15 January, 2025


China’s Tightens Grip On Double-Paksa Govt.

By Kumar David

Prof. Kuma David

My preferred title was “China has got us by the b@(($” but I could not have got away with it; CT Editor, an upright gentleman of tee-totalling disposition, has put in place a Comments Policy unsuited to hooligans like this one! What I wished to say was that we have become so beholden to China that Beijing can treat us like indentured serfs without fear of our fidelity drifting. It is not that the Nandasena Executive, with concurrence of Mahendra, Cabinet and SLPP and without dissent from Sajith, is in the process of selling Lanka to China. No, the transaction has been completed and the deed of sale sealed and signed! This is the actuality after the Geneva meeting at which China took another new-style colony under its wing after Pol Pot’s Cambodia and Burma’s military dictators, the latter murdered another 130 protesters on Saturday.

Foreign Minister Dinesh made an ass of himself in Geneva and now asserts that the resolution adopted by the Council is illegal; his Ministry Secretary Colombage crassly misled the country on India’s stand; an office is to be established to monitor Lanka’s future rights violations and to run rings around dim-witted Chandraprema, our Geneva envoy. Since the Presidency is secure till 2024 at least these three mutts should be fired pronto.

It will not be possible for a future Paksa or non-Paksa government to revert to an independent status for financial as well as ideological reasons. Financially it is not feasible for Lanka, sunk in debt to world and China in particular, to free itself from the bonds that Beijing holds over its head. The ideological element is not allegiance to Mao Thought; the shackle is enslavement to ultra-nationalism which prevents compliance with HRC decisions. China co-steered SL into an alley from which domestic bigotry will not let it retreat. I doubt if Beijing, aware of the post-Geneva conjuncture, manoeuvred a thick-skulled Lankan Executive into an impasse simply to enhance Lanka’s vassalage to the Middle Kingdom. Nor did it hold Sri Lanka’s hand as it mounted the scaffold because it foresaw that extremism would not permit Lanka to dismount and cooperate with HRC monitoring and accountability mechanisms since monks and ultranationalists would prohibit it. And we begged the Islamic states for scour, so now we owe them a favour too. We are caught by the scrotum on all sides.

I am not attributing a devilish plot to Machiavellian strategists in the CCP. The truth is that dumb decision-makers in Colombo, like a rotting durian fell into Beijing’s lap. (No offence to durian; it is the world’s second most delicious fruit after the Alfonso mango, both only slightly ahead of a glorious Jaffna pilapalam dripping with honey). The Gota regime is now in America’s crosshairs and a likely quarry of US foreign policy. The turn in American foreign policy is a consequence of domestic conflict – the Republicans have set out on a mission to curtail black and working class voting rights. The best example is Georgia where Trump came to grief in 2020, but the dispute is spread across 40 states where Republicans control state legislatures. Georgia enacted Jim Crow prohibitions reducing voting opportunities for blacks and the working class. Polls will close at 5pm, voting will not be allowed on Sundays and similar provisions to discourage working people. And believe it or not, unless it is struck down by the courts, it will be an offence to pass a glass of water to a person in a poll queue!

Biden’s foreign policy shift to democracy-concerns is driven by a fight against this attempt to curtail voting by blacks and urban white workers in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Michigan and Wisconsin where he has support. The so-called stand-off with China has not seen big complaints by the Americans about trade, tariffs and investment protection; it has all been about human-rights, the Uyghurs of Xinjian, democracy etc. It is clear that human-rights has become the focus of Sino-American disputes with US domestic resonance and woe to anyone who flouts the HR-Council. Foreign Minister Dinesh abjectly conceded “Sri Lanka will continue to engage constructively with the UN and its agencies … in keeping with domestic priorities and policies as well as international obligations and undertakings.” Hopelessly in hoc to China; petrified of defying the UN Council under the gaze of a rights-aggressive America; exposed to the Islamic world; stuck with a stressed economy; the Gota cabal, each passing day, has less and less space to breathe. 

Latest comments

  • 5

    Dr. Kumar, Let there be no postwar Nuremberg trial and judgment to hang our leaders like the Hitler crowd. We want all to live as peaceful citizens.

    • 6

      Nuremberg trial, judgement and hanging were for the losers of the war, not the winners.

      • 5

        Gatam, Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Rebels never finally won any war. Every system on earth finally has to move towards restoration of righteousness and justice and not” I win.

        • 3

          “Has to” differs widely from “what is”.

          There are the rulers and the ruled.

          • 0

            Rulers are kicked out by the ruled.
            GATAM is a slave to the ruler

        • 1

          My dear SENSITIVE Readers!
          Time is up you all rise up and be vigilent.

          Now it is crystal clear that COCONUT oil imported into the country by Pro Rajapakshe business are mixed with contaminations of AFLATOXINs. GMO and other expert bodies stay as if they are blind and deaf today.

          People and their representatives in the parliament have no idea about the danger after people being exposed to such poisonus agents. The kind of contaminations were heard in WWII but with the developments in the world, no such reports were reported since then. This would be a greater threat to the health of the people.
          The kind of disasters can well be compared to the aftermaths of chenobyl and Bopal .

          Chronic low-level exposure to aflatoxins , particularly aflatoxin B1, is associated with increased risk of developing liver cancer, impaired immune function, and malnutrition. Acute high-level exposure, which is less common, causes early symptoms of diminished appetite, malaise, and low fever.

          Is aflatoxin a carcinogen?
          Aflatoxins are poisonous carcinogens and mutagens that are produced by certain molds (Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus) which grow in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains.

          • 2

            LM. Do not worry unnecessarily. They eat straw raw. Never are they in the habit of frying them.

            • 0

              Hancho@ as one worked with Aflotoxins in lab, I know the consequences.
              Why you mitigate the danger ? Please google and keep you updated. Thank you.
              In Germany, the kind of importers would be put in jails for a period of 10 or 20 years.

              And the fact, srilanka is on the top of the list of highly corrupted developing nations. That is all what we have achieved by letting rascals to become POLITICIANS in this country.

              • 1

                Sorry LM. You did not get the pun.

      • 7

        What kind of WINNERs ?
        Winners that dont know -let alone handling tiny issues such as ” POLTHEL AND SEENI – Coconut oil and sugar import” and the like ? With all the barriers, previous govt did not fall to that level. Polonnaruwe man was a puppet, but his capabilities are multiple times better than that of N-A-D-A-S-E-N-A – aka today’s Andare. අද රටේ ඉන්න “අන්දරේ“.

        My comparison is right – SRILANKEN run by double-paksa govt is very similar to WANATHAMULLA garbage dumps. People around the location, would not have other choice but to let their NOSES be familiar with stinky air.

        We just expect them to deliver, but knowing their CAPABILITIES well- They are just gallery pleasers. For that matter they are champions. This is well aware of anyone who has some sanity, but punnakku eaters that would take some more time. Wait and see, how far the bugger et al would move ? Definitely not that far. If otherway around would occure, “pigs might fly”.

        Let s be quiet and calm- another few months to go.. that is what I feel.

    • 5

      China would win it because ao long any tribal leaders ( of our Double paksha nature) are made to servile them eternaly, nothing can go wrong. Yet today, with sky high price hikes in daily needs, slaves seem no protest. If decent previous govt was in power, dollar depreciation by few rps were on their breaking news. So as so called ” BOND SCAM ” as if the scam was introduced by SIRISENA-Ranil govt. The fact is, there are bigger scams (today- SEENI -Sugar scandal and drug scandal) that are part and parcel of Rajapakshe govts, with abusive media backing, because of its presentations were palatable. Today, just passing 15 months since all times high criminals are back to power, almost anything and everything in this country is upside down. How come people continue to be DEAD SILENT ?

  • 26

    China is making sweeping political changes HK , so that what ever democracy they have will be snuffed out for “absolute loyalty” (in their own words). It will be the same for Lanka too. You get what you deserve.

    • 6

      SL was never a democratic country so nothing to lose there.

      SL needs tough leadership that does not bend to India. China can provide it.

      China must know what are the anti-China elements in SL and squash them ruthlessly. Most Sri Lankans would love it!

      • 22

        Prof. KD,
        “I am not attributing a devilish plot to Machiavellian strategists in the CCP. The truth is that dumb decision-makers in Colombo, like a rotting durian fell into Beijing’s lap”
        Quite true. With loutish and incompetent friends like Chandraprema, Weerasekara, Jayasumana, and the Professor Admiral, there was no need for plots. It was only a matter of time before the billions borrowed for totally unnecessary highways, ports, airports, etc. resulted in more billions in interest. The Chinese saw all this as a straightforward business proposition. Nothing personal, you see. Unlike the IMF with its inconvenient conditions, or others like the Japanese, who don’t pay ten percent. Or the Indians with their devolution hang-ups.
        I for one have no objection. Sri Lanka’s voters, and the people they elect, are incompetent. If being a Chinese colony brings peace and stability, and economic progress, let’s have it. We are good at being vassals. Ever heard of Solomon West Ridgeway Bandaranaike?

        • 5

          While the dubious distinction of being China’s first colony since the Qing dynasty is disturbing, there is a silver (or black gold?) lining to the cloud. Sri Lanka may soon after have its next big coal power plant to the joy of Professor David but dismay of vehement anti-coal campaigners like Eng. Para Jayasinghe and among others me.

        • 4

          old codger

          “If being a Chinese colony brings peace and stability, and economic progress, let’s have it. We are good at being vassals. Ever heard of Solomon West Ridgeway Bandaranaike?”

          What are you suggesting?
          You do not seem to object to the conversion of this island into a dictatorship of the proletariat being another (6th) Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China, under the governorship of SJ
          (Regional Chairman, Central Military Commission,
          President, Central Party School,
          member of Central Politburo,
          member of Central Secretariat,
          Chairman, Autonomous Region of People’s Republic of China,
          Chairman, Central People’s Revolutionary Military Commission,
          Honorary Chairman, CPPCC National Committee,
          President and Chairman, National Defence Council, …….)

          Do you expect ordinary people to accept him as being the Teacher Leader?
          What a cunning plan?

          Do you think we will be forced to follow Mao’s fashion, for instance will we have to wear Chairman Mao Hat, sing in praise of Mao, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9tqusSXnYw “Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman”, a red song praising Mao Zedong? Or carry a Red Book?

          • 2

            Currently China is no more Communist than Putin. If China is a dictatorship of the proletariat, then I’m your grandmother.
            What I am suggesting is that since we have proven disastrous at self-government and we are so good at being subservient, ( can you find ONE Indian who named his son after two British governors) we should hand over operations to the highest bidder. As I explain below, I would prefer the Indians for practical reasons. But then, don’t you think the Chinese would tolerate political monks even if Modi does?

            • 2

              Some seem more scared of SJ than of China.
              It is good to be loved, but safer to be feared I guess.

              • 1


                “Some seem more scared of SJ than of China.”

                Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Qaddafi, Idi Amin, Pappa Doc, …………………….. Mao, Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, Robert Mugabe, . Augusto Pinochet, Franco, Enver Hoxha, Shah, … also …………………….. would have thought so.

            • 2

              old codger

              Those who are loyal to China, should consider relocating to China and attempt to write comment critical of Chinese leaders, Chinese functionaries, Chinese Communist party, China, ……………..

      • 5

        Gatam, Aim is not democracy but theocrazy. Every pro-Chinese militancy will meet with their consequences at Armageddon, irrespective of human belief systems.

        • 2

          Not true. Just fairytales.

  • 14

    Prof. Kuma David “No offence to durian; it is the world’s second most delicious fruit after the Alfonso mango,”
    what an insult to Jaffna’s native “Karutha Kolambaan” mango

    • 5

      Prof. KD,
      “I am not attributing a devilish plot to Machiavellian strategists in the CCP. The truth is that dumb decision-makers in Colombo, like a rotting durian fell into Beijing’s lap”
      Quite true. With loutish and incompetent friends like Chandraprema, Weerasekara, Jayasumana, and the Professor Admiral, there was no need for plots. It was only a matter of time before the billions borrowed for totally unnecessary highways, ports, airports, etc. resulted in more billions in interest. The Chinese saw all this as a straightforward business proposition. Nothing personal, you see. Unlike the IMF with its inconvenient conditions, or others like the Japanese, who don’t pay ten percent. Or the Indians with their devolution hang-ups.
      I for one have no objection. Sri Lanka’s voters, and the people they elect, are incompetent. If being a Chinese colony brings peace and stability, and economic progress, let’s have it. We are good at being vassals. Ever heard of Solomon West Ridgeway Bandaranaike?

      • 16

        Old codger,
        If being a Chinese colony brings peace and stability, and economic progress, let’s have it.
        Take a good look at zimbabwe, burma or north korea and you will have a clear idea as to what to expect.

        • 1

          None of those are Chinese colonies! No Chinese there!

          Look at Chinese colonies in Singapore, Australia, UK, Canada, etc. instead. SL must aim for this.

        • 3

          The problem is not who lends you money, but what you do with it. Don’t blame the Chinese for what our idiotic leaders did, like building airports, stadiums, harbours, etc all named after one person. Clearly neither the leaders or the voters have any idea of how a country should be run.
          Personally, I would, for practical reasons, prefer the Indians to take the job. For one thing, it’s next door, they look like us, have better sarees and food than the Chinese, and we could drive over when they build us a bridge.

        • 0

          I took a better than good look. Which of the three countries listed is anybody’s colony?

    • 8


      “what an insult to Jaffna’s native “Karutha Kolambaan” mango”

      Confessions of Prof. Kumar David to Emil van der Poorten:

      I love durian.
      How good is the fruit from your tree?
      Can I have a top quality sweet and creamy one?

      History Likely To Repeat Itself As Tragedy, Not Farce
      MAY 25, 2014

      Which reminded me an old Malay proverb:
      When the durians are down, the sarongs are up.

      Forget Alfonso mango for a while don’t you think you ought to celebrate Prof David for being beyond all your petty nationalism.

      • 1

        “Prof David for being beyond all your petty nationalism.”

        love for Karutha Kolambaan is not petty nationalism

    • 4

      I’ve seen these Alfonso mangoes in the supermarkets but hadn’t realised that they were so desirable.
      Will they get even more expensive now, and is Kumar actually going to get a commission?

      • 0

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      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

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      • 5

        My dear SM,
        Please never buy such genetically modified fruits. That has now become a lucrative business for them. Please be familiar with natural fruits. : The reasoning behind unknown health problems (allergies of new forms) are closely connected with GMO foods.
        Let blind people to go after them. Srilanka is a paradise for good vegetables and fruits. That is to the eyes of educated Europeans. Unfortunately, our fools import any artificially created fruits, vegetables, flowers and anything which just shine. Those who are well aware of the truths, would never go after them.
        European supermarkets are filled with genetically modified food items coming from the Netherlands, Spain and several other countries. I thought KIWI would grow only in NZ, but nowadays, we buy KIWI fruit (with the highest amount of vitamin C) produced in Italy and Spain. You dont need to go after KIWI, but local mangoes and pineaples could cover ” higher contents of Vit C “.

    • 1

      What a shame to Prof? Author keep on writing but, After all readers like Rajash rest the case with Fruit than a silk route strategy :P .. I couldn’t stop laughing out myself.. May god bless you all.

      • 2

        Dayan – “I couldn’t stop laughing out myself..”
        Dayan that is the whole idea …we need a laugh some times even though Sri Lankan politicians are a laughing stock

      • 0

        When one sprinkle’s trivia in one’s text, they propagate fast like weeds to drown seeds of serious thought.

    • 3

      Srilankens would export anything and everything over the last 25 years.

      There are rumours, රජ්ජුරුවො සහ රත්තරන් බිස්කට් බිසවගේ උවමනාවට (King of the gallery and his cheating wife) now they import dragon fruit https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dragon-fruit by spending state funds.

      To my knowledge, Europeans dream of having srilanken natural fruits. They keep me asking about the 40 or more varieties of banana in that island. Mangoes of natural nature etc.

      This is not new to MARA criminals, looking at the manner how they then imported – internationally banned agro chemicals, constantly pleasing their henchmen-businessman. The kind imports into the country created all the unexpected health problems in srilanken population. Those who are interested in facts, please google and find them.. there are enough articles freely available.
      Latter is similar to his brother’s activities today s context with TV adaderana OWNER Dilith Jayaweera and Sugar/Coconut oil importers that fill billions into their pockets.
      No need to remind you guys, how MARA-BUSINESS introduced those MONSANTHO products – Glyposat which causes then UNKNOWN KIDNEY DISEASE in Rajararata farming community. Those who have no idea, today FAKE Prof. Jaysumana- the joker is a product of GLYPHOSAT research ( I have no idea if he really had active participation in such research).

      • 2

        Apologies, it should be GOSL import

      • 3

        Have you seen the video going around of Mahinda’s Buddhist monk screaming in filth during his drunken rampage

      • 3

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  • 20

    China will have an iron grip on Sri Lanka there is no two words about that…

    They will be our unofficial Colonial Masters and they will treat us far worse than our previous colonial masters.

    Portugese, Dutch, British

    And our bully neighbour – India and all the invading armies that attaked Sri Lanka that launched their attacks from India will seem like childs play compared to the injustices we will have to suffer under China if things continue at this rate.

    The Rajapakshas have exposed Sri Lanka to a foreign threat that jepodises the territorial intergrity and sovereignity of Sri Lanka.

  • 6

    China must totally replace India in SL. Sri Lankans love it. Tamil Nadu people hate it.

    Hopefully China will know who the anti-China elements in SL are and manage them as they do in China.

    • 7

      What a wonderful idea and dream. Splendid. Please let us know of your experience, if and when it happens for us to experience in a “Virtual” basis. Look forward to it.

      • 1

        Not a dream but reality which Sri Lankans love and Tamil Nadus hate. You see SL is a zero sum game. “You” must fail for “us” to win.

  • 8

    “…..Burma’s military dictators , the latter murdered another 130 protestors on
    Saturday.” Burma is where our guys (yellow) turn to Political Buddhism
    Guidance ! Sooner and not later , our Mad Mulana Bosses will turn to their
    “slave” masters , the same way Burma Junta turned . This was exactly what
    the 52 days Mad regime rehearsed with the traitor Sira’s illegal invitation !
    And the shameless Slave Masters again , having seen the danger , brought the
    Mad men out of blood thirst .

    • 6

      Several moaned that Sri Lanka will go the Myanmar way towards a military dictatorship. They have nothing to comment along the lines now.
      Look at the positive side: the defiance of the masses.
      Even the oppressed minorities are joining hands.
      The army may crush the protest, but the momentum thus far gathered will make it only a temporary gain.
      Who knows, the movement may eventually throw up a better option than Suu Kyi for leader.
      I wish, for better or worse, that this country goes the Myanmar way, in a manner not anticipated by our experts.

      • 2

        So what will happen when the dust settled? The new regime like the old regimes will start killing Rohingyas! Horror!

  • 9

    The more the UN corners Sri lanka or exposed to a foreign policy threats China likes it reason that sri lank turns towards china for dependency or anticipate relationship uphold stabilty

  • 27

    China has a game plan. Rajapaksas are just for there to satisfy their needs. In fact, China encouraged Rajapaksas to do whatever they can do in order to help the Western Nations to bring the UNHRC resolution. UNHRC resolution means Rajapaksas need to depend more and more in the hands of China. China is the only country spoke loudly in the UNHRC for Sri Lanka like defending their own country. In other words Sri Lanka is now part of China.

    • 0

      Excellent if SL is now part of China. Natural friends.

      But China must know there are some Sinophobic racists in SL and China as the new rulers of SL must defeat them.

      Mandarin must be made mandatory in SL schools.

  • 17

    China owns huge chunks of countries in Africa, South America, and in Asia too. China is known as anti Democratic and is guilty of human rights abuses within their own country. Let us not forget the Tiananmen Square massacre, the systemic abuse of the poor Uighur people, who are in internment camps, forced into slave labor, supposedly forcibly sterilized, and deliberately punished for following their religion, and the violence against the people protesting in Hong Kong.
    Sri Lankans who have accepted China’s presence, presents, and influence, here in our country, every time they take the opportunity to step in through “generous” aid and loans, don’t realize we have opened pandora’s box, and we cannot extricate ourselves from China’s tentacles. We have made a pact with the Devil.

    • 1

      Ashan ,

      With J R J creating the hot seat , too many things changed to a level
      we could not digest , Srilankan could not digest ! Not only Gota
      Failed , J R J too failed because his plans for the country was
      indigestible . In a nutshell , when J R J opened the economy , mainly
      two things happened . Exports expanded and Imports flooded in
      without much restriction . Exports went to Western markets and the
      Import mainly came from the third world led by China ! Anyone
      trying to get into Export depended economy is obliged to keep in
      mind of his competitors led by China ! And the same is right when
      you get into Imports ! Again China ! This is a reality that you have to
      deal with when it comes to development today . The West is only
      manufacturing for those who can afford it and China is left to
      looking after the rest and this is where we belong now . You can
      call it We decide and China executes or We beg and China gives !

  • 18

    Tamils lost the war in 2009 (this episode lasted only one month), but the Sinhalese have lost the peace forever!

    • 2

      Not true. Sinhalese have indeed won peace forever in May 2009 (though nothing is permanent). Tamils have lost their peace and dignity forever (though nothing is permanent) since 2009. Isn’t it? Now TNA has split into 4 – TNA, Wigneswaran, TMVP and Ponnambalam. Isn’t it? Pieces.

  • 9

    The good Professor misses the big picture. China has a seat on the UN Security Council, meaning there will be no binding, punitive sanctions on SL. The maximum damage could be from EU tariffs, but Tamil diaspora were unable to achieve even this with the latest resolution. As for the USA, it is desperately broke and on its last legs. Meanwhile, China just signed a 25-year deal for economic cooperation with Iran, arch-enemy of the USA. Chinese influence in the Middle East is a direct threat to the leverage of the USD (reserve countries). If countries like Syria and Iran are able to circumvent banking and trade restrictions, US military power will be greatly minimized

    • 1

      *reserve currency

    • 9


      “China has a seat on the UN Security Council, meaning there will be no binding, punitive sanctions on SL. “

      What could China do to stop a collective of a few countries decides to bring various categories of sanctions against the country of stupids.

      Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan (once ruled by Russia), Yugoslavia, ….. were thought to be too close to China/Russia. Did Russia or China manage to prevent the destruction of these countries?

      Whats the matter with you Jester?
      A long term member of UNSC the USA along with its buddies GB, France could not prevent the division of China’s all weather friend Pakistan even though the weeping widow aided and abetted General Yahya Khan in his pursuit of annihilating Bengali people.

      “Meanwhile, China just signed a 25-year deal for economic cooperation with Iran, arch-enemy of the USA.”

      However the proud Sinhala/Buddhists boast themselves being Hydraulic Engineering practitioners for 2500 years have to rely on Iran to build their Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project (including hydropower project)

      “Chinese influence in the Middle East is a direct threat to the leverage of the USD (reserve countries). “

      Never mind the Chinese, review what has the stupid majoritarians have achieved in the past 73 years, compared to what ought to have been achieved in the same period.

      • 4


        Coronavirus came from China. More than 2.81 million deaths. What was the punishment for China? Nothing. When China used WHO to cover-up the facts about Corona, what was the punishment? Nothing. Because of China, WHO did not declare the virus a global pandemic for months, meaning hundreds of thousands of people died in vain. Go back to school and learn basic economics; without Chinese manufacturing, the global economy will collapse.

        “However the proud Sinhala/Buddhists boast themselves being Hydraulic Engineering practitioners for 2500 years”

        Yes, the Sinhala Buddhists built great structures while veddas were running through the forest in amude and g-string. Go and visit for yourself; remember to wear clothes or you will upset the tourists.

        • 12


          Why did Ven. Amaramoli Thera bring Muthu Muthiah Sthapathi from Thamil Nadu to sculpture the Samadhi Buddha statue at Rambadagalla? What were the Sinhala/Buddhists bums doing in this island, busy carrying politician’s b***s?

          Why couldn’t your politicians trust your own (Sinhala/Buddhist) Hydraulic Engineers to construct Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project (including hydropower project)?

          You ought to be ashamed of yourself, your politicians, saffron brigades, Rana Virus, ….. for letting foreigners to build your Lotus Tower, Port city, Hambantota harbour, airports, highways, power stations, ………………………….. Everything from A to Z is being built by imported professionals and labour.

          If he was wise enough your granddad should have begged your Colonial Masters to stay put for another 200 years.

          • 2

            Why are you talking about events in the 21st century? Go further back Who built the Maligawila Buddha Statue? There was no Buddhism in Tamil Nadu. That is why the monks mastered 3 languages – Sinhala, Prakrit/Pali, and Sanskrit, but never Tamil. There was no literature on Buddhism in Tamil for them to master.
            As I have said before, Dravidians are a conquered people. The greatest Tamils – Brahmins – are not pure Dravidians, but hybrids (mixture of Aryan and Dravidian). These Brahmins are brilliant people, but they were chased out of India by the low-caste Tamils. Google and Microsoft CEO’s are both Brahmins. Some of these low-castes (Vellalars) were imported to Sri Lanka by the Dutch and British as manual labor. Because of their inferiority complex, they discriminated against other Tamils. That is the real reason for the LTTE. The problem for Tamils is not Sinhala racism, but lack of unity. That is why Jayalalitha and other high-caste Brahmins prevented Tamil Nadu from supporting SL Tamils.

            • 5

              There was no Buddhism in Tamil Nadu
              Tamil nadu once had a big buddhist influence.
              A little research will reveal that to you.

            • 3

              The iconic bodhidharma buddhist monk who brought chan buddhism and some martial exercises to china was from tamil nadu.
              To this day he is hailed a heroic figure in both china and japan.

          • 3

            Remember it’s April 1st. You shouldn’t take Lester and his novel historical theories too seriously. Just make up some theories of your own.

            • 3

              Lester is in the running for a Nobel prize. He has invented something called “5G fiber Internet”.

      • 2

        Son of a Vedda,

        Imagine what viruses China has in store for anti-China elements in SL? Terrible to imagine!

    • 6

      I thought let alone today you would see it right. No doubt, you will take another few weeks months. That is nature of stupid srilankens. Anyways world is watching at you.

      Good Prof. who is our guru would never misses ” the big picture”:
      Dear Dr KD, please continue writing ! thank you so much for your well thought timely articles

      • 0


        If your friend Ranil was in power, he would go along with this resolution. He would put military and high level government officials in jail. Then the separatists from minority communities know the government is weak, so they will start demanding concessions. First, so-called “devolution”, then “federalism”, then a full separate state. With Gota in power, the separatists cannot even get devolution. That is why they brought out this resolution. As I told you before, the main goal is not “war crimes” but to shame Sri Lanka into forcing Gota out of power. So-called “regime change.”

        • 3

          Ranil being under that polonnaruwe donky achieved a lot within 15 months, for the benefit of the masses but Gota – has done nothing so far.

          1). Pay hikes to public servants
          2) Glyphosat ban
          3) Winning back GSP plus and Fish-industry concessions
          4) Revealed the world democracy could work better under GOOD governance
          5) Price reduction in over 80 more medical drugs
          6) Price reduction in essential daily needs
          7) All those bitch ssons loudly present today are from former govt

          MaRa/Gota done so far

          1) As island nation, current GOSL failed in Containment of COVID 19
          People are being fed with LIES – Panibeema or the like became country ‘s specialists …. what a fall ?
          2) They talk high about One country One Law – but it is became worst under his presidency within 12 months. instead, One country Rajapakhe Dog’s Law
          3) All inveistigations based on their CRIME investigations got exonerated නොදොස් කොට නිදහස් කරගැනීම…
          4) Police became day light criminals ( few days ago, we saw how ballige puthas behaved going beyond that AMERICAN COPs that killed George Floyd in the US.
          It has now become Rajapakshe Live Matters (RLM).

          • 0


            You left out 8) Bond Scam, 9) Bribe Muslim ministers with land for votes. Which leads to 10) Easter bombings.

            So, 269 people cannot enjoy pay hike and price reduction, as they have departed to another planet courtesy of Ranil.

            • 5

              Now it is becoming clearer, who was behind those EASTER SUNDAY killings.
              None other than Nandasena Et al. You will realize it sooner than later. That is my wish. Now with Rev Malcom Ranjith too is silent about his close ties with Medamulana criminals.
              Bond Scam was not harmful as telecasted by SIRASA with Nandasena’s current day SUGAR scandal which costed 16 billions to the state. No forensic anaysis would be called because they know the masters of the huge theft.

              Ranil’s innocience will come to light next days. Jayaweewa. I am not a party sympathiser, but I am always behind DECENT politicians.

        • 3

          Lester, the diehard Rajaakshe backlicker@

          Today people suffer because RW is out of the parliament. Good riddance. As no times in the past, people are exposed to poisonous consumption of food items.
          This is what I warned then, Rajapakshes would be masters by introducing HUMAN FLESH as consumer meat to locat markets under their leadership. Now we are just shortly before that.

  • 5

    “With loutish and incompetent friends like Chandraprema, Weerasekara, Jayasumana, and the Professor Admiral, there was no need for plots.”
    Please don’t embarrass these gentlemen, Professor. Anyway, just to be on the safe side and avoid inconvenience in the future, I have signed up to attend Chinese language classes on weekends.

    • 4

      Make sure that it is Mandarin on your weekends as it is the official dialect in Taiwan and Singapore.

  • 18

    China has not tightened its grip on Rajapakse Government , but actually, it was Sri Lanka that had fallen freely into China’s hands.

    • 1

      True. And Sri Lankans love it (Tamil Nadus hate it).

      • 3

        True. And Sri Lankans love it
        Not all sri lankans. When hambantota harbour was handed over to china, i remember seeing a group of sinhalese, including monks, who went to protest it there. The police sprayed them with water cannons and chased them out.

  • 14

    Now that SL is confirmed a pariah state after the UNHRC disclosure, China is the only country SL can turn to for economic relief (other despotic regimes which voted in favour can only provide moral support) but it will come with many strings (or should I say ropes) attached, to, literally, hang ourselves. No doubt SL, so deep in the debt trap, will be soon be a Chinese colony, joining Tibet & Hong Kong, which maybe a better option than becoming a Myanmar under the military junta of GR. However, Myanmar could soon become another Syria but my fear is that SL will have the best of both worlds, a military regime like Myanmar but under the control of Beijing.

  • 22

    We saw the ‘love’ china had for sri lanka when it manufactured doormats with the lankan flag on it.
    It summed up the relationship perfectly.

    • 6

      Humble, China Manufactured it without bringing to the notice of SL and let the Amazon do the marketing and get SL ambassador in US to lodge a protest in Washington. Is it not a grand display of Business acumen and Devilish Diplomacy intertwined by the Chinese. Great.

      • 4

        Doormats in many cultures are not things that people humiliate by stepping on.
        Often pleasant words are on it. I found a huge array of doormats with flags of many countries.
        Those who buy them are seldom people who want to insult the flag.
        I can imagine a few tourists picking it up as memento.
        Otherwise I see no promotion of sales.
        If none buys it, the product with the SL flag will go off the shelves.
        There are toilet rolls and underpants with national flags.

    • 3

      That does not reflect China’s position. Only an individual. Their website also has Indian, US, Australian, Japanese, Tamil Elam, etc. flags too.

  • 3

    Right now the danger man is India. India is plotting to annex Sri Lanka and Maldives, but not in a hurry, because the world is watching. As India, the UNHRC and the West threaten Sri Lanka more and more, Sri Lanka is getting closer to China more and more.
    It is commendable how China is suppressing Muslim terrorism. Sri Lanka also urgently needs a program that can take the Muslim people in the right direction with the help of China.

    • 14


      “India is plotting to annex Sri Lanka and Maldives, but not in a hurry, because the world is watching. “

      As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka Maldives, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan …… are part of Akhand Bharat.
      Full stop.

      ” As India, the UNHRC and the West threaten Sri Lanka more and more, Sri Lanka is getting closer to China more and more.”

      Then intermittently squeak, “Mother India Save US”.

      “It is commendable how China is suppressing Muslim terrorism.”

      If it is good do you also want to be treated like the Chinese Muslims?
      Remember how Sri Lanka treated its own innocent people irrespective of race, religion, region, gender, …………… in the past 50 years.

      Are you a sadist or masochist or both?

    • 4

      “It is commendable how China is suppressing Muslim terrorism.”

      If Sri Lanka took similar measures, the NGO’s, diaspora rats, and TNA would cry about “genocide” and demand a fake state. See what China can get away with. Even though China is just protecting its national interests.

      • 2

        “See what China can get away with. Even though China is just protecting its national interests.”
        What is there to get away with in ‘just protecting one’s national interests’?
        Is not that what everybody does?

  • 9

    We are in great company:
    India’s foreign minister has threatened to expel all foreign Amazon employees from the country after discovering that its Canadian arm is selling doormats bearing the Indian flag.
    Amazon had also advertised doormat flags of the US and UK without protest.
    Flags of several other countries fare as design on doormats.
    Try Google search of “doormats with national flags”
    A search for toilet paper can be even more interesting.

    • 8


      Amazon must try selling Chinese door mats in China. Then only we will know how tolerant the Chinese Mandarins are. And physically check sellers and manufacturers if they were allowed to hang their b***s under their belly.

    • 3

      Chinese Flag Entrance Mat Floor Mat with Non-Slip Rubber Backing for Indoor Outdoor Front Door Kitchen Bathroom Porch D¨¦cor 15.7″ X 23.5″

      • 4

        If countries like China or the US are not bothered by doormats bearing their flag, why do potty little islanders protest? They should take it as a compliment. Ironically enough, the flags that flutter all over on February 4th are also made in China.

        • 4

          A doormat has no offensive implications in most cultures.
          We are a people who kick up a row about a tattoo of the Buddha.

      • 4

        SJ, you called out the Vedda’s bluff. Chinese are very tolerant. And patient. Trump could not damage them with sanctions. Latest news, Huawei will be providing 5G fiber internet to Iran. While Americans are stuck with 4G DSL.

        • 4


          Look carefully, the door mat looks like a mobile phone cover.
          Are these Chinese Flag mats sold in China?
          Let me have contact details of such Chinese shops in China?

          “While Americans are stuck with 4G DSL.”

          Why should 4G, 5G, ………………..or even 100G bother us at all?

          By the way new British developed telecom SYSTEM X was installed in Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia than UK.

          Anti-Black Racism in Post-Mao China
          Barry Sautman
          The China Quarterly
          The China Quarterly
          No. 138 (Jun., 1994), pp. 413-437 (25 pages)
          Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies

        • 4

          There is no such thing as 5G fiber internet, or 4G DSL.
          Ignorance is such bliss. But please don’t embarrass yourself in public.

          • 1

            Fiber is needed to support the network of wireless cells.” Optical fiber is the preferred medium for existing wireless backhaul networks, and even in networks where this is not the case, the wireless backhaul eventually needs to connect into a fiber backhaul. Fiber will also be preferred for what is known as “fronthaul,” connecting the dense mesh of 5G small cells.” USA still relies on copper-cable DSL Internet.

          • 4

            5G (short for 5th generation) is a broadcast system, using a particular RF band. It is used in mobile communications. Optical Fibre is only used to transfer land-generated data to base stations. It is not “5G fiber”, any more than a fibre cable carrying audio to an FM station is an “FM fiber”.

  • 4

    I have nothing to say about KD politics other than feeling sorry for the geezer. But Alfonso mangos are 40$ /lb at times when available and I have to say better than any I have tasted in SL . But I am told that Sri Lankan Tom JC mangoes are almost as good or bettter,

    Does anyone know about this new hybrid ?

    • 1

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 0

        WHAT ?

        I am so sorry I no able…

    • 2

      Some have only tasted Kakkakolomban.

    • 5

      a 14455@

      NOTHING NEW you the kind of fools, would taste even the packeted ” asuchi” of Rajapakshes, if available in a better cover. We in europe would never go after genetically modified foods. Go ahead, best example YOUR RAJANO to look like swollen pig is well connected with his affinity to artifial food items. I dont find better exmple to convince you guys. See, how Mahinda looks like ” without his kilos of MAKE-UP”.

      • 0

        Thank you so much for your useless off-topic comment

        Can you please post a picture of yourself so that we can judge your appearance please . ?

        • 3

          I am ready and challenge you, if you would do the same. I definitely dont belong to the category. I am not even 65 kgs: Nor have I fed myself abusing the tax payers funds.

    • 1

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 5

      I have tasted fresh both Alphonso and TJC. Not much difference in quality. The latter can grow much bigger (at times well over 1 kg) and keeps well. Even with black spots covering half the skin, the TJC does not go bad within.
      But besides KC and Ambalavi (Gira to some) there are quite a few local varieties that taste and smell much better than Alphonso/TJC.
      Have you heard of Banganahalli (also known as Banganapalli, Benishan, Badam Aam etc.? There are plenty more in India that fare better than Alphonso, which became well known as it was one of the early varieties to be exported.
      Mangoes have not caught up a fraction as well as bananas in the West, where they know a mere handful of varieties of both fruit. The Australians are catching up though.

  • 7

    Huawei has completely taken over our SLT. From the CEO downwards at SLT are agents of Huawei which is dictating terms to the SLT.

    Many of the top SLT staff are former partners/agents of Huawei ( and other Chinese funded) projects in Sri Lanka.

    Please ask them to declare their allegiance to the country and swear that they have not made money through the Chinese connection.

    This is the shocking state of the SLT !

    • 4

      Huawei must be Manadarin for Who Are We. Unfortunately, nobody really knows who they are or what they are up to.

      • 5

        “…nobody really knows who they are or what they are up to”
        That is because nobody really believes what the US says what Huawei is up to.

    • 2

      I see nothing wrong there , They are the current leaders in 5G no matter what the US says.

      I remember the days when SLT was all Ericsson so what is different now?

  • 5

    Jadam, in that case why dont you tell that to those SB, prelates who are up in arms saying after India it is now China who is trying to take over our myth land. If interested read about the investigation going on in Malta to know how Chinese, ” in the name of road to glory” do business with others. You asked for one and may get two Hitlers , one giving and other implementing those orders, isn’t it wonderful. Try learning the learning the language as SJ suggests, you may need it soon to understand what those orders are.

  • 3

    India must counter Chinese influence by offering loans with more favorable interest rates than China, offering more FDIs to Sri Lanka than China does and taking hands off the Tamil problem.


    • 2


    • 4


      “and taking hands off the Tamil problem.”

      Had Hindia taken hands off position on Ethnic issues the island would have been divided into several ghettos, one for Gota, one for each of his brothers, sisters, ……

  • 6

    I am truly amazed by the alternate facte I learn daily in CT alone (though not interested, I wonder how much os such freely available in rest of Lankan media). Apparently in terrorism there is technical and not so technical act. In pandemic it is the same. I am sure the victims and family just want to know who is the mastermind behind Easter, who is responsible/accountable and so on to have some sort of closure. Todays caveats 1) Lanka received 0.6 million China vaccine which minister says will be given only to Chinese. (An estimation of minimum amount of Chinese legally in Lanka ??)2) Prof. Channa says there were influencers blocking us from getting China vaccine. If China Vaccine is for Chinese then who is blocking ?? 3) In the mean time our own National Medicine Regulatory Authority disapprove using such on Lankans, due to lack of information on safety. The Assosiation of Medical Specialist too agreed with such warning. 4) WHO says China vaccine is safe to use. They also said information was hard to come during their fact finding mission in China to know the origin of Pandemic. They also did not completly rule out the possibility of Pandemic originating from Wuhan labs.

  • 3

    Modern day Geopolitics is far too sophisticated for the current set of pensioners . There is not a single person who can come within a mile of that great intellect- the brilliant LK . We will continue to stumble along without a clear strategy or vision . There’s a vast number of educated, intelligent, young men and women of integrity within our shores and elsewhere , many of them willing to serve their Motherland – but clearly not in the present context , sadly.

  • 4

    Chinese Leader’s interest in the world is not due to it being kind hearted & benevolent towards certain countries. Most of the recipients of chinese loans, have been running their country disasterily and may being corrupt. SL has been shooting it’s own feet for ages. SL had been busy trying to bring down the minorities of their achievements in education and business. Instead of working hard, the Sinhalese sought to bring down the minorities…. Sinhala only; Standardisation for the University admissions; Reducing drastically the prospects of Government jobs; burning the Jaffna Library: Killing of Political Tamil Prisoners time to time etc etc. The British failed to make them work harder and hopefully the Chinese can. By the way How many Chinese are there in SL currently. Is it 600000 Chinese? So much of the Chinese Covid vaccine has landed in SL.

    • 6

      Is the Chinese vaccine as risky as Oxford/AstraZeneca?

      • 5

        German health officials today suspended use of AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine for people under 60 as a “precautionary measure,” stating that people needed to “treat it carefully and wait for the talks taking place at the federal level.”
        You may have not have heard it until now.
        But there have been many others that have suspended the vaccine. This will tell you the situation 2 weeks ago:
        People living in glass houses practicing stone throwing I guess?

        • 3

          I agree.

          Our medical professionals are just like our other professionals. Misguided and beholden to the west

          • 5

            The medical profession was once considered the most sacred alongside teaching and preaching.
            It was then a service. Our physicians never demanded a fee. It was considered unethical.
            It became a career later. There was a majority that took pride in the profession and worked with a sense of commitment.
            Within the last half of a century it has become business with ‘consultation’ for ‘pocket money’, deep pockets though.
            Now it is part of daylight robbery with private hospitals fleecing patients: many doctors play drug pushers and promoters of investigations and surgical intervention to protect hospital equipment from corrosion, I guess.
            We had a medical emergency at home not long ago and summoned a doctor from a medical care service. He sorted out the issue and prescribed four drugs. My wife (a little too educated to be considered an illiterate) asked him what the drugs were. The man snapped back “Will it make a difference if I tell you?”
            I retorted with “Why don’t you try?” and he settled to his senses.
            I do not blame individuals, such attitudes accompany a corrupt system of private medicine.
            I have seen pharmaceutical company agents openly canvassing doctors with free samples and other goodies. Here and in the West.

            • 2

              Sadly that is true. most docs do not believe they need to explain anything to the common folk. I think society is to blame as a whole. as they treat professionals like some deity.

              Sadly I have suffered the pain of losing my mother to a surgical error of a good friend of my brothers (who is a Dr as well) but at the same time, I have benefitted numerous times due to his and my good friends to whom I will be forever grateful.

              So it is two sides of the same coin.

              Living in the US , I cant but admire SL – poor 3rd world country and all which strives to care for everyone ,with all the systems warts. Here there is a thriving industry of medical tourism to Mexico and other nations where people go for care.

            • 3

              Medical professionals from srilanken universities have now become easy henchmen to crook politicians. They have no respect to srilanken public but to their pay masters. I dont want to generalize but general public would have much to explain the truths about them if asked.
              Please study the notificaiton issued by ministry of health for quarantining steps being taken for any passengers coming from farther destinations to see their elderly parents who have not seen their lovely ones for the last two years. This notification is subjected (a living doc) to repeated changes, however, to my understanding, it is filled with insufficient information. Consequently, those who risk their travels back home ended up in quarentining hotels set by GOSL/Tourist Board – which I think has now become a fadulent but lucrative business. Nor are the responsible embassies updated with info. So as a srilanken planing their travel back home has turned out to be very complicated as of today. Most of them could become an ambassador to srilanken tourist industry, however, ill treatments being given to them would definitely be very disadavantageous to srilanka on long term.

          • 3


            “Our medical professionals are just like our other professionals. Misguided and beholden to the west”

            I beg you to seek alternative medicine, consulting Vedda Mahathya or Shaman. Why do you go to medicine men whom you don’t trust?

            Similarly, instead of attending Universities modeled on Western system/culture our youth must join apprenticeship under village bassunnes, builders, mechanics, welders, carpenters, …………………….. iron smiths, ………

      • 4

        Please dont be irresponsible to spread your hearsays that could cause unnecessary misleads. Infact, Chinese vaccine is not yet recognized by WHO. /nor by many countries in the west. So it is wrong to compare it with that of Oxford.
        In Germany, they did not let Oxford/AstraZeneca be introduced to age groups above 65 years. Meaning only those upto 65 were subjected to vaccinations with Astrazeneca in Germany. THere they have found over 30 or little more patients with unexpected adverse events. However, that was not reported in UK according to their latest information.
        In between, they in UK have injected 25 mio of brites more in 65 or over group with no significant number of blood clot reactions being observed.
        This is the reason why Germans and few other countries in Europe suspended AstraZeneca/Oxford for under 60 age group:
        I am very optimistic, Astrazenecca vaccine is a good one with more clinical data being gathered in next days.

        • 1

          Hearsay is your specialization.

          • 2

            As a senior scholar, I have every right to expect from you to follow the publications on Oxford/AstraZenecca before adding any evasive thoughts to us or anyone. It is the most economical and widely used vaccine so far. BioNtech is the most expensive one next to Moderna. And storage conditions of the latter two would not allow poor countries go for them easily.

            FYI, many know , I am not biased to anyone. But yours sound to be very much pro SINO, if I may say so.
            We should warn srilankens (innocient ) be away from SINO-VACCINEs. Besides, srilanka is one of the few countries in developing world, that have expertise proper vaccination programs.

            Let other commenters on CT to discuss this profoundly as they can. It is to avoid unexpected health problems in srilanken population. Thank you.

            • 1

              24 to a dozen if you say so.

              • 0

                “As a senior scholar, I have every right to expect from you…”
                Sorry, I would not have imagined that you are a senior scholar.
                But kindly do not lecture me.

    • 3

      well maybe

      but what are your options, the Brits who genocided half the world, the Spanish who did the rest or the Americans when took over from the Brits and the Spanish . ?

      • 4

        You mixed it up as usual a 14455.
        If India did not grant those vaccines, no doubt, srilankens would not have gotten it from anywhere. Now the deal is set with China, may be on another secret offer as if itthe country is their private property – which are perhaps worst than the ones made hitherto. Rajaapkshes would never sense it before going to the next betrayal.

        • 1

          Today’s information:
          So called ” WIYATH MAGA” led GOSL has injected the ” first dose ” of the vaccine to 9 lacks of people, with no second dose of the vaccine is ready for them next. Meaning srilanke was granted only 5 -6 lacks of vaccine. But they have not had a system focusing on the same group for its second dose. Astrazencca has not yet confirmed that second load would be dispatched to srilanka. Meaning…. barbarinas in power would go for injecting SINO vaccine to those who have already been injected with ASstrazenecca. What a mess these buggers have created … this time too, deliberately … ????????????????
          If mathermatics are correct, only 200 000 (two lacks) srilankens can be fully vaccinations with the two doses.
          Now people of of this country should be CLEAR, animals grabed the power and they have been ruining this nation.
          UNHRC over to you – PLEASE BE INFORMED about inhuman reactions of current GOSL

    • 3

      N it is often assumed that the British were ‘forced’ to import Tamil labour from India because the Sinhalese were ‘too bloody lazy’ to work on the new estates (created from land confiscated from the Kandyans and from temples, and sold to prospective planters).

      What I want to know is why didn’t your ‘hard working Tamils’ take up those estate jobs? Were they too bloody lazy too? Why didn’t the Burghers, Muslims…?
      Perhaps you would think better of the Sinhalese if they worked for their oppressors as indeed some did.

      • 3

        The problem was that the cultivator had his priorities. He was willing to work for extra cash in hand but not at the expense of work at hand during sowing, weeding and harvesting, as well as family and community functions.
        Planters sought 7×52 days commitment which only slaves or indentured labour could provide.
        This has been much the story elsewhere too.
        For example, in the Caribbean freed slaves were unwilling to work for low wages.
        There were besides other categories of Indian emigrants who were used by the colonial master to do the dirty work for him.
        Oversimplifying attitude to toiling in plantations in terms of ‘inherent laziness’ or of ‘patriotic feelings’ is over the top.
        Human beings in such contexts primarily respond to objective reality in terms of survival.

  • 3

    [Does anyone know about this new hybrid ?]

    It is only for export to china and Chinese in SL. not available for native monkeys. Soon all our dogs and cats and rats and snakes too will vanish with elephants and leopards and other animals. No place for our native animals to live. No more peacock oil too. Only Covid infested bats avaibale for the natives.

    • 2

      Tell us more about the new hybrid.
      If it is only to be exported to China, what is there for our animals to worry?

    • 5

      Don’t afraid, locally produced Rajapakse Vawula Vaccine will soon be available.

      • 2

        Svenson, how can they invest for vaccine production, with all alarming issues on a rise not being able to even cover budjets to essentials. It is believed, Govt has no funds to move forward.

  • 3

    Here are more alternate facts in Land like no other. Dr. SJ aka Prof KIA , says “Germans suspended Astra zeneca vaccine for under 60 as precaution, you may not have heard it”. What I heard in Lanka Astra Zeneca vaccination drive , has been temporarily suspended from Wednesday night, because there was a delay in procuring more vaccine from Serum Institute. Minister Sudarshini told the vaccine in stock may not be adequate to give the second jab for those got first.. Dr. Channa had assured of getting more Astra Zeneca vaccine last week. Yesterday Dr, Channa mentioned, how difficult it was to get the Chinese vaccine, but yet managed to get 0.6 million vaccine. As Dr. SJ claims, why is that Channa or the government not getting more from China for Lankans instead of temporarily suspending the whole program.

  • 3

    Dr. SJ, what did you hear about the 900,000 or so who have already received the Astra Zeneca vaccine at home ?? Each country has its own pharmaceutical regulation and criterias to follow. We doctors are aware, if there are virus variants, then the response to vaccine in some may vary too. Just because a small population is allergic to a particular medicine/antibiotic , does not mean the medication is a absolute contraindication to whole population. If so we may not have any medicine available for use today. Countries which have had successful vaccination drive will soon start vaccinating children and the rest who are not yet covered. Even pregant women are getting the vaccine after screening, my own neice recived her second jab in U.K last week.

  • 4

    OMG, there is no ends to alternate facts. Now the Chinese embassy is claiming there is only 3000 to 4000 Chinese ??? currently living in Lanka. They also claim the rest of their vaccine is for local use. But Doctors Chenna and Sudarshini has temporarily suspended the whole vaccination program for lack of supply. They claim Astra Zeneca in stock is just enough to give second booster dose. China said they send 6 million (instead of 3000 to 4000 for what??) . Dr. SJ you should take up this matter with both parties and see to that 5. 999999 millions get covered with Chinese vaccine including you.

    • 1

      I think the number is 600k enough for only 300k people not 6 mil

  • 4

    “Lankans can fool Lankans all the time but not rest of the world.” MS and RW apologized to Linsey who lost two of his siblings in Easter attack. They had the sense to not follow Rajapaksas strategy of total denial and take the matters to Geneva. Arrogant Rajapaksas consider such gesture as “admitting to guilt”, where as RW/MS do not want to act stupid as double paksas in exploiting such tragedy as “political victimization” to get corrupt, criminals and court sentenced free.

    • 4


      I wonder why did Gota go all the way to Katunayake airport. Did he go there to unload medicine boxes from the cargo plane? Probably he didn’t trust airport employees. Or is there any other reason, like showing loyalty to China, confirming his lower level political hierarchy to Xi

  • 5

    Someone suggested here that there are 200,000 Chinese in Sri Lanka. It was also said that the 600,000 doses of vaccine (@ 2 per head) supplied by China will go mostly for vaccinating them. The 200,000 figure was the belief of the Hindu as stated on Tuesday.
    Meanwhile the Chinese ambassador said that there are around four to five thousand Chinese nationals in Sri Lanka, and thanked the government for consenting to inoculate them with the Chinese vaccine.
    The Chinese embassy should fact check with Indian media on such matters because the latter offer highly reliable information, especially in matters concerning Chinese.
    Perhaps, the diplomat is secretly trying to locate the 195000+ Chinese who are ducking his radar.

    • 3


      I wonder why did Gota go all the way to Katunayake airport. Did he go there to unload medicine boxes from the cargo plane? Probably he didn’t trust airport employees. Or is there any other reason, like showing loyalty to China, confirming his lower level political hierarchy to Xi

    • 0

      A 14455 I am sorry. There is a typo. Our government report is 600.000 Chinese vaccine received. Chinese embassy said there is 3000 to 4000 Chinese currently in Lanka and rest is for Lankans. ( 596 000) National vaccination registry says more than 900,000 received Astra Zeneca vaccine upto now. Rest is Dr. SJ,s own figures quoting Hindu. Paper
      According to him Lanka and Chinese government officials depend on Hindu for their own figures. A physician applies clinical sense to his own common sense. Where as Dr
      SJ aka professor know it all has neither of it.

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