of Mr. P.B. Jayasundara, who is also the “De-Facto” President of the country. With this “Pronouncement” ( A foreigner could be a CJ) you are also “Qualifying” to succeed the UNHRC Commissioner. Well done and congratulations. One more “Reminder” to you. You are the “Head” of the “Committee” of “Intellectuals” entrusted with the “TASK” of writing a “New Constitution” for Sri Lanka. Remember, you are given the “Silver Spoon” in that task. Now, how about extending your “Par-Excellence Brilliancy” to lay down in the “New Constitution”, that the “President” of Sri Lanka could be a “Foreigner”, appointed at the “SOLE DISCRETION” of the “Incumbent.” President, so that no Sri Lankan “YAKO” could ascend that “Throne.”.This clause will match with the provisions laid in the “Port City” Legislation in relation to the appointment of members to the “Commission” that is “Governing” all the affairs of that “Colony”. I admire your epicurean style, perhaps with a taste of “Chinese Cusine”.
old codger / April 23, 2021
Lawyers are people who will do anything for a fee. Small fee for a few minutes, big fee for a few hours. Just like those ladies you see in Pettah, you know, the ones with lipstick and umbrellas.
Captain Morgan / April 22, 2021
Will there be Border Controls between Colombo City and Colombo Port City? Will there be a Red Light District within the Port City? Can we pay them in local currency (LKR)?
Mahila / April 22, 2021
Ajith, “Is the country owned by Rajapaksa family or the people of this island?”
No. to say it briefly, It is owned by Chinese, as it has been mortgaged to Chinese by Deed of Bond of conditional transfer at end of term, that is nor Revocable, by SL
Mahila / April 22, 2021
Easton Scott / April 22, 2021
It is pertinent to ask here, whether Uncle Romesh charged his usual “fee” of Rupees 32 million from the good doctor Pee Bee Jay, or gave him a break for future favours? If the former, how did the venerable doctor Pee Bee manage this mammoth fee?
Or does it come from government coffers and taxpayer funds, to help feed an aging codger to put food on his ample table?
Just asking, neh?
old codger / April 23, 2021
Lawyers are people who will do anything for a fee. Small fee for a few minutes, big fee for a few hours. Just like those ladies you see in Pettah, you know, the ones with lipstick and umbrellas.
Mahila / April 22, 2021
Romesh de Silva, reference, “Chief Justice of Sri Lanka could be a foreigner and not necessarily be a SL citizen to perform his duty as CJ”. Brilliant.
Incidentally, You are the “Head” of the “Committee” of “Intellectuals” entrusted with the “TASK” of writing a “New Constitution” for Sri Lanka. Why not include a clause or article in the constitution that all members of the House of Representatives, to contest elections and could be foreigners and may be dual citizens too, essentially well-educated with should have minimum GCE AL qualifications of 4 subjects with C+ category. “Rasthiadhu Karayas” and Chain snatchers, criminals, those forging B of C documents to maliciously get dual passports, Thakkadiyas et all., are eliminated from the electoral voters list and/or debarred from elections and ineligible to become MPs.
If you could do this, you will be considered a “Sri Lankan Patriot of Par Excellence”, as equal to (if not exceeding) the respectful position occupied by HE for elimination of Terrorism and restoring peace in SL.
Now that you are given the ‘Handa’, Please use it to ‘Bedaganda Ikmanata’ (Serve yourself Pronto) before there is a change of heart and self-preservation ideals overtake in the minds of those interested otherwise. After that, SL will become a member of Developed Nations of the world. SL citizens would be ever thankful.
Champa / April 23, 2021
This is Romesh de Silva, who is the same crooked lawyer who is entrusted with drafting a new constitution for Sri Lanka!
Foreign judges, oh yeah!
I think very soon we will have to welcome foreign judges, foreign lawyers and foreign adjudicators.
This crooked lawyer is telling Sri Lankan citizens that they cannot go against China while enjoying China’s various unsolicited gifts to Sri Lanka.
He further asks if he and his clients are willing to be slaves of China, why cannot other Sri Lankans do the same. He should know that he can speak only on his and his clients` behalf. He has no right to suggest terms to other Sri Lankans.
His remarks confirm that China’s recent US$ 500 million loan to Sri Lanka is also a pawn to get the Port City Bill passed.
It is common sense that China cannot operate from their artificial island without a sea route. Therefore, it is not just the Port City, but it is the adjoining sea, too.
I wonder how low can these lawyers stoop for a few million rupees.
Champa / April 23, 2021
On a separate matter, the government’s proposed “Online News Control Bill” a.k.a. “The Enforced Silence Bill” raises the question whether CHINA is already censoring the Sinhalese.
As admitted by Ali Sabry, the government has decided to enact such a law after seeing Sri Lankan citizens (rapidly and widely) share information about the Port City Bill.
The sole purpose of the “Enforced Silence Bill” is to curtail criticism of the utterly unpopular Rajapaksa government, the Chinese Port City, government’s betrayals and its unpopular development decisions.
Once the proposed “Enforced Silence Bill” is enacted, there will only be government news like in China.
The utterly corrupt, utterly unpopular Rajapaksa government’s “Enforced Silence Bill” which is directly connected to the Port City Bill, violates Sri Lankan citizens’ right to thought, right to inquiry, right to receive information and right to political freedom.
If the proposed “Enforced Silence Bill” is enacted along with the Port City Bill, then even the most ardent Sinhalese Buddhist patriots will have no other choice other than seeking justice from foreign judges and foreign criminal courts.
Are you happy now?
Champa / April 23, 2021
There is another extremely important matter involving the Port City that infringes Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
If the Port City Separate State Bill is passed in Parliament, then Sri Lanka will have to compromise her right to Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Currently, Sri Lanka enjoys EEZ upto 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the coast.
As the UNCLOS doesn’t recognize or have any authority over “artificial islands”, if the proposed Port City Territorial Bill or even an amended Bill is passed , then China will have the exclusive right to use or misuse Sri Lanka’s EEZ portion from the Port City coast.
That means, China can anchor any ship including war ships in the EEZ around the Port City upto 200 nautical miles WITHOUT Sri Lanka’s approval!!
If this Treacherous Bill is passed, China will lose no time in connecting China-owned Port City, China-owned CICT terminal in the Colombo Port and China-owned Hambantota Port, legitimately controlling Sri Lanka’s entire Western and Southern Seas, easily attaching all Chinese territories in Sri Lanka to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
Are you happy now?
In Sri Lanka, VIP stands for Very Idiotic Persons and VVIP stands for Very, Very Idiotic Persons (inspired by a comment published on Daily Mirror).
old codger / April 23, 2021
“then China will have the exclusive right to use or misuse Sri Lanka’s EEZ portion from the Port City coast.”
So what? They already catch all the fish and sell it to us. Didn’t you know that?
Pandi Kutti / April 23, 2021
Yes. Thamizh from the North and East who have lived and ruled their lands for more than 3000 years until European colonisation , now are not allowed to rule their lands , even own large parts of it very soon , as the Chingkallams thanks to the British are not allowing it but outside Chinese, who have nothing to do with the island are now allowed to own and rule large parts of the Island by the Chingkallams. Proves what a bunch of unpatriotic opportunistic racists most Chingkallams are. Only using Chingkalla Buddhism, which is not even proper Buddhism but a racist cult, as a racist card to deny the island’s Thamizh their rights but allow outsiders to come and rule. Even the LTTE and Prapakaran were far more patriotic than them. They fought the IPKF so that they will not rule any part of the island.
Buddhist1 / April 23, 2021
If we can have a Chief Justice who is a foreigner, why not have a President, PM and Ministers who are foreigners. The colour of the skin would not be an issue as its only the citizenship that matters. But in this case even the citizenship does not matter. If we have foreigners in all these positions we will have Law and Order re-established in this country and we will also be prosperous.
Mahila / April 23, 2021
Buddhist 1, You have stopped short of including the important sector of MPs, who claim to represent the Sovereign people of SL. They will do whatever you want for a few Yuan on a regular basis than the useless (by value) of SL Rupees. Then declare the Sovereign state of the Democratic Socialist state of China, into existence. What a wonderful idea, will become part of a very powerful nation in the world. we can then take on anybody in this world.
davidthegood / April 23, 2021
Mahila, What if they want to nominate foreign MPs to SL Parliament instead of the locally nominated ones like GLP and liquor promoting Gamage.
Buddhist1 / April 23, 2021
davidthe good,
When you fix a window in your home the “Bass Unnahe” will use a “sakka” a thin piece of wood to keep the window tight against the wall. The “sakka” has no major value than just to support the window against the wall. Similarly GLP, the old crock, who is a “monkey politician” jumping from party to party and changing his policy faster than he changes his shirt is needed as “sakka” for this ruling family run party.
kali / April 23, 2021
Mr.Narendra Modi
Hope you are awake and following the Proceedings.
CRIMINAL Gothas Cousel another COOLIE ” Romesh De Silva has spelt out.
1) Foreigner can be a Chief Justice of Sri Lanka but no Hybrid Court demanded by UN to see Justice for Tamils.
2) Chima can govern Colombo Port City but India cant even build ECT.
You have been humiliated. When are you sending the Army in and the Song SINKALA THIVINUKOR PALAM AMAIPOM ” a reality.
Super Power status comes with certain responsibiites. Please wake up befoore the RED Army arrives ( 200,000 already in )
davidthegood / April 23, 2021
Kali, The major part of the well trained Red Army will not use the One Belt but the Silk Road to Iran across the Euphrates to Meggido destination, to the Battle of Armageddon. Rev.16,12 The demonic military has its final end through the rule and reign of the just and righteous kingdom of the Owner King. The wise will get ready.
Paul / April 23, 2021
davidthegood you are no better than one of MR’s astrologers. They use the stars and planets, you use a book of prophecy and contradictions. Wake up man.
old codger / April 23, 2021
So now the evil Chinese are the Satanic enemy? What happened to the appointments that Stalin, Castro, Khomeini, Saddam, all had at Armageddon? What a pity we missed all the fun.
Black Lankan / April 23, 2021
What kind of shameless guys are there to run the country. Come on Romesh getting money and patronage is one thing but going against basic priciples and country’s greater interest is anothert thing. You shamelessly ask what is the harm Chinese running Port city, what a disgraceful stand. Guys like you only talk of patriotism. You know very well if chinese come in they will fully take over the country and make the majority citizens as slaves. They are ruthless, even to their own citizens. The recent radio active ship sent in to Hambatotal harbour is a good example. Did they ever notify the Lankans, no. With guys like you one thing is certain and that the so called maother land by Buddha will be ruined for over while a small minority will escape with massive loot and boot to other countries. Banda and Silva will be labourers for Cheenan. Now these guys should understand why tamils wanted foreign judges and why they wanted a separation. It is impossible to live with these shameless crooks and opportunists who could be bought for money. Where are the yellow robed patriots and give the guys a car and they will close shut both their end. No one can slavage SL.
Good Sense / April 23, 2021
I was not there in the courthouse to hear the PC saying that even judges of the court could be foreigners. I take for granted that CT is responsible and has accurately reported the incident. What springs immediately is this effectively negates the contention of the Government opposing the UNHCR call for foreign judges to hear cases. Second, is in my opinion is far more serious. Could not it be a veiled threat that the next Chief Justice could, if necessary, a Mr. Chang Chung, say from China, if the majority of judges rule that this requires a referendum in addition to a two thirds majority? Yes! People may like it because Mr. Chung would cause a drastic drop in law’s delays thus cutting the in flow to the purse of most of the lawyers who are anti-Rajapakse. There were a lot of cat calls on Umpires of cricket matches those days shouting “Jaya Pathirana!” who gave controversial decisions. The late Jaya Pathirana would be in the shades if Mr. Chung becomes the CJ. That’s for starters. He will finally rule that NGR must worship Xi JingPing every morning as Sri Lanka is another SAR of China.
Andare 2.0 / April 23, 2021
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