Former Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera defended his decision to approve funds for the transport of IDPs from Puttalam to the Northern province to cast their ballots in the November 2019 presidential election and denounced his five hour interrogation at the CID on Thursday (14) as a political witch-hunt.
The former finance minister said the interrogation was aimed at the coming election.
“This is the usual Rajapaksa way,” Samaraweera told reporters outside the CID late Thursday. The last time the Rajpaaksa regime was in power he had been grilled at the CID three times Samaraweera recalled. “They tried to destroy me mentally. I want to warn the Rajapaksa Government. You’re messing with the wrong man. Bring on the attacks. The more you attack me the stronger I become,” he said.
Samaraweera told the media that the monies were approved at the request of the Northern Rehabilitation Department for displaced persons whose ballots were several hundred miles away in the Northenr Province even though they had lived in camps in Puttalam for 30 years. “They are victims of LTTE terrorism and were evicted from Jaffna and other parts of the Northern Province by the Tigers in 1990. As Governments before us have done we did the responsible thing and guaranteed their right to vote,” Samaraweera told the media after his interrogation.
“We are talking about an extraordinary group of citizens. These are people who have suffered for 30 years. They are people that no Government has done anything for over three decades. All of us have to take responsibility for that. Their franchise has been affected by terrorism,” he said.
Samaraweera said he was happy to have ensured he had been able to help citizens victimized by LTTE terrorism had been guaranteed their vote. “I told the CID I am proud of that,” he added.
Samaraweera said that he had approved funds for CTB buses to be hired for the purpose of transporting these voters to their areas to cast their votes. “Basil Rajapaksa did the same during his Government. We never lodged complaints about it because they are citizens and it is the duty of the Government of the day to ensure every citizen is facilitated to cast their vote. This is their most sacred constitutional right,” he added.
Samaraweera said his “marathon” interrogation had gone on for 5 hours and 15 minutes and said he had been told to return next Tuesday to continue answering questions.
Colombo Telegraph learns that the Government is hoping to make sure that Rajitha Senaratne, Mangala Samaraweera and Champika Ranawaka are behind bars during the parliamentary election season in order to disrupt and damage the opposition campaign. Senaratne was remanded by High Court Judge Manjula Tilakratne until May 27th and Ranawaka is currently out on bail on a trumped up manslaughter charge. Opposition activists worried Samaraweera will be arrested next time he is questioned by the CID.
“They are taking this country towards destruction. All those who believe in democracy must come together to defeat this Government and its militarization and fascism,” Samaraweera urged. (By Chinthika De Silva)
GATAM / May 15, 2020
SL is an absolute dictatorship. After the election people will get it. Then it’s too late. Stop the collapse into despotism!
Rajash / May 15, 2020
GATAM;”…SL is an absolute dictatorship..”
Indeed and now the Rajapakses want to legitimise via a democratic process. The people are falling for it
GATAM / May 15, 2020
People? Just feed them some racism and they will be voting for these crooks.
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
So long Mahinda Rajapkashe VIRUS would remain unvaccinated, his brother GOTLER who was still an US citizen, but got elected as the president of this war torn country will never change the traditional highly corrupted politics of this country.
Those who voted for him dreamt of a better future
but as of today
1) Incumbent president has failed to the little regarding a revolunized change to conventional politics of srilanka.
CONVENTIONAL politics – do whatever you think is right – in order to grab votes from the easy targests and get their parties won in the election and do nothing for the nation but to THEIR OWN FAMILIES.
There are significant numbers of the poor – that are really poor not having the basics such shelter, occuption and something to eat. What we get to see in the TV screen thanks to COVID crisis revealing us that the poverty is even more than 40% of the nation across the country – similar to that of neigbouring countries even if RAJAPKSHES for their politicial masturbation should have doctored the statistics for IMF in their days.
Even if the GROWTH rate of the economy was not 7% but they are still saying that the numbers were that high in their high days from 2005 – 2015. which is the all blant lies… so long country s educated people stay mum, nothing comes out as truths.
S. C. Pasqual / May 16, 2020
Mr. leela ge …..,
Still telling lies from left to right and top to bottom on behalf of fellow idiots……..??
Still waiting for that proof.
Walter Bagehot / May 17, 2020
I think the US State Department proved that GR had given up his citizenship last April, although none of the liberal media covered this. Perhaps you missed it whilst wearing your underpants on your head.
Ajith / May 15, 2020
SL was on dictatorship since the system of governance changed into one man Buddhist Sinhala dictatorship in 1978 by an ultra Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalist racist JRJ.
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
Dear Friends, Dear all that respect human rights@
if basil ballige putha could do the same and stay free withhout being interrogated, but this gentleman to be grilled by CID ?
This should be a sorry sight to anyone who respect human rights. Managla is one of the top politicians that the world would respect. – his OIL FORMULAR was one of the great thing he introduced to srilanken systems, as is the case in the west – where formular is set to change every minute. But none fo the media – so called INVESIGATIVE journalist of the day – seem to be not questioning it today – even if oil prices have gone down by 50% in the world market, but Rajaksehs have not given that concessions to the people yet yet today ?
This gentleman is one of the few I would say is a powerful politician in today s context.
Wihtout his mediation, Rajapakshes would not have been in the place where they are today – I mean since they were defeated by 2015. Wimal Buruwnase was barking louder than he could – misleading lanken gulliable about the very danger of Rajakshes being draged by International courts – all these we heard during the election campaign for 2015 PE. Remember ?
N. Perera / May 15, 2020
International courts? International Community? All now perishing due to COVID 19. USA deaths 82,000, UK 32,000, Italy, 30,000, Spain 30,000, France 29,000 Germany 6,000 so far. USA left UNHRC. Sorry for his poor mother.
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
Mrs Perera,
Could you please check it the ma nner that Buruwanse misled the very same punnakku drinkers in the election campaign of 2015.?
Weerawanses role was political scapegoating – with whole lot of fabrications in order to mislead the easy targets and drag their votes
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
Mrs Perera,
You ve got two options before you.
1) Start your kindergarten from the begining on
2) Go back to your cage and stay lick your bones
Above two can help you and the rest CT readers that respect HUMAN RIGHTs and dignified human beings.
Native Vedda / May 15, 2020
N. Pererass
1971 – 18,000
1987 – 1990 – 130,000
1958 – 2,000?
1977 – ??
1983 – ??
2008 – 2009 40,000?
1978 – 2009 100,000?
2014 – ???
2018 – ???
1990 – 147
1990 – 600
1983 – 2009 26,000
These people were not killed by COVID 19 however they were killed by home grown viruses.
Eagle Eye / May 15, 2020
The (White) world respect him because this guy was dancing according to their tune.
As far as Native Sinhalayo are concerned he is a tray-tor. Co-sponsoring the UNHRC Resolution without the approval of the Parliament or the President, admitting that the Sri Lankan Armed Forces committed war crimes is a despicable act.
‘Koti’ Diaspora, TNA politicians and LTTE sympathizers like him because he did what they want. According to Betel Vine he has been rewarded for that.
“Managla is one of the top politicians that the world would respect. “
chiv / May 15, 2020
N.Perera, for a country which killed its own citizens in lakhs ,(insurgencies and war) you seems to be happy about it. Is it part of your religious education ????
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
Mr Chive,
what more talks would be needed – these buggers would not differentiate anything.
The kind of brain washing is the nature of Rajaapakshe political masturbation. So long people stay unturned, they can reap the harvest. But I dont believe the people are stupid as appeared to be.
My heart is melting whenever I get to see, the youth in this country deserves a better future. But so long rajapakshe bitch’s sons and their supporters mislead this nation, people s dreams would not become into reality.
They the vulnerable in this country, would respect anyone wihtout thinking twice. And their biased media networks work dieehard to keep the balloon under the water.. but how long they would succeed it is a greater question.
Good thing is as Prof. KD analysed it – not many would keep hopes on the politicians of the day. I think people are so fed up of CURRENT govt.
rj1952 / May 15, 2020
as I have stated many a time the rajapuka’s are so messed up mentally they are a psychiatrists dram and they have 2 places they may be kept in behind bars of course at the Dehiwela Zoo where instead of amusing the kids or the visitors they will take relish in exposing their privates and giving a crash course in becoming the world’s best gannankaraya’s and the best in doing boru hora details.
by any chance, if the entire mob is sent either to the IDH or to the Angoda Mental Hospital or to the Prison they will still do the same.?
they this gang have got into their thick filled with nothing but rocks are so political power crazy they will undertake every illegal trick in the book or not sit on the victor’s seats to be tinker bases to amend the constitution and get rid of the 19th Amendment which is being nothing but a barrier to their nefarious illegal would be ambitious actions.
therefore they using the CID whose ranks are filled up with fellow swabasha blowing with the wind scumbags will spare no expense in taking into custody any powerful soul who will be nothing but a hindrance to their illegal bor horu grandiose plans.?
Eagle Eye / May 15, 2020
“becoming the world’s best gannankaraya’s”
Undoubtedly Rajapakshes are the world’s best ‘Ganankarayas’.
They became the world’s best ‘Ganankarayas’ by defeating megalomaniac Piripakaran and his barbaric Tamil coolie terrorists who were considered by some as the world’s deadliest terrorists and they cannot be defeated militarily.
rj1952 / May 16, 2020
they are nothing but the best in the world ganankarrayas with a criminal bogus to the core intent.
they also carry the undisputed title of being adorned as the globes despised backstabbers.
to help my swabasha friend lokema lokuma wasw pukkarayo’s.
in English the worlds best arse holes.
as you hero-worship them and lick theirs?, you too can be classified as a rajapuk pukkarraya.
Are you.?
except the likes of you, the rest of the planet know how the world was won.
Ashan / May 15, 2020
Why should anyone be surprised at the way these crooks operate.
Remember how they treated Sarah Fonseka, when he ran against them?
Sri Lankans have very bad memories. They vote for the same criminals, expecting them to be “different”. They never are.
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
But PUNNAKU drinkers dominated srilanka would never change.
If whole lot of SLPP supporters would have been caught by a deadly virus, this nation’s fate would have been saved.
See, in today backdrop if elections would be called, … ballige puthas would be elected regardless of the much less voter turnouts. Then the same style Rajakshes junta govt would go forward. Either people to think twice or should be fully avoided from voting to anyone. That could pave the way for a better future in this country.
Sunil Abeyratne / May 15, 2020
To the Editor,
Wonder if an investigation by CID logically leads one to conclude that there is a total dictatorship in Sri Lanka.
If CID uncovers evidence to establish that Mr Mangala Samaraweera has violated the law of the land, then, there will to be a court case against him. Based on the evidence, the courts will determine if Mr Mangala Samaraweera has violated the law of the land. No doubt, Mr Samaraweera will vigorously defend himself in courts.
The matter ends there.
Our judiciary is independent as demonstrated by its determination to reverse the dissolution of the Parliament by the previous President.
Keeping my observations strictly to what is being discussed, I am struggling to see the linkage between a potential court case and a dictatorship.
GATAM / May 15, 2020
1. Voting is the cornerstone of a democracy. Mangala only facilitated the voting right of people. Why grill him over it?
2. Why only harass UNP MPs? How many of GoNa’s team are accused of crimes? Why not try them too?
3. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Look elsewhere too. Positions hitherto held by qualified civilian professionals are dished out to unqualified military men.
4. No less than 17 youths are in prison for exercising their democratic right to criticise the government!
Now tell me how GoNa is not a despicable despotic dictatorship cesspit?
leelagemalli / May 15, 2020
Mr Mangala Samaraweera has violated nothing but brother duo have violated it to the core.
Alone not reconvening parliament but to abuse the funds which are not legally allocated for president to abuse is beyond all ethics and morals.
They rajapakshe looters decide it keeping the opposition and the people in dark. This is not at all not democracy thought bugger was elected by the voters though unethically misled for their power gain tactics.
Citizens regardless of their race, religion or whatever other barriers should have the same right. That is not the case in our motherland – minorities and any dissidents to Rajaakshes are persecuted as not overlooked prior to 2015.
Native Vedda / May 15, 2020
Sunil Abeyratne
“If CID uncovers evidence to establish that Mr Mangala Samaraweera has violated the law of the land, then, there will to be a court case against him.”
Between 2015 and 2019 the same CID discovered evidence of murder, illegal kickbacks, cooking the state books, misuse of state assets, racist attack, …… possessing disproportionate assets, ….. Could you tell us what had happened to those files? The war criminal was elected on 17 November 2019 all corruption charges against Gotabaya were dropped on Thursday (Nov 21).
Being a law abiding citizen you should drag him to the courts, persuade the courts to conduct the case, deliver verdict.
“Based on the evidence, the courts will determine if Mr Mangala Samaraweera has violated the law of the land.”
I see your point about what the court does however Lalith Weerathunga never served a day out of his three years of rigorous imprisonment, nor a rupee on the fine of Rs.2 million.
The psychopath Mirusuvil Sunil Ratnayake was released as soon as the other psychopath was elected president.
What a fine justice system.
Sunil Abeyratne / May 16, 2020
Hello Native Vedda,
Between 2015 and 2019 the same CID discovered evidence of murder, illegal kickbacks, cooking the state books, misuse of state assets, racist attack, …… possessing disproportionate assets, ….. Could you tell us what had happened to those files? The war criminal was elected on 17 November 2019 all corruption charges against Gotabaya were dropped on Thursday (Nov 21).
Frankly, I don’t know. It is disappointing that CID did not pursue and I wonder if the responsibility for non-action resides with the yahapalanaya government.Another explanation is that the political class cover each other.
I see your point about what the court does however Lalith Weerathunga never served a day out of his three years of rigorous imprisonment, nor a rupee on the fine of Rs.2 million.
– I entirely agree with you. It is a travesty of justice.
The psychopath Mirusuvil Sunil Ratnayake was released as soon as the other psychopath was elected president.
I have begun to read on Mirusuvil Sunil Ratnayake case, including what was published in Third World Law Journal: Boston College Vo l23:115.
While I agree a Presidential pardon is a serious matter, I need more time to form an opinion. Not evading what you have raised.
Your comments do not invalidate my observations that there is no link between a potential court case and dictatorship.
Native Vedda / May 16, 2020
Sunil Abeyratne
“Your comments do not invalidate my observations that there is no link between a potential court case and dictatorship.”
Very well, however we can quote many more cases, incidents, impeachment of Shirani Bandaranayake by a bunch of crooks, hooligans, war criminals, murderers, Duminda case, and the numerous innocent civilians gone missing over the years and during the last leg of war, ….. should have rung alarm bells, but then one needs a sense of secular justice, compassion, …. bit of rationality, …
Unfortunately not many are blessed with the ability to separate right from wrong.
Plato / May 15, 2020
Mangala Samaraweera has been questioned on why he facilitated the exercise of the CIVIC RIGHTS of displaced MUSLIMS!
Srilanka appears to have its own version of the GESTAPO of Nazi Germany!
Mallaiyuran / May 15, 2020
Mangala saved Old Royal & their loots by sacrificing his soul, body & wealth. He & Ranil sold the country too to save Old Royals. Yahalapalanaya organized, launched and saved the 4/21 participants. Now Mangala is putting the blame on LTTE for his jugglery in 4/21. I don’t believe this inquiry as genuine one. Irrelevant of that Mangala should tell to what he did know about 4/21 and his cabinet colleagues, individually naming them to CID.
Buddhist1 / May 15, 2020
In Sri Lanka the way the Police and Judiciary work is not up to international standards. Both these organizations bend over backward to help those who are in power. Police which comes under the Police Commission, under GMP (Gota-Mahinda-Pohottuwa) Govt has become a slave to the politicians. In the recent past we have seen Courts granting immediate bail to politicians and associates of Pohottuwa, but at the same time locking up with no immediate bail those who are on the opposition. Even today those Supreme Court judges who avoided sitting on Rajapakse family cases are going to sit on the bench of election petition case which is going to be heard soon. How can these judges do this? At the UN Human Rights council most of the charges against SL are due to the decisions taken by the Police and the Judiciary of the land. This has to change. Although 19th Amendment paved the way to improve these institutions it has only succeeded a bit. There is a long way for it to go.
leelagemalli / May 16, 2020
“If governments, using all sorts of false pretexts, continue to restrict the rights of the citizens, so that they become mere slaves of a handful of multinationals, then a global revolt of the common man against extreme capitalism is not inconceivable.”
― A.J. Beirens, Gesels van een imaginaire god
S. C. Pasqual / May 16, 2020
Mr. leela ge …..
“The Law is hard, but it is the Law”
– Cassandra Clare
“Law is order, and good law is good order”
– Aristotle
“Without law men are beasts”
– Maxwell Anderson
“The law is reason, free from passion”
– Aristotle
“The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
leelagemalli / May 16, 2020
Without law men are beasts”
– Maxwell Anderson
“The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
Above two are very correct with the current situation created by BROTHER DUO in my home country today.. No matter even if paragraphs would say somethi in compliance with what the president sworn in, he just abuses the law… and their henchmen in MEDIA mafia spread biased thoughts in favour of them – until the public perception become supporting to Rajapakshes… right ? is that not what is on in srilanka today ?
This was the very same situation prior to 2015, but thanks to GOOD GOVERNANCE intro, they introduced lot more good systems. But none of them are in action today.
RTI – introduced by Good governance – nothing like RIGHT TO INFORMATION – ballige puthas abuse the loads of funds that belong to the people – without any transparency and accountablitiy. So, the situation is no different to that of Tahiti or any like minded places ruled by trible leaders of rajapakshe nature.
Election Commission – introduced by Good governance – but MACOs submissive nature to Rajapakshe criminals – makes the commission a joke today
a14455 / May 16, 2020
I can only hope this crook is locked up. but don’t worry he will be out of his seat pretty soon.
Native Vedda / May 16, 2020
“I can only hope this crook is locked up.”
Before that have yourself surrendered to the appropriate authorities confess to your stupidity, ignorance, bigotry, selective memory, …… and beg for maximum punishment.
chiv / May 16, 2020
In the land like no other after establishing such wonderful “Loo and Odor”, with or without so called constitution , Rajapaksas will execute their elections plans . None can stop it, not the judiciary and not even those who vote with their eyes closed.
RBH59 / May 16, 2020
Govt Planning to Jail Top Opposition Politicians during Polls Campaign, This Opening doors for UNHRC
for their intended issue to put frame works controlled to international orders