9 September, 2024


Colombo Telegraph Was Hacked

By Colombo Telegraph

The Colombo Telegraph website was hacked last night, apparently by a group sympathetic to the Syrian regime.

The Colombo Telegraph technical team quickly resolved this, though some users may continue to experience issues for a while longer. We thank our readers for their patience and support through tweets and emails sent to us.

The attackers exploited a security flaw in one Word Press plugin to gain access to the website. Once they gained access they retrieved the database credentials of the system and updated three articles of the website. The changes in the articles consisted in forcing the redirection of the web browser to the attacker’s website.

According to their website, http://syrian-es.org/indexs/  the SEA (Syrian Electronic Army) attacks websites that publish content against  Syria Government. But it is unclear what articles they were targeting in the Colombo Telegraph.

Last couple of months Colombo Telegraph technical team stopped attacks against Colombo Telegraph WikiLeaks related database originated from a server in the Amazon Cloud. Our technical team says attackers wanted just to deface the site.

“In December 2011 and intermittently in November 2011, Colombotelegraph.com, a news and commentary website run by exiled Sri Lankan journalists, was also blocked with absolutely no justification provided by authorities,but is accessible as of early 2012.” the Freedom House, US based an independent watchdog said in its report on Freedom on the Net 2012. Click here to read the report.

Related stories;

ColomboTelegraph Password Cracking Attempt Blocked

We are blocked but we will not be stopped

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Latest comments

  • 0

    I thought something was wrong with my IT equipment. The Syrian effort
    frustrated me several times yesterday. Is someone/groups targetting some of us?


  • 0

    I wonder if the Syrian Electronic Army have any connections to the Hum-Bug-Thota Jilmart Family? :O

    • 0

      Pres it has nothing to do with the Rajapaksas and is certainly no mistake either, on the part of the Syrian Electronis Army. It is the powers much much higher than MR and the clan, obviuosly when their interests are being discussed they possibly wanting to see who the parties are and they choose a party as SEA, so that no one will suspect.

  • 0

    I did have the same experience last night, looks like a confusion.

  • 0

    I had the same issue. The Syrian hackers must’ve mistaken the Colombo Telegraph for the UK’s Daily Telegraph. CT use the same logo font as the DT. These Syrian hackers aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

  • 0

    I thought that GR ´s IT skills may have worked on that.

    • 0

      “G R’S IT SKILL ” .



  • 0

    I recall the last time a few months back that this site was hacked and all the usual suspects assumed it was GOSL who they blame for all that is wrong in the World despite not having any evidence. This is a paradigm of the boy who cried wolf, so even in cases where GOSL might be up to no good (failure to execute the Christmas day Tangalle killers being the most conspicuous example) , GOSL’s antagonists have zero credibility.

    • 0

      Since the Rajapaksa family came to power in November 2005, thugs, criminals and those close to the ruling family have got away with blue murder and more. The Christmas day Tangalle killers are only one instance. Even after 3 years, no one has been held responsible for the killing of Lasantha. Those who burnt down the MTV/MBC tv station in 2009 are also scott free. Not forgetting the scores of journalists who have been killed, abducted, beaten up or intimidated in to leaving the country. Most often the Rajapaksas’ or their henchmen are directly or indirectly involved. The Rajapaksa sycophants will scream that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, while a government spokesman will say, “Why should the government do such a thing when everyone will point the finger at them?” “It’s an international conspiracy to tarnish the image of the government!” This also happened when Manjula Tillakaratne was attacked recently. The only way the government can absolve themselves from crimes such as this is to bring the perpetrators to justice asap. Until such time that justice is done, most people (both in SL and abroad)will suspect the government to be directly or indirectly involved. The government of Rajapaksa has cried wolf far too many times, and they have only themselves to blame.

      • 0

        Pres, absolutely. See the guy who believes having 100% credibility talking, as if the only murder that had taken place is the Tangalle killing? O tempora! O mores!

    • 0

      American(?) Lanka Lover – ” GOSL’s antagonists have zero credibility”. Really?? Could you define who you mean by “antagonists” (surely not ALL critics could be lumped in the same boat?)? And where would you rate the GOSL’s credibility? Let’s see how ‘objective’ a Lanka Lover can be. The question is, do you love Sri Lanka or is your allegiance to the regime?? And if your answer is “Sri Lanka”, then let us know if you consider the present ‘policies’ as ‘good governance’.

    • 0

      American Lanka Lover
      Let me get this straight, you said, “GOSL’s antagonists have zero credibility.”

      I can but presume that even though you are “American” you live on another planet!

    • 0

      American Lanka Lover:
      This is rich: ” GOSL’s antagonists have zero credibility.” Your comedic skills should qualify you for Saturday Night Live considering as how you sound like the male equivalent of Sarah Palin.

  • 0

    someone, who has fear to this web site,done such kind of fearful action. but this is the era of the free media and communication. so anyone cannot stop the dynamic process of movement of the information as the way of free style between two established points. because of, this neo liberal system is more bigger than the who has their own willingness to do something his or her own

  • 0

    I said the most conspicuous example, not the ONLY case. I unequivocally condemn impunity for crimes committed by the well connected and have never wavered in that.

    As to the presumption of innocence, as a lawyer trained in Constitutional law, I cannot dispense with that important principle which applies to BOTH the powerful and the powerless as a mere legal nicety. Merely because the Leader was a critic of GOSL does not equate to evidence of its complicity in Lasantha’s assassination.

    The terror diaspora will stop at nothing to discredit those who vanquished their champions at Nandikadaal, hence killing Lasantha so GOSL would be blamed is a very real possibility, as is a motive related to extortion by the Leader as many businessmen have alleged. Or could be petty criminals, a personal grudge, a jilted lover or a myriad of other reasons in a country where life is cheap and violent crime a pervasive problem.

    While I greatly admire Gota for his taming of the Tigers, that respect would be vitiated somewhat were it PROVEN that he participated in allowing impunity for violent criminals, but I have seen no credible evidence to date, although I try to follow the Tangalle case in particular as it is my favorite place in Lanka and because the victims were foreigners never accused of LTTE connections. Excesses during the war must be judged quite differently and GOSL deserves great defernce to its tactics given the viciousness of the LTTE, and the pervasive support they received from the Tamil community both at home and abroad.

    • 0

      Lanka L – You haven’t answered the questions. Must be part of that ‘legal training’ to try to side-track issues that are difficult to justify with honest answers. You want”proof” about Gota’s allowing impunity??? Beyond Surprised is right – you HAVE to live on another planet. Please spare us your bullshit.

  • 0

    Interesting traitors list…. Also valuable email and passwords…

  • 0

    Good job CT for guarding the web from hackers. Also be aware of hackers using fake addresses such as syrian army…etc. They could be coming from some other source.

  • 0

    I don’t think Syria is that advanced in this kind of work.

    It is some other party used impersonator tactics to peep in.

  • 0

    Syrian electronic army has a Eagle which is used by the USA too.

    • 0

      The eagle is used in the crests of many Arab nations, including Iraq. It is also common in Germany. If it was a lion, would you have assumed it was England?

  • 0

    To all the above pundits give us a break. Cant you see?? Anything illegal to do with the family and THE BIG C should be blocked from the CT/ OR FROM THE MASS. Please read the content of the titles published on the day we got hacked. Any one noticed the BIG C connection?

  • 0

    Put up (the evidence) or shut up Peter and beyond surprised. Ignorance is bliss (so you two must be quite happy).

    Ad hominems (look it up if you have a dictionary) are a sure sign of having lost the argument on the merits. If you cannot refute the message then insult the messenger.

    • 0

      What a copout – but no surprise! There was no “argument” – you were asked some questions about your “love” for SL and if your allegiance/love is to the country or for its rulers – and the silence was deafening! So why don’t YOU “put up (answer the questions) or…” follow your own advice and “shut up”?

      And by the way, don’t underestimate the knowledge of English by us Sri Lankans – no need for dictionaries to decipher “ad-hominems” and other supercilious assumptions!

      • 0

        Peter, I am reminded here of this Ugly American asking for evidence or proof for Gota’s involvement in killing people. When Lasantha was killed this SOB Gota had the audacity to ask the interviewer who Lasantha is? That was the kind of Impunity this MF Gota displayed. Now may I ask this Ugly American why he called his father as his biological father, is it because he saw him doing his mother up? He is asking questions from others, when I asked him who is it who tried to save VP and who helped MR to win the War the bugger is silent.

        • 0

          Gamini, this ugly American Lanka fucker is trying to fuckup both America and Lanka at the same time but in the process he is losing his peanuts! This fucker is just a cyber whore who tries to sell his asshole because in real world no one buys his shithole!

  • 0

    It is a unique place, tortured but lovely. And for point of reference I have visited more than 60 countries on all 6 non ice covered continents.

    I like the raw edge to it and the paucity of foreigners (always avoiding the high season which I would not care for).

    I have no particular affinity for its rulers EXCEPT for one singular accomplishment; the most effectively waged war on terror in human history. The one who I hold in the highest esteem, Gota, is also the most maligned, unfairly in my view. I urge you, and everybody, to read the definitive work on Sri Lanka’s political history since 1956 AKA “Gota’s War”.

    Like most third world countries, Sri Lanka has never had good governance (at least since 1948 that is), yet from reading the comments here one would think the Rajapakses had brought nepotism and corruption to the country.

    I never hesitate to condemn impunity for crimes committed by the connected. I express concern about the cozy relationship with the evil regime in Beijing but, yet again, that did not start in 2005 (e.g. in 1971 the Beijing regime gave a large, interest free, loan to assist Sirimao’s effort to crush the first JVP insurrection).

    Now that i have answered YOUR questions, how about answering MINE? Where is the evidence implicating Gota in the myriad crimes of which he is accused by his detractors?

    • 0

      American Lanka Lover:
      The rhetoric sounds increasingly familiar and used to appear over a name, not an obvious pseudonym, until someone started checking up on that person’s identity when the submissions to the local papers ceased.
      Incidentally, you might take the trouble to spell Mrs. B’s name correctly,not give it a (Freudian?) Chinese twist!
      And Sri Lanka’s trading relations with the Chinese go back to its first government (UNP) after independence – the Rubber-Rice pact which was of huge significance considering the Peoples Republic of China was not, at the time,recognised by such as the USA.
      Your richest (upto now) comment is, “I never hesitate to condemn impunity for crimes committed by the connected. I express concern about the cozy relationship with the evil regime in Beijing but, yet again, that did not start in 2005 (e.g. in 1971 the Beijing regime gave a large, interest free, loan to assist Sirimao’s effort to crush the first JVP insurrection).”
      If your attempt to prove your “erudition” in the English language is the use of such terms as “ad hominem” you really are in trouble considering you because you don’t even seem to realise that the phrase is Latin, not English!
      Finally, it is interesting that as a self-avowed “Lanka Lover” you more than suggest that corruption began in Sri Lanka with its emergence from imperialism!

      • 0

        Dear Mr. BS:

        1. I have NEVER posted on ANY board about Sri Lanka under any other name or handle; given the number of violent thugs among the diaspora in my country, it would be foolhardy indeed to post under my real name. I note Donald and the other LTTE propaganda cadres are unconcerned about posting using their real names. Gives cause for pause as to which side is trying to silence voices that disagree with their dogma.

        2. I apologize for misspelling Lankan names which are quite nettlesome to we foreigners.

        3. As a native speaker of English and as a lawyer who must learn many Latin terms, dontcha think I know which is which? Perhaps that is your problem (NOT thinking but spewing invective).

        Finally, I will match my command of the English language against yours any day. Now if it comes to Sinhalese or Tamil I admit to knowing nothing other than Ayubowan.

  • 0

    American Lanka Lover, definitely, not only the answers but you will see justice too under a different government! Just hang on and keep on visiting the democracies around the world!

  • 0

    CT, is the identity of the commentators here now compromised or what guarantee do they have against the regime? During a hack what can the hackers steal and what are the measures we can resort to against that? Please update regarding the safty and secrecy! Contributions from an expert is most welcome.

  • 0

    @American Lanka Lover
    The Rajapakses did not bring nepotism and corruption to the country…but they sure as hell have turned it into a fine art. :)

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